TAGS: Concentration Camp, Constitution, Executive Orders, Federal Emergency, Financial Crisis, General Stuff, Boxcars w/Shackles, FEMA Purchase of Guillotines, Guillotine Executions, ICD E 978 ICD-10-CM E 978, World Health Organization, TERROR, Obama and Biden
This post is about the Guillotines. They are here. Not just here in the USA but across the ENTIRE Earth. In this post, I am focusing on the USA, but the same things are happening all around the WORLD. This is all by design. The Illumined believe it is their design, Satan is convinced it is his design, BUT GOD is in CONTROL!
As we move closer and closer to the coming World Government, it is my prayer that the things that you find on this website will help you to find peace. More importantly, will lead you to the Prince of Peace.
The events that are happening today ALL point to the TRUTH of the WORD of GOD. IF you cannot see that, ask GOD to show you. If you still cannot see it. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. DO NOT REJECT THE TRUTH. If you are bound and determined to close your heart and mind to the TRUTH, than you are doomed. God will not help you.
We have been blessed for so long. Enjoying the GRACE of GOD. He has given us plenty of time and ample opportunities to open our hearts to him. NOW, is the time of the TESTING of our FAITH. The separating of the SHEEP from the GOATS!! By your choices, and by the words you speak, you are being JUDGED. Not by man, by the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE. Our nation has already been judged. It has been found lacking and it will be destroyed. I pray, with all my heart, that YOU are found to be worthy. Worthy to escape all that is coming. We are about to see the WORST TIME THAT HAS EVER BEEN ON THE EARTH, OR EVER WILL BE.
This is it. NOW IS THE TIME! Today is the day of Salvation. TOMORROW MAY VERY WELL JUST BE TOO LATE.
A United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base loaded with crates of “smart” guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.
The technologically advanced guillotines, he said, are being manufactured in Beijing before being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributes the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide.
He said the smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011, at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term to declare martial law and use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine, he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.
The guillotine gained popularity during the French Revolution. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended.
The condemned person is secured with stocks at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to quickly fall and forcefully decapitate the victim with a single, clean pass so that the head falls into a basket below. The smart guillotine retains the basic design while adding several scientific advancements.
For example, the headrest has motion sensors and pressure plates that detect the presence of a human neck. No operator is needed; a computer drops and retracts a razor-sharp weighted titanium blade, which, our source said, can sever several hundred heads per sharpening.
If a person resists, arm and leg restraints spring forth from recessed compartments, rendering the victim immobile. Moreover, the smart guillotines employ biometric scanning, including facial recognition technology to exonerate persons mistakenly placed on the guillotine for execution.
“The Deep State, and by association FEMA, recognized that some of its own people’s heads might accidentally wind up on the chopping block. They had to devise a way to stop the blade from lopping off friendly heads. So, when a person is face down waiting for the blade to fall, the computer scans the face and iris. If it matches a friendly face stored in a database, the blade won’t fall, and the person is set free,” our source said.
After Obama left office, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security kept the smart guillotine project alive, using slush funds and black project money to fund three thousand of the villainous devices, each of which reportedly cost seventeen million dollars. FEMA ordered them from the Chinese, our source added, because the agency “felt guilty” about using Made-in-America products to execute Americans. In addition, the Chinese versions are less costly.
The Andrews AFB shipment—over 500 smart guillotines–was distributed by rail to FEMA zone six, an area encompassing Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Belgrade, and Arkansas, primarily “red” states likely to resist a declaration of Martial Law or a military incursion against the American people.
“FEMA’s main focus is on Texas. All eyes on Texas. If there’s going to be a public insurrection, they know the battle lines will be dawn in Texas. They know the patriot community is thick in Texas. That’s why Texas is receiving more of these smart guillotines than any other state. FEMA’s first strike will occur in Texas,” our source said.
The 500 units were sent to FEMA camps near Austin, a New World Order “shock training facility” in Waco, and a FEMA internment camp disguised as a water treatment facility in Carrolton.
“All states have them, but Texas got the majority right now,” our source said.
If all information is accurate, the Deep State, using FEMA as its agent of evil, is expediting plans to herd humans into internment camps. The acquisition of smart guillotines is a portent of the Deep State’s hatred of America, the American people, and of the document—the Constitution—our forefathers authored to protect us from the wicked machinations of the very government we elected into office. (Click to Source)
Concerning beheadingand I would remind you that this is one of the symbolic images describing the unio mentalisJung has this to say in CW14: par. 730 :
Beheading is significant symbolically as the separation of the “understanding” from the “great suffering and grief” which nature inflicts on the soul. It is an emancipation of the “cogitatio” which is situated in the head, a freeing of the soul from the “trammels of nature.” Its purpose is to bring about, as in Dorn, a unio mentalis “in the overcoming of the body.” ( CW14: par. 730 )
Another way of seeing beheading symbolism is that it represents the extraction of the rotundumthe round elementfrom the empirical man. The head is the round element and the beheading, then, extracts that round element. The term caput corvi (the head of the raven) and the term caput mortuum (death’s head) were used in alchemy to refer to the residue left behind after the distillation or sublimation of a substance
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The unio mentalis is explicitly connected with death.In CW14: par. 671 , Jung says: “The mindmust be separated from the bodywhich is equivalent to `voluntary death.’ ” Decapitation results in death, and the separation of the soul from the body is accompanied by death. It is highly significant that the earliest forms of religious expression that we know, and what I consider to be the earliest manifestations of man’s encounter with the autonomous psyche, involve funeral symbolism. Specifically, I think of Egyptian mortuary symbolism which was the origin of alchemy. It was an attempt to create an immortal body by embalming
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Jung continues: The aim of this separation was to free the mind from the influence of the “bodily appetites and the heart’s affections,” and to establish a spiritual position which is supraordinate to the turbulent sphere of the body. This leads at first to a dissociation of the personality and a violation of the merely natural man. ( CW14: par. 671 )
This preliminary step, in itself a clear blend of Stoic philosophy and Christian psychology, is indispensable for the differentiation of consciousness. Modern psychotherapy makes use of the same procedure when it objectifies the affects and instincts and confronts consciousness with them. ( CW14: par. 672 )
I think that’s a very important passage which makes the nature of the unio mentalis crystal clear. Beheading symbolism represents the extraction of the caelumthat heavenly stufffrom the body, because the head is the heaven of the body so to speak. It is the round thing. And whenever decapitation symbolism comes up in dreams you can know this process is going on. That immediately orients you because it is alarming at first when you naively encounter this kind of symbolism. You think, “What terrible dissociation process is going on?” and you want to sew them back together again right away
ML p.304
The Orpheus myth is a good example of beheading symbolism, and reminds us that the imagery of decapitation belongs to the larger symbolism of dismemberment. This links it to a transformation mystery, which is what the symbolism of dismemberment is all about. Let me remind you of the relevant aspects of the Orpheus myth
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Orpheus was the inventor of music who could tame wild beasts by playing his lyre. His wife, Eurydice, is bitten by a serpent, dies and goes to the Underworld, and Orpheus travels to the Underworld to rescue her. He almost succeeds but he looks back at the last minute, which he had been forbidden to do, and thus he loses her. Then, in his grief, he comes across a band of raving maenads who dismember him. His head is cast into the river and goes floating down, singing. It crosses the sea and, still singing, lands on the island of Lesbos where a shrine is built for it. The head is installed as an oracle and continues to prophesy.. The conclusion is that he’s turned into an eternal prophetic oracle and thus we can think of Orpheus as an early symbolic representation of the unio mentalis
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A major Greek religion was called Orphismlargely because one of the features of Orpheus’s life was his descent to the Underworld. That amounted to an initiation into the mysteries and thus the mysteries were given his namethe Orphic Mysteries
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Let me give you a couple of examples of this decapitation symbolism. Many years ago I had this dream:
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There was a beautiful crystal head which was to be attached to a little girl. An operation was to be performed to remove her head and replace it with a crystal head. A famous surgeon by the name of Dr. Knight was to do the operation
Well, if you take that dream just from the personalistic standpoint, it indicates a very dubious relation to the little anima figure. The little girl is going to be decapitated and have her head replaced with a crystal head. But if you interpret it in archetypal terms, this little girl is going to go through something of the same experience that the black Shulamite went through in our earlier text; her head was turned to gold
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Here’s another dream of my own:
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A patient brings me a dream in which there is an image of a crystal sphere that is joining with a piece of woodthey’re coming togethera piece of wood that had a certain receptacle in it to lodge the crystal sphere. As they come together, great heat is produced. In the dream, the patient who had this dream was quite indifferent to it and I found myself expounding vigorously on the meaning of “his” dream. “You should consider this dream as very important,” I say. “Wood is matter, flesh, vulnerable organic material, it is a product of the life process. And the crystal sphere is eternal, immortal perfection. The sphere comes from heaven and joins the wood from earth, and this is a picture of man who must carry this intolerable burden of opposites within himself”
This is what I say in the dream, you see. One should pay attention to such things; what you say in your dream is not something you already know in full consciousness. If you did, you would not have to dream it. So, as with all occasions when one finds oneself giving advice or counsel to others, one should listen to that advice and take it oneself
ML p.306
Some of my associations to this image were Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders, and St. Christopher carrying Christ as a sphere (fig. 025.5) . I also thought of the process of making fire by rubbing sticks together (two sticks as opposites). And I must say I also thought of stage two of the coniunctio
ML p.306
ML Pg 306 (n) FigNo025.5
St. Christopher carrying Christ as a sphere
Detail of oil painting by the Master of Messkirch (?). In Edinger, Ego and Architect, picture 29
In the ancient world, as today, nothing captures the horror and spectacle of death more than the severed head. Unlike other disarticulated body parts, the sight of a severed head leaves no doubt about the identity of the deceased. Moreover, it provides the clearest possible “proof of death. ”Beheading is also the ultimate life-extinguishing act. The ancient battlefield produced many nonlethal injuries. It was possible to survive being stabbed with a sword, shot with an arrow, or impaled with a spear. Yet beheading always has the same consequence.
Because of the unambiguous way in which beheading signals death, decapitation was a common practice in the ancient world, especially in the context of war. The story of David cutting off Goliath’s head (1Sam 17:50-51) is one of many biblical accounts of decapitation. For other examples from the larger ancient Near Eastern context, one can turn to in the annals of Ashurnasirpal II, in which the Neo-Assyrian king boasts about one of his victories: “I felled 800 of their combat troops with the sword (and) cut off their heads.” Describing another conquest, he claims: “I hung their heads on trees around the city.” Numbering and displaying heads provided a terrifying and effective means of commemorating the king’s domination.
Indeed, severed heads and headless corpses recur as frequent tropes throughout ancient Near Eastern art. The SumerianStela of Eannatum (circa 2450 B.C.E.), for example, presents severed heads being picked apart and carried aloft by vultures. This image relates the dis-integration of a once-powerful enemy. Enemies without bodies pose a threat no longer but are instead reduced to food for scavengers.
Disarticulated heads play a particularly prominent role in Neo-Assyrian royal iconography of the ninth–seventh centuries B.C.E. On the battlefield, beheading was often a means of killing a wounded enemy. One scene from a Neo-Assyrian palace relief depicting the battle of Til Tuba portrays a wounded Elamite soldier holding his hand to his neck. The caption above him indicates that he is petitioning an Assyrian soldier to have mercy on him and cut off his head. Elsewhere in the same relief we see a soldier in the very act of cutting off a head, in this case the head of the Elamite king Teumman.
Armies routinely took the severed heads of their enemies back to their captials as evidence of victory. David’s taking the head of Goliath to Jerusalem clearly served this function (1Sam 17:54). Taking heads was also a simple and convenient way to record who was killed in battle (like Teumman) and how many were killed. Heads are, after all, much easier to transport than whole dead bodies.
In another Neo-Assyrian palace relief, an Assyrian solider piles heads and looted objects amidst a grove of palm trees. The quantity and high quality of the accompanying booty underscores the value of the heads as memorials of domination.
Disarticulated heads were also carried in processions, bringing the tangible results of the victory into everyone’s view. Lest there be any doubt about the victor, the severed heads of the enemy tell the clearest tale. In the palace reliefs, and more broadly throughout the ancient Near East, the heads of the enemies are often manipulated in ways that are meant to shock and horrify observers. The heads are thus a sign of the celebration of victory and a warning to those who might challenge the authority and power of the king.spacer
One of the most interesting word associations I have played with is the French Revolution. Most people come up with images associated with the ‘reign of terror’; guillotines flashing down, aristocratic heads rolling past cackling old women furiously knitting away[3] as psychopathic crowds roar in the background. The (subconscious) obsession with terror that we have planted in our minds should be of significant worry to us, as it is a symptom of successful historical brainwashing and ‘grooming’ more successful than either the Moonies or Al Qaeda.
Epilogue: A word on the irony of the guillotine…
This essay began with the historical symbolism of the guillotine and it seems fitting to end with some uncomfortable facts (or comfortable depending on your point of view) about this infamous device. Over the last few years of undertaking historical research into the 17th and 18th Centuries I have begun to find the representational connection between the guillotine and ‘terror’ in my own mind as laughable. This is for a simple reason; feudal monarchies were renowned for their use of public torture as method for punishment and repression. In Britain, it seems our (ex?) ‘master-race’ preferred extended torture to a quick death for its victims and this was for a very good reason, they wanted to terrorise us. In our fair nation (and elsewhere), these monarchical rituals of terror, were, unsurprisingly, public spectacles often involving hanging drawing and quartering (that is slow strangulation, followed by castration, disembowelment, beheading and chopping into four pieces). This was a potential punishment in Britain until the law was repealed in 1870![82] If you thought that being female might save you from such brutality…then think again; the British monarchy preferred burning women alive.
Another aspect of execution was its class hierarchy. In France before the revolution of 1789, only nobles were executed by relatively benign decapitation; lower-class capital criminals were subjected to burning, drowning and maiming. In fact, the revolution itself forced the king to ban the ‘breaking wheel’ (a particularly nasty torture and slow death where the condemned were lashed to a wheel and their limbs were systematically broken with a club or iron cudgel).
So with the advent of revolution, democracy and reason along came Dr Joseph Ignace Guillotin, who endeavoured to commission a device that would deliver a “swift and honourable death to people of all classes”. Guillotin stood before the Constituent National Assembly in October 1789 and proposed the following six articles in favour of the reformation of capital punishment:
Article 1: All offences of the same kind will be punished by the same type of punishment irrespective of the rank or status of the guilty party.
Article 2: Whenever the Law imposes the death penalty, irrespective of the nature of the offence, the punishment shall be the same: decapitation, effected by means of a simple mechanism.
Article 3: The punishment of the guilty party shall not bring discredit upon or discrimination against his family.
Article 4: No one shall reproach a citizen with any punishment imposed on one of his relatives. Such offenders shall be publicly reprimanded by a judge.
Article 5: The condemned person’s property shall not be confiscated.
Article 6: At the request of the family, the corpse of the condemned man shall be returned to them for burial and no reference to the nature of death shall be registered.[83]
And Guillotin just happened to have perfected the ‘simple mechanism’ for humanely killing the condemned. His device and proposals were accepted.
So the fact that the relatively benign guillotine has since become so closely associated with ‘terror’ certainly carries some serious irony in the context of the actuality of feudal terror for which the device was specifically designed to supplant. Excerpts from “The guillotine, knitting and terror” by Robert Ball
By GUY WALTERSExcerpts only, read the full story by clicking the title link
Today, we associate the guillotine with the brutality of the French Revolution, when 16,549 men and women were executed by the device. However, the Nazis were equally devoted to it. They are thought to have beheaded almost as many victims as the French Reign of Terror during their 12 horrific years in power.
The Nazis’ use of the guillotine came disturbingly to light again over the weekend, when the guillotine used to chop off the head of one of the regime’s youngest and bravest opponents was re-discovered in the basement of the Bavarian National Museum in Munich.
It is often forgotten that, when the Nazis took office, they were initially cautious about using the death penalty. Their grip on power was not as firm as it would come to be and they were aware that public opinion might turn against them if they executed too many of their own citizens. There was the guillotine, but also hanging, shooting, and perhaps most medieval of all, the axe.
Hitler therefore established a commission to standardise the way in which he would put supposedly miscreant citizens to death. At first, the Fuhrer was reluctant to use the guillotine, as it carried with it the alarmist image of the French Reign of Terror. He preferred to remove people to the concentration camps.
‘At least we have not set up a guillotine,’ Hitler said in a news-paper interview at the end of 1933. ‘Even the worst elements have only needed to have been separated from the nation.’
However, in October 1936, acting on the advice of his justice minister, Franz Gurtner, Hitler decided that the guillotine should be Nazi Germany’s preferred method of execution. Twenty guillotines were secretly ordered — and distributed to prisons across the Reich. Over the following eight-and-a-half years, some 16,500 souls were killed with the device.
A United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base loaded with crates of “smart” guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.
The technologically advanced guillotines, he said, are being manufactured in Beijing before being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributes the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide.
He said the smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011, at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term todeclare martial lawand use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine, he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.
The guillotine gained popularity during the French Revolution. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended. ‘The Safest House in America’: Bulletproof Home Defense! Watch the video below:
The condemned person is secured with stocks at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to quickly fall and forcefully decapitate the victim with a single, clean pass so that the head falls into a basket below. The smart guillotine retains the basic design while adding several scientific advancements.
For example, the headrest has motion sensors and pressure plates that detect the presence of a human neck. No operator is needed; a computer drops and retracts a razor-sharp weighted titanium blade, which, our source said, can sever several hundred heads per sharpening.
If a person resists, arm and leg restraints spring forth from recessed compartments, rendering the victim immobile. Moreover, the smart guillotines employ biometric scanning, including facial recognition technology to exonerate persons mistakenly placed on the guillotine for execution.
“The Deep State, and by association FEMA, recognized that some of its own people’s heads might accidentally wind up on the chopping block. They had to devise a way to stop the blade from lopping off friendly heads. So, when a person is face down waiting for the blade to fall, the computer scans the face and iris. If it matches a friendly face stored in a database, the blade won’t fall, and the person is set free,” our source said.
After Obama left office, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security kept the smart guillotine project alive, using slush funds and black project money to fund three thousand of the villainous devices, each of which reportedly cost seventeen million dollars. FEMA ordered them from the Chinese, our source added, because the agency “felt guilty” about using Made-in-America products to execute Americans. In addition, the Chinese versions are less costly.
The Andrews AFB shipment—over 500 smart guillotines–was distributed by rail to FEMA zone six, an area encompassing Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Belgrade, and Arkansas, primarily “red” states likely to resist a declaration of Martial Law or a military incursion against the American people.
“FEMA’s main focus is on Texas. All eyes on Texas. If there’s going to be a public insurrection, they know the battle lines will be dawn in Texas. They know the patriot community is thick in Texas. That’s why Texas is receiving more of these smart guillotines than any other state. FEMA’s first strike will occur in Texas,” our source said.
The 500 units were sent to FEMA camps near Austin, a New World Order “shock training facility”in Waco, and a FEMA internment camp disguised as a water treatment facility in Carrolton.
“All states have them, but Texas got the majority right now,” our source said.
If all information is accurate, the Deep State, using FEMA as its agent of evil, is expediting plans to herd humans into internment camps. The acquisition of smart guillotines is a portent of the Deep State’s hatred of America, the American people, and of the document—the Constitution—our forefathers authored to protect us from the wicked machinations of the very government we elected into office.
A United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base loaded with crates of “smart” guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.
The technologically advanced guillotines, he said, are being manufactured in Beijing before being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributes the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide.
He said the smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011,at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term todeclare martial lawand use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine, he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.
The guillotine gained popularity during the French Revolution. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended.
The condemned person is secured with stocks at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to quickly fall and forcefully decapitate the victim with a single, clean pass so that the head falls into a basket below. The smart guillotine retains the basic design while adding several scientific advancements.
For example, the headrest has motion sensors and pressure plates that detect the presence of a human neck. No operator is needed; a computer drops and retracts a razor-sharp weighted titanium blade, which, our source said, can sever several hundred heads per sharpening.
If a person resists, arm and leg restraints spring forth from recessed compartments, rendering the victim immobile. Moreover, the smart guillotines employ biometric scanning, including facial recognition technology to exonerate persons mistakenly placed on the guillotine for execution.
“The Deep State, and by association FEMA, recognized that some of its own people’s heads might accidentally wind up on the chopping block. They had to devise a way to stop the blade from lopping off friendly heads. So, when a person is face down waiting for the blade to fall, the computer scans the face and iris. If it matches a friendly face stored in a database, the blade won’t fall, and the person is set free,” our source said.
After Obama left office, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security kept the smart guillotine project alive, using slush funds and black project money to fund three thousand of the villainous devices, each of which reportedly cost seventeen million dollars. FEMA ordered them from the Chinese, our source added, because the agency “felt guilty” about using Made-in-America products to execute Americans. In addition, the Chinese versions are less costly.
The Andrews AFB shipment—over 500 smart guillotines–was distributed by rail to FEMA zone six, an area encompassing Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Belgrade, and Arkansas, primarily “red” states likely to resist a declaration of Martial Law or a military incursion against the American people.
“FEMA’s main focus is on Texas. All eyes on Texas. If there’s going to be a public insurrection, they know the battle lines will be dawn in Texas. They know the patriot community is thick in Texas. That’s why Texas is receiving more of these smart guillotines than any other state. FEMA’s first strike will occur in Texas,” our source said.
The 500 units were sent to FEMA camps near Austin, a New World Order “shock training facility”in Waco, and a FEMA internment camp disguised as a water treatment facility in Carrolton.
“All states have them, but Texas got the majority right now,” our source said.
If all information is accurate, the Deep State, using FEMA as its agent of evil, is expediting plans to herd humans into internment camps. The acquisition of smart guillotines is a portent of the Deep State’s hatred of America, the American people, and of the document—the Constitution—our forefathers authored to protect us from the wicked machinations of the very government we elected into office.
The following video shows many of the FEMA Camps across the nation and what kind of facilities are at each one. Itis available on the webpage of the original article. CLICK HERE
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Search YouTube for my other sources: Charlie Ward, Juan O’Savin, (who is unfairly slandered by another fav Simon Parkes), Mel K, Ann Vandersteel, Scott McKay (Patriot Street Fighters), Gene Decode, Janet Ossembard
That which has inspired me: Jesus, Elihu, the Bible, the Book of Job, the Book of Enoch, Timothy Keller, Mike Winger, Alisa Childers, John MacArthur, David Wood, RC Sproul, James Tour, Stephen Meyer, John Lennox, Eric Mataxas, Tim Tebow, Bishop Robert Barron, Lynn Wood, Sydney Powell, (conditionally DJTrump and the brave patriots in our military, if they didn’t allow a jab to take the lives/souls of a whole lot of people, but especially my son), my audience who cheers me up, Jordan Peterson (who I’m working on indirectly), and my daughter’s colorful Hebrew Israelite boyfriend, Devon, who really knows his precepts! And “Louder with Crowder,” Michael Knowles, and Alex Jones, who all showed me that the news could be entertaining. Lucille Ball! Monty Python!
Disclaimer:Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel. 8 months ago
Only hours before Chief Justice John Roberts swore Biden into office, the soon-to-be president told staff he plans to rejuvenate the death by guillotine program, which his ex-boss, Barack Hussein Obama, pioneered in 2009.
In May of that year, Obama, Biden, and former FEMA director Craig Fugate, a nefarious trio if there ever was one, commissioned Somer 49, a French mechanical engineering firm, to build 2,000 guillotines, ostensibly to behead patriots and people Obama deemed a threat to his New World Order agenda. The killing machines were discretely stored on military bases and FEMA barges—floating concentration camps.
When in 2016 Trump rose to power and learned of the diabolical program, he at once had all guillotines destroyed. He intended to disseminate knowledge of the guillotines, but Pence and Bannon convinced him that disclosure would galvanize government distrust, regardless of who sat in the Oval Office.
Now Biden seeks to revive the guillotine initiative, according to two reliable sources in Biden’s orbit. At 8am Wednesday, Biden and Kamala Harris had a conference call with Deanne Criswell, Biden’s nominee for FEMA director and former New York City emergency management commissioner. Criswell, the first female ever picked to lead the US government’s secret Gestapo, was often seen sitting beside NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio at Covid-19 briefings. An attaché, too, to Governor Cuomo, Criswell was responsible for the tyrannical lockdowns NY has endured over the last ten months.It was she who convinced Cuomo to trap sick, elderly patients at decrepit nursing homes, resulting in the deaths of thousands upon thousands of senior citizens. So nefarious was Criswell that she advocated for disconnecting life support on critically ill, hospitalized patients and storing the bodies in refrigerated trailers. Those not already dead slowly froze to death.
“When Biden told her he wants to get the guillotine program again to finish what Obama started, Criswell was all smiles and said it was a great idea. But she didn’t fully understand why he wants the guillotines. She thought, from what I understand of their conversation, they would use them to lop off heads of terminally ill Covid-19 patients just prior to organ harvesting,” a source told Real Raw News.
But Biden’s scheme involves decapitating persons who threaten his dark vision of national security—patriots, 2nd Amendment Advocates, persons who espouse anti-government sentiment, and lingering Qanon adherents. In short, execute people most likely to oppose his presidencythrough violence and sedition.
“Decapitation is a more efficient means than, say, shooting a person of forcing compliance. If a guy see’s his wife’s head sliced off, it does something to him, makes him weak,” Biden allegedly told Criswell. “Nothing like Jan 6 will ever happen again.”
Then he dropped a bombshell, telling Criswell he had already solicited sealed bids from six mechanical engineering firms to fulfill an order for 3500 new guillotines, which FEMA’s “black budget” would pay for. One company on the list is Nanjing Hangjin Machinery Equipment, a Jiangsu-based firm on mainland China that specializes in paper-thin, tungsten steel blades. The name of a corporate vice president, Hao Zhen, reportedly found its way onto Hunter Biden’s laptop, suggesting that Joe Biden’s plan to bring back death by decapitation began long before he illegitimately won the election.
To Watch This Video On BitChute Click the Title Link Below:
I am not in this video but I was there. I went with a group to try to help. It was an experience I will never forget. The first night I could not sleep. The screams, car alarms going off and gunshots seemed never to stop.
I carried and slept my rifle at all times. I saw FEMA barges leave with people on them and come back empty. I was never able to track where they were going and now cannot even verify they were there. I saw people going into shelters but never saw anyone leave a shelter. Homeless people vanished.
The Red Cross food trucks would not feed people if they could help it and would throw away the food. I saw levies breached on purpose to flood areas. I later figure out this was to wash the bodies of the drowned (executed, murdered, whoever) out to sea. They did it to “flush” the evidence.
I was with a group that was denied access in to help people that were drowning and most likely being executed. I saw bodies floating that were shot in the head (drowned). Men, women and children. It was 5 days and 4 nights I will never forget.
I have never told anyone about my experience. It is hard to talk about. I know that Harvey was a product of HAARP and weather warfare. How? I watched it happen and saw the results.
This next article is very long. It is chuck full of information including documents, maps and photos. I am including it in its entirety because there is so much information. Some of it may interest you and some may not. Take from it what you can. It lays out the history of FEMA and how we got to the horrible state in which we find ourselves.
What Is FEMA Preparing For? Deadly Survival Mistake #1…
Natural disaster… Financial collapse… Full-blown Martial Law…?Is doesn’t really matter, what matters is they ARE PREPARING and they’re doing it fast. That means we don’t have much time left until disaster strikes.
Fellow Patriot, it’s time for you to wake up, see the terrifying truth and do the right thing before disaster strikes.
Study the constitution of your state. You may find that your state constitution no longer describes the boundaries of the state -effectively abolishing the state. At last check, the only states that still lay out their boundaries in their constitutions are Washington, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada, ‘Utah,’ Colorado, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico and Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida. -Spotlight
Only the states marked with a slash still retain state boundaries which are still specified in their State Constitutions. When the State borders are no longer in the State Constitution, it is the signal that the State has lost its sovereignty (and its State Citizens).Now a CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN FORMED WHICH IS THE STEP INTO INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM THROUGH THE UNITED NATIONS – WAKE UP AMERICA!The prohibition in both the State and the United States Constitutions are very clearly defined and impregnable. The only way that these changes can be made, of course, is to change the Constitutions. The perpetrators of Regional and World Government well know this.They well know that the STATE GOVERNMENTS WILL HAVE TO BE ABOLISHED BEFORE THEY CAN FORCE REGIONAL, METROPOLITAN AND WORLD GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES – This has already been done in 30 of the 50 states!WHAT IS FEMA? FEMA is the acronym for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It was established by Executive Order 12148 and signed into existence by Jimmy Carter in 1979.
It was originally planned as an umbrella administration consisting of the disaster and emergency response arms of nearly a dozen scattered federal agencies. (11)FEMA is the successor to the various cover agencies for bogus “national emergency” activity perpetrated since 1933, e.g., the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Office of Defense Mobilization, the Office of Emergency Planning the Economic Stabilization Agency and the Civil Defense Administration… FEMA’s major functions were, unconstitutionally and in violation of the Compact, delegated under sham and pretense of a series of so-called Executive Orders, but without actual authority. …(12) …While some national security planners applauded the 1979 creation of FEMA under Presidential Review Memorandum 32 as an effort to integrate all nine federal agencies with responsibilities for civil defense emergency planning and implementation, the authors of the plan had other things in mind.
The FEMA plan was written by Carter White House NSC advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and NSC staffer Samuel Huntington. Four years earlier Brzezinski and Huntington had been together at the “Trilateral Commission’s annual 1975 conference in Kyoto, Japan”, where Huntington delivered a blood-curdling paper advocating the end of democracy and the imposition of crisis-management forms of government. A Trilateral Commission-linked magazine, Challenge, had earlier described the concept as “fascism with a democratic face”.NSC advisor Brzezinski called it the “technetronic age”.It was Brzezinski and Huntington’s vision of a technocratic fascist structure that came into being with the creation of FEMA – not a legitimate and long overdue serious attempt at civil defense…(To quote) Huntington’s 1975 book, Crisis of Democracy…
“We have to come to recognize that there are potentially desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.”
Within months after he had written this analysis, Huntington entered the Old Executive Office building as an NSC staffer under the Trilateral Commission executive director Brzezinski. FEMA was cast in the “crisis of democracy” vision of the commission’s zero-growth agenda. The transition from Carter to Reagan tended to accelerate, rather than slow, the buildup of the FEMA parallel government within the government program of Trilateralist Brzezinski and Huntington.By 1984, FEMA’s “continuity of government” structure was well oiled. Over 1,000 executive orders allocating extensive powers to FEMA in the event of a string of national emergencies sat in a safe in the Oval Office, waiting only for the signature of the President.And in April 1984, FEMA, in conjunction with the Department of Defense, held extensive secret maneuvers throughout the United States. If there was any doubt that Huntington’s “crisis of democracy” vision was foremost in the minds of its planners, a declassified section of the exercise plan, dubbed REX-84 BRAVO spelled out the scenario on which the operation was based:
“…The sudden withdrawal of cheap incremental loans to heavily indebted countries generated a number of consequences to both borrowers and lenders alike. The first was to throw the entire world into the worst recession since the great depression of the 1930…
“The response of commercial banks… was predictable… both the multinational banks and the IMF… emphasized three actions: a) lower imports; b) raise exports; and c) reduce the government sector debt by cutting subsidies and, in effect, cutting real wages.
“The outcome of this advice, on a worldwide basis, was primarily social unrest. It occurred in the Warsaw Pact nations as well as free world countries. The major impact of a high and rising dollar with the interest rate of most loans tied to the London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) was to shift almost all import earnings from being used to pay for imports, to being used to service debt…Bankruptcies and defaults on a massive scale developed, and doomsayers began to publish apocalyptic scenarios”…
This so-called “scenario” was the basis of secret government contingency planning for installing crisis-management at the very moment that President Reagan was delivering false assurances to the American people and the nation’s allies that great economic recovery – The “Reagan Revolution” – was under way-Railroad! by the Commission to Investigate Human Rights Violations, Appendix B. (13) AMERICANS “COMPUTERIZED” BY FEMA Fort Meade, Maryland is the government’s most tightly guarded installation (it houses, among others, the secret National Security Agency). In an unmarked, windowless office building on the grounds of Fort Meade, hundreds of thousands of American citizens are being “computerized” by technicians on the payroll of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
“Administratively, this place is the equivalent of an unlisted telephone”, explained a former senior official of FEMA who agreed to an interview on condition that his identity be protected.
“It has no official existence. There is no listing for it, no traceable designation. But it’s there, idling quietly, like a doomsday bomb waiting for its moment in history.”
The task of FEMA’s secret data control annex at Fort Meade is to develop so-called CAP’s-the term stands for “crisis action programs”-to be implemented in national emergencies. The term was originally used to denote disaster relief plans at the Federal Preparedness Agency, once a department of the General Services Administration, now merged into FEMA.But the computerized action plans instrumented at Fort Meade have nothing to do with aiding victims of hurricanes or other natural disasters. They are blueprints for taking over the U.S. government and converting it into a command system under the “emergency management” of federal bureaucrats.Privately, congressional investigators, intelligence analysts and veteran Washington newsmen familiar with the inner machinery of the vast federal bureaucracy have long expressed concern and anxiety about FEMA. An “umbrella administration” born in 1978 when President Jimmy Carter combined the disaster and emergency response functions of nearly a dozen scattered federal outposts into a single agency, FEMA has always been known as an “activist” and secretive fraternity.Under Louis Giuffrida, appointed FEMA director by President Ronald Reagan in 1981, the agency developed a top-secret project for arresting tens of thousands of “suspects aliens” along with troublesome critics and dissenters whom the White House found annoying enough to be labeled “potentially subversive.”Tagged Operation Rex 84, these un-Constitutional plans were first discovered and revealed by this populist newspaper (The Spotlight) in a series of exclusive investigative reports in the April 23 and May 14, 1984 issues.
But although,
“The Spotlight’s expose wrecked FEMA’s plans for setting up mass “emergency detention centers” – and cost Giuffrida his post as director – secret preparations for “(ensuring) the continuity of the federal government” in ill-defined “emergencies” remained the major concern of FEMA’s senior officials.
