Update: Video added 10/27/22 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. There is a phenomenon that is happening is Israel.  Though the Jews … Click Here to Read More


The mere fact that this is called CHRISLAM ought to prove to the world that this is a joke to the Muslims.  There is no Christ in the Abrahamic House of DuBai.  You cannot believe in Jesus Christ as God in the flesh, you cannot preach the blood of Jesus for the Redemption of the … Click Here to Read More


My friends, this is a very serious message.  We are living in an ELIJAH moment.  It is time to use the facility or get off the pot.  CHOOSE!!  Choose you this day whom you will serve.  CHOOSE LIFE!!  Whose report will you believe?  Do you stand with GOD? or Do you stand with those who … Click Here to Read More


Dear Friends.  You know that we can’t predict the exact timing of the Rapture.  However, we know from everything we see around us that the time is eminent! The information in this post confirms that this month OCTOBER 2022 may very well be the time.  What day we don’t know.  Anywhere from TOMORROW to NOVEMBER … Click Here to Read More

LIGHT is LIFE – But They Are Using it to KILL US!

This post is about light and how our lives are currently being impacted by light in ways about which we are totally unaware. We should not be surprised as just about every issue we are facing is in some way connected with ENERGY.  LIGHT is probably the biggest source of energy that exists. Those of … Click Here to Read More

Where are we headed?

All of these topics are ones I have addressed in my posts.  Things are rapidly advancing and totally out of control.  It is important to revisit these topics and bring them to light.  To update those who are already aware and to bring awareness to those who are lagging behind. It is encouraging to see … Click Here to Read More


This coming November 13, 2022 (1113222) Pope Francis will lead a delegation of “religious” leaders in an outrageous mockery of the Giving of the Law from the hand of GOD to Moses.  They have the unmitigated gall, and outrageous audacity to mimic that momentous event by bringing their New Humanity Doctrine and their own 10 … Click Here to Read More

High Tech Weapons That Control Weather RIGHT NOW

Once again we find our east (and west) coast threatened by Tsunami Waves.  Do you still remember the events around the Volcano on La Palma?  It was not that long ago.  Of course, so much has happened since then.  It is easy to forget because we are overwhelmed. The elite FULLY INTEND to use UNNATURAL … Click Here to Read More

Your Vehicle is about to become EXTINCT!

UPDATED: 10/9/22 Disasters whether natural or man made are occurring more and more frequently and with greater intensity. Fires, Explosions, Heavy Rains, Droughts, Super Storms, Tornados, Hurricanes, Dust Storms, Hail Storms, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, MudSlides, Sink Holes, etc… it seems like we are seeing some kind of disaster on a daily basis.  Add to these the … Click Here to Read More


What is happening to our World?  So much anger, frustration, rage, violence, rape and all manner of abuse.  We see a steady increase in witchcraft, Satanism, cannibalism, and pagan ritualistic sacrifice, as well.  This has been an ongoing and escalating problem for decades now.  Where did it start?  What is the cause?  Who is behind … Click Here to Read More


Meat in general is the most nutrient-dense food group, rich in complex proteins, healthy fats, and bioavailable micronutrients that you can only get from animal products Today we are going to focus on “Climate Change”/ Global Warming, well at least that is what they are calling it now.  Wait a while, it will very likely change … Click Here to Read More


Wow.  The numbers of people who have been vaccinated are staggering.  My heart goes out to those people.  The propagandists have done an amazing job convincing folks to volunteer for their own demise. Meanwhile, more and more people are becoming aware of what has happened to our world.  They are standing up all across the … Click Here to Read More

WEF – Open Your Eyes

Wow!  I am so excited to see so many people who are not only awake but joining the ranks of the TRUTHERS!!  So many people with the courage to stand up and speak the TRUTH BOLDLY!!  That is AMAZING! People, take courage, been inspired by these folks!  It does not matter what time it is, … Click Here to Read More

IAN – Act of Nature? Climate Change? Act of God? or WEATHER WEAPON?

UPDATE: Videos added 10/3/22 Dear Friends –  Prepare yourselves.  The elite have plans to force us out of our homes and our cars.  They have developed a bag of tricks that will enable them to do just that.  Between the fires, tornados, Super Storms, Earthquakes and Hurricanes they are already making great progress.  I don’t … Click Here to Read More