By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16; Restored 8/20/22
OH MY GOODNESS!! Do you have a heart??? The first time I looked at these pictures, I cried. How horrifying. Who could be so ruthless as to create these poor beings? You have to wonder what is going on inside of them. IF they have human aspects, then it is highly likely that they can recognize their tragic state. How heartbreaking. How would you feel, in their situation? Are these redeemable spirits? Will we be living with them in the afterlife? How does GOD feel, when He looks down on them? It has to break his heart.
If you are a truth seeker or a person who likes to research you surely have learned that the elite, who run the world, never allow us to know what is really going on. What they reveal to us has usually been in existence and under development, for 50 years or more, before they ever reveal it to us. My point is, that we have no idea how long scientists/occultists around the world have been creating hybrids/chimeras and injecting them into society. Our blood has most likely already been affected to some extent. Certainly, all of our food supply has been corrupted. And we are what we eat.
Updates 4/12/19
Published on Apr 12, 2019
Satan, who deceives the whole world.) even You. REAL LIFE Mad Scientists Are CreatingMONSTERS. Go to article. Posted on March 29, 2019 5:49 pm.
This has all been going on for much longer than we will ever know. Take a look at some of these excerpts.
Mice Used as Sperm Factories for Pigs, Goats – Hillary Mayell, for National Geographic News August 14, 2002″For the first time scientists have been able to produce viable sperm from the tissue of sexually immature mammals—and at the same time produce sperm of one species in the body of another species.
“Now we know how to do this, but we don’t know all the ramifications and consequences of doing it,”
Scientists hate to talk about something they haven’t done” (There you go… so if you are hearing them talk about it, you can believe they have perfected it, after many years of experimentation.)
Scientific Pitfalls Complicate Cloning Debate – Ben Harder, For National Geographic News May 31, 2002
“Cloning is as much an art as it is a science,” said Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Massachusetts.
After years of experiments …cloning hit the big time in February 1997. That month, scientists reported the first successful attempt to reproduce a large, adult mammal through cloning. Nicknamed Dolly. Since Dolly, cows, pigs, monkeys, an adorable kitten, and even rare and endangered animals have all been produced through cloning
Not everyone realizes that Dolly was the final success story at the end of a string of unsuccessful attempts and spontaneous abortions. Scores of sheep embryos died. (So you heard them say scores of embryos died, I wonder how many lived. And not just animals.)
“Research teams that have practiced the technique numerous times can get a good success rate, Lanza said. (Practiced it numerous times, and a good success rate means a pretty good number of successes.)
Several secretive groups of scientists claim to be close to cloning a live human baby, but they have released little information to the public, and their claims have not been verified. (So, we have several/multiple groups of SECRETIVE Scientists who do not release their information to the public.)
If animal cloning experiments are any guide, attempts to clone people may face a high rate of failure. Often many nuclei must be transferred from cell to egg for each one that succeeds in developing into an embryo. This so-called wastage is much higher in cloning than in other reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization, said Don Wolf, a researcher working to clone rhesus monkeys at the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center.
“There’s no reason to think biologically that humans would be any [more difficult] than other animals we’ve cloned,” Lanza said. “But each species requires going up a learning curve.” Producing Dolly, he noted, required scores of unsuccessful attempts.
When it comes to making copies of organisms, humans aren’t experimental subjects on which most scientists are willing to try unreliable procedures. So regardless of how the ongoing ethical debate unfolds, science may hold off on trying to replicate people until it’s entirely clear how the process of cloning works—and why it sometimes doesn’t. (So we can assume that they have perfected the process in animals, since they are cloning humans. That makes me wonder, how many cloned animals do we have running around?)
To put it in the terms a certain wise old organism might have used: “Do, or do not. There is no try.” But then again, Yoda was one of a kind. (OK, so this “scientist sees YODA as a “WISE OLD” organism. And he is displaying the thinking of the scientific community… DO IT, or DO NOT TRY)
National Geographic Presents EXPLORER’s documentary – .Clone!
National Geographic
Presents Explorer’s Documentary Clone! An in-depth look at cloning and the controversy that surrounds it.
