Truth seems to be the hardest thing to find in these last days. Deception is the rule. God’s Word is being diminished, slandered, re-written and mocked. His LAND is being ravaged, bombed, cursed and divided.
BUT, though the enemy is very good a fooling the world, he cannot fool the people of GOD. REMEMBER THIS, GOD is not mocked. He knows exactly what is happening and why. He knew from the beginning. He is in control and will have the LAST WORD.
EVIL must be allowed to flourish until all who belong to GOD have been come in and received his MARK. THEN THE END WILL COME.
There is a lot going on in the world today, especially in the land of the Bible. It is my prayer that this post today will help many people get a better understanding of the TRUTH.
See How Jerusalem Looked 2000 years ago!
For years, the enemies of Israel have been working hard to erase any evidence of the existence of the Hebrew people from the Holy Land. They have been waging a psychological war to vilify the people of Israel and turn the world against them. All while they have been bombarding the land with missiles, running terror attacks against the citizens, bullying the people of Israel at every opportunity.
They and the world need to recognize that the LAND of ISRAEL and the especially the CITY of JERUSALEM belong to YHVH, The Creator of ALL THINGS. HE is the one who determines the outcome of every encounter. He raises up nations and HE brings them down. It is by HIS POWER and HIS Authority that the Land of Israel exists, that the Hebrew People still exist, that JERUSALEM continues to exist as a HEBREW CITY.
HE will determine when the Temple will be restored. He is the one who will determine when the Muslims are removed from HIS Mountain. He is the one who keeps Jerusalem in the face, the eye and the hearts of people all over the World. It is HIS City. HIS HIGH PLACE, HIS TEMPLE.
It is only by his grace that the Muslim goyim are currently trampling on it. He foretold this long ago. It is also foretold that the World will turn against Israel. Why? Because the world worships the Beast. The World HATES GOD. The WORLD belongs to Satan and will join him in HELL.
God has people, all over the Earth, who love HIM and know that He is in Control and the Land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem are in his hand.
Right now Jerusalem is a HOTSPOT. By the design of the Lord. Everything is proceeding as He planned. Jerusalem has become a “CUP OF TREMBLING”.

There are many voices calling out for the Jews to take control of the Temple Mount and start building the TEMPLE. Here are a few:
Cry for Zion
WE ARE A MOVEMENT OF JEWS AND CHRISTIANS FOR JEWISH SOVEREIGNTY AND FREEDOM ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT (ZION).The Temple Mount is the holiest place on earth for the Jewish people and all of biblical history. Since 1967, the State of Israel holds full, legal rights to the Mount, but handed over administration to the Muslim religious Waqf. The Waqf now attempts to monopolize the site.
Today on the Temple Mount, non-Muslims are discriminated against and are not even allowed to move their lips in silent prayer. They are routinely harassed and abused—forbidden from bringing a Bible or prayer book, and even their access is severely restricted. At the Western Wall, which is under Jewish sovereignty, everyone can respectfully pray.
We appeal to the ruling bodies of Israel to exercise their full, legal sovereignty, guaranteeing Jewish rights on their most holy place. Let that flag of Israel fly in the heart of her capital!
The group’s petition for “full sovereignty” for Jews, one of Cry for Zion’s several actions, has earned more than 8,760 signatures. Its YouTube presentation challenging Islam’s claim to the site has had more than 55,500 views.
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews | Support Israel Today Help Ukrainian Jews Now Stay Informed Jerusalem — My Highest Joy When celebrating Jerusalem Day, we thank God for the reunification of His Holy City, and pray for its full restoration. Read More Have You Seen Us on TV?
Christians United for Israel
Our Mission As the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the foremost Christian organization educating and empowering millions of Americans to speak and act with one voice in defense of Israel and the Jewish people.
“The Returning to the Mount,”
The Israeli Jewish colonial fundamentalist group which advocates the construction of a “Third Jewish temple” announced this week that it plans to sacrifice animals as part of the Jewish Passover.
The Temple Mount Faithful | Working to Rebuild the Temple on the Temple Mount
The goal of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is the building of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in our lifetime in accordance with the Word of G-d and all the Hebrew prophets and the liberation of the Temple Mount from Arab (Islamic) occupation so that it may be consecrated to the Name of G-d. .
The Temple Institute Jerusalem
Over the past six months the Temple Institute has greatly expanded its efforts to raise a red heifer in Israel whose ashes can be used to achieve the highest level of biblical purity which will enable kohanim and ordinary Jews to enter into the areas on the Temple Mount where the inner Temple courtyards and the Temple Sanctuary are located, a prerequisite for the renewal of the Divine service in the Holy Temple.
Rebuilding Of The Temple. –
The Sanhedrin calls upon the Jewish people to contribute towards the acquisition of materials for the purpose of rebuilding the Holy Temple; the gathering and preparation of prefabricated, disassembled portions of this building to be stored and ready for rapid assembly, in the manner of King David.
Those who want the Jewish Temple Rebuilt
What is even weirder, is that there are other groups out there invested in rebuilding Solomon’s temple, the freemasons and templars are among them. Freemasonry has always planned to gain control of the Temple Mount so they can rebuild Solomon’s Temple.
Saudis come out against Temple Mount
Saudi Twitter users say that Muslims should be praying only towards Mecca.
Shlomo Witty

Temple MountCourtesy
Last week, Saudi Twitter pages began to promote the message that ‘the direction of Jewish prayers do not matter to me”.
The campaign, designed to emphasize the importance of Mecca and Medina as the holy places of Islam, and to eliminate the importance of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, has caused considerable controversy online.
Among the most prominent messages in the campaign were those who wrote that “the direction of the prayers of the Jews is not important to us, what is important to us is only our homeland,” referring to Saudi Arabia. This tweet was written by a well-known Saudi cartoonist named Fahd al-Jabiri.
Another English-language tweet by Ibtassam from Morocco seeks to bolster the Saudi campaign as it emphasizes that the Temple Mount is of no particular importance to Muslims, and hopes for the building of the Third Temple and the arrival of peace with it for all peoples.
According to the Saudis, the campaign is in response to the Palestinians who insult and humiliate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its cooperation with Israel, both online and in many demonstrations on the Temple Mount on Fridays. The reaction of the Saudis is to emphasize that Al-Aqsa is a mosque like all mosques, but the direction of prayer of the Muslims is to the city of Mecca and to it only.
Tom Nissani, CEO of the Temple Mount and Temple Heritage Foundation, noted, “In the end, it is becoming increasingly clear that the main obstacle – the Temple Mount – is in our hands. Now the Saudis and Moroccans also emphasize the strong connection of the Jewish people to the Temple Mount and the diminution of its importance to Islam. This is a historic opportunity to expel the hostile Waqf from the Temple Mount and transfer it to full Israeli management that will allow full freedom of access and religion to the mountain in cooperation with the Emirates, Saudis and Moroccans, Jews and non-Jews who will attain shared goals.”
