It’s Called The 5G BEAST SYSTEM For A Reason IT’s GOING TO KILL US
A total technological control grid whose ultimate purpose is to know what you’re thinking and feeling, and then be able to change what you’re thinking and feeling so as to control your actions. In other words, complete technological slavery.
Time to Wake Up – and Fast
This dark agenda – this Synthetic Agenda, this Transhumanist Agenda – to erect a total technological control grid is unfurling way too fast for comfort. We all have to wake up – and fast. With every year that passes, our technological evolution keeps outpacing our spiritual evolution. This can only lead to one thing: technology will fall into the hands of people with little or no scruples who will be happy to use it to further their own ends and enslave others. Luckily, some people are waking up to, even people in positions of power such as a group of mayors in Ohio who have filed a lawsuit to stop 5G towers being erected in their counties, cities and municipalities.
This really is a race against time. If this technological control grid is rolled out in sufficient breadth and depth of reach, and intensity, it will seriously impact our ability to resist it, because it contains the capability to suppress that very resistance. We are living the plot of a science fiction film – but it’s real life and the consequences are deadly. Will humanity be able to recognize the truth quickly enough? Will we be able to stop the insanity and the construction of networks that enslave us?
MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT… THIS IS THE EUGENISISTS FINAL SOLUTION. They now have EVERYTHING THEY NEED. This AI system gives them TOTAL CONTROL over everything about everyone! They can finally implement their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. BUT, the JOKE is on them. They ONLY THINK they have control. The TRUTH is that AI is DEMONIC. It is not a computer system made by man. It is a GATEWAY for DEMONIC FORCES which will be in full control once this system is fully in place. SATAN himself will be the WORLD DICTATOR.
Talking Points Memo – Media Bias Fact Check
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TPM Illustration/Getty Images | OPERATION JADE HELM 2015 |
Remember Jade Helm?
After a summer of heated racial justice protests that drove President Donald Trump to dispatch federal law enforcement officers to liberal cities — and prompted a sitting senator to call for the president to “send in the troops” against the American people — it’s quaint to look back on a crackpot conspiracy theory about former President Barack Obama enacting martial law.
“Jade Helm 15” was a multi-state military training exercise that took place in the summer of 2015 and spawned a constellation of delusions I wrote about as a TPM reporter covering right-wing extremism. The basic theory held that the exercise provided cover for Obama to declare martial law, and there were more outlandish offshoots, including speculation that China would amass troops in shuttered Wal-Mart locations around the U.S.
These ideas were objectively batty and easily mocked. It was a simpler time, when Trump hadn’t yet announced his presidential candidacy and “fake news” wasn’t yet part of our collective lexicon. Given what we know now about how conspiracy theorists and far-right groups manipulate the media and spread disinformation online, the path Jade Helm paranoia traveled was disturbingly straightforward and effective. Conspiracy theories percolated in the right-wing fever swamps of the internet, most notably Alex Jones’ InfoWars. Then politicians “just asking questions” amplified those theories and drew mainstream media attention.
TPM was one of few outlets consistently reporting on the far right in the years before Trump’s election because Josh and the team knew that fringe groups and characters like Jones have more influence on the GOP than the party acknowledges. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) first catapulted Jade Helm into national news when he directed a state-run militia to “monitor” the exercise, writing, “It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) added fuel to the fire when he asked the Pentagon for more information, saying, “When you see a federal government that is attacking our free speech rights, our religious liberty rights, our Second Amendment rights. That produces distrust as to government.” These nods to a voter base primed for political conspiracy theories foreshadowed how the Republican Party would construct its own alternate reality under Trump.
There are consequences when a conspiracy theory jumps from fringe blogs to the nightly news, according to a 2017 Data & Society Research Institute report: “Even if the mainstream news was reporting on it in shock or disgust, it still led millions of viewers and readers to be exposed to these ideas.” So the possibility Russian trolls manufactured some of the chatter around Jade Helm, as former CIA director Michael Hayden has asserted, is worth noting. He claimed in a May 2018 interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that fake social media accounts’ successful promotion of Jade Helm wingnuttery gave Russia the green light for a much larger influence campaign. “At that point, I’m figuring the Russians are saying, ‘We can go big time,’ and at that point I think they made the decision, ‘We’re going to play in the electoral process,’” he said.
