The New Evolution

You may have missed it, but we have gone beyond the 4th Industrial Revolution and are now in the NEW BIOMETRIC EVOLUTION OF LIFE.   At least that is what the elite are saying. Their plan goes so far beyond SURVEILLANCE.  They are using internal SURVEILLANCE of ALL HUMANS, in order to use the DATA to … Click Here to Read More

The Destructive force of American Radicalism

Today I came across a video bit that got me started on this post.  I don’t watch late night TV or talk shows in general, so I had not seen the interview.  Perhaps some of have already viewed it. I get the feeling sometimes that people might think that I waste too much time posting … Click Here to Read More


Hallelujah!  I believe that abortion has gone on so long that demonically possessed feminists became over confident and began to show their true colors.  That woke people up.  For years they were able to fool the public into believing that abortion was for the good.  To save the lives of women with medical issues, or … Click Here to Read More

Fems and Dems out for Revenge

Soros, Biden, Obama, Harris, Pelosi, Psaki; what a Motely crew!!!  Not a one of them worth the paper their name is written on.  Foul, Disgusting TRAITORS all.  They should be hung in the streets, after a fair trial of course.  I am not advocating violence, though these folks are and for some very unexplainable reason … Click Here to Read More


I just want to pause and PRAISE THE LORD!!  Roe vs Wade has been reversed.   Let us give thanks to GOD! We know that there will be problems and that Feminazi’s will continue to kill babies.  But, prayer is powerful!  AND NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!  So we need to pray for all the women … Click Here to Read More


— When I first posted about the Chrislam Center opening this year in Abu Dhabi it was the first time I had seen anything on the topic, and they made it sound like it was the first one in existence..  Since then I learned of the House of One in Berlin and the Center for … Click Here to Read More

Center of Hope in Israel

Are you, like myself, getting sick and tired of these narcissistic maniacs meeting behind closed doors and in secret to make decisions about how to run the world in which we live.  Strategizing how make us conform to their will. This plan for the One World Religion has been in the works for some time, … Click Here to Read More


At the Platinum Jubilee the memorial to Queen Victory was totally at center throughout.  Of course we know that the Goddess Victory was really the star.  But, I wanted to look at Queen Victoria to see what was so great about her and/or her reign. Wow… I learned a lot.  Not only was the Victoria … Click Here to Read More

Platinum Symbolism

British Patriotic Song: Rule, Britannia!  (play the video above and pay attention to the lyrics on the screen.) I truly felt lead to go into further depth about the symbolism and meaning behind the Platinum Jubilee.  You may not really care about it, but it might be worth knowing what is going on.  After all,  … Click Here to Read More

House of One

THE HOUSE OF ONE – BERLIN’S NEW PLACE OF WORSHIP FOR CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS & JEWS — Many of you are fully aware of the CHRISLAM CENTER opening this year in Abu Dhabi.  But, are you aware that one has been in the works in Berlin for many years now.  In this post you will see … Click Here to Read More


Just wanted to give you a heads up for an event that is coming this week.  You can see it in the sky without a telescope.  It is an alignment of all the wandering stars that last happened 18 years ago.  It may or may not be significant spiritually.  Time alone will tell.  But, we … Click Here to Read More

Platinum Jubilee

Sorry it took so long to get this out to you.  Don’t worry, it is all still very relevant.  I thought this was going to be very brief.  At first look it did not seem like there was much to see.  Boy, was I wrong.  I hope you enjoy discovering all that is here.  I … Click Here to Read More


Zoonoses – WHO | World Health Organization Jul 29, 2020A zoonosis is an infectious disease that has jumped from a non-human animal to humans. Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents and can spread to humans through direct contact or through food, water or the environment. They represent a major public … Click Here to Read More


For the last 100 years our government has been using our tax money to create weapons for our control and/or destruction.  They claimed all along that the horrendous experiments and development of dangerous weapons of every kind was for our saftey, to protect us from our enemies. Sadly, OUR ENEMIES are THEM.  THEIR ENEMIES ARE … Click Here to Read More


If you are paying attention you can’t help noticing that for many years now Our Heavenly Father has been reminding us of His Word.  His Word written in the Holy Scriptures, tell us the whole story from beginning to end.  He laid it all out for us so that we would not be caught unaware, … Click Here to Read More