Israel’s Chief Rabbis Vs. the Pope
The Pope said Judaism is a dead religion and Israeli’s Chief Rabbinate refuses to turn the other cheek

When the Pope said in a recent sermon that “the Torah cannot give life,” the rabbis would not let it go. The Pope, the rabbis demand, will not determine what Judaism can or cannot do.
Rabbi Ratzon Arusi, Chairman of the Interfaith Dialogue Committee on behalf of the Chief Rabbinate told Ynet that the rabbis were livid when they learned that Pope Francis sermonized that “Christianity replaces the Torah which cannot give life” and “the commandments have expired and are void of meaning.”
Is the Pope ignorant of the central place of the Mitzvot in Judaism? The battle between “works and faith” has been raging since the Apostle Paul penned his letters, and James, the brother of Jesus, took an uncompromising stand on the essential place of commandments as opposed to just faith. According to James, it is faith that is dead without works. For a pope to conclude that keeping God’s commandments in the Torah is passé, would be like the Chief Rabbi saying faith and grace are irrelevant.
The lack of appreciation the Pope displayed for the world of Judaism into which Paul, James and the Lord Yeshua were born and raised, signaled a regression back to the dark ages in Christian-Jewish relations, and the rabbis were having none of it.
“This is part of the contemptuous teachings of the Church towards Jews and Judaism. Retract it or we’ll cut ties,” Rabbi Arusi warned. “The Catholic Church must not return to the ancestors of antisemitism towards the Jewish people.”
The Chief Rabbinate now wonders what happened to the changing attitudes of the Catholic Church that had come to recognize the Jewish people as “firstborn son” from whom the Messiah came. Not a dead, out-of-date religion.
“In the interfaith dialogues we have held, we have always presented the position that the Torah gives life,” Arusi said. “Now suddenly to say these things is extremely dangerous. That’s why we demand clarification. Everything we’ve built is supposed to remove antisemitism from the Catholic Church. We cannot continue to have interfaith dialogues with the Pope as long as there is no clarification and withdrawal from these things.”
“We are embarrassed,” Arusi admits. Against the background of increased antisemitism around the world he added, “this is dangerous.”
Palestinians are up in arms over reports that a fringe religious Jewish group is offering financial reward to anyone who attempts to sacrifice a Passover lamb atop the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is calling talk of renewed Jewish sacrifices at Judaism’s holiest site “a declaration of war.“
Six extremist Jews arrested for planning animal sacrifice atop Temple Mount
Goat found at suspect’s home, following Facebook post offering cash prize for animal sacrifices at locale; police vow to work 24/7 against anyone violating order at flashpoint site
Six Jews in their 20s were arrested Thursday morning after police suspected they were planning to sacrifice a goat at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City ahead of Passover.
The suspects, residents of Jerusalem and Jewish settlements in the West Bank, were detained and taken in for questioning after police found a goat in one of the suspects’ homes.
The “Returning to the Mount” extremist group, which advocates the construction of a third Jewish temple on the site that once housed the two biblical temples, have circulated a flyer offering a cash prize to anyone who managed to offer a living sacrifice on the Temple Mount, and to anyone arrested trying to do so.
(reward breakdown) “Arrested? NIS 400. Arrested with a goat/lamb? NIS 800. Managed to sacrifice? NIS 10,000,” the post from Returning to the Mount read.
The “Returning to the Mount” group said that in addition to the arrests, a number of their members have received phone calls from the Shin Bet warning them not to proceed with their plans. “Despite all this, the goats are on their way to Jerusalem.”
Israeli authorities have vowed to stop any attempts to bring sacrificial animals to the complex, as they have in years past.
According to police, “false information is being distributed online regarding the Temple Mount, alongside publications encouraging extremist entities to be arrested by police by attempting to reach the site and conduct illegal activities.”
“Police will continue to operate in Jerusalem and anywhere else together with all security agencies, 24/7, covertly and overtly, against any person who attempts to violate the order and laws in place at the Temple Mount and the other holy sites in the city,” a police statement read.
The statement added that “publications that raise suspicion of a potential criminal violation will be treated accordingly.”

The Gaza-based terror group added: “We stress that this represents a dangerous escalation that crosses all red lines, as it is a direct assault on the belief and feelings of our people and our nation during this holy month,” referring to the month of Ramadan.The provocative plans announced by Jewish activists were met with threats from Hamas on Wednesday, which said it would not allow Jews to offer sacrifices at the site “at any cost,” while Gazan terror factions convened to discuss a unified response to the alleged “aggressions.”
The Returning to the Mount post also drew condemnation from Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s Arabic-language spokesperson denied there were any plans to bring sacrifices up to the hilltop, and said any attempts to do so would be halted.
Hosting Arab Israeli officials, religious and civil society leaders and members of the security forces at an annual Iftar dinner in Jerusalem Wednesday, President Isaac Herzog said Israel will continue to maintain the status quo in the capital.
“In recent days, mendacious reports have been circulating on social media about the Temple Mount and the holy sites. I want to take this opportunity to say: These are lies. Israel maintains the status quo on the Temple Mount,” Herzog said.
The Temple Mount, known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, is Judaism’s holiest site and Islam’s third holiest. Jews are allowed to visit the compound, but not pray or perform religious rituals, as part of a delicate status quo. (Which is totally bizarre and insane, this should never have been. However, the Jews know they cannot pray there or offer sacrifices properly until the site has been cleansed with the ashes of the Red Heffer.)
A small group of Jewish extremists have occasionally sought to perform the biblically mandated Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount. But police have regularly detained the perpetrators, who do not appear to have successfully pulled off a sacrifice in recent years at the flashpoint holy site.
So far, despite daily clashes in the Old City, the capital remains relatively calm, amid a wave of Palestinian terror attacks in other major cities and in the West Bank.
According to Palestinian reports, five Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank overnight Wednesday and Thursday morning.
כ״ד בְּאִיָיר תשפ״ב
A model of the second Holy Temple at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum. (Credit:
While most Israelis were celebrating Independence Day by having family barbecues, a small group gathered in the Old City of Jerusalem and began chipping away at stones, preparing them to be used to build the prophesied Third Temple.
The event was organized by Rabbi Aryeh Lipo who envisioned it while on his way to the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky in March. Lipo ascends to the Temple Mount on a daily basis (when the Israeli police permit Jews to enter) but was deliberating with a friend which was more important: to attend the funeral of a tzaddik (righteous Jew) or to ascend to the Temple Mount.
To honor Rabbi Kanievsky, he and a friend were learning a halachic (Torah law) ruling written by Rabbi Kanievsky in which he stated that the stones for the Temple had to be cut by Jews with the intention of honoring God’s name.
“We have a mitzvah (Torah commandment) to build the Temple. This mitzvah is not conditional or time-bound. We have this requirement at all times. So it is a pity that we are not actively engaged in it. Right now, it is politically complicated for us to begin building on the Temple Mount but that does not exempt us from this mitzvah.”
Rabbi Lipo realized that it was possible to begin to actually perform this mitzvah by preparing the stones that will be used to build the Third Temple. He explained that Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, the medieval Torah authority known as Maimonides or by the acronym Rambam, taught that the stones for the Temple building were cut outside of the Temple Mount and transported to the Temple Mount. Once on the Temple Mount, it was forbidden to use iron tools to form the stones. It was, of course, forbidden to use iron tools at any stage to form the stones for the altar.
As an aside, Rabbi Lipo has already begun collecting stones for the altar. Rabbi Lipo cited Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook who, in 1937, wrote an article relating to Ezekiel’s vision of the Jews’ return to Zion:
And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit into you: I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh; Ezekiel 36:26
“There are hearts and there are hearts,” Rabbi Kook wrote. “There are human hearts, and there are hearts of stone. There are stones and there are stones. There are silent stones, and there are stones which are hearts. These stones, remnants of our dwelling on high, “retain their holiness even in desolation” (Megillah 3:3), for “the Shekhinah has never left the Western Wall” (Tanhuma Shemot 10)…. These stones are our hearts!”
Cutting stones for the Third Temple (Photo courtesy Joshua Wander)
In order to perform the mitzvah properly, Rabbi Lipo had to consult with several rabbis who were expert in issues concerning the Temple. Because of its politically sensitive nature, an aspect some rabbis consider when ruling about the Tempe Mount and Third Temple, there are normally vastly divergent views regarding such issues.
“All of the rabbis we consulted agreed that we should begin preparing the stones,” Lipo said “This wasn’t just a physical action to produce dressed stones. We had to be very careful about our intentions. Of course, this was not a political statement. The intention was to unify the Jews and all of the world in making God One and His Name One.”
It was for this reason that they chose to begin forming the stones for the Third Temple on Yom Haatzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. Rabbi Lipo cited commentaries that explained that when God appeared to Moses at the burning bush, He told Moses that the reason for bringing the Jews out was in order to serve Him in Jerusalem:
And He said, “I will be with you; that shall be your sign that it was I who sent you. And when you have freed the people from Egypt, you shall worship Hashem at this mountain.” Exodus 3:12
“The unifying identity of the Jewish people is expressed in the Temple in Jerusalem,” Rabbi Lipo explained. “On this day, 74 years ago, Israel became a state but the essence of the nation is the Temple in Jerusalem.”
Most quarries in Israel are operated by Arabs and they preferred not to use stones from those locations. They collected 23 sizable stones from a field near the community of Eish Kodesh (holy fire) in Samaria. A contractor from Judea transported the stones to an area near the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City. Lipo’s mother, who was born with the State of Israel 74 years ago, took part, enthusiastically helping to chip away at the stones.
Lipo plans on holding more events of this type to prepare more stones for the Third Temple.
Joshua Wander took part in the event. While cutting the stones, Wander wore tefillin (phylacteries) and had his sidearm ready, personifying the prophecy of Nehemiah:
As for the builders, each had his sword girded at his side as he was building. The trumpeter stood beside me. Nehemiah 4:12
“This was an important act unto itself and a message to the nation as well as to the world, but it was also message to Hashem that we were not just sitting around waiting for the Messiah,” Wander told Israel365 News. “We had the intention to show that we are actively working to bring the Third Temple, as prophesied and as commanded.”
The current situation in which Israel is a beautifully developed country while the Temple Mount is under the control of the Palestinians is similar to the situation described by the Prophet Haggai:
Is it a time for you to dwell in your paneled houses, while this House is lying in ruins? Haggai 1:4
The Israel Bible explained a message that is equally relevant today:
Addressing the Jews who returned to the Land of Israel after seventy years of Babylonian exile, Chagai’s mission is to motivate them to resume construction of the second Temple. He begins by challenging them to reflect on their priorities, and to consider what is more important: Their comfort, or God’s? While they dwell in paneled houses, Hashem’s house lies in ruins. The Hebrew term for ‘paneled’ is sefunim (ספונים). According to some, the panels were made out of cedar wood, imported from Lebanon. Chagai is accusing the people of not learning from King David, who said to the prophet Natan, “Here I am dwelling in a house of cedar, while the Aron of Hashem abides in a tent!” (II Samuel 7). David longed to overcome that disparity and build the first Beit Hamikdash, while the Israelites in Chagai’s time are unconcerned. Chagai tries to break their complacency.
The stones are being stored for their intended purpose.
Jews Want Sovereignty, Prayer at Temple Mount
Survey finds majority of Israelis displeased by government’s weak approach to Judaism’s holiest site in the face of Muslim threats

A majority of Israelis say its time to truly exert sovereignty over the Temple Mount. Photo: Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90
Following the wave of violence at Jerusalem’s Temple Mount that accompanied the confluence of Ramadan and Passover (and Easter), the Israel Democracy Institute found that a majority of Israelis want Jewish prayer at the religious flashpoint.
As part of its annual Independence Day survey, the Israel Democracy Institute asked Israelis their thoughts on the Temple Mount, Jewish sovereignty there, and the government’s handling of last month’s confrontations.
Half of all respondents said Jews should be allowed to pray at the Temple Mount.
Currently, Jews are forbidden to pray at the Temple Mount, the one place in all of Israel where the state denies religious freedom for all but one group, Muslims.
See: “We are overly sensitive to the point of denying freedom of worship to Jews!”
Unsurprisingly, those supporting Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount were mostly right-wing and religious Zionist voters, while those voting for left-wing or ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties opposed.
Did you know: Most ultra-Orthodox Jews are against Jewish prayer atop the Temple Mount for fear of accidentally treading on the Holy of Holies.
Among those who want Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount, most said their reasoning was not necessarily religious, but rather to demonstrate Jewish sovereignty.
While Israel maintains security control of the Temple Mount, the courtyard atop the sacred plateau where the Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock are located (and where the Jewish Temple once stood) is administered by the Islamic Trust (Waqf), a Jordanian religious body.
This, coupled with the government’s repeated apologetic commitment to the “status quo,” has left most Israelis feeling their nation doesn’t truly have sovereignty at Judaism’s holiest site.
Poor marks
Just 33% of respondents said they were happy with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s handling of the clashes at the Temple Mount last month. And this, again, has much to do with the perception that Bennett and his government capitulated by temporarily barring Jewish visitors to the site in order to appease the Muslims.
By contrast, over half of respondents were pleased with the Police responses to repeated eruptions of violence by Muslims atop the Temple Mount. For a number of days in a row, police officers used all the anti-riot methods and tools at their disposal to battle and eject the Muslims who were causing all the trouble.
Israel’s refusal to Jewish claims on Temple Mount encourages Islamists – opinion
A few months ago, a new official sign was posted at the entrance to the security checkpoint leading up to the Temple Mount by the Israel Police. It listed nine restrictions for “visitors and tourists,” the code term for all non-Muslims.
While it termed the site in a vague fashion “sacred” and stated that its “holiness must be respected,” no specific religious identity was applied to the location.
Earlier this month, on May 13, taking advantage of Israel’s relatively insipid stance on the compound’s importance to Jewish national history, US President Joe Biden, continuing the devaluing of the site’s Jewishness promoted by former president Barak Obama, announced after a meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah II that there was a “need to preserve the historic status quo at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.” He then added he “also recognized the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s crucial role as the custodian of Muslim holy places in Jerusalem.”
And so, 55 years after Paratroopers Brigade commander Motta Gur’s famous shout over his unit’s radio on June 8, 1967, that “the Temple Mount is in our hands,” we witness yet another loosening of the state’s grip on it, and a further minimizing of the value quotient of the most central and sacred piece of national territory of the Jewish people.
One could have expected that to counter Muslims’ rallying slogan of “al-Aqsa is in danger,” we should be hearing a parallel “the Temple Mount is in danger.” Yet our senior government officials are rather low-key on the issue.
Summing up a meeting with US officials on April 21 this year, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tweeted out “5 facts about the Temple Mount” yet did not mention it is also a Jewish holy site. The term “Jewish” he did use but only in describing “Jewish extremists who sought to inflame.” Indeed, when Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi declared “Our demands are clear that al-Aqsa and Haram al-Sharif in all its area is a sole place of worship for Muslims,” Israeli officialdom was quiescent.
On May 11, this paper reported that Safadi stated, “Israel has no sovereignty in Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa.” The Prime Minister’s Office laconically responded, “There is no change or new development in the situation on the Temple Mount. Israeli sovereignty has been maintained.” What has been adopted is a policy of simply avoiding the issue.
When Biden said he “also recognized the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s crucial role as the custodian of Muslim holy places in Jerusalem,” that formulation was intended to echo what was agreed in Article 9 of the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty of 1994, which includes Israel’s commitment to respect “the present special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Muslim holy shrines in Jerusalem.”
But there is an additional nuance in that article, for it is written that “when negotiations on the permanent status will take place, Israel will give high priority to the Jordanian historic role in these shrines.” But that relates to the future. What about now?
Biden, and even Israel’s government, may be surprised to read that Jordan, together with Israel, “will act together to promote interfaith relations among the three monotheistic religions, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, and tolerance and peace.” That is not the reality, at least as regards Jordan’s actions and statements.
Should not Israel’s political leadership and its diplomats be voicing a modicum of criticism that Jordan’s actions and words do not work toward religious understanding, tolerance, peace, as well as full freedom of worship for all in Jerusalem? Why not affix a sign, sponsored either by the Tourism Ministry or the Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Ministry, at the entrance explaining to visitors why the Temple Mount is important also to Jews and Christians? Is it embarrassing? Or are our officials a bit too timorous to assert its non-Muslim character and history?
FEW TODAY realize that when Moshe Dayan arranged the 1967 “status quo” policy, his thinking stemmed from the 1928 success of the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini to have the British force upon the pre-state Yishuv a status quo on the Western Wall and then reinforce it with an internationally created status quo two years later. Jews couldn’t leave benches, lanterns, tables and Holy Arks overnight. The shofar could not be blown.
The November 18, 1928, largely forgotten British White Paper, as the JTA report noted 10 days later, “assert[ed] that the status quo, as established under the Turkish regime, was infringed by the Jewish worshipers at the Jewish Holy Site,” and that “innovations were made” when a mechitza (partition) was set up.
It is that un-Jewish “status quo” that Jordan, with American backing and Israeli acquiescence, is seeking to force on us all. And to be clear, former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s admission on October 24, 2015, that “Israel will continue to enforce its long-standing policy: Muslims pray on the Temple Mount; non-Muslims visit the Temple Mount,” while ignoring its Jewish value, was not a positive contribution.
An unstatic status quo
The irony, however, is that the “status quo” is anything but static. The Wakf Islamic religious trust has altered times of entry and prohibited Shabbat visits. Since 2013, Ramadan closure was artificially extended. The Wakf created new holiday periods, planted tree orchards, paved over new pathways, built outdoor prayer platforms and constructed three new mosques. The police permit youths to stay overnight, knowing they are gathering stones and fireworks to attack Jews in the morning or attempt to throw stones over the wall to the Western Wall Plaza below.
Israel yielded and, despite security concerns, does not have surveillance cameras or metal detectors in place, even though police and Jews have been shot dead and stabbed to death there or just outside the gates. Most importantly, no archaeological digs are permitted, and, on the other hand, in 1996 many tons of earth were removed and dumped outside the compound.
And while Jews have succeeded in having a High Court of Justice ruling of decades ago applied, that is, allowing non-demonstrative silent prayer, Jews looking like Jews are subjected to special profiling procedures and must walk in a small groups along a separate route surrounded by police and Wakf guards because Jews are viewed by the Wakf as “storming” and being “provocative.”
Moreover, there has been a name change. The term “al-Haram al-Sharif” has all but disappeared, while “al-Aqsa Mosque” has become dominant. The Palestinian Authority’s denial that Jews have any connection to the Temple Mount or Jerusalem increases. Tayseer al-Tamimi, former chief justice of the PA Religious Court, said recently “the blessed Aqsa Mosque is Islamic and belongs to Muslims alone... and the Jews have no right to it... or the right to pray in any part of it.” And he added, “al-Aqsa Mosque includes all its courtyards... and specifically its western wall.”
PA Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud al-Habbash also asserted that “al-Aqsa Mosque… will not be shared with anyone, and no one besides Muslims will pray in it.” In December last year, Habbash stated that the Western Wall is “an authentic part of al-Aqsa Mosque only.”
If al-Aqsa is supposedly in danger, it is due to Islamist extremism and the increased violence of Muslims championing exclusivism, as well as a government standoffish approach, as if the matter will just go away. It won’t. Israel’s descent from identifying with the Jewishness of the Temple Mount, as if dismounting, will not placate Islamists but only encourage them.
The writer, a research fellow at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, comments on issues of Zionist history and politics.
