Update added 4/25/22
Obama is in the news again, and he made statements that may have been deliberately intended to incite and infuriate. I know that I was incited to the point where I had to create another post.
It seems every time you turn around, Obama is in the news. Believe me this is not by accident. I know that there are many who believe that he is the greatest thing since ice cream, but hopefully these posts will help to change their perception. This is especially important as we get closer and closer to either the end time global government or the 2024 elections.
In my opinion, Barack Obama is like “herpes” a painful, nuisance, that you are stuck with forever. Sorry that I could not find a better comparison. That was the only thing I could find that was comparable. Anyone unfortunate enough to contract herpes, is permanently tormented by it from that point on. It never goes away. It sure seems that is our fate with Barack Hussein Obama.
If you think for one minute that Obama has ever surrendered control, think again. He has been working behind the scenes making decisions and directing traffic for the Democratic Party, He has been pulling the strings on Biden who is nothing more than a puppet/avatar. Most damaging though is that he has been using his oratory skills, power of persuasion, and a boatload of money/backing to manipulate global conformity with the UN Agenda for the New World Order.
We have a new election year right around the corner. It is vital that the public wake up and see Obama for what he is before we find ourselves at the mercy of his pen once again.
Do I think that we can stop what is coming… NO. I am not foolish enough to think there is anything we can do to prevent the Global Government. However, I firmly believe that God requires us to do ALL we can to STAND, and then STAND FIRM, trusting HIM to do the rest. Whatever we will have to face, let’s do our best to go with GOD!
Before I get to the news articles regarding his remarks, I want to cover some background information that is pertinent to the subject of this post.
This story was in the news again today.
Obama warns people are dying because of “MISINFORMATION”, but is his warning too late?
Obama who is the human king of lies, deceit and disinformation is telling you exactly how he has managed to CHANGE our nation. All the tactics he is spouting off are ones he has perfected to a T. NOW, he wants to CENSOR EVERYONE ELSE, so that there is no counterbalance for his BS!!
He doesn’t care about people any further than how he can use them to accomplish his goals. He wants to SILENCE anyone who opposes the agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Anyone whose speech or actions he and his kind disapproves.
Notice that he said ” It is not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken democratic institutions…” He did not say in order for them to cause damage and/or death. We are not a “DEMOCRATIC” Institution. WE ARE A FREE REPUBLIC.
“In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person. In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group. Republic; That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated.” SOURCE |
“There’s a reason why the American founders created a republic, and not a democracy. Republics are the best form of government for protecting the individual from the tyranny of the majority. And there most certainly is a tyranny of the majority that always manifests in democratic style systems.”
…it (a Republic) operates for the protection of the individual against the majority when they get out of control. It is very important to protect the rights of the individual in a political system, for that is how governments are limited in their power and scope. Democracies provide arbitrary power to governments, giving them prerogative to do anything as long as “it’s what the people want.” In a free society, this is unacceptable. Republican governments operate by electing officers who represent the interests of the people, and who are supposed to have more knowledge about politics than the average person. These people are effectively trustees of the citizenry. In republican governments, the polity is governed by a written constitution that safeguards certain rights against tyrannical majorities. There are separations of power, courts, and layers of government to ensure that knee-jerk reactions do not become law. This is the fundamental difference between a republic and a democracy: a republic protects you from arbitrary power, a democracy is nothing but arbitrary power. Source |
It is obvious that Obama HATES the freedom we have in our REPUBLIC and has been working very hard to turn it into a DEMOCRACY.
The DEMONCRATS are flooding our country with illegal immigrants, not because they care about people, but because they found that the only way to destroy the USA is to change the population. They could not accomplish what they wanted when the PEOPLE DID NOT WANT IT. So they are bringing in foreigners who don’t have a clue and promising them all kinds of benefits.
OBAMA wants to destroy freedom of SPEECH, because he does not want people to hear the TRUTH! Deception can only work in the DARK/OCCULT. That is not the only right he wants to take from us. They want all our RIGHTS that have been guaranteed to us since the founding of this nation. Remember what they said…”YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL LIKE IT”. Obama said that we must surrender our rights to a SOVERIGN. Basically, he wants slavery for everyone, but the elite!!
Our nation may not have been perfect… but it has until now been the greatest place in the world to live. DON’T let Obama or any other individual or group take that away from your children and grandchildren.
End of Update
Obama has not signaled a return to the public stage. The chances are slim that he will return to politics in the near future. With numerous projects including speaking engagements, a deal with Netflix to produce TV content, and book deal with Penguin Random House to publish his presidential memoirs, he is keeping himself pretty busy. (Ohh, don’t we wish that were true!!) However, there are appealing high-profile political positions our former president may consider further down the road if given the opportunity.
1. Speaker of the House

Though Speaker of the House does not place Obama back in the White House, it does place him in the most powerful political position outside of the White House, if the Democratic Party maintains control of the House of Representatives. It also places him 2nd in line behind the Vice President in the line of succession should anything hinder the sitting president’s ability to complete his/her term in office. He could run for Congress. Obama’s residence is in Chicago, Illinois. This places him within the 1st Congressional District of Illinois. This Congressional seat is currently held by Bobby Rush who is in his 70s and would likely retire. Obama could run for this open seat and win. If the Democrats continue to control the House of Representatives, Obama could be elected Speaker of the House. (Considering Pelosi’s current condition, that election could be just around the corner.) There are no restrictions for former Presidents to hold other offices. In fact, our sixth President, John Quincy Adams, went on to serve nine terms in Congress after losing his re-election bid in 1828. Given his experience in the White House, he would provide excellent leadership and control for many years, as Speaker. (GOD FORBID!!)
2. Secretary of State