1) resurrect extinct species,
2) grow replacement organs, 3) duplicate ourselves. The video Premiered: |
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You should realize now, that if they are talking about it (which that 2002 video is doing) then they are already doing it. LIke the man said, “Scientists hate to talk about something they have not done”. Listen to what people are witnessing… they are already resurrecting extinct species, they are already cloning people and they are already growing replacement organs!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy |
Exerpts from: Scientific Pitfalls Complicate Cloning Debate Maryann Mott National Geographic News January 25, 2005 Scientists have begun blurring the line between human and animal by producing chimeras— a hybrid creature that’s part human, part animal. Chinese scientists at the Shanghai Second Medical University in 2003 successfully fused human cells with rabbit eggs. The embryos were reportedly the first human-animal chimeras successfully created. In Minnesota last year researchers at the Mayo Clinic created pigs with human blood flowing through their bodies. |
Scientist Irving Weisman and Stanford University have been conducting experiments that place human brain cells in mice since 2005 (at least). Stanford University in California conducted an experiment to create mice with brains that are about one percent human. The planned to conduct another experiment where the mice would have 100 percent human brains. This would be done, they said, by injecting human neurons into the brains of embryonic mice.
Half the Cells in This Mouse’s Brain Are Human
Researchers implanted immature human brain cells in mouse pups, which then grew and replaced nearly half the mice’s own cells There are mice running around in labs that are smarter than their peers. This distinction goes beyond an above-average aptitude for mouse-intelligence tests: These mice are smarter because half the cells in their brain are actually human cells. A new study, published in The Journal of Neuroscience, explores the consequences of creating mice that have mousy neurons but human glial cells—cells that support nerve cells and strengthen connections between them. Steve Goldman, a researcher at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York, led a research team that took immature glial cells from human fetuses (donated to research) and injected them into the brains of mouse pups, reports Andy Coghlan for New Scientist. Since the glial cells were immature, they continued to grow and divide in the mouse brain, crowding out the mouse cells. That difference gives the mice with these human-mouse chimera brains an advantage. “It’s like ramping up the power of your computer,” Goldman says. There are also plans to create rats with human brain cells. Excerpts from SMARTNEWS -Keeping you current |
(If you have never seen the feature length cartoon called “The Secret of NIMH”, you should. It came out in 1982, and it is all about scientists experimenting on mice and rats. It is very interesting. Eye opening in fact.) You can watch it here:
Jamais Cascio, a writer and futurist wrote, “[We’re] making these non-human animals demonstrably smarter. We are, in a very limited fashion, uplifting them (to use David Brin’s terminology). They will be able to understand the world a bit (or even a lot) better than others of their kind. And at some point, we may well even end up with test subjects significantly smarter than typical and able to demonstrate behaviors unsettlingly close to our own. |
What rights should any of these types of uplifted animals have? Do we need to spell out a greater set of rights for the human chimera mice in the news report? Or as we create increasingly more-intelligent-than-typical animals, will there a point at which they could no longer be limited to the rights given to all scientific research animals? At what point would it become a crime to kill them, no matter how humanely or in accordance with ethical standards?” Source: here
Excerpts from: Animal-Human Hybrids Spark Controversy
A chimera is a mixture of two or more species in one body. Not all are considered troubling, though.
For example, faulty human heart valves are routinely replaced with ones taken from cows and pigs. The surgery—which makes the recipient a human-animal chimera—is widely accepted.
And for years scientists have added human genes to bacteria and farm animals.
Biotechnology activist Jeremy Rifkin: “One doesn’t have to be religious or into animal rights to think this doesn’t make sense,” he continued. “It’s the scientists who want to do this. They’ve now gone over the edge into the pathological domain.”
William Cheshire, associate professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic’s Jacksonville, Florida: “This is unexplored biologic territory,” he said. “Whatever moral threshold of human neural development we might choose to set as the limit for such an experiment, there would be a considerable risk of exceeding that limit before it could even be recognized.”
Cheshire supports research that combines human and animal cells to study cellular function. As an undergraduate he participated in research that fused human and mouse cells.
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Why China is a Genetic Power House with a Problem
CAROLYN ABRAHAM AND CAROLYNNE WHEELER “But along with the envy, there is discomfort and, in the United States, outright fear that an enterprise backed in part with bank loans supported by the Chinese government has unfettered access to the genetic building blocks of humanity. DNA, after all, contains the chemical hallmarks of what makes each of us unique – the raw material that may hold the keys to the next breakthroughs in science and medicine.” |
(DID you catch that? The US Scientific community is in “OUTRIGHT FEAR” that the Chinese will be the first to break new ground in Genetic Engineering. Do you understand yet that “Science” is a highly competitive industry? I heard one scientist state that “unfortunately in science it only counts if you get there first”. Scientific labs and organizations are constantly trying to “beat the other guys to it”. It being the latest, greatest breakthrough. This is all done at ANY COST!! Even outright FRAUD. They have no regard for human life, or for the environment, or for the survival of mankind. THE ARE DRIVEN to push the envelope and test the boundaries. REGARDLESS!!)
2014 Aug Breaking News Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA Last days final hour news prophecyEXCLUSIVE TOP KEPT SECRET!!! Human Animal Hybrids Exist Today CODE ANTICHRIST SOUL-less HUMAN-ANIMAL HYBRIDS being GROWN in USA Research Farms! End Times: Human and Animal Hybrids Come To Life… |
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In 2006 President Bush said in his state of the Union speech that he wanted Congress to ban the abuse of medical research in regards to animal human hybrids or chimeras. During President Obama’s term he reversed this ban and currently there is no federal prohibition on human animal hybrid work.
What I have discovered is that scientists are creating human animals or chimeras. The definition of chimeras for those unfamiliar with this term is an organism composed of two or more genetically distinct tissues, as an organism that is partly male and partly female, or an artificially produced individual having tissues of several species.
The excuses for creating these beings are that other nations will do it so we have to do it too otherwise we will be at a disadvantage and/or that the technology is needed for cures to diseases or to prolong life. The New World Order elites are especially interested in immortality. Whatever the reason, this is inconceivable and horrific.
Recent articles are reporting that children in the United Kingdom have been born with 3 parents. And, we are already familiar with GMO food and even GMO animals; is it beyond the realm of believability that scientists are now creating GMO Humans? Furthermore, it has been reported that we already have full grown“chimeras”, or human animals RIGHT NOW! In the past, we were led to believe that these human/animal creations were created and then destroyed (as if this isn’t bad enough). But some people are saying that there are thousands of adult human animals that have been created NOW. And, really, who believes that these ungodly, immoral scientists would stop at embryos? We all know in our gut that they would not stop.
As I mentioned above, reasons given for allowing the mixture of human and animal DNA are to improve the quality of human life and to cure disease. Therefore, it is understandable that much of the funding for these experiments are through the pharmaceutical companies or Big Pharma. As always follow the money! However, history has provided further reasons for mixing human and animal DNA. Dr. IIya Ivanovich Ivanov tried unsuccessfully to breed a human ape hybrid in the 1920s. He was funded by the Soviet Union but never succeeded. Stalin was hoping to create an army of ape-men with the mind of a human and the strength of an ape. In similar fashion, the Nazi regime also tried to breed “supermen” by encouraging Aryan people to breed and discouraging non-Aryans through sterilization to keep from breeding. For the past 100 years the idea of a super race has been a prevailing theme encouraged primarily by the teachings of Darwinism and the theory of evolution. The movie “The Island of Dr. Morrow” also presented this theme, although in the movie it wasn’t to create a super-race but an inferior race to be used as slaves.
Moreover, in the distant past we have many examples of human chimeras depicted in ancient art. We are all familiar with mermaids and centaurs but there are many more examples of creatures that are part animal and part human depicted in ancient art. Could these pictures be representatives of beings that actually existed? Some people think so, although as far as I know there are no fossil remains of any such beings.
Furthermore, the Brookings Institute in the United States has suggested that in the future we will have to amend the constitution to allow for non-human humans! This technology is being pursued in many countries around the world and millions, if not billions of dollars is being used to further this unholy pursuit. Stanford University recently decided that it was ethically acceptable to create mice with almost 100% human cells. This research is what we know about, what is going on that we don’t know about!
I have to say, researching and writing this article has been very difficult for me. Several times I’ve stopped and part of me wants to just go somewhere far far away, walk away from civilization and never look back. My soul is grieved at what is happening in our world and it seems like every article I write lately has been worse than the one before. My only solace is in Jesus Christ and my future with him. I would encourage anyone reading this article to seek HIM out before it’s too late.
labs mixing human DNA animal DNA – Last Days
- 10 Ways Science is Using Human-Animal Hybrids : Discovery News
Check the 10 Ways Science is Using Human-Animal Hybrids photos - Scientists create animals that are part-human – Health – Cloning and stem cells –
Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on May 19, 2013:
US To Lift Ban On Creating Human-Animal Hybrids For Medical Research

Chimeras, once merely consigned to historical legends, are now possible thanks to the discovery and manipulation of stem cells, those that can theoretically differentiate into any type of cell. By adding human stem cells to animal embryos, genuine hybrids can be created that would allow researchers to study early embryonic development, to create animal models of human diseases, and even grow human organs in animals that could later be harvested and used in organ transplants.