“Those words, enunciated by President Gerald Ford in Executive Order 11921, were understood by FEMA to mean that one day they would be in charge of the country,” explained Dr. Henry Kliemann, a political scientist a Boston University.
“As these bureaucrats saw it, FEMA’s real mission was to wait, prepare and then take over when some ‘situation’ seemed serious enough to turn the United States into a police state.”
To illustrate FEMA’s conspiratorial core, knowledgeable Washington intelligence sources cited the instance of the 1989 visit by President George Bush to Cartagena, Colombia, to attend a so-called regional drug summit with three Latin American presidents.
“There were rumors of a terrorist threat against Bush by Colombian drug hit squads”, recounted Monroe H.Brown, “a former federal security officer with long years of service Miami.
“Teams of Secret Services, FBI and CIA agents were mobilized to find out how serious the threat was, while back in Washington FEMA went to work on an emergency program in case the presidential plane was hit by a Stinger missile somewhere over Colombia.”
FEMA’s emergency measures included preparations to round up more than 10,000 Americans “redlined” in the agency’s computers as “activists, supporters or sympathizers of terrorism in the United States,” explained Brown.
In August 1990, after Iraq invaded Kuwait, FEMA got ready to deal with “terrorist emergencies” in the United States by churning up the same old discredited computer compilation of “terrorist supporters and sympathizers,” adding thousands of names to it and alerting the U.S. Army to set up detention camps to hold these innocent victims of its bureaucratic brutality. (14) FEMA – BLACK PATH TOWARDS MARTIAL LAW Emergency is the trigger word in the FEMA title.
“The Director of FEMA shall, on behalf of the President:
Coordinate all mobilization activities of the Executive Branch, including production .procurement, manpower, stabilization and transport. FEMA will be able to alter any existing contract.
The FRS (Federal Reserve System), with all its branches will become “fiscal agent to the United States” with dictatorial power over the economy of the nation.
The Treasury and the Export-Import Bank will be authorized to make loans under the direction of FEMA and the FRS.
During a “National Emergency” the President, an “Elected Official” would be stripped of all his Presidential functions.
Set-up an Executive Branch of the government and a National Defense Executive Reserve (“NDER“) composed of persons selected (not elected) from various segments of the civilian economy and from government for training for employment in executive positions in the event of a “National Emergency”. …Such reservists have been treasonously exempted from certain provisions of the federal criminal code, and may be employed “without compensation”, e.g., shanghaied or blackmailed into service! …
This diagram, from The U.S. Congress Handbook, shows how U.S, laws are supposed to become enacted.Thanks to FEMA however, the president has the power to bypass this process after declaring an “emergency.”These emergencies have never been defined in Congress.
Seize and/or control every major national asset.
Provide for National Security and consolidate the assignment of emergency preparedness functions with various departments and agencies.
The Department of Justice shall develop plans for administering laws regarding the import, manufacture and distribution of narcotics, i.e., do anything it wants relative to narcotics since the term “emergency” purports to eliminate all “law”. They are also ordered to take-over organized crime’s drug rackets and “manage” them!
Have the Dept. of the Interior take-over all potable water.
Place all food production under the Dept. of Agriculture.
Take-over all labor resources by means of lists already prepared by the Dept. of Labor.
Implement take-over of all forms of transportation by the Dept. of Transportation, assisted by the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Implement take-over of all nuclear facilities by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Take-over authority and presidential functions of all emergency agencies and reduce the consequences of major terrorist incidents.
…case and list some examples of the “perpetuation of a silent coup”.
For example:
— Declaring certain areas to be “military reserves” and cause American citizens to be removed from their homes and imprisoned without trial under the pretense of racial difference.
— Another code provides that any military commander (under FEMA) can, under the color for “National Emergency”, specify any area he desires as a military reserve, and designate anyone living there as a criminal. …
(end of excerpts). (15)
…When “Martial Law” is declared, the Constitution is no longer the law of the land. It is revoked and replaced with what amounts to a military dictatorship in much the same way that Latin American countries have been doing for score of years. Those with the most weapons usually win. Most American know very well that a large share of men in uniform will not fight against their own people, particularly if the soldier is of their own ethnic background. …
The debate over “Martial Law” has been around for a long time. The Department of Defense recognizes that, within our Constitution, there is a question of lawfulness if the military is ordered to declare “Martial Law” over the citizens of the United States. This debate became extensive during the early days of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) while it was being developed in California by then-Governor Ronald Reagan and his advisor, Edwin Meese.
A Col. Guiffrida moved to Washington with Reagan and Meese completed the organizational concepts on a national level. The debate over “Martial Law” was extensive during the “Garden Plot”, “Cable Splicer” and Rex-84 programs wherein the military (primarily National Guardsmen) conducted training exercises to put down “civil unrest”.
In working with FEMA, the Dept. of Defense was given the replacement phrase, “Martial Rule”. All of the government of the world recognize the term “Martial Law”. It means the same thing everywhere. When it is declared, the constitution of that country is suspended for as long as the military is in command. But with “Martial Rule”, these “masters planners” believe that they will still have the Constitution and have military command at the same time.
The Rex-84 program is essentially a massive detention center program where they plan to incarcerate all “seditionists” during a declared “National Emergency”. They will simply be declared felons and the government will attempt to enforce the law with several million Deputy U.S. Marshals.
(end of excerpts). (16)
Hidden in the bureaucratic maze Washington politicians call “our Constitutional system of government”, a little-known federal agency is quietly making plans to turn the United States into a dictatorship.
There are “stacks of blueprints” in the top-secret safe of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designed to convert American society into a “command system”,a former deputy administrator of the agency has told …the investigative team.In a private interview, allowing him to remain anonymous, this highly placed source confirmed that the procedures developed by FEMA to “suspend” the Constitution and to round up thousands of dissenters nationwide can be activated by a single phone call from the White House.
“Even people who have become aware of FEMA’s existence and know something about its activities-not many do-think the word “Emergency” in its designation means it will go into action only in case of a natural disaster or perhaps a surprise nuclear attack”, related this expert.
“In reality, however, this outfit can be mobilized whenever the politicians occupying the White House decide they need special-and extra-Constitutional-powers to impose their will on the nation.”
…FEMA’s bureaucrats can then proceed to:Such totalitarian measures can be imposed by bureaucrats under FEMA’s direction, not just in the face of a cataclysmic upheaval, but “whenever necessary for assuring the continuity of the federal government in any national emergency type situation“, decreed a subsequent White House ukase, EO 11921, issued by President Gerald Ford in April 1976.
FEMA’s bureaucrats can then proceed to:
Take over all farms, ranches or timberland in order to utilize them more effectively as decreed in Executive Order (EO) 11490, the so-called omnibus emergency preparedness decree promulgated by President Richard Nixon on October 28, 1969.
Seize all sources of public power: electric, nuclear, petroleum, etc.
Freeze all wages, prices and bank accounts.
Take over all communications media.
Such totalitarian measures can be imposed by bureaucrats under FEMA’s direction, not just in the face of a cataclysmic upheaval, but “whenever necessary for assuring the continuity of the federal government in any national emergency type situation”, decreed a subsequent White House ukase, EO 11921, issued by President Gerald Ford in April 1976.
Can such a blueprint for tyranny be clamped on the United States by a force of faceless federal officials? It is the role of FEMA (prepared) for most intensively, says the former high agency administrator.
“In recent years, despite talk of spending cuts, FEMA’s budget has been steadily increasing,” revealed this knowledgeable source. “It now stands at somewhere around $3 billion annually.I say ‘somewhere’ because part of this agency’s funding is appropriated under so-called black programs, submitted to Congress with the defense budget without an explanation of its purpose, asking the secret CIA appropriation.”
The Plot Against Private Property!! In the February 2 Issue of his newsletter, Remnant Review, GARY NORTH makes the provocative suggestion that our Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a manipulative maneuver of the Elitist Syndicate plotting world control via a central banking conspiracy. This is too long and too meaty an article for THE OSTRICH to offer more than a few nibbles.
The American Convention consolidated the 13 original states, sovereign under the Articles of Confederation, into a giant free trade zone. North speculates that the Constitution was a peaceful thesis to the violent antithesis of the French Revolution of the same period—”a Hegelian dialectic even before Hegel was born.” Both aimed at the same goal on the same timetable: completion by 2000.That goal was world political totalitarianism under a money monopoly.
North dates organization of the plotters from SIR ISAAC NEWTON‘S “capture” of England’s Royal Society, chartered in 1661, and the founding of the monopolistic Bank of England in the same period.He attributes success to conspirators’ sources in occultism (secret societies)and journalism. For more than three centuries, London has been the brain and control center of the conspiracy. The Bank of England is the model for a world-controlling money monopoly. North suggests that the United States is the model for its political aspect, the peaceful thesis for the violent antithesis (USSR) which has failed. Given worldwide aspirations inspired by the idealism launching the American Experiment, this was a brilliant propaganda choice and is thus being sold for a United Europe, first step in the Syndicate’s One World. As in the United States, K was first peddled as a free trade union. Gradually, as THE OSTRICH has been reporting, the original sovereignty of our confederated states has been devoured with bribes, blackmail, and such outright theft as the Nixon Administration regionalism shown in the map below. A similar fate is predictable for European nations under the Syndicate’s consolidation planned for 1992.Unless a re-united neutral Germany breaks from the conspiracy…. Unless Americans awake and their own non-violent “velvet” revolution outlaw fractional reserve and usury banking…. REGIONAL GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE
White House Directive, “Restructuring of Government Service Systems“, dated 27 March 1969 merged the fifty sovereign states into ten federal regions in violation of the prohibitions of Article IV, United States Constitution.An examination of the type of government established under regional governance shows that it is a government of appointed rather than elected officials, a governance established in violation of the guarantees of Article X, United States Constitution. Under regional governance US citizens are to be held in bondage, in perpetuity, as producers and servers for a self-appointed Oligarchy. Interlocking subversion in government departments can, of course, be successfully challenged by an informed electorate motivated to act. within the authority of the U.S. Constitution. (38)FEMA can draw on the defense budget and on the protection of the secrecy reserved for national security projects because it came into being under President Jimmy Carter in a move that merged the civil defense and disaster relief responsibilities formerly shared by the Pentagon, the Commerce Department and the General Services Administration under a single powerful agency. But FEMA’s real focus is not on disaster relief, knowledgeable sources say. An investigation of this little-known agency, conducted earlier this year (1992) by the General Accounting Office (GAO), the congressional watchdog unit, has found that less than 10 percent of FEMA’s staff – 230 bureaucrats out of an estimated 2,600 – are assigned full time to preparing for and dealing with major natural calamities such as storms or earthquakes. What, then, is FEMA really up to? …an advance copy of the GAO report on this secretive agency… The study’s surprising findings have been reviewed with the help of well-placed confidential sources in order to bring into full view, for the first time, the federal bureaucracy’s secret blueprint for tyranny in America. (17) THE FEDERAL BUREAUCRACY’S SECRET BLUEPRINTFOR TYRANNY IN AMERICA President Eisenhower’s warning about the “Military Industrial Complex“ should hit home. The term “Military Security” has become a shield behind which the American people are being systematically drained and defrauded… Unlimited spending for weapons programs has become the means by which contractors have virtually unobstructed access to public funds.When you have contractors being reimbursed for expenses without documentation you have a license to steal. Evidence that we are becoming a “Military Welfare State” is found in Public Law 85-804, which holds that contractors who are “deemed essential” to national defense must be protected against bankruptcy. This legislative legerdemain means that American citizens (taxpayers) are REQUIRED to underwrite Incompetence, Waste, and even Fraud. The Pentagon has been given the power to subsidize suppliers who have broken their contractual obligations.National security has become the facade behind which the National Treasury is being brazenly raided… (18)
Under the Constitution of the United States, the president is vested with the executive power of the government (Article II, Section I, clause I), the power to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” (Article II, Section I, clause 7) and the power to see that the laws are faithfully executed (Article II, Section 3).
From these powers is implied the authority to issue “executive orders” (EOs). AN “EXECUTIVE ORDER” HAS NEVER BEEN DEFINED BY CONGRESS In use from the earliest days of the republic, the executive order was at first employed mainly for the disposition of the public domain, the withdrawal of lands from federal reservations and for other similar purposes.During World War I the use of the executive order was widened, as executive authority and power increased.In the early years executive orders were not numbered, and since there was no uniform system for recording them the total of the unnumbered orders is unknown. The validity of executive orders has been questioned many times, but a ruling as to the extent or limit to which they may be used has never been determined by the courts or by Congress (Library of Congress, Legislative Research service No.398/117-9).The “Federal Register” contains the text of directives issued under the authority of the president. No congressional authorization is required. There is no review by the judiciary. All EOs are laws made by one man: the president of the United States. Through existing EOs, it is possible for one man to ignore the Constitution, Congress and the will of the people. A complete DICTATORSHIP can be imposed, “under color of law,” on the American people. On March 9, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt declared a state of “National Emergency” to deal with the banking crisis. Later, he declared two other national emergencies as he led the United States into World War II.
Another state of emergency was declared by President Harry Truman in 1950 after Red China’s intervention in the Korean War. Truman formally ended both the World War II emergencies in April of 1952, but expressly reaffirmed the 1950 declaration.
Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon also reaffirmed it as each took office. Nixon declared other national emergencies on March 23, 1970 and August 15, 1971.
A declaration by the president indicating a national emergency exists has always stopped short of Martial Law, although the president has that prerogative. Undoubtedly it would be exercised in the event of a major or nuclear attack on the United States.
The last use of Martial Law was in Hawaii a few hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
It is interesting to note that the tendency of martial law to perpetuate itself was demonstrated in that case. The military retained basic control of Hawaii until the Supreme Court in 1944 ruled that the continued use of martial law, long after the disaster conditions had ended, was un-Constitutional. (19) THE FRIGHTENING SIGHT OF DICTATORIAL POWERS It is a frightening thought, but there are Executive Orders (EOs) on the books that made it possible for a president to ignore the Constitution and its cherished Bill of Rights, Congress, the judiciary and the very will of the American people.
It is a fact that a complete dictatorship can be imposed upon the people at nay time, simply by the president declaring a national emergency.
During the 1950s and 1960s, it was believed that the best way to bring about one-world government was by disarming the United States. Those who feared for America’s Constitutionally guaranteed liberties, and rightfully so, warned that America would be disarmed and would become easy prey for the ever-expanding military power of the Soviet Union and Red China.
They particularly opposed the powers of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, established to disarm America.
Now, however, with Eastern Europe shaking itself free from the shackles of communism and those peoples exercising their nationalistic yearnings, disarmament by both sides has become a necessity to cure social ills plaguing the U.S. and former Soviet bloc countries. With the apparent failure of the Red military machine, the general movement has been toward as easing of the arms race.
From the newfound “friendship” with Eastern Europe and in particular from the so-called multinational effort against Iraq in the Persian Gulf, President George Bush rarely gives a speech or holds a press conference in which he fails to mention his thoughts about a “New World Order.”
Now, however, a new method is needed to nullify America’s treasured Constitution, and the insidious EOs have gained a new and even more dangerous part to play in the plotting of the one worlders of the Trilateralist–Bilderberger ilk.
The biggest danger of such schemes as those proposed by Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas) is that any declared “national emergencies” would allow the president to activate repressive EOs signed by presidents going back to World War II. Here are some of the EOs involved:
EO 10995, which provides for the takeover of the communications media. In other words, forget about freedom of the press.
EO 10997, which provides for the takeover of all electric power, petroleum, gas and other fuels and minerals.
EO 10998, which provides for the takeover of all food resources and the nation’s farms.
EO 10999, which provides for the takeover of all modes of transportation, control of highways, seaports, etc.
EO 11000, which provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under government supervision. In other words, slave labor.
EO 11001, which provides for government takeover of all health, education and welfare functions.
EO 11002, designates the postmaster general to operate a national registration of all persons.
EO 11003, which provides for the government to take over airports and aircraft.
EO 11004, which provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned and establish new locations for populations.
EO 11005 which provides for the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
All of the above orders were combined by President Richard Nixon into the notorious EO 11490… which allows all of these insidious things to take place if a national emergency is declared.
Here are some direct quotes from the 40-page Nixon EO:
“Develop plans and procedures for the Department of Defense utilization of non-industrial facilities in the event of an emergency in order to reduce requirements for new construction and to provide facilities in a minimum period of time…”
In other words, The confiscation of private property.
“Develop plans and procedures for the provision of logistical support to members of foreign forces, their employees and dependents as may be present in the United States under terms of bilateral or multilateral agreements which authorize such support in the event of a national
In other words, prepare for the billeting of foreign troops in your home contrary to the Third Amendment.
“Develop emergency plans for the control for alien enemies and other aliens within the United States. The lo0cation, restraint or custody of aliens.”
“The Secretary of Labor shall have primary responsibility for preparing national emergency plans and developing preparedness programs covering civilian manpower resources.”
Preparation can be undertaken for forced labor.
“Provision for regulation of money and credit in accordance with the needs of the economy, including the acquisition decentralization and distribution of emergency supplies of currency; the collection of cash items and non-cash items; and the conduct of fiscal agency and foreign operations.
“Provision for the continued or resumed operation of banking, savings and loan, and farm credit institutions, including measures for the recreation of evidence of assets or liabilities destroyed or inaccessible.
“Regulation of the withdrawal of currency and the transfer of credits including deposit and share account balances.”
Then along come President Jimmy Carter and EO 12148, titled the Federal Emergency Management Act. All prior EOs having anything to do with emergency planning were incorporated into it. This EO gives the president absolute power during any “emergency” so declared by him.
From Carter’s machinations emerged a totally new bureaucracy, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) which assumed control of a chain of older “emergency agencies”, including the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration, the National Weather Service, the Federal Emergency Broadcast System and about a dozen others.
In an “emergency”, FEMA was, through EO 12148, to virtually take over the key functions of the national government by means of “senior representatives” and “liaison a-gents” now positioned in every major government agency.
Incredibly, FEMA even has the power to assume the duties of the president himself.
…Those who want to know the complete truth about its not-so-innocent nature only need to peruse Carter’s EO 12148, as it appeared on July 24, 1979, in the Federal Register, and as it was reprinted in the May 26, 1980 issue of The SPOTLIGHT.
Finally, President Ronald Reagan updated this EO in his last full year in office on November 18, 1988, leaving his successor, Bush, the tools to create a dictatorship, his “New World Order”. (20)
Then came up to the top of the top, the EO 11051:
“The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning authorized to put Executive Orders into effect in ‘times of increased international tension or financial crisis’. He is also to perform such additional functions as the President may direct.” (21)
The Director…:
It is not specified civilian or elected; may concern anybody, even a close political friend… times of increased international tension or financial crisis: may be related to absolutely anything outside to continental United States, like a major crisis in the Middle East or in Yugoslavia or even in Russia…. May also concern a “Crash” created by a sudden “Coup” in Russia…
Finally, has been created the most unknown HR 4079:
“Forty-eight of your tax-paid congressmen sponsored the Newspeak-named ‘National Drug and Crime Emergency Act’ which could cost you more than $30 TRILLION and imprison 30 MILLION Americans. …here’s what that Constitution-scuttling measure could do:
Declare a five year “Emergency” imposing martial rule. ?Impose testing for drug and alcohol use.
Authorize mass expulsion of drug and alcohol users from public and private high schools and college and fire any workers using drugs.
Accelerate confiscation of cars, boats, planes, other property of casual drug users.
Set much higher mandatory sentences for drug and alcohol use. Previous maximum sentences would become minimum sentences.
Allow revocation of probation, parole and suspended sentences.
Reopen World War II Japanese ‘Relocation Centers’ as concentration camps.
Activate military bases as prisons to ‘re-educate’ Americans.. Create a new private prison system.
In effect, suspend the 4th Article in Amendment (the ‘Bill of Rights’) to our Constitution which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, and the 8th Article in Amendment which prohibits excessive fines, bail or punishment. Police would have legal right to break into any home WITHOUT a search warrant, arrest any person, and hold him WITHOUT CHARGE INDEFINITELY.
In effect, ‘legalize’ slave labor by amending present law that restricts purchase of goods and services by prisoners.” (22)
…”U.S. State Department Document no.7277 titled, ‘The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament‘ (written in 1950s)… THE GOVERNMENT NOW DENIES THAT THERE EVER WAS SUCH A DOCUMENT BUT I HAVE A COPY. IT DECLARES AS U.S. POLICY:
“The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their re-establishment in any form whatsoever, other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force.”
It further provides for:
“The establishment and effective operation of an international Disarmament Organization within the framework of the United Nations, to assure compliance at all times, with all disarmament obligations.”
The U.S. Constitution specifically mandates the Congress,
“To raise and support armies, …” and “To provide and maintain a navy.” Art. I, sec. 8, cl. 13. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that:
This Court has regularly and Uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty. Reid V. Covert, 354 U.S. 1 at p. 17. In the Reid case, the Court further held that EVEN A STATUTE, IN PLACE BEFORE A TREATY, TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER A TREATY.”
…Gun control is disarmament of the individual and is the other half of the National disarmament program being pushed in this country by… politicians…”(23)
Mass detention facilities-otherwise known as concentration camps-have been set up at a number of major U.S. military installations on the secret orders of Ex-President Reagan. The Executive orders which established these camps have been canceled because the camps are now in place. The White House issued a highly classified NATIONAL SECURITY DECISION DIRECTIVE (NSDD) which set forth urgent instructions which ‘activated’ ten huge prison camps at key defense command locations across America.
Two trustworthy sources, patriotic career Army officers, revealed that preparations were set in motion for an unprecedented roundup of ‘security suspects’ coast to coast.
According to these sources, one of the primary goals of the vast police operation, code named “REX-84”, is to apply “C&C (“capture and custody”) measures against political opponents, resisters, and outspoken critics whom our bureaucratic government considers “dangerous”.
Four of the principle civilian concentration camps established under the “REX-84” program are located at:
Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas
Ft. Drum, New York
Ft. Indian Gap, Pennsylvania
Camp A.P. Hill in Virginia
Each one of these camps is designed to hold at least 25,000 civilian prisoners. Additional emergency custodial facilities are being readied at:
Oakdale, California (reportedly for 15,000 detainees)
Eglin Air Force Base in southern Florida
Vandenberg AFB in California
Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin
Ft. Benning, Georgia
Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
finally at the southern Justice Department detention and interrogation center known as Camp Krome near Miami, Florida.
A major national task force of federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies-including the FBI, the CIA, U.S. Marshals, INS, Customs, Coast Guard, National Guard, and so forth-will join with local and state police in massive roundups to haul in lists of suspects who will fill these improvised stockades.
“The first roundup – and the publicly announced one – will be of illegal aliens and refugees”, according to a military source.
“But under the secret provisions of “REX-84” there will be also broad arrests of security suspects who can be held in these centers under this emergency order, whether they’re U.S. citizens or not.”
Americans whom the administration suspects of belonging to so -called “violence-prone” groups, or of “supporting” such groups-which may means only that a citizen subscribes to an anti-government/pro-freedom news letter – may find themselves hauled off with hordes of illegal immigrants. Another category of anti-bureaucratic activists which may be bound for administrative detention under this directive is that “major, organized tax resisters”, one source close to the program said.Not a single source interviewed could cite a Constitutional or legal precedent for such a staggering mass roundup of civilians by American authorities in “peacetime” if the president ordered a direct strike into central America, which was to be code named “OPERATION NIGHT TRAIN” (we have the document on it), that they would set up a concomitant domestic exercise or war games scenario called REX-84, the main rationale of which was to round up 400,000 undocumented Central American aliens during a two week period of time. Incarcerate them in ten military detention camps. (Some of these camps are shown and documented in the movie COVER-UP which has been playing at theaters on the West Coast. It’s available for rent from CBA Bookstore, 3434 N. Pacific Highway, Medford, OR 97501) (24) OPERATION DRAGNET – THE UNITED NATIONS’ PITFALL According to The Washington Report something called operation dragnet., is authorized under Title II of the Mc Carran Act. According to this act, the alleged president of the United States is authorized to suspend the Bill of Rights with a single telephone call, if either an invasion, a state of war, or, more probably, an “insurrection” is certified by the head of the current government, Operation Dragnet will be initiated.Currently a Univac computer located in a secret place somewhere near Washington contains at least 1,000,000 names and, with the signal, the computer will begin printing arrest warrants. Those whose names are stored in the computer will be picked up by the FBI, state and local police. 17 prison camps, known in WWII as “concentration camps” have already been constructed to hold the mass arrestees.Three of these camps are being held in current readiness, two are on standby and the rest could be activated rapidly. (American Information Newsletter, 2408 Main St. Boise, ID 83702 Sept. 1993)
“Strategically placed across the country from Elmondorf, Alaska to Avon Park, Florida, three of these “detention centers” are now operational in a slightly different guise, two others are on a stand-by basis, and the rest are ready and available with a minimum of preparation-and all that’s needed to fill these camps with thousands of Americans is for somebody to launch “Operation Dragnet”.
“It will be swift and legal. The law is already on the books. They represent every shade of political and social opinion from Right to Left and include a big span of middle-of-the-road citizens who have never committed an offense more heinous than having subscribed to an unapproved periodical.
Its history is short and simple. On Sept. 22nd 18 years ago, Congress by a two-thirds vote made official Public Law
831. Now it is known as the Internal Security… spacer
COUP D’ETAT a sudden overthrowing of government and seizure of power by others.
a state of open, armed conflict carried on between nations, states, or parties.
Under the Constitution, the president is vested with the executive power of the government (Article «, Section 1, clause I), the power to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” (Art. II, Sect. I, clause 7) and the power to see that the laws are faithfully executed (Art. II, Sect. 3). From these powers is implied the authority to issue “executive orders”.
The president must have the authority to issue directives to keep control of the executive branch and to provide detail to legislation. Neither Congress nor the courts have right to prohibit the executive branch from adding or subtracting authority from one government agency to another, for example.
However, this presidential power has been abused in the form of executive orders that impinge across legislative concerns which are properly the province of Congress.
The validity of executive orders (EOs) has been questioned many times dating at least to the Civil War. However, a ruling as to the extent or limit to which they may be used has never been determined by the courts or by Congress.
The Federal Register contains the text of EOs issued by the presidents. There is no congressional authorization required, nor is there any review by the judiciary. All EOs are “laws” made by a single man-the president of the United States.
A country or other political unit in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over social, economic, and political life, especially by means of a secret police force.
The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes”was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress:
– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana.
– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?
Think about this; Why does the US government need 30,000 Guillotines and over 600 Million rounds of hollow point bullets?
There are over 800 prison camps in the United States. All fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards. But they are all empty.
These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on THE list.-Full Article HERE
FEMA has three-layer boxcars for transporting shackled prisoners to the more than 800 empty and guarded concentration camps across the USA, with 20,000 new prisoner boxcars and 40-foot railroad containers arriving in Oregon from China for our forests for planned martial law in time for military exercises for martial law.
My research and documentation on the boxcars and shackles goes far beyond Phil´s interview. Long before I heard of him, I had eyewitness information on these boxcars. A van full of eyewitnesses, missionaries traveling across America to evangelize and pray, stumbled across these boxcars in Montana, near Columbia Falls in Glacier.
They described boxcars, in this case painted black, with shackles welded into them and a modern guillotine at the head of each boxcar inside. As they were photographing mountain scenery, they decided to follow railroad tracks into the wilderness so as to not get lost.
This is how they came upon these boxcars with shackles. I later received a report from Lee Harrington of Valier, MT, who was a professional metal worker. He told me how in Glascow, MT, summer youth workers were employed to weld shackles into boxcars in that operation.
They were then shipped west to Glacier and stored on remote sidetracks. Passing through the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Cutbank, a local Blackfoot Indian, George Bullcalf, spotted these strange boxcars. When I interviewed local Patriots in Columbia Falls, they confirmed that hunters often stumbled upon such boxcars on remote train spurs in that wilderness region.
I THEN TRAVELED TO PORTLAND OREGON, and lectured in the home of an actual employee of GUNDERSON STEEL FABRICATION. The wife of this high level executive called this meeting personally to make a public admission. In the meeting were OTHER GUNDERSON EMPLOYEES who had witnessed the prisoner boxcars in the higher than normal, three floor/three tier prisoner boxcars.
She admitted that her husband finally told her that GUNDERSON WAS UNDER SECRET CONTRACT FROM THE US GOVERNMENT TO PRODUCE THESE PRISONER BOXCARS. She also admitted that Gunderson had a satellite factory for a boxcars with shackles operation in Texas.
I called Col. Jim Ammerman in Texas,famous military Patriot-lecturer against martial law, and told him about this. He replied, “A friend of mine who is a metal welder called me recently, and said he had gone to apply for a job in offered in Texas for welding. When he was told that it involved WELDING SHACKLES INTO BOXCARS, he declined the job!”
I later interviewed Russian immigrants in this area who admitted that some of their people were working at Gunderson, and one young man, Sasha, admitted working on prisoner boxcars and described them completely to his Russian Christian friends there.
Another source, WATCHDOG, a retired military vet with a watchdog group, described yet another boxcar with shackles operation in New Hampshire, with three tiered boxcars fitted with shackles.
Metal worker Lee Harrington also described 20,000 CHINESE prisoner boxcars with shackles and modern guillotines, in the form of 40 foot railroad containers, coming into America via the west coast. They were ordered by the American government through a Senator who visited China and ordered these items. Workers unloading them became suspicious and began to investigate and discovered these horrors from China.
Such 40 foot cargo containers from China are now piled up along the West Coast, especially around Long Beach Naval Shipyard, turned over the Chinese. I receive constant reports across America regarding these types of prisoner boxcars from former radio listeners and Patriots across America… and Canada.
Recently, a former high level satanist from the mountains of North Carolina, now a Christian and receiving discipleship, admitted that boxcars with shackles were indeed in the mountains of NC and waiting for the hour of martial law.
(Asheville, NC) He warned that manyPatriots and Christians arrested and secured into these prisoner boxcars under martial law will never even make it to the death camps..that many will be tortured and sacrificed once restrained in these prisoner boxcars.
Here are just a few Executive Orders associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.
Locations and Executive Orders
There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on aproclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on Ashcroft’s list.
The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.
Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government.
FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.
The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.
Will asking questions be outlawed next? Several instances have recently been reported where those that were asking questions that came too near the untold truth (the cover up) were removed from the press conferences and from the public’s ear. Also, those that wanted to speak to the press were detained and either imprisoned, locked in a psychiatric hospital, slaughtered (through make-believe suicides) or discredited.
Why are we all in denial over these possibilities? Didn’t we hear about prison camps in Germany, and even in the United States during World War II? Japanese individuals were rounded up and placed in determent camps during the duration of the War. Where was their freedom?
Obviously those rounded up and killed didn’t think it could happen to them either. How could decent people have witnessed such atrocities and still said nothing?
Are we going to do the same here as they cart off one by one those individuals who are taking a stand for the rights of the citizens as they expose the truth happening behind the scenes?
Are we all going to sit there and wonder what happened to this country of ours?
I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. – Revelation 20:4
In this new interview with Dave Hodges, Steve Quayle reads the chilling revelations he was sent from an insider with Majestic level clearance. The insider was shown around a FEMA killing facility that is waiting to be put into operation. The entire video is worth listening to but for those who are only interested in the insider’s testimony of the FEMA facility, that segment starts at 41 minutes in.
this is a end of times Christian site. so start at 38:00.
thre pastor retells a close friend who has majestic level government clearance, which I have never heard of but so what, this government agent went to a Fema facility and gained entrance because of his level security was Majestic. he went through the facility and the commander of the facility showed him the guillotines, crematorium( large enough for 10,000 bodies at a time) and rail yard large enough for 300 box cars. when asked what the facility was for the commander sais this is a termination facility for those who will be rounded up and do not RECANT…RECANT? so there is a unspoken religious hand in all this.
it has been validated for many years that under Obama thousands of guillotines were purchased and new federal regulations and state regulations were place to allow for death by guillotines. when trump went to mexico last years FEMA placed a order in mexico for some 5000 replacement blades for guillotines .in addition thousands of box cars with manacles wielded to the sides for transporting prisoner exist all over the US.
Few Americans have ever heard of the Guillotine Death by Noahide Laws that PASSED CONGRESS in 1991 and signed into Law and was Approved March 20, 1991 by President of the U. S., George Bush Sr.
To keep this simple the Laws that are now apart of the American Legal system say that if your have any other faith than the Talmud《 counterfeit Kaballa or break any of the 7 Noahide Laws and one person says that you have done so, you can have your head cut off!
I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They a had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands.
They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress:
– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana.
– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?
Think about this; Why does the US government need 30,000 Guillotines and over 600 Million rounds of hollow point bullets? There are over 800 prison camps in the United States. All fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards. But they are all empty.
These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.
Ask yourself if you really want to be on THE list.- Full Article HERE
All of my resources are listed on at the end of this book for you the reader to research and validate or debunk. Now I will say that these red list / blue list stories have been circulating for well over twenty years now and a lot of these supposed prison train cars reported to be equipped with benches and shackles that I personally have seen are simply just car haulers with ramps for the cars to sit on, and the chains are to keep them tied down in place.
Red List – Blue List – Yellow List – Black List
We are all on a Red or Blue list somewhere, those on the red list will be woken at 4am and taken to the camps and probably killed.
Red List – These people are the enemies of the NWO. They are the leaders of patriot groups, outspoken ministers, outspoken talk show hosts, community leaders, and even probably NETleaders. These people will be dragged out of their homes at 4:00 am and will be taken to FEMA detention centers and killed. This will take place approximately 2 weeks before martial law is enforced.
Blue List – These are also enemies of the NWO, but are followers of the Red List folks. These people will be rounded up after martial law is in place, and will be taken to the detention centers and ‘re-educated’. Various mind-control techniques will used on them. Most will not survive this. Mr. Springmeier was not specific on exactly who was on the Blue List, but I would guess that people such as you and I are on that list.
Yellow List – These are citizens who know nothing about the NWO and don’t want to know. They are considered to be no threat at all and will be instructed as to how to behave and will most likely do whatever they are told. Unfortunately there are too many of these to be effectively controlled, so many will be killed or starved.
