Well, this is not NEWS but it was NEWS to me today. I just had to say something. Everyday I am more and more amazed at how far we have fallen. Mankind has lost all sense of right and wrong and they are falling faster and faster ever deeper into the clutches of darkness. Ignorantly, they pursue their wanton ways even as the COMING of the snatching away of God’s children draws closer and closer. Which WILL BE followed by GREAT TRIBULATION SUCH AS NEVER HAS BEEN SEEN BEFORE AND NEVER WILL BE SEEN AGAIN.
The world is getting darker and darker as people embrace their fallen nature and seek after worldly riches which are fleeting. Too blind to recognize TRUTH, they have surrendered their eternal souls to their enemy, the consequences of which will not appear until the end, just as the rewards for the faithful. Everything will be determined at HIS SECOND COMING. ONLY THEN will all things be known and the righteous will find their ultimate fulfillment while the unrighteous will suffer eternal torment. I know that no one wants to believe that such a thing exists or that GOD could be so harsh as to punish someone FOREVER… However, that is a punishment that was reserved for the Fallen Angels, not meant for humans. BUT, GOD gave YOU a choice. If you are foolish enough to cast away HIS Salvation for the fleeting pleasures of this world…you have no one to blame but yourself.
As demonstrated by the material goods we see on the market today, and the absolute lasciviousness and debauchery of the masses, the DEMONS are running rampant, and the FALLEN ANGELS are about to burst onto the scene. If you can’t read the signs… you better get on your knees and beg GOD in HIS MERCY to OPEN YOUR EYES!
Update 3/30/21
I have seen reports that NIKE is being quick to distance themselves from the production of these shoes. However, I have not been able to find anything about them responding in like manner to the “Jesus Shoes” offered by MSCHF. Why is MSCF allowed to use the NIKE Logo? Nike could surely put a stop to that. I guess since they did not sue over the “JESUS SHOES” then MSCHF felt free to put out another shoe with the logo.
Anyway, here is what Nike had to say.
News of the shoes drew outrage over the Palm Sunday weekend; some critics slammed both Lil Nas X and Nike. But Nike was quick to distance itself from the shoes, pointing out that they’re custom adaptations of existing products.
“We do not have a relationship with Little Nas X or MSCHF,” Nike said in a statement. “Nike did not design or release these shoes and we do not endorse them.” Source
Nike Is Suing Over Trademark Infringement
Nike is suing MSCHF over trademark infringement, false designation of origin/unfair competition, trademark dilution, and common law trademark infringement.
Apparently, NIKE is reacting to the immense negative response from the public in regard to the SATAN SHOEs, and not to the use of their logo on their products.
with 666 and a drop of human blood in the sole is a reason why we Christians must be prayed up ready to battle in the spirit with the Voice of the Holy Spirit. This is evil & heresy and I pray that Christians rise up against this.
MSCHF, the creative label behind the Satan Shoes, sold Jesus-themed shoes in 2019, which were also a special design of the Nike Air Max 97 trainers. Rather than having blood and red ink in the soles, the Jesus shoes had holy water. One pair cost $3,000.
Business Insider reported that the Jesus-themed shoes were bought at retail price and repurposed, and Nike had no affiliation with the shoes’ creation.
Welcome to MSCHF. Get new drops early, talk to us, and access secret MSCHF. spacer
MSCHF stands for/is a short from of the word MISCHIEF. This word like just about everything else has evolved throughout the ages. It has been “softened” to cover its true meaning. HOWEVER, GOD TOLD ME, the only thing that matters in anything, is the ROOT. Where it began, everything else is a COVER UP/A LIE/A DECEPTION. Folks that is the Devils forte. The greatest weapon he has in his arsenal. It works most of the time. The only ones he can’t fool are those who are sold out to GOD/JESUS and walking in the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Words have power, and so do symbols. If you think wearing Satanic symbols on your feet is innocuous… you better think again.
In GOD’s ARMOR, we have our feet shod with the preparation of THE GOSPEL of PEACE. Beautiful are the feet of those who bring the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL. Why do you think the Devil wants to cover your feet in his label??
1: a specific injury or damage attributed to a particular agent. the polished floor … often causes mischiefs—bruises, sprains, dislocations— Herbert Spencer
2: a cause or source of harm, evil, or irritation especially: a person who causes mischief. He’s a real mischief to his family.
