TAGS: NanoTechnology, Secret Societies, Mind Control, Genocide, Robots, Surveillance, Transhumanism, Censorship, Big Pharma, Money, neural dust, DARPA, TMS, Genetic Engineering, stentrode, Pentagon, Illuminati Bloodlines


DARPA’s Secret Mind Control Program: Our Thoughts Won’t Be Our Own
What if the government could change our beliefs through sneaky mind control? Wacky conspiracy, right? Read on and you’ll see we might have solid reasons for concern.
Back in 2002, The Economist ran an article about neuroscience being the future of mind control. Now, their prediction is closer than ever to becoming a reality.
With $100 million funding from President Obama’s ten year BRAIN Project and a whopping $1.3 billion commitment from the European Union, this area is undoubtedly expanding.
The last few years have seen quite a number of advancements in this field, such as the microchip that mimics the human brain and the “neural dust” that could theoretically spy on the human brain. There’s even a 3D digital model of the human brain, the fruit of ten years’ worth of labor between an international team of researchers.
Scientists are actively researching new ways to break the final barrier –the human brain. In essence, this is a good thing but it can and probably will prove to be a double-edged sword.
Naturally, DARPA ( the Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency) wants in on this. Documents leaked by an anonymous whistleblower reveal the agency’s interest in mind control through advanced neuroscience, as if their intentions weren’t painfully obvious enough.
There’s an ongoing program focused on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation ( TMS) which aims to remotely disrupt one’s thoughts. TMS is basically the stimulation of the brain’s temporal lobe by employing electromagnetic fields.
The temporal lobe is involved in processing visual and auditory input and it also governs the creation of new memories. On top of that, it is also the center for emotion association. Here’s what TMS does:
By tinkering around with some one’s temporal lobe you can effectively influence the way they think. Coupled with sophisticated propaganda mechanisms, we have our mind control. If this all seems too far-fetched, it isn’t. There’s a program going on just as you’re reading this.
The program is being conducted by Arizona State University’s Center for Strategic Communication and DARPA funding for the project is confirmed on their website.
There are many who believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. This project is relatively out in the open and its funding is made public. But then there’s the issue of black programs. These programs are classified due to obvious security-related reasons and their budgets are sky-high. Documents leaked by Edward Snowden detail how the U.S. government allocated $52.8 billion for 2012’s black budget.
Naturally, the program’s goal is to combat terrorism as this always make for a good excuse. Should we believe that their only targets are overseas extremists? To what extent does the term “extremist” apply?
In all truthfulness, DARPA aims to influence or disrupt the operation of narratives in people’s brains. That is to say, preventing people from thinking certain thoughts while determining others to believe things they normally wouldn’t. It would literally change people’s minds.
Undoubtedly, such a tool would have immense domestic potential. Bye-bye, political dissent, hello propaganda, and crowd control.
“Our research fundamentally develops the capacity to disrupt cognitive narrative processes to alter their persuasive power and further establishes a methodology for inducing narrative validity, transportation and integration in strategic communication messaging.” (our emphasis)
Once their research determines which areas of the temporal lobe are responsible for cognitive reasoning and narrative formation, their focus will shift towards switching off those areas to “create a fundamental basis for understanding how to disrupt or enhance aspects of narrative structure and/or brain functioning to minimize or maximize persuasive effects on subject proclivity to engage in political violence.”
Once this step is completed, the more practical applications arise. Subjects could be determined to commit acts of violence. Ideas could be easily implanted, regardless of the subject’s willingness to comply. Such a program would also prove refreshing in the field of interrogation. The beans are easily spilled when there is no can, the can being the mind’s natural barriers.
The scariest part is that DARPA ultimately aims to be able to remotely produce the effects of TMS:
“Mechanical disruptions of narrative processing may be, ultimately, replicated in through targeted strategic communication campaigns that approximate the narrative disruptions induced via magnetic stimulation.”
What this means is that after mapping out the areas of the brain that respond to certain stimuli, they would effectively convey the effects of TMS without actually subjecting the brain to electromagnetic fields. That’s right folks, mind control made possible through plain words. Just imagine the possibilities brought on by mass brainwashing.
It seems there’s a strong possibility that in the future, our thoughts won’t be our own. Documents for research here and here.
Author: Ian Paxton
I hate to tell you folks but they are way beyond this stage. When you couple the brain mapping with the viruses that penetrate the brain barrier and the nanotechnology that can change cells, control thoughts, erase memory and replace it. THEY HAVE ALREADY in their hands EVERYTHING THEY NEED TO TOTALLY CONTROL THE MASSES. All they have to do is get EVERYONE to take the shot!!
The Government Wants Inside Your Mind – DARPA and Mind Reading Technology
The #1 prepper blog that helps you survive these uncertain times
After creating a “gene drive” that can eradicate an entire species selectively, DARPA is now funding mind-reading technology that will expand the possibilities on a future autonomous battlefield.
The invasive technology seeks to instantly read soldiers’ (ultimately everyone’s mind. Soldiers are just their slave test subjects) minds in order to send rapid signals to the machines they’re controlling.

Genetic engineering is one of the tools researchers are using in their pursuit to create sophisticated “thought-controlled weapons.”
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) revealed back in May that six teams of scientists will receive the needed funding under the Next-Generation Nonsurgical Neurotechnology (N3) program.
Its aim is to enhance the receiving and response speeds between the human brain and machines.
Imagine someone who’s operating a drone or someone who might be analysing a lot of data,” says Jacob Robinson, assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University, and one of the team’s leader.
There’s this latency, where if I want to communicate with my machine, I have to send a signal from my brain to move my fingers or move my mouth to make a verbal command, and this limits the speed at which I can interact with either a cyber system or physical system. So, the thought is maybe we could improve that speed of interaction,” he explains.
The narrative supports the idea of improved combat experience, but the main objective is reading soldiers’ minds with worrying accuracy.

The technology, once developed, will have the potential to peek inside a person’s mind and control or react to their thought processes.
DARPA seeks to cross new borders in non-invasive or minimally invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs).
In doing so, they are training systems that will read and write inputs of the brain with a latency no more than 50 milliseconds.
The timeline for accomplishing this daring task is set to four years, and Robinson is well aware of the challenges that lie ahead.
When you try to capture brain activity through the skull, it’s hard to know where the signals are coming from and where the signals are being generated,” he says.
So, the big challenge is, can we push the absolute limits of our resolution, both in space and time?” he told Live Science.
Although they sugar-coat this information to make it sound like a positive advancement for the human race, the reality is far from that.
There’s no positive spin when it comes to mind control,” one DARPA insider admits.
This invasive technology ultimately seeks to enslave the only place where there is still free will – the mind.

And we’re closer to this ominous reality than most of us want to believe.
Dr. Robert Duncan distressingly admits that researchers today “are brainwashed into believing that everything we are doing is of benefit to mankind, but look who pays our bills? The military. It’s all for war, it’s all for control, for government control…” (WE are the enemy!! Anyone who does not submit to their ultimate tyranny!)
In the presentation below you can see the alarm bells triggered by Dr. Robert Duncan in a last-minute wake-up call before we reach a point of totalitarian control from which we’ll be unable to escape.
The fat cats have been working at mass control and manipulation of the human brain for over 60 years now, and the worst part – they’re getting better and better at it every day.
In the wake of this impending danger, which most people are unaware of, we remain defenseless as division is propagated through our ranks.
The time to act is now, and preparedness is your key to freedom and survival.
We’ll eventually reach a point in time when all cards will be on the table.
When that occurs, the safest place will be your bug out location, so make sure you equip it tight.
War is knocking on our doors. Its nature isn’t just political or economic – it’s evil to its roots. It’s a war for your mind. Will you stand prepared?
This information is not meant to promote fearmongering – its purpose is informative and aims to make you aware of the lesser-known threats lurking outside your door.
More on this topic can be found here.
Featured Image Credits – Sputnik International

