If you have not heard about this phenomenon, you really need to take a look at the following videos.  Your city may be next.

I remember years agon, I saw a video posted online of someone playing with a strange cloud that was on the earth, not in the sky.  The person was able to lift it and bounce it.  I don’t know if the person was a scientist experimenting or an innocent passer-by who came upon it.

If you are not familiar with weather modification or with Chemtrails, you owe it to yourself to get up to speed.  Don’t laugh it off or dismiss it.  This stuff is very real and happening on a daily basis now.

If you see this fog in your area, do not go outside.  Whatever you do do not touch it.

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75 Views – 2 hours ago
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3,850 Subscribers
121 Views – 2 hours ago
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John Carpenter’s ‘They Live’ was massive masonic disclosure …perhaps some of his earlier work involving sinister weather was equally prophetic. Source: MinutesOfHorror Truther’s Lair – Your one stop source of mirrors and original content like the following (see playlists for all documentaries, music videos, and commentaries): NEW! One (Vaccine Genocide Music Video) Aliens Calling – The Last Deception Of Man (Part Two) Aliens Calling – The Last Deception Of Man (Part One) Doctor Beagle (Mock Anthony Fauci Horror Trailer) The Philanthropist (Mock Bill Gates Horror Trailer) From SRA To OCD (Chapter One) From SRA To OCD (Chapter Two) From SRA To OCD (Chapter Three) From SRA To OCD (Chapter Four) From SRA To OCD (Chapter Five) From SRA To OCD (Chapter Six) From SRA To OCD (Chapter Seven) Programming The Horde: A Look At The Zombie Phenomenon The Madness Of Covid-19 Love In A Time Of Chimera


8,850 Subscribers
568 Views – 2 hours ago
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UTL COMMENT:- Never forget the polypropylene blue China masks cause inflammation of the lungs, mitochondrial damage and cancers. The Deception of Covid19 infections. This is how they pulled off the Covid19 scare a planned event caused by their BS prevention and Bioweapon injections falsely called vaccines. Fear causes people to do irrational things and the inability to critically think. This we call a mass psychosis. Protect yourselves. Stay indoors when you see the fog. Stay alert at all times. Beware of false mainstream media. 🌎⏳🙏🏼✝️🇨🇦 Source: “HumboldtTruthTeller”


What is smart dust?

Smart dust is exactly what it sounds like: internet-connected dust particles. Well, not exactly. They are sensors the size of dust particles, of around one-millimetre size. They are capable of monitoring and sensing various signals from the environment, such as sound, temperature, humidity, and more. These sensors are wirelessly connected to a network, and work as sensors in an IoT system.

Due to their size, they are not expected to have a long battery life or range, and are expected to stay suspended in the environment for a long time, just like dust particles. They are usually referred to as ‘motes’ or Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Smart dust may one day completely transform IoT, much like how IoT transformed the world.

In some ways, MEMS are similar to nanobots, except smart dust is a sensor network, and more of an input device, while nanobots are more of an output device.   SOURCE


A couple of years ago, a story emerged about scientists working on “Smart Dust” – nanoparticles that could be employed as sensor networks for a range of security and environmental applications. This was followed by the more literal version of Smart Dust, which was designed to open pathways to establish a human brain-computer interface.

The brain system was labeled “Neural Dust” and was intended to “monitor the brain from the inside.” Inventors speculated that a network of nanoparticles injected into the brain could measure electrical activity in neurons, then use ultrasound to form a two-way transfer of data. This theoretically would lead to the reading, generation, or alteration of information – i.e., mind control. Most disturbingly, at the time, is that their theories had entered the testing phase and showed some success, albeit on a beetle.

New research released by Florida International University indicates that this area of testing has now advanced to mice. Their conclusions and statements about what they have found and where they believe all of this is headed is even less comforting than previous discoveries.

I have posted the full FIU press release below, with emphasis and my comments added. Naturally, their press release highlights only the potential benefits of this technology. One can’t outright deny those possibilities, but we also must put it into perspective knowing what we do about DARPA’s mission to apply this militarily.  For key background into that research please read “7 Future Methods of Mind Control” and the explosive details that came to Activist Post from an Arizona State University whistleblower about what led him to reveal his intense concerns, Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document.”

Press release

A Florida International University professor and his team this month published news of a scientific breakthrough that could lead to the noninvasive treatment of Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Researchers remotely manipulated the electric waves that naturally exist in the brains of mice, a feat that has far-reaching implications for medicine.
The journal Nanomedicine is featuring the paper by Sakhrat Khizroev, a professor with dual appointments in the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and the College of Engineering & Computing.

Using a previously reported FIU-patented technology, researchers began by intravenously administering magneto-electric nanoparticles, or MENs, in mice. With a magnet placed over the head (also read about the “God Helmet” – N.W.) of each subject animal, the particles were pulled through the blood-brain barrier, where they “coupled” the externally created magnetic field with the brain’s intrinsic electric field. This enabled researchers to wirelessly connect their computers and electronics to neurons deep within the brain.

