OBAMA – Idolized, Immortalized, and Worshiped as a Savior

REFRESHED 10/24/2020; RESTORED 10/15/22 I get that no matter what kind of person Obama is, just the fact that he is the first Non-white in the White House is enough for Non-Whites across the globe to rally behind him.  But, seriously, this is a world obsessed with this being.  So much so, that they are … Click Here to Read More

OBAMA – Did Obama Perform his own “Babylon Rising” type Ritual?

RESTORED 9/9/23 There has never been a President or any other political figure in America who displayed so many Occultic and/or Magick symbols or made some many verbal references to things occult.  EVER!   He can claim he is joking all he wants, but that does not clear him.  These things are being spoken or acted … Click Here to Read More

Golden Boy – The Other Golden Boy – Boris Johnson – OFFICIALLY PRIME MINISTER

Wow, I can’t believe the Lord led me to this bit of news just at the moment it is happening.  Incredible.  If you are not familiar with my series of articles on The Temple of BA’AL/Palmyra Arch you likely have not seen my article in that series entitled “The Golden Boy”.   No kidding, written years … Click Here to Read More

Satan’s Latest Weapon in the Battle for Your Mind – Part 3 – Neuralink

Ok Folks, it looks like there is no way to stop this from happening now.  The world has been primed for this and the young generation has already been convinced that this is a good thing.  God Help THEM!  You had better realize that once you become a part of this Satan will have not … Click Here to Read More


As I was looking for updates on the Manhattan power outage, I started to notice some very interesting numbers in the articles.  I felt it was significant enough to investigate further.   What I found was startling.  I did not intend to write an article on this topic, however, in light of what I discovered I … Click Here to Read More

The State of the Nation

BLIND EYES DEAF EARS HARD HEART Update Added 8/23/23 Have we all become such complete narcissists that we do not even care to see the plight of our neighbors and countrymen? Do you ever stop to think about the hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans?  Ever wonder how they got there?  Or do you just … Click Here to Read More

Weather Manipulation, Geo-Engineering, Weaponized Weather – What YOU NEED TO KNOW!

For those of you out there who are just having a hard time believing that Weather Control is real.  This one is for you!   I have collected enough factual evidence in one spot to make a believer out of anyone.  Even the hardest head.  If you can review all of this information and still not … Click Here to Read More


In the current state of our Earth, there is an overabundance of catastrophic events. Too many to cover in any one article or series of articles.  I have broken the weather down to Earthquakes, Severe Weather, and Flooding.  I may have to add categories as things progress.  In this series of articles, I will be … Click Here to Read More

Now They Only Block The Sun – Part 2 – Weather Modification – Updates

They keep on denying weather control is possible, yet we see the evidence more and more clearly everyday.  Countries are coming out of the closet and admitting that they are using weather control  It is obvious, our Government has been using it for a very long time.  They have developed so many different mechanisms and … Click Here to Read More

It’s a DAM Shame – Part 3 – Dam Safety

This year has been a record-breaking year for many things, especially weather.  The MidWest has been inundated with flooding, wind and Tornado damage.  The farmers have already lost so much of their livestock and may have to watch many more of them die.  They have lost the stored crops and have no hope of a … Click Here to Read More

It’s a DAM Shame – Part 4 – OUR DAMS NATIONWIDE

The NID consists of dams meeting at least one of the following criteria: 1) High hazard potential classification – loss of human life is likely if the dam fails; 2) Significant hazard potential classification – no probable loss of human life but can cause economic loss; environmental damage, disruption of lifeline facilities, or impact other … Click Here to Read More


WOW!  THIS is the article is incredibly informative.  YOU MUST Review EVERYTHING IN THIS ARTICLE.   It is not mine.  I am reposting it in its entirety.  You will learn the truth about our Dams and why they are being destroyed.  You will learn that and SOOO MUCH MORE about what is being perpetrated on the … Click Here to Read More


This is a collection of articles, videos, and maps compiled to provide you with sufficient information to understand the TRUTH about AGENDA 21/AGENDA 2030/AGENDA 2050/THE REWILDING.  This article is not meant to bring fear but to educate and inform.   At the end of this article, you will find information on things you can do to … Click Here to Read More

The Repetitive Replay of History has Reached its Culmination

RESTORED 10/14/23 You know for many years I was just convinced we were not at the END OF DAYS because of one particular verse of the Bible, that is Matthew 24:21.  That particular chapter states that IN THE LAST DAYS, THE DAYS OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION, it will be a day that is worse than … Click Here to Read More

PM Hurricane Updates 7/30/19 – Severe Weather Updates for JULY

It is time to start a new Weather Update article.  Severe weather just keeps becoming more and more the norm in these troubled times. Let me make this very clear, this article is not by any means to be considered anyone’s main source for weather information.   This is only supplemental to whatever sources you find … Click Here to Read More