Anyone can be appointed to a White House Cabinet position by the sitting president under the consent of the US Senate. There is nothing in the US Constitution that prohibits a former president from serving as a cabinet member. In fact, there is no mention of a cabinet in the US Constitution. What’s more, you don’t need to be a US Citizen to serve as a cabinet member. All Obama would need is an appointment from the sitting president and a Senate confirmation. (Many of the personnel Obama brought into the Whitehouse to be part of his Administration were Muslims, below we will look at a few of those.)
President Barack Obama is a secret follower of Islam and has sold out America by placing sinister double agents in his Cabinet and allowing terrorist spies to infiltrate the White House!
Those chilling charges were leveled against the nation’s commander-in-chief by powerful political insiders and top military officials who fear Obama’s Muslim faith turned him into a traitor! A top-secret investigation by Homeland Security and the Central Intelligence Agency concluded that up to five key White House staffers hired by Obama are in direct communication with ISIS operatives and report America’s key military Middle East strategies to their terrorist handlers. “This is the worst security breach in the history of the United States,” blasted a Washington insider. “Bloodthirsty ISIS knows Obama’s every move.” Retired U.S. Admiral James A. Lyons Jr., a four-star Navy legend, revealed Muslim terrorist moles are now INSIDE the U.S.’s top spy and security agencies — and are leaking our military’s top-secret plans to fight ISIS and defend our country. The admiral also accused Obama of playing footsie with Islamic terrorists, charging the president is “anti-American, anti-Western … pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian and pro-Muslim Brotherhood.” Other sources insisted Obama, who claims to be a Christian, favors the terrorists because they say he shares a belief in Islam! “Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather, attended Muslim schools in Indonesia as a child where he read the Koran — and he remains a secret Muslim to this day,” one intelligence source charged. Obama shockingly confessed to former Egyptian Foreign Affairs Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit. In a private meeting in either 2009 or 2010, Gheit said Obama admitted he was “a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father and stepson of a Muslim stepfather,” and loyal to the “Muslim agenda”! Source |
An Egyptian magazine has claimed that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.
The December 22 story was published in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine and was translated into English for the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). The story suggests the six turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.” The story is largely unsourced, but its publication is considered significant in raising the issue to Egyptian readers, IPT said. The six named people include:; ; ; ; ; and . Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council Elibiary also played a role in defining the Obama administration’s counterterrorism strategy, and the magazine asserted that he wrote the speech Obama gave when he told former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave power but offers no source or evidence for the claim. Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic ConferenceAccording to Rose El-Youssef, Rashad Hussain maintained close ties with people and groups that it says comprise the Muslim Brotherhood network in America. This includes his participation in the June 2002 annual conference of the American Muslim Council, formerly headed by convicted terrorist financier Abdurahman Alamoudi. He also participated in the organizing committee of the Critical Islamic Reflection along with important figures of the American Muslim Brotherhood such as Jamal Barzinji, Hisham al-Talib and Yaqub Mirza. Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)Magid heads ISNA, which was founded by Brotherhood members, was appointed by Obama in 2011 as an adviser to the Department of Homeland Security. The magazine says that has also given speeches and conferences on American Middle East policy at the State Department and offered advice to the FBI. Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood PartnershipsRose El-Youssef also said that Patel maintains a close relationship with Hani Ramadan, the grandson of Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, and is a member of the Muslim Students Association, which it identifies as “a large Brotherhood organization.” Despite the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt was voted into power on an anti-U.S. and anti-Israel platform,it is about to receive 20 F-16 fighter jets from the U.S. The jets were ordered by Mubarak, but the Muslim Brotherhood will take over the inheritance. The Obama administration has also indicated its willingness to help Egypt relieve $1 billion of its debt,as part of an American and international assistance package intended to bolster its transition to democracy. A video released last week showed that in 2010, current Islamist President Mohammed Morsi called to boycott products made in the United States because of its support for Israel. At the time he also rejected negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and referred to Jews as “apes and pigs“. Previously exposed videos show that during his election campaign, Morsi reiterated that “Jihad is our path” and “the Koran is our constitution“… |
There are pros and cons to accepting such a role. Let’s talk about the pros first. Obama needs no introduction and his influence over world leaders is unmistakable because he is a former US President. He has established relationships with most countries and his international star-power would provide the media power to bring world leaders to the table. As for the cons, it’s never a good thing to upstage the current president. (Apparently, NO ONE EVER TOLD OBAMA THAT… he has been doing everything in his power to do just that since he moved out of the Whitehouse.) More than a few uncomfortable moments would be expected for the sitting president and Obama, especially with media attention more focused on Obama’s record on in international policies during his former presidency, than on his record as Secretary of State under the sitting president. Obama would have high expectations to meet given his legacy in world politics, which may not be met due to the limits of the position. He would also find himself in plenty of situations where the sitting president’s policies are in stark contrast to the policies he pushed for during his own presidency. He would be working at the pleasure of the sitting president to help shape world politics to fit the sitting president’s legacy on world politics at the risk of erasing his own. Though he considers a loyal, centered Democrat, it is a lot of pride to swallow.
3. Vice President
There is the scenario where Obama can be asked to run for Vice President under a Biden-Obama ticket. There would be much debate as to whether or not Obama would qualify to run based on qualifications. Since he is qualified to run for president and vice president under the 12th Amendment, this should not be an issue. If we were to consider term limits because of potential succession, the 22nd Amendment only prohibits a third term by way of election, not succession.
Though it is unlikely, there is always the possibility Joe Biden will ask Barack Obama to be his running mate. This is where Barack would make a much more meaningful impact. This is because Joe and Barack have very similar views. Much of Joe Biden’s national and international views were shaped during the Obama Administration. They both have centrist views and they have a very close relationship. Barack would want nothing more than to help Joe Biden secure the 2020 election. If there is anyone Barack would prefer to work for and with, it would be Biden based off the nature of their longstanding personal and professional relationship.
The 12th Amendment would allow (an Obama) vice-presidency. Its language only bars from the vice-presidency those persons who are “ineligible to the office” of President.
This is no mere semantic distinction. Article II of the Constitution carefully defines exactly who is ‘eligible to the Office of President’: anyone who is a natural born citizen, at least 35 years old, and has been a U.S. resident for at least 14 years.”
Then there is the constitutional question about Obama’s ability to hold the office for a third term, if Biden were unable to complete his term as president. As Vice President, Obama would take over as Commander-in-Chief once again by way of succession. The 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states that a president can only be elected twice to the Office of President and only elected once if the person acted as President, by way of succession, for more than two years of a term. No person can be elected for a second term if they held the office for more than two years of another president’s term prior to being elected for a first term. This makes the person ineligible to run for a second term if being elected for a second term means they will hold office for more than 10 years:
“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.”
The key word in the 22nd Amendment is “elected.” Nowhere are the terms succession or appointment mentioned in the 22nd Amendment. Therefore, he could serve a third term and there would be no constitutional crisis if Biden should not be able to complete his term as President. Obama is no stranger to Constitutional law. He was a professor of constitutional law while teaching at the University of Chicago Law School.
Making the Case for A Possible Return to Politics
While it is unlikely that Obama would run for office and even more unlikely that he would ever end up serving a third term, it is not out of the realm of reality that he would return to political life. In addition to being relatively young and having served for a total of 20 years as an elected official including his 8 years as President, he still has plenty of years left to serve in some capacity.
The Democratic Party needs to look outside the box for star power if they want to retake the White House. Obama is an obvious choice. In addition to his experience in world politics as a White House insider, he is also arguably very popular, and the most popular president among young voters to date in American history. A 2018 survey by the American Political Science Association ranked Obama as the 8th greatest American President, up from 18th in 2014, according to a 2018 New York Times article. According to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, Obama was listed as the “best president [of their lifetime]” among Millennials. Though Reagan was listed the best president among the Generation-Xers, Obama came in close 2nd, just ahead of Bill Clinton who took the number 3 spot.
Barack Obama had one announcement about the 2024 election that has all hell breaking loose