Hayden’s bold claim didn’t land with a splash. He didn’t back it up, and in the spring of 2018 there was more pressing news for reporters and readers to digest, including Trump’s separation of migrant families at the border and withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. But as Casey Michel reported at now-defunct ThinkProgress, there was evidence to support what Hayden said. Several fake Russian Twitter accounts and at least one Facebook account funneled readers to Jade Helm conspiracy sites. The conspiracy theories got substantial play in Russian propaganda outlets as well.
If Jade Helm was a dry run for Russian disinformation in the 2016 campaign, it also heralded acts of violence conspiracy theorists and anti-government extremists carried out in 2020. The 2015 training exercise came and went without incident — almost. Federal agents arrested and charged three North Carolina men with conspiracy after they stockpiled weaponry to combat what they thought was an impending military takeover. Court documents detailed how the men amassed a cache of body armor, rifle ammunition, homemade grenades and pipe bombs ahead of Jade Helm’s July 15 start date. One of the co-conspirators told an FBI tipster that the group’s plan was to set up on a 99-acre plot of land in South Carolina, “booby-trap the camp and draw government’s forces into the camp and kill them.”
There’s an echo of this failed plot in the arrest earlier this year of three Las Vegas men who allegedly sought to start a violent uprising against the government under cover of protests against the police killing of George Floyd. The FBI found booby traps, weapons and explosives while serving search warrants on the men, who authorities say are part of the “Boogaloo” movement. The Boogaloo is meme-speak for a second civil war, and an amalgam of militia and gun rights supporters, white supremacists and anti-government types have been agitating for it since 2019. This year alone, “Boogaloo bois” were charged with murdering local and federal law enforcement officers and conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat Trump targeted for her efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus.
Trump put flesh on fears of the government going after its own citizens in July, when federal agents who refused to identify themselves arrested antiracist Portland demonstrators and whisked them away in unmarked vans. The conspiracy-minded shock-jocks who railed against Jade Helm notably did not leap into action against this injustice. We laughed five years ago when Jon Stewart mocked the “Lone Star lunatics” who believed Obama was sending in troops to grab their guns, but there’s nothing funny about seeing a headline reading “What to Do If You’re Kidnapped by the Army While Protesting” in your feed.
Or listening to a Michigan sheriff who is friendly with one of Whitmer’s would-be kidnappers recast that debacle as a justified citizens’ arrest. Right-wing anger and susceptibility to conspiracy theories predates the Trump era, as Jade Helm illustrates, but it’s those elements of the GOP voter base that Trump dialed up from the White House. And those beliefs will remain after he leaves office.
The Jade Helm 15 military exercise scheduled to begin on July 15 has created much media controversy over whether it is some kind of military takeover or not. Some claim it is a nefarious military plan for disarming the patriot movement in an elite driven agenda to ultimately implement eugenics. Others say such fears are overblown and Jade Helm is similar to the many other U.S. military exercises that take place every year. There have been clashes, sackings and friendships destroyed depending on which side of the debate one supports. A newly released analysis of the Jade Helm exercise reveals both sides of the debate are right, but for the wrong reasons. The real existential threat Jade Helm poses, offers a strategic opportunity for the two factions of the debate to unite to prevent a future takeover of humanity by a threat that may have an alien origin.
It has been revealed that the Jade Helm military exercise uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) quantum computer technology to remove the human element from top-level control over battlefield decision making. According to a network/software engineer using the abbreviation, “DJ” Jade Helm is a test to see how successful AI is in anticipating civilian responses to military efforts to assert hegemony over a domestic battlefield scenario where civilians are in open revolt. If successful, Jade Helm will enable elite policy makers to eventually replace human generals and admirals with AI quantum computers programmed to master the ‘human domain’ which is defined as the “’physical, cultural and social environments’ that exist within a conflict.”
Here is how DJ. describes Jade Helm:
“JADE” is an AI quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations that has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets on a Global Information Grid in Network Centric Warfare environments. In short, JADE HELM is not battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a cognitive software based Network Centric Warfare System at the HELM.