Contrast of the Old, Universal Religion of the Anti-Christ With the Only Way to God By Faith in the Finished Work of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Citing Milestones of the Tribulation Period Including the Catastrophic Ending to the Time of the Gentiles, Rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, Preaching of the Two Witnesses, and the Empowerment of the Anti-Christ. Scripture: Matthew 24:15 ➤𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫(𝐬): Charles Lawson ➤ 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 & 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: Licensed through Storyblocks, FILMPAC, Artgrid & Adobe Stock Images ➤ 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐧: The Religion of the Anti-Christ (Pastor Charles Lawson)… ➤ 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲: Robin Måhl
Jerusalem Day – We have a dream
There is no incitement in marching through the “Muslim” Quarter where the British census of 1920 counted 1000 Jewish families.
Tzvi Fishman

Jerusalem Day Rikudgalim marchArutz Sheva
This coming Sunday on Jerusalem Day, will Hamas once again begin to fire missiles from Gaza toward Jewish communities and cities in Israel, just as it did last year?
Will another violent Intifada break out throughout the country?
Or will the Government of Israel back down to Arab threats and prevent sixty thousand Jews from joyously parading with Israeli flags through the Damascus Gate to the Kotel during this year’s Jerusalem Day ceremonies?
Time will tell. Head of Hamas’s political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, has warned against Jews ascending the Temple Mount during the Flag Parade in Jerusalem next week (even though the ascent to the Temple Mount has never been a feature of the parade nor is it a part of this year’s agenda). “We will fight with all means available to prevent this desecration of the Al Aqsa Mosque,” Haniyeh was quoted as saying.
Ministers from the Meretz party protested against Public Security Minister Omer Barlev’s decision to approve the route of the Jerusalem Day Flag March through the Damascus Gate. Political analysts note that Prime Minister Bennett will be under tremendous pressure from the Arab parties to overrule the decision if he hopes to keep his vanishing coalition intact.
The situation is explosive indeed.
This year as always, hundreds of buses will arrive in the city in the early afternoon from all over the country. Women gather near the Great Synagogue, and men in Zion Square in the center of Jaffa Road, in keeping with standards of halakha in a march as crowded as is this one. With thousands of blue-and-white flags waving like Zionist oceans, youngsters dance in circles and follow after the musical bands riding on flat-bed trucks, which converge on the Old City from several directions to symbolize the unification of Jerusalem and Jewish sovereignty over the Holy City.
A review of the festive “Rekud-Degalim” Jerusalem Day Parade and the history of Jewish life in the so-called “Muslim Quarter” will help us understand the importance of the annual parade route, especially in the light of this year’s powder-keg potential and the Biden Administration’s hopes to divide the eternal capital of the Jewish People.
What happened on Jerusalem Day 1967 and after that?
On the day that Jerusalem was unified under Israel sovereignty during the Six Day War, Chief IDF Rabbi Shlomo Goren and paratroopers from the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva brought the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Tzvi Yehuda Kook, to the Old City to lead the first national Mincha prayer at the Kotel after a separation of almost two-thousand years.

Rav Tzvi Yehuda comes to liberated KotelArchives
“Every eye was filled with tears,” the Rosh Yeshiva later recalled. “Soldiers prostrated themselves on the ground in front of the Kotel. Others wedged their fingers between the stones of the Wall. Everyone chanted the Psalm, “When the Lord brought back the exiles of Zion, we were like those who dream.”
Afterwards, journalists from around the world gathered about the Rabbi to record his reactions. “Behold,” he declared. “We announce to all of the Jewish People and to all of the world that by a Divine command we have returned to our home and to our Holy City. From this day forth, we shall never budge from here. We have come home! All of the rulers of the world cannot alter this Divine historic fact. The counsel of the Lord endures forever.”
The following year, at midnight, after a Jerusalem Day celebration at the yeshiva highlighted by speeches of outstanding Torah Scholars, HaRav Tzvi Yehuda led students on a march to the Kotel. As years went by, young people from all over the country gathered at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva for the evening celebration and midnight march to the Kotel.
Some twenty years later, in an effort to enlarge the celebration, one of the Rabbis of the yeshiva, HaRav Yehuda Hazani, established a flag-waving, daytime, musical parade through the streets of Jerusalem to the Kotel. Each year, the event grew larger and larger, until it evolved into a joyous celebration of more than fifty-thousand participants, mostly from the Religious-Zionist community, culminating with hours of song and dancing in the jammed-packed Western Wall Plaza.
Tensions surrounding the flag parade
Let’s jump to the Damascus Gate and what is commonly known as the “Muslim Quarter” of the Old City – the focus of the tensions surrounding the parade. Initially, and without public debate, marchers reached the Kotel via the main gates of the Old City. After parading along Jaffa Road and Agron Street, the flag-waving crowd of teenagers, adults, and families wheeling baby carriages split up at the Tzahal Plaza and set off toward the gala celebration in the Kotel Plaza via the Jaffa, Damascus, Lion’s, and Dung Gate which encompass the Old City, as a symbol of the unification of Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty.
In the beginning, the Israeli Police welcomed the festive event and readily worked with the parade organizers to ensure the parade’s success. However, as the numbers of participants increased each year, and as Arab aggressiveness swelled with the Oslo Accords, the security situation became increasingly problematic. Nonetheless, the organizers of the parade maintained friendly negotiations with the police authorities who were faced with manpower problems and political concerns emanating from Washington regarding a re-division of Jerusalem.
While agreeing to cancel the parade routes via the Dung and Lion’s Gate, we insisted that the procession through the Damascus Gate and “Muslim Quarter” remain intact.
The misnomered “Muslim” Quarter of Jerusalem
I put the “Muslim Quarter” in quotations marks because the description is a gross misnomer. While many Arabs live throughout this quarter of the Old City, it is not the Muslim Quarter at all. In fact, its original name was the Western Wall Quarter or the Old Jewish Quarter, for here was the center of Jewish life in Jerusalem.
For example, according to the British census of 1920, in the Jewish neighborhoods surrounding Hevron and HaGai Streets in this thriving Jewish center, there were nearly a thousand Jewish families, many of them clustered in small apartments in the Galicia Compound and the Wittenberg Courtyard. Dozens of Jewish businesses filled the busy neighborhood, including a number of venerable Jerusalem institutions, the Diskin Orphange, which housed dozens of children; the Strauss Soup Kitchen, the Ezrat Nashim Home for the Mentally Ill, and the overcrowded Chayai Olam Yeshiva which was founded in the late 1880’s on the initiative of illustrious Torah giants such as Rav Yehoshua of Kutna, Rav Leib Diskin, Rav Shmuel Salant, Rav Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook, Rav Chaim Sonnenfeld, Rav Chaim Berlin Yaacov Meir, and Rav Ben Zion Meir Chai Uziel.
Rabbi Kook’s son, Rav Tzvi Yehuda, learned at the nearby Torat Chaim Yeshiva as a youth. At the time, there were 30 synagogues and eight bustling yeshivot in the quarter. The neighborhood was only renamed the “Muslim Quarter” after the Arab uprisings and murderous pogroms in the Twenties and Thirties forced all of the Jews to flee the area.
