UPDATE: 10/27/2021;10:43:38 PM
So, you say you don’t believe. Well, what if you are wrong? What if there was something you could do to stop it? I know that most of you out there have reassured yourselves that Halloween and the Day of the Dead are just good natured and innocent ways to remember our deceased relatives, or have fun and cut loose, hidden behind a mask.
But, that is not the truth. No matter how much pagans, Satanists, witches and party folk deny it. No matter how much they do and/or say to convince you. THE TRUTH is STILL THE TRUTH. And the truth is that ALL pagan religions demand human sacrifice, especially Satanism and Witchcraft! Especially at this time of year.
ALL Paganism worships FALLEN ANGELS whose leader is SATAN/the Devil. ALL Pagan gods are progeny of fallen Angels and human women. Even when the religion worships an inanimate object, the worship of it is directed at the spirit that inspires it. Those are never GOOD SPIRITS! The worship of any spirit/entity other than the Creator is demonic.
Those spirits demand sacrifice in return for their favor. The bigger the deed you ask of them the greater the sacrifice they demand. Eventually, they will demand human sacrifice. So, if you are just beginning to dabble in whatever pagan religion of your choice, and you declare that there is no sacrifice required in your religion… JUST WAIT A WHILE. The demons will always let you ride for a while before they hit you with the heavy stuff.
Those who have been practicing their beliefs for long, know full well what is required. Those who are part of the “IN CROWD”, The RULING CLASS, THE ELITE, come from family lines that have been practicing for thousands of years. Their demons are very powerful. They are also VERY DEMANDING. The Elite sacrifice on a regular basis. Some probably daily!! They are possessed and feel no remorse. Why, because it is the demon(s) within them that drives them.
What I hope to accomplish with my post today, is to bring this reality to the forefront. While you go about your holiday rituals, I pray that thoughts of those who are suffering torture, abuse, misuse and even death during these next few weeks will not only cross your mind, but stay in your thoughts. I pray that you will recognize the evil aspects of this season. That you will experience sympathy and empathy in your heart for these victims, young and old. Mostly, it is the very young who suffer, but the pagans are not too discriminate. They will take a sacrifice of any age and the more the merrier!
Those who serve the dark side, have a blood lust that cannot be satisfied. They become addicted to human blood, especially human blood that is filled with adrenaline from sheer terror! That kind of blood is the most addictive drug on earth.
Just like in the “fairy” tales… witches who drink blood, must have it to maintain their appearance. Reptilians must have it to maintain their façade.
You don’t have to take my word for it. In fact, I don’t want you too. YOU need to research for yourself. Ask GOD to lead you, and don’t just accept the fluff that permeates the internet. The stuff that is easy to find when you pull up a search. It will all tell you that “Satanic Panic” was made up by Christians. It will tell you there is nothing wrong with dressing up and practicing a little playful rebellion. Create a little mischief, adventure into the dark side. Or, it will tell you, this holiday is not about celebrating death, its about honoring your deceased. DIG DEEPER, Find the root THE ROOT, is the only thing that matters. Everything else is a cover up, a lie, a deceit.
If research is not your thing or does not convince you, try listening to the testimonies of those who have lived the nightmare. There are plenty out there, though you will have to search them out. The truth about anything is hard to find these days. Truth has been covered up, deleted, removed, perverted, inverted for so very long now. DECEIT is the best weapon that Satan has in his arsenal. He has had thousands of years to deceive. He has it down to a science.
But whatever you do over the next few weeks, don’t turn you heart from the truth. Don’t line yourself up with those who torture, abuse and slaughter innocent people. Don’t turn a deaf ear to the cries of the children. Ask yourself, how would you feel if those were YOUR CHILDREN? How would you feel if it was you? Wouldn’t you be praying that someone would come to your rescue?
With Paganism, Witchcraft and Satanism growing as quickly as it has been, it is only a matter of time before this horror touches your life. Maybe a relative, or a friend, or your child, or YOU… could end up involved directly. Don’t think it can’t happen. Darkness is getting darker. Demonic activity is exploding.
Ask yourself, what are you really saying when you celebrate Halloween/Day of the Dead? Is that something you really want to encourage your kids to practice? Or, does the buck stop with this generation? Can we say enough is enough already? Stop dancing with the devil. Or, you will have to pay the piper!
TAGS: child sacrifice, Satanic Ritual Sacrifice, Ruling Class, Elite, Royals, Buckingham Palace, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Druids, Occult, Religion, Paganism, Witchcraft, Satanism, Terror, Torture, Blood, Adrenaline, Truth, Deception, Testimony, Witness, Hunting Parties, Reptilians, Queen, Prince, Diana, Demonic Spirits, Rape
UPDATE: 10/27/2021;10:43:38 PM
Occult historian Jean Markale discloses Halloween bids more than childish dress-up. It is a pagan “initiatory journey” guided by someone [Satan] “hidden in the shadows,” and none “return from Halloween innocent”:
The passage into the world of Halloween is truly an initiatory journey. One does not return from it an innocent. But making the journey alone does not mean there was no guide, no initiator, someone who prompted the quest and who, sometimes hidden in the shadows, watches over the comings and goings of the neophyte through this labyrinth that is the Other World . (Markale, Jean. The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween, p. 127)
Dr. David Enoch, former senior consultant psychiatrist at the Royal Liverpool Hospital and the University of Liverpool, states:
Halloween practices open the door to the occult and can introduce forces into people’s lives that they do not understand and often cannot combat … (Parker, Russ. Battling the Occult , p. 35)
Source: Halloween: A Covenant with Death and HELL
The following video was made by a very brave woman, who spoke out, live right in front of Buckingham Palace, where she spent years being tortured and abused by the Royal Family.
Satanic reptilian Queen is exposed once and for all!!!
Visuals cut out at the 34 minutes due to technical issues but the audio still runs!!!
Link to full live stream
This has now been published in a well known Canadian newspaper!!!
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