Barack Obama is not content to sit on the sidelines.
Not when polls show Donald Trump is planning to run for President again in 2024.
And Barack Obama had one announcement about the 2024 election that has all hell breaking loose.
Earlier this month at a conference at the University of Chicago, Obama declared it his new mission in life to see the government enact regulations on social media companies that imposed further censorship in so-called “misinformation.”
“I think it is reasonable for us as a society to have a debate and then put in place a combination of regulatory measures and industry norms that leave intact the opportunity for these platforms to make money,” Obama stated. “But say to them that there’s certain practices you engage in that we don’t think are good for society.”
Of course, Obama does not mean social media companies should crack down on lies like the one Obama told to pass ObamaCare that “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.”
Even left-wing Politifact rated that the lie of the year in 2013.
What Obama meant by “misinformation” is any conservative speech that questions liberal dogma.
Obama prepared to lay out the ground rules for his new censorship regime in a speech at Stanford University. (who the HELL is HE?? Why does he believe he has any place in governing our nation or laying down rules or guidelines for those who do?? WHEN have you ever seen an EX-PRESIDENT behave in such a way?? WHY does ne not have the decency to get out of the way and let our country recover from all the damage HE has done to our Nation? I will tell you way. He was placed here with an assignment and a mission to destroy our nation. To turn it into a pagan, socialist regime.)
Prior to the speech, Obama fired off a series of tweets announcing that the Obama Foundation was not all-in on censoring the Internet.
“In recent years, we’ve seen how quickly disinformation spreads, especially on social media. This has created real challenges for our democracy,” Obama wrote. Ya, since Obama has been in office. read below:
The next defense authorization bill to be proposed by the American congress contains a not-so-publicized amendment that would legalize the use of propaganda on American citizens. The bill would indeed nullify an existing law that (supposedly) protects U.S. audiences from misinformation campaigns conducted by its own government. In other words, Americans could now be subjected to the hardcore, massively manipulative and disinformation-filled propaganda that is usually reserved for foreign countries such as Iraq. Yes, the American public is the new “enemy” to brainwash and the internet will be an important battlefield. Readers of this site might ask: “Since when Americans were NOT subjected to propaganda?”. That is a true assessment. Most of the articles on this site effectively describe how mass media products are filled with propaganda and disinformation that is communicated to the American public. The new bill would however legalize the process, making it official and out in the open. While propaganda in the United States was always somewhat covert and disguised as something else, the new bill apparently seeks to form an actual Orwellian Ministry of Truth, where propaganda is just part of daily business. If you believe that mass media is full of BS now…there’s apparently a lot more of it coming our way soon. The defense bill passed the House Friday afternoon. Read the full article HERE. |
Obama then added that the Obama Foundation would create tools that would make censorship easier. (Wait, WHAT? What the hell does the Obama Foundation have to do with how our nation is run or policies for censorship? How have we allowed our nation to be run by Non Government Entities?? You can thank old Community Organizer Himself. He said that was his best training for the Presidency…his time as a community organizer, and he was not lying. That is how so much CHANGE has come to our nation. He organizes summits, conferences, town halls, etc. nationally and globally that by pass our elected officials and tramples on the law of the land.)
“Part of the reason it’s hard to bring about change (OMG! He has had no problem completely changing our nations. I don’t even recognize it anymore.) is because we live in a media environment that elevates falsehoods as much as truths, and divides people as much as it brings them together. (This nation has NEVER been as divided and chaotic as it has since Obama took over and refuses to relinquish his stranglehold.) Through the @ObamaFoundation, we’re working to empower and equip emerging leaders to tackle issues like the spread of disinformation,” Obama added.
If there was any doubt Obama’s goal was to censor the Internet and suppress free speech, Obama included a reading list of articles that included a piece praising the social media platform Pinterest from taking down so-called “climate change” misinformation, which meant censoring any posts that questioned the liberal dogma about the world facing an alleged “crisis” and that imposing socialism was the only solution.
Democrats are looking at polls showing Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in a 2024 rematch.
Leftists also know censorship helped rig the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor when Big Tech suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Now Barack Obama plans to double and triple down on Internet censorship in 2024 (again WHO THE HELL IS HE?? He just can’t accept that HE is no longer president. He continues to control from behind the scenes with his avatar holding his seat.) with polls showing Trump poised for a comeback victory.
Stay tuned to Conservative Underground News for any updates to this ongoing story.
May 27, 2011

Obama to implement Sharia and the liberal godless fools flock to reelect him
When your leader says “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”, he can’t be any more clear that he is in favor of Sharia imposition, and against free speech and freedom of religion (and lack there of). Under Obama’s world view – blasphemy against Islam will has resulted in punishment.
Hotair: Obama: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”(video)
So if I’m an Atheist, and I say Muhammad is a false prophet who broke treaties, butchered and enslaved innocent civilians, and raped little girls – under Obama – its blasphemy and “the future” will not belong to me – whatever that means…
These aren’t American values, these are Indonesian, Pakistani, radical Islamic values.
. And yet those who will rush to see Christ in piss and fund these obscenities with tax payer money – these godless bunch will rush to usher mullah Obama’s 2nd term.
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I don’t know about you folks – but seriously – I’m reconsidering my future place of residence. This isn’t America anymore under this guy.

When it comes to disinformation, ex-prez Barack Obama is an expert. Just not in the way he seems to think.
In a Stanford University speech Thursday, Obama called on Big Tech to “redesign” itself to face the dangers disinformation allegedly poses to the nation.
Hilariously, he cited his own “failure to fully appreciate . . . just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories” during his time in office.
Hah! That susceptibility was key to his success.
Obama, after all, won PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year” Award in 2013 for his endlessly repeated claim that under ObamaCare, “if you like your health plan, you can keep it.”
This lie was treated as fact and amplified by major media across the US for naked political purposes. I.e., a textbook example of actual disinformation. In fact, his “reforms” guaranteed that millions of Americans would lose their old coverage, and he darn well knew it.

When they did, The New York Times invented a new, Orwellian term as camouflage for the lie: “incorrect promise.”
Then there was Benghazi, where his administration blamed an attack by an al Qaeda affiliate against a US consular outpost on an inflammatory YouTube video — and again saw the lie propped up by big media properties.
More classic, actual disinfo.

Don’t forget his lie about whether he ever set a red line around Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria. He did. On record. Then, insanely, he literally claimed he hadn’t.
Again, although he’d been caught in an obvious, clumsy lie, our fearless fact-checking journalists got busy trying to somehow make it reality. Washington Post “Minister of Truth” Glenn Kessler refused to award it any of his trademark “Pinocchios.”
And that’s to say nothing of the fact that Obama presided over the start of the Russiagate narrative, now revealed as another textbook disinfo operation — one of the most successful in recent US history, not only kneecapping the Trump administration but leaving tens of millions of Americans still convinced of the lie even today.

The ex-president is utterly comfortable with the media spreading disinformation, as long as it benefits his team. His demand for a “redesign” is plainly just a push for tighter controls to make the playing field even less level.
Unless and until Obama demands fixes to prevent outrages like the suppression of The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop reporting, he’s simply another rich, powerful guy using his sway to stifle the free exchange of ideas.
And unlike the “disinformation” bogeyman, that is an actual threat to democracy.

