By Cynthia Pawl 7/10/16; updated 2/27/2019.
Leviticus 17:11 & 12: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood. No soul of you shall eat blood.“
I was watching television one evening and caught a PBS special on DNA. This was sometime in the late 1990’s early 2000’s. I don’t remember the name of the program. It has been a long time. There is one thing about it that I will never forget. They were talking about how DNA determines everything about us. Scientists had found that every single cell in our bodies carries our entire DNA. Further, every single cell that is involved in any new task we undertake or skill we develop stores the information on how to perform it, in our DNA. So, if you learn to play piano, or build a bookcase, or wire a lamp or type a letter, the information on how to do that is stored in your DNA. Once it is stored in your DNA, it is passed through the blood to your descendants.
Wow! That was quite amazing to me. That explains a lot! I had often wondered why some kids seemed to be born with certain skills or knowledge. For example, some kids are able to work extremely difficult math problems, in their head, in mere seconds, while folks like me had to study hard to learn the complicated methods with which to solve them. And how is it that some toddlers sit down to a piano and play instantly like they were born to it? Tennis skills, carpentry skills, dancing, cooking… it goes on and on. Some folks seem to be “naturals”. Well, of course!!! They inherited those skills, it is in their blood! This clearly verifies what the Bible teaches. Leviticus 17:11 “The life of the flesh is in the blood.”
But, hold on. There is also a dark side to this truth. We are already aware that we can inherit a predisposition to certain diseases or frailties. But, if we can inherit productive skills, like farming, woodworking, and knitting, we can also inherit abilities and tendencies that are not so good for us. When someone learns how to perform or commit let’s say acts of violence or destruction, for example, that information is also passed on to their descendants. Say we learn to drink, smoke, steal, have perverted or unnatural sexual relations, overeat, self-mutilate, take drugs, etc… Those behaviors are also stored in our DNA and passed on. I had often wondered why people seemed to do the things their parents did, even when they determined in the heart not to do so. Even when they spent a great deal of time, energy and money trying to break the mold and learn new behaviors, people tend to fall back on what is familiar, what has been in the family. Well, of course, it is in their DNA. The bible says Exodus 34:7 “visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. See 11 Part Series Generational, Ancestral and Family Curses
Given that this is proclaimed by the Bible and confirmed by science, one should pause and consider the repercussions of this truth. Now, you must recognize, that if you “SIN” you are not only sinning for yourself. You are committing sins that will be passed down to at least three or four generations of your descendants. That is quite serious.
We must remember one thing. Scientists cannot make the statement that what they find in your DNA guarantees that you will suffer from these diseases or develop these behaviors. They can only say that you have the predisposition toward them. This is true because our Heavenly Father does not “condemn” us to continuing these behaviors. He provides for us a way of escape and the election is up to us. We can change our DNA code by the choices that we make.
Naturally, the effects of bad choices/behaviors/sin in our lives are also passed on through the blood. This is where we get a genetic predisposition to health problems. Cancer, diabetes, and many, many more diseases, birth defects and addictions. This is the area where science likes to focus your attention. They use these truths to motivate people to support their “scientific experiments, studies, and developments”. They prey on your soft-hearted and well-meaning nature. They hold out the promise for a better and longer life for yourself and/or those you love, through “scientific” developments. Surely, no one should stand in the way of curing ailments and improving the quality of life, no matter what the costs might be. Right? The truth is the scientists and businessmen pursuing these developments are not really interested in our health and well being. They are driven by desires and forces much more sinister.
The following is the information on the video I saw, in 2001. This was a two-hour NOVA special, hosted by ABC “Nightline” correspondent Robert Krulwich entitled “Cracking the Code of Life”. It is no longer available free online. You can purchase the video. You can also view the transcript here:
Keanu Reeves: Hollywood Elites Use ‘Blood Of Babies’ To Get High
The above video was deleted. They are pulling all of the videos on this abomination off the internet. Sorry. TRUTH will SOON be INACESSIBLE ANYWHERE.
Keanu Reeves:Hollywood Elites use ‘Blood of Babies’ To Get High
CLICK TO LISTEN TO AUDIO: from Does my Speech Threaten you? (292) by Trash Bag Full Of Dead Babies
Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elites ‘Kill Innocent Children & Drink Their Blood’ Movie star blows the whistle on entertainment industry pedophile ring
In a shocking exposé, movie star Mel Gibson has blown the whistle on the epidemic of “parasites” who “control Hollywood” that are involved in child sacrifice and pedophilia.The Lethal Weapon star said that “every studio in Hollywood is bought and paid for with the blood of innocent children,” adding that the “most valuable currency is the blood of babies.”
