RESTORED 10/20/23
People think that just because they did not see any immediate military takeover of the USA or incarceration of US citizens that nothing happened during Jade Helm. They are very sadly mistaken. In fact, Jade Helm has not yet ended. It is an ongoing, perfectly orchestrated take down of the United States of America and the END OF FREEDOM.
In this Post I will demonstrate to you that their is a concerted effort to combat/overcome any efforts to expose this truth. By the end of this article, if you are not convinced that we are in serious peril, something is wrong with your ability to absorb and process information. Try reviewing it again, but before you do, seriously pray to the Creator of ALL THINGS and ask HIM to reveal the truth to you. spacer
Please, if you have not seen these other articles, check them out.
(this post shows all the symbolism and roots of all that is happening and connects ancient history with Jade Helm.)
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(this post shows how it all relates to what is happening NOW, in 2021)
Jade Helm 15 & Artificial Intelligence
(This article was originally Written and Published July 13, 2015. I am re-posting it because the technology in the article is now being rolled out and put in place throughout this nation and others)
Over the past several months, we have received email inquiries regarding JADE HELM 15. I had not taken the time to give it much thought and just answered according to what I felt intuitively. Eye have shared with others that it was much more than most of us thought and also had to do with extraterrestrial and artificial intelligence. In a few recent posts/articles, Eye hinted further at the technology behind Jade Helm 15. Here is what Eye stated;
“Not every evil event happening is staged by the government. There is a technology they have access to that allows them to see clearly into the future. Many times they have the ability to stop the events, to prepare for them, or choose to use them to further their agendas. Jade Helm 15 will serve several purposes when it is implemented beyond the ‘military exercise.’” you really sure you want to see how far the rabbit hole goes? You will not only have to be able to think outside the box to fully grasp the implications of what Eye am about to share, you will have to destroy the box. Keep in mind the quote above, Eye also made a similar statement in our recent highly controversial article “Welcome to the United States of Paranoia.”
Before checking email this morning, I begin to tried to decipher hidden codes in Jade Helm 15 using gematria, numerology and the divine science of astrology. As I wrote the name down and began to count the numeric value of the letters in both English and Hebrew, looking at the zodiac signs they coordinated with, I found it very intriguing.
J=10 A=1 D=4 E=5 – adding J + A = 11, adding D+E=9 – in reverse we clearly have (911) 9/11 or 11/9 H=8 E=5 L=12 M=13 – adding 8+5=13, adding 12+13=25
(JADE often refers to China. The numeric value of 911 could be a 9/11 or national emergency event. The numeric value of HELM, 25 could refer to a future date, based on what I can decipher. Some people feel HELM is an acronym for Homeland Eradication of Local Militants).
Jade Helm 15 – Special Operations Military Exercises will be conducted in 9-10 officially announced states; Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida and possibly Colorado. It will begin July 15 – Sun in Cancer while Argo, the celestial Ship is rising. It will end “publicly” or officially September 15, while the Sun is in Virgo, Bootes, the Reaper/Hunter rising. This happens to be Tishri 2 – the New Year on the Biblical Calendar. (New Year-New World Order?) Another point, this is just at the end of the Shmitah year. Using the codes above, we are given dates, which we will share more in-depth in another article. Dealing with the astro-prophetic and gematria aspects would take us onto the road of mysticism. In this article I want to deal with the science and technology behind Jade Helm 15, which Eye see in reverse as Jade Helm 51, as in Area 51 – Alien (extraterrestrial) technology – Artificial Intelligence.
After meditating on Jade Helm 15 and seeing many scenarios unfolding, I opened the computer to check my email. There was one from a Watcher name Mary, in Ohio that seemed to stand out as I scanned through them. It was a reply among several to the recent message posted. As I opened it, she confirmed what Eye had written just the other day about Jade Helm 15 and sent the video below. Remain calm and open your mind to the new world we are entering. Keep in mind, as natural technology advances, so does spiritual technology.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
“Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology and a branch of computer science that studies and develops intelligent machines and software. Major AI researchers and textbooks define the field as “the study and design of intelligent agents”, where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1955, defines it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. Wikipedia
JADE is high tech software based on quantum physics; it is also synthetic biological technology based on network centric warfare. It produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in the Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments.
Warfare as we know it is changing with the launching of Jade Helm 15. Generals will no longer be need to direct warfare, it will be directed by a network centric software base, with Artificial Intelligence at the Helm. Thus, called Jade Helm or AI Control. All of the information that has been gathered in huge data bases about American citizens and the world is being dumped into what is called HTA (human terrain analysis). Then, that info is being dumped into HTS (human terrain systems). Using these high tech quantum computers they are able to determine behavior patterns about everyone in their system, which is almost everyone in the western world and much of other countries.
Over the years, Eye have shared about classified technology we have that can see into the future (Operation Looking Glass and other technologies). In our latest articles Eye also shared this information. There are many conspiracies out there which are not based in facts or reality. For instance, if you will notice over the past several years during every major shooting (including the recent Charleston, South Carolina Church massacre), or event involving tragedy or multiple deaths…there was some type of military exercise and drills going on in that area, sometimes blocks away on the same day. This led many to believe the tragedies were staged with actors, MK Ultra victim, or done by the government. However, as I had stated for years, they were using this precognitive technology to know where the next attack would happen…they have been testing the accuracy of this precognitive technology. With the launching of Jade Helm 15, they are fully confident they can Master the Human Domain. That means GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT.
I am taking the time to break down some of what you will hear in the video, because it seems so sci-fi- ish. How can a software program read the future and know exactly where an incident will occur days, weeks, or months possibly before the perpetrator even consciously thinks of committing the crime or act? Everything is consciousness, your brain is a bio-super computer sending out frequencies, thoughts known and unknown 24/7. These thoughts or algorhythms are connected to emotions (energy in motion – moving) that can be defined and interpreted by empaths, psychic or prophetic people. Quantum software based on human precognitive abilities can also interpret accurately and possibly with images what shall be. (I don’t believe this at all. I believe that they can manipulate your brain using AI. I do not believe ANYONE can foresee what you will do.)
JADE software, from a distance can also scan and read body temperature, heart beat, pulse rate and other physical symptoms to determine is someone is sick. This is to prevent further spread of a disease by close contact.
JADE software reads Emotions. Fear, Hate and Anger are read easiest. The launching of JADE is partially to collect Emotional Data that will be used to determine who will disobey direct orders, or be a threat to the government, or other people groups. The technology will predict accurately what you are capable of individually within a matter of seconds and what you will do in the future in regards to resistance, rebellion, uprising, threat, violence, etc. (It can project likelihoods, it CANNOT tell for certain what you WILL DO. It is no ALL KNOWING or INFALLIBLE.)
Why do you think they chose these 9 states, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida? Some of these states are considered “hostile,” due to a high concentration of violence, protest, and militants. (People who love FREEDOM and Still believe in RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL.) Some are considered “permissive,” due to the fact very few laws are challenged. Others states are considered “divided.” The emotional data taken from these 9 states reflect the emotional states of the whole nation. Remember, Eye have been sharing a prophetic words about a coming government attack on White Supremacist & Patriots groups in our nation. What emotions are ‘most’ of these people motivated by? Fear, anger and hate. They seem to have a strong sense of entitlement. (THIS IS A LIE. People who are willing to stand for what is right are not the ones motivated by FEAR, ANGER or HATE. Demonstrated by the current political climate. It is the “liberals” calling for “love and acceptance” who are ANGRY, FULL OF HATE AND FEAR. The will collapse and surrender to the NWO Tyranny.) (We are not saying all Patriots are racist or hate the government, only making a point. Patriots come in all races).
JADE is Artificial Intelligence. Eye have been prophesying and writing for years about the coming battle with (AI). JADE is Self Reactive, Self Adaptive and Self Modeling. It has the ability to Predict what is going to happen and send soldiers to that exact scene, or to Preempt what would have taken place. (Sorry, not buying it. If the demons who are AI had those abilities, they would be way ahead already. They know our predispositions and our weaknesses. They do not know what we are going to do.) JADE Artificial Intelligence software THINKS in the present, but has Prognosis Moves. We are talking about “Minority Report Technology.” They showed us this technology in a film, ‘initial’ release date June 17, 2002 (interesting date). The evil ones can do nothing before they alert the public, however, the alerts are very subtle and only few see them. Here’s a clip from the film, starring Tom Cruise. I just discovered while researching the characters, the most gifted Precog was played by Samantha ‘JANE’ Morton. It’s futuristic, JANE (Agatha) the most gifted Precog sees vision of murder before it happens, the future scene is projected onto a computer screen, and the Police arrest people before they commit the crime. (How can that EVER be seen as acceptable?? Arresting people before they even moved toward committing a crime. Just thinking about it or feeling like doing something does not make a crime. That would not even be provable in a court of law.) (The movie may give a clue to how JADE will be destroyed, because it will be destroyed.)
JADE thinks, plans and executes. (the operative word here is EXECUTES! lol) The AI software can even determine the intents of the heart. (Not BUYING IT! And who determines if the AI is correct? Who is OVER the AI? What rules do they follow and who holds AI accountable? Scientists have already admitted that they do not know how the mind works, let alone the spirit of man.) JADE is mapping the human mind by information gathering, the scientific term used is macrocognition. How can we escape this awesome technology that’s planned to be used for global subjugation? JADE is programed to read and focus mainly on what appears as negative emotions; fear, anger, discontent, and hate. (Can it distinguish RIGHTEOUS ANGER? GODLY FEAR or JUSTIFIED DISCONTENT?? All of which can bring about positive changes.) Do not stick your head in the sand as many do, be aware. Do not allow the information or actions of others hold you in Fear, Anger or Hate. “Mature agape-love drives out all Fear.” Science tell us there are only (2) E-motions that all emotions come from, they are Fear or Love.
Holding a mirror to artificial intelligence
Here is a message Eye posted a few years ago:~~~ The Defeat of Artificial Intelligence [AI] (Excellent website with lots of great articles and links. CHECK IT OUT!)
The new film “Terminator Genisys ” also has some interesting prophetic clues- Without giving away too much: Here are some clues, watch for the 2017 date in the film – John Connor (JC=Jesus Christ) has been affected by AI – His mother Sara(h) (Sarai=contentious, bitter) as the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary means bitter. J C becomes AI infected – anti-Christ. (Terminator 3- SkyNet becomes self aware as JADE has). Another film that shows this precognitive technology is “De Ja Vu.”
Very exciting times we are living in. Worry about nothing, pray about everything. Those people in Texas and other parts needs to chill. Blessed are your eyes for they see. The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits, and no weapon formed against us can prosper. (We in TEXAS are just fine as we are… GOD MOVES MORE IN TEXAS THAN ANYWHERE ELSE! Many Prophetic events and Ministries are birthed HERE.)
Order of Melchizedek

Jade Helm, Maple Resolve, the Military State and the ‘End of America’…?
Posted: May 15, 2015 in (Politics) CURRENT AFFAIRS, Random
Tags: America, Conspiracies, False flag, False Flag attacks, ISIL, ISIS, Jade Helm, Maple Resolve
WATCH: ‘ExecuTrek’ takes business leaders on a tour of Canada’s largest military training event
CFB Wainwright- May 14, 2019
I was fortunate recently to take part in the Canadian Forces Liaison Council’s (CFLC) ‘ExecuTrek’ to see Exercise Maple Resolve in Wainwright, AB. There were about 80 of us; business leaders from the region, some of my fellow Honorary Colonels from across the west, and a group of International Studies students from Simon Fraser University in BC. We travelled in a Hercules aircraft from Edmonton International. From there, buses took us to see everything from battles to briefings.
The scale of Maple Resolve is quite extraordinary. Approximately 5,500 soldiers, 250 actors, contractors and consultants are on site at the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre at Wainwright, AB. Every asset in the field, from tank to LAV to every weapon, every soldier, has sensors attached. Every metric is captured on each and every asset; if a gun is only accurate at 300 metres, then a shot from 400 metres will fail, etc. etc. If wounded, a soldier is assessed a 3 hour window in which to get medical attention. If they don’t receive it, they become a casualty. Computer modelling allows every activity in the operation to be easily recreated and reviewed in real time.
Canadian Army soldiers serving with 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (CMBG) based at the Edmonton Garrison and in Shilo, Manitoba will train with elements of the Royal Canadian Air Force, the British Army, the French Army, the United States (U.S.) Army, U.S. National Guard, U.S. Army Reserve, and U.S. Marine Corps. There are more than 900 soldiers from the U.S. Armed Forces, about 150 soldiers from the British Army, and 40 soldiers from the French Army. There are a number of US Blackhawk helicopters from the Colorado National Guard being used for medical air support.
As the premier Canadian Army training event of the year, Exercise MAPLE RESOLVE 19 is a proving ground for soldiers in the contemporary operating environment.
During the exercise, soldiers will test their ability to integrate with Allies, non-governmental organizations, and host nation forces as they hone their skills within a realistic, complex and challenging environment. The exercise, designed and developed by the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre, provides Canadian Army soldiers, leaders, and other CANADIAN ARMED FORCES personnel a unique opportunity to enhance their combat readiness.
A wide variety of tactics, weapons, simulation technology, armoured fighting vehicles, and aircraft are used within a realistic, evolving and challenging operating environment. This exercise puts elements of our Canadian Armed Forces and our allies together in the most realistic setting possible short of an actual deployment.
CMTC’s mission is to design and deliver full-spectrum, immersive, joint and collective training events for the Canadian Armed Forces in a complex Contemporary Operating Environment in order to certify High-Readiness forces. In conjunction with the Royal Canadian Air Force, CMTC is a focal point in the Air Land Integration of the CAF. While major exercises are conducted within the Wainwright training area, support to exercises and training is exportable to any location, and CMTC frequently deploys in support of exercises around Canada and the world.
CFLC ExecuTrek program brings together business leaders to experience, firsthand, Reservists training for domestic and international response. The Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) mandate is to build diverse relationships that promote the value of reservists to Canadian communities and to improve understanding and support for the military.
“As Alberta Chair for Canadian Forces Liaison Council it was a privilege to host business leaders at our CFLC ExecTrek Maple Resolve, says Carolyn Patton.” Alberta Chair of Canadian Forces Liaison Council.
“It was an exceptional day to experience, firsthand, CAF members training for domestic and international support. Reservists are an incredible resource of talent and bring a wealth of experience, professionalism, and leadership to many organizations. Our guests truly got to see them in action, up close and personal. Our community, workplaces and country are the beneficiaries of their well respected training. Many thanks to 3rd Canadian Division and the staff and leadership at CMTC Wainwright. I mentioned to the business leaders, when you see a Reservist thank them for their service. Better yet, hire them!”
Carolyn Patton – AB Chair CFLC
There is more information about Exercise Maple Resolve here.
For more information about the Canadian Forces Liaison Council, click here.
Here are links to several videos from Exercise.
February 10, 2019 in News by Slad

by Tyler Durden
February 10, 2019
Residents around Los Angeles may hear sounds associated with the field training exercise, including helicopters and weapon simulations, according to the statement.
“The local terrain and training facilities in Los Angeles provide the Army with unique locations and simulates urban environments the service members may encounter when deployed overseas,” the Army told CBS. (right)
Downtown Los Angeles residents were shocked Monday night when a fleet of Boeing A/MH-6M Little Bird and Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters swooped in around them.
WTF is going on in downtown Los Angeles???
Multiple military helicopters landing on the street!!!#QAnon
— Uche (@ThatsUche) February 7, 2019
A commercial parking lot across the street from the Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE 14, at 1000 W Olympic Blvd, was the epicenter of some intense war simulations Tuesday night.
Newchopper4 Bravo was overhead as Special Forces performed training exercises in the parking lot, then were extracted by helicopters before taking off over the 110 Freeway while police blocked nearby intersections.
There were other field training exercises that were on the perimeter of the city, away from populated areas and toward the San Pedro Bay port Tuesday night and into early Wednesday morning.
The Army leased space in an industrially zoned area around the Port of Los Angeles near Terminal Island for field training exercises Wednesday night, according to Phillip Sanfield, a spokesman for the L.A. port. Port operations at Long Beach, the second largest port in the US, were not affected, port spokesman Lee Peterson told the Los Angeles Times.
Sanfield said residents living on houseboats in marinas around Wilmington were notified they might hear helicopters, explosions, and simulated assault rifle fire.
“There is no replacement for realistic training. Each location selected enables special operations teams and flight crews to maintain maximum readiness and proficiency, validate equipment and exercise standard safety procedures. The training is essential to ensure service members are fully trained and prepared to defend our nation overseas.” (right)
The Army Special Operations Command conducts multiple urban field training exercises around the country, said Lt. Col. Loren Bymer, a spokesman for the command group.
“It wouldn’t be unheard of to train in Boston or Miami,” he said.
“It takes a lot of planning and coordination to do this safely.” (really? I thought that AI does all the planning and coordination. And you would think that with all the wars we fight all over the world, they have enough training and enough data to feed AI…unless AI needs more input about fighting in the USA.)
This is not the first time residents of a major metropolitan area across the US have experienced a military exercise. For instance, in 2015, Texas residents prepared for Jade Helm 15, an army training exercise which took place in multiple states.
As to what exactly the Army was preparing for by simulating war drills on the streets of Los Angeles was beyond our comprehension. One thing that is obvious: the Army is preparing for more conflict, whether with a foreign adversary or, more troubling, social unrest on the streets of America?
Wednesday, February 6, 2019 – U.S. Special Forces Exercise in Downtown Los AngelesMilitary exercise causes scare in downtown Los Angeles
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 – US Military Holds Unexpected War Drill In Downtown Los AngelesAs The LA Times reports, a series of loud booms that rocked downtown LA on Monday night startled some people, but LAPD said there was no need to be concerned, as the noises were part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving aircraft and weapon simulations in urban settings. The training is set to run through Saturday in Los Angeles and Long Beach.
Operation Jade Helm is an up-coming U.S. Army Special Operations Command drill to be conducted from 15 July to 15 September 2015 across seven or more U.S. Southwest states, practicing for a Socialist military takeover of the entire United States under martial law. Jade Helm soldiers will mostly be dressed in civilian clothes to blend in with the local populations in an effort to test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques and measure the public’s reactions. These states have been chosen as they contain some of the largest and most patriotic groups in the U.S. that are likely to be nonconformists in a military takeover, before or around the U.S. Presidential Elections in November 2016.
Similar to the breakup of the old Soviet Union, the Masonic, Marxist/Socialist/Communist oligarchy behind the plot want to totally destroy the old Judeo/Christian structure of the United States of America, abolish the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, abolish the 50 states and divide the country up into ten or 12 major administrative regions and transfer these into the North American Union, to be held under the control of the UN.
The Jade Helm logo is made up of a vertical sword, crossed with two arrows to form a Freemasonic witch’s Satanic hexagram, dominated by a shoe at the center. At the top of the logo is the name JADE HELM in green (jade) and at the bottom of the logo is its motto, ‘Master of the Human Domain’ a euphemism for the complete subjugation of the United States under a Socialist dictatorship. The name, “Jade Helm,” will seem rather strange and unusual for such an operation. But it is not. To explain:
Jade, sometimes just called green stone, is a combination of two different metamorphic rocks made up of different silicate minerals, Nephrite and Jadeite. The higher the iron content the greener the color. In Freemasonry, paganism and high witchcraft, since the beginning of pagan history, Jade has been used in jewellery more often than not to represent the supreme god or deity. In Egypt, statues of Osiris, the supreme sun god, were green and often made of jade, to represent the power of the sun to create green plant growth. In Chinese myth, the Jade Emperor, is one of the main pagan representations of the first god, the highest occult power, sometimes referred to as the Heavenly Grandfather, Jade Lord or Great Emperor of Jade. A British representation of him in Celtic mythology is the Ever Green Green Man, or sometimes just called the Green Man, commonly now known as Robin Hood who, with his merry men in Sherwood Forrest, arose as a “Socialist Saviour” to save the working classes from an oppressive, rich tax collector and tyrant king by robbing the rich to give to the poor. Another old representation of him is Saint George, who in modern terms, is not only the Saint and chief mascot of England and the Order of the Garter, the highest order of World Freemasonry, but is also the chief deity of Russian SOCIALISM. In fact, he is actually on the Coat of Arms of the City of Moscow today.
Helm, can either refer to the steering mechanism and wheel on a ship (which is hardly suitable to represent a military operation like Jade Helm 15), or in Freemasonry, pagan mythology and witchcraft, to the Helm of Hades, sometimes called the Helm of Darkness or Cap of Invisibility, which is certainly much more appropriate, and is what it actually is representing in the occult Jade Helm logo. Of course, in the New Testament, the Greek word Hades is translated into the English word Hell, and Christians understand that Hades, as the god of Hell, is simply one of the personifications of Satan. The pagan Greeks believed that the Cap of Invisibility enabled the users to all become invisible to other supernatural deities and enemies and it therefore made them undetectable. Hermes, the claimed founder of modern Freemasonry and witchcraft, in Greek mythology, wore the Helmet of Hades during the battle with the giant, Hippolytus. It is the perfect occult emblem for the Jade Helm 15 operation as many of the soldiers will be dressed in civilian clothes and effectively be ‘undetectable’ by the general public.
Shoe: But what does the shoe at the center of the logo represent? This symbol is much more difficult to interpret. But this answer is absolutely correct, thanks to the work of an unknown, perceptive U.S. college history professor: “The use of the shoe in the Jade Helm 15 logo, may be a reference to the symbol used by the Bundschuh Movement ( ) which refers to groups of peasants who revolted in Southwestern Germany in the 15th and 16th Centuries. Their main complaints were lack of freedom, high taxes, perceived government corruption, and an oppressive justice system (sound familiar?) They adopted a shoe as their emblem, often carrying a banner depicting a shoe, symbolizing the advancement of the lower class. The movement was part of a much greater popular revolt and uprising which in turn led to the German Peasant War. The Bundschuh movement (and the rebellion as a whole) was violently put down by a combination of State military forces, and Private military contractors. This could be an indication of what type of scenario Jade Helm 15 is designed to rehearse..”
So we can see now that those Freemasons/Socialists at the top of the US military department who designed the Jade Helm 15 operation put an awful lot of careful thought into creating their logo and know precisely what they’re doing!
But the careful infiltration by European/Russian Marxist/Communist/Socialist agents into the US, ultimately to destroy it, has happened over a very long period of time. The United States is the last tough “Christian” nut to crack as it were. After the US is soon destroyed, the whole world will be Communist. This short clip shows how it has remarkably been done: (CENSORED)
Most people know how the Nazi Minister of Propaganda deceived the German nation to follow SOCIALISM and worship the Fuhrer – using MOVIES! Well now the same thing is happening to the United States, or more correctly, to the world.
Hillary Clinton, specifically, is characterized in the following three major propaganda movies to lead the “rebels” and war against a corrupt US government and president, to destroy the old U.S. Christian-based system and replace it with the Russian Communist one. Both Bill and Hillary Clinton are secret British agents and Socialists, and always have been. Hillary is funded and promoted by Lynn Forrester de Rothschild, wife of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. On 30 November 2000, Sir Evelyn married Lynn Forrester, and on the announcement of their marriage the couple were invited by Bill Clinton to spend their honeymoon at the white House: (CENSORED)
Lynn Forester an American lawyer and business woman, met Sir Evelyn de Rothschild at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference. They were married in 2000. Bill and Hillary Clinton, being friends of theirs, attended a dinner celebrating their union. The Clintons invited them to spend their honeymoon in the Whitehouse.
With the Clintons in 2003 © GettyLady de Rothschild was so busy with Hillary’s presidential campaign that she had little time to devote to her other responsibilities. She is on the board of R Chocolate, serves as chair of EL Rothschild, a director of Estée Lauder, the cosmetics company, as well as being a non-executive director of the Economist Group. She says “I love developing businesses.” she says. Source: Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and wife Lynn on life, politics and chocolate
This 1987 12.5 –hour mini-series foreshadows in great detail how the Russians would turn the United States into a full-blown Socialist State. Here is the original movie Amerika Trailer:
Here is what is soon going to happen when Americans will be crushed by troops from within:
In this major propaganda movie, released on November 21, 2014, the nation of Panem (characterizing the United States) is involved in full scale war from within. It is a female, President Alma Coin, who leads the rebels from District 13 against the tyranny of the corrupt government and President. Actress Julianne Moore (who in real life doesn’t look anything like Hillary Clinton at all) plays the role of President Alma Coin who is, quite remarkably, made up to look like Hillary Clinton! (video is private, click the link to view)
Mockingjay Part Two is being carefully scheduled to be released on November 20, 2015, in the IMAX 3D format, exactly 12-months before the U.S. Presidential Election on November 8, 2016. The movie trailer, apparently, was released on March 18, 2015. Although very little has been revealed about the plot to date, the Wikipedia listing about it explains: “With the nation of Panem in a full scale war, Katniss” (who, incidentally, has a bow and arrows and resembles Greek Artemis – hence the arrows on the Jade Helm 15 logo) “confronts President Snow in the final showdown. Teamed with a group of her closest friends – including Gale, Finnick, and Peeta – Katniss goes off on a mission with a unit from District 13” (headed by President Alma Coin representing Hillary Clinton) “as they risk their lives to stage an assassination attempt on President Snow” (President Obama), “who has become increasingly obsessed with destroying her…”
Based on what is taking place with Operation Jade Helm 15, the up-coming U.S. Presidential Election in 2016, and the plots of these movies characterizing Hillary Clinton as running for president. This is what I “think” is very likely to happen within the next 20-months:
I think Jade Helm 15 from July 15 to September 15 2015 is being run to try and estimate in advance as accurately as possible what opposition from the American general public the Socialists are going to expect after some major terrorist act or civil emergency is going to be deliberately created to allow the U.S. President Barrack Obama to declare a National State of Civil Emergency under Martial Law AROUND THE TIME OF THE U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION when President Obama will likely REFUSE TO STEP DOWN AS U.S. President, because of the civil emergency and crisis, and be challenged by “President Alma Coin” [Hillary Clinton].