3a: action that annoys or irritates. Halloween mischiefs
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘mischief.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
c. 1300, “evil condition, misfortune; hardship, need, want; wickedness, wrongdoing, evil,” from Old French meschief “misfortune, harm, trouble; annoyance, vexation” (12c., Modern French méchef), verbal noun from meschever “come or bring to grief, be unfortunate” (opposite of achieve), from mes- “badly” (see mis- (2)) + chever “happen, come to a head,” from Vulgar Latin *capare “head,” from Latin caput “head” (from PIE root *kaput- “head”).Meaning “harm or evil considered as the work of some agent or due to some cause” is from late 15c. Sense of “playful malice” is recorded by 1784. The meaning has softened with time; in Middle English to be full of mischief was to be miserable; to make mischief was “to result in misery. “Mischief Nightin 19c. England was the eve of May Day and of Nov. 5, both major holidays, and perhaps the original point was pilfering for the next day’s celebration and bonfire; but in Yorkshire, Scotland, and Ireland the night was Halloween. The useful Middle English verb mischieve (early 14c.), used by Skelton and Gavin Douglas, has, for some reason, fallen from currency.
early 14c., “unfortunate, disastrous, miserably, wretchedly,” probably from mischief + -ous. Sense of “playfully malicious or annoying” is attested by 1670s. “The stressing on the second syllable was common in literature till about 1700; it is now dialectal, vulgar, and jocular” [OED]. Related: Mischievously; mischievousness.
word-forming element of Latin origin (in mischief, miscreant, misadventure, misnomer, etc.), from Old French mes- “bad, badly, wrong, wrongly,” from Vulgar Latin *minus-, from Latin minus “less” (from suffixed form of PIE root *mei- (2) “small”), which was not used as a prefix in Latin but in the Romanic languages was affixed to words as a depreciative or negative element. The form in French perhaps was influenced in Old French by *miss-, the Frankish (Germanic) form of mis- (1).
Proto-Indo-European root meaning “head.” It forms all or part of: achieve; behead; biceps; cabbage; cabochon; caddie; cadet; cap; cap-a-pie; cape (n.1) “garment;” cape (n.2) “promontory;” capital (adj.); capital (n.3) “head of a column or pillar;” capitate; capitation; capitulate; capitulation; capitulum; capo (n.1) “leader of a Mafia family;” capo (n.2) “pitch-altering device for a stringed instrument;” caprice; capsize; captain; cattle; caudillo; chapter; chef; chief; chieftain; corporal (n.); decapitate; decapitation; forehead; head; hetman; kaput; kerchief; mischief; occipital; precipice; precipitate; precipitation; recapitulate; recapitulation; sinciput; triceps.It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit kaput-; Latin caput “head;” Old English heafod, German Haupt, Gothic haubiþ “head.”
Greek goddess or personification of infatuation and blundering mischief, from ate “damage, ruin; guilt; blindness, dazzlement, infatuation; penalty, fine,” which is of uncertain origin.
also fire-brand, c. 1200, “piece of wood kindled at a fire, a piece of something burning,” from fire (n.) + brand (n.). Used for spreading fire. Figurative sense of “one who kindles mischief or passions” is from late 14c.
“doing mischief, producing disaster or evil,” 1650s, from Latin maleficus “wicked, vicious, criminal,” from male “ill” (see mal-) + -ficus “making, doing,” from combining form of facere “to make, do” (from PIE root *dhe- “to set, put”). Related: Malefical (1610s).
masc. proper name, shortened from Radulf, from Old Norse Raðulfr (Old English Rædwulf), literally “wolf-counsel,” from rað “counsel” (see read (n.)) + ulfr “wolf” (see wolf (n.)). The Century Dictionary also lists it as English printers’ slang for “An alleged or imagined evil spirit who does mischief in a printing house.”
Some of the products and projects produced by MSCHF. MSCHF; Paige Leskin/Business Insider
A company called MSCHF has quietly been creating some of the most absurd, cynical, and viral projects and products that have spread across the internet.
Products from the seven-person company range from an astrology-based stock trading app, to a toaster-shaped bathbomb, to Holy Water-filled sneakers.
During Business Insider’s recent visit to MSCHF headquarters, CEO Gabriel Whaley said the company runs on “structured chaos” — no project or idea is off limits, as long as its employees can find the resources for its production.
Their only post on LinkedIn refers to themselvesas a dairy company (a lie). It’s probably the best, and only, description you’ll ever get of the startup behind AI-generatedfeet photos, an app for making stock investments based on astrological signs, and Nike sneakers filled with Holy Water.
Even its CEO and founder isn’t sure how to characterize the company.
“A brand of what? I don’t know. Being a company kills the magic,” Gabriel Whaley recently told Business Insider. “We’re trying to do stuff that the world can’t even define.”
Whaley is the founder and CEO of MSCHF, the company behind some of the most viral stunts, stories, and products that have spread throughout the meme-laden, cynical internet community. Their products are meant to poke fun at everything and anything, because MSCHF takes pride in pushing the boundaries.
