Scott Johnson’s Report on His Trip to the ‘Luciferian March For a One World
Government’ in Raleigh, NC
Scott Johnson’s Comment: For those that did not get first update (regarding a listener and I going to the Luciferian March at the state capital in Raleigh NC), we made it home fine. It was awesome. God was in control. Christians way outnumbered the coward Luciferians. Great fellowship, amazing preaching!!!
Police were awesome! Praise the Lord!!
Jerusalem: Luciferians/Satanists get Cold Feet, Cancel Own ‘New World Order’ Event during Solar Eclipse
The global Luciferian movement called for events all over the world on Sunday during the solar eclipse. Most notably perhaps was the event scheduled to be held at the Western Wall in Jerusalem which called for a Satanic Third Temple as part of the process to bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
The event coincided with a rare ring-of-fire annular solar eclipse just hours after the annual summer solstice. Luciferians believe that a solar eclipse is a good omen portending the rise of evil since it a chaotic event in which the regular laws of nature are subverted. It is in fact and in ideology the victory of the moon and darkness over the sun and light.
The summer solstice marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere. It marks the point at which daylight is at it most extreme longest. Many Satanic and idolatrous rituals are related to the lunar and solar cycles. Summer solstice is a high holiday for Luciferians, a celebration of the Roman god Saturnus.
The Western Wall Heritage Foundation which administers the site responded to an inquiry about the event, saying, “We have no knowledge of the group or the event but anyone can come pray at the kotel (Western Wall).”
A group of Israeli believers in Jesus were at the Western Wall, waiting to confront the Luciferians however none appeared at the appointed time. One of the Jewish participants explained that Christian eschatology as described in the New Testament describes a subversive attempt to create a unified world order in the end-of-days. For this reason, they were on hand to pray for the Luciferians and to try to convince them “through love” to abandon their goal.
Breaking Israel News reporter was on-site to report on the event. He saw a group of fewer than ten people wearing black t-shirts with satanic symbols. The Luciferians did not enter the Western Wall Plaza and it is unclear whether they held their event.
Praise the Lord!!!
June 23, 2020 | IFA Staff and Breaking Israel News
Thank you God for the answered prayer about the Luciferian marches fizzling! We are so grateful for the empowering of your will through the prayer of your intercessors!
What happened with the Satanic Marches scheduled for this past weekend?
Planned for 20-something cities worldwide, the marches were widely reported to have fizzled. PRAISE GOD! ANSWERED PRAYER!
Nearly 300,000 intercessors accessed Intercessors for America’s Headline Prayer article about the Satanic marches. It was a viral call for prayer. We at IFA enjoyed seeing the community of intercessors offering prayer, information, and encouragement to others reading the article. (Go back to the original IFA article to
see these comments here.)
The organization has chapters all over the world and marches were held in multiple locations on Sunday. The invitation for the main march for the US in Raleigh, North Carolina calling for a New World Order.
In researching what happened with the marches in the U.S., IFA staff learned that according to one Satanic website communication, one organizer shared, “It has been brought to light that the Antifa terrorists are arranging Luciferian satanic marches all over the United States on the 21st of June in order to attract more people to the dark side, and ultimately please Moloch and Satan through joining this the Antichrist movement…” Whoever was behind the marches was trying to empower the Antichrist movement.
Wow. Please keep in mind that darkness abounds in our nation today and many dark agendas are overlapping. Let us continue to pray that the darkness would be pushed back! God is bigger than these attacks, riots, marches, and spells! We thank you, intercessors, for your many faithful prayers about these marches and we can praise God together for the lack of action that happened on June 21st!
This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful.. This prayer can shut down Witches and Satanists forever.
Father, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we plead the precious incorruptible blood of Jesus over the Body of Christ, the innocent, ourselves, our family and everything that belongs to us. We ask for giant warrior Angels (or
whatever kinds of angels are necessary) to be loosed from Heaven to surround and protect us. As your war club and weapons of war we break down, undamn, and blow up all walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards,
satanists, and the like, and we break the power of all curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, psychic prayers, psychic thought, all witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all mind control, jinxes, potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, physic power, psychic warfare, prayer chains, and everything else being sent to the Body of Christ, the innocent, our way or our family members way, and we return it and the demons, devils, evil entities and fallen angels to the senders right now!, SEVENFOLD, and we BIND it to them by the blood of Jesus!
Father, we pray that these lost souls will find the light of your Son Jesus.. Their own snares and traps have now been set against themselves.. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we now loose them from all mind control of Satan!..
Father we also ask that you Bind the Holy Spirit to their hearts as a guide to your Son Jesus.. So they may be set free from the bondages of Satan.
In Jesus name we pray…Amen

SO FAR… no reports of any real marches taking place anywhere… I will keep watching. But, Praise GOD! PRAYER WORKS!
It seems very strange to me that they had all this hype going on and yet NO ONE showed up ANYWHERE? Smells fishy. I don’t know what they were doing. Maybe just playing some kind of psychological game. At least for today, it appears that the devil has failed. The March for the World Government was a non-event. |
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The numbers interacting with those Facebook pages are modest. Two people are “interested” in attending the march in Alaska, 43 people are “interested” in attending the march in New York City. The New York City march is scheduled to begin at Zuccotti Park, the same park that was overtaken by activists in 2011 during the Occupy Wall Street movement. All of the discussions on the groups seen by Heavy shows Christians trying to dissuade people from attending the marches. The most recent post on the Washington D.C. group simply reads, “JESUS IS LORD.”

ONE DOWN 21 to go!
Jerusalem: Satanists get Cold Feet, Cancel Own ‘New World Order’ Event during Solar Eclipse

This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast [means]—there will be a fourth kingdom upon the earth which will be different from all the kingdoms; it will devour the whole earth, tread it down, and crush it.” Daniel 7:23 (The Israel Bible™)
A Christian waits at the Western Wall to confront the Satanists from arriving (screenshot)
The global Luciferian movement called for events all over the world on Sunday during the solar eclipse. Most notably perhaps was the event scheduled to be held at the Western Wall in Jerusalem which called for a Satanic Third Temple as part of the process to bring peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
“Greetings citizens of Jerusalem,” the invitation on Facebook read in Hebrew, English, and Arabic. “We are the Disciples of Lucifer. And we are here to fulfill the Prophecies of Revelations and start the foundation of forming a One World Government. We are calling on every citizen of Earth to stand in support of the formation of The One World Government. So on June 21st, 2020 we’re calling on every citizen of the Earth to start marches all over the place in support of forming a one-world government. Where does it start it starts with you how can you help create your own chapter in your town plan marches and spread the word of forming a one-world government tell your friends your family your co-workers and random people on the streets the time to form a One World Government is now the time to fulfill the prophecy is now. Help do your part to support the formation of a One World Government make events for June 21st, pass out flyers and tell everyone you know to support the formation of the One World Government.“We are calling on every Palestinian and Israelite to come to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem on June 21st at 2 P.M. we will fulfill the prophecy and build the new Temple of Solomon and this new Temple of Solomon will be for everyone Palestinian Israelite and any outsider the only way for the Palestinian Israelite conflict to end is for a one-world government to be initiated all Palestinians and Israelites are invited to the Luciferian March for a one-world government do your part to help out with the One World Government”
“Lucifer is Love Lucifer is Life”
The marches, held in dozens of locations around the world, are intended to create chaos. Most of the protests will take place at city capitols and it has been speculated by some that demonstrators may even try to erect satanic monuments at existing sites where Confederate and other allegedly racist statues have been torn down.The organization has chapters all over the world and marches were held in multiple locations on Sunday. The invitation for the main march for the US in Raleigh North Carolina calling for a New World Order did not mention the Temple in Jerusalem or peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
The event coincided with a rare ring-of-fire annular solar eclipse just hours after the annual summer solstice. Luciferians believe that a solar eclipse is a good omen portending the rise of evil since it a chaotic event in which the regular laws of nature are subverted. It is in fact and in ideology the victory of the moon and darkness over the sun and light.
