I never question or argue with GOD.  When he leads me to something.  I always assume it is important whether I see it yet or not.  It always turns out in the end to be so.  Eventually, all things fall into place and truth is revealed. I hope you are paying attention.  Because GOD wants … Click Here to Read More


Ok, I have had several people mention this to me.  I never caught it during the actual ceremony, I was focused on other things that were going on.  However, many people saw it live, it was captured on video, shared on the internet and there have been multiple videos made about it. All I can … Click Here to Read More

Coronation Concert – Unraveled

OK, let me start by apologizing for the delay in getting this out.  I know there is a limited timeframe when this topic is of interest to the masses. That is sad because there will always be things to be learned even if it is old news. Unfortunately, to do what I do takes time. … Click Here to Read More


FULLY RESTORED 5/8/23 (Half of my post was missing) If I were not researching for my post, I would not have watched the Coronation.  Though it is a very significant event in our time.  If one were to take it all at just the face value, it could be seen as lovely, entertaining and heartwarming.  … Click Here to Read More


WOW!!  WHAT A RIDE!  I had no idea what was opening up to me.  There are so many links, ties and revelations in this post it is not even funny.  I hope you get to see it before tomorrow’s CORONATION.  No matter if you do or not, whenever you view what is posted here you … Click Here to Read More

Belgorod – What gives?

Belgorod city (Russia) | Фотографии Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?  Is there any truth in our media?  Is it really possible that governments are perpetrating false flag disasters on their own people to promote their agenda?  Are the Russians really standing for GOD and truth?  Are the Russians really … Click Here to Read More


Poor old Charles…I bet he was wondering if he would ever live to his CORONATION.  It surely has been a burden on him, having to spend all that time, living with the judgment and scorn not only of his family but of the public.  Walking a balance bar trying to keep his sanity, while working … Click Here to Read More


If you had the privilege of knowing Russ Dizdar or even just knowing about him and his ministry you know how blessed you are.  Russ Dizdar was a powerful gift from GOD for our world.  He was an incredible human being who fought the enemy face to face/headon every night and day.  He was a … Click Here to Read More

Facts About Slavery

Whoo Hooo!!  Everybody is waking up.  Beginning to realize that we have ALL been lied too.  We have all been MANIPULATED.  WE HAVE ALL BEEN PLAYED!!  Those of us who have learned the truth, need to pray for those who are still under the Devils deception.  Thank GOD for his REVELATION!! As a Caucasian I … Click Here to Read More

How is the Industrial Revolution working for YOU?

They talk about Industrial Revolutions, like they were blessings from heaven.  They just can’t wait to move us into the latest and greatest.   All those supposedly brilliant minds in their mountain top retreat think tanks building the world they imagine in their exalted minds. In my lifetime, on my lower class budget, my limited free … Click Here to Read More


This is a HUGE opportunity to reach your unsaved loved ones and friends.  God has put this tool in our hands.  Watch the people involved share what happened during filming and how they came to make this movie. If you haven’t seen my earlier post.  Check it out for more information: Dark Forces in the … Click Here to Read More


Unbelievable!  Apparently, they have had for some time now, a hand held suction device for performing abortions.  With the ban on surgical abortions they are calling the manual abortion a mensural period restoration, in order to avoid prosecution.  They are hoping to introduce it as a regular medical service so that it will be covered … Click Here to Read More

Are there MONSTERS in the DEEP?

REPAIRED 6/7/23 This post is not exactly spiritual, nor is it political.  Nor is it an End Time Revelation, …well, I am not sure actually it a may be a little bit of all three.  I guess what I am saying is my motivation for this post is a little bit on the lighter side.  … Click Here to Read More

Dark Forces in the USA

For as long as I can remember, I have ALWAYS known that I had a GOD in heaven who was in control of my life.  I talked with Him on a regular basis and trusted Him to lead me and protect me.  It was an innocent faith.  I am so thankful.  But, at a certain … Click Here to Read More

RU 486 – DIY Abortion

As the world loses its mind and spiritual darkness is exploding all around us, we are seeing the price that evil demands of those who enjoy the pleasures of this world in exchange for their soul. Those who love sin, love death.  Their are Temples to death all over our world.  Some are dedicated to … Click Here to Read More