Before the ROCKS CRY OUT

In today’s society, especially in America, we take great pride in our education.  Afterall, we spent the better part of at least 15 years of our lives in school.  We ought to be smart!  In our minds we are the smartest generation to ever live.  I mean, we are so advanced in technology, right?  It … Click Here to Read More

The KOBE Bryant Story -The Kobe Show

Photo Credit:  Note those numbers LeBron James puts on a show as Kobe Bryant sits courtside | 2019-20 NBA Highlights 3,876,623 views 11/17/2019 LeBron James goes for a double-double with 33 points Players: 23, 1, 3, 7, 13, 14 The following videos are awesome I just had to share.  Well worth your time.  Very eyeopening!  … Click Here to Read More

Wuhan Virus – Insider Truth

    RESTORED 5/14/22 I apologize, no time for me to comment on the videos.   This information is important to get out NOW.   PLEASE watch the videos!   I got to get to work…   Be safe, Be WELL, Be Blessed.  er TO WATCH THIS VIDEO ON BITCHUTE CLICK THE TITLE LINK BELOW: BREAKING: Mass Extermination In … Click Here to Read More

Protect Your Health

In this article I hope to bring you information that will help you to stay positive in this extremely negative and disconcerting environment.   You can have peace, faith and hope in the face of all that is coming against you.  The Earth and Your Body have something in common.  Both the Earth and Your Body … Click Here to Read More

Biological Attack on Humanity?

UPDATED: 3/11/22 **** MOST of the VIDEOS and Documents that were available when this news first hit have been CENSORED!!!  Even those who are very computer savvy and had found ways to get around the censors have been blocked, deleted and removed.  People have gone to jail, been threatened, assaulted, tortured and/or KILLED for letting … Click Here to Read More

Making Way in the Desert for the NEW KING OF THE MOUNTAIN??

The GREAT USURPER is about to burst onto the scene and his minions across the Earth are preparing the way for him.  Everything that is happening today is happening by design.  To bring about the Global Government which will eventually be the domain of the AntiChrist.   I believe with all my heart that this is … Click Here to Read More

Epstein’s Temple -Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself! – Part 5

No matter whether or not Epstein is really dead, or if he killed himself or someone killed him, one thing is certain the TRUTH is dead and buried.  I personally don’t care two twitts about Epstein.  The in this story is not only that he has escaped justice and the unknown number of his victims … Click Here to Read More


Make no mistake about it, this could be the FINAL BURIAL of THE CONSTITUTION!   For those of you who still believe that you have inalienable RIGHTS, this is your CALL TO ACTION!  .  The Globalist Government has been usurping your rights one by one while you have been sleeping.  You have been buying the lies … Click Here to Read More

God’s View

The New World Order wants to silence the voices of those who speak the words of GOD.  The BIBLE is ENEMY Number 1 for the New Society.  Why?  Because there is HOPE, JOY, LOVE and PEACE in the WORD OF GOD.  There are LIFE SAVING/LIFE GIVING PROMISES in the WORD of GOD.   The NEW WORLD … Click Here to Read More

A Godly Approach to CANCER

I received this article from someone who visits my site.  I thought it was worthy of being shared and both the writer and I hope that it will help the body of Christ restore the health in which GOD intended them to walk.  I take no credit for this article.  It is printed here as … Click Here to Read More

The Global Diet – A Matter of Life or Death

UPDATE: 08/08/2021; 8:56:33 PM Tags: Food Degradation, Sustainable Lie, Edible Insects, Synthetic Meat, Poop Burgers, GMO FOOD, Something very grievous and frightening has been perpetrated on humans across the globe without their knowledge or permission.   We the people are being manipulated, steered and controlled on every level and in regard to every aspect of our … Click Here to Read More

Sister of the Man who Killed Two at the Texas Church suggests he was Demon Possessed

NBC/5  ‘We Knew He Was Crazy, But Not Like This,’ Ex-Wife of Church Gunman Says’   by Jon Watkins – Exposing In this news report about the Kinnunen Family one thing is clear. There IS a history of the Sin Nature, a proclivity towards extreme violence that is being handed down through the family line … Click Here to Read More

Fire Ant Scenario

RESTORED 10/11/23 *What would you do if you went to work one day, and your job was gone?  Taken over by AI?  What if that was true for EVERYONE you know at the same time?   No job and no possibility of EVER getting one. **What if you tried to use your debit card and it … Click Here to Read More


Our world is getting more and more bizarre everyday.  No one knows what to believe.  The media is showing us new and frightening developments everyday.  Technology is creating a world far beyond our ability to comprehend.  The skies are full of strange and amazing sights.  Our oceans are spewing forth monsters.  Our yards are being … Click Here to Read More

Krampus USA

RESTORED: 1/16/23 The World has an Ancient Past that the devil and his minions have worked for centuries to erase from written history, while keeping it alive spiritually through occult means.   Demonic entities, fallen angels and their offspring once ruled this world with terror and cruelty.  Characterized by amazing powers so far beyond anything that … Click Here to Read More