The Fallen in The Net – Part 2

In my research, I came across this very excellent and fascinating article.  It is in two parts, I decided to post them both as written.   I hope that you will take the time to read them.  The information is priceless. I have been told repeatedly that people don’t read.  That they only spend at tops … Click Here to Read More

The Fallen in The NET – Part 1

RESTORED: 8/14/22 The more that I learn about computers, CERN, the WorldWideWeb and Artificial Intelligence, the more convinced I am that demonic entities are behind it, inside it and in control of it.  I never believed for one minute that man is so clever he could make a machine that is capable of thinking for … Click Here to Read More

How smart are you to have a SMART Home?

You know I am old.  I grew up in a time before “Technology” ruled.  I don’t like technology.  I am not near as strongly against it as my father was, he didn’t even like to talk on the phone.   But, I don’t want my laptop, or my car to talk to me.  I don’t want … Click Here to Read More

USA Events Happening NOW. – JUNE 2019

Well, it is another new month and I needed to open another new article because I ran out of space.  So much is happening at an ever-increasing rate.  Being that today is D-DAY, I wanted to get this article out to be seen.  I hope you will share it with your friends and family.  It … Click Here to Read More


There have been so many extreme weather events that I had to start another new Article.  Here I will try to keep you updated on what is happening with all of these things because I believe all of this is related!  I believe they are using weather to wipe out cars (because they don’t want … Click Here to Read More

Don’t believe in Global Warming… but THIS REALLY RAISES MY BLOOD PRESSURE! Updates are added at the end The insect apocalypse | DW Documentary DW Documentary Published on Apr 17, 2019 The world’s insect population has declined by three quarters in the last 30 years and many species have become extinct. And it’s all man’s fault. This documentary looks at the dramatic consequences of this hitherto … Click Here to Read More

THE UN IS NOT YOUR FRIEND – Part 9 – REWILDING – Part 3 – RESOURCES AND Further Information

RESTORED: 3/21/22 This section of the Article is designed to bring you a little more in-depth information on REWILDING…but also to provide you with some excellent resources whether you just want to educate yourself on the topic or you want to actively become involved in the effort to maintain your freedom.   Agenda 21 Course Understanding … Click Here to Read More

THE UN IS NOT YOUR FRIEND – Part 8 – ReWILDING Project – Part 2

UN AGENDA TO DEPOPULATE THE WORLD USING WILD BEASTS RESTORED: 3/21/22 Revelation 6:7-8  The Fourth Seal of Judgment “When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”  I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following … Click Here to Read More


You may or may not have heard of the Rewilding Program.  They have tried their best to gloss it over at least in the public eye.  They have taken to referring to it as Conservation Biology.  It sounds more palatable.  Don’t be fooled!  This the New World Agenda to CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE.  … Click Here to Read More

Gifts from the Fallen – Part 8 – BANKING SYSTEM and SO MUCH MORE

  UPDATED 3/23/22 THE DARK HISTORY OF THE TEMPLARS Mystic teachings like the Cabala are not the only things the Knights Templars borrowed from Judaism. Although not sanctioned by the true faith, vices like amassing wealth and usury, practiced by some unobservant Jews have been adopted likewise by the Templars. In the Qur’an, God speaks … Click Here to Read More

Golden Gate in the Golden State Part 3 – Water Control and the Occult

Updates added at the End.  So far, we have learned that GOLD has played a very large part in the development of this area from the beginning.   We have also seen that using dams to aid in the mining process is something that has been historically practiced here.   This first article relates to the Oroville … Click Here to Read More

Golden Gate in the Golden State? Part 2 – The Bridge

RESTORED: 3/12/22 Welcome back.  I realize the photo above is not of the Bridge, but I felt you would be seeing enough pictures of the bridge through the rest of this part.  The photo is of the GOLDEN GATE/SAN FRANCISCO BAY. This part of the series is related to the Golden Gate Bridge because it … Click Here to Read More

Golden Gate in the Golden State Part 1 – Back to the Roots

What is happening in California around the Oroville Dam is about to become very significant not only to everyone living in the area but to America and possibly the whole Earth.   When you want to find the truth about any topic, find the root.  The root is what really matters.  Everything else is a lie … Click Here to Read More


From the crazy tales written in books to the TV horrors of Twilight Zone to movies like Chucky and Annabelle, there is a reason why these stories were created.  They were conditioning, for you, to prime you for the time in which we live.  The time when demon spirits would be allowed to manifest in … Click Here to Read More

Are You Too Young To Remember? or, Am I Too OLD TO FORGET?

RESTORED 10/10/23 Since the 1980’s I have watched throngs comprised of thousands and tens of thousands of Arabs screaming and shouting, “DEATH TO AMERICA” as they burned our American Flag and effigies of our Presidents. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the most radical Iranian ever!  I used to see him leading the protests.  Now you will be … Click Here to Read More