Restored 6/23/23
What happened in Texas is a WARNING to ALL of the USA.
You may have already forgotten all about the recent Winter Nightmare in Texas. I want you to revisit it. WHY, because I don’t think you realize the severity of the event or the imminent danger it portends. Wake up folks and understand that we are under attack. The GLOBALISTS want to eliminate 90% of us and imprison those who survive in their 1984 Big Brother Smart Cities.
Technology is NOT YOUR FRIEND. They have been working hard to get the entire world dependent on technological “advances” with this end goal in mind. Once you are fully dependent upon them, the ELITE ARE IN FULL CONTROL. They can pull the plug on us at any time.
We don’t have this kind of weather in Texas. It is not normal. Not for so many days. We may get an occasional winter storm. They only last a day or two and they don’t usually extend that far south. The snow we had was not normal snow. It was manmade I am certain. It took forever to melt even indoors and it did not leave much water behind when it did. It was dense and compact. It was very strange. There was nothing natural or normal about that Storm. It is very interesting that we were struck with that storm not very long after Texas began considering succession.
Whether it is the wildfires of California, the Hurricanes on the East Coast and the Gulf, Dam failures, Midwestern Flooding and Tornadoes, or the Winter Freezes or PLANDEMICS. These things are all designed and executed with great accuracy with clear intent to destroy your homes, your automobiles, your prepping supplies, your peace of mind, your health, and your very lives wherever possible.
They control EVERYTHING, look at what happened in TEXAS, they not only caused the Temperatures to reach outrageously low levels, but they cutoff our power and our water. If that was not bad enough, they raised the price of a unit of electricity from $18 to $6,000, who could possibly pay that??? What will you do when these things happen to you? Where will you turn?
The Technology that exits today is fully capable of controlling weather of all kinds. We have surely proven that by now. So, if they can control the weather, why would they not use that power to stop the destruction? Instead they are using that power to control US!!
They have made it very clear that they want to take away our rights to private property, to self protection, to freedom of travel, to freedom of speech, to freedom to control our own bodies. They are destroying our food supply from every direction. They want us to eat artificial meat, GMO vegetables. These things have no LIFE in them. Human beings are what they eat. God created the plants to bring life to your body. They take the nutrients from the soil and the energy from the sun and build them into cells that you can eat which restore and renew your body. The animals we eat, take the life from the plants and break it down so that when we eat the meat, we are able to absorb the life giving cells into our bodies. (That is why God told us to eat meat after the food. the flood changed the earth and the process. Which caused us to need the animals to break it down for us.)
They want you to be cut off from everything that is life giving. The want to create the POST HUMAN WORLD. The TRANSHUMAN WORLD where there is no more humanity. Only machines.
They have no concern for our well being. If you think they are trying to protect you or your health… you better wise up. I am telling you that at this point in time, there is only one hope for any of us. GET ON YOUR KNEES, not to the Tech Giants or the Royals, or the Financial Barons, or the Corporate Heads, but on your knees before ALMIGHTY GOD and pray that HE rebukes the devourer. Pray that HE comes to deliver us from their hands.
The following is an email I received from someone who reads my blogs.
Cynthia,I have lived in North Texas now for over 50 years. I have been through some cold winters here in this beautiful part of the country. But, I failed to remember one so cold for so long. I can’t remember a 2 degree low temperature which we had yesterday.Looking up the records it appeared that in 1899 there was a minus 8 degree temperature for the Dallas/Fort area. That is 10 degrees colder. I guess I should be grateful it did not get that cold. I am.Maybe, the 2 degree temperature was a record during my last 50 plus years here in North Texas. I think for sure that we never had so much cold for so long.One of my sons asked me what I thought this cold temperature meant. Outside of it being very cold for a long time for North Texas, I do think it had some meaning. I had to think on my son’s question a little while before I could come up with an answer for him.I think this cold means that 2021 will be a year of extremes. Looking back at 2020 we certainly can see extremes on how people acted regarding a virus that was not any worse than a bad flu. How, people acted regarding this virus showed extreme behavior to me.Now, millions are lining up to take a “COVID Vaccine” that has not been proven to be safe. So far, 27 million have taken the vaccine in the USA. This is extreme to me that any thinking person would allow themselves to become part of a mass experiment with their precious body. To me this is crazy and extreme just like the weather is acting somewhat crazy from what would be considered normal.Fortunately, the weather is starting to warm up. In a few days we will be back to normal weather.The cold weather will be gone in a few days, but the extreme behavior of the masses of people will still be here. I think we are headed into a bizarre time of human behavior that is goint to prove to be most extreme. The craziness of so many getting in line for a “COVID Vaccine” is just one example.The extremes will occur in many other areas of life. How about more volutility in the price of commodies and in the stock market? I think we will see all kinds of extremes in the markets before the year is over.I have mentioned two extremes. I think there are many other extremes that are going to occur. For now it is a crazy and extreme world that often makes no logical sense in too many ways. But, it is what it is. And I don’t think any normality will return any time soon to human behavior or to the markets or many other areas of human experience.For sure, it is a crazy world for now and most likely for years to come.
