Scientific Breakthrough for Animal Lovers!

HOLY COW!  This is the ultimate.  If this does not demonstrate the stupidity level of our current society, I don’t know what does.  Brainwashed and mindless they follow the trends and buy the lie.  This guy says that “WE” have created a false concept that meat means animals.  Really? I mean Really?  How foolish of … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 8/28/23 Disasters are hitting like bullets from an automatic weapon.  Frequency, Intensity, fatalities, and devastation are amplifying with every event. These catastrophes are leaving countless multitudes of victims who are left homeless and helpless if they survive at all.  They find themselves unable to find shelter, food or clothing for themselves and their loved … Click Here to Read More


THE MAJORITY OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS WRITTEN/COMPILED BY A MINISTRY CALLED “THE CUTTING EDGE”  Kudos to them and many thanks.  Please visit their website by clicking.  HERE   I wish I had an update to this article because there has been an enormous increase in disasters since this article was written.  I am sure you can … Click Here to Read More


For those who are not aware of Agenda 21 or The Rewilding, here is a group of old posts that will lay it all out for you and demonstrate how the agendas of the UN and the World Elite have been playing out EXACTLY as they were laid out. There are many brave souls who … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 7 – Return of Hybrids and Giants

RESTORED: 3/23/22; Updated and Restored 7/4/24 If you studied the list of Fallen Angels and the secrets they taught to humans, and you read about their shenanigans with earthly women followed by their cannibalism and corruption of every living creature than you know they are all about polluting and degrading everything that GOD made and … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 6 – Vaccines

Photo Credit RESTORED 10/21/20; Restored again 12/20/20; RESTORED 3/23/22/; Restored 8/10/23 Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. In the light of what we have seen so far about the Fallen Angels and … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 5 – Hospitallers

In this part of the series, we will connect the dots between the fallen, the Ancients, the Knights Templars and Current Medical Care.  History of Hospitals (from Encyc Britannica online) As early as 4000 BC religions identified certain of their deities with healing. The temples of Saturn, and later of Asclepius in Asia Minor, were … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 4 – Templars – Skull & Bones

The Illumined Ones.  No matter what they call themselves (for their are so many different groups under this umbrella) they are all one and the same.  They are one in belief and one in purpose and they are focusing all their strength, emotion, energy against you, those who will not fall in line.  They are … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 3 – Hippocratic Oath – What you don’t know can kill you.

These Fallen Ones, who were the Heroes of old, and who gave the secret knowledge to humans are still active in the world today.  Most emphatically they are working through the medical field.  I promise you that medical care is the tool that they will use to bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER.  I work … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 2 – Sacred Arts, Sciences and Crafts

There truly is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. All the knowledge that we think we have acquired out of our own labour, has all been revealed in the past.  Everything is spiritually based and religious in its core.  All those who rant and rave against faith in GOD, are ALL worshiping other gods, even those … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 11/7/23 This series will address some very critical topics related to your very near future.  In order to find our way through the future, we will be taking a trip all the way back to the beginning – GENESIS to discover the source, the origin of the Spiritual Battle/Warfare that has been raging throughout … Click Here to Read More

Food for Thought

Although I have seen other similar experiments and videos, I thought it was still worthwhile to post this item.  It is just a gentle reminder that we need to be more deliberate in our speech.  We need to keep in mind that our words can affect others, even the environment around us, as well as … Click Here to Read More

PANDEMIC – OUTBREAK – Diseases, Epidemics, Pandemics and Plagues

This subject will be a HUGE issue as we come closer to the end.  There will be many outbreaks.  There are several factors here: (1)  the JUDGMENT of GOD on a Godless society, (2) the Scientific community and their experiments with germs, (3)  CRISPR being made so easily available and amateurs playing with genetics, (4)  … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 8/22/22 This addition to the original article is comprised primarily of one article from the American Thinker.  It is so profound and well written I felt compelled to share it.  It paints a very clear picture of what is happening to our Nation.   From my own personal experience, I have learned a lot about … Click Here to Read More


Friends, if you have not noticed that these events are escalating at an ever-increasing rate of SPEED, I am concerned for your fate.  Time is flying by and there is not much of it left.  Please, if you have never experienced a relevant living relationship with our Heavenly Father, I pray that you will do … Click Here to Read More