JANUARY 6 WAS AN EVIL DAY – But what really happened?

UPDATES ADDED 10/3/22; Video Added 10/13/22 Ok, folks, this may be most politically incorrect post ever.  I apologize if anyone gets offended.  Just speaking from my heart, my personal opinions.  If you don’t like them…that is ok.  I probably wouldn’t like yours.  But WE ARE STILL FREE in the USA, at least a little bit. … Click Here to Read More

PROOF Obama is Running the Government

He is so smug, ruling from his arm chair.  He thinks that because he is hidden no one can touch him.  Are we going to allow this b_ _ _ _ _ to continue to tear our nation apart.  Destroying our values, breaking all of our laws, slandering the constitution and our Creator??   Now, mind … Click Here to Read More


Friends, we are living in some wild times.  This came to my attention this morning and I just had to share it.  I hope you find it as interesting and exciting as I do.  We don’t have any way to KNOW for certain what is going to happen or when.. however, there are signs all … Click Here to Read More

Ready for the 3rd TEMPLE

Let me ask you a question: If the plan of REDEMPTION was God’s plan from the beginning (and it was) and as the Bible reveals in the book of Isaiah the Redeemer was to be crucified…  then there had to be a Rome, there had to be a Sanhedrin, there had to be a Pontius … Click Here to Read More


We are in the last days.  As we get closer and closer to the end we will see darkness growing darker and darker.  Evil will growth more and more evil.  The Bible says “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever … Click Here to Read More


We are in the time of the Appointed Feast called Rosh Hashanah.  Rosh Hashanah is generally known as the Jewish New year, but is the Feast of Trumpets according to Scripture.  In Israel it is known as the Jewish New Year. The most exciting thing about this Holiday is that it is the beginning of … Click Here to Read More

Scientists don’t think there is enough TOXIC Sodium Dioxide in our Atmosphere!

Unbelievable!!  As if our skies are not already full of space junk, electromagnetic and radio waves, microwave and laser beams, and POISONOUS/TOXIC Chemicals, now they want to fill the air with sulfur dioxide.  We already cannot breathe, everyone has allergies, chronic coughs and lung disease.  Are we just not dying fast enough for them? WHEN … Click Here to Read More

What will you do when…

Here we go folks.  Another long post.  Once again, I apologize but do believe it is necessary.  The impact of see facts laid out right before your eyes, in black and white is powerful. For years truthers have been working to bring these truths to the public.  It is one thing to view a few … Click Here to Read More


I have been trying for the past week to find anything new on the Chrislam Opening in Dubai.  Apparently, in the last few days they have OFFICIALLY declared Chrislam to be the ONE WORLD RELIGION.  They have also added a fourth faith to the Abrahamic Family, the Sabean Religion. The Sabean Religion – SAFE “As … Click Here to Read More


I realize that there is a lot of information in this post.  To some it may seem like over kill.  But, I felt it was necessary to present all of this together, in great detail, so that people can actually see how they are destroying us through the food we eat.  They are doing it … Click Here to Read More

Baby Formula Crisis UPDATE

I am thoroughly convinced that this entire “crisis” is just another orchestrated even to bring about the changes required for the New World Order.  They want full control of the population.  This is event created the opportunity for them to switch their manufacturing from milk based products to plant based products. Since they are out … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 9/21/22 The World has gone mad.  How on earth has the USA come to the place where the people are so ready and willing to give up their rights?  They are so blind they can’t even see that they are surrendering to oppression.  We cannot allow government to become so powerful that they … Click Here to Read More


My Dear Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ   We are living in some crazy times.  There is no doubt.  Getting crazier every minute.  Why?  Because DARKNESS is growing by leaps and bounds.  Who would have ever believed that the world would return to the pagan ways ans we would be seeing these horrendous acts … Click Here to Read More

To My Friends

Dear Friends, I apologize that I have not been posting.  I have several posts in the works.  I had to take some time for other more pressing issues. Both my son and I have been dealing with some medical issues.  I am getting old and he is getting older.  His handicap is beginning to cause … Click Here to Read More