In June of this year, the CRISPR gene-editing tool was used to inject human stem cells into pig embryos by scientists at the University of California, Davis. This created human-pig chimeric embryos that were allowed to develop for 28 days before they were aborted, with the tissues subsequently harvested for investigation.
The team behind these experiments ultimately hope to produce pigs that contain human organs. Specifically, they hope to grow a human pancreas that can be transplanted into a human patient in need of one. This is a far cry from the monstrous half-pig half-human beast that critics of the practice are worried about seeing, but it’s fair to say that there are some ethical concerns that are worth considering.
This new NIH proposal will make trials like these much easier to run and fund. It’s a brave new world, one with plenty of moral pitfalls and medical advancements.
“There are no hard and fast lines,” Wolinetz told Nature. “There’s going to be some on-the-job learning.”
A mythological chimera, the sort that definitely will not emerge from real-life chimera experiments. Vuk Kostic/Shutterstock
US agency to lift ban on funding human–animal hybrids
Sara Reardon
Researchers in the United States will soon be able to resume creating chimaera-based projects.

Since September 2015, researchers have been banned from receiving funding from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) for adding human stem cells to animal embryos, creating blends called chimaeras. But a proposal by the NIH released on 4 August would lift the funding moratorium, except for certain situations. It would also set up a panel to review the ethics and oversight of grant applications.
The new rules shorten the developmental window during which human cells can be introduced into non-human primate embryos, disallowing it before the stage of development in which the central nervous system begins to form. This is intended to limit the number of human cells that would make up the chimaera’s brain. They also prohibit breeding animals that contain human cells, so as to prevent a human-like embryo from growing in a non-human womb or the birth of an animal that is more humanized than its parents.
Any grant applications that fall into a grey area would undergo a panel review. “It would be an extra set of eyes to make sure we’re not triggering any animal-welfare issues,” says Carrie Wolinetz, associate director for science policy at the NIH in Washington DC. The panel will pay particular attention to applications involving primates, mammals at very early stages of development or those in which human cells could affect an animal’s brain. Past a certain point of development, rodent embryos with human cells that could affect brain development are exempt from panel review, says Wolinetz. This is because NIH’s scientific advisers think that the rodent brain is substantially different from ours and would not become human-like.
Chimaeras are a growing area of research. Currently, researchers use them to study early embryonic development and to create animal models of human diseases. But one major goal is to engineer animals to grow human organs. The organs could later be harvested from the adult animal and used for transplantation into a patient.
Unlike in the United States, it is illegal to perform such research without approval in the United Kingdom, even with private funding. Laws introduced in the United Kingdom in January mandate extra reviews of proposals involving certain types of chimaeras, including ones that would have a human appearance or features such as faces or hands.
Mixed reviews
Reactions from researchers have been mixed. Steven Goldman, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester in New York, says that the 2015 moratorium was overkill and is relieved that it will now be lifted. The new guidelines, he says, are “more intelligent from the standpoint of where the science is”.
But Ali Brivanlou, a developmental biologist at the Rockefeller University in New York City says that the NIH proposal focuses on the wrong aspects of the issue. Rather than restricting the timing of modification, he says, there should be more focus on limiting the percentage of the animal that ends up being human.
“On a positive note, it’s amazing that this is going on,” he says, because there are many related questions and ethical issues that should be debated publicly.
Françoise Baylis, a bioethicist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, thinks that the new rules leave many questions unanswered. Currently, there are only two types of research subject, human and non-human, and there are clear distinctions on how to treat them. With chimaeras, researchers risk creating a third category for which there are no research guidelines, she says. “We just tend to say we’ll treat them like non-human animals, as if nothing happened,” Baylis says.