The area remained Judenrein until 1979 when a few idealistic pioneers including Mati Dan of the Ateret Cohanim Organization discovered intrepid equally idealist philanthropists Dr. Irving Moskowitz z”l and his wife Cherna (may she merit long life) whose love for the Jewish people’s return to the Land of Israel caused them to be interested in helping to purchase and reclaim the buildings which had been abandoned by Jewish families during the Arab pogroms and British evacuation.
“Mati was a young man with a winning smile and a dynamic drive that made you feel he was involved with the most important thing in the world,” Dr. Moskowitz once told me. “He took my wife and myself on an eye-opening tour of the so-called ‘Muslim Quarter.’ On the doorposts of building after building, he showed us the empty holes where mezuzot had once been affixed. At the time I didn’t know anything about the history of the Old City, and here he was presenting us with an opportunity to acquire the famous Chai Olam Yeshiva building which had been stolen from the Jews by the Arabs.”

Irving and Cherna MoskowitzINN:HS
Returning buildings to their rightful Jewish ownership meant long research and negotiations through a maze of antiquated property laws still in effect from the periods of Turkish, British, and Jordanian rule. These included complicated ownership and tenancy rights, leasing arrangements, squatter rights, and different forms of “chazaka” whereby apartments were handed down from one generation to the next.
Up until today the Moskowitz Foundation has been involved with the purchase of dozens of former Jewish properties throughout the Old Jewish Quarter. Mezuzahs have returned to doorways all along HaGai Street and Israeli Flags fly proudly on rooftops and terraces. The Ateret Yerushalayim Yeshiva led by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner is housed in the old Torat Chaim Yeshiva building, and the newly renovated Ohel Yitzhak Synagogue has returned to being the “pearl” of the neighborhood, all thanks to Moskowitz sponsorship.
Thus the insistence of Jerusalem Parade organizers to march through the Damascus Gate via HaGai Street is no deliberate “act of incitement” against Arab residents of the quarter, but a clear statement that all of Jerusalem belongs exclusively under the authority of Medinat Yisrael.
One year during the Obama Administration, along the parade route on Agron Street in front of the American Consulate, I was invited to read a declaration in English written by Rabbi Novik, in response to President Obama’s threatening pronouncements about dividing the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, G-d forbid. In front of a large banner reading, “GOD GAVE THE LAND OF ISRAEL TO THE JEWS,” I held up a Bible and proclaimed:

Tzvi Fishman and Meir Indor at march on Jerusalem DayT. Fishman
“Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish People, and the Jewish People alone. Jerusalem is the city of our kings, of King David and King Solomon; Jerusalem is the city of our Holy Temple; Jerusalem is the city of our prophets, the prophets of Israel, the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, who all declared that the nations of the world would one day gather in Jerusalem before the rebuilt House of the Lord on the Temple Mount to receive a blessing of peace and prosperity, not only for the Jews but for all peoples in the world.
“This book, the Bible, the eternal word of God, is our deed to the Land of Israel and to Jerusalem. Therefore, on Jerusalem Day, we call out to the President of United States, and to the people of America, and to all the believers in the Bible the world over, to stand by us in defending the unity of our ancient capital, Jerusalem, and in defending the indivisible unity of our ancient, Promised Land.
“In the words of a great American, Martin Luther King, we call out in a loud, united voice, “WE HAVE A DREAM!” We have a dream, Mr. President – a dream of 2000 years. For 2000 years the Jewish People dreamed of returning to our Holy City, and now that God has brought us back, we will never allow Jerusalem to be stolen from us or divided ever again!”
Court’s decision to allow Jewish prayer on Temple Mount is dangerous – opinion
The so-called unification of Jerusalem is a fiction and only exists in the minds of Israelis and Jews around the world. In reality, Jerusalem remains one of the most divided cities in the world.
The revolutionary decision of a low court in Jerusalem to essentially allow Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, overturning 55 years of status quo is the most dangerous ruling of any court in Israel since 1948. Personally, I would be happy, in the reality in which we live in that billions of people all around the world call Israel the Holy Land, if every person, regardless of their faith, could pray anywhere they wanted to, with the only restriction being that their praying does not interfere with or prevent the praying of others. But that is not the world in which we live.
The so-called status quo since 1967 has been that only Muslims pray on what they call al-Aqsa or Haram a-Sharif and only Jews pray at the Western Wall, the Kotel. Since 1967, Muslims have not tried to pray at the Western Wall, although during some of the negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians there have been Palestinian claims that the Western Wall is a Muslim holy site and should be under Muslim control. Jews have repeatedly tried to pray on the Temple Mount and some groups of Jews are actually planning to build a Jewish Temple with an alter for animal sacrifice in place of the al-Aqsa Mosque.
Israel has been conducting excavations in, around and underneath the Temple Mount for many years and Muslim fears regarding Israel’s intentions at the Holy Site have some basis in reality. The latest Israeli court ruling allowing Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, which I believe will be overturned by a high court, increases the basis of Muslim fears and adds explosive materials to the most explosive sight in the land between the river and the sea.
The most remarkable aspect of Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu’s visit to al-Aqsa Mosque compound on the Temple Mount on Tuesday was that it was so unremarkable
Cavusoglu visited the site without Israeli security guards and was accompanied by Azzam al-Khatib, the director-general of the Jordanian-controlled Wakf Muslim religious trust. He was not met on the compound by throngs waving Turkish flags and did not repeat – whether before he went to the site or when he left it – the need for Muslims to “conquer” al-Aqsa by flooding it with visitors.
Five years ago Cavusoglu’s boss, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, did just that. Speaking in 2017 at a conference on Jerusalem held in Istanbul, Erdogan called on Muslims worldwide to visit al-Aqsa often as a way of gaining control, saying that “each day that Jerusalem is under occupation is an insult to us.”
The Turkish president then put his government’s money where his mouth was, and subsidized Turkish visitors wanting to make a pilgrimage to the site. Thousands of Turkish tourists began flowing to Jerusalem’s Old City, and the Turkish flag flew from the Aqsa compound as well as on rooftops and in front of restaurants in the Old City and east Jerusalem.
According to Baruch Yedid, the Arab affairs correspondent for Channel 14 who led a media tour of Jerusalem Sunday sponsored by the Sovereignty Movement, the Turkish government helped refurbish some 70 buildings in the Old City. Some of these refurbished buildings were designed to service the Turkish religious pilgrims, who could enter a coffee shop on one of the alleyways near the Temple Mount, and – while sipping freshly squeezed orange juice – watch Erdogan’s speeches and those of Islamic Movement Northern Branch head Raed Salah on big-screen televisions. Saleh has for years been waging the “al-Aqsa is in danger campaign” against Israel, and in Erdogan found a receptive ear and close ally for years.
