They couldn’t scare you enough with their Fake Pandemic, so now they threaten you with A TRIPLEDEMIC!! Oh no! Whatever will you do??
Are you kidding me?? Seriously? Folks, what is wrong with you? Why do you give them that much POWER?? You will end up like those in China Locked up in Towers with no access to food or water. Tied up on the street, confined to a tin box, humiliated and shunned, or much worse!
How anyone can still be buying the bullshit they are handing out is beyond me. They have been proven to be lying about everything. The vax and the tests have all been proven to be harmful and dangerous. Their motives have been revealed and it has nothing to do with protecting the public! There is so much documentation out there you have to be a blind idiot or just in denial to participate in any FAKE PANDEMIC Mandates!
Anyone who continues to follow their recommendations deserves whatever happens to them.
WHY IN GOD’S NAME will people continue to allow them to destroy our society, take away our rights and turn us into the lowest of dogs in their caste system is beyond my understanding.
You have to know that is their goal. They believe in CLASSISM. They are creating a new society based on the CASTE SYSTEM. They are the UPPER CLASS and YOU ARE ALL LESS THAN DOGS. They want to be sure you know that.
So if you want to be part of their NEW ORDER. PUT YOUR MUZZLE ON AND SHUT UP AND LAY DOWN.
Amid a ‘Tripledemic,’ It’s Time to Mask Up Again, Experts Say
The C.D.C. officially advises wearing a mask on a county-by-county basis depending on community Covid-19 levels, which take into account virus-related hospital admissions, bed capacity and case rates. However, in an interview with NPR last week, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the C.D.C. director, said, “You don’t need to wait for C.D.C.’s recommendation, certainly, to wear a mask.”
Here we go again!
Los Angeles County is set to reinstate indoor-mask mandates as local COVID-19 infections and related hospital admissions continue to surge.
(Wake up people. They are causing the illness so that you will do what they say!! It is already proven that people who get the VAX are the ones who get COVID AGAIN, they are also the ones who SPREAD COVID, they are also much more susceptible to EVERYTHING that comes along. The VAX destroys your natural IMMUNE SYSTEM. THERE NEVER WAS A PANDEMIC! COVID 19 is the COMMON COLD. The COMMON COLD IS ALWAYS HERE..> THAT IS WHY IT IS CALLED COMMON. THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO CURE THE COMMON COLD. THE COMMON COLD IS NOT A DEADLY VIRUS!!)
“There is this common line of thinking that the pandemic is over and COVID is no longer of concern, but these numbers clearly demonstrate that COVID is still with us,” County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said at a press conference Thursday.
The county now averages more than 2,700 new COVID infections per day, up 180% since Nov. 1. Virus-related hospital admissions are now at 192 per day, a 200% increase from the same date, she said.
Los Angeles County’s weekly rate of new cases also rose to 185 per 100,000 residents, which boosted the county from “low” virus activity to “medium,” as per CDC guidelines.

The “medium” risk level still only makes masking “strongly recommended.”
But Ferrer warned that the county is on track to move to the “high” viral level by next week, which would prompt an indoor-mask mandate.
To hit the “high” designation, the county’s weekly case rate would have to be at least 200 per 100,000 residents and its hospital admissions reach more than 10 per 100,000 residents. More than than 10% of staffed hospital beds also would have to occupied by COVID patients.
As of Thursday, the hospital admission rate already exceeded the CDC’s threshold, with 11.9 new admissions per 100,000 residents. Still, only 5.6% of inpatient beds in the county were occupied by COVID patients.

“Given both the increases in hospitalizations and the lack of certainty in the winter trajectory for COVID-19, continuing some common-sense mitigation strategies that we know work to limit transmission and illness, including masking and being up to date on vaccines and boosters, remains a very sensible approach,” Ferrer said.
“However, [the current trend] does signal that case rates and hospitalizations are elevated, and we could be in the ‘high’ community level as soon as next week,” she said.
Ferrer’s announcement quickly generated a reaction on social media.

“They push false data and fearporn through their daily news,” a Twitter user lamented.
Another person tweeted, “The only city that is chomping at the bit to bring masks back is Los Angeles.
“They’ll have rolling mandates forever,” the writer said, adding that “it’s been very normal” in their hometown of Louisville, KY.
Other commenters were more open to the idea, with one person writing, “How do you prevent long Covid?
“Vaccines. Masks. Treatments like Paxlovid. The greatest crime is telling people that Covid is ‘just a cold.’”
Another Twitter user went so far as to say the mandate should already be in place.
“Why wait to implement a simple measure that could temper the surge, reduce deaths, long Covid, hospitalizations, & even more mutations?” the person argued.

At the end of the day Thursday, the department reported 4,493 new COVID cases and 14 additional deaths, with current hospitalizations hovering at 1,164.
Department officials previously stated that about 40% of hospital admissions were brought in for COVID-related symptoms, while the rest tested positive after arriving for separate issues.
Don’t go near a doctor or hospital or anywhere else they are testing. The TESTS have already been proved to be a SCAM and you could end up in quarantine or worse. Once they have you, you are at their mercy. A ventilator used on someone who does not need it will kill them.

Although masks are currently optional throughout the county, they are still required in healthcare facilities and congregate care locations like nursing homes, per the department’s website.
Concerns about the LA County COVID surge are compounded by an uptick in flu and RSV cases in the winter months. Earlier this month, The Post reported on staggering pediatric RSV numbers in New York City hospitals.
What do you think? Post a comment.
“We’re caring for more kids than we have beds for,” Dr. James Schneider, head of the pediatric intensive care unit at Long Island Jewish Hospital, said at the time.
(Ya, and kids are completely at their mercy. They are getting all the shots and boosters, wearing masks and keeping their distance. YET THE VIRUS SPREADS…What do you know about that?)
As COVID infections continue to climb, Los Angeles authorities are urging residents to follow through with vaccination. While a vaccinated person can still catch and transmit COVID, vaccines offer protection from the most severe symptoms.
(Not true, far more people are suffering complications and even death from the Vaccines than the disease. Those who have the vaccine are the ones who are spreading it. So, who are they protecting?? NO ONE! Meanwhile, anyone that I have known that got the “COVID” got over it in a matter of a few days. Symptoms were no more severe than a cold or upper respiratory infection. So what severe symptoms are they claiming you can avoid? And it is worth all the damage to our society? Look what they have done. We are on the verge of collapse. Not from the disease, from their policies and mandates!! Meanwhile, they are calling it a PANDEMIC, but I don’t know anyone who has died from it. DO YOU? Where are all the people collapsing in the street? Where are all the funeral possessions? Have you seen any wheel barrels full of dead bodies? PLEASE! Most of the people who supposedly died from COVID died in the hospital and we have already proven that they were calling them COVID Deaths no matter the true cause of their death.)

COVID is nothing more than a plan. Certificate of Vaccination ID that’s their end game. 19=AI which will run everything once their plan has run. Printed 1989.
10 months, 3 weeks ago