Cellular Vehicle to Everything Technology – C-V2X

Cellular Vehicle to EVERYTHING Technology… WOW, that sounds pretty scary to me!  Do we really need our vehicles to be wired to EVERYTHING… and EXACTLY WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?   This first article is obviously a very intense programming release, intended to make you anxious to get this 5G technology on your car before CHINA gets … Click Here to Read More

Severe Weather Updates for August

    WELCOME TO AUGUST!!!  Update 3/29/21 I received the following link in an email from someone who reads my posts.  It is a great place to check the weather.  Very easy to read and very informative.  It includes weather quality and has no ads.  CLIMACELL Link: https://www.climacell.co/weather/ Updates 9/3/19 PM Dorian Moving Northward; Hazards … Click Here to Read More

Update 8/24/19 – Events Happening NOW – in the Month of August – News Updates and Vital Information

Well, it is another new month.  Another new article is required.  I am not sure how all this is going to progress but, IT DOES NOT LOOK GOOD,  NOT for AMERICA, Not for THE WORLD.  So many different things have symphonized to bring disaster it is frightening. Our food supply has been all but wiped … Click Here to Read More

OBAMA BEE – Autonomous Robot? – What are they Not Telling US?

ILLUSTRATION BY REBECCA O’CONNELL // ANT HEAD VIA SMITHSONIAN FB PAGE, ROOSEVELT THORAX VIA PUBLIC DOMAIN I am sorry, but it just seemed so funny to me.  I just finished working on the article about how Obama has been idolized and immortalized.  The article features a number of animal species that have been named after … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED AT THE END:2/26/22; RESTORED 8/16/23 I believe I have exhausted everything that is available at this time, but I will keep looking.  Why?  Because the LameStream Mainstream keeps putting out PSYOPS to make people believe the lies!  Hopefully, there has been enough truth set forth here to break through all the BS and … Click Here to Read More


19 VIDEOS ADDED 8/10/22 This is no joke folks.  Don’t buy the hogwash that the mainstream media and the ruling class feed you.  This is all out WAR ON THE GENERAL PUBLIC.  They are reducing the population in any way possible, including outright attack with WEAPONS!  HighPower HiTECH weapons of DESTRUCTION!  If you hide your … Click Here to Read More


DUE TO CENSORSHIP, we have lost so many articles and videos related to the Paradise Fires and the Truth about what happened in Paradise and the surrounding areas.  A courageous and dedicated researcher who really is responsible for disclosing these truths has lost his websites and all of his videos and articles have been deleted.  … Click Here to Read More

OBAMA – Idolized, Immortalized, and Worshiped as a Savior

REFRESHED 10/24/2020; RESTORED 10/15/22 I get that no matter what kind of person Obama is, just the fact that he is the first Non-white in the White House is enough for Non-Whites across the globe to rally behind him.  But, seriously, this is a world obsessed with this being.  So much so, that they are … Click Here to Read More

OBAMA – Did Obama Perform his own “Babylon Rising” type Ritual?

RESTORED 9/9/23 There has never been a President or any other political figure in America who displayed so many Occultic and/or Magick symbols or made some many verbal references to things occult.  EVER!   He can claim he is joking all he wants, but that does not clear him.  These things are being spoken or acted … Click Here to Read More

Golden Boy – The Other Golden Boy – Boris Johnson – OFFICIALLY PRIME MINISTER

Wow, I can’t believe the Lord led me to this bit of news just at the moment it is happening.  Incredible.  If you are not familiar with my series of articles on The Temple of BA’AL/Palmyra Arch you likely have not seen my article in that series entitled “The Golden Boy”.   No kidding, written years … Click Here to Read More

Satan’s Latest Weapon in the Battle for Your Mind – Part 3 – Neuralink

Ok Folks, it looks like there is no way to stop this from happening now.  The world has been primed for this and the young generation has already been convinced that this is a good thing.  God Help THEM!  You had better realize that once you become a part of this Satan will have not … Click Here to Read More


As I was looking for updates on the Manhattan power outage, I started to notice some very interesting numbers in the articles.  I felt it was significant enough to investigate further.   What I found was startling.  I did not intend to write an article on this topic, however, in light of what I discovered I … Click Here to Read More

The State of the Nation

BLIND EYES DEAF EARS HARD HEART Update Added 8/23/23 Have we all become such complete narcissists that we do not even care to see the plight of our neighbors and countrymen? Do you ever stop to think about the hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans?  Ever wonder how they got there?  Or do you just … Click Here to Read More

Weather Manipulation, Geo-Engineering, Weaponized Weather – What YOU NEED TO KNOW!

For those of you out there who are just having a hard time believing that Weather Control is real.  This one is for you!   I have collected enough factual evidence in one spot to make a believer out of anyone.  Even the hardest head.  If you can review all of this information and still not … Click Here to Read More


In the current state of our Earth, there is an overabundance of catastrophic events. Too many to cover in any one article or series of articles.  I have broken the weather down to Earthquakes, Severe Weather, and Flooding.  I may have to add categories as things progress.  In this series of articles, I will be … Click Here to Read More