Be Alert! Stay Awake!

TAGS: Days of Awe, Feast of Trumpets, Solemn Assembly, Fasting and Prayer, Judgement, Book of Life, Messiah, Rapture, Wedding Feast, Coronation, King of the Universe, Shemitah, Jubilee, Shofar, Last Trump,  The season we are about to enter is known  as the DAYS OF AWE!  The reason for that title is because it is prophesied to … Click Here to Read More

70 Nations to Serve Israel

TAGS: Ashkenazi, , Babylonian Talmud, Deity of Jesus,  Guillotines,  Halacha,  Hasidic Judaism,  Jewish. Mysticism,  Kabbalah,  Noahide Movement, Oral Law, Pharisees, psak din, Rabbinical Law,  Sanhedrin,  Torah, United Nations, Universal Noahide Law , 70 Nations Organization, Jewish Supremacy, WOW… I am telling you, we are going to see the LORD in the clouds anytime!! I have to say that I am blown … Click Here to Read More


TAGS: Kabbalah, Hebrew Roots, Halacha, Jewish Mysticism, Babylonian Talmud, Rabbinical Law, Noahide Movement, Universal Noahide Law, United Nations, Oral Law, Torah, Pharisees, Baal Shem Tov,  Hasidic Judaism, Karaites, Moshiach, Deity of Jesus, Mishnah, mitzvot, Ashkenazi, Sanhedrin, psak din, decapitation, Guillotines,  I wasn’t quite sure what post to work on, as I see the time running out.  But, … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED: 7/24/23 Tags: Debt Forgiveness, Freedom, Our Union Restored, Climate Change, Depopulation, Private Property, Gold Standard, Digital Money, Universal Law, Enlightenment, End of War,  Technology, WEF The Great Reset has been a topic burning in the background for a while.  Set on hold a few times but back in the forefront along with Nesara Gesara, … Click Here to Read More


TAGS: MRNA Vaccines, Human DNA, Programmable Operating System, Remote Control, Microsoft, Moderna, Global Plot, Population Control, Brain Hacking Bill Gates, Microsoft, MRNA Vaccines, and the Global Plot to Turn Human DNA, Protein Synthesis, and Immune Function Into a Programmable Operating System ByDaniel Crane Thu. Aug 19th, 2021  MAR 8, 2021   badmedicine,  badscience,  behavior modification,  biological weapons,  biowarfare,  controlling system,  dependency,  DNA program,  encoding proteins,  Gene … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE: 09/30/2021 TAGS:  Endtime Timeline, Rapture Alert, Revelation, Eschatology, Christ’s Return, Tribulation, Great Tribulation, Signs in the Heavens, Endtime Events, Fig Tree Prophecy, Salvation ENDTIME REVELATION!  Very difficult to understand.  Even for folks who have studied it for years.  There are a couple reasons for that 1) If you knew when Christ was coming, you … Click Here to Read More


TAGS: Jonah, Nineveh, Repentance, Deliverance, Shroud of Turin, Blood, Image, “Science”, DNA, Crucifixion, Rapture There are signs EVERYWHERE!!  GOD is COMMANDING YOUR ATTENTION!!  This morning as I prayed, I spoke with GOD about how to best use the time that I have left to post online.  As you should know, our website will be taken … Click Here to Read More


Tags: Creators, Innovators, Disruptive Technologies, World Changers, United Nations, Millenium Project, Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, Income Inequality, Depopulation, Redistributing Wealth, Rich 1%, Poor 99%   If you are like me, you probably have NEVER HEARD of the INNOMPIC GAMES.  If you perform an online search you are not likely to turn up much … Click Here to Read More

It’s About TIME – Part 7 – 10,000 Year Clock

Tags: TIME, Clocks, Perception, Space, Magick, Philanthropy, Wealthy, WEF, Bells, Deserts, Mountains, Megalomaniacs, Millennium, End of the Age, Maritime, Ancestors Symbols, Signs and Sigils these are the language of the Elite/Magicians/Illumined.  These are employed not only as a means of communicaiton but as instruments of Magick meant to conjure demonic assistance for the completion of … Click Here to Read More


Tags: Saturn, Druids, Phoenecians, Romans, Greeks, Nimrod, Apollo, Wicker Man, Diana, Poseidon, Zeus, Hexagon, Lucifer RESTORED: 08/16/2021; RESTORED 4/25/22; RESTORED 5/26/23 Wow, I so wish I had more time.  Since my days to post on this site are numbered, I am going to try to get out as much information to you as I can.  … Click Here to Read More


Tags: Bitcoin, Blockchain, WEF, Graphene, Taxes, Totalitarian, Beast System, CRYPTOCURRENCY, Digital Currency, SYNTHS, Holograms, NFT,  Slavery, Hitler Here is another aspect of the Graphene.  Also, another aspect of TOTAL CONTROL.   Here are all the posts in this series: G.O.- GRAPENE OXIDE G.O. – GRAPHENE OXIDE Part 2 G.O. – GRAPHENE OXIDE PART 3 What you … Click Here to Read More


Tags: Graphene, Triangulene, Galactic Structures, CERN,  Keys, Abyss, Gateway, Kill God, Mental Time Travel, Grid Cells, Neuroscience, Spatial cognition, Golden Age, Builders,  Carbon Temples, Brain Hacking, NOAH, Electric Fire In my research on Graphene Oxide, I came across this ladies blogs.  She has done some fantastic research and I found here posts very informative.  I … Click Here to Read More


TAGS: FAITH, TRUTH, OUTREACH, MINISTRY, HARVEST FIELD, HEARING GOD, ENDTIME, REVELATION My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus/Yeshua.  I am sorry to say that this website may soon be gone.  The owner of the website is out of money.  He does not even have enough to support his family.  He just advised me today.  As … Click Here to Read More


“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words or laws.” ~ Confucius TAGS: Graphene, Mind Control, NanoTechnology,  Allotropes, Graphene Tubes, Vaccines, 5G, Holograms, Hexagons, Saturn, Space, Cosmos, Electromagnetic Waves, Lucis Trust, Satan, Artificial Intelligence There is a terrible and deadly conspiracy at work against the people of earth.  Anyone who does not believe that is … Click Here to Read More