The NIH rules and other countries’ laws focus on cognition as the important factor for limiting chimaera research. But that is not necessarily the best way to determine how humanized animals should be categorized because it can be subjective, Baylis says. For instance, people who are cognitively impaired are still treated as human subjects in research, whereas very intelligent primates are not.
These are the kinds of questions that the oversight panel will discuss when reviewing specific grant applications, says Wolinetz. The panel will give recommendations to the scientific grant reviewers, which could include suggestions such as not allowing certain types of chimaeras to be brought to term, or monitoring an adult chimaera’s behaviour before continuing the experiment. “There are no hard and fast lines,” she says. “There’s going to be some on-the-job learning.”
The NIH’s rule is now open for public comment for 30 days, after which the agency will issue a final rule and lift the moratorium. Wolinetz hopes that this will be ready in time for the grant cycle that begins in January 2017.
Did you know that scientists are creating cow/human hybrids, pig/human hybrids and even mouse/human hybrids? This is happening every single day in labs all over the western world, but most people have never even heard about it.
So would you drink milk from a cow/human hybrid that produces milk that is almost identical to human breast milk? And how would you interact with a mouse that has a brain that is almost entirely human? These are the kinds of questions that we will have to start to address as a society as scientists create increasingly bizarre human/animal hybrids. Thanks to dramatic advances in genetic technology, we have gotten to the point where it is literally possible for college students to create new hybrid lifeforms in their basements. Of course our laws have not kept pace with these advances, and now that Pandora’s Box has been opened, it is going to be nearly impossible to shut it.
Scientists try to justify the creation of human/animal hybrids by telling us that it will help “cure disease” and help “end world hunger”, but what if scientists discover that combining human DNA with animal DNA can give us incredible new abilities or greatly extended lifespans? Will humanity really have the restraint to keep from going down that road?
In my previous article entitled “Transhumanists: Superhuman Powers And Life Extension Technologies Will Allow Us To Become Like God”, I explored the obsession that transhumanists have with human enhancement. The temptation to “take control of our own evolution” will surely be too great for many scientists to resist. And even if some nations outlaw the complete merging of humans and animals, that does not mean that everyone else in the world will.
And once animal DNA gets into our breeding pool, how will we ever put the genie back into the bottle? As the DNA of the human race becomes corrupted, it is easy to imagine a future where there are very few “pure humans” remaining.
Sadly, most of the scientists working in this field express very little concern for these types of considerations. In fact, one very prominent U.S. geneticist says that we should not even worry about hybridization because he believes that humans were originally pig/chimpanzee hybrids anyway…
The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, an American geneticist has suggested.
The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, who is also one of the world’s leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.
He points out that while humans have many features in common with chimps, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics not found in any other primates.
So if we are just hybrid creatures ourselves, why should we be scared of making more hybrids?
From their point of view, it all makes perfect sense.
And right now, extremely weird human/animal hybrids are being grown all over the United States.
For example, just check out the following excerpt from an NBC News article about what is going on in Nevada…
On a farm about six miles outside this gambling town, Jason Chamberlain looks over a flock of about 50 smelly sheep, many of them possessing partially human livers, hearts, brains and other organs.
The University of Nevada-Reno researcher talks matter-of-factly about his plans to euthanize one of the pregnant sheep in a nearby lab. He can’t wait to examine the effects of the human cells he had injected into the fetus’ brain about two months ago.
“It’s mice on a large scale,” Chamberlain says with a shrug.
When this article came across my desk recently, I noted that it was almost ten years old.
Over the past decade, things have gotten much, much stranger.
For example, scientists have now created mice that have artificial humanchromosomes “in every cell in their bodies”…
Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy.
In one of the unpublished studies, researchers made a human artificial chromosome in the laboratory from chemical building blocks rather than chipping away at an existing human chromosome, indicating the increasingly powerful technology behind the new field of synthetic biology.
And researchers at the University of Wisconsin figured out a way to transfer cells from human embryos into the brains of mice. When those cells from the human embryos began to grow and develop, they actually made the mice substantially smarter…
Yet experiments like these are going forward just the same. In just the past few months, scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Rochester have published data on their human-animal neural chimeras. For the Wisconsin study, researchers injected mice with an immunotoxin to destroy a part of their brains-the hippocampus-that’s associated with learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. Then the researchers replaced those damaged cells with cells derived from human embryos. The cells proliferated and the lab chimeras recovered their ability to navigate a water maze.