In the movie AMERIKA, this all takes place when Americans are seen burning American dollar notes in the streets because the currency and stock market has violently collapsed, the whole country has rapidly descended into a state of virtual civil war, racial strife, massive unemployment and widespread rioting and rebellion. The Russians and international coalition troops move in to enforce martial law, shoot the instigators (most members of Congress) and burn the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C. They then divide the country up into Administrative Districts and convert it into a new, “Socialist Amerika” (Russian spelling of course!). These “districts” are also continuously referred to in Mockingjay Part One.
It is a fact that through the U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776, all Americans over the years gained an amazing amount of freedom and prosperity from the tyranny of the British Sovereign that no other nation in recent times on earth has ever known. But Alas, today, Americans have largely forgotten this profound fact, lost their passion, their strong Christian beliefs and now become apathetic. Hence, their judgment is fast approaching – dramatically – soon.
There is an old saying. “Those who forget history are bound to repeat it.” What seems so remarkable are these amazing facts: When British troops were ordered to destroy, lay waste and set fire to all public buildings in Washington D.C. on August 24, 1814, in a brutal war by the British Sovereign to take over the United States by force,(at the time, as it all turned out, unsuccessfully) one of the soldiers was in fact the great great grandfather of New Zealand actor, Socialist Sam Neill, who actually acted in the leading role as one of the leading Russian military officers who supervised the takeover, in the movie Amerika.
The 200th Anniversary of this momentous event in American history was recently held on August 24, 2014, just 3-months before the release of MOCKINGJAY PART ONE, which together with MOCKINGJAY PART TWO, now presage the final events surrounding the U.S Presidential Election where it seems, another tyrannical band of British Socialists, probably led by Hillary Clinton, are going to attempt to burn the Capitol Building and turn the country into a subservient Socialist state of the UN thanks greatly to the behind-the-scenes tireless work of Marxist Russia.
And everyone. If you’re not American, please don’t laugh. If Uncle Sam gets a chill, we outside of America usually end up getting the flu. If America goes down, we all may go down. Everyone. Are you prepared? Or do you think this is a just a dream, a fairy-tale?
Can I remind you, that if you were to tell the millions and millions of Germans in the Third Reich when they were lining up in movie theatres watching the Nazi propaganda films, that the Government was in fact seducing them to worship a Socialist Dictator like Adolph Hitler, they would have en masse laughed at you. Now the same thing is happening again to us. Yet how many really know what’s happening or going on? Do you and your family understand? Are you prepared?
The U.S. economy seems to be ticking over quite nicely now and everything looks relatively good. Yes, I admit I could be wrong, and it’s always difficult to predict the timing of an event like this even if it does eventuate. And of course, I appreciate this is just my opinion. But at least, if you take a serious look at Jade Helm 15 and these blatant propaganda movies, the prognosis for Uncle Sam around the 2020 U.S Presidential Election is, quite frankly, in my humble opinion, not at all that very good!
Posted in News Tagged with: Amerika, Freemasons, Hillary Clinton, Movie Propaganda, Operation Jade Helm, Operation Jade Helm 15, Socialists, The Hunger Games 3, U.S. Presidential Election 2016
Nathan Leal – Expose from the Wall – On Hagmann and Hagmann -Friday April 24, 2015
Listen to the Program from Hagmann’s BlogTalk Site
“Operation Jade Helm – An Expose – Part 3 …Incarceration”
By Nathan Leal – April 23, 2015
Nathan Leal – JADE HELM Expose – Excerpts. For Full article click link
Friday April 24, 2015This is part three of the ongoing examination of Jade Helm.
(Note – I want to qualify the warning that is in this article. The following applies “IF” the United States crosses the Rubicon into a total police state. Thus far, we are a developing police state. Eventually the morphing process will be complete. When it does, the concerns in this warning will apply to all of us!)
Jade Helm
Over the past few weeks, I have been researching the meaning Jade Helm. I want to help solve the mystery, so in this expose I will offer my findings about the meaning of Jade Helm and the logo.
Several days ago, someone disclosed that the term Jade Helm meant:
Jade – Joint Assistant for Development and Execution
Helm – Homeland Eradication of Local Militants
Thus far, I have been able to confirm that this is true for the word “Jade” (Note – the link will download the document – JOINT ASSISTANT FOR DEVELOPMENT AND
EXECUTION, JADE. )However, I have not been able to confirm that the meaning of Helm as meaning Homeland Eradication of Local Militants. If anyone has a document that offers proof of this, please contact me and I will share it. Until then, I cannot relay the rumor that this is the meaning of the word “Helm.”
