I have to say folks, that there are many watchmen awake and alert today. They are laboring hard to get the word out as it is revealed to them. All they can do is warn us. Anyone who choses to ignore their warning or turn away from it altogether and not hear it, is taking their lives into their own hands.
God promised us that he will warn us of what is coming. He is keeping His Word, as He always does. Signs are everywhere, and warnings are coming fast and furious. Pay attention, before it is too late.
In this post we will cover another warning in the Heavens. This one very clearly connected to the prophecies of the END as you will see. We are going to start out with some basic understanding an history, before moving on to the discoveries, interpretations and warnings of the watchmen included in this post.
Thank GOD for the Watchmen and for all who are laboring to share what they have been shown and to stand up for truth in a world that hates the truth and loves the lie. It is the heart of God that causes us to care so deeply for those who are lost. Oh, how I wish that I could give to the world what GOD has given to me. It breaks my heart how few people really know HIM. He loves us all so much. Pray for those who are so lost they cannot even recognize their own condition.
As I stated there are too many signs to count presenting themselves in our everyday new and events. I try to cover as many as I can, but it is not possible for anyone to cover them all. My favorite signs endtime or otherwise are the ones in the heavens. The bible says the “HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF THE LORD”. He put the sun, moon and stars (planets being just moving stars, there are no earthlike formations out in space… at least any that we could see or be affected by.) and he placed them there to be AS SIGNS for US! So, we should all be paying attention to what is really going on in the heavens above and not the baloney the NASA and CERN feed us everyday.
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In this video, we look at the connection from Balaam’s prophecy in Numbers 24:17-19 to Jesus’ birth.
AMOS Chapter 8 in full:
This is what the Lord GOD showed me: I saw a basket of summer fruit.
“Amos, what do you see?” He asked.
A basket of summer fruit,” I replied.
So the LORD said to me, “The end has come for My people Israel; I will no longer
spare them.”
“In that day,” declares the Lord GOD, “the songs of the temple will turn to wailing.
Many will be the corpses, strewn in silence everywhere!”
Hear this, you who trample the needy, who do away with the poor of the land, asking,
“When will the New Moon be over that we may sell grain?
When will the Sabbath end, that we may market wheat?
The News Media Longs for the Return of the Blue Laws when our Nation Rested on Sunday |
Let us reduce the ephah and increase the shekel; let us cheat with dishonest scales.
Let us buy the poor with silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, selling even the
chaff with the wheat!”
The LORD has sworn by the Pride of Jacob: “I will never forget any of their deeds.
Will not the land quake for this and all its dwellers mourn?
All of it will swell like the Nile; it will surge and then subside like the Nile in Egypt.”
“And in that day,” declares the Lord GOD,
“I will make the sun go down at noon; and I will darken the earth in the daytime.
I will turn your feasts into mourning and all your songs into lamentation.
I will cause everyone to wear sackcloth and every head to be shaved.
I will make it like a time of mourning for an only son, and its outcome like a bitter
Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I will send a famine
on the land —not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing
the words of the LORD.
People will stagger from sea to sea and roam from north to east, seeking the word
of the LORD, but they will not find it.
In that day the lovely young women— the young men as well—will faint from thirst.
Those who swear by the guilt of Samaria and say, ‘As surely as your god lives, O Dan,’
or, ‘As surely as the Wayf of Beersheba lives’—they will fall, never to rise again.”
Participating in a “WEEKLY EARTH SABBATH” will not only NOT PLEASE ALMIGHTY GOD, but it will be an afront to HIM. If you are not observing the SABBATH of the LORD on the 7th Day as HE COMMANDED, you are NOT HONORING GOD. AN EARTH SABBATH for EARTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT is a PAGAN observance. It is a sabbath to honor the CREATION instead of the CREATOR.
Romans 1:24-26
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.
25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
Earth Sabbath March for Sunday April 7, 2024 To Stop Climate Change and MUCH MORE!
Earth Sabbath Calls on Pope Francis to Use His Moral Authority to Introduce a Weekly Day of Rest During the G7 Summit to Combat Climate Change
The 2024 G7 Summit will be held in Italy from June 13 to 15, 2024. This is the annual meeting of the world’s seven most developed economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The European Union also attends the summit. The G7 Summit’s purpose is to discuss and coordinate economic policies, global challenges, and international cooperation on a wide range of issues, including economic growth, trade, security, climate change, and development.
Pope Francis will attend the G7 Summit for the first time, after being invited by the world’s major economies and developed nations. [1] This is significant because the agreements and commitments made during this summit have the potential to influence national policies and global governance.
The Peculiar Passivity Toward Project 2025
Courtney Ray | July 4, 2024 | Columns
Many Time of Trouble preppers anticipate the formation of an ecumenical system that will persecute the faithful and prevent them from buying and selling unless they submit to false worship. A main instrument toward this goal will supposedly be legislation mandating observance of the First Day as Sabbath instead of the Seventh. Religious liberty is huge for Adventists, not only because of the potential unfolding of future events, but because of the here-and-now desire to practice our faith freely. We devote significant funding to maintain religious liberty departments that fight for the rights of congregants around the world. As well we should. Whatever your beliefs about the last movements of Earth’s history, the fact remains that everyone, of every faith (or no faith at all), should be allowed to freely practice their religion (or lack thereof). That’s embedded in the very First Amendment of the United States; our denomination works hard to protect this principle in all nations, including those where such freedom is not enshrined in their constitutions.
That’s why I find it odd to see the relative apathy in the Adventist community about Project 2025—including among the conspiracy theorists! Obviously I don’t want to encourage their ways. Nevertheless, I’m perplexed as to why this hasn’t seemed to register on their radar. Despite this very real looming threat to religious freedom, the usual loud voices that fret over non-serious minutia appear uncharacteristically quiet. This is one topic that should unite us all in legitimate collective concern!
For the uninitiated, Project 2025 is an over 900-page manifesto, written by a cooperative of extreme conservative leaders, outlining how to dismantle and control the workings of the US government should the republican nominee win the presidency. This isn’t dramatic hyperbole. In its own words, the introduction on page xiv states: “Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State.” The entire thing reads like a radicalization/indoctrination handbook! Even secular outlets have recognized the “apocalyptic” language used throughout the book. The dictatorial themes are disconcerting. As the AP has noted, it “leans into what legal scholars refer to as a unitary view of executive power that suggests the president has broad authority to act alone.” Members of conservative organizations like the American Enterprise Institute themselves acknowledge that the ideals of this treatise are excessive. One such individual, Philip Wallach, who studies the separation of powers in the U.S., remarked about Project 2025 saying: “Some of these visions, they do start to just bleed into some kind of authoritarian fantasies where the president won the election, so he’s in charge, so everyone has to do what he says—and that’s just not the system the government we live under.” John F. Kelly, Trump’s second White House chief of staff, called the plan “chaotic.”
Project 2025 is replete with problematic details, like Schedule F, which will convert nonpartisan jobs of expertise into positions subject to political appointment. That means specialists in scientific or technical agencies can be replaced at the pleasure of the president based, not on professional competence, but on party loyalty. Handpicking employees in key areas will ensure no one will contradict the president’s views; whatever agenda that’s implemented will be met with no resistance. Agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (the federal department that tracks hurricanes), and the Department of Education, will simply be deleted.
Among the other disturbing proposals (and what should be of significant interest to Adventists) are those dealing with religious conformity. Maybe some who identify as conservative have been lulled into indifference because right-wing leaders devised this blueprint. A number of conservatives may be dismissive of a warning that appears in Spectrum, since they regard it as a publication by progressive extremists (although, by design, Spectrum actually showcases a spectrum of views, but I digress …). However, one would be hard pressed to describe Liberty Magazine as a bastion of liberalism. And even they have published a recent editorial outlining dangers in Project 2025:
“Other commentators have already pointed to proposals in the document that would undermine both the spirit and letter of America’s constitutional regime, but let me highlight just one. Tucked away on page 589, in the section focused on reforming the Department of Labor, is a breathtaking proposal to use American laws to support religious doctrine. The section begins: “God ordained the Sabbath [Sunday] as a day of rest, and until very recently the Judeo-Christian tradition sought to honor that mandate by moral and legal regulation of work on that day.” This is followed by a few sentences on why a regular day off is beneficial, and then the proposal that “Congress should encourage communal rest by amending the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to require that workers be paid time and a half for hours worked on the Sabbath.” Here we glimpse a key assumption behind Project 2025: that America is first and foremost for those who embrace, not just Christianity, but the particular type of Christianity that prioritizes Sunday rest…we can and should condemn policy proposals that disregard our Constitution’s limits on governance, or which attempt to impose a religious orthodoxy or preference. And that’s the litmus test that Project 2025 fails, spectacularly.”
I’m not advocating for paranoia but for awareness. It’s silly to scour political speeches for coded messages yet ignore a tome boastfully calling itself a playbook for a government takeover and religious uniformity.
This is neither a joke nor a hoax. The first few pages list the main architects as authors and contributors (some names are familiar to our Church). They’ve publicly discussed the plan’s implementation. Yet folks aren’t taking notice. It would be like the Joker leaving a gift-wrapped, bound copy of “My Plan to Take Over Gotham City” on the porch of Wayne Manor and Batman stepping over it on his way out the door!
Perhaps that’s why Project 2025’s creators openly disseminated it. Police looking for speeders sometimes hide their cars behind something. Other times they “hide in plain sight.” Just how does that catch people? At times, speeders can be so focused on detecting obscured patrol cars that they become blind to ones in full view! Putting Project 2025 out in the open removes the mystery and eliminates curiosity about it. Conspiracy theorists don’t truly find their satisfaction in learning—it’s in “discovering” info other people don’t know. It’s exhilarating to be “in” on a secret! It’s validating to believe you’re smart enough to figure out what others couldn’t. Therefore, unconcealed things can become uninteresting and escape notice … even if they’re genuinely perilous.
Not all Adventists are habitual alarmists. In fact, there are some with the opposite proclivity: not taking current events seriously. “It’ll never happen!” Admittedly, it’s easy to become numb to the constant bombardment of false warnings. But this isn’t a drill: we’re already seeing policy makers successfully eroding the wall between church and state. On June 19, Louisiana’s governor signed a law requiring all classrooms to display the 10 Commandments. On June 27th the Oklahoma Department of Education declared that “Effective immediately, all Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible, which includes the Ten Commandments” for grades 5-12. Other states, including Texas, South Carolina, and Utah, are poised to follow suit. Yes, you may believe in the Bible, but whose interpretations will be taught by the State?
Readers outside the US: you should still take heed! In the not-so-distant past, the world witnessed the destruction that can be inflicted by a powerful country that believes in an authoritarian vision. And given the Supreme Court’s July 1 ruling that grants immunity for official presidential acts, totalitarianism is an actual possibility today. To be sure, religious repression exists in several nations already. But for better or worse, the US is a superpower. With the wrong people at the helm, it can wreak worldwide havoc. Let’s not be so hubristic to believe that the terrors of a few decades ago could never happen again.
I’m disappointed by the failure of our top denominational administrators to speak out about what’s developing right before our eyes. I’m surprised by the self-appointed religious watchdogs who seem to be snoozing on this. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. But in this narrative, the alarmists are both the boy and the villagers: they’ve become so disillusioned with their own fake warnings that they don’t believe the threat when it’s squarely in front of their faces.
If you believe in religious freedom, no matter where you are on the political spectrum, you should find Project 2025 horrifying. You don’t have to imagine that there is an “agenda” to demand conformity. There literally is an agenda! No speculation is necessary. And you don’t need an enigma machine to crack the code. It’s all clearly spelled out in no uncertain terms. If you think I’m just fearmongering, I invite you to read it here for yourself. In the words of LeVar Burton, you don’t have to take my word for it!
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
282K subscribers
2025 Sunday Law? – THIS is More URGENT Than Project 2025 – Watch Till The End | SFP
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, will be celebrated in 2024 from Wednesday, October 2 to Friday, October 4:
Jubilee in the Catholic Church – Wikipedia
The Catholic Church declared an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy for 2015–2016. The next jubilee year will be celebrated in 2025.
Yes, Pope Francis declared 2025 to be a Holy Year, or Jubilee, in the Roman Catholic Church. The year will begin on Christmas Eve 2024 and end on January 6, 2026. The theme for the Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”.
How it begins
The Jubilee will begin when the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica is opened on Christmas Eve 2024.
Holy Doors at other basilicas
Holy Doorswill also be opened at the papal basilicas of St. John Lateran, St. Mary Major, and St. Paul Outside the Walls.
Historical precedent
The Jubilee has historical and Biblical precedent, including the Book of Leviticus. In the Old Testament, the Jubilee Year involved the freeing of slaves and prisoners, and the forgiveness of debts.
The word “Jubilee”
The word “Jubilee” comes from the Hebrew word yobel, which means ram’s horn.
late 14c., in the Old Testament sense, from Old French jubileu “jubilee; anniversary; rejoicing” (14c., Modern French jubilé), from Late Latin iubilaeus “the jubilee year,” originally an adjective, “of the jubilee,” from Greek iabelaios, from iobelos, from Hebrew yobhel “jubilee,” formerly “a trumpet, ram’s horn,” literally “ram.” The original jubilee was a year of emancipation of slaves and restoration of lands,to be celebrated every 50th year(Levit. xxv:9); it was proclaimed by the sounding of a ram’s horn on the Day of Atonement. spacer
The Bull of IndictionThe Bull of Indiction, titled Spes Non Confundit, means “Hope Does Not Disappoint”.
1.84K subscribers
A simple lyric video for a celebration of the Jewish Jubilee. It happens every 50 years: captives are released, slaves set free, mortgaged lands returned to their owners, and the shofar (featured in the painting of the same name by Yom Tov Blumental) is blown. Michael Card at his Old Testament inspired best from his Ancient Faith trilogy Michael Card © 1982 Whole Armor Publishing Company (Admin. by Peermusic (UK) Ltd)
AI Overview
- Year of Jubilee: In the Hebrew Bible, the Year of Jubilee is a 50-year cycle that occurs after seven cycles of seven years each. It is a time of sacred rest, forgiveness, and liberation.
- Year of Prayer: 2024 was declared a Year of Prayer by the pope.
- Year of Jubilee in 2025: Pope Francis declared 2025 to be a Year of Jubilee, which happens every 25 years. Sorry POOP FRANCIS, This Jubilee was declared by GOD ALMIGHTY, long, long ago!!
70 Jubilees, Multiple Fulfillments of Jeremiah 25 and Daniel 9 and Judgment / Rapture in 2024–2025

I read and comment on this post in a youtube video that you can watch here.
This post reviews the scriptural evidence for the prophecies of Jeremiah and Daniel and the Rapture falling on the 70th Jubilee based upon new insights into Jeremiah 25, the very verse Daniel was reading when he started praying and ultimately received the vision for his “70 weeks” prophecy.
I contend, and will demonstrate, that while most people consider Jeremiah’s 70 years prophecy until the fall of Babylon to be complete, I believe there is far more to this prophecy and that he actually meant 70 Jubilees or both “years” and “jubilees” at the same time in different ways.
YHVH gives precise prophecies that don’t require interpreting subjective signs like “wars and rumors” or “earthquake frequency”. Daniel expected the fall of Babylon because he read the Prophet Jeremiah, likewise I believe we can know exactly what year to expect the judgment and rapture assuming we can accurately date the crossing of the Jordan river into the land. I believe this is fall of 2024, so not much time to prepare yourself!
“Daniel, understood from the books the number of years which, according to the word of YHVH to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass before the desolations [which had been] pronounced on Jerusalem would end; and it was seventy (70) years.” Daniel 9:2
I was reading Jeremiah and ran across the same text that Daniel read, except I noticed something huge that adds strength to my interpretation of Daniel’s 70 “7s” as Jubilee. Here is what Jeremiah actually said:
And it shall come to pass, when seventy years (70 periods/cycles/jubilees) are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon(the Great), and that nation, saith YHVH, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.
And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations. — Jeremiah 25:12–13
Three things stood out that implied to me that Daniel’s interpretation was just one of two or more valid and simultaneous interpretations of this passage. In fact, Daniel 9:24 might be nothing more than a clarification from the angel of Daniel’s reading of Jeremiah.
- 70 years or cycles or jubilees will pass before YHVH passes judgment
- The judgment includes everything in the book of Jeremiah (therefore Babylon the Great)
- The judgment is against all of the nations.
It was the scope of the judgment at the end of 70 “years” that clued me into the fact that “years” could have multiple meanings. From blueletterbible.org,
That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. — Ecclesiastes 1:9
The bible is full of examples where history repeats multiple times and at various scales. Sometimes a story involving two literal days will repeat involving two days as two thousand years. Sometimes the feast of weeks which is measured in 49 literal days is symbolic of the 49 years until the Jubilee in the 50th year.
At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision. — Daniel 9:23
Seventy weeks (“multiple sevens”, N “groups of 7”) are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city (land), to finish the transgression (rebellion), and to make an end of sins (sacrifice for sins), and to make reconciliation for iniquity (Yeshua), and to bring in everlasting righteousness(rapture), and to seal up(complete) the vision and prophecy (end of millennial reign), and to anoint the most Holy. — Daniel 9:24
Notice the difference in the Hebrew characters used for seventy vs seven vs “sevens”. Daniel 9 uses the masculine form of the word twice with the only difference being the vowel points, the vowel points being added much later. So Daniel could be saying 70 * 70 years or he could be saying 70 * 7 * (7 years), aka 70 Jubilees, or he could be saying both at the same time!

Let’s look at some other translations that drive this home:
“Seven times seventy years is the length…” — Good News Translation
“Seventy sets of seven time periods (“of 7 or10”)… “ — GOD’s WORD Translation
““Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed…” — NIV (note the single quotes to highlight odd language)
During this 70 x (N groups of Seven) a lot must happen:
- Finish transgression (End the rebellion, not done yet)
- Atonement for sin (Yeshua, complete)
- Bring in everlasting righteousness ( Rapture, soon )
- Complete/Finish/Seal Up the Vision of Prophets (Judgment day and/or Millennial reign)
- Anoint the Most Holy (King of Kings)
Now let’s revisit Jeremiah
And it shall come to pass, when seventy years (70 periods/cycles) are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith YHVH, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.
And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations. — Jeremiah 25:12–13
This means that Jeremiah’s 70 years and Daniel’s 70 x (N x 7) are covering the same period of time because Jeremiah clearly describes the rapture and bringing in everlasting righteousness and the point for completing the vision of prophets lines up with “all that is written in this book”.
As you can see, 490 years, the traditional view, is not enough time for everything described by Daniel and 70 literal years certainly wasn’t enough to cover everything in Jeremiah’s book.
Then we have the book of 2 Chronicles which references these 70 years and links them to Sabbaths.
To fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed(completed) her sabbaths(H7676) : for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath(H7673), to fulfill 70 years.— 2 Chronicles 36:21
I did some digging into second chronicles via BlueLetterBible.org because this verse didn’t make a ton of sense. For starters, Jeremiah didn’t directly say anything about sabbaths. Second, by most accounts from the time the first temple was plundered until Cyrus overthrew Babylon was only “66 years”. Many people have found creative ways to account for 70 years of captivity, but it is hardly black and white. After all, the “land” wasn’t uninhabited and the majority of the captives were taken 10 years after the leaders were taken. It is quite clear that the “land” didn’t observe 70 years without being tilled. Many people assume 1 year in Babylon for each Sabbath year missed, but Israel missed far more than 70 sabbaths.
This is what I found when I looked at the Hebrew.
… until the land had completed her sabbaths (H7676) For the whole day (period of time) (desolate) (at the end, on the last day (H7673)) the completion of 70 years (divisions of time, Jubilee). 2 Chron 36:21
First note that while the traditional English translation has the word “sabbath” twice, the Hebrew only mentions it once. There are two different Strong’s numbers.
Note the phrase “she kept sabbath” (H7673) could also refer to “the last day, the end, the destruction” and that this translation is used far more often for that Strongs number. The translation “to keep or observe the sabbath” is only used in this one verse, but given the broader context of Jeremiah describing 70 Jubilees which are after “7 sabbaths” and are a kind of “super sabbath year” we can make better sense of 2 chronicles.
