Weather Alerts and Updates – October

Here we are in a new month.  Once again I want to state very clearly that I am not a reliable source for your daily weather.   I am not even a reliable source for your weather alerts.   I do try to stay up on what is happening with the weather.  But, I am a single … Click Here to Read More

Will You Stand to SAVE THE CHILDREN?? – 6 yr olds taught to Masterbate, 4 yr olds asked to touch each other IN SCHOOL!

WOW!!  The escalation rate of this onslaught against our children, is mind blowing!  If anyone does not recognize that our children are under attack they are blind!  We are commanded by GOD to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.  WILL YOU STAND!   There are groups organizing to stand together.  Please find one … Click Here to Read More

NOT the Vicar of Christ! More like the FALSE PROPHET! – Francis calls for NEW HUMANISM

RESTORED: 5/21/22 WAIT, ISN’T THAT THE TOWER OF BABEL???   Photo CreditPope Francis has throughout his reign as pope pronounced some of the most outrages statements so unChristian that no one could have EVER imagined them coming from the mouth of what is supposed to be a servant of God.  His leanings on all topics are … Click Here to Read More

Whose LAW? What LAW? Which LAW?

I am asking a lot of you with this article, I understand. Hopefully, you will stay with me to the end.  There is a lot of ground to cover, and lots of history about which you may have some knowledge.  This article takes us through the development of Laws and Governments finally arriving at what … Click Here to Read More

Golden Boy – BOTH the “Golden Boys” In Trouble

I find it extremely interesting that BOTH the GOLDEN BOYS are in trouble at the same time.  Right NOW.   With the same rhetoric surrounding their plight.  “NOT ABOVE THE LAW”.     Please see my articles  “The Golden Boy”   and  “The Other Golden Boy” This is fascinating.  What are the ELITE up to?   RULE of LAW.  … Click Here to Read More

JONAH – God’s Message to this DYING WORLD!

RESTORED 10/18/22 Those words were spoken by Jesus Christ, recorded in the Book of Matthew 16:4.   Naturally, we understand that he was speaking of the fact that HE would be in the belly of the earth for 3 days as Noah was in the whale.  If one assumes that was the only message, they would … Click Here to Read More

Climate Change Agenda – Greta Thunberg – Hitlerjugend – WORLD DOMINATION – YES WE CAN

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.” Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome (1991). RESTORED: 2/16/23 Greta … Click Here to Read More


Let me start by saying that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the people on that boat were there for a reason!  Each one of them was a necessary part of the evil magick the elite are working.  They were sacrificed.  I have absolutely no doubt that this was a very deliberate and very strategic act.  That … Click Here to Read More


Abortion is an evil business.  Not only is it the ANCIENT PRACTICE OF CHILD SACRIFICE given a new facade.  It is ALSO involved in several other DARK PRACTICES 1) Organ Transplant 2) StemCell Marketing 3) AdrenoChrome 4) Fountain of Youth 5) Ageless Beauty Makeup Industry 6) CANNIBALISM.  Don’t believe me?  DO YOUR RESEARCH.  All those … Click Here to Read More

CONCEPTION- The Saga of the Fire on the Conception and why it should matter to you. – Part 2

We are still very highly suspicious of what happened on the Conception.  From the voice recording as you have heard, it sounds as if the Captain says “Don’t Kill Me”.  Very curious.   We have not been able to establish if the Captain stated that the divers exit was Locked or Blocked.  Though, from the questions … Click Here to Read More


UNDERSTAND, the Bahamian government is working against the relief efforts.  The same thing happened in Houston.   The Red Cross was also dumping and destroying the contributed goods in Houston.  The aid was not getting to the people.  The same thing is happening in the Bahamas.  NOTHING is being done to save these people.  It is … Click Here to Read More

urgent hear the plea from the bahamas and do not harden your heart

Please prayerfully consider where to send your assistance to help these people.  I strongly recommend that you do not send it to Red Cross or United Way.  I have heard to many stories from past Hurricanes.  Find the place you feel comfortable and send what you can.   It could be you next time!  We are … Click Here to Read More

Weather Manipulation – September

I have no time this morning to write here, but I wanted to get this out.  Starting a new month of CONSTANT Weather Modification.  I will be posting all month..  Update 9/13/19 MUST WATCH: BILLY HAYES Talks HAARP W/ Mike Morales RichieFromBoston 341K subscribers mike morales:… Stock Up On Food For Your Home! Click … Click Here to Read More

Satan’s Latest Weapon in the Battle for Your Mind – Part 4 – ElectroMagnetic Manipulation

Restored 2/22/22; Video Added 8/17/22 THIS IS AN APPEAL to those out there who get a kick out of mocking “Conspiracy Theorists” and harassing people who are doing their best to save your lives.  This is not a joke.  THIS STUFF IS EVER SO REAL and BECOMING A VERY CRUCIAL MATTER in relation to YOUR … Click Here to Read More

CONCEPTION – The Saga of the Fire on the Conception and why it should matter to you. – Part 1

The more I learn about this tragedy the more I realize that truth will never be revealed.  This might very well have been a deliberate act.  However, the cover up is already in motion.  The legal actions required to protect the money interests are already filed.  Just like the filing that preempted any restitution for … Click Here to Read More