It is time to revisit the City of the Future in Saudi Arabia.  They appear to be making a great deal of progress very quickly.  Naturally, that is not natural.  But, there is a lot of money behind this project because it is a gem for the United Nations and the New World Order. Before … Click Here to Read More


  Dear Friends, I am sure you have noticed by now that we are having some issues with the server.  The webpage keeps getting locked up/out. I apologize.  I know it is annoying, nothing to do but wait and try again until it opens up. The reason?  My webpage is under attack big time.  The … Click Here to Read More

Obama’s Trans-itioned America

IMPORTANT ADDITIONS AT THE END OF THIS POST- ADDED 6/23/23 You know I would love to let sleeping dogs lie, but this EVIL HOUND DOG will not release. It would be so much more pleasant for me if I could close the book on Barack Hussein Obama. I really do get tired of having to … Click Here to Read More

“You might be a Domestic Terrorist If”

They are taking aim at EVERY SINGLE LIVING BEING that is resistant to or rebelling against their NEW WORLD ORDER.  The ruling elite have created and established all the tools that they need to force compliance upon the masses.  They have weapons and enforcers to assure no one escapes. You can kiss good-bye all of … Click Here to Read More

Are we under the Sun? or a Satellite? Or a Mirror? Or a Projection?

UPDATE ADDED 6/18/23 The scientists claim they are trying to create a “more dependable” source of energy than the sun.  Seriously. They claim that all these countries, testing, launching and operating all these false Sun’s that are 5 or 10 times hotter than our real sun don’t affect the our earth’s environment and do not … Click Here to Read More


This past May 1 st, (celebrated by many pagans, in different ways, probably most notably it is BELTAINE dedicated to the GOD of FIRE.  aka BAAL). there was an occurrence in Las Vegas that is still making the news. Was it a fallen angel?  An Alien UFO?  A Falling Star?  A Meteor?  Were the people … Click Here to Read More


The elite are feverishly scrambling to bring everything in line for the implementation of the NEW WORLD ORDER/Great Reset/Agneda 2030/NESARA-GESARA/REGIGN OF THE ANTICHRIST.  Why?  Because they know that time is short.  They know all the Prophecies, they have studied all the ancient texts including the Bible both Old and New Testament as well as all … Click Here to Read More


I came across this video this morning.  I really liked the way it was put together and the young man really did his research.  He is working up at least one more video on the topic so keep a look out for it.   I post it here now, because there are still millions of people … Click Here to Read More

UN Immigration Compact

Truthers, researchers and Whistleblowers all across the Earth have been warning for decades that there is a global agenda run by a small group of persons who believe themselves to be the Enlightened Wise Ones.  They have been meeting in secret for longer than anyone could conceive or believe.  They have been feverishly working behind … Click Here to Read More


GOD HELP US ALL!  WE ARE AT THE DOOR OF THE APOCALYPSE!!  FOOD IS THEIR MAJOR WEAPON. We have been warning you, the elite have been telling you they are moving you into a new way of eating.  They tell you it is to save the EARTH.  THEY ARE LIARS! Please folks if you do … Click Here to Read More

Sierra Diablo – 10,000 year Clock

This may be THE most important post I have posted so far.  In it there is enough information for you to see the full picture and to understand what is happening.  The ruling elite have spent thousands of years, yes thousands of years I say because they are part of the minions of the Fallen … Click Here to Read More

PANGENOME – Fixing God’s Mistakes?

What makes you YOU? Why are you who you are? What makes you tick and moves your heart?  Why are some people gentle and kind where others are hateful and evil?  What hurts you? saddens you? Fills you with joy?  Why are some people great with children and others don’t care for them at all?  … Click Here to Read More


Well, its that time of year again.  Sadly millions of people are still deceived.  Most people just don’t want to think about it.  They think it is just fun.  Give them something they enjoy and they don’t care about the consequences. I have multiple posts related to the Red Nose Day.  I will include them … Click Here to Read More


spacer Edward Snowden,  Carl Sanders and many other whistleblowers have shared how they finally came to speak out about the horrendous things that are being done in secret.  They both told us they knew what they were involved in was wrong, but the money was good, they were comfortable, and afraid of what would happen … Click Here to Read More


Rome’s 2776th Birthday/The 25th Anniversary of the Founding of NEW ROME/Boar, Symbol of Rome, Ravaging the countryside WORLDWIDE! My dear friends, this post should be an interesting ride.  I hope you choose to open it and view it to the end.  You really can’t tell too much from the title.  Once you are inside, you … Click Here to Read More