RESTORED 11/2/24 These are PERILOUS TIMES! Today, it is my hearts desire to present enough truth to you to make you see that we are in a WAR already, and as a society we are losing. The BATTLE GROUND IS our minds. With today’s technology it will soon be impossible to keep your right mind without the protection of the Lord.
The weapons that they have been developing have one purpose and that is to CONTROL YOU, MIND, BODY and SOUL! They have weapons against which you will have no defense. Without GOD, you will not even be able to determine what thoughts are yours, or where they originate. Already, they have been shaping our thoughts, desires, opinions and beliefs. But, until now they could only influence us. We still had some form of self determination.
They have spent innumerable fortunes studying your mind and how to manipulate it to think, believe, desire, and act on that which they want you to. Now, they have become so intimately familiar with your physical brain that they know exactly which cell they need to obtain their goals, and they can stimulate, activate, or even kill that cell remotely without your being able to detect any intrusion. Combine that with the technology that they are using to surveil your every thought, word and deed, your contacts, your movements and your relationships, and you have a very scary situation. It is a climate for disaster. This is the climate you should be concerned about.
The have been working hard to shape the images in your mind of your history, of your country, of your world, of your family life, of your education, or your faith, of your future, of yourself. YOUR IMAGINATION is THEIR greatest weapon.
With the coming roll out of their technologies they plan to rob you of any rights. They plan to take control of your mind. They plan to keep you under control 24/7. There will be nowhere to hide, except under the wings of GOD.
This is a very long article. I know. I did not know how else to get the information out to you. I wanted to be sure you were exposed to enough truth about enough of the things that they are using and/or plan to use against you. Take your time. Review it at your leisure. I hope you review it all.
Take it seriously. I promise you the ones who are in control and after your soul, take it very seriously.
READ DESCRIPTION IN FULL PLEASE! Visit links too while you’re at it! Since all that stupidity involving Eastern Europe, I would like to post above movie and link some additional ones to basically say “BE NOT AFRAID!” much like your biblically accurate angels. Today’s movie claims that our DNA changes because of two basic emotions we feel (rest are derivatives of 2 main ones) The main negative vibe is fear. And what does mainstream media do with its air time? Fear monger! And mostly via fiction as was with big old invisible deadly veeroos scare. One of my previous uploads sheds some light on how exactly the emotional terror is made for the masses, furthermore ProbablyAlexandra has some excellent decodes of mainstream narrative on her channel. Check it out and do not give into fear!
Visit Dr. Breggin’s website @ …Read: Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families by Peter Breggin, M.D. to learn how to more safely cut back and taper off of psychiatric drugs– The book also provides important information about dangers and hazards of each class of drug…
Adrian #seroquel
I was thinking about the high death rate in the care homes during this scamdemic. Information came to me about what is happening in Ireland, and is likely to be happening elsewhere as well.
Drug Interactions Checker
Anytime you take more than one medication, or even mix it with certain foods, beverages, or over-the-counter medicines, you are at risk of a drug interaction. Most drug interactions are not serious, but because a few are, it is important to understand the possible outcome before you take your medications.
As always please do your own research, thinking and draw your own conclusions.
If this resonates with you and you feel, as I do, that it is worth sharing please share as far and as wide as you see fit.
My book:
I have written a book on health and well-being. Nothing mainstream in here, just things I’ve observed and worked out that have helped me and others who have used the ideas.
Today we present the sixth episode of a short ‘n sweet series by Dr. Peter Breggin titled “Simple Truths About Psychiatry.”
To say that Dr. Breggin is “an accomplished professional” would be a substantial understatement, as can be seen by looking at his resumé ( outstanding student, medical doctor, professor, researcher, editor, consultant, and last but certainly not least, thorn in the side of the mainstream psychiatric industry.
Also, recently Dr. Breggin was featured in the documentary “The Minds of Men,” a production of Truthstream Media. (Visit for more information.)
So, through October 24, 2019, let us enjoy Dr. Breggin as we present his 9-part series, “Simple Truths About Psychiatry.” (NOTE: all videos are presented in their original format.)
Visit Dr. Breggin’s website @ …Read: Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families by Peter Breggin, M.D. to learn how to more safely cut back and taper off of psychiatric drugs– The book also provides important information about dangers and hazards of each class of drug
The ability to detect electrical activity in the brain through the scalp, and to control it, will soon transform medicine and change society in profound ways. Patterns of electrical activity in the brain can reveal a person’s cognition—normal and abnormal. New methods to stimulate specific brain circuits can treat neurological and mental illnesses and control behavior. In crossing this threshold of great promise, difficult ethical quandaries confront us.
The ability to interrogate and manipulate electrical activity in the human brain promises to do for the brain what biochemistry did for the body. When you go to the doctor, a chemical analysis of your blood is used to detect your body’s health and potential disease. Forewarned that your cholesterol level is high, and you are at risk of having a stroke, you can take action to avoid suffering one. Likewise, in experimental research destined to soon enter medical practice, just a few minutes of monitoring electrical activity in your brain using EEG and other methods can reveal not only neurological illness but also mental conditions like ADHD and schizophrenia. What’s more, five minutes of monitoring electrical activity flowing through your brain, while you do nothing but let your mind wander, can reveal how your individual brain is wired.
Tapping into your wandering mind can measure your IQ, identify your cognitive strengths and weaknesses, perceive your personality and determine your aptitude for learning specific types of information. Electrical activity in a preschooler’s brain be used to can predict, for example, how well that child will be able to read when they go to school. As I recount in my new book, Electric Brain (BenBella, 2020), after having brainwaves in my idling mind recorded using EEG for only five minutes, neuropsychologist Chantel Prat at the University of Washington, in Seattle, pronounced that learning a foreign language would be difficult for me because of weak beta waves in a particular part of my cerebral cortex processing language. (Don’t ask me to speak German or Spanish, languages that I studied but never mastered.) How will this ability to know a person’s mind change education and career choices?
Neuroscientist Marcel Just and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University are using fMRI brain imaging to decipher what a person is thinking.By using machine learning to analyze complex patterns of activity in a person’s brainwhen they think of a specific number or object, read a sentence, experience a particular emotion or learn a new type of information, the researchers can read minds and know the person’s specific thoughts and emotions. “Nothing is more private than a thought,” Just says, but that privacy is no longer sacrosanct.
Armedwith the ability to know what a person is thinking, scientists can do even more. They can predict what a person might do. Just and his team are able to tell if a person is contemplating suicide, simply by watching how the person’s brain responds to hearing words like “death” or “happiness.”As the tragic deaths of comedian Robin Williams and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain show, suicide often comes as a shock because people tend to conceal their thoughts of suicide, even from loved ones and therapists.
Such “brain hacking”to uncover that someone is thinking of suicide could be lifesaving. The technique applied to the Columbine high school mass murderers might have prevented the horror of two troubled teens slaughtering their classmates and teachers, as well as their own suicides. But this insight into suicidal ideation is gleaned by judging that the pattern of brain activity in an individual’s brain deviates from what is considered “normal” as defined as the average response from a large population. At what point do we remove a person from society because their brain activity deviates from what is considered normal?
The ability to control electrical activity in brain circuits has the potential to do for brain disorders what electrical stimulation has accomplished in treating cardiac disorders. By beaming electrical or magnetic pulses through the scalp, and by implanting electrodes in the brain, researchers and doctors can treat a vast array of neurological and psychiatric disorders, from Parkinson’s disease to chronic depression.
But the prospect of “mind control” frightens many, and brain stimulation to modify behaviorand treat mental illness has a sordid history. In the 1970s neuropsychologist Robert Heath at Tulane University inserted electrodes into a homosexual man’s brain to “cure” him of his homosexual nature by stimulating his brain’s pleasure center. Spanish neuroscientist José Delgado used brain stimulation in monkeys, people and even a charging bull to understand how, at a neural circuit level, specific behaviors and functions are controlled—and to control them at will by pushing buttons on his radio-controlled device energizing electrodes implanted in the brain.Controlling movements, altering thoughts, evoking memories, rage and passion were all at Delgado’s fingertips.Delgado’s goal was to relieve the world of deviant behavior through brain stimulation and produce a “psychocivilized” society.
