You may or may not have heard of the Rewilding Program.  They have tried their best to gloss it over at least in the public eye.  They have taken to referring to it as Conservation Biology.  It sounds more palatable.  Don’t be fooled!  This the New World Agenda to CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE.  … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 8 – BANKING SYSTEM and SO MUCH MORE

  UPDATED 3/23/22 THE DARK HISTORY OF THE TEMPLARS Mystic teachings like the Cabala are not the only things the Knights Templars borrowed from Judaism. Although not sanctioned by the true faith, vices like amassing wealth and usury, practiced by some unobservant Jews have been adopted likewise by the Templars. In the Qur’an, God speaks … Click Here to Read More

Golden Gate in the Golden State Part 3 – Water Control and the Occult

Updates added at the End.  So far, we have learned that GOLD has played a very large part in the development of this area from the beginning.   We have also seen that using dams to aid in the mining process is something that has been historically practiced here.   This first article relates to the Oroville … Click Here to Read More

Golden Gate in the Golden State? Part 2 – The Bridge

RESTORED: 3/12/22 Welcome back.  I realize the photo above is not of the Bridge, but I felt you would be seeing enough pictures of the bridge through the rest of this part.  The photo is of the GOLDEN GATE/SAN FRANCISCO BAY. This part of the series is related to the Golden Gate Bridge because it … Click Here to Read More

Golden Gate in the Golden State Part 1 – Back to the Roots

What is happening in California around the Oroville Dam is about to become very significant not only to everyone living in the area but to America and possibly the whole Earth.   When you want to find the truth about any topic, find the root.  The root is what really matters.  Everything else is a lie … Click Here to Read More


From the crazy tales written in books to the TV horrors of Twilight Zone to movies like Chucky and Annabelle, there is a reason why these stories were created.  They were conditioning, for you, to prime you for the time in which we live.  The time when demon spirits would be allowed to manifest in … Click Here to Read More

Are You Too Young To Remember? or, Am I Too OLD TO FORGET?

RESTORED 10/10/23 Since the 1980’s I have watched throngs comprised of thousands and tens of thousands of Arabs screaming and shouting, “DEATH TO AMERICA” as they burned our American Flag and effigies of our Presidents. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the most radical Iranian ever!  I used to see him leading the protests.  Now you will be … Click Here to Read More

Scientific Breakthrough for Animal Lovers!

HOLY COW!  This is the ultimate.  If this does not demonstrate the stupidity level of our current society, I don’t know what does.  Brainwashed and mindless they follow the trends and buy the lie.  This guy says that “WE” have created a false concept that meat means animals.  Really? I mean Really?  How foolish of … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 8/28/23 Disasters are hitting like bullets from an automatic weapon.  Frequency, Intensity, fatalities, and devastation are amplifying with every event. These catastrophes are leaving countless multitudes of victims who are left homeless and helpless if they survive at all.  They find themselves unable to find shelter, food or clothing for themselves and their loved … Click Here to Read More


THE MAJORITY OF THIS DOCUMENT WAS WRITTEN/COMPILED BY A MINISTRY CALLED “THE CUTTING EDGE”  Kudos to them and many thanks.  Please visit their website by clicking.  HERE   I wish I had an update to this article because there has been an enormous increase in disasters since this article was written.  I am sure you can … Click Here to Read More


For those who are not aware of Agenda 21 or The Rewilding, here is a group of old posts that will lay it all out for you and demonstrate how the agendas of the UN and the World Elite have been playing out EXACTLY as they were laid out. There are many brave souls who … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 7 – Return of Hybrids and Giants

RESTORED: 3/23/22; Updated and Restored 7/4/24 If you studied the list of Fallen Angels and the secrets they taught to humans, and you read about their shenanigans with earthly women followed by their cannibalism and corruption of every living creature than you know they are all about polluting and degrading everything that GOD made and … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 6 – Vaccines

Photo Credit RESTORED 10/21/20; Restored again 12/20/20; RESTORED 3/23/22/; Restored 8/10/23 Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. In the light of what we have seen so far about the Fallen Angels and … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 5 – Hospitallers

In this part of the series, we will connect the dots between the fallen, the Ancients, the Knights Templars and Current Medical Care.  History of Hospitals (from Encyc Britannica online) As early as 4000 BC religions identified certain of their deities with healing. The temples of Saturn, and later of Asclepius in Asia Minor, were … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 4 – Templars – Skull & Bones

The Illumined Ones.  No matter what they call themselves (for their are so many different groups under this umbrella) they are all one and the same.  They are one in belief and one in purpose and they are focusing all their strength, emotion, energy against you, those who will not fall in line.  They are … Click Here to Read More