There’s no apparent thread connecting MSCHF’s slew of projects: The team has built a browser add-on that disguises your Netflix watching as a conference call, designed a squeaking rubber chicken bong for smoking weed, and created a YouTube channel solely consisting of videos of a man eating everything from a tub of mayonnaise to a photo of Pete Davidson. But for Whaley, the lack of continuity is the point: As long as the team can figure out the resources to create and launch a product, “nothing is safe.”
“Our perspective is everything is funny in a nihilistic sort of way,” Whaley said. “We’re not here to make the world a better place. We’re making light of how much everything sucks.”
Business Insider visited the headquarters of MSCHF in December, located at a nondescript address that blends in among the warehouses peppered throughout Brooklyn’s trendy Williamsburg neighborhood. The space is dingy, with cult-classic movie posters on the walls and tables covered in loose papers and partially unpacked MSCHF products. The “conference room” is a tiny loft located up a flight of stairs bearing a sole plastic chair. Whaley is quick to share that the roof leaks when it rains and the heating isn’t great, and takes pride in showing off the inside of the single-stall bathroom filled with graffiti and artwork.
Before MSCHF, Whaley was a West Point military academy dropout who was already heralding goofy viral projects on his own, such as an app that was essentially Tinder for airplane travelers. His work landed him a brief stint at BuzzFeed in 2013, but he left after a year when the department he worked in was shut down. He officially launched MSCHF in 2016.
Now, MSCHF is 10 employees strong. They’re mostly twenty-somethings — including just one woman, who was hired in 2020 — and Whaley describes them as “fans of mischief.” In the four years since founding MSCHF, Whaley hired his team along the way: one employee he found playing soccer in Chinatown, and another he hired by sliding into his DMs.
When a mass shipment of MSCHF’s latest product is delivered to the office — a dark $10 toaster bath bomb — all seven employees in the office that day crowd to the center of the warehouse to unpack them and get them ready to be shipped to customers. It’s a flurry of activity, a cloud of cardboard boxes and packing materials.
MSCHF CEO and founder Gabe Whaley, right, and creative VP Ben Rosen. MSCHF
The layout of its headquarters is a stark reflection of the MSCHF’s unofficial doctrine to adhere to “structured chaos.”Daniel Greenberg, MSCHF’s head of commerce, flaunted how MSCHF shirks the traditional business model: The MSCHF team currently sets aside no budget for advertisements and marketing, and conducts no user testing of its products.
It’s also unclear whether, or how, the MSCHF team makes any money. The company used to run nontraditional ad campaigns for brands like Casper and Target, but Whaley says MSCHF stopped doing that in September 2019 to instead “go all in on our own stuff.” Since then, the company has closed two rounds of funding from investors — including an $8 million round just made public in January — totalling $11.5 million, according to PitchBook’s funding database.
However, Whaley told Business Insider he’s not worried about the sustainability MSCHF’s current way of business, and how the company can continue to scale. To the MSCHF team, the only opinion that matters is theirs, and their only goal is to get people to notice them — whether that attention is negative or not.
“If we can make people a fan of the brand and not the product, we can do whatever the f–k we want,” Greenberg, the head of commerce, told Business Insider. “We build what we want. We don’t care.”
There are times when this dissident outlook has gotten MSCHF in trouble from entities and companies that don’t share the same attitude. Slack shut down an open Slack workspace where anyone could compete in guessing the word of the day to win $1000. In its most blatant middle finger to the establishment, MSCHF created a shell restaurant called “The Blue Donkey”, where employees who pay for meals using company money or corporate perks could pretend to order “food” using an online delivery app, like Grubhub or Seamless. In actuality, those “food” orders were political donations to candidates with anti-corporate policies. Blue Donkey lasted only hours before it was shut down.
MSCHF has since committed itself to releasing a new product every two weeks: Its newest release is Clickswipe, a desktop app that swipes right on Tinder anytime you click the mouse on your computer. In line with its anti-establishment attitude, MSCHF only announces its products via text message (you can sign up for early access on its website). Despite their limited publicity, MSCHF frequently sells out their products — they only make 1,000 units — “in minutes,” Greenberg, the head of commerce, told Business Insider.
“We’re in this weird place where we’re not really thinking like a business,” Greenberg said. “We just do shit, and people buy our stuff.”
