Passover Rapture Watch – Are you ready for LiftOff?

UPDATE: 4/17/22 GREETINGS to all of my friends, brothers and sisters, fellow followers of our Lord and Savior.  It is the HOLY SEASON!  Tomorrow is Passover, according to the Jewish Calendar.  Now matter what calendar you follow, if you belong to GOD you cannot help but feel the spiritual significance of this TIME OF YEAR.  … Click Here to Read More


– It is my great desire to instill in you the understanding that we are in a spiritual WAR 24/7.  The weapons of this war are not physical.  Not fists, or swords, or guns or rockets, or lasers.  This is a SPIRITUAL WAR, the weapons that the enemy uses against us are designed to destroy … Click Here to Read More

What does your Reflection say?

What does your life say about you?   Who or what are you emulating?  If someone looked into your life, what would they learn from your behavior? From your speech?  For the choices you make? Humans by nature are constantly developing and learning from those around them.  We seek out those we want most to be … Click Here to Read More


How STUPID has HUMANITY BECOME?  We are turning more and more every day away from what is REAL and TRUE to delve into what is DECEPTION and DEATH.  I never have understood how anyone could face this world without Almighty God.  I have known his presence since I was a small child.  NEVER have I … Click Here to Read More


UPDATED: 4/12/22; UPDATE ADDED At the End 4/28/22 For many years now there have been voices raising the issue of the evil influence of DISNEY.  The subliminal messages were discovered long ago.  Sexual images in the cartoons, magic incantations in the music and visuals, sexual innuendos in the movies, videos, video games and animated television … Click Here to Read More

The MEAT of the MATTER!

Folks this is very serious.  Much worse than our worst nightmares.  The New World Order is HERE, and it is much more sinister than we thought.  Through the new technology (which really isn’t new) the coming World Ruler (Antichrist) will have COMPLETE CONTROL of every aspect of your life and every function of your body… … Click Here to Read More

WHAT’s HAPPENING?? April 2022

Folks, take a look at what is going on.  The signs of the rapture and tribulation we have already evaluated.  There is no doubt of the times that we are living. Here, in these items we see the NEW WORLD ORDER coming into place.   spacer WE SEE THE MARK OF THE BEAST ENFORCING TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT! … Click Here to Read More


It is certainly true that GOD, who CREATED EVERYTHING, has every right to set the boundaries.  Afterall, it is HIS Creation.  NO ONE ELSE can claim that.  In the process of creating the world, he set all kinds of boundaries in place, thank GOD!  If he had not we would be in a world of … Click Here to Read More


Yes, it is true that we all have one Father ADAM, we are all descendants of Noah, and Father Abraham is the father of Isaac and Ishmael.  But, we must also remember that anyone, no matter their lineage, is not immune to deception, corruption and rebellion.  Even the son of David who was a man … Click Here to Read More


Pirates are bloodthirsty thieves, brutal rapists, and vicious murderers, concerned only with indulging their every whim and amassing as much wealth as possible, forever living at the expense of others. Over the past 10 years, there have been a great efforts to promote the romanticized version of Pirates and Mermaids. In a world where so … Click Here to Read More


The fall in the garden cost much more than banishment from Eden, even more than death coming into our bodies and the earth.  The fall in the garden moved us from God’s kingdom to Satan’s kingdom, which opened us up to the onslaught of demonic influences.  It put us in submission to Satan rather that … Click Here to Read More


There are WILDFIRES raging in TEXAS RIGHT NOW! The ruling class are getting fed up with resistance.  They have tried to convince us that compliance to all the dystopian mandates and agendas is not only good for the earth, but it is what we want.  LOL LOL LOL.  They will not be daunted or deferred.  … Click Here to Read More


I am not sure why they released the video/videos in recent days, or why they have been posted at this time, or why God had me come across them… 9-11 was an act that was perpetrated on Americans with the knowledge and support if not fully designed and executed by out own Government.  If you … Click Here to Read More


UPDATED 3/6/22 “thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this”  Esther 4:14 Every one of us was born at this time for a purpose.  AND WHAT A TIME TO BE LIVING.  Those who have gone before us would have given anything to be in our shoes.  We are the generation that … Click Here to Read More

Will No One Stand to Save the Children? – Part 6 of 6 – NWO Sex ED GOING BONKERS!

Apparently, this camp in Kentucky has been going on for 10 years!!  I wonder how many people actually have been aware of its existence?  I certainly have never heard of it, but I am not at all surprised that it exists. First of all, the NWO’s main target has always been the children.  Innocence is … Click Here to Read More