Well, those of us who know GOD have known for a long time that Abortion is Child Sacrifice. Recently, we saw Abortionists admit that they perform Satanic Rituals at Abortions, and call it a Religious Rite. But, this my dear friends takes the cake.
A leading MAINSTREAM magazine has printed an Article that lays it all out for the World to see. Step by step directions for women and girls to perform the Ritual Sacrifice of their unborn child. In these steps the perpetrator speaks out exactly what they are doing and thereby declare that they are willfully taking this life and full responsibility for their actions.
So, not only are women and girls actually performing their own abortions these days, they are doing it as an offering to Satan and a middle finger to GOD. The giver of Life.
Here is a list of other posts related to this topic, check them out if you have not already.
It’s in The Blood – Part 10 of 11 – ABORTION
ABORTION TRUTH – IF you are not Pro-Life then you ARE PRO-DEATH
What is Abortion Really About?
RU 486 – DIY Abortion
331K subscribers
SATAN just showed himself and Christians don’t see it... Reaction! Max Lucado… what have you done?! Christian Reaction! The Demonic Dove Awards | For King and Country, Jordin Sparks… Christian Reaction! Depraved “Pastor” MOCKS God in Unthinkable Way.... United Methodist and The False Christian Church. How to Recognize a FALSE Church. T.D. Jakes recently gave His Woman Thou Art Loosed 2022 conference to his daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts and it was a Major doctrinal disaster! Joel Osteen is a Motivational Speaker at Lakewood Church in Houston Texas. The END of Christianity in America Right Before Our Eyes? We are seeing an attack on Christianity and Truth in America more severe than ever before. It is because we have Christian musicians and Christian Teachers that are unwilling to stand for TRUTH. Most false teachers never share the whole gospel because it is not nice. Thats why feel good teachers like Andy Stanley, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, Todd White, Francis Chan, etc… are so dangerous. How to share the Gospel and Apologetics. Mike Winger, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Ray Comfort of Living Waters and many other Christians leaders have great videos on Biblical Truth! This is a Christian reaction video where I react to current events.
November 24th, 2023
502K subscribers
30,381 views Premiered Nov 24, 2023 #ApologiaStudios
This is The Fatal Flaw. This is a film and exposé that demonstrates the real reason abortion is still legal in the United States during and after Roe v. Wade. The Pro-life movement claims to believe that they believe that what is in the womb is fully human and worthy of protection. However, they do not believe that the child deserves equal protection. In this new film, you will learn why they have worked to stop the abolition of abortion. You will hear it yourself. From their own mouths with confidence. They don’t believe what the Christian Church believes about the issue. It isn’t a difference in strategy. It’s a different worldview. It’s a different desired outcome. Get ready to see for yourself. Join us by sharing this important documentary film with every Pastor and Christian that you know.
10 Steps to End Abortion
There are many things you can do to help end abortion, and we provide ten suggestions here, based on some of the most proven and effective pro-life strategies.
1. Pray!
Prayer is the foundation of all we do in the pro-life movement, and puts us in touch with the source of our life and freedom, God himself. We should be praying each day specifically for the children in the womb, and for an end to the violence of abortion.
At www.ProLifePrayers.com we provide such prayers for all occasions, and you can order a prayer book.
At various times of the year, furthermore, we have prayer campaigns connected with particular seasons (Advent, Lent, Easter, etc.) or in preparation for particular days (like Election Day). Those special prayer efforts can be found at www.PrayerCampaign.org.
And going a step beyond prayer, you can also study the spirituality of being pro-life and make a special commitment to live out the pro-life virtues. We provide such training at www.MissionariesoftheGospelofLife.org.
2. Promote Alternatives!
The easiest single reference to help free someone from feeling she has to abort her child is the Option Line, 1-800-712-HELP (4357). The phone is answered live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and connects the caller to the nearest pregnancy center in a network of over 2200 centers. Callers can receive professional, practical, compassionate help to overcome the obstacles they are facing in bring their baby to birth.
The associated website is www.PregnancyCenters.org. Many of these centers also have recovery programs for those how have had abortions. Option Line can handle calls in both English and Spanish.
Individuals should keep this information close at hand at all times, and also share them with schools, hospitals, and other community groups.
Pastors should place this information on the parish bulletin and website.
The numbers can be placed on posters, business cards, in newspaper ads, on the internet, and on signs posted in Churches, stores, and other places. You may also inquire at these numbers as to how you can volunteer to assist those who provide alternatives to abortion.
And be sure to get to know the pregnancy center nearest to where you live! There is likely to be one close by. Visit them, let them know who you are, and get to know the services they provide so that you can talk to others in your family, church, and community about the help that’s available.
3. Promote Healing and Testimonies!
Confidential, caring, expert help is available for those who have had abortions and need a friendly ear as they walk through the pain and try to regain hope and meaning in their lives. The resources available for this help and healing can be found at www.AbortionForgiveness.com.
On that page, you will find a search box. By entering a zip code, you will find the pregnancy centers, post-abortion ministries, and Rachel’s Vineyard retreat sites within a reasonable distance of that zip code.
To promote this information as far and wide as possible is to free people from guilt, shame and despair and to show the true face of the pro-life movement, which is a movement of compassion and mercy.
Furthermore, many who have been healed from abortion share their testimonies of pain, regret, and redemption. This is our Silent No More Awareness Campaign.
The personal witness of those who have lost children to abortion breaks the spell that abortion is somehow good or helpful for an individual or society. More and more women and men are speaking publicly about the devastation abortion has brought to their lives, and also about the fact that the pro-life movement and the Church bring healing. These voices are multiplying through the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. You can read and share these testimonies in print, audio, and video format at www.AbortionTestimonies.com.
As a way of showing your commitment to the two action items above, you can partner with the campaign, as an individual, Church, or organization. See www.silentnomoreawareness.org/partner for details on how to do this.
4. Read at least one book about abortion and the pro-life movement this year.
Many pro-life organizations provide great books about abortion and the pro-life movement. Read at least one of these books this year! A good place to start can be www.AbolishingAbortion.com.
5. Speak Up!
There are many ways in which you can speak up for the unborn, whether in private conversation, letters to the editor, comments on blogs, YouTube videos, or social media sites (see www.ProLifeSocialMedia.com).
Private conversation is also an important way of persuading people who are open to talk about abortion. The more familiar you become with the issue, using resources we outline here, the more confident and effective you will be in talking about it.
6. Be Politically Active!
The pro-life movement frees people from the oppression of unjust laws and policies. We foster political responsibility, and participation in elections and lobbying, so as to advance the culture of life. Our election headquarters at www.ProLifeVote.com provides ongoing guidance for this kind of activity.
One of the ways we exercise political responsibility is by fostering non-partisan voter registration drives. As an individual, Church, or organization, you can help fellow citizens to register so that they can have a voice in each year’s elections! Go to our voter registration page to find out how.
On Election Day, and during early voting season, you can advance the culture of life by helping people get to the polls. Raising awareness, sending reminders, helping the homebound fill out absentee ballots, and providing transportation to the polls are some of the many ways to do this. Information about early voting dates in each state that has them is available at www.priestsforlife.org/states. Additional information about getting out the vote is available at www.priestsforlife.org/elections.
And once we elect people, we need to work with them! Get to know the state and federal lawmakers who represent you, and communicate with them about abortion.
Each year, our representatives in government are faced with questions about abortion, or need to either support or oppose legislation in regard to it. Get to know who is making laws on your behalf and where they stand on abortion. Make sure they know you. Write to them, call them, and visit their offices, especially when bills regarding abortion are under consideration.
7. Expose Abortion!
St. Paul writes, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness; rather, expose them!” (Eph. 5:11). A key reason abortion continues is that its violence is hidden. Hence for so many people, the word “abortion” has lost all meaning. Often enough, the problem is not that people support abortion, but rather that they have never seen it. When its violence is exposed to the light of human conscience, most will reject it.
Our “Is this what you mean?” campaign challenges abortion supporters to admit what it is, and in the process, either shows others either what it is, or shows them that it’s too horrible for its supporters to describe. It’s a winning strategy, and all the tools you need to carry it out are here: www.priestsforlife.org/isthiswhatyoumean.
People are especially outraged when they see how the abortion industry pushes late term abortions and even fails to protect babies who are born alive after a failed abortion. On this site we provide some more specific action items regarding ending late-term abortion.
Besides exposing the procedure itself, through photos and descriptions, we also expose the harm it does to women, men, and families, as mentioned above, and we expose the corruption in the abortion clinics.
Many believe that because abortion is legal, it is therefore safe, carried out in licensed facilities, and under the guidance of trained professionals who follow all the standards of modern medicine, with the best interests of their patients at heart.
But when it comes to abortion, nothing can be further from the truth. The abortion industry is corrupt, unregulated, unscrupulous, and just plain dangerous. The more we expose the malpractice and abuse to the public, the more they will see that the abortion battle is not between mother and child, but between the abortion industry on one side and mother and child on the other.
We have many resources you can use to talk to others about the corruption in the abortion industry.
8. Inform your pastor and other leaders in your Church about how they can help end abortion.
Do not presume your pastor knows all he needs to know about fighting abortion. By communicating with him, and with others in Church ministry such as deacons, youth ministers, directors of religious education, the webmaster for your Church website or the editor of your Church bulletin — you’ll be able to influence thousands of others on this issue. See www.Prolife.Church for resources on praying, preaching, and mobilizing the Church community.
You may want to give your pastor a book on how to preach on abortion from the weekly Sunday readings. See www.ProclaimingTheMessageOfLife.com.
9. Take to the Streets!
Many people go out of their way to avoid talking or thinking about abortion. Yet we have to get a substantial number of people focusing on the problem in order to end it. Therefore we have to put ourselves in their path, which is exactly what we do by having peaceful, First Amendment gatherings and communications in the public forum. Literature distribution, Life Chains, demonstrations, parades, rallies, and similar events can spread the pro-life message.
Yet it is not only a matter of giving a message; it is also a matter of intervening directly to save lives at the places where the killing occurs. Presence at abortion mills is a key way to weaken the abortion industry.
Our convictions on abortion cannot remain private. By participating in a march, Life Chain, or prayer vigil or protest at an abortion mill, you will be advocating for the unborn in a public way, and showing others the strength of the movement. You and the other participants will realize you are not alone and will be strengthened in your commitment!
10. Stay Connected with at least one Pro-life Organization!
There are many pro-life organizations. Find one that corresponds to what you think is most important and connect with them — bookmark their website, sign up for their emails, and connect with them on social media. (Priests for Life is a great place to start!)
You can receive action alerts from Priests for Life (and other groups) that will inform you when, for instance, we need you to call your Congressional offices about a piece of legislation to support or oppose. The place to see and sign up for these alerts is www.StopAbortionNow.org.
And support that group with your donations. Unlike Planned Parenthood, pro-life groups don’t receive vast amounts of government funds. Unfortunately, more money is spent in our country killing babies in the womb than in saving them. Let’s all help change that, and include the pro-life movement in our charitable giving.
How abortion could upend the 2024 battle for Congress
Cook Political Report rating as of Nov. 9. 2023
Democrats’ rush to get abortion-related initiatives on the ballot in key states could throw a wrench in Republicans’ effort to keep the House in 2024.
Why it matters: Election results in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia on Tuesday demonstrated that the issue is still boosting Democrats at the ballot box more than a year after Roe v. Wade was overturned.
State of play: As many as eight states could have an abortion-related referendum on the ballot next November. Among those states are nearly two dozen House districts rated as some degree of competitive by Cook Political Report.
What to watch: “I think what we saw [in Tuesday’s elections] validates that … when you try to take freedoms away, people reject it,” Rep. Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.), the only Democrat in a New York swing district, told Axios.
The other side: Several Republican lawmakers in states with possible abortion-related ballot measures stressed that the key to defusing the issue’s potency is striking a balance.
Zoom out: Several of these states are also among the most hotly contested Senate battlegrounds next year.
In 2023, one statewide ballot measure related to abortion policies, Ohio Issue 1, was certified for the ballot. Voters approved Issue 1.
In 2022, there were six ballot measures addressing abortion — the most on record for a single year. Measures were approved in California, Michigan, and Vermont. Measures were defeated in Kansas, Kentucky, and Montana.
Information on abortion-related ballot measures since 1970 is available here: History of abortion ballot measures.
State ballot measures
On the ballot
The following table provides a list of abortion-related measures that are on the ballot in 2024:
The following table provides a list of abortion-related measures that were on the ballot in 2023:
The following is a list of abortion-related measures that have been proposed for the ballot but have not been certified pending signature drives or final legislative votes.
Not on the ballot
The following is a list of abortion-related measures that were proposed for 2023 but did not make the ballot.
The following is a list of abortion-related measures that were proposed for 2024 but did not make the ballot.
5 days ago