Friends, if you have not noticed that these events are escalating at an ever-increasing rate of SPEED, I am concerned for your fate.  Time is flying by and there is not much of it left.  Please, if you have never experienced a relevant living relationship with our Heavenly Father, I pray that you will do … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 3/11/22 God opened my eyes and called me to His service, years ago.  As I was learning to hear God’s voice and see the truth, I was raising my kids.  They had no idea what God was doing in my life, so they did not really understand what was going on.   They grew up … Click Here to Read More


Once again, I find that there are way too many of these types of items to include them in any of my existing articles.   There just isn’t room.  So, I have created this article to keep you informed on current extreme weather and or disaster type warnings.  That way you won’t be as likely to … Click Here to Read More

Temple of BAAL – BAAL ARCH Rises again! – Part 2

  Truly I say to you that you have been warned.  There are so many of us now, putting the word out.  Anyone who has an ear to hear will know we speak the truth.  The days are fewer and fewer every morning you wake up.  Don’t hesitate.   YOU could miss your last chance.  Please, … Click Here to Read More

Temple of BAAL – BAAL ARCH Rises again! – Part 1

UPDATES ADDED 7/20/23 OK, well, we caught it too late to warn you to pray.  However, we knew we had not seen the last of this Pagan Arch.  They have big plans to bring BAAL Worship back full force.  They are using UNESCO- World Heritage to promote Paganism in all of its forms around the … Click Here to Read More

Update 4-22-19 – Notre Dame – Part 4 – Accident or Sacrifice – You Decide

RESTORED: 09/14/2021 I am not a believer in coincidences or accidents.  EVERYTHING that happens originates in the SPIRITUAL.  Forces are working in our lives, both of evil and good.  Our choices determine which forces dominate at any given time.  In the past I have researched disasters and found that almost without exception they occurred on … Click Here to Read More

OBAMA – Organizing a NEW WORLD ORDER where Obama Rules

​ Obama was chosen for his skills as a community organizer.   He considers his community to be the WORLD, and he is organizing it to suit his liking.  He knows how to rally support and gain your confidence. That is his realm of knowledge, but more importantly, there is a spirit moving through him powered … Click Here to Read More

Notre Dame – Part 3 – World Heritage

RESTORED: 09/14/2021 Beside the fact that the fires at Notre Dame Cathedral, St John the Divine Cathedral and the Al Aqsa Mosque all occurred in close relation to Beltaine, and many of the huge catastrophic events like the WACO Brand Davidian Tragedy, the Oklahoman Bombing, Columbine,  and so many others, it also happens to coincide … Click Here to Read More


Let me first make it very clear, this is not meant to stir up hatred for the Jewish people.  This is meant to make you aware of what is happening in the world.  These people do not represent all Hebrew/Jewish people.  These are extreme orthodox Talmudic Jews.  They are Jews who follow the teachings of … Click Here to Read More

Satan’s Latest Weapon in the Battle for YOUR MIND – Part 2 – 5G

TAGS:  MIND CONTROL, 5G,  GangStalking, Christians Declared Terrorists, Huawei, Surveillance, Smart Cities, Satanic Raves, Mind Control Festivals RESTORED:  07/30/2021; 4:23:47 PM AND THE BATTLE RAGES ON.   I hope you understand that the Battle if FOR YOUR MIND.  Proverbs 4:23 “More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it.”  The powers that … Click Here to Read More

Notre Dame – Part 2

RESTORED 8/8/22              Well, this entire thing is getting weirder all the time.   Turns out that one day before the fire at Notre Dame, there was a fire at St John the Devine Cathedral in New York.  Not only that but on the very same day as the Notre Dame … Click Here to Read More

NOTRE DAME – Part 1 – Notre Dame Aflame

I was shocked as most were, to see and hear the news that the Notre Dame Cathedral was on fire.  There are probably very few buildings that are as famous as that one.   We are all very familiar with the ICON, or at least have all heard of it.  Many have a very deep attachment … Click Here to Read More

Why Pirates and Mermaids – Part 10 – MamiWata the Root behind the Craze. Restored

RESTORED 6/2/223 MEET THE SPIRIT BEHIND THE MERMAID CRAZE.  I am telling you if you are not already aware, that there is an evil agenda behind all this Mermaid phenomenon that is being advanced and promoted by the LameStream Media and the Illumined Ones.  I learned about the history of this Spirit when I happened … Click Here to Read More

Do You Want the TRUTH about Global Warming and Our Dying OCEANS? Part 1- Nuclear Waste

Global Elitists remind me of my Alcoholic Husband, ranting and raving, bullying and destroying house, home, and everything and everyone around him, all the while making you think the destruction HE causes is ALL YOUR FAULT!  I am going to take this issue on one item at a time and it will probably take months … Click Here to Read More


There is so much happening so quickly on a day to day basis I cannot fit all the videos into the “What’s Happening” article for the month.  I have been trying to spread them out across my existing articles where possible… but still no room.  I decided to make this article to cover exclusively the … Click Here to Read More