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Well, this entire thing is getting weirder all the time. Turns out that one day before the fire at Notre Dame, there was a fire at St John the Devine Cathedral in New York. Not only that but on the very same day as the Notre Dame fire there was a fire at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Now, all three of these are very ICONIC Historical Monuments. I would be surprised if they did not fall under the protection of UNESCO.
I have to tell you that I do not believe in Coincidences and I will make no apology for that. I have been studying for a long time and I have learned that NOTHING happens by chance. There is a spiritual connection and intention for EVERYTHING. IF you believe that just by chance and circumstance all three of these very famous and symbolic edifices were plagued by fire during such a short span of time, you have been exposed to too many chemicals.
DO a little research for yourself. They have learned that a fire alarm was sounded at Notre Dame 23 minutes before the fire broke out. That the fire department had responded and found no sign of a fire. There are so many factors about this whole incident that make it very suspicious indeed. The timing of so many things that I don’t have room to go into here. But, just like they did with the Temple of Baal/Palmyra they are playing on people’s emotions like crazy. Getting people so worked up about the “loss” that they can’t see the truth right in front of their noses. People, we are not to get so emotionally invested in a structure built by man. This reminds me of the story from the Book of Jasher about the Tower of Babel. In that particular version it says that while they were building the Tower if a man fell from the structure no one even cared, but if a brick fell, the people mourned.
There are some very heavy spirits involved in this, and if you find that you are one who is really emotionally invested in a building, check your spirit. I am very thankful that there have not been any real human casualties, that I know about.
We are not to worship idols. Not to make an idol of anyone or anything. These words GOD wrote with HIS own hand. They are COMMANDMENTS.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”
SO we are not to bow down to ANY MAN, or Statue, or Statue, or Star, or “Planet”, or Moon, or Sun, or Stars, or Plants, or Animals, or Ocean, or Sea Life, or Building, or ANYTHING. We are NOT to put ANYTHING or ANYONE above GOD or even on the same level as GOD – Our Creator.
Possible D.E.W. Direct Energy Weapon used to start Notre Dame fire.
Apr 18, 2019
Apr 15, 2019
To Watch this video on BitCHUTE: CLICK HERE
Published on Apr 23, 2019
Published on Apr 23, 2019
Published on Apr 2
This video was CENSORED. To Watch it on BITCHUTE: CLICK HERE

Update 4/22/19
Published on Apr 21, 2019
Update 4/21/19
Patti C (21 Apr 2012)
THE DARK DAYS OF APRIL 19- MAY 1 (Visit this site for a list of Pagan Dates)
April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire, the fire god, Baal, or Moloch/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan-Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding a (Fire sacrifice) with an emphasis on children.
Streamed live on Apr 20, 2019

Click the title link below to view the video on 159Newsnet:
Notre Dame Fire April 15 Historical Fordicia Events – Roman Pagan Sacrifice Dates – Parilia Apr 21
Streamed live on Apr 20, 2019
UPDATE 4/20/19
#NotreDame Masonic Cults Make Spiritual Whore House A Million Times The Sons Of The Devil
Published on Apr 16, 2019

BREAKING: Famous French Journalist Slams Pope, Elites & Macron for Notre Dame Fire! “2018 we had 1063 anti-Christian acts – 2 churches were vandalized PER DAY!” ‘The pride of our history is burning & and I accuse all the quislings of being responsible’ 2 years, 5 months ago

Although many people were recorded celebrating the Notre Dame fire online, the MSM is pushing the false narrative that conservatives are creating fake news. Paul Joseph Watson reveals the truth according to the facts as they unfolded.
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Notre Dame Fire CCTV PROOF of DEW, Media Reports Before it Happened
Published on Apr 19, 2019
Published on Apr 17, 2019
The Truth about Notre Dame may surprise you. (theawakening)
submitted 1.5 days ago by SerialBrain2
Update 4/19/19
This is what you can expect when they bring Jihadists into every nation of the world. This is what they do in their own nation, why would they not display the same behavior wherever they go? That is only logical. But, then again, that is what we are to believe. It is designed to make people hate and fear anyone with strong religious faith. They want religious people to be seen as dangerous. The ONE WORLD leaders are behind it all. They are working us toward a ONE WORLD religion as an answer for what ails the world.
Published on Apr 18, 2019