DJ’s analysis is a cause for great concern as expressed by a number of prominent scientists and inventors who have pointed out the existential threat posed by Artificial Intelligence. Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and others point out that AI by its very nature will usurp human decision makers and eventually take over humanity. This could easily lead to humanity being eradicated. This is a scenario that DJ endorses in her analysis of A.I. and the existential threat it poses to humanity.
To reach her conclusion, DJ analyzed a number of industry and military papers describing various aspects of quantum computing and its application to battlefield scenarios. She has shared a number of research links for the public to independently confirm her findings.
Adding a deeper level of complexity to the analysis of Jade Helm 15 and the danger posed by AI are the claims of a whistleblower who says he has served with secret space programs that have security procedures in place to deal with AI as an existential threat.
According to Corey Goode (aka GoodETxSG), who also has a background in information technology, the space programs he has served with have identified an Alien “AI signal” as an existential threat. Goode describes elaborate security protocols that have been put in place to detect and eliminate the “AI signal” that not only has the ability to infiltrate advanced technology, but also biological systems.
The best way to avoid the dangers of AI is to educate yourself on the potentials they have to cause a loss of sovereignty. Becoming too dependent on technology is something else that will make you more of a target to be controlled by AI influence or even be infected by an “AI Signal” that can live in the bioelectric field of your body. This signal can then have an effect on the way you think and behave. This is something that is screened for even currently when operators and guests arrive at SSP [Secret Space Program] Facilities and is something that other ET Groups take seriously as well.
Goode says extraterrestrial civilizations have much experience in observing how AI has taken over countless other worlds, and led to the eradication of the indigenous population that created the AI. Essentially Goode is claiming that the storyline of the 2004 science fiction series Battlestar Galactica, is more science than fiction:
Those who are AI Prophets are already working on a timeline to create a society completely dependent on technology that at one point will hand its sovereignty over to this “AI God” because it will be believed that this AI is the only thing that can rule the world from a neutral perspective and bring world peace for the first time. These AI Prophets have been shown the information of the thousands of other civilizations that have fallen for this trickster god model and were all destroyed.
DJ’s recent analyses of Jade Helm and role of AI is compelling as it presents a system/computer engineer’s analysis of the role quantum computers are playing not only for the military exercise, but for top-level human decision making to “master the human domain.” The final result could well be the take over and eradication of humanity as predicted by Musk, Hawking and others.
Not only does Jade Helm 15 open the door to AI taking over decision making in battlefield situations and mastering the human domain; but, if we include Goode’s disclosures, it will allow an alien AI signal to infiltrate human elites responsible for building quantum computing systems. There is evidence that the AI signal described by Goode has already infiltrated and taken over elite human groups proposing the development of artificial intelligence in more and more aspects of the “human domain.” Mark Zuckerberg, for example, recently said that he believes that AI is “”better than humans at our primary senses,” suggesting that AI is better than humans in processing and making decisions about the sensory data from our natural environment. J.D. says that the recent Bilderberg Group meeting in June had topics and information technology companies represented that suggested this elite global group was intent on promoting A.I. over the upcoming year to find new ways to “master the human domain.”
In a detailed explanation of Jade Helm and how it’s a roll out for an AI quantum computer battlefield simulation, J.D. provides a solution. She believes that in order for Jade Helm to succeed, it requires a realistic reaction to the battlefield scenario it is anticipating which is a public revolt to a hypothetical military takeover. In order for AI to successfully “master the human domain” in a future civil rebellion, it has to gain sufficient data to anticipate the human response to conditions that provoke a rebellion. J.D. claims that a massive psychological warfare operation is behind the roll out of the Jade Helm 15 exercise to stimulate public anger, fear and anxiety over it.
Protesting and taking civil action against Jade Helm is not the most strategic response according to J.D. In a May 16 video presentation, she claims that the best strategy is to “stop the data collection.” That’s why those arguing it’s best to ignore Jade Helm are half right. Not because there’s not something sinister behind the military exercise, but because the AI quantum computers being tested require a realist public response in terms of anger, fear and anxiety. This is precisely the data the AI computers need in order to learn how to eventually “master the human domain.” If Goode is correct, this has happened countless times on other worlds.