Black List –If anyone reading this is politically active and is an outspoken champion of personal liberty, then it is probably safe to assume that you are already on some sort of list, at least a “watch list”. You might also be on a cyber black list, targeting you for disinformation/discrediting campaigns or perhaps for DDOS ping attack hacking. (It is no coincidence that DDOS ping floods are more frequently directed at politically outspoken blogs and web sites.)
FEMA has three-layer boxcars for transporting shackled prisoners to the more than 800 empty and guarded concentration camps across the USA, with 20,000 new prisoner boxcars and 40-foot railroad containers arriving in Oregon from China for our forests for planned martial law in time for military exercises for martial law.
My research and documentation on the boxcars and shackles goes far beyond Phil´s interview. Long before I heard of him, I had eyewitness information on these boxcars. A van full of eyewitnesses, missionaries traveling across America to evangelize and pray, stumbled across these boxcars in Montana, near Columbia Falls in Glacier.
They described boxcars, in this case painted black, with shackles welded into them and a modern guillotine at the head of each boxcar inside. As they were photographing mountain scenery, they decided to follow railroad tracks into the wilderness so as to not get lost.
This is how they came upon these boxcars with shackles. I later received a report from Lee Harrington of Valier, MT, who was a professional metal worker. He told me how in Glascow, MT, summer youth workers were employed to weld shackles into boxcars in that operation.
They were then shipped west to Glacier and stored on remote sidetracks. Passing through the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Cutbank, a local Blackfoot Indian, George Bullcalf, spotted these strange boxcars. When I interviewed local Patriots in Columbia Falls, they confirmed that hunters often stumbled upon such boxcars on remote train spurs in that wilderness region.
I THEN TRAVELED TO PORTLAND OREGON, and lectured in the home of an actual employee of GUNDERSON STEEL FABRICATION. The wife of this high level executive called this meeting personally to make a public admission. In the meeting were OTHER GUNDERSON EMPLOYEES who had witnessed the prisoner boxcars in the higher than normal, three floor/three tier prisoner boxcars.
She admitted that her husband finally told her that GUNDERSON WAS UNDER SECRET CONTRACT FROM THE US GOVERNMENT TO PRODUCE THESE PRISONER BOXCARS. She also admitted that Gunderson had a satellite factory for a boxcars with shackles operation in Texas
The Facts-gunderson Prisoner Boxcars With Shackles-a … It has since been learned that GUNDERSONSTEELFABRICATION is under secret contract from the U.S. government to produce these prisoner boxcars. The company received an order from the federal government to build 107,200 full length railroad boxcars with the shackles inside. Gunderson has a satellite factory for making the boxcars with shackles …
SHACKLED BOXCARS in OR,TX,,MT,NH, NC; & intervew w … GundersonSteelFabrication holds the federal contract for the 100,000+ shackle-mounted boxcars. b. In 2000, BUSH as candidate makes his way to VISIT GundersonSteelFabrication (IN TEXAS), (ostensibly (alibi) to give a t.v. speech about social security. Why a speech on social security had to be conducted from a shackled-boxcar manufacturing …
I called Col. Jim Ammerman in Texas, famous military Patriot-lecturer against martial law, and told him about this. He replied, “A friend of mine who is a metal welder called me recently, and said he had gone to apply for a job in offered in Texas for welding. When he was told that it involved WELDING SHACKLES INTO BOXCARS, he declined the job!”
I later interviewed Russian immigrants in this area who admitted that some of their people were working at Gunderson, and one young man, Sasha, admitted working on prisoner boxcars and described them completely to his Russian Christian friends there.
Another source, WATCHDOG, a retired military vet with a watchdog group, described yet another boxcar with shackles operation in New Hampshire, with three tiered boxcars fitted with shackles.
Metal worker Lee Harrington also described 20,000 CHINESE prisoner boxcars with shackles and modern guillotines, in the form of 40 foot railroad containers, coming into America via the west coast. They were ordered by the American government through a Senator who visited China and ordered these items. Workers unloading them became suspicious and began to investigate and discovered these horrors from China.
Such 40 foot cargo containers from China are now piled up along the West Coast, especially around Long Beach Naval Shipyard, turned over the Chinese. I receive constant reports across America regarding these types of prisoner boxcars from former radio listeners and Patriots across America… and Canada.
Recently, a former high level satanist from the mountains of North Carolina, now a Christian and receiving discipleship, admitted that boxcars with shackles were indeed in the mountains of NC and waiting for the hour of martial law.
(Asheville, NC) He warned that many Patriots and Christians arrested Patriots and Christians arrested and secured into these prisoner boxcars under martial law will never even make it to the death camps..that many will be tortured and sacrificed once restrained in these prisoner boxcars.
I work in the Health Information field and I guarantee you this is the absolute truth. The ICD9 and ICD 10 versions of the WHO – WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Billing Codes contain this coding for Execution by DECAPITATION by GUILLOTINE.
Sorry, the video was erased so below is a transcript. READ IT and you will KNOW WHY THEY CENSORED IT!
FEMA Orders 16,000 Guillotine Blades From Mexico – Truth or Fake News? And, that We the People should even have to contemplate this question reminds us just how out of control our government (mind control) has become. Remember Sam Walton of Wal-mart and the Clintons honed their skills in Arkansas:
In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was under pressure to appoint a woman to the company’s 15-member -all male- board of directors. So, Mr. Walton asked a young lawyer, Hillary Rodham Clinton,who just happened to be married to the governor of Arkansas at the time, where Wal-Mart is based, to be the sole female member of the board.
During six years (1986 -1992) as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against the labor unions seeking to represent store workers.
John Tate who was one of Clinton’s fellow board members, was leading Wal-Mart’s anti-union efforts. Tate was also Wal-Mart’s executive vice president and served on the board with Clinton for four of her six years. Tate favorite phrase was, as he admitted himself, – Labor unions are nothing but blood-sucking parasites living off the productive labor of people who work for a living.
According to an ABC News report, published in 2008, Clinton appears in videotapes of the stockholder meetings where she never appears to defend the role of labor unions. On the contrary, the tapes show Clinton in the role of a loyal company woman. – I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else, she said at a June 1990 stockholders meeting.
Clinton also worked at the Law Firm which represented Walmart. A 1994 New York Times story identified Clinton as the Rose Law firm’s lead lawyer for the company. [1]
A few years ago I returned to the USA after living abroad for nearly two decades. One of the first facts that I learned was medication which is over-the-counter and costs ten cents per tablet in Cambodia costs $14.00 per tablet in the USA and can only be prescribed by a dermatologist or doctor of environmental medicine and neither of these specialists would honor the diagnosis or prescribe the medication. The dermatologist did prescribe a 60 mg tube of cream which costs $300 and is not covered by my insurance.
As I look deeply into the research of vaccination, and have done so my whole life following a near death experience at age six following vaccinations DPT & MMR and another comatose experience following small pox vaccination in 1968. When people look at the first records of autism diagnosis and the description by Leo Kanner and relate this information to the changes taking place in our environment there is a clear correlation to vaccination. When people leave the USA and encounter large groups and communities of completely un-vaccinated people and find there is NO autismit is difficult to deny the FACT that autism creates a change in the body and the next generation receives the information from the vaccinated parent(s) or grandparent(s) who were vaccinated (passed through the DNA) before that parent or individual was conceived. These genetic and immune system changes are associated to lutein and luciferase.The intestines of people with autism spectrum disorder have luteal phase nodes, cysts which contain lutein esters, cysts, lumps. The females are three to four times more likely to be spontaneously aborted than the males which is why there are three to four times more males diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
The females who are or are not diagnosed will have a high rate of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibromyalgia. Both male and female are susceptible to gluten and casein intolerance, and food intolerances, food allergies and chemical sensitivities. Not everyone whose parents, grandparents and now great grand parents, great great grand parents going back to influenza vaccine 1917 in the USA and Europewill exhibit signs & symptoms of autism. Autism was most prevalent in meti aka mixed race peoples, in fact in many studies the rate of mixed genetics was identified in 70% of the study subjects (Shattock, Sunderland University). It should be of interest to note that WHO and other organizations are well aware that indigenous people when receiving vaccination for the first time such as the Aborigine infants and young children had a 50% death rate. One-half died. Genocide has been perpetrated on the global population in the twentieth century as bio-weapons, weapons technology were developed.
We have learned that as these weapons have been used against the people wealth has been accrued and tools have been created whereby the demon possessed El-ite can watch and even bet on outcomes. So, when I came back to the USA in 2015 and began to watch the constitutional generals youtube videos who were warning the people that Obama had removed the constitutional generals from their postsupon being elected and I watched the videos showing the manufacture of the Deep Underground Military Bases ‘DUMBS’ and I watched as The People were creating videos showing trucks entering tunnels where no cars could enter and these trucks were often decorated with Wal-mart logos; then I saw the videos of the tragedies which occur when there is a great storm and there is a need for Federal Emergency Management Services ‘FEMA’ and the private citizens reports asking where did the survivors go? I watched the videos of the private citizens showing the trucks on the road laden with coffin liners and the trucks which are mobile crematoriums. And, now I see the reports that FEMA has ordered guillotine blades and know that most people will look away, will not read the information, will dismiss the possibility that this information could be the truth.
Many wait, even hope and some cry out for the perpetrators of the crimes against humanity to get the death penalty and others wait to see if anyone will even go to prison for their crimes and still others demand forgiveness saying it is not our place to judge. I say unto you evidence that a fruit is a peach can be presented and that a peach is a peach is the truth. If the fruit is a peach then one may judge whether it is ripe or not yet ripe but the the truth remains that the fruit is a peach. The fruit of many of these individuals is crimes against humanity and the evidence is that We the People in America have a population which is riddled with pain and suffering from the hand of man. And, those men have names and they had a responsibility. If they now determine that the bio-weapons which they allowed to be unleashed from Plum Island, which they took from Soviet Russia and did not store safely and allowed for these to be unleashed and more weapons including transmitters, Lyme disease and chemtrails which create blisters and wounds which become infected and contagious and now , now they have ordered guillotines to take the people who are sick, old, disabled and contagious to be eliminated to what? Protect those whose disabilities are not contagious because what? These lives are more valuable, these people are able to work, these people are not suffering from the obvious effects of abuse and trauma which are used to define mental health conditions.
Who exactly are the Wal-mart, FEMA camps, FEMA boat prisons for?What happened to the survivors of the Texas disaster? There are no secrets?
We the People just want the people and technology which is being used to perpetrate crimes against humanity STOPPED and We the People will heal ourselves and our planet. If the guillotines are for the Military tribunal outcomes then I am a girl scout and the Army should be prepared.
I came across this nugget of info that should concern everybody in the USA It is the legalization Of beheading by guillotine through the ACA or Obama care Act.… Never mind that Personal Medical Histories are open to the international Community through Specific Medical Coding Procedures. Long read but interesting Stuff “they” Would rather you didn’t Know….! All hush hush nuthin to see here move along..
Explains the purchase of guilloties a few years ago… Nefarious designs…
American citizens have been subject to the ICP Medial code for many years. Thus, giving the United Nations our private information through “coding.” This is not only is an invasion of our privacy, but has been done in silence without our knowledge.
These codes were not created by Obamacare, however Obamacare is trying to implement every American citizen under international codes to link us to the “international” system. These codes were actually created by the WHO (World Health Organization) . The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations.
why DHS would omit (“hide”) the code from the chart? Most people won’t dig to find out what the “medical code” means unless they have a specific reason to do so. One thing is for sure, whether omitted by DHS or someone else, there is a good reason this code was left out of their document. They definitely didn’t want most people to see what it means. DHS knows this code would create a stir with the American people if they found out there was a code for “Legal Execution,” especially with a guillotine and beheading.
Applies To All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as: asphyxiation by gas beheading, decapitation (by guillotine) capital punishment electrocution hanging poisoning shooting
Minnesota Democratic staffer William Davis wrote a Facebook comment last week joking that Democrats should bring Republicans “to the guillotines.” Also, in the last seven days, two GOP candidates in Minnesota were attacked, the Washington Free Beaconreported.
Davis, a communications staffer in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (DFL), wrote, “11.7 – bring them to the guillotines,” referring to Nov. 7, the day after the 2018 midterm elections. The DFL is affiliated with the Democratic Party.
Davis’ comment was in response to an Oct. 10 post by Facebook user Jeffrey Lemkin that read, “10.31 – Halloween; 11.2 – Day of the Dead; 11.4 – set your clocks back; 11.6 – take your country back.”
Davis has since deleted the comment. He has also been temporarily suspended without pay by the DFL, according to the Free Beacon.
However, Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan is “calling for his immediate firing in the aftermath of separate attacks against Republican candidates,” the Free Beacon wrote.
One of these candidates is Sarah Anderson, a Minnesota state representative who “was punched in the arm after spotting a man destroying Republican yard signs” on Sunday, Oct. 14, according to the Free Beacon.
The other was Minnesota state representative candidate Shane Mekeland, who “suffered a concussion after getting sucker punched while speaking with constituents at a restaurant in Benton County,” the Free Beacon reported. Mekeland has also “suffered memory loss” after the assault, which occurred Friday evening, Oct. 12.
On his campaign Facebook page, Mekeland said he never expected to be physically attacked over politics.
“While I had never met my assailant, the words he yelled at me before he attacked led me to believe his actions were politically motivated. When I chose to run for office, I expected to be politically attacked, but never physically,” Mekeland wrote on Sunday, Oct. 14.
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party communications employee William Davis.
After suggesting sending Republicans to “the guillotines,” an official for Minnesota’s Democratic Partywas punished by getting a one-week unpaid vacation.William Davis, communications director for the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (the Democratic Party’s official, ridiculous name in the Gopher State), was responding to a Facebook post when he made his unfunny comment.The Facebook post was a mock schedule from Halloween to Election Day that said Democrats will “take back our country” on Nov. 6.Davis responded by lengthening the hypothetical schedule with his deranged, violent fantasies.“11.7 Bring them to the guillotines,” Davis wrote in a now-deleted comment reported by Minnesota’s Bring Me The News.But don’t worry, Democratic officials say the quip about sending Republicans to be beheaded was only an example of humor among friends.“The comment Will made was an inside joke among former co-workers,” according to a statement from DFL Executive Director Corey Day to BMTN.It shouldn’t make anyone feel better that Davis cracks jokes about ordering Republicans to be decapitated in his private life.Perhaps members of the far left are infatuated with guillotines and decapitation because it reminds them of the French Revolution, the violent socialist spasm of the late 18th century that changed the history of Europe — and killed thousands of innocent people.https://twitter.com/Blltprf/status/1021131564678287360In his statement, Day also called the comments “unacceptable” and offered his apology.“The comment made my (sic) William Davis on social media this weekend was unacceptable. The DFL offers its apologies and assurance that these types of remarks by our employees are not the way we conduct our business,” Day said.
If the comments were so “unacceptable,” you would expect that Davis might lose his job.
Nope, he only got a week off without pay.
“I think we all need a reminder to be civil to each other regardless of our perspectives,” he added.
Carnahan, who has “received death threats from liberals” after being elected to “run the Republican Party of Minnesota,” condemned political violence from the “left” on Facebook.
“The overt hatred and violence that has become prevalent … is unlawful, unacceptable and downright scary,” she wrote on Tuesday.
Carnahan denounced Davis’ comment.
“The fact that a MN DFL staffer said all Republicans should be in a guillotine is abhorrent. Last time I checked, Game of Thrones was just a fictional television show. We live in the United States of America. What’s next?” she asked.
Game of Thrones is an HBO television series known for its shocking political violence.
Kory Wood, General Consultant for Minnesota Attorney General candidate Doug Wardlow, called Davis’ comment “disgusting and appalling.”
“The comments made by William Davis are disgusting and appalling. The call for decapitation of members of the Republican Party has no place in our politics. This is a new low,” he said in a statement.
According to the Free Beacon, the DFL “did not respond” to the newspaper’s requests for comment.
If the United States insists on tolerating the death penalty, the guillotine is the the only acceptable means of carrying out executions.
As of this edition’s deadline, how Edmund Zagorski may die in Tennessee’s execution chamber wasn’t certain. Tennessee uses lethal injection, but offers the choice of the electric chair. Zagorski asked for that option because, he said, “it is the lesser of two evils.”
Leaving aside for the moment the ethical question of death as a penalty for crime, having been abolished as a routine practice by all but 54 countries since Venezuela banned it in 1863, lethal injection has become an unpredictable and inhumane method of killing someone.
Drugs taken by people who choose to end their own lives cause unconsciousness, impede breathing, stop the heart and result in death. Most people assume that giving a convicted felon this deadly combination of drugs is peaceful and painless, just like putting an animal “to sleep.” It isn’t.
Drug companies have become less and less comfortable with supplying drugs for executions in the last decade. Pfizer bowed out in 2016, effectively closing the ability of states to acquire the lethal-injection drugs they had used. The drugs left are no substitute.
The effects of the alternatives have become obvious, and they are barbarous.
In Oklahoma in 2014, Clayton Lockett died of a heart attack 43 minutes after being injected with a questionable drug mixture. He showed clear signs of extreme duress, including being at least partially conscious, during the entire botched procedure.
Such unpredictable results have become too common to continue to believe that lethal injection will avoid the “unspeakable” horror of “10-18 minutes of drowning, suffocation, and chemical burning,” said Zagorski’s lawyer in the email requesting the electric chair.