Brian Sullivan’s RBI: Texas power prices surge as the state is hit by a deep freeze
Feb 17, 2021
Bill Gates has his hand in everything. He is driven by numbers and profits. Anyone who thinks he is a charitable man is insane. He is out for his own advancement. Everything he does ends in more profits for him.
Bill Gates Says He Will Force You to Eat Fake Meat
In an interview with MIT Technology Review, he goes so far as to say that people’s behaviors should be changed to learn to like fake meat and, if that doesn’t work, regulations could do the trick.5
Billy Boy, by the way, invests in fake meat companies and is buying up U.S. farmland at a frenzied pace.
Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them.
In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to Hiroyuki Matsuoka of Jichi Medical University in Japan to do research on genetically modified mosquitoes.
Bill Gates on Texas Energy Crisis, divesting from fossil fuel companies
Texas was ‘seconds’ away from ‘months-long’ power outage, ERCOT’s embattled CEO says, as grid operator defends rolling blackouts that cut electricity to millions
Texas was ‘seconds and minutes’ away from ‘monthslong’ power outages the embattled CEO of ERCOT said Thursday as he defended the grid’s rolling blackouts.
A week of below-freezing temperatures knocked about a third of the state’s generating capacity offline, resulting in the greatest forced blackout in U.S. history and exposing weaknesses of Texas’ unique approach to power grid management.
The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, operates the power grid that covers most of the state and was behind the decision to have rolling blackouts which left up to 4 million people enduring outages in subfreezing temperatures.
Its CEO Bill Magness told The Texas Tribune Thursday that if operators had not acted ‘immediately’ in implementing them Monday morning the state would have faced an ‘indeterminately long’ electricity crisis.
He said: ‘It was seconds and minutes [from possible failure] given the amount of generation that was coming off the system.’
Texas was ‘seconds and minutes’ away from ‘monthslong’ power outages Bill Magness, pictured, the CEO of ERCOT said Thursday as he defended the grid’s rolling blackouts
A week of below-freezing temperatures knocked about a third of the state’s generating capacity offline, resulting in the greatest forced blackout in U.S. history and exposing weaknesses of Texas’ unique approach to power grid management. Cities in Texas are pictured on January 31 with power and then on February 16 without
Energy officials had seen huge amounts of supply dropping off the grid as temperatures cropped cold enough to freeze natural gas supply lines and to stop wind turbines from spinning.
Plunging temperatures also caused Texans to turn up their heaters, including many inefficient electric ones. Demand spiked to levels normally seen only on the hottest summer days, when millions of air conditioners run at full tilt.
Magness added: ‘What happens in that next minute might be that three more [power generation] units come offline, and then you’re sunk.’
Houston, Texas: Donated water is distributed to residents, Thursday. A water crisis was also unfolding after Texas officials ordered 7 million people to boil tap water before drinking it
Houston, Texas: : A person carries empty propane tanks Thursday, bringing them to refill at a propane gas station after winter weather caused electricity blackouts
Texas continues to freeze as freakishly cold weather continuesBut the storm has left at least 15 people dead across the state; In the Houston area, one family died from carbon monoxide as their car idled in their garage.
A 75-year-old woman and her three grandchildren were killed in a fire that authorities said might have been caused by a fireplace they were using.
And Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has accused ERCOT of misleading the public with messages that the grid was ready for the storm.
Furious Texans are also demanding answers after it emerged energy producers were warned their equipment would not withstand such a cold snap.