In conclusion, the more people mobilize in large scale public actions against the Jade Helm 15 exercise, the more likely the quantum computers succeed in their goal. A more strategic response is needed where individuals take action by denying AI quantum computers the data they need to learn how to “master the human domain.” Rather than take to the streets to protest Jade Helm 15, invite friends over for a barbeque, and take a look at the new Battlestar Galactica.
© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

The World’s Most Powerful Supercomputer Is an Absolute Beast
Behold Summit, a new supercomputer capable of making 200 million billion calculations per second. It marks the first time in five years that a machine from the United States has been ranked as the world’s most powerful.
The specs for this $200 million machine defy comprehension. Built by IBM and Nvidia for the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Summit is a 200 petaflop machine, meaning it can perform 20 quadrillion calculations per second. That’s about a million times faster than a typical laptop computer. As the the put it, a human would require 63 billion years to do what Summit can do in a single second. Or as stated by , “everyone on Earth would have to do a calculation every second of every day for 305 days to crunch what the new machine can do in the blink of an eye.”
The machine, with its 4,608 servers, 9,216 central processing chips, and 27,648 graphics processors, weighs 340 tons. The system is housed in a 9,250 square-foot room at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s facility in Tennessee. To keep this machine cool, 4,000 gallons of water are pumped through the system. The 13 megawatts of energy required to power this behemoth could light up over 8,000 US homes…
…From here, we can look forward to the next generation of computers, so-called “exascale” computers capable of executing a billion billion (or one quintillion) calculations per second. And we may not have to wait long: The first exascale computers may arrive by the early 2020s.
JADE HELM operational-considerations-isolation-centers-H – Jade HELM 2021
12 Page PDF Click to view
The Infallible AI “Oracle” and the Future of “One Shot” Answers
It’s been said that, “Voice technology is the ultimate behavioral study that you didn’t realize was happening,” although I would argue that probably most of the technology that we’re interacting with on a daily basis is ultimately a “behavioral study” the depth and breadth of which we don’t fully comprehend.
Apparently in the next phase, your AI “oracle” voice assistant will do most of the heavy thinking for you… and the Internet will slowly morph into a place where there’s only one “right” (read: “official”) answer.
On a related side note, did you know the definition for “oracle” is “a person (such as a priestess of ancient Greece) through whom a deity is believed to speak”.
(Part one of a two-part series…)
This is part two of a set of reports on where exactly these artificially intelligent digital assistants are taking society in the very near future.
Ever heard of the “conscious home”? A “smart home” looks stupid by comparison.
As computers become more integrated into people’s decision-making processes and into their lives period, and as people become more and more intimate with these devices and what personal data we share, it’s being suggested not just in fiction films like “Her” where a man falls in love with his operating system but in actual reality – and there are some studies with chatbots to back this up – that people will eventually fall in love with their AI which will also become an assistant, a friend, and a parent.
This sounds insane at first, but think about it – sophisticated algorithms are being created to ensure the AI will know more about a person than they probably know about themselves, let alone what any spouse or significant other ever could.
The generation of children born in 2010 or later are actually being referred to as “Generation Alpha” in a very “Brave New World” kind of way. What sets these kids apart is most of them, especially in the developed world, will never know a time without ubiquitous smart phones and smart assistants. That will just be the normal way of their world.
And while many of us may look at the smart horizon and go, yeah no, there’s no way I’m putting all of these cameras and sensors and “smart” assistants in my house and spying on myself 24/7 so I can live in some kind of convenient Orwellian digital panopticon, you can see how, eventually, later generations will think it was silly to ever live in a time where that wasn’t the case.
Society is being programmed to not just trust but irrevocably merge their lives with these machines.
This will change us.
US Patent Application 2017/0323645 A1 Keyword Determinations from Conversational Data
US10276188B2 Systems and methods for identifying human emotions and/or mental health states based on analyses of audio inputs and/or behavioral data collected from computing devices
US9998803B2 Generation and implementation of household policies for the smart (read: conscious) homePart one: The Infallible AI “Oracle” and the Future of “One Shot” Answers