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There is no denying that churches are being burned at record numbers in Europe in particular and it’s largely due to a rise in satanism as an ideology. Satanists have engaged in church burnings historically but in the 21st century their movement seems to be gaining traction. In this video Dan Dicks and Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth cover some of the latest stories that prove this is no conspiracy theory or childhood fun and games…spiritual warfare is indeed real and it’s now seems to be escalating in the build up to Good Friday and Easter long weekend.
Want to come to the Red Pill Expo this June? Get your tickets here: https://..
Update: 4/18/19
Published on Apr 18, 2019
UPDATE 4/17/19
What They’re NOT Telling You About The Notre Dame Fire
Published on Apr 16, 2019
Streamed live on Apr 15, 2019
Published on Apr 16, 2019
Published on Apr 17, 2019
The point of views and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject.”*****
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Fire At Notre Dame Follows Wave Of Church ATTACKS – Will They Blame The Yellow Vest Movement?
Published on Apr 15, 2019
Published on Apr 15, 2019
Published on Jul 4, 2014
Streamed live on Apr 16, 2019
A full length original documentary going in depth into the Notre Dame Cathedral roof fire and the strange esoteric connections surrounding it.
From Zion Knights to Sol Pais, are they coincidence or is it ritual?
Firefighters who responded to a second alert raced to the scene but were then unable to tame an inferno that ripped through the 12th century cathedral for the next 9 hours.
Paris public prosecutor Rémy Heitz announced on Tuesday that a full investigation would uncover how a massive fire was allowed to gut the cathedral.
“What we know at this stage is that there was an initial alarm at 6:20 p.m., followed by a procedure to verify this but no fire as found,” Heitz explained. “Then, there was a second alarm at 6:43 p.m. and at that point a fire was detected in the structure.”
HUNT FOR FIRESTARTERS Notre Dame fire – France demands ‘idiot’ restorers face justice as cops launch criminal probe and devastation is laid bare
The inquiry is currently focusing on the specialist employees working for the restoration company Le Bras Freres
Notre Dame firefighters saved cathedral half an hour before collapse – after staff took 23 MINS to find blaze when alarm went off
The rampaging inferno which destroyed the 850-year-old church’s Gothic roof and iconic spire was only found after the second fire alarm was sounded
ISIS celebrates ‘punishment’…
‘Have a nice day’: ISIS fanatics revel in Notre Dame’s destruction days before Easter as they describe the inferno as ‘retribution and punishment’
- ISIS affiliated propaganda group made a heartless poster of the inferno in Paris
- It was accompanied by a cruel message bidding ‘au revoir’ to Notre Dame
- The world mourned as the 850-year-old cathedral erupted in flames on Monday
- Prosecutors said they are treating it as an accident, ruling out terror for now