After the state’s last major freeze, during the 2011 Super Bowl held in Arlington, Texas, a federal analysis found that energy producers’ procedures for winterizing their equipment ‘were either inadequate or were not adequately followed’ in many cases.
Wylie, Texas: Residents displaced by this week’s severe winter weather take shelter in a school
Austin, Texas: shopper walks past a bare shelf as people stock up on necessities at the H-E-B grocery store Thursday. Winter storm Uri has brought historic cold weather and power outages to Texas as storms have swept across 26 states
Killeen, Texas: Vehicles at a standstill southbound on Interstate Highway 35 on Thursday
Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures sweep across United States‘The operators who took those actions to prevent a catastrophic blackout and much worse damage to our system, that was, I would say, the most difficult decision that had to be made throughout this whole event.’
But Ed Hirs, an energy fellow at the University of Houston, rejected ERCOT’s claim that this week’s freeze was unforeseeable. ‘That’s nonsense,’ he said. ‘Every eight to 10 years we have really bad winters. This is not a surprise.’
Texas has a grid largely disconnected from others to avoid federal regulation.
That means it is not linked to other states and so cannot borrow power from them, a system the state implemented in order to avoid federal regulation.
The unique system, which avoids regulation in favor of market incentives, is now facing backlash for allowing power generators to shirk preparations for a once-in-a-decade winter storm.
Rolling blackouts are usually triggered when reserves fall below a certain level.
Grid operators say rolling blackouts are a last resort when power demand overwhelms supply and threatens to create a wider collapse of the whole power system.
ERCOT operates the power grid that covers most of the state and was behind the decision to have rolling blackouts which left up to 4 million people enduring outages in subfreezing temperatures. Houston is pictured from space during the blackouts
Usually, utilities black out certain blocks or zones before cutting off power to another area, then another. Often areas with hospitals, fire stations, water-treatment plants and other key facilities are spared.
By rolling the blackouts, no neighborhoods are supposed to go an unfairly long period of time without power, but that was not always the case this week in Texas.
Some areas never lost power, while others were blacked out for 12 hours or longer as temperatures dipped into the single digits.
Hundreds of thousands of people in Texas woke up Thursday to a fourth day without power.
A water crisis was also unfolding after Texas officials ordered 7 million people to boil tap water before drinking it.
The latest breakdown sparked growing outrage and demands for answers over how Texas – whose Republican leaders as recently as last year taunted California over the Democratic-led state’s rolling blackouts – failed such a massive test of a major point of state pride: energy independence.
Farmers and ranchers across Texas are seeing devastating effects from the cold weather on livestock, feed and agriculture products, Texas’ top agriculture official says.
In a media release, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller warned the statewide impact of the winter storm on agriculture and the food supply chain is substantial.
“As Texas Agriculture Commissioner, I’m issuing a red alert regarding agriculture and our food supply chain here in the state of Texas,” Miller said in the release. “I’m getting calls from farmers and ranchers across the state reporting that the interruptions in electricity and natural gas are having a devastating effect on their operations.”
He said “dairy operations are dumping $8 million worth of milk down the drains every day because the plants that process that milk don’t have power. Grocery stores are already unable to get shipments of dairy products. Store shelves are already empty. We’re looking at a food supply chain problem like we’ve never seen before, even with COVID-19.”
Miller called on Gov. Greg Abbott to designate agriculture producers and processors as critical infrastructure that must be provided gas and electricity to continue operations.
He urged Abbott to consider the severe weather’s impact on rural communities, not just the big cities. “You have an obligation to ensure that rural Texas is not forgotten,” Miller said.
Source: Texas Agriculture Commissioner’s Office
Deep Freeze Upends U.S. Agriculture Markets From Grains to Beef

Traders say it’s increasingly hard to move grain to ports in the Pacific Northwest, and ice warnings are restricting navigation on the Illinois River. Energy costs soared, prompting some ethanol and soybean processing plants to slow down, said the traders, who asked not to be identified because the information is private. Cargill Inc. is curbing energy use while Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. slowed production at several locations due to gas shortages. Tyson Foods Inc. was among meat producers forced to shut plants in Texas.