The researchers then sent signals via computer to the MENs, which responded by modulating (or changing from low to high and back again) the frequency of the brain’s naturally occurring electric waves. The resulting pulses created “deep-brain stimulation” that has implications for treating Parkinson’s and other disorders. It stands in contrast to the existing method of deep-brain stimulation, which involves invasive surgery to implant an electrode in the brain and a battery-operated medical device elsewhere in the body.

Worth noting, while the modulation was taking place, researchers had a view of the electrical activity within the brain. This feedback was sent from the MENs to a computer, allowing the researchers to confirm what was taking place.

In a nod to the increasingly personalized nature of medicine, Khizroev believes that MENs could one day be programmed to accomplish any number of medically related procedures to treat various disorders, among them Alzheimer’s and autism. When properly targeted, the particles could, for example, be used to repair cells or destroy plaques. Khizroev also believes that MENs could potentially remain in place within the brain for extended periods to release drugs on a set schedule.

“This study is a critical stepping stone to opening a pathway to understanding the brain and treating many neurodenerative disorders,” Khizroev says. “With this connection, we could see and repair, when necessary, all the electric circuitry deep in the brain.”

*** End of press release

The remote analysis and manipulation of the human brain clearly opens the door for remote mind control, as one man’s treatment of a legitimate disorder becomes another’s tool for simply changing perception. And even if it doesn’t reach that level, this technology also seems to be a boon for Big Pharma as they work in tandem with the medical establishment to ensure that everyone has some sort of disorder in need of revision. For a full explanation on that topic, Jon Rappoport’s article “Obamacare: watch out, here comes ‘predictive modeling’” is a must-read. Also see transhumanist and a Director of Engineering at Google, Ray Kurzweil’s hope for Human Body 2.0 with roving nanobots to repair us from the inside out.

Perhaps most telling, though, is that once again the ethical framework is completely missing. With all of the ways that we have seen humans abuse one another to achieve dominance and control, are we still willing to let these experiments continue without question? Once we reach the nanoscale with full wireless integration, do we really expect that “opting out” will be a future possibility?

Nicholas West writes for Activist Post and TechSwarm.  


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In 2023, the commander Cornelis van der Klaauw from the Royal Netherlands Navy and Expert from Strategic Communications and Information Operations NATO Joint Warfare Centre wrote in the article “Cognitive Warfare”:

The reason why cognitive attacks go unnoticed by their targets is that cognitive activities bypass the conscious mind and directly target the subconscious of a personmost of our decisions are made by our subconscious… cognitive attacks are not science fiction anymore. They are already taking place now… neural nanotechnology can be used to bring nano-sized robots close to a neuron via the bloodstream and make it possible to link the human brain directly (i.e. not intercepted by our senses) to a computer, making use of artificial intelligence in the process… While other domains can provide tactical and operational victories, the human domain is the only domain in which we can secure a full victory“ (see this).   Jade Helm: Master the Human Domain

In December 2021, the U.S. Naval postgraduate school in Monterey, California awarded to two of its students a Master of Science degree in Defence Analysis for the thesis “Neurowar Is Here!“. In the study they stated:

“great power competition has returned to the forefront of international relations, as China and Russia seek to contest America’s global leadership… this contest is ultimately a battle… to manipulate and control both adversaries and domestic populations alike. The battle for influence begins and ends in the human mind, where reality is perceived“ (pg.V) .

They identified neuroweapons as the weapons of this battle,

“that specifically target the brain or the central nervous system in order to affect the targeted person’s mental state, mental capacity and ultimately the person’s behavior in a specific and predictable way” (pg.3).

None of those informations appeared in the world mass media. Does that not mean that we are living in a world, where mass media are (at the request of governments) hiding from people the ongoing battle for the control of their minds and thoughts?

In the year 2000, the European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) published a study on “Crowd Control Technologies“, where it admitted that

“In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals”

and explained that

The most controversial non-lethal crowd control and anti-materiel technology proposed by the US are so-called Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behavior in a variety of unusual ways“


“the greatest concern is with systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system… The research undertaken to date both in the US and in Russia can be divided into two related areas: (i) individual mind control and (ii) crowd control”  (pg.XIV, LIIII).

In January 1999, after a hearing at the European Parliament on the American system HAARP, the parliament approved a resolution, where it called “for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings” (see this).

The fact that mass media of the Member states of the European Union never publicly discussed those weapons proves that the member states of the NATO signed an agreement demanding them to classify this information. The same policy is observed by the governments around the world.

The EU is actually working “on a bill to ensure AI in Europe is safe, respects fundamental rights and democracy“. This bill is supposed to ban “AI systems that manipulate human behaviour to circumvent their free will“ and even “to influence the outcome of elections and voter behavior“ (see this). So far the European Union did not incorporate in this bill the ban of the use of energies which make it possible to use the artificial intelligence and neurotechnologies to control the human nervous system at distance. Evidently the EU is respecting the NATO agreement to classify this technology. For that matter the present EU documents mention only the brain computer inferfaces as a means threatening fundamental human rights and democracy.