ISIS fanatics are heartlessly revelling in the inferno at Notre Dame Cathedral just days before Easter calling it ‘retribution and punishment’, according to terror intelligence researchers.
A poster of the blazing cathedral appeared online accompanied by the words, ‘Have a good day,’ and was created by the ISIS affiliated Al-Muntasir group according to the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium.
The poster says: ‘Its construction began in the year 1163 and ended in 1345. It’s time to say goodbye to your oratory polytheism.’
The jihadists referred to the catastrophe as ‘retribution and punishment,’ SITE intelligence reported.
The chilling message appeared as firefighters continued their efforts to put out the blaze late on Monday night, which broke out less than a week before Easter and amid Holy Week commemorations.
The Al-Munatsir media organisation has shared propaganda rejoicing in terror attacks which have rocked France.
The Paris prosecutor’s office said it was treating the fire as an accident, ruling out arson and possible terror-related motives, at least for now.
While the jihadists celebrated online, France and the world mourned the destruction of a glorious symbol of Western civilisation.
These Billionaires Have Already Donated Nearly $1 Billion
The world watched in dismay as a tragic fire caused extensive damage to Paris’ iconic Notre Damecathedral on Monday, April 15, and now donations are coming in to help rebuild the historic …
9 hours ago · Several of France’s wealthiest families are pledging millions to help rebuild NotreDame Cathedral after Monday’s devastating fire. So far, the totals from four major donors already exceed $500 …
1 day ago · Donations to rebuild Notre Dame have exceeded 650 million euros as France’s richest man pledged 200 million euros (£170m) towards the restoration after Monday night’s inferno. Bernard Arnault of …
7 hours ago · Here’s How You Can Help to Rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Donations are pouring in from around the world to help with the reconstruction of the iconic French monument.
1 day ago · A French billionaire has pledged to donate 100 million euros to help rebuild the NotreDame Cathedral after the historic building was engulfed in a fire Monday. François-Henri Pinault, who owns …
Less than a day after French President Emmanuel Macron made a call for donations to help rebuild the landmark Notre Dame cathedral which was severely damaged in a blaze on Monday night, more than …
France’s superrich have joined together and pledged about 600 million euros, or $677 million, to help rebuild Paris’ Notre–Dame Cathedral after it was ravaged by a fire. The cathedral went up in …
Apple will donate money to rebuild Notre–Dame Jonathan Shieber @jshieber / 17 hours In a tweet this morning , Apple chief executive Tim Cook said the company would be donating to rebuilding …
They are apparently looking to blame the people who were working on the reconstruction. Who knows, they might have been involved, but even if they started the fire, I am certain the blame goes much higher. I am convinced that this was a deliberate act. It may have been purely motivated by greed, there is an awful lot of money involved. It may have been an act of worship to their gods/goddesses, this is the season of Beltaine one of the two biggest times of worship for pagans/Satanists. It may have been politically motivated nothing unites people for a cause like a tragedy. No matter what the motivation on a human level, there is a much greater motivation in the Spiritual Realm, and that is where you will find the driving force.
Oh, besides Beltaine, there is another dark force active at this time. As you know witchcraft has risen up. At this very time, there is a CONVENTION OF “CHRISTIAN” WITCHES going on in Salem Massachusettes. Dark and Evil Forces are giving everything they have because they know their time is up.
Check out the following News Items:
Published on Apr 16, 2019
Get full details on the Convention and the witch promoting it here: https://www.christianwitches.com/
Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem caught fire while Notre-Dame cathedral was burning

The Cathedral of St John in New York is another “Gothic” Structure. I don’t see how ANYONE can not see the depth of the depravity and grotesque spiritual darkness that is present in this place.
Fire breaks out at basement of Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
Fire breaks out at basement of Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
The blaze broke out at the historic Amsterdam Avenue church around 10:30 a.m. Services for the Blessing of the Palms were scheduled the whole morning. The scheduled 11 a.m. service was moved and held outside the church on the lawn. As people were praying and singing outside, over 75 firefighters worked to put out a fire inside.
The blaze broke out at the historic Amsterdam Avenue church around 10:30 a.m.
“I realized the cathedral caught on fire my heart started to break,” said parishioner Steven Livesay.
Maryann Tait was inside the church when it was being evacuated.
“People were confused, but it was very orderly,” she said.
Services for the Blessing of the Palms were scheduled the whole morning. The scheduled 11 a.m. service was moved and held outside the church on the lawn.
“God gave us a nice day and beautiful place to have it, we didn’t plan for this,” Tait said.
As people were praying and singing outside, over 75 firefighters worked to put out a fire inside underneath the cathedral. It was deemed under control around 11 a.m.
Video shows smoke surrounding the church, with firefighters monitoring the area.
“It was in a storage room with artwork,” said FDNY Deputy Chief John Schof. “The problem now is trying to get the smoke out of the main part of the building and the basement.”
There were no injuries, officials said.
This isn’t the first time the a fire broke out at the church. In December 2001, the church erupted in flames, shattering stained-glass windows, and gutting the gift shop.
It’s still unclear how the fire and smoke will affect Easter services next Sunday.

To Learn more about the Cathedral of St John in New York visit: