RESTORED: 1/16/23
The World has an Ancient Past that the devil and his minions have worked for centuries to erase from written history, while keeping it alive spiritually through occult means.
Demonic entities, fallen angels and their offspring once ruled this world with terror and cruelty. Characterized by amazing powers so far beyond anything that humans could possess or develop, no one dared offend them. They eventually perverted, destroyed and devoured everything in their path. This is the fate from which we were mercifully rescued by the selfless act of our beloved Savior.
The memory of this truth has been so distanced from the minds of our postmodern, self indulgent and self absorbed society. A culture hell bent on rebellion, striving to cast off what they determine to be the oppression of civility, respect, restraint, humanity, grace, mercy, love and affection and returning to their pagan roots. The world is plunging back into darkness at breakneck speed.
I warn you foolish souls, beware. You are opening yourself up to suffering as no one has ever known. You will not only suffer at the hands of the demons of darkness here in this world… but you will share their fate for eternity. HELL is REAL! It is FOREVER. It was never meant for humans. It is a place of eternal punishment and suffering for the eternal beings who rebelled against GOD.
If you are not yet awake and aware let me inform you now that NONE of the so called Holidays the nations celebrate have anything to do with Christ or our Creator. THEY ARE ALL PAGAN festivals devised to bring worship to the fallen angels and their offspring. There was a time when this was harder to believe but the way the world has been going lately, this is becoming more and more easy to recognize as emboldened entities no longer are concerned about concealing it. They are so confident that they have turned society to their will they feel free to move and speak as they please. Demons are manifesting more and more every day and the masses are so blind they are helpless. Foolish humans experimenting with magic, witchcraft, celtic druidism, shamanism, pharmakia, divination and spiritualism in every form are opening doors they should never open and they will never be able to close.
If there ever was a personification of the evil from our history it is the “WILDMAN” some call KRAMPUS. This imagery clearly is a representation of the devil himself. Sadly people are pouring into the streets to glorify and adore him.
Now, you may watch these videos or attend a local Krampus Run, thinking it is just fun, nothing sinister. But, understand, whether you believe it or not, when you honor the spirits by glorifying them in a holiday, participating in these events, dressing up like them and imitating them you give them power. Believe me, when you run into a real KRAMPUS it will not be any kind of FUN! The spirits behind the masks are alive. They do not die, and they are rising up again. As Paganism is being practiced more and more around the world they are calling in demonic entities. Many people are feeling the call of their roots. People were converted to Catholicism by force. These people never knew Yashua. They were “Christians” in name only. So as traditional religious Christianity is collapsing…they are returning to the worship of the demons who held them prior to the coming of Yeshuah. We must pray for these people to truly find GOD.
Neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:27
Krampus Is the Fucked-Up Santa America Deserves This Year

There’s much more to Christmas than the relatively modern set of customs that get trotted out every year: Santa Claus, presents under the tree, stockings hung with care. What about Krampus, a centuries-old pagan character rooted in Norse mythology? Yeah, hey, what about him? According to folklore, the horned, goat-footed devil was partnered with jolly old Saint Nick in the 17th century by Christians as part of the Feast of St. Nicholas, their winter celebration. Scaring children into being nice by whipping them with chains and even hauling them off to his lair to be tortured and eaten, the original bad Santa arrives every Krampusnacht, or Krampus night, traditionally held on December 5.
The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil, a book by Al Ridenour out now from Feral House, explores the legend of the mythical bogeyman that has inspired a Hollywood movie, a comic book, and holiday greeting cards called Krampuskarten that feature images of the horned demon frightening and beating naughty children into tears. These cards often come with slogans like “Gruss vom Krampus” (greetings from krampus) or “Brav Sein” (be good). I recently spoke with the 55-year-old Ridenour, a veteran freelance writer, to find out about the legend of Krampus and how, “You better watch out, you better not cry / Better not pout, I’m telling you why” takes on a whole new meaning with this dude.
Al Ridenour: The pattern is different in Europe, but in America, it would be the punk aesthetic and the sort of impudent internet culture of memes. Ever since the 1960s, the counterculture’s looked for some way to respond to the holidays. In those days, neo-pagans began celebrating the customs of Yule, and by the 1970s, you began seeing an even more nihilistic response with Christmas slasher films like Black Christmas or Christmas Evil. All of this was a rebellion against the parental generation, the Normal Rockwell Christmas, and the Coca-Cola Santa.
As the punk aesthetic of the 1980s moved into the 1990s, it was giving birth to things like Santacon, those mobs of drunken Santas that take over dozens of cities each year. Nowadays, that event’s just a sort of amorphous pub crawl, but I was an organizer with the group that created that event, the Cacophony Society, and in its original form, Santacon was more pointedly and theatrically satiric. Its mission was to skewer the American holiday by making a degrading display of its chief icon.

How did you find out about the legend of Krampus, and what made you want to write a book about it?
My grandparents were German, and I ended up getting a BA in German studies. After college, I lived for a year in Berlin, which is far north of Krampus country, but there were still these beautiful old devil postcards that would show up around Christmas. I was attracted to them and bought one, not really knowing what it was. However, at the time, I was also doing some pretty serious reading of my own in mythology and folklore. I eventually figured it out and became obsessed with the subject.
In 2012, I finally had the opportunity to go to southern Germany and Austria to see Krampus runs for myself. I ended up doing some pretty serious study of the topic just to plan my trip. That was the beginning of research for my book. At the same time, my involvement with the Cacophony Society fed the interest. This group had also engaged in forms of unruly street theater in ways paralleling the more traditional less municipally controlled Krampus runs. People I knew from that group also become interested in the Krampus, and in 2013, we formed a troupe in LA.
At one time, in Europe, Krampus was a regular holiday tradition that involved all kinds of dark characters and sequences of events related to witchcraft. Can you explain all that?
The season was once much more comparable to Halloween. And it was not just the Krampus, but many other costumed figures that visited homes in the night. Like Halloween, the season was considered a time when the veil between the worlds was lifted and was associated with a complex mythology of ghosts, witchcraft, and other supernatural beings. A good part of my book is about a whole network of traditions associated with the Krampus that I lump under the subtitle the “Old, Dark Christmas.”
The only taste Americans get of this is in Dickens’s ghost story, but this is only the tip of a long-submerged iceberg. Dickens himself wrote a number of ghost stories set at Christmas, and the British have revived this tradition with annual BBC showings of “A Ghost Story for Christmas.” In contemporary Germany and Austria, the Krampus may appear on the days around St. Nicholas Eve, but from Christmas to Epiphany (January 6), there are hundreds of other costumed events featuring a similar creature called the Percht, as well as other events that use storytelling and costumes to celebrate the haunted Twelve Nights [of Krampus].
Why do you think the Krampus legend grew in Germany and how mainstream was the belief?
It was not a belief, really. Not unless you were, say, seven years old or younger. It was more of playful bit of folk theater [that] parents staged for everyone’s entertainment and the improvement of children’s behavior. As for the German question, I get this a lot and always get the feeling that behind it there’s some notion of national character tainted by American’s inability to think of Germans without thinking of Nazis. It wasn’t a tradition of the German nation as a whole—it was a tradition of the German south, Bavaria, and Austria.
The more martial culture of northern Germany, the Prussian-dominated culture that gave Germany a reputation for hardness, and eventually paved the way for the militarism of the Third Reich, was not associated with the tradition. The fact that the bogeyman used to frighten children has been ubiquitous, and parenting in the 19th century—when the tradition as we know it was consolidated—was strict and employed threats and corporal punishment throughout Europe, not just in Germany and Austria.
Could you talk about Krampus’s demise by World War II?
This is one of those facts that made it onto the English-language Wikipedia, which seems to be given undue importance. It’s true that Krampus runs were curtailed during the war, but the same could be said for other public entertainments during times of scarcity. There was not an ideological opposition to Krampus activities, and indeed the Third Reich was very supportive of various expressions of the German folk culture. But any large gathering of people during unstable times always presents a possible outlet for expressions of political unrest and riot. That’s more the reason they were suppressed. On the other hand, it was during the 1930s and 1940s, that a renaissance in the art of Krampus mask carving took place. The masks we think of as traditional today date to that period.
So how wicked was this original bad Santa?
His punishment of naughty children was described in pretty brutal terms. He was said not only to beat children but to eat them, tear them apart, throw them in frozen lakes, or drag them down to hell. However, I always like to stay away from the “bad Santa” analogy, because despite all this cruelty, you have to remember, the Krampus was understood as a servant of St. Nicholas, an enforcer of good behavior. He may take delight in his duties as a punisher, but he was not a rogue force of evil. He was traditionally depicted in chains to remind us that he was subjugated to St. Nicholas and the church’s notion of a just cosmos.
Beasts of the Pagan Wild Man Ritual Come in All Shapes and Sizes
The wild man is a creature found in various pagan traditions across Europe. Generally speaking, a wild man is a man dressed up in a beast-like costume for certain pagan rituals, which were normally aimed at providing protection from evil spirits or promoting fertility. These rituals are still practiced today in various parts of Europe, especially in rural villages.
Wild men have their roots in the pagan traditions of Europe. In spite of centuries of influence from Christianity, and subsequently, secularism, these traditions have survived, especially in the rural areas of the continent. During certain rituals, which often take place during the transition from winter to spring, men practicing these pagan traditions put on costumes, thus making the transformation into wild men.
Paulus Vischer (c. 1498-1531): Wild Man, c. 1521/22, bronze. Skulpturensammlung (inv. no. 8403, acquired in 1929), Bode-Museum, Berlin. ( Public Domain )
A Wild Man as a Bear
However, in certain areas these traditions merged with the Christian faith that replaced pagan ways. For instance, in Mamoiada, a small village in Sardinia, wild men are part of a ritual that takes place on the Feast of Saint Anthony the Great, which falls on January 17th. For this ritual, there are two groups of wild men, the Mamuthones, who represent the darkness, and the Issohadores, who represent the light.
- The Reog Ponorogo: A Dance of Rebellion Which Changed History
- A Window into the Traditional Sami Culture: Reindeer and a Worldview
- New Year’s Traditions around the World and Their Origins
Whilst wild men come in all shapes and sizes, it may be said that their costumes are normally meant to be menacing. In Germany, for example, men dress up as the Reisigbar, which is a bear wearing a mask and dressed in twigs. The bear is closely associated with the wild man in many European cultures. In some, this is also regarded as its father. The bear’s ability to walk on two legs makes it seem like a human being. Additionally, the animal’s habit of hibernating during the winter, and its re-awakening during spring is symbolic of death and re-birth. These aspects of the bear strike a chord in the hearts of those participating in the pagan wild man rituals.
Geweihleuchter “Wilder Mann” (“Schreckkopf”) North Germany before 1575. ( Public Domain )
Apart from animals, wild man costumes may also represent fantastic beasts not found in the animal kingdom. The people of Spain’s Basque Country, for example, dress up as the Zezengorri, a creature recognized by its bare skull and pitchfork.
Zezengorri, a wild man in Spain’s Basque Country. (Ernie Omega )
Differing Roles for A Wild Man
Whether they assume the form of an animal, or some other strange creature, there is good reason for wild men to take on such a ferocious appearance. In many of these pagan rituals, the wild man is supposed to protect villages by scaring away evil spirits, or to chase winter away and welcome spring. Therefore, having a fierce demeanor is particularly useful for such tasks.
In some cultures, a wild man has different roles to play. In some Alpine countries, including Austria, Hungary, and Slovenia, for instance, there is the Krampus, a beastlike creature who served as the counterpart of Santa Claus. Whilst Santa Claus brings presents to good kids, the Krampus visits the naughty ones to punish them.
According to tradition, Krampus devours naughty children. (Photo Credit)
In other pagan rituals, wild men have the task of promoting fertility in the land, livestock, and even women. In Bulgaria, for example, there are the Babugeri and the Chaushi. The costumes of these wild men are made of goat skin, and traditionally, they carried a red-colored rod that represented a phallic object. They would brush this rod up against a woman to make her fertile. Today, the phallic rod is replaced by a stick.
Documenting Wild Men
Lastly, it may be said that these pagan rituals involving the wild man were brought to a wider audience thanks to a French photographer by the name of Charles Fréger. Over a course of two years, Fréger visited more than 50 villages in 19 European countries in order to document the wild men and their pagan rituals. Fréger’s work was displayed as a series entitled “Wilder Mann” at the Yossi Milo Gallery in New York, and is also available as a monograph called Wilder Mann: The Image of Savage .
Top image: Kukeri is a type of wild man in Bulgaria. Rituals with this ‘beast’ are believed to scare away evil spirits. Source: Klearchos Kapoutsis /CC BY 2.0
By Wu Mingren
Krampus in America: 5 Places to Meet the Christmas Devil
By now if you are a grumpy American who hates happiness, joy, and Christmas, you’ve heard of Krampus.
Wait! I haven’t. But I do hate all those things. Tell me more.
Krampus is the shaggy-haired. horned sidekick of St. Nicholas, who whacks bad children with this bundle of sticks, throws them into a bucket and takes them to…I’m not sure where exactly Krampus takes them to, and as long as it’s not my house, I really don’t want to know.
When does Krampus come calling?
December 5th is Krampusnacht, the night St. Nicholas and his pal parade through town scaring the bejeezus out of children. While a tradition in the Alpine countries, Krampus is relatively new to the United States. But he’s gaining popularity, which cheers my black little heart.
I have some rotten kids I need to shuffle off on someone. Where can I meet Krampus?
Here’s a not-totally-comprehensive list of krampuslaufen in the United States:
The third annual Krampuslauf Philadelphia encourages revelers to dress up like other terrifying pagan figures such as the Yule Lads. Here’s a bit from last year’s lauf (although I don’t think any of these kids look properly terrorized):
There were a few more screamers at last year’s Krampus Night in Bloomington, Indiana:
Then again, I don’t see any children at The PDX Krampusnacht Ball. Maybe in Portland, Krampus throws hipsters in his basket and takes them back to their crappy Midwest hometowns.
Speaking of which: you can also eat Breakfast with Krampus in Rochester, New York. I’ve long suspected that Krampus takes all those rotten kids to the Rust Belt, so this doesn’t really surprise me. You’re invited to bring an unwrapped toy for needy children, but “if it’s crap, Krampus is going to harrass you and drag you straight to hell.”
Last but not least, Krampus Los Angeles goes large: there are multiple events throughout the city during the month of December. Also: don’t miss The Truth About Krampus by Krampusfest LA director Al Ridenour on Atlas Obscura.
Any Krampus events near you? Let us know in the comments!
THANKS TO THE INTERNET, POPULAR American understanding of European Christmas traditions has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decades. There’s also confusion too, some of it swirling around that wily old devil, Krampus.
Accompanying St. Nicholas on his gift-giving rounds to direct a little switch-swinging intimidation toward the naughtier kids, the Krampus has become the most well-known of other Central European characters playing a similar role. Originally appearing under that name in Austria (St. Nikolaus) and Southern Germany, his distinctive devilish appearance is not easily confused with Northern Germany’s hooded Knecht Ruprecht or Holland’s “Moorish” Zwarte Piet (“Black Peter”).
It was in 2004, that collector Monte Beauchamp launched a series of books that did much to familiarize Americans with Krampus via reprinted collection of turn-of-the-century Krampus postcards. Thanks to these images, most Atlas Obscura readers will probably be able to describe Krampus: a distinctly satyr-like devil with dark fur, and incessantly slithering tongue.
Krampus card from the 1900s (via Wikimedia)
As videos made their way from German-language YouTube channels to American blogs, we became acquainted with another more brutish creature represented by costumed young men herding together as part of a Krampuslauf or “Krampus run.” These shaggy Yeti-like creatures with gaping jack-o-lantern jaws and enormous heads crowned by massive horns in multiple configurations made the postcard devils appear rather diminutive, almost gentlemanly by comparison.
2012 Krampuslauf in Austria (photograph by Johann Jaritz)
Clearly, these videos represent a more contemporary phenomenon than the postcard fad of bygone days. So do the cards depict the Krampus in his purer, original form? What should a “real” Krampus look like?
Krampuslauf Graz in Graz, Austria in 2009 (photograph by Alexander Koch)
There’s nothing like trying to put together a Krampus costume to add urgency to this question. Alongside co-Krampus Al Guerrero, I am currently helping to organize a Krampus run as well as other costumed outings in Los Angeles. We have more than a dozen people sculpting masks and handcrafting costumes weft by weft, each of them striving to create that “real” Krampus look. And our group is not alone. Philadelphia and Portland preceded us by a couple years, and all the while we are learning of new groups in Bloomington, Indiana; Detroit; Elgin, Illinois; Green Bay, Wisconsin; Indianapolis; New Orleans; Omaha, Nebraska; Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Providence, Rhode Island; Richmond, Virginia; Saint Louis, Missouri; Washington, DC; and Ypsilanti, Michigan. So there are lots of people asking: “What should a Krampus really look like?”
The “Buttnmandln” Krampus (via Wikimedia)
The Krampus turns out to be more defined by function than appearance. You don’t recognize him so much by visible traits as by what he does. In areas of the Tyrol, for instance, there is a breed of Krampus appearing in a voluminous straw suit resembling a monstrous teddy bear, and in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, there is another straw devil accompanying St. Nicholas, a type of Krampus called the Buttnmandln.
Krampus meeting in Dobbiaco, Italy (photograph by Gigi Tagliapietra)
Long before the circulation of any postcards standardizing the image, the isolating Alpine terrain of Krampus’ native habitat encouraged strong regional variations. And without any grounding source text to nail down his appearance, the original Krampus would have been a shapeless bogeyman defined only by oral tradition, a freeform figure variously described by parents and other storytellers. Like the Tooth Fairy, he had a definitive function, but no definitive form.
Czech Krampus procession in 1910 (photograph by Čeněk Zibrt)
Whenever the first adults — through whatever combination of playfulness and cruelty — decided to dress up as the first Krampus, they would have created a monster defined by whatever easily available materials could be used for a startling effect. In some cases those materials were the horns and pelts of mountain goats, and in others, straw or hay set aside as winter fodder. Today, though some costumes may be produced by mass production, they still imitate the look established by materials regionally available in Alpine valleys.
Saint Nicholas and Krampus on a 1901 Czech card (via Wikimedia)
We don’t have pictures of the very first Krampuses, but vague written accounts mentioning pelts and horns date back to the 17th century. To what extent modern Krampuslauf costumes resemble those first costumes is unknown, but it’s a good bet they’re closer to the original than images created by 19th century artists hired to render postcards.
Costumed Krampus activities originated in Alpine valleys and spread rather slowly to urban areas, so artists working with printers in bigger cities had quite possibly never seen anything called a Krampus and therefore relied for inspiration on traditional imagery of the Devil (or more likely competing postcard artists). Another factor that likely influenced the character’s satyr-like appearance was the fin de siècle obsession with Pan, a favorite contemporary subject for painting, sculpture, early fantasy novels (The Great God Pan), and even children’s books (The Wind in the Willows).
Krampus with a basket at the Krampuslauf Tartsch in 2013 in Italy (photograph by Georg Weis)
If the Krampus’ primary function is to at least threaten to carry off naughty children, why should bells on the costumes be more common than baskets to take away bad kids? While it makes no sense in context of his service to St. Nicholas, it illustrates the Krampus’ connection to a pre-Christian tradition. The ringing of bells, and use of other noisemakers, like the lighting of bonfires, was a pagan practice intended to alternately drive off and attract certain spirits (good or bad) wandering the earth at pivotal points in the year. This practice was preserved in the Christian era through the tolling New Year’s bells, fireworks, and British Christmas “crackers.”
There are many parts of this ritual that are very significant in the spirit. The bells, the tongue sticking out, the horns, the straw, the hooved-horned-animal, the noise, the fear. I wonder, when the world falls completely under the Anti-Christ will these things be going through the streets for real and grabbing children to sacrifice??? Who will have the last laugh then??? You know in the past, druids did that very thing.
Perchten characters (photograph by Leo Laempel)
Conveniently for the Church, there already happened to be a pre-Christian figure administering rewards and punishments at the turning of the year. Nudging pagan year-end traditions up a few weeks to coincide with the feast of St. Nicholas on December 6 allowed a fusion of traditions. In Alpine areas, the figure bringing rewards and punishments was Frau Perchta, and her entourage, wandering the earth between Christmas and Epiphany (January 6), were called the Perchten. (twelve days of Christmas)
Among them, the Schiachperchten or “bad Perchten” are visually all but identical to the costumes worn to represent Krampus. We know this because just as there are Krampus runs, there are also contemporary Perchten runs, which feature a greater variety of fantastic costumes and folkloric characters, and yet are far less familiar to Americans.
Krampus LA (photograph by Phil Glau)
Obviously, those of us in these seedling Krampus groups across the United States, like readers of this site, may find a certain dark humor in images of children terrorized by Krampus. However, it’s not the ostensible goal of scaring kids straight that draws us to the figure. While that may have been the Church’s purpose in absorbing the “bad” Schiachperchten figures into the Krampus, many in our community are more charmed by the more ancient pre-Christian traditions this figure conjures.
His pagan origins, well understood in Europe, and intuited by many Americans, tend to be heartily embraced within American Krampus groups. Founder Amber Stopper of the pioneering Philadelphia Krampuslauf costumes herself and identifies as Frau Perchta (Leader of the Perchten), as does Los Angeles troupe member Tamara Rettino. As the American Krampuslauf movement grows, by extending a sort of Halloween festivity into December, watch for the first Perchtenlauf (“Running of the Perchten”) to eventually extend December’s Krampus thrills into January.
Al Ridenour is the director of Krampus
The root of this “Wildman” ritual is much deeper and darker than anyone knows. The truth has been buried, covered-up and rewritten just as ALL truths and ALL HISTORY have been. What we think is truth and reality is ALL LIES!
The truth, though buried remains somewhere in our spirits, in our psyche. It comes out in our “traditions” that we don’t understand and don’t investigate. I don’t know about you but there is one tradition that I have heard come out of the mouths of many different people in many different families, many different nationalities it is the threat parents and grandparents use on children who are misbehaving. “you better behave or the boogey man will get you”.
Just where did this threat begin? What are the roots? Why on earth do parents invoke some kind of evil spirit in order to gain control over their children? Have you ever wondered? Could it be, that there is a deep recollection of a force beyond any human strength? A force that NO ONE dared to offend? The ancient Gods, Mighty Men… Mythology’s inspiration?
All of you who are attending these functions, as well as the “Day of the Dead” and Halloween you are being USED. You are foolishing participating in bringing in the Tribulation. You are calling in these spirits. By taking an active part in the rituals you are accountable.
15 Terrifying Boogeymen From Around The World

Every country has a long, rich tradition of invoking supernatural threats in order to keep kids in line. Maybe parents save it for a last resort – but if and when they can’t get their kids to behave there is a certain terrifying Boogeyman who can. He has many names and takes on different forms (and even genders), but every culture on Earth knows him: the shadowy, elusive, diabolical entity who feasts on a strict diet of naughty children. He may be evil incarnate, but he also has an uneasy alliance with desperate parents who can’t get their kids to go to bed.
We, in the English speaking world, know him as the boogeyman, but it turns out that every culture has a name for this figure who goes bump in the night. Parents around the world agree: Fear is an excellent motivator.
1. Boogeyman
AKA: Bogeyman, Bogieman, Boogie Man, Bogy, Bugbear
Other known whereabouts: English-speaking countries
A shadowy, amorphous ghost who hides in dark places in order to frighten unsuspecting victims. He’s more of a nuisance than a danger, and his power is easily neutralized by bright light. His name probably originates from Middle English bugge, meaning “something frightening”.
2. Bokkenrijders
Other known whereabouts: Belgium, Germany
The Bokkenrijders or “buck riders” are ghost thieves who ride flying goats. They were a legend created by actual bands of thieves in the 18th century to intimidate and terrorize local farming communities.
3. Butzemann
AKA: Bütze, Buhmann, Mummelmann, Popelmann
Other known whereabouts: Netherlands, Scandinavia
The Butzemann is a faceless goblin or ghost shrouded in a cloak. He hides in dark corners, under the bed or in the closet, and attacks children who stay up past their bedtime. His name either comes from Middle German bôtzen (to make a racket) or verbutzen (to conceal or disguise). Today, he’s most famous for the silly children’s song, “Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann” (It dances the Bi-Ba-Butzemann), which was originally about a poltergeist with rattling bones and a scythe.
4. Sack Man
AKA: Hombre del Saco, Hombre del Costal, Homem do Saco, El Roba-chicos
Other known whereabouts: most of southern Europe and Latin America
An ugly, gaunt man, Hombre del Saco is said to kidnap naughty children in broad daylight and carry them away in a sack. Depending on regional variants, he either sells the children or eats them. In some cultures a figure like Sack Man works as Saint Nicholas’ evil sidekick.
5. Baba Yaga
AKA:Baba Roga, Złota Baba, Ježibaba, gorska maika
Other known whereabouts: Slavic countries
A witch with a deep and powerful connection to the forest. She lives in a hut that stands on giant chicken legs, rides around in a flying mortar and carries a giant pestle. Ambivalent towards humans, she is just as likely to help you as eat you. Baba (Баба) translates as “woman” while yaga may derive from the Proto-Slavic word for serpent, but sounds similar to Polish jędza (witch), Serbo-Croatian jeza (horror) and Old Church Slavonic jęza (disease).
6. H’awouahoua
A monster truly terrifying – the H’awouahoua is described as having a body composed of different animal parts and eyes that are blobs of flaming spit. To top it off his coat is made from the clothes of the many children it has eaten.
7. Tokoloshe
South Africa
Water sprites who do the bidding of evil wizards. They can become invisible by drinking water and cause all sorts of mischief. You can protect yourself from them whilst you sleep by placing a brick beneath each leg of your bed, but banishing them for good will require the help of a witch doctor.
8. Gurumapa
The Gurumapa is a man-eating giant with large, protruding fangs. Although he loves the taste of children he can be reasoned with and today enjoys an annual tribute feast in exchange for not eating local kids.
9. Wewe Gombel
The vengeful spirit of a woman whose broken heart drove her to suicide. Unlike the usual boogeymen, the Wewe Gombel kidnaps children in order to save them from bad parents. She lovingly cares for them in her nest atop a palm tree, refusing to return them until their parents repent for their abusive or neglectful ways.
10. Namahage
Oga Peninsula, Japan
These ogres go from door to door on New Year’s Eve, looking for children who have misbehaved that year. They are more than happy to unburden parents by taking away children who are lazy, insolent or simply cry too much. Their name comes from their famous refrain — なもみコ剝げたかよ (Namomi ko hagetaka yo?), meaning, “Blisters healed yet?” — meant to insult people who lazily sit by the fire all day.
11. The Jersey Devil
New Jersey, USA
AKA: The Leeds Devil
A dragon-like creature with a strange amalgam of animal parts and a blood-curdling scream. According to legend, this boogeyman was the 13th child of the terribly unlucky “Mother Leeds” in 1735. Ever since, it has been terrorizing those foolhardy enough to venture into the pine barrens at night.
12. La Llorona
This boogeyman is actually the ghost of a woman who drowned her children in order to be with a man who ultimately spurned her. Destitute, she drowned herself — but she’s barred from entering heaven until she finds her children. At night, she wanders along the riverbanks looking for them, crying “¡Ay mis hijos!” (Oh my children!) and snatching any child she mistakes for her own. Like the Irish Banshee, hearing her cry is considered a death omen. Her name is derived from the Spanish llorar (to weep).
13. Tata Duende
A small, bearded goblin with no thumbs and backwards feet who is said to be the guardian of the forest and animals. Parents warn their children that if they stay outside after dark or wander into the jungle, Tata Duende will get them. His name translates to “Papa Goblin.”
14. Mètminwi
This Haitian boogeyman is described as a man with incredibly long legs who walks around towns at midnight to catch and eat anyone who is still outside. His name is a contraction of the French maître (master) and minuit (midnight).
15. Cuca
AKA: Coca, Cucuy
A famous Brazilian lullaby warns children to go to sleep or else a Cuca, a crocodile woman, will get them. She is a variation on the Portuguese Coca.
Illustration by Catherine Dousdebes
PETER PAN AND THE LOST GENERATION Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4