The prospect of controlling a person’s brain by electrical stimulation is disturbing for many, but current methods of treating mental and neurological disorders are woefully inadequate and far too blunt. Neurological and psychoactive drugs affect many different neural circuits in addition to the one targeted, causing wide-ranging side effects. Not only the brain but every cell in the body that interacts with the drugs, such as SSRIs for treating chronic depression, will be affected.
At present, drugs available for treating mental illness and neurological conditions are not always effective, and they are often prescribed in a trial-and-error manner. Psychosurgery, notoriously prefrontal lobotomy, also has a tragic history of abuse. Moreover, while any surgeon faces the prospect of losing the patient on the operating table, neurosurgeons face the unique risk of saving a patient’s life but losing the person. Surgical removal of brain tissue can leave patients with physical, cognitive, personality or mood dysfunctions by damaging healthy tissu, or failing to remove all the dysfunctional tissue. Electroconvulsive stimulation (ECT), to treat chronic depression and other mental illnesses, rocks the entire brain with seizure; in the wake of the electrical firestorm, the brain somehow resets itself, and many patients are helped, but not all, and sometimes there are debilitating side effects or the method fails to work.
Rather than blasting the whole brain with bolts of electricity or saturating it with drugs, it makes far more sense to stimulate the precise neural circuit that is malfunctioning. (such as the GOD Gene) Following the success of deep brain stimulation in treating Parkinson’s disorder, doctors are now applying the same method to treat a wide range of neurological and psychiatric illnesses, from dystonia to OCD. But they are often doing so without the requisite scientific understanding of the disorder at a neural circuit level. This is especially so for mental illnesses, which are poorly represented in nonhuman animals used in research. How electrical stimulation is working to help these conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, is not fully understood. The necessary knowledge of where to put the electrodes or what strength and pattern of electrical stimulation to use is not always available. Such doctors are in effect doing experiments on their patients, but they are doing so because it helps.
Noninvasive means of modifying brainwaves and patterns of electrical activity in specific brain circuits, such as neurofeedback, rhythmic sound or flashing light, ultrasonic and magnetic stimulation through the scalp, can modify neural activity without implanting electrodes in the brain to treat neurological and mental illnesses and improve mood and cognition. The FDA approved treating depression by transcranial magnetic stimulation in 2008, and subsequently expanded approval for treating pain and migraine.Electrical current can be appliedby an electrode on the scalp to stimulate or inhibit neurons from firing in appropriate brain regions.
The militaryis using this method to speed learning and enhance cognitive performance in pilots. The method is so simple, brain stimulation devices can be purchased over the internet or you can make one yourself from nine-volt batteries. But the DIY approach renders the user an experimental guinea pig. (Ya, that is what we need, a bunch of untrained/unlicensed maniacs experimenting using DIY electro shock.)
New methods of precision brain stimulation are being developed. Electrical stimulation is notoriously imprecise, following the path of least resistance through brain tissue and stimulating neurons from distant regions of the brain that extend axons past the electrode. In experimental animals, very precise stimulation or inhibition of neuronal firing can be achieved by optogenetics. This method uses genetic engineering to insert light sensitive ion channels into specific neurons to control their firing very precisely using laser light beamed into the brain through a fiberoptic cable. Applied to humans, optogenetic stimulation could relieve many neurological and psychiatric disorders by precision control of specific neural circuits, but using this approach in people is not considered ethical. (and how many more disorders can be accidental caused as collateral damage?)
Against the historical backdrop of ethical lapses and concerns that curtailed brain stimulation research for mental illnesses decades ago, we are reaching a point where it will become unethical to deny people suffering from severe mental or neurological illness treatments by optogenetic or electrical stimulation of their brain, or to withhold diagnosing their conditions objectively by reading their brain’s electrical activity. (so if they don’t use these tools to diagnose their patients, and once they find a problem they do not use them to treat it, they will lose their license or at least be labeled as unethical providers. and what if the powers that be just arbitrarily decide that some behavior or trait is an illness?)The new capabilities of being able to directly monitor and manipulate the brain’s electrical activityraise daunting ethical questions from technology that has not existed previously. But the genie is out of the bottle. We better get to know her.
“They Can’t Hide It Anymore!” | It Will Be Used By Millions.
This is a warfare for your mind:
2 Cor 10:4.5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
A key word in this verse is “imaginations” our mind’s are capable of all kinds of imaginations or mind sets.
VI/ Spiritual Mind – 1 Cor 2:14-16 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
What is the mind of Christ like?
a. It is a mind that loves lost souls. Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
b. It is a mind that directs Him to do things that please the Father John 8:29 “I do always those things that please him.”
c. It is a mind that wants to do the Father’s will – John 5:30
” I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”
d. It is a humble mind – Footwashing – Jn. 13:3-5; 12-17
e. It is a loving mind – 1 John 3:16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. Show me someone who is Spiritual, and it will be someone who loves.
VII/ Healthy Mind – 2 Tim 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
If we look at these verse’s carefully, we see that a sound mind or a healthy mind is one that has inward peace.
Like the man who said “My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of chips and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.
Seriously, inner peace comes from having a right relationship with God. To have a right relationship with God we must guard against impure thoughts. Remember God is Holy, and we offend His Spirit with impure thoughts. Matt 5:28, Mark 7:21-23,
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension (Vain Imagination)that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Like Matthew 5:29-30, this passage uses warfare terminology for our battle against sin. In order to be holy and pure, both in heart and body, we must fight. War isn’t easy. Our enemy is relentlessin trying to conquer his prey, and lust is one of his most commonly used weapons. In this battle for our mind, Paul says we must “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Satan always targets the mind—it is our primary battlefield. He bombards every believer’s mind with sexual images and thoughts. He does this through the world system which he rules and his myriads of demons. He understands that if he can control the mind, he can control the body. So, if we are going to “learn to control our bodies in a way that is pure and honorable,” (1 Thess 4:4) we must fight to control our mind.
Satan’s attack on our mind overlaps with his attacks on our eyes and ears. It is through the eyes and ears that input is given to the mind. Therefore, by guarding the first two, we guard the latter. However, that is not the only way we guard our mind.
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God,that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
US Military Fighting For Israel – Israel, not Iran, is the Threat! Author E. Michael Jones and editor of joins Henrik to discuss his books Libido Dominandi, The Slaughter of Cities & The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. CLICK THE LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO: LINK
Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. This article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techniques it uses, in order to understand its true role in society.
Most of the articles on this site discuss occult symbolism found in objects of popular culture. From these articles arise many legitimate questions relating to the purpose of those symbols and the motivations of those who place them there, but it is impossible for me to provide satisfactory answers to these questions without mentioning many other concepts and facts. This article explores the theoretical and methodological background of the analyses presented on this site as well as introducing the main scholars of the field of mass communications. Some people read my articles and think I’m saying “Lady Gaga wants to control our minds”. That is not the case. She is simply a small part of the huge system that is the mass media.
Programming Through Mass Media
Mass media are media forms designed to reach the largest audience possible. They include television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games and the internet.Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on the population in order to discover the best techniques to influence it. From those studies emerged the science of Communications, which is used in marketing, public relations and politics. Mass communication is a necessary tool to ensure the functionality of a large democracy; it is also a necessary tool for a dictatorship. It all depends on its usage.
In the 1958 preface to A Brave New World, Aldous Huxley paints a rather grim portrait of society. He believes it is controlled by an “impersonal force”, a ruling elite, which manipulates the population using various methods.
“Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses.”
– Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World
His bleak outlook is not a simple hypothesis or a paranoid delusion. It is a documented fact, present in the world’s most important studies on mass media. Here are some of them:
Elite Thinkers
Walter Lippmann
Walter Lippmann, an American intellectual, writer and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner brought forth one of the first works concerning the usage of mass media in America. In Public Opinion (1922), Lippmann compared the masses to a “great beast” and a “bewildered herd” that needed to be guided by a governing class.He described the ruling elite as “a specialized class whose interests reach beyond the locality.” This class is composed of experts, specialists, and bureaucrats.According to Lippmann, the experts, who often are referred to as “elites,”are to be a machinery of knowledge that circumvents the primary defect of democracy, the impossible ideal of the “omnicompetent citizen.” The trampling and roaring “bewildered herd” has its function: to be “the interested spectators of action,” i.e. not participants. Participation is the duty of “the responsible man”, which is not a regular citizen.
Mass media and propagandaare therefore tools that must be used by the elite to rule the public without physical coercion. One important concept presented by Lippmann is the “manufacture of consent”, which is, in short, the manipulation of public opinion to accept the elite’s agenda. It is Lippmann’s opinion that the general public is not qualified to reason and to decide on important issues. It is therefore important for the elite to decide “for its own good” and then sell those decisions to the masses.
“That the manufacture of consent is capable of great refinements no one, I think, denies. The process by which public opinions arise is certainly no less intricate than it has appeared in these pages, and the opportunities for manipulation open to anyone who understands the process are plain enough. . . . as a result of psychological research, coupled with the modern means of communication, the practice of democracy has turned a corner.A revolution is taking place, infinitely more significant than any shifting of economic power. . . . Under the impact of propaganda, not necessarily in the sinister meaning of the word alone, the old constants of our thinking have become variables. It is no longer possible, for example, to believe in the original dogma of democracy; that the knowledge needed for the management of human affairs comes up spontaneously from the human heart. Where we act on that theory we expose ourselves to self-deception, and to forms of persuasion that we cannot verify. It has been demonstrated that we cannot rely upon intuition, conscience, or the accidents of casual opinion if we are to deal with the world beyond our reach.” –Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion
It might be interesting to note that Lippmann is one of the founding fathers of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the most influential foreign policy think tank in the world. This fact should give you a small hint of the mind state of the elite concerning the usage of media.
“Political and economic power in the United States is concentrated in the hands of a “ruling elite” that controls most of U.S.-based multinational corporations, major communication media, the most influential foundations, major private universities and most public utilities.Founded in 1921, the Council of Foreign Relations is the key link between the large corporations and the federal government. It has been called a “school for statesmen” and “comes close to being an organ of what C. Wright Mills has called the Power Elite – a group of men, similar in interest and outlook shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes.The creation of the United Nations was a Council project, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.”
– Steve Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States
Some current members of the CFR include David Rockefeller, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, mega-church pastor Rick Warren and the CEOs of major corporations such as CBS, Nike, Coca-Cola, and Visa.
Carl Jung
Carl Jung is the founder of analytical psychology (also known as Jungian psychology), which emphasizes understanding the psyche by exploring dreams, art, mythology, religion, symbols, and philosophy. The Swiss therapist is at the origin of many psychological concepts used today such as the Archetype, the Complex, the Persona, the Introvert/Extrovert, and Synchronicity. He was highly influenced by the occult background of his family. Carl Gustav, his grandfather, was an avid Freemason (he was Grand Master)and Jung himself discovered that some of his ancestors were Rosicrucians.This might explain his great interest in Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology and symbolism. One of his most important (and misunderstood) concepts was the Collective Unconscious.
“My thesis, then, is as follows: In addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited.It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.” (Yes, he is exactly right, there is a nature that is in all of us, in our subconscious that is inherited, and can only develop if exercised. That is the SIN nature, laid on us all by the fall of our original ancestors, Adam and Eve.)
– Carl Jung, The Concept of the Collective Unconscious
The collective unconscious transpires through the existence of similar symbols and mythological figures(demonic entities and their symbology and alchemy.) in different civilizations. Archetypal symbols seem to be embedded in our collective subconscious, and, when exposed to them, we demonstrate natural attraction and fascination. (yes, we all have an ancient past in common, if you feed the SIN nature, the desire becomes stronger.)Occult symbols can, therefore, exert a great impact on people, even if many individuals were never personally introduced to the symbol’s esoteric meaning. Mass media thinkers, such as Edward D. Bernays, found in this concept a great way to manipulate the public’s personal and collective unconscious.
Edward Bernay
Edward Bernays is considered to be the “father of public relations” and used concepts discovered by his uncle Sigmund Freud to manipulate the public using the subconscious. He shared Walter Lippmann’s view of the general population by considering it irrational and subject to the “herd instinct”. In his opinion, the masses need to be manipulated by an invisible governmentto ensure the survival of democracy.
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Our invisible governors are, in many cases, unaware of the identity of their fellow members in the inner cabinet.” – Edward Bernays, Propaganda
Bernay’s trailblazing marketing campaigns profoundly changed the functioning of American society. He basically created “consumerism”by creating a culture wherein Americans bought for pleasure instead of buying for survival.For this reason, he was considered byLife Magazine to be in the Top 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century.
Harold Lasswell
In 1939-1940, the University of Chicago was the host of a series of secret seminars on communications. These think tanks were funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and involved the most prominent researchers in the fields of communications and sociological studies. One of these scholars was Harold Lasswell, a leading American political scientist, and communications theorist, specializing in the analysis of propaganda.He was also of the opinion that a democracy, a government ruled by the people, could not sustain itself without a specialized elite shaping and molding public opinion through propaganda.
In his Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences,Lasswell explained that when elites lack the requisite force to compel obedience, social managers must turn to “a whole new technique of control, largely through propaganda.” He added the conventional justification: we must recognize the “ignorance and stupidity [of] … the masses and not succumb to democratic dogmatisms about men being the best judges of their own interests.”Lasswell extensively studied the field of content analysis in order to understand the effectiveness of different types of propaganda. In his essay Contents of Communication,Lasswell explained that, in order to understand the meaning of a message (i.e. a movie, a speech, a book, etc.), one should take into account the frequency with which certain symbols appear in the message, the direction in which the symbols try to persuade the audience’s opinion, and the intensity of the symbols used.
Lasswell was famous for his media analysis model based on:
Who (says) What (to) Whom (in) What Channel (with) What Effect
By this model, Lasswell indicates that in order to properly analyze a media product, one must look at who produced the product (the people who ordered its creation), who was it aimed at (the target audience) and what were the desired effects of this product (to inform, to convince, to sell, etc.) on the audience.
Using a Rihanna video as an example, the analysis would be as follows: WHO PRODUCED: Vivendi Universal; WHAT: pop artist Rihanna; TO WHOM: consumers between the ages of 9 and 25; WHAT CHANNEL: music video; and WHAT EFFECT: selling the artist, her song, her image and her message.
The analyzes of videos and movies on The Vigilant Citizen place great importance on the “who is behind” the messages communicated to the public. The term “Illuminati” is often used to describe this small elite group covertly ruling the masses.Although the term sounds quite caricatured and conspiratorial, it aptly describes the elite’s affinities with secret societies and occult knowledge. However, I personally detest using the term “conspiracy theory” to describe what is happening in the mass media. If all the facts concerning the elitist nature of the industry are readily available to the public, can it still be considered a “conspiracy theory”?
There used to be a variety of viewpoints, ideas, and opinions in popular culture. The consolidation of media corporations has, however, produced a standardization of the cultural industry. Ever wondered why all recent music sounds the same and all recent movies look the same? The following is part of the answer:
Media Ownership spacer As depicted in the graph above, the number of corporations owning the majority of U.S. media outlets went from 50 to 5 in less than 20 years. Here are the top corporations evolving around the world and the assets they own.