While in London, England promoting his latest role in Daddy’s Home 2, Gibson described entertainment industry elites as an “enemy to mankind” who “feast on the blood of innocent children.”He said key players in the movie business “get their kicks from destroying the sanctuary of children” as they “thrive on breaking every God-given taboo known to man.”
“They have a blatant disregard for the good of the people.”Destroying people’s lives is just a game to them – the more pain they can cause, the better the thrill.”Children a just sustenance to them.”They feast on the pain and fear, and the younger, the better.” “These people follow their own religion and use it for moral guidance.”It’s not the sort of religious teachings you folks would ever hear about.”They perform sacred rituals that are sick and totally at odds with the moral fabric that binds most patriotic Americans.”The worst part: It’s an open secret in Hollywood and everyone wants in on it.”Mel Gibson appeared on British prime-time BBC chatshow, The Graham Norton Show on Friday, where the veteran actor answered questions from shocked guests, in the green room backstage after his appearance, regarding the true nature of Hollywood “elites.” He explained how he had been blacklisted by Hollywood’s controlling oligarchs in 2006 for voicing his opinions about the industry that clashed with their liberal agenda.He said that since then he has been “working outside of the system” which has given him a fresh perspective, saying:
“It’s difficult to comprehend, I know, and I’m sorry that I am the one to break this to you, but Hollywood is an institutionalized pedophile ring.”They use and abuse kids for their own sick ‘spiritual beliefs,’ if you can even call them that. “I don’t fully understand it myself, but they harvest these kids for their energy and feast on their blood.”They don’t do it mercifully either, they scare the sh*t out of them before they sacrifice them.
“The more innocent the child, the more terrified they are, the more they thrive on it,” said the Braveheart star. “What does that mean? “They aren’t doing this as some form of artistic expression: They are harvesting the blood of children and eating their flesh because they think it gives them some sort of ‘life force.’”If the child was mentally and physically suffering when they died, then it gives them ‘extra life force.’”I don’t understand why they do that, but that’s what they do.”Most of us have a moral compass that guides us through life, right?”
These people don’t have that, or if they do, it’s pointing in the opposite direction.”
Gibson, who has spent the last 30 years working inside and outside of the Hollywood regime, says that the industry’s hierarchy “thrives on abuse, pain, torture, stress, and suffering.”According to Gibson, the desire to inflict such abuse isn’t limited to just the elite, but only “those at the top of the food chain can afford such a ‘luxury,’” although, it’s a “goal for most people in the industry.”“Hollywood is drenched in innocent children’s blood.”The references to pedophilia and cannibalism have always been there, but for years they cryptic or symbolic.”I was introduced to these practices in the early 2000s and was threatened with serious repercussions should I ever speak out.”And, I don’t just mean my career, I mean my life was threatened, my family’s life would be in danger.”I can only talk about it now as those people, those industry executives, they’re all dead now.”They see the blood of a sexually abused infant as the ‘ultimate prize’ and say that it’s ‘highly enriched.’
”Babies are like a ‘premium currency’ and hold a higher value of anything else you can think of: Diamonds, drugs, caviar, you name it.”They are literally trading these kids like a currency for favors, movie roles, kickbacks…”
According to Gibson, this perversion isn’t just the latest fad but has been a deep-threaded culture in Hollywood for generations, and is something popular among both men and women. “This isn’t anything new and has been taking place since before Hollywood was even founded.”If you research this phenomenon, you will find lurking in the shadows of every dark era in history.”These dark, multidimensional occult practices have been used in secret societies for hundreds of years.”Hollywood is being used for social programming and mind control and their message is being projected into the psyche of the American people…”People everywhere.”
illuminate and Hollywood Elites Use “Blood of kids/Adrenochrome”To Get High Urdu/Hindi|Mirza Hasnain
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This video (part 1) shares a large data-dump, a paper trail of documents, that are the most shocking evidence of the existence of adrenochrome. The volume is extensive and points out that this happens on an industrial scale and is part of a world wide network.
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4 months, 3 weeks ago
This video (part 2) shares a large data-dump, documents leaked on a usb-stick, that exposes an international network in the production and sale of adrenochrome. This network extends into the US, Germany, the UK and China, as these documents point out.
part 1:
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4 months, 3 weeks ago
What They Dont Want You To Know!
Educate yourself and be ready for the truth. Visit the Website for a wealth of information including links to videos and other documents.
If you don’t believe that people drink blood… this article (written by someone very sympathetic to the vampires) should open your eyes. I strongly condemn the drinking of blood as the Bible calls it an abomination.
In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people – nurses, bar staff, secretaries – are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?IIn the French quarter of New Orleans, John Edgar Browning is about to take part in a “feeding”. It begins as clinically as a medical procedure. His acquaintance first swabs a small patch on Browning’s upper back with alcohol. He then punctures it with a disposable hobby scalpel, and squeezes until the blood starts flowing. Lowering his lips to the wound, Browning’s associate now starts lapping up the wine-dark liquid. “He drank it a few times, then cleaned and bandaged me,” Browning says today.
To Browning’s bemusement, he was not quite to his host’s taste. “He said my blood was not as metallic as it should have been – so he was a little disappointed,” he recalls; apparently, diet, hydration and blood group can all make a subtle difference to the flavour. After they had cleaned up, the pair went to a charity dinner in aid of the homeless.
A self-confessed “needle-phobe”, Browning had not been looking forward to the feeding. “I’m actually pretty fearful of anything sharp approaching my skin,” he says. But as a researcher at Louisiana State University, he was willing to go through with it for his latest project: an ethnographic study of the New Orleans “real vampire” community.
There are thousands of people drinking blood in the US alone
Was the blood-feeding a religious ritual, a delusion, or a fetish? Before he had met any vampires, Browning suspected they had just blurred the line between fact and fiction. “I’d assumed that these people were bonkers and had just read too many Anne Rice novels.”
By the time he had offered himself as a donor, however, his opinions had taken a U-turn. Many real-life vampires have no belief in the paranormal and have little more than a passing knowledge of True Blood or Dracula; nor do they appear to have any psychiatric issues. Instead, they claim to suffer from a strange medical condition – fatigue, headaches, and excruciating stomach pain – which, they believe, can only be treated by feeding on another human’s blood.
“There are thousands of people doing this in just the US alone, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence, and I don’t think it’s a fad,” says Browning. Their symptoms and behaviour are a genuine mystery.
So-called “medical sanguinarians” claim that regular shots of blood relieve them of fatigue, headaches and severe stomach pains (Credit: Olivia Howitt)
For many, real-life vampirism is a taboo; over the last few decades, it has come to be associated with gruesome murders such as the notorious case of Rod Ferrell in the US, a deluded killer apparently inspired by a fantasy role-playing game. “When people talk about self-identified vampires, a lot of times these horrible images come to mind,” says DJ Williams, a sociologist at Idaho State University. “So the community has been closed and suspicious of outsiders.” As a result of the stigma, the vampires I’ve contacted online have asked me to use aliases within this article.
It was not always this way; across history, we can find cases where human blood was considered a bona-fide medical cure. At the end of the 15th Century, for instance, Pope Innocent VIII’s physician allegedly bled three young men to death and fed their blood (still warm) to his dying master, with the hope that it might pass on their youthful vitality.
From what we can tell, most major cities across the world seem to have a vampire community – DJ Williams, sociologist
Later on, it was used to treat epilepsy; the afflicted were encouraged to gather around the gallows and collect the warm blood dripping from recently executed criminals. “Blood was a medium between the physical and spiritual,” explains Richard Sugg at the University of Durham, who recently wrote a book on “corpse medicine” and who is currently writing a volume on vampirism. By drinking the blood of a healthy young man, he says, you were imbibing his spirit and curing whatever afflicted your soul. These treatments only fell out of favour following the Enlightenment, and the onset of a more general sense of prudery that took hold in the 18th and 19th Centuries.
Self-identified vampires come from all walks of life. Many have families, regular jobs, and even go to church (Credit: Olivia Howitt)
And yet, the practice seems to have lived on among a small group of people. Before the Age of the Internet, they were largely isolated, but through dedicated webpages they have now forged thriving underground networks. “From what we can tell, most major cities across the world seem to have a vampire community,” says Williams.
Thanks to their fear of exposure, these communities have become adept at hiding, a barrier Browning faced when he started his study. “This is not a population who are asking to be found,” he says. He was living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at the time, just an hour’s drive from New Orleans, a city famed for its vibrant subcultures. He realised that if he was ever going to get the chance to meet a real vampire, it was now.
Walking the streets at day and night, he began to home in on the places (typically goth clubs) where vampires might hang out. Even at the beginning, he was not too scared about the characters he would meet. “It helps being a guy who is 6ft 4in, and 220lbs,” he says. In fact, his biggest concern was not his own safety, but the vampires. “You could ‘out’ them,” he says – potentially putting their personal and professional lives in jeopardy.
When she smiled, I saw two fangs protruding over her lips. They were atrociously sharp – John Edgar Browning, researcher
Eventually, he found himself talking about his project to the owner of a goth clothes shop, who subtly pointed out a woman standing with her two children in one of the aisles. So Browning sidled up to her, and told her about his study of vampires. “Finally she smiled, and said ‘I think I might know a few’,” he recalls. “And when she smiled, I saw two fangs protruding over her lips.” They were, he says, “atrociously sharp”. Although he subsequently lost contact with “Jennifer”, the encounter encouraged him to proceed, and he eventually formed good relationships with a large group of vampires, whom he interviewed regularly.
In fact, the deeper he delved, the wider and more colourful the spectrum of personalities he uncovered. Although some do wear fangs and sleep in coffins, most take very little interest in the books and films. “This was the late 2000s and they weren’t even watching True Blood!” he says with disbelief. “These people knew about as much as the average person about vampire literature and cinema.”
Drinking blood can be fetishised, and vampires sometimes have sexual relationships with their donors. Many donors, however, are simply well-meaning friends (Credit: Olivia Howitt)
Vampirism, it seems, comes in many shades. The blood-feeding community held jobs as bar staff, secretaries and nurses; some were church-going Christians, others atheists; often, they were very altruistic. “Vampires aren’t always skulking around graveyards, attending goth nightclubs, or feasting at blood orgies,” explains one vampire named “Merticus”. “There are real vampire organisations who feed the homeless, volunteer in animal rescue groups, and who take up any number of social causes.”
The identity ‘vampire’ means little to nothing to us. However, when we are blood drinkers, the label is impossible to shake – CJ!, blood-drinker
Importantly, while some vampires are looking for psychic energy that gives them strength, others (known as “med sangs” or medical sanguinarians) believe their need for blood is purely physiological. “The identity ‘vampire’ means little to nothing to us,” says one med sang known as “CJ!” (the exclamation mark is part of her online alias), who I met online. “However, when we are blood drinkers – especially human blood – the label is impossible to shake.”
Renewed vitality
Gently questioning his cohort about the onset of the condition, Browning found the hunger for blood seemed to strike around the onset of puberty. One of the first people Browning interviewed, for instance, had been 13 or 14 years old, when he realised he felt weak all the time, lacking all the energy to run and play sports like his friends. Eventually, while fighting with his cousin, he drew blood, and his mouth brushed against the wound. “He suddenly felt a lot of vitality,” says Browning. That taste for blood eventually turned into a compulsive hunger.
After consuming seven shot glasses of blood, our digestive system works wonderfully – CJ!
It was a common tale that seemed to resonate with most of the vampires he met. Besides relentless fatigue, other common symptoms appear to include severe headaches and stomach cramps. CJ!, for instance, has been plagued with an irritable bowel, which she says can only be cured after a drink of blood. “After consuming a sizeable quantity (somewhere between seven shot glasses to even a cup), our digestive system works wonderfully.”
After harvesting, mixing blood with tea and herbs can help preserve the precious commodity (Olivia Howitt)
CJ!’s friend “Kinesia” paints a similar picture. “I would go more than a week without a bowel movement while ‘hungry’, and feel nausea if I ate anything other than my ‘cure food’,” she says. Describing her apparent relief following a blood meal, she says: “I felt 100% better; my mental faculties were sharpened. I can eat whatever I want, without running to the bathroom, and there is no joint or muscle pain. This tends to last about two weeks, depending on how much is taken and how often it is taken.”
The utmost care is taken of the donor, making sure they are relaxed and willing at all times – Kinesia
Needless to say, donors are hard to come by. How do you possibly ask someone to let you drink their blood? CJ! says donors are often close friends who understand her perceived needs; Kinesia feeds from her own husband every couple of weeks. In other cases, it may involve some kind of payment, says Browning. Whatever the precise nature of the donor-vampire relationship, it’s always consensual. “The utmost care is taken of the donor – making sure they are relaxed and willing at all times,” says Kinesia.