At the opening of a parliament session in 2020, with dreams of resurrecting the glory of the Ottoman Empire still in his mind, Erdogan said, “Jerusalem is ours. One of our cities.” His actions to gain inroads in the city – including donating 300 laptops to schools in the Old City so pupils could learn Turkish – showed that he meant it.
Then the coronavirus hit, the flow of tourists stopped, Turkey’s economy and standing in the world continued to dive and Ankara pivoted and began making overtures toward Israel, which culminated this week with Cavusoglu’s visit. During his visit all that neo-Ottoman bluster about Jerusalem being Turkish went by the wayside. — At least for now.
Turkey is in the running
ACCORDING TO Yedid, the Turks are but one piece of a power struggle taking place among Palestinian groups – Hamas and Fatah – and Arab countries, such as Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Morocco, for a foothold in Jerusalem.
Each little chunk of the city that another actor tries to grab for itself chips away at Israeli sovereign control – and this competition is fierce.
This competition played out most recently during Ramadan when Israelis woke up to violent clashes on the Temple Mount and were stunned to see a wave of the green flags of Hamas where the Jewish temples once stood.
Samer Sinjilawi, an east Jerusalem Fatah activist and chairman of the Jerusalem Development Fund, said that, contrary to a growing perception among Israelis, Hamas has not taken control of the Aqsa compound or won over the hearts and minds of east Jerusalem Arabs. That, he said, is a figment of the Israeli media’s imagination.
Maybe so, but after what Yedid called a “very green Ramadan” on the Temple Mount, the massive funeral in Jerusalem of CNN correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh, killed two weeks ago during a firefight in Jenin, was organized and run by Fatah as a response to Hamas; as a show of force and a way of demonstrating its presence.
Fifty-five years after Israel won Jerusalem during the Six Day War, the battle for control of the city continues to take place at various levels.
Jordan is trying to assert control over the Temple Mount and al-Aqsa Compound by demanding to increase the number of Wakf employees and “returning the status quo” at the site. What this means for Jordan is replacing the Israel police who currently stand guard at all the entrances to the compound, including the Mugrabi Gate from which Jews and tourists are allowed access, with Wakf guards. Up until 1996, it was Wakf guards who were positioned at the entryways to the Temple Mount.
Hamas is trying to assert its control as “protector” of the city by threatening to fire rockets, as it did last May, if it is unhappy with the developments in the city. It is threatening to fire rockets if the Jerusalem Day march goes ahead as scheduled on Sunday.
And Fatah is trying to assert control by getting its members placed on the expanded Wakf board, as well as supporting a multitude of organizations throughout the city.
INTERESTINGLY, the easiest way the Arabs could make their presence felt in the city would be through voting in municipal elections – something they are entitled to do as Jerusalem residents.
Sinjilawi, a staunch opponent of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the older guard of Fatah is opposed to Arab participation in municipal elections because it could be interpreted as recognizing Israeli control. He said many in the younger guard, however, believe this is an option that should be considered.
According to Yedid, the decision by Ra’am Party head Mansour Abbas to join the government coalition has led to a rethinking of the wisdom of boycotting the Israeli political process.
Chaim Silberstein, the head of an NGO called Keep Jerusalem, said that if current demographic trends in the city continue, then if east Jerusalem Arabs decide to vote, within 15 years they could elect an Arab mayor of the capital.
Before the Six Day War, Arabs made up only 1% of the part of divided Jerusalem under Israeli control. When Israel took control of the entire city in 1967 and expanded the municipal borders to include several Arab villages, the Arab population rose to 70,000, constituting some 26% of the united city’s entire population.
By 1990 the Jewish-Arab breakdown was 72% to 26% favoring the Jews, falling to 68%-32% in 2010, and now standing at about 60%-40%. Jerusalem’s current population stands at 958,000, of which 581,000 (354,000 Arabs and 227,000 Jews) live in areas that Israel gained control of in 1967.
The dramatic change in the capital’s demography is not the result of a high Arab and low Jewish birth rate among Jerusalem residents, but because of Jewish flight from the city over the past quarter-century because of a lack of employment opportunities and affordable housing.
“Each year between 7,000 to 10,0000 Jews leave the city,” Silberstein said, adding said that in the last 25 years some 450,000 Jews have left Jerusalem, and only 260,000 have moved in, translating into a net loss to the city of some 190,000 Jews.
The demographic problem has been compounded by runaway illegal building in the Arab sector, which Silberstein asserted was being guided by the Palestinian Authority.
No one has accurate figures on the extent of the illegal building, but Yedid said that according to UN numbers between 28% and 46% of east Jerusalem Arabs live in illegal structures. He said estimates are that some 125,000 Arabs out of the 354,000 Arab residents of the city live in structures built without the necessary permits.
AS ISRAEL celebrates Jerusalem Day on Sunday, long-term trends playing themselves out on the ground will determine the future of the city more than political declarations.
Sitting in the house that Ariel Sharon bought in the Muslim Quarter in 1987, Silberstein told a tale of how he met Sharon in 2003, a couple of years after Sharon became prime minister. Sharon told Silberstein how, before the Six Day War, he took one of his sons to a hill overlooking the Old City, which was then under Jordanian control.
“That is ours, but it is not in our hands,” Silberstein quoted Sharon as telling his son. “Now, Sharon told Silberstein, encouraging the acquisition of Jewish property throughout the city and the assertion of Israeli control, “it is in our hands, but not ours.”
The sentiment reflected in those comments – that Israel’s sovereignty is being undermined by various actors, and exists throughout the city in name only – is even more pronounced today than it was when Sharon made that comment 19 years ago.•
Bennett approves flag march route, security forces on high alert
Bennett said the march would pass through Damascus Gate, and that officers were deployed to Jerusalem and Israel’s mixed cities.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett received a comprehensive security briefing on preparations by Israel Police ahead of Sunday’s controversial flag march in Jerusalem, after Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev said on Wednesday that the route would include marchers going through Damascus Gate and the Muslim Quarter, as they head to the Western Wall.
According to a statement released at the time, Bar-Lev said that he accepted the recommendation of Shabtai that the march, which is part of Jerusalem Day celebrations, will take place “as it has been customary for most years in the past,” stopping before reaching the Temple Mount.
The government’s decision to allow the march to go through has stoked fears that the march could lead to renewed violence between Israeli forces securing the march and Palestinian rioters.
Despite this, Bennett called for “business as usual” on the Temple Mount on Sunday, as updated situational assessments will be held throughout the weekend.
According to Ynet News, defense officials advised Bennett to stick to the planned route, as any last-minute change would be seen as a sign of weakness on Israel’s part.
The briefing was held in the attendance of Israel Police chief Kobi Shabtai, Public Security Minister Omer Bar Lev and other security officials in the government and police.