1- AOL Time Warner
“A list of the properties controlled by AOL Time Warner takes ten typed pages listing 292 separate companies and subsidiaries. Of these, twenty-two are joint ventures with other major corporations involved in varying degrees with media operations. These partners include 3Com, eBay, Hewlett-Packard, Citigroup, Ticketmaster, American Express, Homestore, Sony, Viva, Bertelsmann, Polygram, and Some of the more familiar fully owned properties of Time Warner include Book-of-the-Month Club; Little, Brown publishers; HBO, with its seven channels; CNN; seven specialized and foreign-language channels; Road Runner; Warner Brothers Studios; Weight Watchers; Popular Science; and fifty-two different record labels.”
– Ben Bagdikan, The New Media Monopoly
AOL Time Warner owns:
64 magazines, including Time, Life, People, MAD Magazine and DC Comics
Warner Bros, New Line and Fine Line Features in cinema
More than 40 music labels including Warner Bros, Atlantic and Elektra
Many television networks such as WB Networks, HBO, Cinemax, TNT, Cartoon Network and CNN
Madonna,Sean Paul, The White Stripes
2- Viacom
Viacom owns:
CBS, MTV, MTV2, UPN, VH1, Showtime, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, TNN, CMT and BET
Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon Movies, MTV Films
Blockbuster Videos
1800 screens in theaters through Famous Players
3- The Walt Disney Company
“Disney ownership of a hockey team called The Mighty Ducks of Anaheimdoes not begin to describe the vastness of the kingdom. Hollywood is still its symbolic heart, with eight movie production studios and distributors: Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Miramax, Buena Vista Home Video, Buena Vista Home Entertainment, Buena Vista International, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures.
The Walt Disney Company controls eight book house imprints under Walt Disney Company Book Publishing and ABC Publishing Group; seventeen magazines; the ABC Television Network,with ten owned and operated stations of its own including in the five top markets; thirty radio stations, including all the major markets; eleven cable channels, including Disney, ESPN (jointly), A&E, and the History Channel; thirteen international broadcast channelsstretching from Australia to Brazil; seven production and sports units around the world; and seventeen Internet sites,including the ABC group, ESPN.sportszone,,, and Its five music groupsinclude the Buena Vista, Lyric Street, and Walt Disney labels, and live theater productions growing out of the movies The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and King David.”
– Ibid
The Walt Disney Company owns:
ABC, Disney Channel, ESPN, A&E, History Channel
Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Miramax Film Corp., Dimension and Buena Vista International
Miley Cyrus/ Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers
4- Vivendi Universal
Vivendi Universal owns:
27% of US music sales, labels include: Interscope, Geffen, A&M, Island, Def Jam, MCA, Mercury, Motown and Universal
Universal Studios, Studio Canal, Polygram Films, Canal +
Numerous internet and cell phone companies
Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Jay-Z
5- Sony
Sony owns:
Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, Sony Pictures Classics
15% of US Music sales, labels include Columbia, Epic, Sony, Arista, Jive and RCA Records
Beyonce, Shakira, Michael Jackson, Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera
A limited number of actors in the cultural industry means a limited amount of viewpoints and ideas making their way to the general public. It also means that a single message can easily saturate all forms of media to generate consent(i.e. “there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq”).
The Standardization of Human Thought
The merger of media companies in the last decades generated a small oligarchy of media conglomerates.The TV shows we follow, the music we listen to, the movies we watch and the newspapers we read are all produced by FIVE corporations. The owners of those conglomerates have close ties with the world’s elite and, in many ways, they ARE the elite. By owning all of the possible outlets having the potential to reach the masses, these conglomerates have the power to create in the minds of the people a single and cohesive worldview, engendering a “standardization of human thought”.
Even movements or styles that are considered marginal are, in fact, extensions of mainstream thinking. Mass media produce their own rebels who definitely look the part but are still part of the establishment and do not question any of it. Artists, creations, and ideas that do not fit the mainstream way of thinking are mercilessly rejected and forgotten by the conglomerates, which in turn makes them virtually disappearfrom society itself. However, ideas that are deemed to be valid and desirable to be accepted by society are skillfully marketed to the masses in order to make them become a self-evident norm.
In 1928, Edward Bernays already saw the immense potential of motion pictures to standardize thought:
“The American motion picture is the greatest unconscious carrier of propaganda in the world today. It is a great distributor for ideas and opinions. The motion picture can standardize the ideas and habits of a nation. Because pictures are made to meet market demands, they reflect, emphasize and even exaggerate broad popular tendencies, rather than stimulate new ideas and opinions. The motion picture avails itself only of ideas and facts which are in vogue. As the newspaper seeks to purvey news, it seeks to purvey entertainment.” (But, now the news is just as much meant only to entertain. The news you hear is the news that promotes the current agenda of the elite. There is no honest reporting of events anymore. The News broadcast is a scripted show.) – Edward Bernays, Propaganda
These facts were flagged as dangers to human freedom in the 1930’s by thinkers of the school of Frankfurt such as Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse. They identified three main problems with the cultural industry. The industry can:
reduce human beings to the state of mass by hindering the development of emancipated individuals, who are capable of making rational decisions;
replace the legitimate drive for autonomy and self-awareness by the safe laziness of conformism and passivity; and
validate the idea that men actually seek to escape the absurd and cruel world in which they live by losing themselves in a hypnotic state self-satisfaction.
The notion of escapismis even more relevant today with the advent of online video games, 3D movies, and home theaters. The masses, constantly seeking state-of-the-art entertainment, will resort to high-budget products that can only be produced by the biggest media corporations in the world. These products contain carefully calculated messages and symbols which are nothing more and nothing less than entertaining propaganda.The public has been trained to LOVE its propaganda to the extent that it spends its hard-earned money to be exposed to it. Propaganda(used in both political, cultural and commercial sense) is no longer the coercive or authoritative communication form found in dictatorships: it has become the synonym of entertainment and pleasure.
“In regard to propaganda, the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false. They did not foresee what in fact has happened, above all in our Western capitalist democracies — the development of a vast mass communications industry, concerned in the main neither with the true nor the false, but with the unreal, the more or less totally irrelevant. In a word, they failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” – Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World
A single piece of media often does not have a lasting effect on the human psyche. Mass media, however, by its omnipresent nature, creates a living environment we evolve in on a daily basis. It defines the norm and excludes the undesirable.The same way carriage horses wear blinders so they can only see what is right in front of them, the masses can only see where they are supposed to go.
“It is the emergence of mass media which makes possible the use of propaganda techniques on a societal scale. The orchestration of press, radio and television to create a continuous, lasting and total environment renders the influence of propaganda virtually unnoticed precisely because it creates a constant environment. Mass media provides the essential link between the individual and the demands of the technological society.” – Jacques Ellul
One of the reasons mass media successfully influences society is due to the extensive amount of research on cognitive sciences and human nature that has been applied to it.
Manipulation Techniques
“Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public’s perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.”
The drive to sell products and ideas to the masses has to lead to an unprecedented amount of research on human behavior and on the human psyche.Cognitive sciences, psychology, sociology, semiotics, linguistics and other related fields were and still are extensively researched through well-funded studies.
“No group of sociologists can approximate the ad teams in the gathering and processing of exploitable social data. The ad teams have billions to spend annually on research and testing of reactions, and their products are magnificent accumulations of material about the shared experience and feelings of the entire community.”
– Marshall McLuhan, The Extensions of Man
The results of those studies are applied to advertisements, movies, music videos and other media in order to make them as influential as possible. The art of marketing is highly calculated and scientificbecause it must reach both the individual and the collective consciousness. In high-budget cultural products, a video is never “just a video,” Images, symbols, and meanings are strategically placed in order to generate a desired effect.
“It is with knowledge of the human being, his tendencies, his desires, his needs, his psychic mechanisms, his automatisms as well as knowledge of social psychology and analytical psychology that propaganda refines its techniques.”
– Propagandes, Jacques Ellul (free translation)
Today’s propaganda almost never uses rational or logical arguments. It directly taps into a human’s most primal needs and instinctsin order to generate an emotional and irrational response. If we always thought rationally, we probably wouldn’t buy 50% of what we own. Babies and children are constantly found in advertisements targeting women for a specific reason: studies have shownthat images of children trigger in women an instinctual need to nurture, (no longer true in today’s self centered satan worshiping society. Women are cold and gleefully murder children and the unborn.) to care and to protect, ultimately leading to a sympathetic bias towards the advertisement.