In the future, I will share information about the term “Jade. ” It appears that it is a computer program that the US military is using to help with execution of operations.
The Jade Helm Logo
In this expose, I want to focus on the Jade Helm Logo because I believe that it may have a cryptic cipher within it that means “incarceration.”
Looking at the image as a whole…
It is made up of several symbols…
1. Two arrows.
2. A sword or a knife.
3. A transparent shoe in the center.
Army Special Forces Logo
The arrow and the knife appear to be a derivative of the US Army’s Special Forces Logo.
As you can see, It contains the two arrows and a sword that looks more like a blade. I think that it is possibly the “V-42 Stiletto,” which is the knife that the Army’s Special Service Force used in WW2.
In WW2, the Army’s Special Service force was the forerunner to today’s Special Forces.
Here is an image of the stiletto:
So is this all there is to the logo? Is the artwork an innocuous image that really has no message to it?
If I followed that logic, I am still left with confusion over the center image of the transparent shoe, and I have to ask, why was it placed in there?
It makes no sense! So I sought to understand it. The first thing that I did was look at the image in Photoshop. I wondered if could adjust it to see it clearer.
Here it is zoomed in:
By reversing the contrast, I was able to see that the shoe is a wooden clog. Make note that there is a pattern in the shoelace area and in front of the pattern are three small lines.
I searched online and found the same design in wooden shoes that are sold today in Holland. Make note of the wooden clog below and the similarities with the swirl pattern and the three lines on the front.
Here is another image of wooden shoes from Holland…
Based on the evidence above, I have determined that the shoe inside of the Jade Helm logo is a wooden shoe or a “clog.”
This leads to more questions. Why? I have read some of the theories about how the meaning of the wooden shoe means “sabot.” Some of you have emailed me about it, where the word “sabot” means wooden shoe and is where the term “sabotage” comes from. This theory may have merit, so I do not want to dismiss it. But it does not explain why the military would purposely place a symbol of sabotage in their operation.
The Jade Helm logo illustrates what “they” intend to do in their operations, not the other way around. Sabotage is what the enemies would do to them, therefore, I am lead to conclude that the shoe symbol is an illustration of what “they” will do to the humans as they “master the human domain.”
So what are the other possibilities?
As I sought an answer, I wondered how wooden shoes could tie-in to the Jade Helm Operation when it came to extractions, because this is one the main concerns about Jade Helm.
I asked the question, “Will Jade Helm lead to live extractions? If so, what will become of the extracted individuals?”
“Detention” can be the only conclusion!
With that in mind, I did a search to find out if wooden clogs have ever played a role in detentions or prison clothing.
Here is what I discovered when I did a search for the words: wooden, clogs, prison..
As you can see, there are many hits that reveal wooden clogs were a part of the clothing that prisoners wore during the holocaust.
Here are some of the web sites: – Scroll down to see the wooden clogs. – This site explains the uniforms and clothing that the prisoners would wear including, wooden clogs.
Mauthausen_Concentration_Camp – This site shows images of the Mauthausen Death Camp located in Austria. In the Camp Life Artifacts page, scroll down to see the images of the wooden clogs.
in these sites, there are museum images of the wooden clogs that prisoners wore in the death camps.
Below: A set of prisoner clothing – trousers, blouse, hat and wooden clogs at Auschwitz
Below: The striped pajamas of death.
Below: Hitler’s fashionable shoes of choice for his guests.
click the link for many images: The Jade Helm Computer Program….
In the Hagmann program, we discussed martyrdom.
We visited a few early Church historical accounts of martyrdom, how Christians back then agreed to display a token signal to tell those watching that God’s grace was with them as they were burned at the stake. – From “Foxes Book of Martyrs,” page 161, available here – download free.
The account of Thomas Haukes – martyr for Jesus.
“Thomas Haukes, with six others, was condemned on the ninth of February, 1555. In education he was erudite; in person, comely, and of good stature; in manners, a gentleman, and a sincere Christian. A little before death, several of Mr. Hauke’s friends, terrified by the sharpness of the punishment he was going to suffer, privately desired that in the midst of the flames he should show them some token, whether the pains of burning were so great that a man might not collectedly endure it.
This he promised to do; and it was agreed that if the rage of the pain might be suffered, then he should lift up his hands above his head towards heaven, before he gave up the ghost. Not long after, Mr. Haukes was led away to the place appointed for slaughter by Lord Rich, and being come to the stake, mildly and patiently prepared himself for the fire, having a strong chain cast about his middle, with a multitude of people on every side compassing him about, unto whom after he had spoken many things, and poured out his soul unto God, the fire was kindled.
When he had continued long in it, and his speech was taken away by violence of the flame, his skin drawn together, and his fingers consumed with the fire, so that it was thought that he was gone, suddenly and contrary to all expectation, this good man being mindful of his promise, reached up his hands burning in flames over his head to the living God, and with great rejoicings as it seemed, struck or clapped them three times together.
A great shout followed this wonderful circumstance, and then this blessed martyr of Christ, sinking down in the fire, gave up his spirit, June 10, 1555.”