(RepublicanInformer.com)- Despite the White House’s repeated insistence that the 79-year-old Joe Biden will definitely run for reelection in 2024, the speculation that the Democrat nomination is up for grabs just isn’t tamping down.
According to former Clinton advisor Dick Morris, there will be a runaway Democrat primary for the nomination in 2024 unless something can be done to mend the divide between the far-Left and the “centrist” wing of the Democrat Party. And only someone all Democrats respect could do that.
One possible “party elder”Morris suggests is former President Barack Obama.
(Like it has not been obvious that Obama has been running the party from the sidelines since he left office. He never surrendered his headship. He prefers running things behind the scene where he is less vulnerable to public scrutiny.)
Given how unpopular the Democrats are right now, this herculean task may be beyond even the skills of Barack Obama.
One senior aide to a 2020 progressive candidate told the Washington Examiner that the Democrat Party isn’t resonating with most Americans because most Americans are moderate or conservative. And the party has shifted so far left, their language and messaging are out of touch.
On Wednesday, President Biden told ABC News’ David Muir that he is absolutely running for reelection in 2024 provided he remains as healthy as he is today. (Healthy?? He’s joking- Right?)
Democrats, however, don’t seem to agree. One Democrat party official told the Washington Examiner last week that even when the White House pushes back on the notion that Biden is a one-term president, they aren’t pushing back very hard.
The fact is, polling shows the American people do not want Joe Biden, who would be in his eighties in 2024, to run again. In a recent Politico/Morning Consult poll, 67 percent of Independents said they hope Biden doesn’t run.
Already some of the Democrats who ran in 2020 are signaling they plan to run again in 2024, including Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar, and stay-at-home dad Pete Buttigieg.
How can this man stand in the place where our constitution was written and talk about respecting that very precious document. He has made it clear on multiple occasions that he has only contempt for our Constitution and wants to rewrite it. He has done all that he can to undermine it, disregard it and break the very laws and regulations written there, beginning with his illegal candidacy.
The U.S. Constitution 2.0, The Obama Rewrite
Obama Administration is developing a new socialist constitution for America
By JR Dieckmann —November 16, 2009
The Obama Administration is developing a new socialist constitution for America to replace the original Constitution written by our Founders. Every single one of these huge bills being rammed through congress is simply another article of the Obama constitution which allows no amendments by Republicans.
The people need to understand that these huge 1000 to 2000 page bills – the 111 Congress agenda – are all parts of one master blueprint for a new socialist government. The master plan has been split up into different component pieces so that the people won’t notice how they will all fit back together until after they become law.
In a building blueprint for example, you have a page for the foundation, a page for the framework, a page for the plumbing, a page for the electrical system, etc. It doesn’t become a building until all of the drawings and diagrams are built and integrated together.
It seems that everyone wants to focus on the details of the Healthcare bill, the Cap & Trade bill, the Stimulus bill, and others that have and will come up. We want to pick apart each bill and say “you can’t have this in there” and “you can’t have that in there,” while overlooking the larger picture. Each bill is simply one page in the overall plan to redesign America into a socialist state.
This is why each and every conglomeration of legislation this congress has been working on all year is critical to the Obama agenda. They must all be passed or the master plan cannot function as designed.No trace of capitalism can remain or the socialist system won’t work.
The old building must be torn down and the lot cleared before the new building can be built, and that is precisely what the Obama is doing now to our economy. The free market economy must be destroyed before the new socialist economy can be installed.
This explains why nothing the Obama has done has promoted free enterprise or helped small businesses. Small businesses contain a huge resource of potential government dependents if the Obama can cause them to become unemployed. Government dependents are good for socialism and they generally vote for Democrats.
The blueprint doesn’t stop at our shores. This is a global blueprint that extends all the way to Geneva; to Copenhagen; to China; to the Mideast; and of course, to the U.N. It’s an open door to a one world government under the pretense of controlling global warming which is another page in the blueprint that uses the same kind of lies and false pretenses that are being applied to the economy and healthcare. There is no end to the lies and deceptions coming from the Obama.
Whether on the global or domestic scale, they are the methods, strategies, and philosophies of Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.” The bankers and mortgage brokers became the target. The healthcare providers and insurers became the target. The energy producers are next to be targeted for assassination by the Obama machine gun. The war on drilling has already begun.
There is no energy crisis in this country, but there will be if the Obama has his way with pushing electric cars onto a public that doesn’t want them. All of our electrical energy needs can be easily met with an electric grid powered by nuclear power plants. But if we did that then the government wouldn’t be in control of the grid and GE wouldn‘t stand to profit. To the Obama, nuclear means only bombs, so no new nuclear power plants will be allowed under this administration – at least not in our country, but they’re fine in Iran.
Global socialism can only succeed if nations are willing to unite under a one world government. That means we are not allowed to have enemies, which is why Obama is making nice with Islam and Islamic terrorists. If the Obama can convince them that he is not George Bush, then maybe they will like us. I realize it is insane thinking, but it is the Obama’s thinking. (In truth, Obama is their man. The Arabs believe that THEY have an Muslim in the White House.)
Somehow he seems to have the idea that we are under threat from, and being attacked by, Islamic radicals because they don’t like us for something that we’ve done. It has nothing to do with their religion, right? So the solution to this problem is to make nice with them and show them that things will be different now with this imitation president. (His job is to get the Muslims into the country and get the Americans to welcome them with open arms. The Goal is Jihad/Sharia Law.)
Attorney General, Eric Holder, had already guaranteed the “successful guilty outcome” of the New York Five trial in an attempt to calm our concerns. So if that’s the case, why have the trial at all if the outcome is already decided? Why not expedite the process with a military tribunal rather than spend millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money on this kangaroo court? The answer is that it will not be the terrorists who are being tried; it will be the Bush administration’s policies and efforts to protect our country that will be on trial.
Why were these five terrorists picked for the New York trial? Two of them, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Waleed bin Attash are two of the three detainees who have been waterboarded, and the other three, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi, and Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali are claiming to have been subjected to other forms of torture. This is, no doubt, what a large portion of the trial will focus on as well as other methods of the Bush administration to protect our country from attacks – methods that are being repealed by the Obama.
I don’t need to tell you what a threat to our national security this will be when all of our intelligence-gathering methods and interrogation techniques are discussed in open court and made available to the enemy that the Obama doesn’t recognize. This, in addition to the security risks and expense being presented to New York, shows the incompetence and naiveté of this administration. (Obama is not naive… He knows exactly what he is doing.)
Khalid Sheik Mohammed wants to die as a martyr. Little does he suspect that among his 72 virgins will likely be Janet Reno, Madeline Albright, and Helen Thomas. The way to become a martyr is to go down fighting for Islam and Allah.
That is exactly what this New York show trial will give him – an international soapbox to espouse his beliefs and hatred. Instead, he should get a military tribunal followed by execution in a sausage machine then fed to the hogs. That is the fate he deserves, not the dignity and respect that Obama wants him to have in a civilian trial as an American citizen which he is not.
The Obama says he wants to show the world how fair our court system is. What foreign country gives a hoot about how fair our domestic court system is? What concerns them is our foreign policy. Whose side is the Obama on?It’s hard to choose between the communists and the Islamics.
The talking heads in Washington and on the news channels are doing their best to mislead the ignorant sheeple by calling what the 911 highjackers did “a crime.” It was not a “crime.” There is no law on the books that says you can’t fly a plane into a building. It was an act of war. Bush understood that; the Obama doesn’t.
And don’t be fooled by the deception coming from this administration that AG, Eric Holder, made the decision to hold civilian trials for terrorists all by himself. This decision came down from the very top of the administration.The Obama is quite content to allow all of the Islamic propaganda that will be featured in the trial to be spread around the globe to demonstrate to the Islamic world how fair and unbiased he is toward Islam. He would like them to think that the rest of us feel the same way… except the conservatives.
When it comes to granting and protecting the so-called rights of terrorists, they say the Constitution must be followed to the letter. But when it comes to the actions of congress and this administration – and protecting the rights of American citizens – the Constitution doesn’t seem to exist. This government is already operating under the new Obama constitution 2.0.
When our country was founded, the Founders spent years of hard work to develop our Constitution which provides the framework for the country and the federal government. Obama’s socialist constitution is already written and will replace the Constitution our Founders provided in a very short period of time if we are unable to stop it.
When Obama said “We are just 5 days away from fundamentally transforming America,” we understood his intentions, but hadn’t seen the plan. Now we are seeing his blueprint coming out of congress under the guise of healthcare, economic recovery, global warming, and other contrived frauds, but it’s only recently that we can see how it all fits together into a new Constitution for a socialist America. In other words, we saw the intent before but not the plan. Now we see the plan – and it’s shocking.
We need to stop bickering over the details in each of these bills in congress and see the larger picture. We need to stop trying to add amendments and repealing others to find some sort of compromise that will allow a bill to pass. This is the most frightening thing that could happen in congress.
No part of this blueprint should be allowed to pass through congress and find its way to the Resolute desk. It’s already too late to stop the Stimulus Bill which was one page of the blueprint. But 85% of that money has yet to be spent and can still be returned to the U.S. Treasury.
Unfortunately, this congress has no intention of doing that as the remainder of the money has already been earmarked, either directly or indirectly, for the election and re-election of more Democrats to congress. Those people will be the tenants who will fill the corporate offices in the socialist building that the Obama has under construction. These piles of legislation must be stopped in congress altogether or the free country we all know and love is finished.
Obama – wants to reverse the Constitution – Granite Grok
BY 29 OCTOBER 2008
/The latest utterance by Obama have certainly revealed more of what he really believes – that the Founding Fathers were wrong in how they constructed our most foundational document – the Constitution. His lament? It restricts Government, that it is a negative liberties document (“it keeps the Government FROM doing things). Our Founding Fathers had the idea that individual liberties were to have primacy – and not Government. Unlike Hobbes and Rousseau, they believed that our Rights were from God, the Creator, and thus indisputable. Because of that absolute declaration (with the implicit recognition that God is Supreme, and that man-generated State is not), they realized that limits HAD to be put onto Government – enumerating what Government should NOT do…
The Union Leader editorial got it right:
…When Barack Obama envisions a government finally set free from the “essential constraints” the Founders wrote into the Constitution, he envisions a government wholly unconstrained, empowered to enslave one segment of the population, forcing it to work on behalf of another segment — to “spread the wealth around.”
The U.S. Constitution exists for one reason. To protect us from men like Barack Obama, who is perilously close to being handed the power to begin undoing that protection. (His efforts continue. He has made it clear that this process will take years and he is dedicated to seeing the CHANGE HE WANTS!)
“You know I taught constitutional law for 10 years, I take the Constitution very seriously,” then-Sen. Barack Obama said while campaigning in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on March 31, 2008.
“The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all,” Obama continued, “and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m president of the United States of America.”
More than six years later, we now know that Obama never had any intention of taking the Constitution seriously. Instead, he has violated its core provisions at every turn, launching unauthorized wars, rewriting legislation without Congress’ input, and even creating brand new laws out of whole cloth.
When Obama first uttered the phrase, “If Congress won’t act, I will,” he functionally declared war on the U.S. Constitution. And unless Republicans start standing up to Obama’s lawlessness, our republic may never be the same.
Unfortunately, far too often, Obama has chosen to completely ignore Congress, and instead act as lawmaker. The following are just a few of Obama’s most egregious constitutional transgressions.
Jun 3, 2014 More importantly though, if Obama can get away with citing Heckler to rewrite Obamacare, he can cite it to rewrite any law, at any time he wants, for whatever reason. CAN THE CONSTITUTION BE SAVED?
Obama’s Contempt for the U.S. Constitution | Canada Free Press
Biggest swindle in American history
By Joan Swirsky ——Bio and Archives—November 1, 2008
On February 10, 2007 Senator Barack Obama stood outside the Old State Capitol Building in Illinois and announced his intention to run for the presidency.
“I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness, a certain audacity, to this announcement,” Obama said. “I know I haven’t spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington. But I’ve been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change.”
Of course, that depends on what his definition of “been there long enough” is. Actually, after he took office in November 2004, he spent a total of 143 days “on the job”– the number of days the senate was in session – before beginning his campaign for President of the United States. So now we know that, to Obama, “been there long enough” means that four months and change is quite enough preparation to be not only president but also the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, chief executive of the federal government, and leader of the free world.
At least he got the “audacity” part right.
In responding to disparagement from his opponents about the three years he spent as a community organizer in Chicago, Obama explained – with startlingly unselfconscious narcissism – that it was a good preparation for the top job in the worldbecause it helped in “understanding where I’m coming from, who I believe in, who I’m fighting for and why I’m in this race.”
“They haven’t talked about the fact that I was a civil rights lawyer;” Obama added. “They haven’t talked about the fact that I taught constitutional law…”
Okay, let’s talk about that, especially because it is on the basis of a Constitutional challenge that Obama was sued by lawyer Philip J. Berg. In short, Berg has insisted that Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen, was possibly born on foreign soil to an American mother and Kenyan father, may hold dual American-Indonesian citizenship, and therefore does meet the eligibility requirements that are spelled out in exquisite detail in the United States Constitution. He asked that Obama’s name be removed from the ballot.
Berg’s case was dismissed on October 24 by Judge Barclay Surrick, but he promptly took the case before Judge David Souter of the Supreme Court, whose disposition is anticipated before the election on Tuesday, November 4 If no judgment is rendered, Berg anticipates that if Obama is elected, a Constitutional crisis will ensue. At this point, numerous citizens throughout the country have petitioned their own courts to disqualify Obama.
Well, I ask, what part of the Constitution did Obama not “get”?
In the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, it states: No person except a natural born citizen or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.
Title 8 of the U.S. Code explains what “natural born citizen” means: Click to visit the article to read Title 8
Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born. For example, separate sections of the U.S. Code address territories that the United States has acquired over time, such as Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. And the law contains one other section about the Panama Canal Zone and the nation of Panama. It states that anyone born in the Canal Zone or in Panama itself, on or after February 26, 1904, to a mother and/or father who is a United States citizen, was “declared” to be a United States citizen.
Because this section doesn’t carry the words “natural-born” or “citizen at birth,” this became an issue for Sen. John McCain when he ran for president in 2000. But that issue was resolved when it was found that McCain was considered a natural-born citizen under 8 USC 1401(c): “a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions, prior to the birth of such person.
If Obama meets the above criteria, then why has he still not produced a certifiably authentic birth certificate?
Selwyn Duke, in the American Thinker, writes, “Leftists…could attempt to change the Constitution so that it reflects their agenda,but this is a long, drawn-out, difficult process that requires, of all things, actual public support for your aims. And it’s easier to change the courts – and install `ideological’ justices who will impose left-wing orthodoxy from the bench – than the will of the subjects. Consider that liberals are ever trying to destroy tradition, as it stands in the way of progressivism. Consider that a consistent definition of liberalism – one that epitomizes the modern left (those progressives) – involves the desire to change the status quo.So what it means is that, by definition, a liberal who understands the Constitution cannot believe in it.”
Aha! So that is why Obama told an NPR radio interviewer in 2001 that the Warren Court did not “break free from the essential constraints” found in the Constitution and therefore one of the “tragedies” of the civil rights movement was that “the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth…”
Upon hearing a tape of the interview, Ed Morrissey of CaptainsQuarters blog fame, “The government does not exist to determine the acceptable level of wealth of its individual citizens. For government to assume that role, it would have to end private property rights and assume all property belonged to the State. That is classic Marxism. Barack Obama complains that the Constitution is a `charter of negative liberties.’That’s because the Constitution was intended as a limiting document, to curtail the power of the federal government vis-à-vis the states and the individual. Barack Obama wants to reverse that entirely. And that’s radical change you’d better believe in, or else.”
Rush Limbaugh also weighed in: “Barack Obama calls himself a `constitutional professor’ or a `constitutional scholar.’ In truth, Barack Obama was an anti-constitutionalist professor. He studied the Constitution and he flatly rejected it. He doesn’t like the Constitution. He thinks it is flawed.Now I understand why he was so reluctant to wear the American flag lapel pin….he says that the Constitution `is a charter of negative liberties. This is nothing short of a condemnation of the Constitution, and he calls himself a professor. The greatest government, the freest society in the history of the world, and Professor Obama calls it a charter of negative liberties! To me, ladies and gentlemen, the Constitution is a gift of God. The Constitution is not a disappointment. It’s a blessing. What kind of person does not understand the purpose and meaning of a document written by the greatest defenders of liberty the world has ever known? Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Washington, Hamilton – they created a charter of negative liberties?”
In the same radio interview, Obama said: “I think we can say that, uh, uh, the Constitution reflected a enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day and—and, uh,—and, uh, that the framers had that same blind spot.”
“This is how he views the Supreme Court,” Limbaugh railed. “And he will have the power to populate it with people who believe in those very things.How is he going to place his hand on the Bible and swear that he, Barack Hussein Obama, will uphold the Constitution that he feels reflects the nation’s fundamental flaw?”
It is now no wonder that Obama has refused to provide his birth certificate! He wants to circumvent the Constitution and, by so doing, “prove” that it’s a fundamentally flawed document, worthy of the efforts he and his radical far-left acolytes will lead to challenge every Amendment in the Bill of Rights, including: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition, and the prohibition against depriving any citizen of life, liberty, and property, et al.
In April of this year, a number of Obama’s congressional supporters – including Gov. Claire McCaskill (D-MOi), Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and Sen. James Webb (D-VA) –proposed and passed a Resolution (S.Res.511) entitled: Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.
This was the Resolution: Click to visit the article to read Title 8
· Resolved, That John Sidney McCain, III, is a `natural born Citizen’ under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United Calendar No. 715110th CONGRESS2d SessionS. RES. 511RESOLUTION Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.April 24, 2008. Reported without amendment States.
Just how dumb do McCaskill and Obama & Co. think the American people are? Here they attempt to create a blanket Resolution that says ALL foreign-born candidates are eligible for the U.S. presidency, when in fact McCain did not need this Resolution and neither did Bill Richardson when he ran for president this year. In fact, to my knowledge no presidential nominee in American history has ever needed a Resolution of this kind until Obama – who has still not produced a valid birth certificate! – entered the race.>
So why this weird Resolution? Clearly so Obama could circumvent the Constitution he finds so distasteful.
According to Raymond S. Kraft, an attorney and writer: “The president, The Supreme Court justices, and all members of Congress, have taken an oath to defend and protect the Constitution and have an affirmative duty to protect the Constitution by doing whatever is necessary to insure that presidential (and congressional) candidates meet the Constitutional requirements for the offices they seek. It is a mandatory duty, and failure to do so violate their oaths of office. If they don’t follow this oath in Obama’s case, it will be the biggest swindle in American history, allowing Obama and the DNC to have concealed his true identity and lack of citizenship, thereby conning Democrats out of hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign contributions. If justice is served, dozens of `leading’ Democrats should go to prison for fraud.”
Surprise, surprise – Obama wants to rewrite the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution
The American concept of it is officially stated in the Declaration of Independence. It upholds man’s unalienable, individual rights. The term “rights,” note, is a moral (not just a political) term; it tells us that a certain course of behavior is right, sanctioned, proper, a prerogative to be respected by others, not interfered with — and that anyone who violates a man’s rights is: wrong, morally wrong, unsanctioned, evil.
Now our only rights, the American viewpoint continues, are the rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. That’s all. According to the Founding Fathers, we are not born with a right to a trip to Disneyland, or a meal at Mcdonald’s, or a kidney dialysis (nor with the 18th-century equivalent of these things). We have certain specific rights — and only these.
It is interesting to note the original US Constitution did not actually enumerate any rights, since our rights do not come from government, but FROM OUR CREATOR. (I know that this may confuse Obama as he tends to believe that he is one and the same…) The Framers, however, did not trust government to leave well enough alone (and rightly so), so they inserted the Bill of Rights to provide an “insurance policy” for the American people against their democratically elected representatives that their limited, enumerated powers did not encompass the abridging of such fundamental rights as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to keep and bear arms, etc.Dr. Peikoff continues:
Why only these? Observe that all legitimate rights have one thing in common: they are rights to action, not to rewards from other people. The American rights impose no obligations on other people, merely the negative obligation to leave you alone. The system guarantees you the chance to work for what you want — not to be given it without effort by somebody else.