Sex is ubiquitous in mass media, as it draws and keeps the viewer’s attention. It directly connects to our animal need to breed and to reproduce, and, when triggered, this instinct can instantly overshadow any other rational thoughts in our brain. (I don’t think that is the motivation for sex anymore. Sex has become so perverted, it is savage and primal, and about sado-masochistic pleasure/pain for most of the masses.)
Subliminal Perception
What if the messages described above were able to reach directly the viewers’ subconscious mind, without the viewers even realizing what is happening? That is the goal of subliminal perception. The phrase subliminal advertising was coined in 1957 by the US market researcher James Vicary, who said he could get moviegoers to “drink Coca-Cola” and “eat popcorn” by flashing those messages onscreen for such a short time that viewers were unaware.
“Subliminal perception is a deliberate process created by communications technicians, by which you receive and respond to information and instructions without being consciously aware of the instructions” – Steve Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States
This technique is often used in marketing and we all know that sex sells.
Although some sources claim that subliminal advertising is ineffective or even an urban myth, the documented usage of this technique in mass media proves that creators believe in its powers. Recent studies have also proven its effectiveness, especially when the message is negative.
” A team from University College London, funded by the Wellcome Trust, found that it [subliminal perception] was particularly good at instilling negative thoughts. There has been much speculation about whether people can process emotional information unconsciously, for example pictures, faces and words,” said Professor Nilli Lavie, who led the research. We have shown that people can perceive the emotional value of subliminal messages and have demonstrated conclusively that people are much more attuned to negative words.” – Source
A famous example of subliminal messaging in political communications is in George Bush’s advertisement against Al Gore in 2000. Right after the name of Gore is mentioned, the ending of the word “bureaucrats” – “rats” – flashes on the screen for a split second.
The discovery of this trickery caused quite a stir and, even if there are no laws against subliminal messaging in the U.S., the advertisement was taken off the air.
As exposed in many articles on The Vigilant Citizen, subliminal and semi-subliminal messages are often used in movies and music videos to communicate messages and ideas to the viewers.
In the past, when changes were imposed on populations, they would take to the streets, protest and even riot. The main reason for this clash was due to the fact that the change was clearly announced by the rulers and understood by the population. It was sudden and its effects could clearly be analyzed and evaluated. Today, when the elite needs a part of its agenda to be accepted by the public, it is done through desensitization. The agenda, which might go against the public best interests, is slowly, gradually and repetitively introduced to the world through movies(by involving it within the plot), music videos (which make it cool and sexy) or the news(where it is presented as a solution to today’s problems). After several years of exposing the masses to a particular agenda, the elite openly presents the concept the world and, due to mental programming, it is greeted with general indifference and is passively accepted. This technique originates from psychotherapy.
“The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people.They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a specific fear, a fear of violence for example. […] People adapt to frightening situations if they are exposed to them enough”. – Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States
Predictive Programming
Predictive programming is often found in the science fiction genre. It presents a specific image of the future – the one that is desired by the elite – and ultimately becomes in the minds of men an inevitability. A decade ago, the public was being desensitized to war against the Arab world. Today, the population is gradually being exposed to the existence of mind control, of transhumanism and of an Illuminati elite.Emerging from the shadows, those concepts are now everywhere in popular culture. This is what Alice Bailey describes as the “externalization of the hierarchy”: the hidden rulers slowly revealing themselves.
Occult Symbolism in Pop Culture
Contrarily to the information presented above, documentation on occult symbolism is rather hard to find. This should not come as a surprise as the term “occult”, literally means “hidden”. It also means “reserved to those in the know”as it is only communicatedto those who are deemed worthy of the knowledge. It is not taught in schools nor is it discussed in the media. It is thus considered marginal or even ridiculous by the general population.
Occult knowledge is NOT, however, considered ridiculous in occult circles. It is considered timeless and sacred. There is a long tradition of hermetic and occult knowledge being taught through secret societies originating from ancient Egyptians to Eastern Mystics, to the Knights Templar to modern day Freemasons. Even if the depth of this knowledge was most probably lost throughout the centuries, mystery schools kept their main features, which are highly symbolic, ritualistic and metaphysical. Those characteristics, which were an intricate part of ancient civilizations, have totally been evacuated from modern societyto be replaced by pragmatic materialism. For this reason, there lies an important gap of understanding between the pragmatic average person and the ritualistic establishment.
“If this inner doctrine were always concealed from the masses, for whom a simpler code had been devised, is it not highly probable that the exponents of every aspect of modern civilization – philosophic, ethical, religious, and scientific-are ignorant of the true meaning of the very theories and tenets on which their beliefs are founded? Do the arts and sciences that the race has inherited from older nations conceal beneath their fair exterior a mystery so great that only the most illumined intellect can grasp its import?Such is undoubtedly the case.” – Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
The “simpler code” devised for the masses used to be organized religions. It is now becoming the Temple of the Mass Mediaand it preaches on a daily basis extreme materialism, spiritual vacuosity and a self-centered, individualistic existence. This is exactly the opposite of the attributes required to become a truly free individual, as taught by all great philosophical schools of thought. Is a dumbed-down population easier to deceive and to manipulate?
“These blind slaves are told they are “free” and “highly educated” even as they march behind signs that would cause any medieval peasant to run screaming away from them in panic-stricken terror. The symbols that modern man embraces with the naive trust of an infant would be tantamount to billboards reading, ‘This way to your death and enslavement,’ to the understanding of the traditional peasant of antiquity” – Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
In Conclusion
This article examined the major thinkers in the field of mass media, the media power structure and the techniques used to manipulate the masses. I believe this information is vital to the understanding of the “why” in the topics discussed on The Vigilant Citizen. The “mass population” versus “ruling class” dichotomy described in many articles is not a “conspiracy theory” (again, I hate that term), but a reality that has been clearly stated in the works of some of the 20th century’s most influential men.
Lippmann, Bernays, and Lasswell have all declared that the public is not fit to decide their own fate, which is the inherent goal of democracy. Instead, they called for a cryptocracy, a hidden government, a ruling class in charge of the “bewildered herd.” As their ideas continue to be applied to society, it is increasingly apparent that an ignorant population is not an obstacle that the rulers must deal with: It is something that is DESIRABLE and, indeed, necessary, to ensure total leadership.An ignorant population does not know its rights, does not seek a greater understanding of issues and does not question authorities. It simply follows trends. Popular culture caters to and nurtures ignorance by continually serving up brain-numbing entertainment and spotlighting degenerate celebrities to be idolized. (You got that right. The people idolized by today’s masses are some of the sickest most disgusting demonically inspired lowlife perverts imaginable.)
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson
All societies are run by an elite. In the past, this elite was the hereditary aristocracy. Today, the elite are extremely wealthy globalists. Here are some of the techniques they use to stay on top.
The first three items in this list are items that we have little influence over. They are determined by the government, which in turn is wholly owned by the elite.In theory, we can change these through our votes. In reality, we have almost no influence on these policies.
The last four are also wholly owned by the elite, but our use of them is within our control. If we are being controlled through them, we have no one but ourselves to blame.
1. Violence
One of the obvious ways that the elite control the populace is through the threat of violence. If someone from outside the ruling class tries to gain entry, he will quickly find himself either killed or imprisoned. Virtually every ruling class has used this method.
The US makes abundant use of violence to enforce the established order. Frequently the force used is excessive. For example, in 2013 a dental hygienist named Miriam Carey drove to a White House security checkpoint. When an officer told her to stop, she instead tried to make a U-turn back to the road. Officers tried to block her and she took off leading to a car chase that ended when officers shot and killed the young mother even though she posed no real threat.
The state monopoly on violence is the most acceptable form of control. When used well, it preserves order without negatively affecting most of the people. It only becomes a problem when it becomes excessive.
