Restored: 4/29/23 A generation who screams out about LOVE and ACCEPTANCE, is the most unforgiving, judgmental, self serving, unaccepting, hate-filled bunch of whiney babies imaginable. This young generation seems to be unable to accept the truth even when absolute proof is provided to them.  This has always puzzled me.  I am fully aware that the … Click Here to Read More

It Happened In Texas – It WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!!

Restored 6/23/23 What happened in Texas is a WARNING to ALL of the USA.  You may have already forgotten all about the recent Winter Nightmare in Texas.  I want you to revisit it.  WHY, because I don’t think you realize the severity of the event or the imminent danger it portends.  Wake up folks and … Click Here to Read More

Volcano Update and More – March 11, 2021

Though the Bible does not use the word Volcano, there are passages that refer to volcanic activity.  I am certain that the fact that there are increasing numbers of Volcanic Eruptions at increasing levels of intensity and magnitude, is more evidence of the times we are living.    Most people are probably not aware of … Click Here to Read More

What happens if you pray in the wrong Name?

  Very early on in my walk with the Holy Spirit, I discovered these seven compound names for JEHOVAH.  I began to pray them every day, desiring to know him in their depth.  I was doing pretty well until I came to Jehovah-Nissi.  Not having a clue what that meant…Jehovah my Banner.  I yelled at … Click Here to Read More

Quake UPDATE – March 11, 2021

People, it pains me to see so many people still asleep, still under the influence of the evil one and his minions.  Shake it off, wake-up, tell the demons of Hell they have no place with you.  Turn to the Heavenly Father and get ready for what is coming, because it is coming QUICKLY!  I … Click Here to Read More

A Holiday Prophetically Significant for Today

Whether or not you observe God’s Appointed Feast days, this particular holiday holds a very significant message for TODAY’s world.  PURIM is not one of God’s Appointed Feasts as laid out in Leviticus.  It is a feast day that has been celebrated ever since the historic events of that day.  The story contains some very … Click Here to Read More


YOU CANNOT LOVE GOD and hate his Chosen People.  There is no such thing as REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY.  If you believe that somehow the Jews have been rejected and replaced, than you do not understand GOD and His WORD.  If you do not understand the WORD, than you do not know JESUS CHRIST/Yashuah HaMaschiach, because HE … Click Here to Read More

You can Hide Your Eyes, but NO LONGER DENY!

fully restored with new videos added at the end.  GOD is revealing these the TRUTH about these FILTHY DOGS!  OPEN YOUR EYES.  It’s REVELATION TIME! In case you did not know “Conspiracy Theorists” is a tag that was created by the perpetrators to combat the exposure of their evil deeds by researchers and unconventional reporters.  … Click Here to Read More

Johnson & Johnson… REALLY??

WHO in their RIGHT MIND, would ever want to take a Vaccine rushed to market by Johnson & Johnson.  After what we have learned about Johnson and Johnson, I am amazed that ANYONE buys ANY of their products!!  How heartless do you have to be to knowingly and deliberately do irreparable damage to babies???  Damage … Click Here to Read More

What do Vaccine Decliners Know that YOU DON’T??

The Globalists are trying everything they can think of to stop the truth from spreading.  They need everyone to get the injection in order to proceed with the next phase of their plan.  How dare folks believe the truth??  They were so convinced that their brainwashing was thorough and everyone would comply.   They are working … Click Here to Read More


If you are wondering why we keep on fighting for truth on the subject of these vaccines it is because we CARE about YOU!  There is so much deception, especially coming from those whom we should be able to trust.  The “Scientific: Community, the Medical Industry, our political leader and elected officials, our educators, and … Click Here to Read More

One World – One Language

RESTORED: 2/28/22 It is not hard to see why the elite want to silence all who oppose them.  Infact, they are doing their best to silence all of us.  That is the real reason for the masks, to muzzle the masses.  One mask has not been doing the trick.  Yes, it makes it hard to … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 3/2/21 In his deranged mind Bill Gates fancies himself to be all those things and more.  A reprobate mind is not able to discern truth and has no moral compass.  He sees himself as the very clever and successful genius out to save the WORLD.  Actually he is a Elitist Eugenicist who cares not one … Click Here to Read More


Remember:  Politicians, News Anchors, Actors, Medical Experts, Scientists, Tech CEO’s, Billionaire Philanthropists, Corporate Heads, Elected Officials, Freemasons, Lawyers, Professional Witnesses, Royals, Used Car Salesmen, Insurance Companies, Press Secretaries, Campaign Managers, Community Organizers, etc…   IF THEIR LIPS ARE MOVING… THEY ARE LYING.   Photo Credit: What will it take for people to recognize that there is … Click Here to Read More


Much like the USA is the strongest defense the world has against tyranny,  Texas is the strongest defense that the USA has against it.  That is why Texas is a TARGET. All the snowflakes who believe that you can stop violence by taking away the guns from honest citizens better wake up really fast.  The … Click Here to Read More