Blood-drinker CJ!’s kit includes antiseptic to clean the skin (the cat), a squeeze ball which helps veins pop out (the mouse) and a tourniquet to tie around the arm (Credit: CJ!)
Blood-drinker CJ!’s kit includes antiseptic to clean the skin (the cat), a squeeze ball which helps veins pop out (the mouse) and a tourniquet to tie around the arm (Credit: CJ!)
CJ!’s donors can choose whether the blood is collected from a cut with a scalpel, or intravenously with a cannula or butterfly needle (bottom left) (Credit: CJ!)
CJ!’s donors can choose whether the blood is collected from a cut with a scalpel, or intravenously with a cannula or butterfly needle (bottom left). The kit also shows the considerable measures she goes to in order to clean the wound and avoid infection (Credit: CJ!)
After collection, this blood bag was refrigerated. It lasted the sanguinarian around five days (Credit: Lethenteron)
After collection, this blood bag was refrigerated. It lasted the sanguinarian around five days (Credit: Lethenteron)
This sanguinerian collected about 15 vials of blood – some of which she consumed on the spot. The blood is mixed with sodium heparin, an edible anticoagulant. (Credit: Lethenteron)
This sanguinerian collected about 15 vials of blood – some of which she consumed on the spot. The blood is mixed with sodium heparin, an edible anticoagulant. (Credit: Lethenteron)
The vampire Alexia shows her phlebotomy kit, including vacutainers, alcohol pads, cannulas, sterile syringes, butterfly needles, lancets, gauze, and a tourniquet (Credit: Alexia)
The vampire Alexia shows her phlebotomy kit, including vacutainers, alcohol pads, cannulas, sterile syringes, butterfly needles, lancets, gauze, and a tourniquet (Credit: Alexia)
As Browning himself found, the extraction itself is closer to a medical procedure than a passionate ravishing. Typically, both the donor and the vampire are first tested at sexual health clinics (or regular blood donation centres) for transmissible infections. To make the incision, the vampire may use disposable scalpels or syringes, which they open and clean in front of the donor – and they will swab the skin before the first cut. If they are drinking directly from the wound itself, they are also sure to clean their lips, brush their teeth and gargle mouthwash beforehand.
Alternatively, they may have more advanced medical knowledge; CJ!’s paraphernalia includes a tourniquet and intravenous draw. Before taking the blood, she gives the donor a small rubber mouse to squeeze, which makes it easier for her to find the vein. If they have the luxury, the vampires refrigerate an excess, which they mix with an (edible) anticoagulant and store in sealed “vacutainers”. Failing that, Browning says that some vampires will make a concoction with tea and herbs, which apparently also helps preserve the blood for longer.
“The sang community as a whole is very careful and conscientious about health and safety,” says “Alexia” in the UK, who researched phlebotomy before attempting an intravenous draw. The feeding itself, she says, is “impersonal, much like taking a pill.”
The community as a whole is very careful and conscientious about health and safety – Alexia
Following feeding, the vampires do not seem to suffer any ill side-effects; although ingesting a large volume of iron could be toxic, the amount consumed in a feeding does not seem to constitute a danger. “No vampire I’ve interviewed has complained of any medical complications as a result of consuming blood,” Browning says. Even so, Tomas Ganz at the University of California Los Angeles points out that they cannot completely eliminate the risk of infection. “Testing in sexually transmitted disease clinics does not cover the full spectrum of potentially transmissible diseases, but should cover the more common ones such as HIV or hepatitis B and C,” he says.
Thanks to the stigma, vampires tend to hide their perceived condition, even from loved ones (Credit: Olivia Howitt)
The best way to get a real measure of the dangers would be to study official medical records. Unfortunately, most vampires are too afraid of the stigma to tell doctors or social workers of their habit. “We had one person say that if a clinician found out I was a vampire, they’d take my kids away,” says Williams, who has studied the possible effects the stigma may have on the vampires’ healthcare.
A few, like CJ!, are becoming more open; she has discussed her blood-feeding with both a gastrointestinal surgeon, and a psychiatrist. “Both have been supportive, although sadly neither had any insight beyond the immediate issue at hand,” she says.