Execution by electrocution also carries the risk of excruciating outcomes, as the movie “The Green Mile” showed in dramatic detail. No execution method spares prisoners, witnesses or executioners from trauma.
Death seems a righteous punishment for some horrific crimes. Imposing extreme pain and prolonged suffering does not. If both are true, the guillotine is a swift and certain means of execution.
Instead of choosing among ways to torture people or going down the bloody road of severing heads, states that have not done so could simply join the rest of the civilized world and abolish the death penalty.
WASHINGTON, DC – OCTOBER 7: U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the government shutdown at Federal Emergency Management’s (FEMA) National Response Coordination Center October 7, 2013 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images)
Do you know what FEMA has become and what they plan to do with 2500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide?
There are very limited uses and most are not good for human beings.
Wikipedia says, “Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), sometimes called prussic acid, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula HCN. It is a colorless, extremely poisonous and flammable liquid that boils slightly above room temperature, at 25.6 °C (78.1 °F). HCN is produced on an industrial scale and is a highly valuable precursor to many chemical compounds ranging from polymers to pharmaceuticals.”
“HCN has a faint bitter almond-like odor that some people are unable to detect owing to a recessive genetic trait. The volatile compound has been used as inhalation rodenticide and human poison, as well as for killing whales. Cyanide ions interfere with iron-containing respiratory enzymes. In World War One, Hydrogen cyanide was being used as a chemical weapon against the Central Powers by the French from 1916, and by the United States and Italy in 1918, but it was not found to be effective enough due to weather conditions.”
So, unless FEMA is in the manufacturing business or making pharmaceuticals, they have no need for this order.
10-31-03 San Bernardino, California Evacuation shelter at Norton Air Force Base held over 3000 evacuees following the fires in Southern California. Photo by Andrea Booher/FEMAWikipedia also says, “A hydrogen cyanide concentration in the range of 100–200 ppm in air will kill a human within 10 to 60 minutes. A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 2000 ppm (about 2380 mg/m3) will kill a human in about one minute. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which halts cellular respiration by acting as a non-competitive inhibitor for an enzyme in mitochondria called cytochrome c oxidase. As such hydrogen cyanide is commonly listed among chemical warfare as a blood agent.
The Deep State is in big trouble. The Deep State has sought to gain total control of the United States through the Democratic Party. The recent primary elections and the polls demonstrate that the party and the Deep State movement are dead in the water.
Yes, the Deep State still controls the State Department, DHS and FEMA, but they’re stymied in their attempts to expand their power, although this is not going to keep them from trying.
With the insurrection from the left ramping up, it’s becoming increasingly clear that President Trump is likely going to have to resort to martial law in order to keep the country from falling into a civil war. Therefore, there is competition for the control over FEMA camps.
In Carlsbad, CA., there was a massive protest near the beach on Highway 1 against President Trump’s policy of separating children from their illegal alien parents. The local news station said that the protest was organized by Moveon.org. That means that George Soros is behind this deception. And we know from Soros’ Calexit involvement,he’s seeking to break apart the US.
From a PR standpoint, I felt that Trump should have not separated children from their illegal alien parents because he gave his opponents ammunition. However, it is legal and expected.
If I was pulled over and discovered to have a simple user’s amount of marijuana, do you think I’m going to be separated from my children when I’m arrested? When parents are arrested, they are automatically separated from their children. Why should illegal entry into the United States be any different? This is the rhetoric that is being used to polarize the country.
Maxine Waters and other liberals have taken to harassing and endangering government officials including White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders.
Portland occupiers have taken over the ICE building in Portland where the mayor is helping the occupiers to facilitate the felonious take over. The mayor of Oakland is interfering in ICE activities.
All across the country, the sides are being drawn and the country is headed for civil war.
Trump has struck first. He has taken control of the FEMA camps as evidenced by the use of the Brownsville Walmart FEMA camp detention center to house illegal aliens. However, if Trump is defeated, or removed, or assassinated, the FEMA camps will revert to the control of the Deep State and this will produce America’s darkest days.
If this ever happens, this is likely what will follow… Three Step Process for Total Tyrannical Control of the Population of the United States:
When you examine the sum total of the meaning of various Executive Orders and administrative actions of FEMA and DHS, collectively, there emerges a clear picture of a three-step process to gain control of the population of the United States. The following has already been spelled out through Operation Cable Splicer,REX 84 and FM 39.4
Not everyone’s fate is determined when a communist/fascist coup takes over the government of the United States and suspends the Constitution. However, for some people, there exists the non-negotiable future of termination without due process. Decades ago, Steve Quayle called it the “Red List”.
Under Operation Rex 84 and Operation Cable Splicer, etc., there is a 3 step process to subjugate the American people.
Stage One – The Red List
Stage One of the plot is particularly heinous. FEMA likes to use the term “disruptors” who will be terminated with extreme prejudice.These people will be gathered up and taken to a remote location and executed.They most often will be taken from their homes between 3AM and 4AM, which is what the Gestapo did, so as to not arouse the attention of the community and to lessen the possibility of increasing resistance.
Along these lines, when a communist/fascist coup overtakes the government, Operation Cable Splicer/Garden Plot/Rex 84, will be in effect and FEMA and DHS will be in control.
(DHS was actually created and molded after the East German Stasi). The extreme actions of unwarranted arrests and mass executions are designed to remove the majority of the leadership or any resistance to the coup.
A long-term friend of Dave Hodges, a FEMA counter-bioterrorism expert, told him “if the powers that be cannot quell the rising tide of populism (please note this was said in the Pre-Trump days of 2012), that millions would be gassed.”
“My FEMA friend bugged out to a secure location with like-minded people from FEMA because they saw the writing on the wall. Further, this paralleled the story of Rosebud, brought forth by the Hagmann’s, basically recounted the same intentions to “gas” the peoplein times of resistance to the new authority.
How will FEMA deal with these resisters? It just so happens that it is being reported in multiple publications that FEMA just purchased 2,500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide from a Brazilian chemical manufacturer, Askell Quimica.
In light of Operation Cable Splicer et al, which is still on the books, the purchase of hydrogen cyanide can only mean one thing. The following Executive Order demonstrates that the globalists have been planning these actions against the Americans for a very long time.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
DHS as been preparing for the resistance to the coming new authority for a long time.
Under Operation Cable Splicer and Rex 84, all levels of government will be collapsed into one central authority and that centralized authority will be handed off to the global authority, most likely the United Nations or their proxy.
Stage Two
After the leadership of any potential resistance to the new authority is complete, Stage Two – The Blue List, will be implemented. Stage Two will consist of the arrest of those not deemed to be in compliance with the new authority, as evidenced by belief systems or by overt actions.
If you’ve wondered why the NSA finds it necessary to monitor every communication that you have, I just told you.
There will be a two-tiered approach to the citizen roundups that will occur. First, as an aside, there has been much discussion about the need to promulgate a false flag attack(s).
If one can get the population to view the new authority as a rescuer from certain death, then the resistance to the take over will be considerably lessened. However, there will be those that resist and they will be seized and sent to “re-education camps.”
The public justification for the arrest will fall into two categories (1) criminal charges related to treason and sedition; and, (2) mental health conditions requiring long-term “inpatient” therapy.
Back in 2008-2009, Dave Hodges often reported on the importance of the DHS-created MIAC report. The MIAC report gives rise to the groups that are going to be sought out for “re-education”.
Those groups included, but are not limited to Christians, Ron Paul supporters (today that could be translated to Donald Trump supporters), supporters of the Constitution, Second Amendment supporters will be targeted in particular.
This grainy video was from a 2001 FEMA training session. The video clearly condemns the Founding Fathers as domestic terrorists.
This second group will be terminated if it is deemed that they cannot be re-educated.
Dave asked many of his sources how will they execute the millions that cannot be re-educated? He was told that that guillotines are the most efficient, but if they cannot keep up with demand, hydrogen cyanide will do quite nicely.
The late FBI special informant, Larry Grathwohl, who penetrated the Weatherman Underground of Bill Ayers told former FBI Agent and informant, and Dave’s late friend, Larry Grathwohl, that he believed that when the Communist takeover happened, he would have to incarcerate 50 million Americans into re-education camps and exterminate 25 million of them.
Larry was an FBI special informant who had penetrated the Underground and became a member in order to take down the organization by getting Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dorne arrested.
This is the part that I would play the video of Larry recounting what Ayers told him about future FEMA camps, but Youtube recently took down the video because it “violates Youtube’s policy on hate speech”.
Shopping malls can be easily converted to FEMA detention facilities. The Walmart conversions to FEMA Camps and the 2012 agreement between every professional sports league which allows DHS to use their facilities to be used as FEMA camps in times of “emergency”.
The shopping malls conversions were part of an agreement entered into by Simon Properties, the largest owner of malls in North America.
This purchase (hydrogen cyanide) marks the third time in twelve months FEMA will have used foreign distributors to procure lethal items that could be used to maim or kill law-abiding Americans.
In January, FEMA received a shipment of five hundred Chinese-made “smart guillotines,” and in March, they secretly ordered thousands of guillotine blades from a Mexican metal factory in Juarez.
Stage Three – The Yellow List
Stage Three is ironic. It consists of the arrest of all collaborators and infiltrators who along with “economic disrupters” who will have their money confiscated, for it is estimated that half of the wealth in the USA is in their hands.
In effect, this is where the transfer of wealth will take place. Along these lines, Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot, which are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose, will kick in and the monied class will be arrested and many will be terminated.
police state
FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation. This should give serious pause for Wall Street to keep supporting the Deep State as they are targeted for brown shirt treatment.
What’s the Conclusion? We used to talk about FEMA camps as something that could be coming our way.FEMA camps are now on our doorstep and the only thing standing between FEMA camps and us, is President Donald Trump.
Many of the people, on the inside, are convinced that REX 84 will be immediately implemented if President Trump is ever taken from office. The Deep State will do anything and everything to stop the spirit of populism. If you don’t think that America will repeat the heinous crimes of Nazi Germany, they will, if the Deep State is allowed to prevail.
FEMA is a rogue organization and the fact that they have ordered hydrogen cyanide should be a major concern to all.
Oh, you don’t think that they would do this? Then ask yourself why would anyone call the Founding Fathers terrorists? Why would DHS already have 600 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition to go with their 2500 assault vehicles?
Are they being sent to Afghanistan… or are they going to be turned loose on the American people? spacer
spacer Listen to the first words spoken on this video. “They are NEVER GOING TO GO BACK HOME”. That is right folks, when your home is wiped out by fire, storm, flooding, etc… YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO GO BACK HOME. Just ask all the folks who managed to survive the Paradise Fires.
No one knows what happened to all the folks displaced from the California Fires or the Texas hurricane. Where did thy go? You need to think about that. DON’T TRUST THE MAIN STREAM NEWS OUTLETS. They are lying to you.
Artificial Hurricane Harvey Irma Maria Jose! Untold Truth About FEMA Death Camps, Barges in Texas Hurricane Harvey! Walmart Kill Plans Exposed! Martial Law Initialed! FEMA Camps, Death Barges Jailing up Hurricane Victims! Martial Law Kill Plans Initiated! FEMA Barges arrived Arthur, Texas to round homeless victims up. Walmart Prisons prepared to jail Texas’ Homeless people! Untold Truth About What Really Happened In Texas, FEMA And Artificial Hurricane Harvey Irma Maria Jose – WATCH TIL THE END!
In a radio interview with Steve Quayle, he said two very disturbing things. the first was how very close the Deep State is to totally taking over and second, that his research, from years ago, discovered that FEMA camps would become beheading facilities.
In Part 4 of this series, it is time that the American public become aware of the total brutality that it is about to face. The previous parts of this series demonstrated beyond question, how FEMA camp activity and preparations are being stepped up as well as the abject brutality.
FEMA Camps Will Be Segregated
Through the years, I have been told by several insiders that FEMA camp assignments would be divided by the following:
Men will be sent to a gender segregated camp and slave labor will be extracted as per Obama’s Executive Order 13603. Extermination will be the end game. This is exactly what the Nazis did with the Jews.
Women will be sent to a gender segregated camp. There will be some slave labor that will be extracted but these camps will be human bondage centers.
Children will be sent to their own camps. When I was first told this, I did not fully grasp the significance of this segregation until I became acquainted with the Deep State’s fascination with child-sex-trafficking. These camps will give humanity its darkest hour.
These segregation were actually rehearsed by Colorado law enforcement and DHS during the 2008-2009 H1N1 scare. In these drills, anyone who had not and would submit to a vaccination for the disease and noncompliant people were boarded on a bus with the intent of taking the actors to segregated camps. How do I know, two LEO’s, who I went to school with told me the details of the drill. The noncompliant people who were not vaccinated were discovered through roadside blockades similar to a DI roadblock.
There was one additional feature to this drill and the overall intent FEMA camp forced incarcerations. the one intent is that those targeted for extermination will likely die via the use of guillotines. If you need motivation to act against the Deep State, this may be the best example.
People are born with the innate desire to survive, but sadly, many in our increasingly dependent society look to others for relief and assistance following a disaster. The fact is that help from government, family, or neighbors is often unavailable when needed most, and in the end you may have only yourself to count on.Do you know what to do and how to do it if disaster strikes?
FBI Agent Ted Gunderson
When retired FBI agent, the now deceased Ted Gunderson, reportedly told a gathering of militia members that the federal government had set up 1,000 internment camps across the country, I had no trouble believing hisstatement because there is ample documentation to support his statement (e.g.REX 84, Operation Garden Plot and now the NDAA). However, when Gunderson reported that the federal government was storing over 500,000 caskets outside of Atlanta, I also knew he was accurate on this point becauseSherrie Wilcox found the evidence in the adjacent photo. However, when I heard that Gunderson was accusing the government of storing 30,000 guillotines, I thought he had lost his mind.
Why Would the Government Want to Store Guillotines?
Gunderson told various patriot groups that the guillotines were being stored for the day that the government declares martial law and moves in to round up and execute American dissenters. Gunderson prophetically told patriot groups that the federal government was going to keep track of all of us. The last statement has indeed proven accurate given the recent Snowden/NSA scandal.
Can somebody please explain to me why the government would need to order 30,000 guillotines? For what legitimate purpose could these tools of execution be utilized?
The guillotine has never been used inside of the United States. The United States has executed people by firing squad, hanging, the electric chair and lethal injection. The US has never executed a convicted criminal through the use of the guillotine.
Given these facts, then why is this government importing 30,000 guillotines as Gunderson claimed? Oh, I know that some of the sheep are now looking up from the ground and have just said “there aren’t are any guillotines in the United States.” Then please tell me, sheep of America, why did Representative Doug Teper, of the Georgia Legislative Assembly (Democrat) introduced a bill which will supplant the method of execution, the electric chair, with the guillotine back in 1995-6? The referenced bill was Georgia State House Bill (1995-6) HB 1274– Death penalty; guillotine provisions. Certainly, Teper would have never thought that this was possible is there were not already guillotines inside of the United States.
An Efficient Killing Machine
Has anyone bothered to do the math? A single guillotine reportedly can chop off the heads of about 100 people per hour. In one hour, the federal government has the capacity to execute as many as three million people. In one ten hour day, 30 million people could be executed by way of the guillotine.
Other Alphabet Soup Agents Speak Out
Ted Gunderson is not the only former alphabet soup agent to tell all about guillotines. The late Bill Pawelec, ex-CIA, was a close friend of mine and eventually became the significant other of my former News Director for The Common Sense Show, Annie DeRiso.
Pawelec told both Annie and I on several occasions that guillotines were being stored on several military bases. The late A.C. Griffith, ex-NSA, said the same on more than one occasion on my talk show. In light of these confirmations from known and from public sources, as well as the proposed legislation of Rep. Teper to introduce the use of guillotines on American soil, I believe that there is no question that the story is true.
I get understandably nervous, at the prospect of guillotines on American soil, as I watch the endless series of beheadings of Christians in the Middle East by the radical ISIS. The following represents a small sample size of what is happening to Christians and their subsequent mass beheadings at the hands of ISIS.
Is the political climate ripe for this to occur inside the United States? Former President Barack Hussein Obama was criticized by human rights activists for not addressing the plight of Christians and other minorities during his talks with leaders in Saudi Arabia, where Christianity is banned. Further, the Bible speaks to the use of beheadings as a religious tool of subjugation. Complicity by silence is how I would characterize this President’s view of these events
“ICD E 978 and ICD-10-CM E 978” by Daymond Duck (World Health Organization Medical code: death by beheading)
The classification of diseases and causes of death has been around since the 1700s. The U.S. got involved in the 1920s. The World Health Organization (WHO) got involved in 1946 and that became part of the UN on April 7, 1948.
ICD stands for International Classification of Diseases. E 978 is called the medical diagnosis code. It is an international classification for the cause of death.
E stands for Execution (by legal means). The number “9” refers to the ninth revision of the code. The ninth revision was in effect from late 1975 to Sept. 30, 2015.
E 978 means the deceased was legally executed and the cause of death was beheading or decapitation (probably by guillotine).
WHO officials thought they needed the E-code groupings because several Muslim nations and terrorist groups behead people on a regular basis.