2. Welfare
Governments have been using welfare to placate the unwashed masses for thousands of years. During that last days of the Roman Republic, politicians provided bread to poor voters in order to buy their votes.
Unfortunately, the vote buying scheme did not last forever. Once the people figured out that they could vote for “free stuff” for themselves, the Republic became unmanageable. After a lot of political upheaval, this eventually required that a strong dictator in the form of Julius Caesar rise to power.
In our own day, governments provide free food, housing, and even cell phones to the poor to buy their votes and keep them from causing trouble.Don’t think for a minute that when you hear Hillary Clinton propose another handout that she actually has a shred of concern for her fellow citizens. It is still a method of control and vote buying.
3. Taxes
Taxes used to really anger Americans
The elite use tax policy to prevent others from becoming wealthyand thus entering the ranks of the elite themselves. In the US, the wealthiest 1% pays very little in taxes because the majority of their income derives from capital gains, which are taxed at a much lower rate than ordinary income.
Ironically, Democrats who want to tax high wage earners in the name of “sticking it to the rich” are in reality perpetuating the entrenched elite of the super rich. To foster greater economic mobility, the tax system should be made less progressive with the goal being to lower taxes on ordinary income.
4. Sportsball
Karl Marx famously said that religion is the opiate of the masses. Perhaps that was true in Marx’s day but it is definitely not true now. Today, religion plays a minor role in the lives of most people. Rather, the more powerful opiate in the lives of modern men is watching sports.
There are whole segments of the male (and increasingly the female) populace who spend Saturdays and Sundays glued to the TV watching their favorite college and professional sports teams. And it is not just mere entertainment. People take their sports so seriously that they may get depressed if their team loses an important game.
Sports are a multibillion dollar industry in the US and it is all put on by the eliteswho are wealthy enough to own sports teams. Even college sports are sponsored by the wealthy trustees of universities.
The way to avoid being trapped by the spectator sports distraction is to put it in its proper perspective. While there is nothing wrong with watching a game on the weekend, there is no reason to buy lots of paraphernalia or to waste time memorizing statistics. Why get emotionally involved over the battle of two corporations? Also, it is better to participate in sports directly rather than watching somebody else do it. That is also good advice for the next distraction which is…
5. Porn
Starting in the 1950s, pornographers waged a three-decade long battle to overturn or weaken US obscenity laws. They were successful. With the advent of the internet, porn became ubiquitous. While libertarians may celebrate this as the triumph of personal freedom, the reality is that it has become one of the most powerful forms of control of the masses.
I don’t have to tell any man how potent the sex drive is. We find the visual stimulation of porn extremely addicting. Some studies show that at least half of all men are addicted. I think the percentage is much higher.
Using porn is a huge time waster.Rather than accomplishing something useful, some men spend an hour or two a day trying to find exciting images. That’s time that would be better put to use lifting weights, learning a martial art, meeting girls, fathering a family, or starting a company.
But porn is more than a time suck. It also takes away a man’s edge. It tricks his mind into believing that he has become the emperor of China with 300 vaginas ready to meet his every need. In other words, using porn makes a man complacent. You can see this in the herbivore men of Japan who consider it easier to sit at home and wank instead of finding a wife or achieving great things.
Whether it was intentional or not, porn has turned into one of the most effective forms of control of the masses. If we are all busy spanking our brains out, we are not going to notice the fact that our government has turned into a plutocracy. We are not going to care that we are being treated like cattle to make our masters even richer.
6. Entertainment
The most popular post on my blog is the very first one I wrote. The topic is what I learned from watching the television show Naked and Afraid. While I think the post has a beneficial message, my weightier posts get much less traffic. The primary reason for the popularity of my post is because it concerns a TV show. Posts on ROK that comment on movies are similarly very popular.
Like sports, there is nothing wrong with enjoying television, film, or video games when it is done in moderation. But popular entertainment is almost always laced with messagesthat try to advance the progressive agenda. And like porn or sports, getting too involved with entertainment can blind us to what is happening in the real world.
How do you know if you are addicted to entertainment? Here is a simple test. If you are a grown man, and you felt a strong compulsion to go see the latest Star Wars movie, you are addicted to entertainment. The next time a blockbuster rolls around, wait until it comes out on video.
7. Social Media
When it is not being censored by the elites, social media can be an extremely powerful tool that we can exploit to bring back the patriarchy.Unfortunately, 99% of people don’t use it as a tool for good. They use it to status whore. Women are the guiltiest users but men do it as well posting pictures of their scotch or barbecue techniques.
The best fix for social media is to use it with awareness. If you find yourself slipping into status whoring or getting involved with pointless arguments, drop it and do something useful instead.
Aristotle teaches that true freedom is not the license to do whatever we please. True freedom is the ability to act in accordance with reason. If we are unable to do what is good, we are slaves no matter how much empowering language we use to dress up the fact of our servitude.
Liberating ourselves from elite control may not topple them in the short term, but it will make our individual lives better. That alone makes it worth the effort.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.
Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.
Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated,at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.
1. Education
This is the most obvious form of mind control, yet still remains the most insidious. It has always been a would-be dictator’s ultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history. No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundationsin shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.
2. Advertising and Propaganda
Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof)in order to turn a want into a need. This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example. However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizensnitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror. The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement. Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously. When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere. And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.
3. Predictive Programming
Many still deny that predictive programming is real. I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any conclusion other than that this form of mind control is widely employed. Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed. Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or “science fiction” and take a close look around at society today. For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.
4. Sports, Politics, Religion
Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control. The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer. The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning. Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential. Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.
5. Food, Water, and Air
Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ;Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxinswhich excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle. Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite. And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.
6. Drugs
This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something. One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders,as opposed to their human potential. This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World. Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyrannyhas taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority.The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over25% of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication. Online free therapy is becoming a popular way to get help, without someone or something controlling your mind. (Don’t kid yourself, this is just another tool to get you used to doing everything via the internet. Eventually, you will become part of the net and your body will be monitored 24/7. Your mind will be controlled via remote access.)
7. Military testing
The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control. The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission. For the increasing number of military personnel questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans fortranscranial mind control helmetsthat will keep them focused.
8. Electromagnetic spectrum
An electromagnetic soup envelops us all,charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function.
In a tacit admission of what is possible with this method of mind control, one researcher has been working with a“god helmet”to induce visionsby altering the electromagnetic field of the brain.
Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towersis now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.
9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”
It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon. Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis— which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain,sapping emotional control. Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality. One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.
10. Nanobots
From science fiction horror,directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way.Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.” Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule. Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed.Expected date of arrival? Early 2020s.
A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.
The mission of a small “elite” group to control the masses is nothing new. It has always been a tool implemented in the form of propaganda used to alter perception and thus steer the direction of large populations. The modern methods of mind controlare in many ways merely higher-tech extensions of what always has been predictably successful: religion, sports, politics, education, etc.
With the advent of television, a whole new world was opened up for would-be controllers, as news media was easily corporatized and made uniform enough to translate core messages, while encouraging passivity, and also presenting the illusion of choice. Simultaneously, choice has been reduced in fundamental areas such as finance, education and health with reams of legislation and “incentives” to ensure compliance.
Today, however, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that includes a sophisticated full-spectrum assault on the mind in the form of chemicals in the food, air, and water, as well as electromagnetic interference and the ubiquitous Big Pharma cocktail that not only pollutes the user directly, but runs off into the rest of the unknowing population.Combined with control over education and media, it’s no wonder why true rebellion struggles to take hold.
Nevertheless, despite the above assaults, people are rebelling — globally. This indicates a tentative awakening that is troubling if you are in the vast minority of those who knowingly attempt to enslave the planet. So what does tomorrow bring? The mind control of the future forgoes all pretense at indirectly altering perception through media and politics, as that continues to be exposed for what it truly is.It does away with the clumsy and sporadic effectiveness of mind-altering drugs and environmental toxins, as companies like Monsanto are not only reviled, but are seen as the epitome of true evil on earth.