The Arctic freeze gripping the central part of the U.S. comes just as China is loading up on American crops. The world’s largest commodities importer has already bought a record amount of corn, while soybean purchases are running at their fastest pace in three decades. Combined shipments of U.S. corn and soybeans climbed to a new peak in the fourth quarter, driven by China.
“I am hearing of delayed shipments of soybeans and grain due to the extreme winter weather,” said Mike Steenhoek, executive director lobby group Soy Transportation Coalition in Iowa. Testimonials point to the journey to the Pacific Northwest as “being the biggest challenge,” he said.
A large part of grain that travels to Pacific Northwest ports goes via rail and the need to clear ice from tracks is “an obvious disruption,” he said. The cold weather also impacts the efficiency of a train’s braking system, which in turn reduces the capacity of a single train, requiring more locomotives.
Some soybean processing and ethanol plants have also slowed production due to skyrocketing energy costs, according to traders.
“We’ve heard from numerous producers here in the last several days that many of them have had to drop to 50%-60% of their normal run rates because they are trying to conserve natural gas,” Geoff Cooper, chief executive officer of the Renewable Fuel Association, told reporters Tuesday.
‘Voluntary’ Reductions
Cargill, the world’s largest agricultural commodities trader, is reducing its energy usage and working with suppliers and customers to minimize disruptions.
“We are voluntarily doing our part to reduce our usage to help states get through this cold snap,” Cargill said in emailed response to Bloomberg questions.
ADM said it slowed production at several locations due to reduced gas supplies. The Chicago-based company also temporarily idled a few grain elevators, adjusted some transportation routes and is taking extra precautions for employees that may be exposed to the weather during the work day.
Dairy farmers are also taking a hit, in some cases being forced to dump milk that they can’t get to market.
Pam Selz-Pralle, owner of Selz-Pralle Dairy in Clark County, Wisconsin, which has 470 milking cows, said her daughter, who farms nearby, couldn’t get into her snowy driveway because of the harsh weather and had to dump milk because of the delay. “They had to actually dump milk outside because if it’s so cold and windy that milk trucks are freezing up on the highway and can’t get to you to pick up the milk, where is it going to go?”
Prices for hard red winter wheat delivered in May rallied as much as 3.7% to $6.4525 a bushel on Tuesday. Corn for May delivery climbed as much as 2.5% while soybeans for May delivery rose as much as 1.6%. Ethanol and cattle prices also jumped.
The weather has sent U.S. oil output plummeting and driven up prices for natural gas.
“Cold weather has, on one hand, sent natural gas prices surging and probably encouraged ethanol producers that could slow or idle to sell their fixed-price supply for a windfall,” independent renewables trader Neil Shah said in an email. “On the other hand, rationing of natural gas or rolling blackouts have hobbled plants.”
Either way, Shah anticipates a short-term drop in production.
“There is a longer concern about rail logistics remaining disjointed or plants having trouble getting back up,” he said.
STX Beef’s cattle-processing facility in Corpus Christi, Texas, was closed Monday and Tuesday due to “current power outages and the adverse weather we are currently experiencing,” the company said in a post on its Facebook page. Tyson shut down its plant in Amarillo.
Sanderson Farms, the U.S.’ third-largest chicken producer, said the winter storm is affecting operations in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. As many as 200 broiler houses in Texas lacked power Tuesday morning and four were destroyed in Mississippi as snow collapsed roofs.
“This experience is similar to a hurricane,” Chief Executive Officer Joe Sanderson said in a statement. “We have experience managing through catastrophic weather events, and this will be no different.”
(Updates with ADM statement in second paragraph, Sanderson CEO comment in last.)
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Situation Update March 11th, 2021 Mike Adams
Premiered Mar 11, 2021
Livestock brave frozen pastures, freezing temperatures
By Geoff Sloan |
Even a running hose froze over on Shelly and Tommy Marbach’s ranch Monday morning.
As sustained freezing temperatures are expected to last throughout the next few days in the area, the ranchers will continue to break ice in water troughs to keep the water supply accessible, supply extra hay and tend to their livestock’s basic needs.
Shelly Marbach said they even had to break a chain on a gate to enter into a pasture Monday because the lock had frozen shut.
The couple, who ranch in Victoria County, has been working to enclose their barn from precipitation, wind and cold with more hay, covering up any open doors or holes, providing heat lamps for livestock and keeping the water supply accessible.