ICD-10-CM E 978 means the International Classification of Diseases, the tenth revision of the Clinical Modification system, executed by beheading.
This tenth revision replaced the ninth revision and it went into effect on Oct. 1, 2015. It is still in effect.
This is the point: ICD 9 E 978 is now ICD-10-CM E 978. They are equivalent codes in a WHO international classification system. They mean the person was legally executed and it was probably on a guillotine.
The WHO uses these codes to compile global statistics on causes of death. Different causes of death (beheaded, electrocuted, hanged, gas chamber, firing squad, etc.). have different E-code numbers.
Guillotines are not used in the U.S. because each state (not the federal government) decides what form of execution the state wants to use. (AT LEAST FOR NOW.)
In 1996, Georgia State Representative Doug Teper introduced a bill to replace Georgia’s electric chair with a guillotine. Mr. Teper argued that lethal injection and electrocution render the deceased’s organs unsuitable for transplantation, but decapitation leaves the organs intact so they can be harvested for use in others. As far as I know, his bill was never voted on.
But this is where it gets interesting. The Bible teaches that a world government is in mankind’s future. The UN has voted to establish a world government by 2030and the WHO will be an agency in that UN world government.
The WHO keeps statistics on the cause of death, execution by beheading on a guillotine is an acceptable form of death (perhaps preferred for organ harvest),the Antichrist will rise to power over the UN world government,and he and his False Prophet will execute people by beheading (Rev. 20:4).
The U.S. will be one of the members of the coming world government. There are reports that Pres. Obama and the Dept. of Homeland Security are already calling for the U.S. to use the WHO international classification system. But regardless of how that comes out, the U.S. will be required to go by the UN rules when the world government is established.
(The new ICD 10 was supposed to go into effect in 2013, and require ALL medical offices be fully computerized and ALL Health Information be digital. They extended the deadline to April of 2015.)
Furthermore, the Antichrist and his False Prophet will execute millions of people. Many guillotines will be needed because the world already considers that to be an acceptable way to execute people.
And for years there have been reports and pictures on the Internet of coffins and guillotines at FEMA camps in the U.S. Some reports say the U.S. has already purchased and stored as many as 30,000 guillotines.
Finally, the Pre-Trib Rapture means the church won’t be here when the Antichrist and his false prophet start beheading millions.
But the fact that a world government is on the way and the UN WHO already has an E-code to classify legally beheaded people are more signs that the Rapture is getting close.
Let God be magnified; His Word is forever true.
Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond; Rachel Duck
ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC, Leaves a Suicide Note Revealing Govt’s Plans to Roundup & Disarm Americans :
An ICE agent who committed suicide in New York City left behind a suicide note that revealed plans for the federal government to roundup and disarm American citizens amid economic collapse.
After writing a lengthy suicide note exposing terrifying plans the government has for American citizens, a US Customs Agent walked onto a pier in NYC and blew his brains out.
Sources inside the New York City Police Department have revealed to SuperStation95, the contents of a suicide note found on the body and they are utterly frightening.
The note, which says it was written over the course of a full week in advance, outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself:
“The America I grew up in, and cherished, has been murdered by its own federal government. Our Constitution has become meaningless and our laws politicized so badly, they are no longer enforced except for political purposes” the note said. “Our elected officials are, to a person, utterly corrupt and completely devoid of any love or respect for the country which pays them. To them, everything is about getting and keeping power, and making illicit money from backroom deals.”
The 42-year-old U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer shot himself with a 40 caliber service pistol inside Pier 40 in Hudson River Park at around 11 am. (1)
A source at the scene described how the officer calmly walked into the park, took out his pistol and shot himself in the head.
The 42-year-old worked as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportation officer and his offices were nearby to the scene of the shooting.
He was rushed to Lenox Hill Hospital but doctors were unable to save him. (2)
ICE released a statement Friday afternoon: ‘Tragically, a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation officer from the New York field office suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound and has passed away.’
It added: ‘The agency is not releasing further details pending notification of the officer’s next of kin.
According to the suicide note, the Officer said:
“I was hired to enforce the law; to capture and deport people who come to this country against our laws. But now, if I dare to do that, I face being suspended or fired because our President refuses to faithfully execute the duties of his office. Instead, I come to work each day, and collect a paycheck twice a month, for intentionally doing little to nothing. I cannot and will not be party to this fraud; to this usurpation of the law, or to the despicable politicians betraying our nation” the note continued.
ICE’s Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the matter and coordinating with the New York Police Department on the investigation.
The agent worked at a field office in lower Manhattan, just blocks away from the scene of the shooting.
In the suicide note, the officer revealed what he claimed are terrifying plans the feds have been finalizing:
“If the American people knew what this government is planning, they would rise-up and overthrow it. If I or anyone else in the federal government revealed what is coming, we would be killed anyway, so now I will reveal what I know.
We in federal law enforcement have been drilling for several years to control riots and uprisings from a coming financial collapse and widespread bank failures. The drills involve life-sized images of American men, even women and children, whom we are told to shoot for “practice” and to “get used to it.”
We have been told that the economy is terminally ill and will fail in 2016. We are also told the banks are all insolvent and the FDIC doesn’t have nearly enough funds to bail out depositors. We are told these events are unavoidable and it is imperative that the government survive when people rise-up over this.
When the collapse takes place, detention camps created under the FEMA REX-84 program in the 1980’s to house illegal aliens whom we were going to deport, will instead be used to imprison American Citizens whom the government feels constitute a “threat.” American citizens will be rounded-up without warrants and imprisoned without trial for God knows how long.
These camps have been equipped to carry out Hitler-scale killings! An actual “purge” of Americans citizens by the very government which they, themselves, created and pay for! I cannot be party to this.”
The Note goes on to say talk about state-level national guard being disarmed by the feds (4) and over 1 Billion rounds of ammunition purchased by the feds (5) and the Military over-deployed and being shrunk(6) :
“The government knows the military will rise-up to stop this, so our military is being deployed overseas, intentionally involved in foreign fights, and deliberately shrunk in size so they cannot be here or help Americans! This is why certain ammunition and weaponry has been removed from state-level National Guard Armories and over a Billion rounds of hollow point ammunition has been bought by the federal government. The states themselves have been disarmed of military-grade firepower so they cannot defend themselves from the federal activities. This is also why local police departments have been militarized and provided with armored vehicles and weapons of war” the note says.
“When the inevitable collapse begins to take place, electric power to the entire country will be shut off, as will all forms of communication. All banks will be immediately closed; no one will be able to get any money because all ATM’s will be offline. Credit, Debit and EBT cards will not function. Anyone without cash will have no way to get any. The Emergency Alert System will be used to takeover all broadcast stations and tell the public this is a result of a cyber attack.
But while the American people patiently await things to get back to normal, the government will unleash round-ups of citizens they deem militants or dangerous. With all civilian communications out, and all TV and radio stations taken over by the Emergency Alert System, by the time word spreads of what is taking place, the government will already have the upper hand.
Federal Prisoners to be GASSED TO DEATH
The note goes into a wide array of very specific plans and does so in extremely specific detail about what the feds are allegedly planning. For instance, it talks about federal prisons:
“Every federal prison has been outfitted with lethal gas systems. When things go bad, all prisoners in all prisons will be placed in their cells on lock-down. Prison staff will depart the facility, and a certain designated person will trigger a lethal gas system. All federal prisoners, regardless of their crime or their sentence, will be gassed to death in their cells. Once the gas clears, the dead will be removed and the prisons will then be used to house citizens who fight against the federal onslaught.”
The note makes mention about Priests, Rabbis and Clerics from various religious denominations having been recruited and trained to quell resistance:
“So intent is the government to succeed they have recruited priests, rabbis and clerics from various religions to quote appropriate Scriptures about “obeying government.” They are being trained to tell people not to fight back and that their best hope is to pray.”
The suicide note goes to great lengths about Executive Order #13603 signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012. The note details:
Executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”
This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy. Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:
* “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”
* “All forms of energy”
* “All forms of civil transportation”
* “All usable water from all sources”
* “Health resources – drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”
* Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)
Moreover, federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”
SuperStation95 took a look at this Executive Order from the Government Printing Office (GPO) web site and, sure enough, everything contained in the Officer’s suicide note about this Executive Order is true!
To be sure, much of this language has appeared in national security executive orders that previous presidents have issued periodically since the beginning of the Cold War.
But more than previous national security executive orders, Obama’s 13603 seems to describe a potentially totalitarian regime obsessed with control over everything. Obama’s executive order makes no effort to justify the destruction of liberty, no effort to explain how amassing totalitarian control would enable government to deal effectively with cyber sabotage, suicide bombings, chemical warfare, nuclear missiles or other possible threats.
There’s nothing in executive order 13603 about upholding the Constitution or protecting civil liberties.
In what circumstances, one might ask, would a president try to carry out this audacious plan?
Executive order 13603 says with ominous ambiguity: during “the full spectrum of emergencies.”
The suicide note touches on the subject of “Preppers:”
“We in federal law enforcement have also been told that the government has a full database of all so-called “Preppers.” Those people will be dealt with first — by armed federal agents coming to take their guns, then their food stocks, so food can be re-distributed as the government sees fit.”
If the dead Officer’s claims about an unavoidable economic and banking collapse are true, would it then follow that the Executive Order put in place by Obama, might be activated? Would all of us find ourselves in forced labor, while the government takes OUR food and re-distrubutes it under the Executive Order’s paragraph about “allocating resources?” This is terrifying stuff!
There is much more to the suicide note and SuperStation95 is considering how much more to publish. As such, this is a developing story and readers should check back for further updates.
When a retired FBI agent, the now deceased Ted Gunderson, reportedly told a gathering of militia members that the federal government had set up 1,000 internment camps across the country, I had no trouble believing his statement because there is ample documentation to support it (e.g.REX 84, Operation Garden Plot and now the NDAA).However, when Gunderson reported that the federal government was storing over 500,000 caskets outside of Atlanta, I also knew he was accurate on this point because Sherrie Wilcox found the evidence in the adjacent photo.However, when I heard that Gunderson was accusing the government of storing 30,000 guillotines, I thought he had lost his mind.
Why Would the Government Want to Store Guillotines?
Gunderson told various patriot groups that the guillotines were being stored for the day that the government declares martial law and moves in to round up and execute American dissenters. Gunderson prophetically told patriot groups that the federal government was going to keep track of all of us. The last statement has indeed proven accurate given the recent Snowden/NSA scandal.
Can somebody please explain to me why the government would need to order 30,000 guillotines? For what legitimate purpose could these tools of execution be utilized?
The guillotine has never been used inside of the United States. The United States has executed people by firing squad, hanging, the electric chair and lethal injection. The US has never executed a convicted criminal through the use of the guillotine.
Given these facts, then why is this government importing 30,000 guillotines as Gunderson claimed? Oh, I know that some of the sheep are now looking up from the ground and have just said “there aren’t are any guillotines in the United States.” Then please tell me, sheep of America, why did Representative Doug Teper, of the Georgia Legislative Assembly (Democrat) introduce a bill which will supplant the method of execution, the electric chair, with the guillotine back in 1995-6?The referenced bill was Georgia State House Bill (1995-6) HB 1274– Death penalty; guillotine provisions. Certainly, Teper would have never thought that this was possible is there were not already guillotines inside of the United States.
Is the political climate ripe for this to occur inside the United States?President Barack Hussein Obama was criticized by human rights activists for not addressing the plight of Christians and other minorities during his talks with leaders in Saudi Arabia, where Christianity is banned. Further, the Bible speaks to the use of beheadings as a religious tool of subjugation. Complicity by silence is how I would characterize this President’s view of these events.
Where Is All of This Headed? Revelation 20:4
As you read the following two paragraphs, there is a collision between two cultures and two religions which is already underway and religious dogma is serving to perpetuate and exacerbate the conflict.
4 “Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years”.
And who will behead these Christians? Take a look at Sura (chapter) 47 contains the ayah (verse): “When you encounter the unbelievers …. [26] He and his followers beheaded opponents, Christian and Muslim alike…” Sura 8 [al-Anfal]:12 states “I will cast dread into the hearts of the … caliphs beheaded tens of thousands of Christians (admittedly many of them … This is the justification for ISIS to be performing these heinous acts against Christians.
It is clear that both Christianity and Islam foretell a time when non-believing infidels (i.e. Christians) will be beheaded by radical Muslim extremists (i.e. ISIS). It is also clear that this prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.
Will these acts be carried out on American soil and against American Christians and Jews? The following does not specifically speak to the intended persecution of Christian and Jews, but the playing field to do such a thing has clearly been established. Every American should be outraged by the following references to FM 39.40 which provides the means to carry out such heinous acts:
More proof that Christianity is being systematically destroyed comes to us in the form of the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 which mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of to providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill.
The legislation also states that the camps will be used to “provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations”.
The bill also provides that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs”, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. This a carte blanche mandate that many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting following a national emergency or a total economic collapse. Hence, we now have the Clergy Response Team run under the auspices of DHS.
On December 9, 2014, I conducted an exclusive phone interview with Pastor Mansfield who was recruited to become a member of the Clergy Response Team which would operate under the control of NOVAD and DHS. Mansfield’s revelations about his experiences are stunning and concerning at the same time.
Pastor Mansfield attended several briefings and he could barely believe his ears. He learned of the government’s plan to enact martial law as well as to implement forced population relocations. Mansfield emphasized that when martial law is enacted, the enforcement would be immediate. In other words, family members will be separated from each other and part of the training that the clergy received was how to comfort separated family members.
Pastor Mansfield emphasized that the FEMA/DHS drills were predicated on bioterrorism. The pastors were trained to go to homes were people refused to be relocated by the authorities and their immediate job was to convince the reluctant to willingly go to the relocation camps. Ostensibly, this was to be done in lieu of sending in the SWAT teams.
I asked Mansfield if FEMA camps were real and he stated that much of the clergy training focused around this scenario of pastors operating within the forced relocation centers. The main goal of a pastor assigned to a FEMA was to bring order and encourage compliance with DHS requests, hence, the emphasis on Romans 13.
The pastors were forced to sign non-disclosure. Interesting, the pastors were told not to quote Christian Scripture.The DHS document which was prepared for the pastors clearly stated that Scripture had been used to “oppress” people in the past and the presenters strongly discouraged the its use. Please see the following excerpt from one of the DHS training manuals:
Healing Scripture and Prayer In the Pastoral Crisis Intervention
In other words, all legitimate pastoral authority was abrogated by the pastors who participated in the roundup of American citizens.
Also on page 14 of the same training document, pastors were admonished to avoid “Unhealthy God talk….” Specifically pastors are ordered to avoid using references to God when helping people cope with the loss of a loved one:
Pastor Mansfield also revealed that pastors will be issued badges under theClergyResponse Team program. Any pastor not displaying the badge, indicating that they have been trained under these guidelines, will not be permitted into the established and designated “DHS safety zones”. This reminds me of the banishment of religious figures from Plymouth Colony who, in good conscience, refused to go along with some of the extremism of that day. Along these lines, the Clergy Response Team is also a “Kool-Aid drinking program”. Pastors are absolutely forbidden to publicly to speak about any aspect of the program. If you were to ask your pastor if they are a FEMA trained pastor, they will not likely tell you.
Disturbingly, Pastor Mansfield reiterated several times that the number one job of these pastors is to calm down people and encourage their compliance within the people’s new surroundings.
Pastor Mansfield also stated that pastors will be utilized as informants.This violates the legal privilege of confidentiality between pastor and church-goer, that is currently recognized by law. All church-goers can no longer trust the sanctity of personal confessions and revelations made to pastors, priests or rabbis. This one illegal act by DHS completely undermines the Christian Church in America!
Pastor Mansfield felt strongly this was the government’s way of removing Jesus from America’s landscapeand set the stage for the ushering in of a new-age religion.
It is mindboggling to fathom how so many reporters and media types deny the existence of FEMA camps under these circumstances. It is also disturbing that any pastor would agree to participate in a program in which Jesus and the Bible end up on the cutting room floor.
We have precedent for the beheading of Christians by radical Muslim forces, we have religious doctrine calling for the beheading of non-Islamic believers, we now have the “camps” where these acts could be perpetrated against American Christians and we have pastors hired to calm the people but they cannot mention Jesus or the Bible. We should all be connecting the dots.
People should be able to practice their religion without infringing on the rights of nonbelievers. However, when one doctrine demands beheadings for nonbelievers, then we have a problem. And when the United Nations is mandating that the U.S. must accept 70,000 Muslim immigrants, maybe we should all be paying closer attention.
A depiction of Marie Antoinette’s execution in 1793. Should the guillotine come back?
Courtesy Carolus/Wikimedia Commons
A nationwide shortage of a key ingredient used in lethal injections has led some states to experiment with new, untested drug cocktails for executing death row inmates. The practice has raised moral and constitutional questions, and unleashed a wave of litigation. At this point, as a society, we should be asking whether we can stand by and watch as this barbaric practice continues. Are these iffy drug combinations really any better than the guillotine?
Bringing back the guillotine may sound crazy, but it’s certainly better than the current alternative. It’s better for prisoners because quickly severing the head is believed to be one of the quickest, least painful ways to die. And it’s better for organ recipients because the bodies of guillotined prisoners could be more quickly harvested for viable parts, unlike organs that may become unusable after lethal injection due to hypoxemia.
