Is This Plan B for the East Coast?

TAGS:  Hurricane, Category 5, Category 6, New York, Forecasts, New Jersey, Hurricane SAM, Computer Model, Hurricane Sandy, Predictions, Preparations UPDATE: 09/29/2021; 1:23:27 PM –  Round and Round and Round she goes, where she’ll stop, No ONE knows.  Sam Cat4, VICTOR is a One Eyed Demon! I will continue to monitor this storm and post updates. … Click Here to Read More

Many Will Come

TAGS: Hybrid Robots, NanoTechnology, Ray Kurzwell, Priest Simulator, Another Gospel, Another Jesus, Becoming God, False Messiahs, False Christs, St. Paul, Kanye West, YESUS, Neville Goddard, grandiose delusion, Son of Man, Sons of God, Salvation, Transhumanism, Return of Jesus, Satanic Deception, Imagination, Jesus Impersonators, It’s been 2000 years since St. Paul wrote his letters to fellow … Click Here to Read More


TAGS:  malaria, tuberculosis, HIV, Ebola, COVID, SARS, Anthrax, Polio, Typhus, Bird Flu, Cancer, Zika, Nipah virus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic, Plague, Small Pox, Hoof and Mouth, influenza, virus, bacteria,  pathogens, pharmacology, toxicology, Global Bio Lab, NanoSystems Institute, biosecurity research, prototype, State Run Laboratories, military, medical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, banking cartel, Russia, China, Ukraine, Iran,  bio-banking, infectious-disease, field specimens, … Click Here to Read More

Long, Cold, Dark Winter

UPDATE: 10/13/2021;9:00:42 AM – PARTS OF USA COVERED IN SNOW! The Long Winter has begun! FRIGID and VERY SNOWY WINTER TAGS: JANUS, Operation Dark Winter, bio-terrorist attack, Longest and Coldest Winter,  Farmer’s Almanac, Telltale Signs, Walking Dead, COVID ZOMBIES, TEXAS FREEZE, Fake Snow, ELFVLF, HARRP, Weather Modification, Weather Warfare, FROZEN, Predictive Programming, Gatekeepers, Bill Gates, … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE: 09/30/2021; 6:16:56 PM–  EARTQUAKES Galore; Kilauea Eruption   TAGS: Current Volcanic Activity, Current Seismic Activity, End Times, Revelation,  Signs of His Coming,  Weather Warfare, Tsunami Risk, La Palma, Canary Island, Alaska, Pacific Coast, Atlantic Coast, Ring of Fire, Australia, Africa, Spain, Animal Die Offs, Guatemala, Ecuador, Central Mexico, Tokyo, Peru, COVID, AntiChrist, Flood, Cascadia Subduction … Click Here to Read More


TAGS:  Calendars, Gregorian, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Mesopotamian, Hebrew, French, God’s Calendar, Calendar Restored, TRUMPETS, TABERNACLES, Yom Kippur, the Rapture, The Second Coming, The Zodiac, Signs in the Heavens, Solarium, Astronomy, Astrology, TIME, Seasons, Appointed Feasts, Jesus Christ, Resurrection, Judgement, Babylon, Israel, New Moon, Elohim, Planetary Systems, Stars, 12 Tribes, God’s Light, God’s Forgiveness, Repentance, Enoch, … Click Here to Read More


THIS POST HAS BECOME OVERLOADED CAUSING IT TO TAKE TOO LONG TO LOAD.  I HAVE STARTED A SECOND POST FOR THESE UPDATES.  SAME NAME, Here are the links to all parts of the coverage of this event. Millions Could Be Washed Away  (original post) Cumbre Viejo Volcano Could Mean Disaster for the US EAST COAST … Click Here to Read More

Blood Red – Why There? Why Now?

