RESTORED: 8/12/22 What a crazy ride this turned out to be.  It started with a video on Ultima Thule.  As I researched, I learned that by the time I saw the item they had already changed the name.  No matter, it is still relevant as you will soon see. I just had to laugh when … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED: 8/12/22 :  RESTORED 9/8/23 True to their threat, they brought it to the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.  The show was not as long, as elaborate or as mysterious as the 2012 Olympics.  However, it was IN YOUR FACE WORSHIP OF BA’AL!!  Who would have thought we would see that?? Just wanted to give everyone … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED: 8/12/22 In so much of the current news and developments I have been noticing the donut shape appearing more and more frequently.  It stirred me to start a post.  In my research, I found a lot of information. It is my hope that what follows will help all to see multiple truths.  Including but … Click Here to Read More

REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE – Maritime Law – You & Your Children – Part 4

RESTORED: 8/12/22 It really is important to view this series in order.  The information revealed builds on itself, so that you cannot fully appreciate the posts individually.  Please view the entire Series from beginning to end.  The links are listed in order at the end of each post.  Thank you and God bless you.   It … Click Here to Read More

Revived Roman Empire – ONE RELIGION UNDER ROME – Part 3

RESTORED: 8/14/22 It really is important to view this series in order.  The information revealed builds on itself, so that you cannot fully appreciate the posts individually.  Please view the entire Series from beginning to end.  The links are listed in order at the end of each post.  Thank you and God bless you.   In … Click Here to Read More


It really is important to view this series in order.  The information revealed builds on itself, so that you cannot fully appreciate the posts individually.  Please view the entire Series from beginning to end.  The links are listed in order at the end of each post.  Thank you and God bless you.   In this part … Click Here to Read More

REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE – As Prophesied – Part 1

RESTORED: 8/12/22 It really is important to view this series in order.  The information revealed builds on itself, so that you cannot fully appreciate the posts individually.  Please view the entire Series from beginning to end.  The links are listed in order at the end of each post.  Thank you and God bless you.   In … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED: 8/12/22; UPDATE: Video ADDED 3/27/23 I was moved to research further after viewing the video about the Squid in OBAMA, Japan. I knew there was more to that story.  As I got deeper and deeper into this particular rabbit hole I found more than I could have expected. This is very important information for … Click Here to Read More

Gluons, Quarks and other Accelerator Updates

They are firing up the earth shakers!   CERN and friends are back online!  FASTER, STRONGER, FIERCER. Get ready for losts of peculiar happenings worldwide.  There is no telling what they are really up to, all we can go by is what they tell us.  Bear in mind that these people ALL LIVE BY FUNDING.  They … Click Here to Read More

Georgia in the NEWS! More than you know.

UPDATE ADDED: 2/24/23 ; RESTORED 5/2/23 The Georgia Guidestones are in the NEWS today, which opens an excellent opportunity to share some amazing TRUTH. You know my posts are very rarely ever just fluff.  I know they are long, but hopefully a blessing.  Stay through to the end.  The last video is the most important. … Click Here to Read More

Where is the Promised Resolution?? We want ANSWERS!!

There are so many people with a vested interest in keeping the truth about the Astroworld Concert from HELL  occulted and just as many reasons why.  So many different aspects to what happened, and the fault lies with several groups and multiple individuals.  So much that we will never know what really happened there in … Click Here to Read More

What moves us to mountain moving FAITH?

The world is winding down to its final hours and the enemies of God know their time is short.  In these last days the TRUTH is under attack like never before.  The Bible is being mocked, denounced, investigated, perverted, and profaned.  Technology is the god of the day and the elite believe that Technology is … Click Here to Read More

SEAL TEAM SIX update 2022

Updates to the Seal Team Six Events.  Exposing the TRUTH. Today, I would like to draw our attention to the two most memorable and costly helicopter incidents in our military history.  The first took place on June 28, 2005 and the second on August 6, 2011.  I apologize for not getting this out on the … Click Here to Read More

The New Evolution

You may have missed it, but we have gone beyond the 4th Industrial Revolution and are now in the NEW BIOMETRIC EVOLUTION OF LIFE.   At least that is what the elite are saying. Their plan goes so far beyond SURVEILLANCE.  They are using internal SURVEILLANCE of ALL HUMANS, in order to use the DATA to … Click Here to Read More

The Destructive force of American Radicalism

Today I came across a video bit that got me started on this post.  I don’t watch late night TV or talk shows in general, so I had not seen the interview.  Perhaps some of have already viewed it. I get the feeling sometimes that people might think that I waste too much time posting … Click Here to Read More