The mind control of the future goes straight into direct programming of the digital mind, and this is exactly what the technotronic elite are discussing right now. There are 7 likely ways this could be achieved if we don’t learn about their agenda in time to continue resisting their anti-human ends.
1. Surveillance and Gadgets
Surveillance alone can change the way we think and act. These two facets together are more powerful still. They have now been successfully intertwined into ade facto brain-computer interface. If we look at just two inventions — the television and video game consoles— we see a massive impact upon the way people of all ages view the world through their gadgets. In order to take people to the next level of mind control, there has to be a consumer relation to it, as well as creating something that appears intrinsically necessary to relate to the outside world.Enter the Internet and the “smart” devices wired into it.The Internet is every form of surveillance and gadget wrapped up into one. Now, even that is heading to the next level. It has been shown that this type of tech can rewire the brain.
We are beginning to witness heavy investment by the twin behemoths, Google and Microsoft,in “augmented reality.”It is stutter-stepping to be sure based on privacy concerns, but the concept of merging reality with virtual reality has been introduced and will not likely go away. Mind-controlled computers, tablets, phones, video games and more are already here. The direct experience with mind/perception alteration preps the individual for this type of direct manipulation in other areas of their lives. Remember, this is a two-way street — data received and data transmitted.Combine this with the fact that every two-way action is recorded by tech companies, then fed into government databases, and we see the foundation being erected of a pyramid with a much clearer all-seeing eye than in tyrannies of even the recent past.
2. Mind-controlled Robots and Drones
This is already in the mainstream news, but how about the merging of man and machine? This is what the transhumanist dream actually is, but DARPA is naturally looking to be sure it gets to the battlefield first.The Royal Society, an elite UK think-tank which will be mentioned later, has published a report that indicates an interest in using brain mapping technology to keep soldiers alert, as well as “operate weaponry remotely through mind-machine interfaces.” (source)With an increasing amount of robots and drones already on the battlefield and in civilian space, this opens up the possibility of “thought-controlled” drones. The following video from a PopSci article shows where this is heading. After this, the question becomes whether or not autonomous droneswill be able to link in reverse to anyone they wish.
Transcranial pulsed ultrasoundwas made famous by The God Helmet. This is being tested in the military and begins to form the crucial bridge between “buying into it” and being subjected to it. Weapons are already being developed (and possibly used) that use transcranial pulse ultra sound to soldiers to increase altertness and minimize pesky emotions like fear or compassion. It turns human beings into thoughtless drones to be controlled from a distance. On the battlefield, enemies can be subjected to the opposite — lethargy, nausea, lack of impulse control, and a whole range of behavior that has no bearing upon one’s will to act otherwise. Here is a frightening description from Wired reporter Jack Hitt as his brain is magnetically manipulated to have a “religious experience.”
…selected electromagnetic fields begin gently thrumming my brain’s temporal lobes. The fields are no more intense than what you’d get as by-product from an ordinary blow-dryer, but what’s coming is anything but ordinary. My lobes are about to be bathed with precise wavelength patterns that are supposed to affect my mind in a stunning way, artificially inducing the sensation that I am seeing God. (Source)
Every single aspect of human sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by brain activity. Thus, having the ability to stimulate brain function is a powerful technology.
4. Implants and Ingestibles
RFID is one technology being touted as a wonder for finding lost items — like kids and dogs and products — but has also broken through into the field of medicine. Most people might want to know, for instance, if their body was registering signs of an impending upheaval at the chemical level, before it ever had time to take hold and manifest as a full-blown physical event. This plays a major role in selling the mind-body-computer connection to nearly every age. It, too, is a form of surveillance, but one that is even more salable, as there is a finer edge to this sword than straight snooping.
The area of mind control, aside from the obvious behavioral changes, becomes probable with RFID implants and ingestible RFID.VeriMed’s human implant has been approved by the FDA and has been used as an ID system by the Israeli military. At the moment, this technology is being sold as an interior sensor network, but there is much more that can be done, as has been shown in animal testing.Once again, the battlefield is where it is likely to appear first in the area of neurorobotics, funded by DARPA of course, as seen in the video below:
One might believe this method to be a bit lower on the scale of possibility for the general public, simply because there must be a certain level of acceptance. However, with the rise of nanotechnology which can insert itself across the blood-brain barrier, it is not out of the question that the invasion could come by stealth through food or vaccines. (VACCINES.. like the ID2020, BIll Gates little project)Nanoparticles have been admitted in food, clothing and appliances. Mad scientists have no idea what type of Pandora’s Box they are opening. (and they don’t care. They are driven to test the boundaries, no matter what the cost. That is why science must be answerable and held accountable. Someone has to keep them reigned in, or they will eventually destroy us all.) Their only job is to open the doors(doors are gateways) and let the guinea pigs suffer the results. Scientists openly have admitted to wanting to rewire the brain through DNA modification… to help us, though.
5. Genetic and Neuroengineering
To some, genetics form the basis of all behavior. Most would agree that it plays a role, even if a limited one that is subservient to the human will to determine behavior beyond being merely a de facto automaton. That isn’t stopping geneticists from attempting to determine traits, then alter or eradicate certain ones. The logical extension of this testing gets into the area of behavioral predictive programming, not only through all of the data that has been compiled on you through surveillance of your every move and expression of your every thought, but right down into the very fiber of your being. Ed Boyden from MIT’s Neuroengineering and Neuromedia Lab, explains:
If we take seriously the idea that our minds are implemented in the circuits of our brains, then it becomes a top priority to understand how to engineer brains for the better. (Source)
Such as: Rewiring DNA Circuitry Could Help Treat Asthmaand other supposedly benign efforts to eradicate afflictions and disorders. The concept of genetic circuitry is being pursued to rewire human cells to sense disease and treat it. (that is just the cover they use to make it palatable at least until they have everything they need established. Look where they have taken stem cell research now that they go the go ahead to use stem cells. It is out of control what they are doing with them… almost every bit of it immoral and destructive.)
Stanford researchers led by Christina Smolke have developed engineered DNA-based “devices” that can sense disease states in cultured human cells and fine-tune their own functions in response to a cell’s internal signals, such as kill themselves or become susceptible to drugs.
These autonomous biological tools are called “sensor-actuator” devices because they sense what’s happening in a cell and act upon what they detect. (Source)
Those who are involved in this area of study must call into question perfectly benign initiatives, “The study was funded by the Caltech Joseph Jacobs Institute for Molecular Engineering for Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Department of Defense, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.” (I have been telling anyone who will listen that the medical healthcare industry is the tool they are going to use to establish and enforce the New World Order. So we have all the major players right here… the Health Institute, the Military, the scientific arm and the EUGENICS/POPULATION CONTROL ARM BILL AND MELINDA GATES)
6. Neuroscience
The Economist noted in 2002 that this was the future of mind control; well, now we’re here. This is a huge area of research and it shows by how much is being invested, and how many federal agencies are involved.Obama’sBRAIN Projectis heavily invested in the notion that the human brain is the final frontier. It is a comprehensive $100 million dollar 10-year plan that is already bearing some fruit. It is being announced by The Atlantic Wire that The ‘Google Earth’ of 3D Brain Maps is Here:
Meet “Big Brain,” the first high-res, 3D digital model of the human brain. It’s the result of a huge, 10-year project built from individual scans of 7,400 slices of a single human brain. The project will help scientists learn more about our minds.
Guided by previously taken MRI imagesand relationships between neighboring sections, they then aligned the sections to create a continuous 3-D object representing about a terabyte of data.
