I am not sure why they released the video/videos in recent days, or why they have been posted at this time, or why God had me come across them… 9-11 was an act that was perpetrated on Americans with the knowledge and support if not fully designed and executed by out own Government.  If you … Click Here to Read More


UPDATED 3/6/22 “thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this”  Esther 4:14 Every one of us was born at this time for a purpose.  AND WHAT A TIME TO BE LIVING.  Those who have gone before us would have given anything to be in our shoes.  We are the generation that … Click Here to Read More

Will No One Stand to Save the Children? – Part 6 of 6 – NWO Sex ED GOING BONKERS!

Apparently, this camp in Kentucky has been going on for 10 years!!  I wonder how many people actually have been aware of its existence?  I certainly have never heard of it, but I am not at all surprised that it exists. First of all, the NWO’s main target has always been the children.  Innocence is … Click Here to Read More


Thank you for hanging on through this series.  There may be more to come, should the Lord Tarry.  Meanwhile this should give you an idea of Pagan Human Sacrifice in our current society. This will all get worse exponentially as we get closer to the end.  The demons from Hell are already returning.  Many are … Click Here to Read More


I am constantly appalled at the number of US Citizens who have taken to HINDU/BUDDIST practices so completely they are light incense to the idols of the gods and goddesses of those religions in their own homes.  Sometimes in theiir own bedrooms.  FOOLS and idiots!  They have no idea what they are doing.  They used … Click Here to Read More


This article was originally posted in October 2020 under the title HUMAN SACRIFICE RETURNS.  As I added items to it the post became so huge as to prevent readers from staying through to the end.  I hate to break topics up because people rarely read all the parts.  But, this topic is so important, I … Click Here to Read More


I was blessed by God to view the original posting of this leaked Pentagon video at the general time of its original posting.  God NEVER lets me miss anything that is important.  He is so awesome!! I am telling you folks this FUNVAX/VMAT2/GOD GENE VAX is absolutely real.  Infact, it is coming to you today … Click Here to Read More


UPDATES ADDED AT THE END OF THIS POST: 3/7/2020 The upcoming Holy Season may turn out to be the most important season of your life.  The following information should help you to recognize, appreciate and rejoice in it.   Much of Christian society does not understand the Passover Season at all.  Some have been conditioned to … Click Here to Read More

Crisper’s Progression – GOD HELP US

When I first started sharing the truth about Genetic Engineering and Crispr people there was very little publicly known that would give credence to what I was sharing.  NOW, things have progressed to an alarming level.  If you are not already aware of the truth of these matters you are not keeping up with what … Click Here to Read More

Hidden TRUTHS of GOD in the Calendar

Don’t miss the revelations God  has for you in this post.  Be sure to stay and read it all the way to the end.   You will be glad you did! From the beginning, all people on earth followed the signs in the heavens to keep track of the days, seasons AND TIME.  They watched for … Click Here to Read More


As most of you know, I have been really sick for over a month.  I have had some improvements that were followed by relapses or new problems.  It has been such a horrible ride.  My son and I have both been down.  Fever, Chills, Coughing up Phlegm, Nausea, Diarrhea, Weak, Pains all over our Bodies, … Click Here to Read More

The CRAFT OF PHARMACEA – No Matter how you slice it!

BeWARE!!   Especially NOW!  If there is any good thing that has come out of the PLANDEMIC it is the EYEOPENING REVELATION that we CANNOT TRUST our institutions.  Especially our Government, education system, media and MEDICAL INDUSTRY.   Though there are some ethical nurses, physicians and emergency response personnel who have morals and compassion, they are in … Click Here to Read More

Cannibal Zombie Apocalypse is FORMING

The original post on this topic somehow got really insanely corrupted.  I have no clue how and it took a lot to resolve the issue.  So here goes again.  I have restored it, repaired it and updated it.  WHY?? Because this topic is much more relevant and important NOW than it was when I first … Click Here to Read More


spacer UPDATES ADDED AT THE END/ 2/22/22 Just wanted to keep this subject in front of you.  Don’t get complacent thinking this is over… it is not!!  There are many of us who are out here sharing truth as we believe God directs us, who agree that the TSUNAMI/Explosion at La Palma is part of … Click Here to Read More

Olympic Opening Beijing

The opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics in Beijing was so beautiful it was mesmerizing.   After all,  how evil can snowflakes be?? Well, let me tell you… that is how magic works.  Deception, slight of hand, distraction.  Keeping your eyes on the beautiful floating snowflakes, dancing children, flying doves, butterflies; etc.   Meanwhile this was probably … Click Here to Read More