The right to life, e.g., does not mean that your neighbors have to feed and clothe you; it means you have the right to earn your food and clothes yourself, if necessary by a hard struggle, and that no one can forcibly stop your struggle for these things or steal them from you if and when you have achieved them. In other words: you have the right to act, and to keep the results of your actions, the products you make, to keep them or to trade them with others, if you wish. But you have no right to the actions or products of others, except on terms to which they voluntarily agree.
Please show me where it is delineated that I am obligated to allow those individuals, who do not provide for themselves the means to take care of themselves and their families, to steal my time and energy so that they may have health care. Next comes the right to autocare, grocerycare, haircare… Where does it stop? (It has not yet… now we even are forced to pay for them to get sex changes and pay for their murder of their children even unto birth. I shudder to think where it goes from here.)
Barack Obama, exposed: View of constitution
CAL THOMAS | Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008 12:00 a.m.
So, how does Sen. Obama credibly take the oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” when he thinks it impedes his socialist agenda?
Is socialism too strong a word⢠Consider one of its definitions from dictionary.com and tell me it is something other than Obama’s economic philosophy:
A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor.
A complete restructuring of society is what Obama advocated in a 2001 interviewon a Chicago public radio station.
According to Politico.com , in that interview, Obama, “reflecting on the Warren Court’s successes and failures in helping to usher-in civil rights,” said, “I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples.”
He has it backward. The Creator already endowed black people with these rights, which is precisely the argument powerfully made by Martin Luther King Jr. Any rights that are “vested” in people by other people may be removed by the same or future people.
Endowed rights are “unalienable” and what America did was to finally recognize those rights.
Obama continues with a comment that the “Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of the redistribution of wealth and sort of basic issues of political and economic justice in this society, and to that extent as radical as people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical.”
Does he mean that for real “justice” to have been achieved, the Warren Court should have taken from the rich and given to the black poor?
Obama never said what would happen once the redistributed money ran out. Perhaps this was not to be a one-time event but a lifetime of “reparations” for slavery, as some other left-wing black leaders have proposed.
On Bill O’Reilly’s Fox show last Monday night, former Democrat vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro defended high taxes in New York and Obama’s pledge to raise them nationally, saying, “At least they’re not taking it all.”
It may have been an attempt at humor but this betrays the Democratic Party’s attitude: They feel they have the right to say how much of your hard-earned money you can keep.
Jewish World Review Aug 8, 2012 / 20 Menachem-Av, 5772
‘You didn’t build that’ Speech Justifies Obama’s Confiscation of Our Money By Ron Hart http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.” It is always with trepidation that Obama’s handlers let him go off teleprompter and speak his mind. Such was the case of the now infamous “You didn’t build that” speech. Encouraged by adoring believers, Obama got into his tent preacher revival voice and said what he really believes: Any success you may have is attributable to Him. A precursor to that speech occurred during the 2008 campaign when he told “Joe the Plumber” that he needed to “spread the wealth around.” Some call this “class warfare.” These people are also known as correct. Class envy and hostility toward another class, such as the “rich,” however ambiguously defined, are an empty piata on which the shallow can take out their frustrations with society’s producers. Aside from insulting anyone who has worked hard to provide for his or her family and paid taxes to fund the seemingly unending excesses of government along the way, the “You didn’t build that” speech was used to justify raising taxes. The implication is that anyone with money, except the government, does not deserve it. This rare glimpse into the real Obama should unnerve everyone, whether you pay taxes or not. He is saying that government can confiscate what you have, because you did not earn it anyway. Obama is the very definition of runaway government. Never mind that 20% of taxpayers already pay a record 94% of income taxes. Since he has no record of accomplishment, Obama is running on one diversion from his economic mess: making even more people pay what he deems their “fair share.” He constantly cites one instance when Bill Clinton balanced the budget for one year in the late 1990s. So I have a deal for you all who tout the Clinton balanced budget. We will return to Clinton-era tax rates if you will return to the Gingrich/Clinton spending levels. The last Gingrich budget had expenditures of $1.7 trillion; adjusted for inflation, that would be $2.2 trillion today. Even under Bush’s tax rates, you will confiscate $2.5 trillion in tax receipts this year. You would then have a $300 billion surplus. In reality, you guys in Washington are spending $3.8 trillion—and this is a “lack of tax revenue” problem? All across America, small- and big-business people are working 14- hour days, six and seven days a week, to provide a product consumers will buy — not because they have to, but because it represents value and because people are willing to pay for it. These wealth creators hire others, pay taxes, rent buildings—in short, they make the economy work for all of us. These are the real heroes Obama’s administration wants us to hate, stoking envy in some of us so we will vote for Him. It is the lowest form of politics and the only weapon Obama has in his Axelrod Arsenal. To legally plunder in the name of “social fairness” from those who work hard, who create jobs and value in this economy, is immoral. Liberal Democrats are elected by a purported “victim” class and by government labor unions. When presented with the choice between doing what is ultimately best for the citizens or what is best for special interest unions, it is an article of faith within the Democrat machine that you break your word to the voters. Why? Because unions keep tabs and don’t forget. |
Actually, we should be telling government how much of our money we will allow it to spend. Anyone hoping to make more money and improve his life will have to work even harder to overcome Obama’s redistribution plans.
Obama thought the Warren Court should have “broken free” from the constraints placed on the Constitution and the courts by the Founding Fathers and Framers.
This is remarkable hubris.
Obama said the Constitution mostly “says what the states can’t do to you ... what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.”
That’s because the Constitution is about liberty and protecting citizens from oppressive and invasive government.
This is scary stuff. That it is only now surfacing is another reminder of the poor job the mainstream media have done in vetting Obama.
Barack Obama thinks the Constitution and the country it helped create should be remade in his image. He wants to be a Founding Father of a different America, one that would bear little resemblance to the country we have known.
This is radical in the extreme and Obama, along with his many acolytes who are itching to get their hands on unchecked political power, are a danger to this nation’s survival.
John McCain stands in the way of a complete liberal coup that would transform America in ways the Founders and Framers and most Americans would oppose.
McCain might be dull at times.
McCain might have run an imperfect campaign.
McCain should have spent more time exposing Obama as a radical socialist instead of worrying what the media would say if he did.
But John McCain is a patriot who has proved his love, service and dedication to this country in ways that Obama cannot begin to achieve or appreciate.
Electing Barack Obama president of the United States would be a roll of loaded dice. We will live (and possibly die) to regret it.
Republicans have made many mistakes and deserve the punishment they are now getting. But the one charge that cannot be laid at their doorstep is that they wanted to rewrite the Constitution and weaken the country.
Barack Obama will do that and more. Wake up, America, and stop flirting with this guy because you are flirting with disaster.
Cal Thomas, a USA Today and nationally syndicated columnist, is a contributor to Fox News.
CONTACT: media@dcaclu.org
WASHINGTON – President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law today. The statute contains a sweeping worldwide indefinite detention provision. While President Obama issued a signing statement saying he had “serious reservations” about the provisions, the statement only applies to how his administration would use the authorities granted by the NDAA, and would not affect how the law is interpreted by subsequent administrations. The White House had threatened to veto an earlier version of the NDAA, but reversed course shortly before Congress voted on the final bill.
“President Obama’s action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director. “The statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.”
Many in Congress now assert that NDAA could be used to hold even a U.S. citizen detained on U.S. soil in military custody. The ACLU believes that any military detention of American citizens or others within the United States is unconstitutional and illegal, including under the NDAA. In addition, the breadth of the NDAA’s detention authority violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war.
“We are incredibly disappointed that President Obama signed this new law even though his administration had already claimed overly broad detention authority in court,” said Romero. “Any hope that the Obama administration would roll back the constitutional excesses of George Bush in the war on terror was extinguished today. Thankfully, we have three branches of government, and the final word belongs to the Supreme Court, which has yet to rule on the scope of detention authority. No American citizen or anyone else should live in fear of this or any future president misusing the NDAA’s detention authority.”
The NDAA Will Remain, as Liberals Continue to Sleep on the Job
Hey, guess what? Remember a few months ago when I wrote an article explaining that despite the topic barely being covered by the media, we live in a country where the government can now lock you up indefinitely with no legal counsel and no right to an attorney based on some poorly defined “suspicion” of abetting terrorism? No? Here, please read it now. It’s true: President Obama paid some lip service to the constitutionality of such a bill and then signed it, fighting any provisions that would in any way limit the power of the executive office. Neat trick, huh?
“For my next trick, I’ll shrink the First Amendment to about this size while still being praised by hippies.”
Katherine Forrest, United States District Court judge for the Southern District of New York, issued an order enjoining enforcement of the NDAA (before having her order stayed by a higher judicial panel), because this bill did indeed go further in expanding executive power than previous bills. Furthermore, the bill defined abetting terrorism so poorly that the journalists petitioning its constitutionality had a valid belief that their mere journalistic actions could qualify as assisting terrorists. Indeed, in court, the government attorneys could not allay that concern and were unable to provide specifics as to what actions would trigger indefinite imprisonment.
In a closed-door high roller fund raiser in Seattle President Obama told donors could be “in a very strong position” in his second term to amend the constitution, according to a new book.
Via The Hill:
“Now, I taught constitutional law. I don’t tinker with the Constitution lightly. But I think this is important enough that citizens have to get mobilizedaround this issue, and this will probably be a multiyear effort,” Obama said, according to an excerpt from Big Money by journalist Ken Vogel, obtained by Mother Jones.
“After my reelection, my sense is that I may be in a very strong position to do it,” Obama continued.
Over the longer term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United (assuming the Supreme Court doesn’t revisit it),” Obama wrote during a question-and-answer session on Reddit.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Tuesday accused Democrats of abandoning the Bill of Rights by trying to amend the First Amendment so Congress has the right to regulate spending on political campaigns.
“For over two centuries, Congress has not dared to mess with the Bill of Rights,” Cruz said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Democratic legislation to amend the Constitution.
“When did elected Democrats abandon the Bill of Rights?” he asked.
Watch Ted Cruz blast Democrats for abandoning the Bill of Rights:
What do you think about this assault on the First Amendment by President Obama and Senate Democrats?