For those who observe the multitude of “supernatural” numerical “coincidences” in the King James version of the bible, It popped out at me that the word Sabbath (H7676) is translated as “sabbath” 107 or 10 x 7 = 70 times and then there just happens to be one place where it is translated as “another/next”. So 70 “sabbaths/jubilee” to be followed by the “year of YHVH”. What are the odds? The translators could have translated the Hebrew word “other” or “next” as sabbath, but for some reason chose not to and the result is numerical precision!
Precedent for Years being counted as Jubilees.
And JEHOVAH said: “My Spirit will not dwell in man(mankind) for eternity because he is flesh and his (mankind’s) days shall be a hundred and twenty (120) years. (Jubilee)”” — Gen 6:3
Genesis describes 120 years, but Psalms describes the life of man as 70 to 80. Because no one has lived to 120 years since the days of Moses many people interpret Gen 6:3 as prophecy of 120 Jubilees (~6000 years) until millennial reign.
The days of our life are seventy (70) years — Or even, if because of strength, eighty (80) years; Yet their pride [in additional years] is only labor and sorrow, For it is soon gone and we fly away. Psalms 90:10
70 Jubilees until Judgement, 2024–2025
In my prior post/video I went through the destruction of Babylon (the Great) in Jeremiah 50/51 and showed how it occurred on a Jubilee.
The major theme of Jubilee is forgiveness/pardon of debts (sins) and returning to your own possession, property, land. This is defined in Leviticus and then described in the midst of the fall of Babylon in Jeremiah.
Leviticus 25:13 — “In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property.”
Jeremiah 51:9 — “… let us leave her and each go to our own land”.
Jeremiah 50:16 — “… let everyone return to their own people, let everyone flee (escape) to their own land.”
So if Jeremiah’s 70 years are really 70 Jubilees until all his prophecies are fulfilled, then time is running out!
70 x 70 Years, 4900 years for Daniel’s people
The other interpretation of Daniel’s 70×70’s is 4900 years. I believe that this could easily represent the time from Abraham (the start of Daniel’s people) until the end of the millennial reign. Abraham’s covenant was (~1899 BC) plus 3000 takes you to 4900 years.
We have a strong case to correlate Daniel and Jeremiah’s prophecies as referring to 70 Jubilees and for the destruction of Babylon (the great) to occur in the final Jubilee. Assuming all of the evidence for a 1407–1406 crossing of the Jordan marks the start of the Jubilee cycle, then there is not much time left on the clock and we should expect a lot to happen in the next 18 months.
Ezekiel 33:1–6
The word of YHVH came to me: 2 “Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: ‘When I bring the sword (curse/judgment/nukes) against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, 3 and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people, 4 then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not heed the warning and the sword comes and takes their life, their blood will be on their own head. 5 Since they heard the sound of the trumpet but did not heed the warning, their blood will be on their own head. If they had heeded the warning, they would have saved themselves. 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.’
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/ @godswatchmen251 Rumble https://rumble.com/user/GodsSoldiersm… #endtimes #jesusiscomingsoon #imnotashamed #Godssoldiers The truth and all for the Lord. May God bless you all and much love. Lets get into the word of God, pray, fellowship and build one another up. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law. If need a bible let us know. And if would like to help this ministry paypal https://paypal.me/Godssoldiers?countr… venmo https://venmo.com/Hank-Pogue
When Cometh… (Cornerstone 2) Celestial Sign of Jacob’s Prophecy – Hidden Time Prophecies
279 subscribers
The celestial sign of Jacob’s dying prophecy appeared and was witnessed in 1991, on Yom Teruah. This has been documented in the study called, Jacob’s Dying Words Prophesy the Celestial Sign of the Lord’s Return in Judgement. Looking back these many years later (writing now in September, 2016), the sign has been validated and found to be a cornerstone of the chronology of the end times, a key anchor point on our calendars. Back in 1991, the validation the Lord brought most particularly involved the ministry of J. R. Church, of Prophecy in the News, and insight he had into what he called, Hidden Prophecies. There is more, much more, including the observation that the pivotal event of 9-11-2001 marked the ten year anniversary of the sign – precisely. Our God is awesome. His love for us is transformational, and so evident as He pours it out upon His beloved saints! The Celestial Sign of Jacob’s Dying Prophecy is Validated by Hidden Time Prophecies and Other Remarkable Signs https://theopenscroll.com/when_cometh… Written by Bob Schlenker and read by Aaron Hermann Found here, including mp3 audio: https://theopenscroll.com/sitemap.htm
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➤We are waiting for the soon rapture of the church through Jesus Christ. Hop on board! ➤Join the God A Minute voice and text fellowship app: / discord
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Hey Family!! In this video we take a look at a recent End Time Headline from Israel 365 News. A major sign in the Heavens is about to happen on or near September 27th (9/27) The star of David will appear and Jews believe it’s a long awaited prophecy being fulfilled from the Torah and Zoran. Which they say indicates messiahs soon arrival. Could this be a warning that the Rapture is soon? Could it been a warning of Daniel 9:27 being fulfilled soon. Could it be a sign the false Jewish messiah is about to come on the scene? Or the antichrist? JESUS IS COMING BACK SOON AND He’s THE ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER…… REACH ME BY EMAIL: watchmanadamnews@yahoo.com (When requesting a free KJV Bible please include a shipping address) REACH ME BY MAIL: Adam M PO Box 521
376 subscribers
Jewish Prophecy Says Star Of Jacob Re-Appearance 2 Herald Messiah Arrival. It’s COMING SEPTEMBER 27!
5.14K subscribers
Pray this prayer sincerely to know your saved Jesus, I believe you came to earth, I believe you died on the Cross for my sins. I believe you rose again on the 3rd day and went back to Heaven to prepare a place for Your Children To live with You Forever . Please forgive me of my sins. Clean my heart, white as snow. Come live in my heart, make me a child of the King, a new creature in Christ, in your precious Name I ask this…amen. Do these things after praying the Salvation Prayer: 1) Get a King James Version Bible and read it daily, it will feed your spirit and soul, the way you feed your body with food and water. 2) Pray to Jesus Everyday. He is your NEW Best Friend and He Wants to Talk with you daily. 3) Make sure you find a Christian church and get water Baptized, dunked under water, if you have been sprinkle baptized in the past it does NOT count. 4) Pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit, “Sanctified”. You do this by praying, reading the Bible and living for Jesus. 5) take your King James Bible to church. When the preacher speaks, make sure what he says matches your Bible, it not, get up and walk out and find a new church. 6) *VERY IMPORTANT* Make SURE you REPENT of EVERY SIN you do now, ask Jesus to forgive you with an honest heart and He will. ***If you would like me to pray with you or for you for ANYTHING, please message me and I will add you to my daily prayer list. May God bless you! My Belief Statement 1) I believe In The Triune God Head, God Jesus and the Holy Spirit 2) Salvation Through Jesus Christ Is The ONLY Way To Heaven 3) I believe Christians MUST REPENT Of Post Salvation Sin 4) I believe in immersion Baptism only 5) I believe in Holy Communion 6) I believe all people will spend forever in Heaven or Hell 7) I believe in Conditional Security 8) I believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture 9) I believe God Created the Heavens and the earth 10) I believe in ONE God, Jehovah & Jesus Christ His Son
22.5K subscribers
Star of Jacob–Sept 27=927 Daniel 9;27 (meant to say Sept 27 not 28) Endtimes Dreams and Visions, video link.. • Part 2! Oct 2nd Everything Changes! U…
44.8K subscribers
In this video we take a look at an article from Israel 365 News on January 29th about a comet that Jews believe will usher in the messiah. It will be seen this September and it matches prophecies from the Zohar and Old Testament book of Numbers. It’s the final sign possibly before the false messiah arrives. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH!! JESUS REIGNS!! Thank you for all the love and support of this channel. I pray that you all know how much we love y’all and appreciate you. JESUS IS COMING BACK VERY SOON!!! Reach me by mail: Adam M PO Box 521 Laurens SC 29360
204K subscribers
This is MERELY SPECULATION! Meant for Entertainment & Spiritual Encouragement. Just a Bunch of Coincidence the mind of an Author is inspired to share. It’s not proof of anything, I have no inside information, just the fiction writer in me. Thank you for Liking, Sharing and Subscribing. Now So Sit back, BUCKLE UP & ENJOY
21 subscribers