Below is a historical artist’s rendering of Thomas Haukes signaling that God’s grace was with him as he burned at the stake. While burning, he lifted his melting hands with fingers missing and clapped three times. This is an incredible testimony that Jesus was with him as he perished. I wonder if he was able to see angels or Jesus when he got to this point of his fiery death? What ever he saw or was experiencing, it gave him strength. I believe that it was a martyrs anointing that God’s Spirit gave to him to help him through to the end. Incredible!
Jesus said, I will NEVER leave you or forsake you. If the time ever comes that some of us may face martyrdom. Know this, Jesus will be at our side and see us through! Praise be to God!
Please share this information with your friends and family. May God be with you all and see you through.
In His service,
US Army Internment and Resettlement Operations FM 3-39.40
Cognitive Joint Force Entry – White Paper
click the link : The Jade Helm Computer Program….
Please share this information with your friends and family. May God be with you all and see you through.
In His service,
Nathan Leal
Watchman’s Cry—————————————————————————————————
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Brethren, our ministry is Watchman’s Cry. If you appreciate our vigilance, let us know with your Support.
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The JADE in Jade Helm is an AI Software Program
Published on April 12, 2015
If the above video does not work, you can watch it on vimeo: HERE
The JADE II AI Software Program Will Make Battlefield Decisions With Little to No Human Interaction
“Jade” is an acronym for the AI software that will be ‘at the helm’ of the Jade Helm 15 military exercise. It stands for Joint Assistance for Development & Execution. In short, JADE HELM is not battles directed by Generals and Military Commanders, but by a computer. It is a cognitive software based Network Centric Warfare System at the HELM. In addition, these autonomous weapons are capable of swarm seek and destroy based on the shared hive based AGI learning platform…they learn from warfare scenarios.
US Army Special Forces: “Institutionalizing Interdependence: No Turning Back” ~ 4.30.2013Research Links:
Official US Defense Department Science Blog
Raytheon Presentation Briefing on JADE II
JADE Program continuation paper – Tuesday Presentation Details
Mega Data Collection – GWEN Towers
NSA Decryption Multipurpose Research Facility
Is “The Cloud” an Integral Part of the NSA Data Center and Project Bumblehive…?? AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2001-171 ( Joint Assistant For Development and Execution (JADE) Final Technical Report can’t be opened in a browser, you have to download it and read it using Adobe or word/open office writer.
You can find it by Google: AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2001-171Unconventional Warfare US Army Manual
US Army Special Forces (Green Berets)
US Air Force Special Operations Command
USMC Marine Special Operations Command
USMC Expeditionary Units
82nd Airborne Division
Mead-Jade Helm Podcast-Exercise ends 9-11
USAWC Civilian Research Project
SOCOM Press Release 3.24.2015
US Army Times 3.23.2015
US Army Special Forces – Institutionalizing Interdependence: No Turning Back 4.30.2013
“Jade Helm vs. America –
…The Rise of the Machine & Martial Law”
By Nathan Leal – May 8, 2015
The United States Is Militarizing the Globe
Still trapped in a greater Middle Eastern quagmire, the US military prepares for worldwide combat.
American militarism has gone off the rails—and this middling career officer should have seen it coming. Earlier in this century, the US military not surprisingly focused on counterinsurgency as it faced various indecisive and seemingly unending wars across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa. Back in 2008, when I was still a captain newly returned from Iraq and studying at Fort Knox, Kentucky, our training scenarios generally focused on urban combat and what were called security-and-stabilization missions. We’d plan to assault some notional city center, destroy the enemy fighters there, and then transition to pacification and “humanitarian” operation.
The United States has long been unique in the way it divided the entire surface of the globe into geographical (combatant) commands presided over by generals and admirals who functionally serve as regional Roman-style proconsuls.
It is often said that, in an Orwellian sense, every nation needs an enemy to unite and discipline its population. Still, the United States must stand alone in history as the only country to militarize the whole globe (with space thrown in) in preparation for taking on just about anyone. Now, that’s exceptional.
Occult Meaning of Jade Helm 15 Logo
The reason they have been pushing so hard to get everything on computers was not in order to make our lives easier or better. Not only does it give them total control and complete access. We are training AI to take our jobs.
They wanted us out of our old cars and into newer cars… they did not want cars on the road that they do not control. They want TOTAL CONTROL… of everything!
We All Felt WEIRD Yesterday…Google Doodle Birth of the Hive Mind
Main Video Credited to: Many Fish
YouTube channel:
May God bless and keep you and the grace and peace Christ Jesus be with you all! Hold fast! Godspeed!
ABC’s of Salvation…. Admit you are a sinner in need of a savior. Believe in the finished redemtive work of Jesus Christ on the cross alone for the remission of all your sins (past, present and future) and eternal life! Call on the name of the Lord. (“All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13) “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” (John 14:6) “When you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. For with the heart man believes and is justified and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” ( Romans 10:9-10) “For it is by grace you are saved through faith. It is not your own doing. It is the FREE gift of God. Not by works lest any man boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
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The Gospel
1 Corinthians 15: 1-5
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve:
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OUR MessiYAH!!!
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Luke 8:17 (KJV) For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Amein!
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