Far from relishing the blood drinking, the vampires I’ve spoken to are desperate to find a more socially-acceptable treatment
Indeed, far from relishing the ritual of blood drinking, most of the vampires I’ve spoken to would happily give it up – but so far, they say doctors have apparently failed to find other ways to relieve their symptoms. “Many of us would rather not go through the cyclic symptoms and just be happy to live life like a normal person,” says Kinesia. Alexia agrees: “If the cause could be identified, I would most certainly take a pharmaceutical pill.” One of their own theories is that they have some problem with their digestive tract, which means they cannot absorb nutrients from usual foods – it is only when they are readily dissolved in blood that their bodies can access them.
Blood comes in many different flavours, depending on blood group, diet, and whether the person has been drinking enough water (Credit: Olivia Howitt)
The vampires are, however, disarmingly open about the possibility that their experiences may be psychosomatic. “This could very well be in our heads,” admits CJ!. For this reason, some of the vampires have tried to stop feeding on blood, to see if the symptoms would just go away – but so far without success. “For me, one scary moment was when I was admitted to ER for having a low heart rate that would jump up to 160 when I stood up, or walked around, followed by a massive migraine, and often losing consciousness,” says Kinesia. “Basically, my heart was working extra hard to keep everything functioning – a reaction, I believe, to about four months without feeding.”
Doctors are still getting to grips with the way our brain can control our health in a very real, physical way
Ganz suggests that the relief that comes with drinking blood could be largely psychological; doctors are still getting to grips with the way our brain can control our health in a very real, physical way. “There is likely a strong placebo effect, akin to ingesting bitter powders, brightly coloured liquids, or other substances that do not look or taste like conventional foods,” says Ganz. “This effect can be further enhanced if there is a ritual component associated with the ingestion, and if the individual feels a sense of some kind of exclusivity (such as drinking a very expensive and rare wine).” Combined with the fact that blood is highly nutritious, and a natural laxative, he thinks this may be why it offers some temporary relief for both the digestive and mental difficulties.
Some may question whether a thirst for blood is sometimes a sign of deeper underlying mental health issues. But Steven Schlozman, at Harvard University, says that diagnosing these people could be something of a “tightrope”. “I know that if a patient came to me with this issue as a complaint or was worried about the practice, my first response as a psychiatrist would be to assess for psychosis since the practice is so far outside of culturally normally done behavior,” he says. Still, he would keep an open mind, and explore whether they were genuinely benefitting from the practice. Certainly, Browning and Williams both say that through their extensive contact with these people, they saw no evidence of psychiatric difficulties. Joseph Laycock at Texas State University, who has also studied vampire identity, agrees: “They had different premises but they thought about it logically – they proceed logically from the need to drink blood.”
It is an interesting case study of a prolonged and difficult discussion in psychiatry – just how do you avoid medicalising harmless but unusual activities, without accidentally missing people who genuinely need help? “We have a collective tendency to label unconventional behaviours as psychiatric abnormalities,” says Ganz. “But I have no basis for describing it as such if the individual and their donor are comfortable with their unconventional nutrient choice.”
The vampires are desperate to find an explanation for their symptoms – and a way to assuage their cravings (Credit: Olivia Howitt)
Perhaps now the vampire community is opening to outsiders, scientific enquiry will be able to explore these questions and finally offer some answers. In the meantime, a group of vampires, led by Kinesia, are taking the first steps themselves. Using commercial companies such as 23andme and uBiome, for instance, she is starting to profile the genes and microbiomes of other med sangs. “The point of inquiry is not about validation for our ‘vampirism’. It is to find more socially practical ways to fulfil whichever deficiency or need that we ultimately have, basically we are seeking more treatment options,” says CJ!.
Whatever they find, Browning’s encounters have taught him that we should treat them with the same respect we afford other minority groups. “When I first went into the study, I just assumed I’d meet kooky people, but within a year, I realised that vampires didn’t have the problem. It’s us non-vampires that have had the perceptual problem.”
Just because we don’t yet understand their experiences, doesn’t mean we should scorn them or dismiss them out of hand, he argues. The vampire identity is, after all, a way for some people to cope with mysterious and debilitating feelings. “What’s happening to them is real. We don’t understand what it is, and they don’t understand what it is – but they are doing their best to deal with it.”
David Robson is BBC Future’s feature writer. He is @d_a_robson on twitter.
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Click to Continue to Part 2 – The Heart Knows