The Force behind the madness

Ok, folks.  God is revealing truth every minute of every day these days.  THAT is how you KNOW we are at the END..  Because many things even GOD said have been sealed up until the END.  The enemy also has had secrets we were not able to uncover all these centuries.  Some available to the … Click Here to Read More

It’s About Time – Part 8 – ETERNALLY CHANGED

Satan’s plan is to reduce us all to nothing more than random particles tossed together by chance.  God had purpose for placing us on the this Earth.  And it was not so that we could fill time up with the pursuit of our own lusts and gratification.  Satan wants to take our focus off of … Click Here to Read More

Satan’s Con

UPDATE ADDED 6/30/23 Well, my friends, you and I should say thank you to Barack Obama for keeping his word.  Our Country has gone through so much CHANGE I don’t even recognize it.  This is certainly not the USA in which I grew up. I was amazed at the time that people could not see … Click Here to Read More

Eras of Swift

RENEWED 10/23/23: 6:06 PM Our world is going to HELL in a handbasket. Sadly it seems that the majority of the people in it are willingly and happily participating in bringing it down.  Choices, this life is all about choices.  We are living in the days of the GREAT DECEPTION.  The Devil is a liar … Click Here to Read More

This Holy Season may be the most important EVER!

UPDATE: VIDEO ADDED AT THE END  4/2/23 April 2, 2023 is Palm Sunday as it is called by the Catholic Church.  It marks the beginning of this year’s commemoration of the Passion of our Lord and Savior.   This is a very important year.  This may be THE MOST IMPORTANT TIME in our lives. In honor … Click Here to Read More

MAMMON over The Great I AM in USA

I am 70 years old!!  I have seen America go through so many changes.  As the baby boomer generation we were very blessed.  We got to experience the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA at its very best.  We grew up in a Christian environment, for the most part.  Safe secure, happy and blessed.  Even the poorest … Click Here to Read More

Getting There Could Kill Us All – Type 1

The Ruling elite want CONTROL/DOMINION/POWER and they want it NOW!  I would be bad enough if they were only claiming dominion over the human race as in GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.  Their avarice reaches far beyond that. Not satisfied even with the concept of ruling the hearts, minds and bodies of all the people on earth, as … Click Here to Read More


I am certain that we are not even fractionally aware of the number of projects, major construction, equipment, personnel, time, energy and finances have been poured into redundant research all in an effort to prove the Bible wrong and to find a way to gain power to control everything in order to become like GOD. … Click Here to Read More


For those who hate the Bible/The Word of God/The TRUTH there is no ultimate source for TRUTH.  There is no absolute.  So anything goes.  Where does one draw the line?  How does one KNOW anything? For those of us who know The CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, ALMIGHTY GOD, there is no doubt about space or … Click Here to Read More


Throughout history there have been imitators of Christ.  Many pagan religions have a story that mimics the Salvation Plan of God.  Why?  Because Satan is a liar and all he can do is imitate GOD.  He will NEVER be like the Most HIGH. Many people today are saying that Christianity is just like all these … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE : VIDEO ADDED 4/5/23 If you have not noticed CHAOS is beginning to manifest across the Earth.  So many disastrous citations and events happening every day.  Some of the major events are mentioned in the videos below. There is not enough room to include them all here or enough time to research and collect … Click Here to Read More


As I was researching the NASA OSIRIS asteroid adventures, I came across these headlines about the Japanese precursors.   TURNS OUT JAPAN GETS FIRST CREDIT FOR ROCK COLLECTING FROM AN ASTEROID. But, if we kick up a little dust of our own, we discover that there is a lot more going on here.   It does appear … Click Here to Read More

Preparation for the Hunger Games?

The Saga known as “The Hunger Games” was a box office phenomenon.  Young people loved the book and went ape for the movie.  I never understood why.  To me the entire subject was really gross and depressing.  I guess if you asked a young person, they might tell you they identified with the heroine.  Was … Click Here to Read More

Season of the Wolf – OSIRIS-Rex / OSIRIS APEX

In this post we turn our focus on NASA.  What can I say?  NASA is just full of news and surprises and threats from space these days.  Between the time they “went to the moon” in the 60’s to 2012  we did not hear to much from them.   Now, EVERYDAY it seems they have a … Click Here to Read More

Season of the Wolf – What is HAPPENING to our Children?

UPDATE ADDED: 3/24/23 From what I have read about ancient societies, I don’t think the idea that people’s lives are no more important than animals is new.  It is apparent that those who wish to control the masses have always looked for ways to convince them that they are less than.  The ruling elite work … Click Here to Read More