To be clear, I find capital punishment abhorrent in theory and practice. Even if you believe the death penalty is morally acceptable, evidence of wrongful executions and the large number of inmates having been condemned to death before being exonerated shows its undeniable failings. But until the Supreme Court overturns precedents saying that state-sanctioned executions are not cruel and unusual punishment, shouldn’t we strive to make executions the most humane that they can possibly be? Lethal injection—the current method of execution of the federal government and the 32 states with the death penalty—and the guillotine are both evils, but the guillotine is the lesser evil of the two.
In the 2008 Baze v. Rees decision, a divided Supreme Court said lethal injection in particular does not violate the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. But writing for the dissent, Justices Ginsburg and Souter expressed grave concerns that the three-drug cocktail administered in Kentucky “would cause a conscious inmate to suffer excruciating pain.”
Dr. Jay Chapman, the creator of the three-drug cocktail, supports ditching his 1977 invention due to its reputation for causing slow, painful deaths. “The simplest thing I know of is the guillotine,” he told CNN in 2007. “And I’m not at all opposed to bringing it back. The person’s head is cut off and that’s the end of it.” Other doctors have stuck their necks out by protesting lethal injection on the grounds that administering it requires medical professionals to violate the Hippocratic Oath. The American Medical Association officially discourages physicians from participating in lethal injections.
The guillotine sidesteps any Hippocratic hypocrisy. The layman can operate a guillotine just as well as a doctor. As Hanni Hindi wrote in Slate some years ago, “The prisoner facing the guillotine was placed facedown on a large wooden plank, their head secured in a brace and steadied by an executioner’s assistant known as ‘the Photographer,’ who held onto their hair (or, in the case of bald prisoners, their ears). When everything was in place, a 120-pound blade was dropped from 7 feet in the air, immediately severing the prisoner’s head.” It never misses its mark.
The movement to bring back the guillotine has gained some limited traction in modern politics. In 1996, Georgia state legislator Doug Teper introduced a bill before the Georgia House of Representatives that would have amended the state’s death penalty code to provide for death by guillotine instead of the electric chair. “The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for transplant.” Teper’s bill died in the House. But given the swirling controversy over questionable lethal injection ingredients, perhaps the issue is now ready to be placed in the court of public opinion.
One familiar position put forth by advocates of lethal injection is that the three-drug cocktail is far less offensive than the guillotine—to witnesses. Some state laws grant victims’ families the right to view executions. Would bringing back the guillotine fail to consider the feelings of those who would have to watch someone get his head severed?
In short, no. As Michael Lawrence Goodwin argues, there are two main reasons why victims’ families watch executions: out of a desire to represent a murdered family member at what they consider the ultimate stage of criminal justice, and because of a need for closure. A guillotine execution would not devalue someone’s symbolic presence, and it may actually better facilitate closure for certain witnesses.
Goodwin’s analysis shows that for some families, the notion of closure may create a sense of false hope, and watching an execution may actually “revictimize” them. On the other hand, some families who have witnessed an execution have subsequently complained that the executed died too easily—that they “got off light.” In the former cases, no execution method would satisfy the witness. But the guillotine may provide succor in the latter cases. Even if it’s quick and painless in fact, it’d be hard to imagine the guillotine failing to instill a sense of justified wrath.
Those who would be up for watching a state-sanctioned beheading should heed the warning of Albert Camus. The author and philosopher once told a biographer the story of his father’s experience witnessing the guillotine in action: “He got up in the dark to go to the place of execution at the other end of town amid a great crowd of people. What he saw that morning he never told anyone. My mother relates merely that he came rushing home, his face distorted, refused to talk, lay down for a moment on the bed, and suddenly began to vomit.”
As Camus made clear, capital punishment is always a barbaric practice. If we’re going to continue to allow it in the United States, maybe it makes sense to be confronted by how gruesome it really is.
This article explores how the pre-eminent public psychology of the French Revolution – sentimentalism – shaped the necessity, understanding and construction of its most iconic public machine. The guillotine provided a solution to the problem of public executions in an age of both sentiment and reason. It was designed to rationalize punishment and make it more humane; but it was also designed to guard against the psychological effects of older, more variable and unpredictable methods of public execution on a sentimental public. That public, contemporaries argued, required executions performed by an unfailing technology. Rather than focus on the role of the guillotine after 1793, the article explores how the implacable mechanical action that helped produce the Reign of Terror and multiply the cadavers of medical science was demanded by the guillotine’s origins as a sentimental machine
June 2, 2011 Crisis BoomspacerThe guillotine has good press these days, in particular among North American leftist online circles, that use it as a humorous symbol of a pending class revolution. This image is, of course, justified by the use of the guillotine during the French Revolution, although one might not realize that it was used for the execution of over 13,000 people in the years that followed. As often in the history of “lesser evils,” this invention by Joseph Ignace Guillotin in 1789, which was meant to make the execution less painful and cruel, was used to industrialize death (for more on this, see this 2013 article on this blog). Sourcespacer
Rioters in Portland, Oregon, brought a guillotine to a violent demonstration overnight Saturday into Sunday, according to the Portland Police Bureau.
“Someone rolled a mock guillotine with a stuffed bear into the street (photo). The bear and multiple U.S. flags were burned. Paint balloons were launched at officers, as well as green lasers,” the police said in a press statement early Sunday morning.
#PortlandRiots: Antifa showing the public a visual representation of their political agenda. They put US flags on the guillotine prop and set all of it on fire outside the SE police building. pic.twitter.com/9iLTVIPVJD
After additional comrades arrive, #antifa move in for a preemptive strike against the right-wingers. Another pepper spray and shield bashing fight occurs. #PortlandRiotspic.twitter.com/eXclfpdkmk
It was only the latest provocation after riots that began during the day and lasted through the night./
Earlier in the day, there were violent clashes and battles with pepper spray between left-wing Antifa and the right-wing Proud Boys in the streets of the city. Police lacked the resources to intervene — but the National Guard was not called.
Left-wing rioters targeted police with projectiles, including rocks and balloons filled with feces, according to police:
Another riot later took place, according to police, in which projectiles and rocks were again launched at police:
Individuals in the crowd threw rocks, eggs, and glass bottles in the direction of the officers. There were no injuries. The sound truck was also targeted by individuals. It was struck by eggs and rocks.
At 11:45p.m., officers began to push the crowd to the west. Rocks, bottles, and other hard objects were thrown at officers. One lieutenant was struck in back of head with a glass bottle. His helmet prevented him from being injured. A Portland Fire and Rescue Medic embedded with one of the squads was hit in the shin with a large rock (photo). He suffered a minor laceration to the leg.
At 11:59p.m., due to the life safety danger, a riot was declared. More warnings were issued from the PPB sound truck. The sound truck was struck and damaged by rocks and eggs (photos). The rear window of a vehicle used to transport a Rapid Response Team squad was shattered (photo) by a rock. Numerous officers reported seeing individuals bearing “press” insignia throwing rocks at them.
The guillotine appeared to have been an attempt to intimidate police.
Fourteen arrests were made, police reported.
Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
The Reign of Terror, best symbolized by the guillotine, has gone down in history as the central proof of the maxim that revolutions devour their own. This period of the French Revolution convinced…
The Guillotine: A Symbol Meant to Terrify Americans into Submission
All culture wars involve a clash of symbols. Symbols say a lot with a little. All it takes is a piece of cloth or an extraordinary object to transmit a world of ideas. They convey identity, impact and mood.
One sinister symbol, appearing in the riots and disturbances, is the guillotine. In picking this device, the rioters have chosen a symbol that energizes their militants, frightens their opponents and represents their uncompromising ideologies.
These revolutionaries adopt it willingly, enthusiastically and unapologetically. They know exactly what it means and use it to strike terror in the souls of those it targets.
The Guillotine Appears
The guillotine targets the American order. It is found on Portland’s chaotic streets, even in its residential neighborhoods at night, as a warning of what can be expected from revolutionary mob “justice.” It has appeared before the house of Jeff Bezos near Washington, D.C. The militants at the CHAZ/CHOP experiment in Seattle referred to it. After the Republic National Convention, protesters outside the White House displayed a guillotine with an effigy of President Trump to be beheaded.
The guillotine was the instrument of death and terror by which tens of thousands were executed during the French Revolution. Its inventor was a French physician, Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin. He had hoped to develop a machine that would behead the French Revolution’s enemies painlessly and mechanically. Unfortunately, his name became almost synonymous with the wholesale slaughter that characterized the revolution that so destroyed French society.
An Expression of Revolutionary Attitudes
The guillotines that are appearing throughout the county are not functional. Thus, they are clearly meant to be symbols. Much more dangerous than its function, the guillotine expresses the ominous aspirations of leftist radicals who wish to eliminate their enemies, like the radical Jacobins during the French Revolution.
Attorney General William Barr recently described the new American radicals that desire these changes in society. He claimed that this left “represents a revolutionary Rousseauian party that believes in tearing down the system… they’re interested in complete victory. They are not interested in compromise. They’re not interested in dialectic, exchange of views…. It’s a substitute religion. They view their political opponents … as evil because we stand in the way of their progressive utopia that they are trying to reach.”
To those involved in the disorders, the guillotine symbolizes three things.
The guillotine symbolizes the overthrow of an order. The French Revolution did not represent a change of government but the radical overthrow of the legitimate French social and political order. Likewise, the guillotine’s appearance at protests shows how the present disorders seek to overthrow the American order and especially those in the upper classes. The symbol demonstrates that the riots are not racially-oriented but class-driven. It is drawn from Western history, not African culture.
Thus, the leftist militants do not want to reform or change the system. They want to destroy the entire American order. When they shout “Death to America,” they do so with all the fanaticism of Islamic terrorists that reject the American way of life. When they burn flags and bibles, they understand the significance of these counter-symbols on the American psyche and desire to inflict the greatest amount of pain.
Ruthless and Brutal
The second symbolism of the guillotine is its representation of the ruthlessness, coldness and cruelty of the revolution being proposed. It should be a cause of concern that the rioters choose an instrument whose sole purpose is to kill brutally. Moreover, the guillotine is a mechanical device designed to execute on an efficient scale.
The instrument carries out its function anonymously, effortlessly and quickly. It was used in public as a lesson to those who might resist. The device first targeted the upper classes but soon was used against all classes on a mass scale. It represents an attitude of those that are not interested in compromise or dialog. The rioters that spew forth their hatred, obscenities and violence find in it the full expression of irrational radicalism.
By carting around guillotines in the public square and residential areas at night, the revolutionaries are saying that the device knows no limits and will search out its victims. Its decisive extermination of victims indicates there is no turning back from the course once taken.
A Mystical Experience
Finally, the guillotine symbolizes a mystical desire to change human nature and purge humanity of that which cannot change. Militants hope to forge upon its table a new society free of morals and social restraints.
During the Reign of Terror in 1793-94, Jean-Pierre-André-Amar, a deputy of the French National Convention, alluded to the “red Mass” celebrated at the “great altar” of the “holy guillotine.”
Thus, the present riots have something of this mystical element in which participants think themselves part of a movement of social transformation. They see their violent actions as a part of a Hegelian dialectic from which will come a new synthesis full of hatred for all that came before. They carefully choreograph an anti-liturgy with their black costumes, slogans and narratives. As a symbol, the guillotine expresses the inebriating climax of their desire to eradicate the past and usher in a nihilistic future.
Terror Unmasked
Thus, the symbolism of the guillotine appearing at this time should make Americans shudder. It exposes the real face of the revolutionaries, who reveal their intentions in the symbol of the guillotine.
The left should condemn this brutal symbol that terrorizes the population. The liberal media should denounce those who brandish the guillotine as peddlers of hate crimes. Liberal clergy should distance themselves from the guillotine carriers as something contrary to the teachings of Christ. The government should investigate these threats with the same zeal they would employ were similar symbols used by the right. All these sectors enter in complicity with the rioters by failing to denounce their violent actions and ideas.
No one should act as if carrying a guillotine to a protest is the most normal thing in the world. No one should write off the simulation of the murder of a standing president in the public square.
The time to act is now if we intend to prevent the sinister blade of this machine of death becoming operational. Today, the guillotine is a symbol that cultivates a desire to act according to its spirit. Tomorrow, the revolutionaries will act out their fantasies in the violence of a bloody revolution against the American order.
The technologically advanced guillotines were manufactured in Beijing before being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributed the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide. The smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011, at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama.
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105 STAT. 44 PUBLIC LAW 102-14-MAR. 20,1991
Public Law 102-14
102d Congress
Joint Resolution
Mar. 20. 1991
[H.J Res 104] To designate March 26. 1991, as “Education Day. U. S. A.”
Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our, great Nation was founded; (THIS IS A LIE)
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; (THIS IS A LIE!)
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos; (CHAOS is what they are deliberately creating) Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society; (Written in 1991, they have been pushing and prodding for years to create the chaos we see today.)Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;
Whereas the Lubavitch ( Lubavitch are consider Extremist by most Hebrews, and very Kabbalistic) movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world; Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991: Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, “the rebbe”, this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of “education and giving”, the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws: and Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatites of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lutbavitch movement. is designated as “Education Day. U.S.A.”. The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
PUBLIC LAW 102-14-MAR. 20,1991 105 STAT. 45
Approved March 20, 1991
Mar 5. considered and passed House
Mar 7. considered and passed Senate
The prophecy declares that some will be killed by guillotine, and that is what must occur. So, the enemy will eventually figure out ways to get this done. Not because they believe the prophecy and want to do as the Almighty declares in that prophecy. No, not at all. The fact is, the Lord saw this end result from the beginning and decided to tell us in advance in His prophetic Word so as to be prepared. The wicked are merely doing what the Almighty already saw them do long ago. In other words, They will do it! Because our Lord saw them do it!
Not long after that video surfaced, many state officials including the governor started a massive campaign to stop executions by electrocution. What was their decided choice for execution you ask? A no brainer eh? THE GUILLOTINE!
Some of you may be asking, why in this modern age we would have government officials lobbying for laws that would require guillotines as a way to kill those they deem worthy of death? With all our technology, with all our civilized ways, with all our humane laws; what would drive men to kill with such a thing as a guillotine? MONEY! That’s right folks! It’s the exact same thing that moves the beast in Rome to do the things it does. The almighty dollar bill is what they worship. And the almighty dollar bill is what directs their paths. They truly serve the god of mammon.
We are living in an age when we see commercials on TV telling everyone in the USA to sign the backs of their drivers licenses so they can harvest our organs for profit. Doctors all over the land lurk about like Egor in a Frankenstien flic waiting for their patients to show signs of fading. The doctors jump at the first opportunity to harvest your dead loved ones before they even have a chance to get cold on the operating table. Think of it… You can get over $40,000 for one kidney now. (2005) Imagine what an entire human body is worth with two kidney’s, two eyeballs, a heart, a liver, lungs, skin, gall bladders, bone marrow, blood, etc. The hospitals of the world have become literal body snatchers right before our eyes.
Keep in mind as well that the governing officials of the world see a cash cow in the executioners cage because they know what they can get for those fresh organs in foreign lands. And the Almighty Creator knew of this long before any of our transplant surgeons were even born. Isn’t that awesome how His prophecy works out? He doesn’t have to give us the morbid details as to why they will be using guillotines. He just tells us they will be using them.
So… let’s cut to the chase!
Why would guillotines represent the better option? I am sure most of you have figured it out already. Why don’t they choose lethal injection as an alternative? After all, they see that as a very humane way to break the sixth commandment isn’t it? Or what about cyanide gas? The same gas used on the Jews that was manufactured by the family business of Pope John Paul II’s parents, in fact, John Paul himself was a salesman of the gas. I never heard of anyone igniting or screaming or writhing for 2 or 3 minutes in a gas chamber in excruciating pain or on a lethal injection table. Have you? So why don’t they use those already in use so called humane methods to kill the Christians they will eventually have in their jails? It’s because the organs would be poisoned and not worthy of harvesting!
BOTTOM LINE: Youcan’tmakemoney! Source
Rainbows are associated with Noadhide Laws everywhere….
Gay pride uses the bright and colourful rainbow as its symbol. Rainbows are so bright and colourful, non-threatening. Did you know there was another movement which implements that symbol? Well, the rainbow is also used to represent the Noahide Laws, which supposedly were laws given to Noah by the god of the bible. The rainbow is reminiscent of the great flood in the bible. But I believe this Noahide deception is straight from the Talmud. It is now, as of 1991, the law of this land (USA) for all Gentiles. Gentiles who refuse to convert and be obedient will be punished to the fullest extent of the law…. beheading. According to the Talmud, “Violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation [7] “. The guillotine is the preferred method of death because the organs of the deceased may be more efficiently used for “donation”.
It sounds like the fulfillment of a one world religion and the completion of the New World Order. It is a much bigger threat than Islam, IMO. But I read in one place that those in charge (jews) considered Muslims to be Noahides already, because of their strict belief in one god.
For More Information on the Noahide Laws, view my articles:
This is a video with pictures and lyrics to the song “I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb” by Christian singer Ray Boltz. I do not own any part of this video, including the pictures. I just got the pictures off Google. All music credits go to Ray Boltz. I am not making money off this video.