Security forces on high alert
Israeli security forces were put on high alert ahead of of the march, with additional mobile shelters deployed to cities in the south, and an increase in police presence in Jerusalem and other mixed Jewish-Arab cities.
While the military is still unsure if the flag march on Jerusalem Day will pass quietly, the IDF has deployed additional mobile bomb shelters, including in the college town of Sderot, in case terror groups from the Gaza Strip fire rockets toward the south.
The IDF later clarified that the additional bomb shelters were placed in the south not because of Jerusalem Day, but as part of a pre-planned deployment by the Home Front Command in an attempt to fortify the south.
Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai ordered a high alert in Jerusalem, including deploying 3,000 additional police officers to the capital and hundreds more to mixed cities.
The decision, taken in conjunction with the Shin Bet (Israel security agency), comes as both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have threatened to launch rockets, warning Israel against allowing Jews to “storm” the Aqsa Mosque compound during the flag march.
The groups said in a statement after an emergency meeting that this would be a barrel of dynamite to ignite the entire region.
“Jerusalem and the holy sites are a red line,” the statement read. “Our people, with their resistance and forces… will use all options to defend our people and holy sites against Zionist assaults.”
They called on Palestinians to “defend the lands and holy sites,” urging them to take to the streets carrying Palestinian flags and to clash with Israeli security forces.
The US Embassy in Israel also issued an alert to citizens and embassy employees, warning them to refrain from entering Jerusalem’s Old City at any time on Sunday, and on Friday when there is a higher turnout for prayer on the Temple Mount.
“Due to ongoing tensions and potential security issues in the Old City of Jerusalem, the following restrictions on US government employees and their families remain in effect until Monday, May 30,” the alert said. “Damascus Gate will continue to remain off-limits after May 29 until further notice.”
The embassy also warned citizens to treat every alert of an incoming rocket as real and to seek shelter immediately.
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh warned last week that the group “will confront [Israel] with all of our capabilities,” and that the Palestinian people “would not accept the passage of such Talmudic Jewish nonsense. Our decision is clear and unhesitating… We will resist with all our capabilities and we will not allow the violation of al-Aqsa Mosque or thuggery in the streets of Jerusalem.”
Worlds response
US Ambassador Tom Nides spoke with Bar-Lev on Thursday about the flag march, but did not ask him to change the route.
UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland called the March provocative when he briefed the UN Security Council on Thursday.
“I urge authorities to take wise decisions to minimize confrontations, frictions and the risk of more violence,” he said.
Irish Ambassador Byrne Nason said her country was concerned the march would “escalate tensions.” Israel’s deputy ambassador, Noa Furman, took issue with the concerns expressed by a number of SC member states, accusing them of adopting a narrative promoted by anti-Israel terror groups such as Hamas.
This is a “yearly event” that goes along a route that has been largely unchanged for 30 years, Furman said, and has nothing to do with issues of the status quo on the Temple Mount.
This “is a peaceful event,” Furman said, that has been twisted into an attack on the status of Jerusalem by a “terror group.” Unfortunately, she said, there are some in the international community who have rushed “to adopt the sick narrative of terrorist” groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
“By promoting the lies of Hamas and Hezbollah, they are legitimized,” she said, explaining that once this narrative is legitimized, “violence will occur.”
Operation Guardian of the Walls
Ahead of the war last year, Israeli security forces increased their alert level and sent more than two and a half extra reinforcement battalions. The IDF also placed Iron Dome batteries in central Israel. (the anti missile dome that protects Israel from the constant bombardment by Arab terrorists.)
Hamas later fired seven missiles toward Jerusalem during the march, sending thousands to shelters.
The IDF retaliated, and over the course of 11 days, more than 4,000 rockets and mortars were fired at Israel, killing 12 civilians and one soldier. Israeli strikes against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad killed at least 243 Palestinians, most of them combatants.
Khaled Abu Toameh and Tovah Lazaroff contributed to this report.
Bennett vows Jerusalem Day parade will go ahead as planned
Despite Hamas threats, Israeli Prime Minister vows that annual Jerusalem Day ‘Flag Parade’ will go ahead as planned.

Jerusalem Day Flag Dance צילום: יוני קמפינסקי
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held a discussion to receive an update Friday afternoon ahead of Jerusalem Day and the flag parade set to be held this Sunday.
The Prime Minister was fully briefed on the police deployment ahead of the events, particularly on the intelligence efforts and the reinforcement of units on the ground in order to allow Jerusalem Day to be celebrated and the flag parade to be held in a safe and orderly manner.
Prime Minister Bennett agreed that the flag parade will be held as usual according to the planned route, as it has been for decades; therefore, the parade will end at the Western Wall and will not go on the Temple Mount.
Normal routine on the Temple Mount will continue as usual.
Regular assessments and consultations will be held on the issue, on all levels, throughout the weekend and on Sunday.
The Public Security Minister, the Israel Police Inspector General, the Jerusalem District police commander, the Prime Minister’s Military Secretary and other officials participated in the discussion.
On Thursday, the Hamas terrorist organization called the Jerusalem Day Flag Parade an attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque, claiming the parade, which ends at the Western Wall, would continue on to the Temple Mount this year.
Tensions soaring ahead of Jerusalem Day flag march
The march will be limited to 16,000 participants, with half entering the Old City through Damascus Gate, and the rest through Jaffa Gate. The limit on crowd size is due to concerns for the safety of large gatherings of people following the Meron tragedy, in which 45 people were killed in a stampede during the holiday of Lag B’Omer in 2021.
Jerusalem Day marks the anniversary of the city’s reunification during the Six-Day War of 1967.
Yom Yerushalayim
Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), the final holiday of the “Israeli high holidays,” is intended to celebrate the Jewish people’s transition from destruction to rebirth. Yom Yerushalayim is the answer to generations of prayers. For millennia, Jews have prayed to return to Jerusalem. Each time the Celebration of Yom Kippur occurs around the world the Jews declare, with hopeful hearts “NEXT YEAR, IN JERUSALEM!” asking God to end Israel’s suffering. Still today, “Next year in Jerusalem” remains the final declaration of the traditional Neilah service that ends Yom Kippur. Hopeful that one day soon, the whole of Jerusalem will be accessible to all Jews and the Temple Mount will be once again the center of Jewish worship.
6 ways the world changed after the 1967 Six Day War
The actual State of Israel was established 74 years ago in 1948. However, the modern State of Israel as we know it was launched in 1967. The Six Day War was so revolutionary and so transformative, that in many ways, it surpassed the achievements of 1948. Thousands of years ago, God created our natural world in six days. Fifty-five years ago, He reshaped history in six hurried days.
The outcome of the war gave Israel new territory, including the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip
Undeniably by the Hand of GOD, the land was returned to the RIGHTFUL owners. Nothing can take it out of HIS HAND. No one can define the borders of ISRAEL, but GOD HIMSELF!