The summer solstice marks the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere. It marks the point at which daylight is at it most extreme longest. many Satanic and idolatrous rituals are related to the lunar and solar cycles. Summer solstice is a high holiday for Luciferians, a celebration of the Roman god Saturnus.
The Western Wall Heritage Foundation which administers the site responded to an inquiry about the event, saying, “We have no knowledge of the group or the event but anyone can come pray at the kotel (Western Wall).”
A group of Israeli believers in Jesus were at the Western Wall, waiting to confront the Luciferians however none appeared at the appointed time. One of the Jewish participants explained that Christian eschatology as described in the New Testament describes a subversive attempt to create a unified world order in the end-of-days. For this reason, they were on hand to pray for the Luciferians and to try to convince them “through love” to abandon their goal.
Breaking Israel News reporter was on-site to report on the event. He saw a group of fewer than ten people wearing black t-shirts with satanic symbols. The Luciferians did not enter the Western Wall Plaza and it is unclear whether they held their event.
In its discussion of eclipses, the Talmud (Sukkot 29a) specifically described solar eclipses as being a bad omen for the nations who base their calendars on the solar cycle. At the end of this section describing the omens contained within eclipses, the Talmud states a disclaimer: “When Israel does the will of the place (God), they have nothing to fear from all of this,” citing the Prophet Jeremiah as a source.
Thus said Hashem: Do not learn to go the way of the nations, And do not be dismayed by portents in the sky; Let the nations be dismayed by them! Jeremiah 10:2
Though associated with Satanism, a philosophy based on the Christian interpretation of the fallen angel, Luciferianism differs in that it does not revere merely the devil figure or Satan but the broader figure of Lucifer, an entity representing various interpretations of “the morning star” as understood by ancient cultures such as the Greeks and Egyptians. In this context, Lucifer is a symbol of enlightenment, independence, and human progression and is often used interchangeably with similar figures from ancient beliefs, such as the Greek titan Prometheus. In The Satanic Bible, Lucifer is described as one of the four crown princes of hell, particularly that of the East, the “lord of the air“, and is described as the bringer of light, the morning star, intellectualism, and enlightenment. For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. The basic Luciferian principles highlight truth and freedom of will, worshipping the inner self and one’s ultimate potential.
The following video is still functioning but you have to visit the webpage to view it. My security blocks me from loading it here. CLICK HERE
Luciferian marches at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 21st.
Lord, thank you that we are aware of these plans in advance so that we can counter the counterfeit with truth–Your truth, Jesus. His work on the cross is complete!
A Luciferian March for a One World Government will be held in at least 22 U.S. cities on June 21 during a solar eclipse. More cities are being added as they attempt to make this a nationwide and worldwide movement of appealing to Satan for empowering the One World Government. A worldwide livestream of the Stonehenge satanic ceremonies is also planned for the first time ever.
Summer solstice is a high holiday for Luciferians, as many of their rituals are related to the lunar and solar cycles. This year’s summer solstice also coincides with a “Ring of Fire” solar eclipse event where the moon will cover the sun and create the appearance of a ring of fire.
The marches are intended to create chaos and it has been speculated by some that demonstrators may even try to erect satanic monuments at existing sites where Confederate and other allegedly racist statues have been torn down. How shocking that we are in a state that Luciferians would be so open and bold to march in public. Prayer is needed to put a covering on the parts of our nation where boots will be on the ground.
Let us act in the opposite spirit of the chaos, darkness, and oppression that this march seeks to bring. We bind those powers that come in order to carry out this assignment. Intercessors, rise up in worship, prayer, fasting and even marching in the streets to proclaim the good news of Christ.
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These are the listed sites hosting Luciferian marches at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 21st. Others will be named as we hear. Reportedly there are 22 cities in all.
