WOW.. I mean WOW!!  The evidence is overwhelming.  Not only of what we see coming in the sky, which I think is the most important place to look for signs from GOD.   But, in everything that is happening on the earth at this time.

All the unprecedented natural disasters, the increase in lawlessness and violence, the wars and rumors of wars, the economic collapse and the coming cashless society, the ever increasing global surveillance, the Digital ID which will prevent anyone from buying or selling without the mark, the seas and the waves roaring, the chimeras and giants returning, the plagues, the waters turning to blood, the swarms of insects, the Euphrates drying up, the DEAD SEA returning to life, the persecution of believers, the RISE of the Roman Empire, the Pope revealing his demonic spirit, the banning of the Bible, the rampant lasciviousness, the falling away from faith in God, the selfishness and arrogance of people, the corruption of ALL DNA of man and beast!… etc. etc. etc.

If God does not return soon, THERE WILL BE NO FLESH LEFT TO SAVE!

I apologize, I am not able to spend much time on my computer right now.  We have used up all of our data allotment and now we are having to pay for any time we spend online.  So, no notes or highlights or added research.  Sorry.