Jonathan Gruber, the primary architect behind Obamacare, claims the SCOTUS doesn’t understand the constitution after a Texas federal Judge ruled Obamacare unconstitutional. Alex exposes the hypocrisy of this globalist minion. 3 years, 4 months ago

Jim Hoft from The Gateway Pundit reports, Failed President Barack Obama continued to prove his hatred for America and his ignorance of history in his latest speech in Brazil. Obama spoke at the VTEXDAY 2019 Conference on Friday. 2 years, 10 months ago

all rights belong to Mre3000 & Transpocalypse Now. this video is for entertainment and educational purposes. MrE3000 , MrE , Transpocalypse Now , Transvestigation , Trans Investigation , Transgender Agenda , Trans Agenda 3 years, 10 months ago

We Called it. It Happened. 4 months, 1 week ago

The “Iran Deal” — a legacy of a dangerous President setting a dangerous precedent. How did Obama ram his “deal” thru over the objections of 2/3 of the Senate & 2/3 of the public? Like his “self-ratification” of the Paris Climate Agreement & the DACA memo, Obama created a “deal” with executive power. But Obama also broke laws like those passed by President Clinton against paying Iran before paying its victims and against giving ANY govt money to Iran. 3 years, 11 months ago

We Called It. It Happened. 4 months ago

Published January 22, 2013It is looking like Obama plans to use Executive Order to pass gun control mandates if congress can not or will not pass gun control legislation, which is really the precursor to gun confiscation legislation. The writing’s on the wall. Historic events predict the future state of our nation if we comply with any such Executive Order or legislation regarding gun restrictions. 1 year, 11 months ago

We Called it. It Happened. 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Nick interviews Charlie about the worldwide lockdown coming next week and when the media will close down.World shocked by the Obama crimes when everyone loved the man who is as evil and traitorous as anyone could be. 1 year, 3 months ago