Pentagon Thrilled Over Mind Control Reality

Have you learned about a new word called
The government and military in particular have worked tirelessly for decades in being able to crack the
mind control
game, to control your mind or the mind of a soldier.
Imagine the army if they could create
brain control
with the ability to fire weapons and technology of all different types, with a mere thought?
Until recently, the Pentagon has been attempting an impossible technological feat, developing a high-bandwidth neural interface, that would allow people to beam data from their minds to external devices and back.
What we might call a “brain modem,” that would now allow a soldier to control a drone with his mind. How about fire weapons without having to actually squeeze the trigger?
This incredible technology just got a whole lot closer to happening.
On Feb. 8, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) (the U.S. military’s fringe-science wing) announced the first successful tests, on animal subjects, of a tiny sensor that travels through blood vessels, lodges in the brain and records neural activity. (nano technology)
Science fiction is more real than what you’ve seen at the movies. It’s fiction anymore.
The so-called “stentrode,” (a combination stent and electrode,) is the size of a flexible paperclip. (old news. With the new graphene oxide technology and nanotechnology, they can make this so small it can be included in the vaccine.)
The tiny, inject-able machine is the invention of neurologist Tom Oxley and his team at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Now they can insert a transmitter into the brain without drilling a hole in the user’s head, a risky procedure under any circumstances.
Based on existing stents that doctors use to clean blood vessels, the stentrode includes sensors and a tiny transmitter. Entering the bloodstream through a catheter, the
swims in the bloodstream.
Doctors monitor the stentrode on its journey through the circulatory system. When the device reaches the brain, the physicians command it to expand against the blood vessels’ walls and hold station. There it remains for potentially months at a time, recording and relaying the subtle electrical signals that flow from the brain to the rest of the body.
“By reducing the need for invasive surgery, the stentrode may pave the way for more practical implementations of those kinds of life-changing applications of brain-machine interfaces,” Doug Weber, a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency program manager, said in a statement.
With DARPA funding beginning four years ago, Oxley and his team tested the stentrode on sheep, he and his teammates explained in an academic paper published in the journal Nature Biotechnology in early February.
The neurologist injected tiny sensors into some unwitting livestock’s veins and, for six months, recorded the electrical impulses that control the animals’ movements.
According to DARPA, Oxley and his fellow researchers plan to test the stentrode on human patients as early as 2017 at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Military experimentation could follow and I can promise you, based on their history of using military personnel as Guinna pigs, they will.
There are some dangers associated with the technology, Oxley said. All stents run the risk of causing blood clots and strokes. (which many of the people who have received the vaccine have already suffered) But Oxley said that injecting the stentrode into a vein (which carries blood to the heart) rather than an artery (which carries blood from the heart), minimizes the stroke risk.
I’m sure that will be reassuring to every parent of a son or daughter in the military who they use as lab rats.
Even if the stentrode is fairly safe, it’s not clear that it will work the way the military wants it to. Oxley said he still doesn’t know whether the stentrode will be able to record the kind of fine data that DARPA would like its brain modem to handle.
Sensors resting directly on top of a brain during surgery have proved recently that they can detect neural activity at the level of a single brain cell. But a stent might not be able to achieve the same level of precision.
“Because it’s located within the blood vessels of the brain, the stentrode will only be able to record electrical signals from large groups of brain cells,” a neural engineer at Arizona State University said.
But Oxley stressed that his stentrode is just a prototype. It should get better, he said. “The field of stenting is rapidly progressing.”
And the military’s demographics could give the stentrode a fertile testing ground. The human brain shrinks as it ages, increasing the distance between the organ and surrounding blood vessels.
It could be easier for a stentrode to detect neural activity in a younger person with a “fuller” brain. Isn’t it wonderful the opportunities the government provides for your children?
As it happens, the military employs a disproportionate number of young people, so they have a full stable of lab subjects for mind control experimentation.
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