Apparently NIKE and MSCHF have been very busy creating and marketing shoes related to spiritual things. Here is another one of their recent products:
If those shoes—divine kicks created by the big man Himself—in (the amended) John 3:16 were real, they’d be the $1,425 “JesusShoes” from MSCHF, which sold out minutes after their release on Tuesday…
There are those who wear these things to mock the Christian Faith, but then there are those who foolishly believe that these are good and positive and not offensive to GOD at all. Idiots! How can they think that wearing these sneakers (which include scripture verses, and crucifixes) on their feet is not offensive? Walking on symbols that represent things that are holy, is unholy. And the crucifix is not a Christian symbol. It is the Roman Catholic symbol because the Roman Priesthood believe that they sacrifice Jesus over and over again at their command. Read their literature.
Jesus CHRIST is risen folks! He is alive and well and powerful. AND, He is soon coming back for HIS faithful children.
HERE IS AN UNBOXING VIDEO OF THE JESUS SHOES. I though you would like to see a video to get a clearer idea of what they look like and how they are presented.
This video is only to educate you on how a UA version looks in detail. This video is for educational purposes only. I do not condone the selling or resale of “Unauthorized Sneaker” or “Replica” shoes. Please enjoy! Thanks for the love! My IG: @ColoCulture @lizhang1138
1 day agoLilNasX’s new video “Montero” was a vulnerable expression of the singer’s sexuality. But some critics say the video is strikingly similar to a fellow artists’.
Lil Nas X is inviting you to leave shame at the door and plummet to the depths of hell with him on his first song of 2021, “Montero (Call Me By Your Name).” Who dares to say no?
After teasing the release with a breadcrumb trail on social media, the genre-bending rapper has finally unleashed his homage to the 2017 romantic drama Call Me By Your Namewith its accompanying music video. It’s a journey of biblical proportions.
The music video finds Nas in a purple-drenched Garden of Eden as he’s seduced by a futuristic snake. He’s is then taken to trial for slipping into sin, but as the lyrics to the song relay, the concept of sinning is a rash judgment to be simply brushed off the shoulders: “You’re living in the dark boy / I cannot pretend / I’m not fazed / Don’t be here to sin / If you live in your garden / You know that you can call me what you want / Call me what you need.”
The visual, co-directed by Nas and Tanu Muino, then slides its way down south as the “Old Town Road” rapper rides a pole to the Devil’s fiery abode in a scene rivaling Jennifer Lopez‘s hot Hustlers routine.
Watch below at your own risk. I advise that you Pray first.
The song was produced by Take a DayTrip, Omer Fedi, and Roy Enzo. Nas opened up about the release of “Montero” with a personal message to his fans. He dedicated the song to his childhood self (Nas’ birth name is Montero Lamar Hill). In the note, Nas looked back on the mental trials of coming out as gay at an early age.
“Dear 14-year-old Montero, I wrote a song with our name in it. It’s about a guy I met last summer. I know we promised to never come out publicly, I know we promised to never be ‘that’ type of gay person, I know we promised to die with the secret, but this will open doors for many other queer people to simply exist,” the note reads. “You see this is very scary for me, people will be angry, they will say I’m pushing an agenda. But the truth is, I am. The agenda to make people stay the f— out of other people’s lives and stop dictating who they should be. Sending you love from the future.”
This is Nas’s first single since last year’s winter bop “Holiday.” As a lead-up, Nas dropped the “Montero” artwork on social media, which features the Grammy-winning artist putting his own naughty spin on Michaelangelo’s iconic “The Creation of Adam” painting.
We should expect nothing more from NIKE a company that is named for a goddess. So we have some knowledge of the the entities involved in the manufacture and sale of these Satan Shoes. Let’s take a look at the product.
And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18
Rapper and singer Lil Nas X launched a controversial pair of “Satan Shoes” featuring a bronze pentagram, an inverted cross and a drop of real human blood – and they sold out almost immediately.
In an emailed statement to CNN, Nike said it was not involved in creating the modified sneakers. “We do not have a relationship with Lil Nas or MSCHF,” the company said. “Nike did not design or release these shoes and we do not endorse them.”
MSCHF confirmed via emailMarch 29 that the limited-edition “drop” of 666 pairs sold out in less than a minute (though Lil Nas X will keep the first pair, MSCHF creative director Kevin Wiesnertold CNN).
Theywere priced at $1,018 a pair, a reference to the Bible passage Luke 10:18 that reads:“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”Each shoe’s air bubble sole contains 60 cubic centimeters (2.03 fluid ounces) of red inkand “one drop” of human blood, according to MSCHF.
A MSCHF spokesperson said the blood had been provided by members of the art collective, adding: “We love to sacrifice for our art.” Later, Wiesner explained on a video call that the creative team collected individual drops over the course of a week using the same type of needle used in at-home glucose tests. The group also confirmed to CNN that Nike was “not involved in this in any capacity.”
As the blood in the shoe flows back and forth you can see the little demon in the upper left corner of that channel.