If the words “climate justice tribunal” sound an alarm in your head, congratulations, you’re a thinking human. You’re also not a member of the Obama administration. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which the administration supports, was recently released to the public. Among other things, the framework calls for a “climate justice tribunal” —…
Obama Plotting to Bypass Congress on UN Climate Regime

The Obama administration, conspiring with the United Nations and various foreign governments, is plotting to foist a draconian “global-warming” regime on the American people — without ratification by a two-thirds majority of the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution for all treaties. The radical strategy primarily involves semantics and legal quackery: Instead of calling the controversial scheme a “treaty,” the White House is pursuing what it calls an international “accord.” If Congress does not step in to stop it, the global plot would ration emissions of carbon dioxide and energy while redistributing potentially trillions of dollars from Western taxpayers to Third World regimes. Globalists and alarmists hope to conclude the UN deal at a “climate” summit in Paris next year.
The reasoning behind the lawless machinations is fairly simple: Obama, the UN, and foreign governments milking the climate alarmism all know the U.S. Senate will never ratify a global-warming regime. Having already failed to get a domestic cap-and-trade scheme through even a Democrat-controlled Congress, Obama has also turned to “executive actions” in his unconstitutional bid to limit emissions of essential-to-life carbon dioxide domestically. Using the Environmental Protection Agency, the administration simply decreed that CO2 — exhaled by humans and required for plant life — is “pollution.” By contrast, scientists and experts not feeding at the global-warming industry trough refer to carbon dioxide as “the gas of life.”
For more information on how all this happened so quickly, see the following post:
Climate Change Agenda
The following article is about what has been happening in the Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksa government. Why is it posted here? Because we can learn how these globalists are working against our national heritage to destroy our sovereignty and bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER.
What is happening is a global phenomenon. It is well funded and well orchestrated. They have learned to use society against the best interest of the people. Folks who may or may not all be truly interested in righting the wrongs of government have been banded together. NGOs, Religious Organizations, Technology groups, Corporations Large and Small, Foundations, Universities and Colleges, Local Governments, Military Groups and Occult groups all brought together to undermine the current legal and political structure. In truth, the forces behind what is happening are the very ones who have corrupted the existing governments in order to justify their overthrow. IT is all part of their plan.
If the people, could actually organize themselves and join together we could counteract what is happening. Sadly, the NEW WORLD ORDER is highly funded and militarily bolstered and would not take opposition lightly. I BELIEVE that anything is possible with GOD.
href=”https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/2015/12/”>DECEMBER 14, 2015
By Jehan Perera –
The role that civil society played in the change of government that occurred in January at the presidential elections, and which was reaffirmed at the general elections of August, was celebrated at two events held last week. One was on World Anti Corruption Day which fell on December 9. This event was actively supported by the newly independent Commission against Bribery and Corruption, and especially by its Director General, which has a giant task before it given the extent to which corrupt practices took place in the past, and whose legacy cannot be immediately terminated. The other was International Human Rights Day which fell on December 10. Both of these events drew large numbers of civic activists from all parts of the country. They (were) also attended by government leaders, including President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
The role of civil society has been a controversial one, and was under serious threat during the period of the former Rajapaksa government. Those who wish to undermine the legitimacy of civil society describe those who act on its behalf as NGOs. The term NGO crow was in common use by government leaders and has become part of the ordinary language of those who do not agree with the political stands and work done by sections of civil society. The term connotes the alleged characteristic of NGOs to live off any problem in society utilizing foreign funds and engaging in anti national activities. This interpretation was particularly strong within the former government which projected itself to be the sole representative of the national interest.
During the period of the Rajapaksa government the NGOs that spearheaded campaigns for human rights, good governance and peace building obtained publicity that was disproportionate to their size. They were routinely assailed on government platforms and abused in the government media as being anti national money making machines and traitors. This antipathy to NGOs carried over to sections of the private media which shared the nationalist sentiments of the Rajapaksa government. The crucial role that they played, and which the former government did not wish, was to keep alive an alternative way of looking at the political and social issues that troubled the country. They offered a vision of a different future to that of the former government.
Larger Union
With few exceptions such as the internationally renowned Sarvodaya Movement, which does not describe itself as an NGO, most NGOs are small and consist of less than 10 full time staff members. While there are reported to be a few hundred of them that actually raise funds and do work, it was only a relatively small number of them that came forward during the period of the former government and earned its enmity. This was on account of their public affirmation of values of universal human rights, good governance practices of rule of law and checks and balances and the peaceful resolution of conflict through dialogue and negotiation. The former government’s response to this was to call them names and restrict the space for their work through police surveillance and not giving permission for their activities. Some were even subjected to physical attack by thugs with the police unwilling to intervene.
However, the mistake made by the former government was to misunderstand what civil society was, and to under estimate its strength. This was on account of their narrow identification of civil society as being limited to NGOs. There is a great amount of academic writing to show that NGOs are only a sub-set of a much wider category of organizations. Civil society also includes other self-organised expressions of people’s social, political, economic and cultural interests. It includes trade unions, associations of artistes and media personnel, groups formed on the basis of religion, such as inter-religious associations, and also chambers of commerce when they come together to promote the collective interests of their own sector or the larger society.
The significance of the last two national elections was that they catalysed a union of this lager civil society grouping, which far exceeded the strength of NGOs working by themselves. The Movement for Social Justice which was headed by the late Ven. Maduluwave Sobitha there was an umbrella group that brought together university academics, artistes, trade unionists, lawyers and other professionals, in addition to those from NGOs. This was the large collective of organizations and individuals that took to the streets in the months before the presidential election to argue their case for a change of values in the body politic, including a change of government.
Distinct Roles
However, years before the establishment of the Movement for Social Justice and its emergence as a mass movement for social and political change, there was an earlier initiative which provided the model for what followed. This was the Platform for Freedom in which NGO leaders such as Dr Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Dr Nimalka Fernando, Brito Fernando and Sudarshana Gunawardena played a key role. When the Rajapaksa government was the height of its power, and abuse of power was widespread, this small group invited opposition political parties to join them on a common platform that transcended narrow politics. In order to maximize their appeal, and minimize their differences, the Platform for Freedom focused on two basic freedoms: the Right to Life, and the Right to Free Speech. With the prevalence of the White Van culture, in which those who dissented could be bundled into them and made to disappear, the relevance of this slogan was compelling.
The two public events held on December 9 and 10 reiterated the commitment of civil society to continue with the struggle that had led them to oppose the former government. The presence of government leaders and the President and Prime Minister at those events was their reaffirmation that they too remained committed to the values of human rights and good governance. The close and friendly relations that existed between the government and civil society are a reversal of what existed in the past. The new media images of the government and civil society partnership in upholding the values of human rights and good governance is important in undoing the years of negative propaganda which prevailed in the past.
Civil society is defined as the “aggregate of non-governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens.” Civil society includes the family and the private sphere, referred to as the “third sector” of society, distinct from government and business. Sometimes the term civil society is used in the more general sense of “the elements such as freedom of speech, an independent judiciary, etc, that make up a democratic society.” On the other hand, politics is about power which corrupts. Civil society well aware that its role is distinct from that of the government and the two cannot be one. This however does not preclude the possibility of some of its members from joining the government to undertake specific tasks and achieve specific objectives. US ambassadors the UN, Samantha Power who visited Sri Lanka recently is an example. She was a human rights activist who joined the Obama administration, and after President Obama’s term is over, she is likely to revert to her role of being a human rights defender from civil society again. This may also be the case with some of Sri Lanka’s own civic activists. At the same time it is necessary to keep in mind the distinction between government, business and civil society.
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