For the Rochester study, researchers implanted newborn mice with nascent human glial cells, which help support and nourish neurons in the brain. Six months later, the human parts had elbowed out the mouse equivalents, and the animals had enhanced ability to solve a simple maze and learn conditioned cues. These protocols might run afoul of the anti-hybrid laws, and perhaps they should arouse some questions. These chimeric mice may not be human, or even really human, but they’re certainly one step further down the path to Algernon. It may not be so long before we’re faced with some hairy bioethics: What rights should we assign to mice with human brains?
So what should we call mice that have brains that are mostly human?
And at what point would our relationship with such creatures fundamentally change?
When they learn to talk?
Scientists all over the planet are recklessly creating these chimeras without really thinking through the implications.
In China, scientists have actually inserted human genes into the DNA of dairy cow embryos.
Now there are hundreds of human/cow hybrids that produce milk that is virtually identical to human breast milk.
Would you buy such milk if it showed up in your supermarket? The scientists that “designed” these cows say that is the goal.
But of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. A very good Slate article detailed some more of the human/animal hybrid experiments that have been taking place all over the planet…
A blanket ban on studying part-animal, part-human embryos will be lifted.
Getty Images / Sandy Huffaker
SCIENTISTS IN THE U.S. COULD SOON BE ALLOWED to create part-human, part-animal embryos in the laboratory, now that a nation-wide moratorium on chimera research is under official review.
In biology, chimeras — named after the mythical human-goat-lion-serpent hybrid — are embryos formed from animals that have been injected with human stem cells. For example, a rat may be modified to grow a human cancer tumor, or a pig may grow a human pancreas to be harvested later for transplantation. The controversial — though promising — research has been polarizing; while it has the potential to advance studies of human disease and transplantation, the National Institutes of Health, fearing the ethical implications, imposed a moratorium on all studies last September.
The blanket ban led to an uproar among pro-chimera scientists hoping to use the hybrid animals as models for studying human disease and to investigate whether they could be used to grow human organs. Even Pope Francis, representing the notoriously science-conservative Catholic Church, gave Spanish researchers his blessing to continue with their work on pig-human chimeras. Still, the NIH refused to respond to urgent calls from scientists to reconsider the moratorium for months.
The biggest concern of the anti-chimera camp is that the research will blur the border between human and animal before we’re ready to deal with the consequences. Researchers developing chimeric embryos run the risk that the human stem cells they inject into an animal don’t end up where they’re supposed to; if liver-bound human stem cells escape and wind up inside an animal’s brain or sperm, will we consider the rat partially human? Now that the moratorium on research has been lifted, the chances that we won’t have to consider such scenarios will increase.
The NIH’s new policy comes with several caveats meant to keep the line between humans and animals distinct. Injecting human cells into the embryos of our close primate relatives, such as monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas — remains off-limits. Experiments using other animals are fair game, though proposed studies, especially those dealing with the brain, will still have to go through a government approval process.
“I am confident that these proposed changes will enable the NIH research community to move this promising area of science forward in a responsible manner,” Carrie D. Wolinetz, Ph.D., the NIH’s Associate Director for Science Policy, said in a blog post outlining the proposal today. The public is invited to comment over the next 30 days, during which time the blanket ban will remain in effect.
May 29, 2016

Want to Stay Healthy? You’ll Need to Become a Human-Animal Hybrid.
MacDonald Glenn put it to me this way: “Just how many genes does one need to be considered human? Considering 97% percent of our genome consists of the genes we share with other species — chimps, fruit flies, even common brewer’s yeast — do these questions even matter?”
To which she added, “Further advances in the blending of nonhuman animal and human DNA could result — intentionally or not — in chimeric entities possessing degrees of intelligence or sentience never before seen in nonhuman animals. Would an intelligent, sentient creation be property or a person? Could he/she/it be patented?”
Clearly, we have a long way to go in answering these questions, not to mention the difficulty in developing safe and effective transgenic interventions. But one thing is becoming increasingly clear, and that’s the insufficiency of the term “human” as the signifier of some kind of moral delineator. Rather, we should adopt a non-species approach to the issue and start looking out for the interests of persons instead.
Or as Glenn further posited at the Yale Personhood conference last December:“Boundaries will blend and blur, and the question will not be who or what are persons, but what sort of beings do we want to be?”
Continued in Part 6 – GENETIC ENGINEERING