SITES HOSTING A MARCH Raleigh, North Carolina
North Carolina State CapitolJacksonville, Florida
Jacksonville City HallCincinnati, Ohio
Platt ParkNew York City
Zuccotti ParkNiagra Falls, Buffalo, New York
Niagra Falls International Rainbow BridgeJerusalem, Israel
The Wailing WallSalem, Oregon
Oregon State CapitolLos Angeles, California
Los Angeles City HallMadison, Wisconsin
Wisconsin State CapitolBuffalo, New York
Buffalo City HallAlbany, NY
New York State Capitol
Phoenix, Arizona
Arizona State CapitolToronto, Ontario
Toronto City HallWashington, DC
The White HouseSyracuse, NY
James M. Hanley Federal BuildingAnchorage, Alaska
Anchorage Towne SquareLas Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas City HallReno, Nevada
Reno City HallGoodale Park
Columbus, OhioRochester, New York
Rochester City HallLincoln, Nebraska
Nebraska State CapitolBoston, Massachusetts
Massachusetts State HouseAs lawlessness and chaos continue to manifest throughout the US and now in multiple places worldwide, believers need to rise up and pray and take stand against this onslaught of the enemy. We are reminded by the LORD that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph 6:12.) The enemy is lashing out in rage and anger; reacting to the movement of the Holy Spirit. The waves of evil have been widespread and very violent bringing the appearance that the enemy is in control as he attempts to take control of the world. But we know Jesus has won the victory. We know that He has conquered death and hell. We also know that He will return and establish His throne here on earth. Could it be that we are being invited into a great move of God? As in a massive tsunami of the work of the Holy Spirit? At times it feels as if we are in the midst of a storm of evil, but let us not forget that we are in the boat with Jesus in whom our faith rests.
WORSHIP AND PRAISE CONFOUNDS THE ENEMY. We recommend a huge increase in praise and worship on that day! Join in!
Prayer point suggestions:
- Praise and thank the LORD that He has been exposing the enemy’s schemes by showing us this in advance so that we can pray for our nation.
- Ask the LORD to shed His light of truth exposing what the enemy is attempting to do through this march. Open our eyes to see the counterfeits around us!
- Ask the LORD to awaken the Church to stand up against this flagrant act of the enemy.
- Stand firm in the LORD against the wiles of the enemy; standing firm on the LORDSHIP of Jesus as the King.
- Ask Jesus to pierce the cloaking of the satanic rituals surrounding these marches and curses of witches exposing those through whom the enemy is using to stir up the demonic spirit realm.
- Ask Jesus to confuse the enemy’s schemes bringing confusion in the camp of the enemy.
- In Jesus’ name cut off and cancel the assignments of the enemy against our nation and the President.
- Ask the LORD to anoint our leaders with Godly wisdom and discernment and to surround our President with those who are surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Declare the whole and complete work of redemption that Christ had on the cross, and that all other plans are counterfeit.
SHARE YOUR STRATEGIES FOR COUNTERING THE SATANIC MARCHES. Let’s share with one another as the body of Christ!
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I Pray that we will see a repeat of Last Years March in Texarkana repeated all across the globe today!!
Only Christians Show Up for Planned Luciferian March in Texarkana
Social media has been buzzing locally regarding a planned “Luciferian March” in downtown Texarkana on Saturday, February 2, 2019. No Luciferians showed up, only Christians joined in prayer.
Representatives from a number of local ministries congregated in the rain at the Federal Building in downtown Texarkana in response to the planned Luciferian March for a One World Government hosted by Disciples of Lucifer – Texarkana. Some came from as far as an hour away to pray at the Post Office and spread the love of Jesus. Though it got folks talking, if you look at the numbers of responders to the event pages across Texas, it’s pretty doubtful there was a real “march” anywhere.
Maybe it was the drizzling rain that kept the Luciferians from their planned event in Texarkana… can’t say for sure because nobody was there representing the group to ask.