Take the LOG from Your Eye – Part 4 – Changing TIMES and LAWS

TAGS: Pagan Rome, SABBATH Usurped, EASTER ESTABLISHED, PROTESTANTS RISE, FREEDOM IMPORTANT UPDATES  08/05/2021; 11:35:11 AM When God first opened my eyes, he began to show me so many truths.  I spent every moment I could just learning from HIM.  For several weeks He had me studying the DICTIONARY!   I kid you not.  I can’t tell … Click Here to Read More

Take the LOG from Your Eye – Part 3 – Veneration of Mary

Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God on January 1. ‘Calling Mary mother of God is the highest honor we can give Mary. Just as Christmas honors Jesus as the Prince of Peace, the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God honors Mary as the Queen of Peace.” Catholics will vehemently argue that they … Click Here to Read More

Take the LOG from Your Eye – Part 2 – Mother Earth/Mother Nature

Chiffon Margarine – “It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature” …  YouTube‎ · ‎The Museum of Classic Chicago Television (www.FuzzyMemories.TV) Yes throughout our lives we are bombarded with images and references to “Mother Nature” or “Mother Earth”.  It is so deeply ingrained in us that I hear even people who consider themselves “Christian” refer to “Mother … Click Here to Read More

Take the LOG from Your Eye – PART 1 – The Synod

Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? You hypocrite(s)! First take the beam out of your own … Click Here to Read More

Dia de los Muertos? REALLY??

Hail Satan? puts the fun in Satanic fundamentalism RESTORED 2/22/22 SATAN HAS MANAGED TO TURN OUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN. WOW…  Our nation has been completely invaded by foreigners who hate America, who have forced their way in and want to change it to their liking.  We are not only welcoming them and providing them with … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED: 3/21/22 If you are not familiar with the UN Restructuring/Rewilding plans and their Map that lays out how land will be appropriated you need to be.  The map is includded in this article as well as my other articles on the topic.  If you take a good look at that map, you will be … Click Here to Read More


Samhain November’s Fire –Mikah Kraag  – Oct 18, 2015 Oct 30 – Nov 1  Samhain, the fire festival that marks the beginning of the dark half of the year, is situated between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice.  wikipedia The ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which was celebrated in the British Isles on a … Click Here to Read More

Will No One Stand to Save the Children? – Part 5 of 6 – Child “Protective” Services

RESTORED: 08/09/2021; 2:41:58 PM;  RESTORED: 2/26/22; Restored 3/10/22 The reason that GOD set up the family as the first established government was to protect us from tyranny.  GOD set up the household based on his design which is perfect.  The Father as the head, fully submitted to GOD who is the covering.  Man was designed … Click Here to Read More

Why Isn’t Anyone Calling Them Out On This Stuff???

Are we just going to swallow their BS hook line and sinker? This is not Climate Change caused by eating meat and cows farting!  This is the MANIAC ELITE controlling the weather.  This is a WEATHER WAR and we are the causalities! With everything that we know about their ability to manipulate weather, we know … Click Here to Read More

2028 – Part 2 – THE END of the UN in 2020? What will REPLACE IT?

The Tower of Babel….  People working to build unity not only without GOD, but in opposition to and defiance of  The ONLY TRUE and LIVING GOD who created all things!  This is the truth of the UNITED NATIONS.  And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in … Click Here to Read More

2028 – Part 1 – Their Projected Image – What is on your Horizon?

Wow, another adventure with the Lord today.  I never know where these rabbit holes are going to lead me.  When He begins to show me something, I just follow. I am not even sure what started me off on this adventure. I began to look up 2028 because I was reminded of a friend of … Click Here to Read More

Facebook Portal

There is a reason why they named it PORTAL…  You can believe me or NOT…  But the truth is, that is EXACTLY what it is, a portal for demons.  If you bring this into your home you have no one to blame but yourself!   Just like Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific … Click Here to Read More

CHINA INVASION? Has TRUMP been making secret strategic moves to save the USA?

Here is an article from Christopher Green of AMTV.  He presents some important data that I have not seen anywhere else.  He also raises some very interesting questions regarding current events in California.  Events that tie to the Fires, Blackouts and HAM Radio issues.   I thought you ought to have an opportunity to consider these.  … Click Here to Read More

11/3 – Day of the DEAD – ENTER THE DRAGON!

RESTORED: 3/25/22 Well, ok… I had a trip down an interesting rabbit hole today.  Got so much more than I was prepared for.  This article is actually about the possiblity of a  FALSE FLAG event predicted to occur on or near November 3, 2019.  There is overwhelming evidence that signals such an event.  So much … Click Here to Read More

What is Happening in October?

Updates 10/21/19 LIVE: Pacific Palisades brush fire threatening homes ABC7 October 21, 2019 Firefighters are battling a brush fire that is dangerously close to homes in the Pacific Palisades section of Los Angeles. Details: https://abc7.la/31AnsYz Update 10/26/19 Officials provide update on Kincade Fire in California Global News October 26, 2019 Officials provided an update on … Click Here to Read More