Education in the USA

education (n.) 1530s, “child-rearing,” also “the training of animals,” from French education (14c.) and directly from Latin educationem (nominative educatio) “a rearing, training,” noun of action from past-participle stem of educare (see educate). Originally of instruction in social codes and manners; meaning “systematic schooling and training for work” is from 1610s. All education is despotism. [William Godwin, “Enquirer,” 1797] despotism – dĕs′pə-tĭz″əm – noun … Click Here to Read More


The Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham is probably the most important ritual so far  I was not able to view a full version of the event myself, but I posted what I was able to glean from the parts of it I could view.  There is so much that has been revealed … Click Here to Read More

Are You Ready to be Shocked, Amazed and Terrified?

UPDATE: ADDED  9/1/22 Ok, folks. this is just a compilation of the kind of fear porn we are being bombarded with everyday, coming from the Scientific Community and NASA. What you see here is the results from one simple search on Google.  I just typed in Terrifying Discoveries.  This was all found on the first … Click Here to Read More

Scientists have Redefined Planets and Asteroids

Meteor Shower Captured While Asleep  – Jul 15, 2019 –   Caters Clips There has been quite an uptick lately, in sightings of falling stars, shooting stars, comets, asteroids, and various other lights in the sky.  We see almost regularly now, orbs in the skies, day or night. spacer Here is a cool video of meteors/falling … Click Here to Read More

THE FUTURE IS TINY – NO ROOM for the Homeless!

update 8/22/22; Update: 8/27/22 For years now they have been conditioning us to accept living in smaller spaces.  They not only want us to cram ourselves into little boxes, they want us to love it!!  Like perfect mind controlled slaves the young people are flocking to partake, calling in trendy and green. Many people today … Click Here to Read More

Hebrew ALEPH BET tools

Here is some helpful information for those who like me do not know Hebrew.   I hope it blesses you and assists you in your own research and study.  I beleive that Hebrew is the language that GOD gave to the people in the very beginning.  I believe it is the first language and a holy … Click Here to Read More

Spirals in the Sky

OK Folks, let’s talk lights in the sky.  First of all, understand that the elite are doing everything they can to keep the masses focused on “SPACE”.  Why?  First of all, because as long as they can keep you believing in distant galaxies and tourism to other “planets” they can keep you in the BIG … Click Here to Read More

John Todd and Satanic Panic

UPDATE  ADDED 6/8/24 “Satanic Panic” like “Conspiracy Theorist”  is an illuminati by-word created to make a mockery of the truth and prevent discovery of their occult activities.  Despite very real and tangible of evidence of Satanic Activity, and or influences people prefer to laugh it off, because they are afraid. FEAR is the tool the … Click Here to Read More

BILL GATES is EVIL! Don’t let anyone tell you different.

Praise the Lord Brothers and Sisters!  The masses are waking up.  It does not take much.  One tells one and that one tells one and the TRUTH spreads.  I encourage everyone to do their part.  Speak the truth at every opportunity.  Share sources, websites, truthers, documents, videos… spread it around. I also encourage you to … Click Here to Read More


For all the Parents struggling to find the formula their baby needs during this “Baby Formula Crisis”.  Man it breaks my heart to think of babies with empty stomachs and parents fretfully, diligently searching to feed them.  Those responsible for this CRISIS should fall on their faces and seek GOD.  This is an outrage.  I … Click Here to Read More

Going Deep – Birmingham

UPDATE ADDED 8/15/22 Wow, turns out the opening Ceremony really was jam packed with symbolism hitting on just about every single aspect of the Elite’s plan.   Feminism, racism, Inclusivity, transgender, transexual, Kronos/Time, Fallen Angel Worship, Baal Worship, Industrial Revolution, transhumanism, labor, Tower of Babel, Shiva worship, Worship of the Beast, the Harlot riding the Beast… … Click Here to Read More


I was compelled to dive deeper into this issue. Even if you do not have any children or your children are all grown, you could still benefit greatly from viewing this entire post.  There is some very interesting information within. What follows is what I found. spacer First, let’s look at the name of the … Click Here to Read More

Seriously? The Baby Formula CRISIS WORSENS??

RESTORED: 8/12/22 I was totally in disbelief when I heard that babies are still unable to get the formula that keeps them alive and growing.  That is unforgiveable. It is beyond my comprehension that this can continue.  Whether it is a political problem, a logistics problem, a marketing dominance struggle, a financial problem, AI data … Click Here to Read More

I like Dreamin

The bible says that in the last days, young men will see visions and old men shall dream dreams. —- “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:”  … Click Here to Read More


— RESTORED: 8/12/22 Joker, Jester, jongleur, Baffoon, Clown, practical joker, minstrel, itinerant player; joker, juggler, clown, joculator, Prankster, whatever you want to call him the truth remains, he is a deceiver. The following information was pulled from my earlier posts on Red Nose Day.  I am certain there are folks who would not look at … Click Here to Read More