FAKE NEWS – Who do you Believe?

RESTORED: 3/8/22; RESTORED 10/9/22 It is no wonder that the Corporate Establishment hates the Truther Community.  They are losing their grip on the masses because of intelligent, honest researchers who are exposing their lies.  They love to use the magic words “Conspiracy Theorists” to discredit those who are earnestly seeking the truth.  But, the people … Click Here to Read More

What Driver Shortage? Just Another Globalist Deception

The demand for trucks to move goods has exploded so you would think that Truck Drivers would be highly appreciated and well paid.  NOT SO!  Truck Drivers have increasingly been treated extremely badly by the industry for decades. They have made it harder and harder for a Truck Driver to make a decent living, while … Click Here to Read More


/12 “A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses, a matter shall be confirmed.  Deuteronomy 19:15 “Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.”  … Click Here to Read More


​ What are you going to do when this is YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?  Don’t kid yourself… this is reality.   With so many companies going out of business and so many aliens swarming into our nation, jobs are becoming more and more scarce.  And what about AI?  They are creating robots to perform every single job including … Click Here to Read More

TRUE ISRAEL – Let’s clear this up.

RESTORED 2/19/22 THERE IS A CLAIM THAT IS SPREADING THAT STATES THAT BLACK’S ARE THE TRUE ISRAELITES and WHITES ARE TO DIE OR BE SLAVES TO BLACKS. This issue has been troubling me for a long time.  I could not believe that anyone could take this claim seriously.  But, it is growing.  I must speak … Click Here to Read More

New Updates 3/31 – WARNING-US EVENTS FEBRUARY /MARCH 2019- Happening Now!!!

We are getting so close to the end.   I pray that you are awake.  If you are not, WAKE UP!!!  Please watch the videos below.  GOD is revealing the truth to those who have ears.   Romans 13:11 “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 2/20/22 I first read about the Noahide Laws way back in the early 1990s.  When I tried to share the information with friends and family, they thought I lost my mind.  The topic seemed to go underground for a while.  No one was covering it publicly, but there was plenty going on down low.  … Click Here to Read More

THE UN IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! Part 1 of 11 – The Real Story

RESTORED: 08/28/2021 –  RESTORED 3/8/22 My brother, father, grandfather and yours went willingly into battle, sacrificing everything, for many of them even their lives, for our rights.  Including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and many more.  I shudder to think how we have squandered so precious a gift.  May God … Click Here to Read More

ADDITION TO The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 3a – More Mind Blowing Experiments

This is an amazing collection of information on the Mind Control Experiments carried out on innocent human beings by people in authority here in these United States.  It is frightening to learn how pervasive and massive these projects are and how long they have been practiced.  I know it is hard for ordinary citizens to … Click Here to Read More

Witchcraft Takes Center Stage

RESTORED: 08/28/2021 Wow, I find it so incredible, that for a couple hundred years now we have been told that all that stuff about witches with broomsticks and pointed hats, casting spells over caldrons was pure malarky.  We were told that the people burned at the stake and dowsed in the lake were innocent victims … Click Here to Read More

Are You Having a Mari-Time? – Part 6 – Octopus

RESTORED: 3/16/22; Restored 8/20/23 You may have a really bad aversion to “Conspiracy Theories”  because you have been programmed that way by your handlers.  They have put so much effort into bringing you to that mindset.  BECAUSE THIS IS NO “THEORY”.   THIS VERY HUGE CONSPIRACY has existed since the beginning of time.  It has been … Click Here to Read More

Are You Having a Mari-Time? – Part 5 – The Law

Some of you may already be aware of this truth.  Some of you may not.  It is a very important part of this entire issue.  Though you may know about Roman/Maritime Law, there are still some things in this article that you need to see.  So, please stay with me.   Maritime Law and You Maritime … Click Here to Read More

Are You Having a Mari-Time? – Part 4 – The Culprits

You have already learned, probably more than you ever wanted to know, about the Line Crossing ceremony itself.  But, let’s take a look at some of the entities behind the ritual.  We are not going to go into great detail about any of them.  You need to know that these are very real beings.  They … Click Here to Read More

Are You Having a Mari-Time? – Part 3 – Visuals

I know this looks like a lot of fun and games (though I doubt that most people going through it would call it that) and I know that it is sold as just being a way to “test the medal”  of the newbies, and ease tensions out at see.  But, don’t kid yourself there is … Click Here to Read More

Are You Having a Mari-Time? Part 2 – Dateline

We covered the relationship between the Current Day Line Crossing Ceremonies and the Ancient Rituals in the first part of this series.  In order to establish that this has been ongoing, we are going to cover just a little of the history of the ritual in our society.  Also presented in this article is the … Click Here to Read More