The brain activity is changing according to changes in frequency and number of firing of neurons in the brain and is accessible to any energy which will produce in neurons electrical currents in the frequencies of different activities of the human brain. This may be induced by extra long electromagnetic waves transmitted in the natural frequencies of the human brain or by microwaves pulsed in the brain frequencies or possibly by energies discovered by quantum physics. Extra long electromagnetic waves will, due to their length, control the brain activity of masses of people while directed pulsed microwaves can be used to target individual brains.

The USA, Russia and China own systems, which are, among others, capable of producing strong electric currents in the ionosphere by transmitting there pulsed microwaves in the brain frequencies. Those alternating currents produce in the ionosphere intensive elecgtromagnetic waves in the the brain frequencies which reach large areas of the planet and will control the brain activity of their populations.

China, with the help of Russia, started the construction of its system manipulating the ionosphere in theHainan province in 2017 (see this). In July 2023, The Washington Times published an article, where it stated:

“China‘s People’s Liberation Army is developing high-technology weapons designed to disrupt brain functions and influence government leaders or entire populations, according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts.“

The USA operate the system HAARP, which inspired the European Parliament to call for “for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings” (see this and this), and Russia operates the system Sura, the experimentation with which convinced China to build their own system in Hainan province.

Masses of people could be controlled as well by satelite systems pulsing microwaves in the brain frequencies, especially, if “nano-sized robots were delivered close to a neuron via the bloodstream“ into their brains, as Cornelis van der Klaauw put it at the beginning of this article. Those “robots“ (or rather antennas) are already used in medical neurotechnology (see this). They are so small that they can penetrate via blood through the blood-brain barrier into the brain. They can be delivered to the blood via breathing, drinking, eating or by vaccination.

The cell phone networks could be used to control the activity of the human nervous system, if their microwave frequencies were pulsed in the brain frequencies, as well. The first experiments with manipulation of the human brain activity by pulsed microwaves succeeded even without use of any particles in the brain (see this) and it is no secret that cell phone radiation, pulsed in 217 Herz produces this frequency in the human brain activity (see this).

At present time, there exists no international agreement banning the use of artificial intelligence and neurotechnologies for the remote control of the human nervous systems, thoughts, emotions, subconscious etc. There is no other explanation for it, than that the great powers are competing to master the world in this way. In 1997 the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College published the book ”Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War”, where it wrote:     Jade Helm: Master the Human Domain

”Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ”potential” or ”active”, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor, and focus psychological campaigns for each” (pg. 24-25).

This is an American project for global control of the world. There is no doubt that similar projects are being developed in China and Russia as well.

To protect the world history from reaching this inhuman end, it is necessary that world governments sign an international agreement banning the use of neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence to control the activity of human brains at distance, similar to agreements that banned the use of chemical and biological weapons. The observance of this ban should be supervised by the United Nations Organization. For right now we can help it only by requiring the European Parliament to ban technologies of remote control of the activity of the human nervous system. It must be forbidden to natural persons, legal persons, marketing companies and criminal organizations, as well as to government agencies and foreign governments.

Sign the petition here.

The European Union can set an example and a challenge to the rest of the world in this way.

For more information, see this and this.



5,893 Subscribers
117 Views – 1 hour ago
Sensitivity – Normal (BBFC 12)
THEY ARE GASSING US NOW .. SPRAYING US LIKE COCKROACHES .. THE EVIL WIND .. THE DEATH MIST POISONING THE ABSOLUTE FUXK OUT OF US …. THIS SHIT IS OUT OF CONTROL IT IS AN UNDECLARED ASYMMETRIC WAR ON HUMANITY AND THESE FUCKERS WHO ARE DOING THIS ARE ENEMY COMBATANTS THEY ARE LEGITIMATE ENEMY TARGETS AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH. THESE FUCKERS MUST BE STOPPED AT ANY COST. They cause the problem and then evoke imaginary powers and offer the solution .. which is ALWAYS BAD FOR HUMANS !! THESIS ANTITHESIS SYNTHESIS .. PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION .. DOWN WITH THE NWO AND THEIR FILTHY LIES Thank you … DarknessToLight.111 DarknessToLight.111 FUNNY HOW WHEREVER THE FBI & GOVT AGENCIES ARE THERE IS NO SPRAYING OF CHEMTRAILS OR THIS FOG. IMAGINE THAT. WE’RE ALL IN THE KILL BOX NOW. DROPPING CHEMICAL PAYLOADS ON TOP OF CIVILIANS. People Across the World report Fog like illness and Strange Objects caught on camera. What is dropping this? The Fog Conspiracy is spreading across the internet but we have found some answers but still we must investigate these claims today on JWTV, get ready to dive into Eyewitness accounts. SOURCE 👇 🧐🧐🧐 LUKE 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. ✝️✝️✝️