TAGS: scheme to destroy Israel, Life in the Dead Sea, Dead Sea Drying Up, BLOOD RED DEAD SEA,  Yom Kippur Observance, Ammon, Moab, Edom, Jordan, Sink Holes, Salt Deposits, Tourism, Almighty God, Miracle, End-Time Sign, Day of Atonement, Feast of Trumpets, Feast of Tabernacles, Rapture, Jubilee, year 6001, Rebirth of Israel, Shemitah, Kingdoms of the East, EZEKIEL’S … Click Here to Read More

Millions Could Be Washed Away

TAGS: La Palma, volcanic activity, Earthquakes, Tsunami, Tsunami Travel Times, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Fault Lines, Flooding, Canary Islands, US East Coast, US West Coast, New Madrid Fault Line, Fracking, NOAA, NAFTA, Super Highway, Nuclear Power Plants, Dams, Geo-Magnetic Storms, CME, Electro-Magnetic Waves, Frequencies, Sound Waves, Geo Engineering, Weather Manipulation, Glaciers, Global Warming, MAPS, Edgar … Click Here to Read More

Cumbre Viejo Volcano Could Mean Disaster for the US EAST COAST

TAGS: Canary Islands, Volcano, Eruption, Landslide, 4222 Earthquakes,  U.S. East Coast Could be UBMERGED, La Palma, Atlantic Ocean, Cumbre Viejo volcano, Nuclear Power, Strong Harmonic Tremor,  Earthquake Swarm, Yellow Alert, Evacuations spacer I have been cautious about posting this alert until I could confirm that it had merit.  It seems so fantastic.  I am sure … Click Here to Read More

It is ALL About to Come to A HEAD!

TAGS: America, Chaos, Collapse, Covid, Deep State, Election Fraud, False Flag, Joe Biden, Voting, Voter Fraud, Covid Tyranny, Death Camps, Quarantine, Torture, Australia, Supply Chain, Food Shortages, Fake News, Genocide, Catastrophic COLLAPSE of America, BIO-Weapons, Extinction Protocols, New World Order, Chinese Totalitarianism, Persecution, Christian Community, Chinese Churches, God’s Promises The Enemies plan for you and … Click Here to Read More


TAGS: Alaska, US Provocation, Chinese Aggression, Taiwan, South China Sea, Japan, Persecution, Christ in China, Chinese Believers, WAR, Communist Regime, Global Threat, Super Powers, Warships, US Coast Guard, Beijing, China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), international law, International Waters, US Territorial Waters, Chinese Territorial Waters, Manmade Islands, surveillance ship, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force,  guided missiles, … Click Here to Read More

House of David

TAGS:  House of David, David’s Palace, Bethsaida, Fisherman, Cultic Shrine, BA’AL, God’s Promises, Savior, Jesus Christ, Seed, Covenant, Archeology, City Streets, Street Called Straight, Sign of Mammon, Holy Ghost, Crossroads, Marketplace, Commerce, Word of God, Truth, Jerusalem, City of David, rituals, Excavation, Return of Our Lord, Redemption, High Places, River Euphrates I came across a … Click Here to Read More


TAGS:  Hollywood, Movie Stars, Hip Hop, Rap, Rock and Roll, Manson, Helter Skelter, Beatles, Beyonce, Ray J, Whitney, Brandi, Gucci, Runway Models, Twerking, The Devil, Blood Sacrifice, Contract, Signs, Symbols Sigils, Satanic Elite, Magic, Image, Wealth, Fame, Industry Slave The signs these folks flash over and over again, are there to demonstrate to those who … Click Here to Read More

What you don’t know… WILL KILL YOU!

IN LOVING MEMORY AND HONOR OF ALL THOSE WHO DIED IN THE FALSE FLAG THAT WAS 9/11/01 Posted: 09/11/2021 TAGS: King of Elements, Carbon, Graphene Oxide, Nanotubes, Teslaphoresis, Bio-Medical Industry, Hydrogels,  DARPA, COVID 19, Vaccines, Viruses, Military-Funded Biosensor,  blood brain barrier, LUCIFEROUS-bioluminescence, cytotoxicity, La Quinta Columna Report, TEM Microscopy, Nanodots, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, … Click Here to Read More