An overview video from the research team behind the project gives a good view of just how close this baby can get. At the highest zoom, the map can’t show individual cells. But it’s detailed enough to learn about the different layers of cells in the brain. A typical MRI scan has a maximum resolution of about a millimeter. By comparison, Big Brain zooms in to 20 micrometers…
Once again, the promise is to solve the mysteries of diseases such as Alzheimer’s, but yet again there is DARPA to ensure that there always is underlying negative research being conducted. Memory erasure has been sought to eliminate postraumatic stress disorder, for example, which serves as a reminder of the horrors of war on both sides of a conflict. Multi-tour soldiers are more suicidal and homicidal than ever before and should prompt people to question the motivations for putting human beings in such a horrible state… not seeking to erase the consequences. This type of rewiring fundamentally alters what it means to be a human being capable of compassion, empathy, and free will. And, in fact, some scientists are fortunately raising the serious ethical concerns of military mind control, as documented by Jonathan Moreno.
The military, scientists and ethicists are increasingly wondering how neuroscience technology changes the battlefield. The staggering possibilities are further along than many think. There is alreadydevelopment on automated drones that are programmed to make their own decisions about who to kill within the rules of war. Other ideas that are closer-than-you-think to becoming a military reality: Tanks controlled from half a world away, memory erasures that could prevent PTSD, and “brain fingerprinting” that could be used to extract secrets from enemies.
All of those questions will have to be answered sooner than later, Moreno says, along with a host of others. Should soldiers have the right to refuse “experimental” brain implants? Will the military want to use some of this technology before science deems it safe?
“There’s a tremendous tension about this,” he says. “There’s a great feeling of responsibility that we push this stuff out so we’re ahead of our adversaries.” (Source)
And we never should forget that what is developed on the battlefield is sure to trickle down into the rest of society.
7. Direct Upload/Hack
Between the Internet of Things and recent revelations that reporter Michael Hastings’ car could theoretically have been hacked, the concept of a direct mind upload to the Internet/Cloud should be seen as more than troubling. If all of these lesser systems are open to surveillance and hacking, whether domestically or abroad, it would stand to reason that the mind, too, will be subject to security leaks, blunders, and deliberate alteration. reported the following:
Researchers at the Usenix Security conference have demonstrated a zero-day vulnerability in your brain. They achieved as much as a 40% success rate among a group of willing volunteers. The “hack” works by measuring the brain’s response to images flashed before your eyes, from which the researchers can determine things like your home location, date of birth, and even your credit card PIN. (Source)
With the advent of quantum computing, some believe that encryption will guarantee the state of one’s mind, as it were. But given what we know now about corporate-government overlap and cooperation, will you be comfortable putting your mind literally in the Cloud? Remember, every new level of computation promises the guarantee of more safety and privacy, while every revelation points to a vast reduction of both.The merging of man and machine into the matrix could become a permanent nightmare from which it is impossible to awaken.
Nevertheless, it’s immortality they are after, as Ray Kurzweil, Director of Engineering at Google, explains:
In his 2005 book The Singularity Is Near, Kurzweil predicted that ongoing achievements in biotechnology would mean that by the middle of the century, “humans will develop the means to instantly create new portions of ourselves, either biological or nonbiologicial,” so that people can have “a biological body at one time and not at another, then have it again, then change it.”
He also said there will soon be “software-based humans” who will “live out on the Web, projecting bodies whenever they need or want them, including holographically projected bodies, foglet-projected bodies and physical bodies comprising nanobot swarms.”(Source)
I’ll close with some potentially good news brought to us from long-time investigative reporter and author, Jon Rappoport. It is his assertion that the above-mentioned technologies are ultimately doomed to failure.
Why? It’s simple. The scientists don’t know what they’re doing.They have no clear objectives, and the notion of building an accurate picture of a few trillion neurons in action is as far from reality as a flea painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
The utopian technocrats, who’ve been predicting that, by the middle of this century, they will create an artificial brain that outstrips the one inside the skull, are suddenly on vacation. They’re mumbling and backing away.
It’s the old put up or shut up. They’re shutting up. They’ve got nothing.
I guess paradise is postponed. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. (Source)
Jon goes on to suggest that the reductionist approach to the human brain is nothing more than wishful thinking (pardon the pun) for controllers.
The mind is not a material object at all. The mind is not the brain.(Source)
In fact, the human brain is infinitely complex and cannot be so easily pinned down, predicted, and manipulated. That is, if we won’t permit it to be.
Of course, the real cure is finding a way to attain our actual size, which is without boundaries. Then and only then do we begin to see our lives. Then we see the skies beyond the cartoon sky. Then we see the great adventure. Then we feel the cosmic boredom of the soul disintegrate. Then we feel Freedom, not freedom. Then we shrug off these fools and operators who are trying to enthrall us with their yak-yak-yak sewing machines of false knowledge. — Jon Rappoport
Shmoop will make you a better lover…of quotes Source: Reason in Common Sense Author: George Santayana
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
This quote comes from the philosophical book Reason in Common Sense, which was published by George Santayana in 1905.
It’s time for a history lesson, gang—or several. Georges Santayana says this line in the closing section of Volume I of his book. He basically argues that, if our world is ever going to make progress, it needs to remember what it’s learned from the past.After all, change isn’t the same thing as progress. Progress means taking what you’ve learned and building on it, but modern culture has a way of forgetting things so quickly that there’s no chance to learn important lessons from the past.
To see what we mean, trying constructing the fifth floor of a model building that doesn’t have a first or second floor. Get it? Like most things in life, you have to start at the bottom to know where you’re coming from.
This is a line that people like to toss around quite a bit, but you might also recognize a Santayana shout-out in Billy Joel’s 1989 hit song, “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” We imagine that Santayana gets mentioned for two reasons: First, he has a cool name. Second, the song is about learning lessons from the past, so it makes sense to include the guy who wrote one of the most famous lines ever about learning from the past.
This is a must watch video. All of time and space are changing. Things that are true have been altered. CERN is a possible cause for these events.… Cern Is Changing Our Timelines – Proof – Mandela Effect Part 1 As CERN ramps up its speed our time line is drifting in and out of other parallel universes ALTERING OUR TIME LINES FOREVER. See for yourself and make your own opinion. MIND BOGGLING… Video from: truth4wtc7 YT Channel Click to view the Article. It is very long, but very informative
This is the original Mandela Effect website. I’m Fiona Broome, and I launched this site in 2009 to discuss memories that didn’t seem to match documented history. Now, Mandela Effect discussions are in the wild. This website serves as an archives, documenting how those conversations began.
In this video I talk about the Mandela effect. Which is this weird phenomenon where people remember things in a different way than they actually are. Some people think its proof of alternate realties!! Let me know what you think Love yall!
Police stand guard after the Confederate statue known as Silent Sam was toppled by protesters on campus at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C. ,on Aug.20, 2018. (Gerry Broome, AP Photo/File)
The Swedish governmentis weighing whether it should ban historical imagery including rune script and Norse symbols, since these may be viewed as “hate” symbols.
This isn’t an isolated incident, either. In the United States, historical statues and imagery across the country—from war memorials, to Civil War leaders, to paintings of George Washington—have been targeted for destruction by individuals who find them offensive.
A new history is being shown to youth in the United States and other countries that criticizes their traditional cultures, curses their founding stories, and condemns their founders.Students are being taught to hate where they come from, and to interpret history through the lens of socialism.
It is a battle for memory, in a war of ideas. And we need only look at countries that have already gone through this process to see what the goals are.
In China,the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) similarly destroyed the cultural relics of the country, its values, and its traditions.This was done heavily during its Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s.
The CCP’s destruction of China’s 5,000 years of culture didn’t end there, however. Even recently, the CCP banned depictions in film and in video games of the cultural heritage that it destroyed.
The same thing happened under communist and socialist regimes in parts of Europe. This process was described by former Polish Minister of Education Ryszard Legutko in his book “The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies,” as being meant to wipe out all memory of what socialism aimed to destroy.
Legutko said that communism was a system that tried to recreate history in its own image, through movements “against memory.”Those who stood against these systems not only faced the gulags, agitated mobs, and secret police, but were also “fighting for memory against forgetting, knowing very well that the loss of memory strengthened the communist system by making people defenseless and malleable.”
When Karl Marx envisioned regimes under socialism and communism—neither of which existed at the time—he believed they would destroy all the beliefs, traditions, and morals of the world as it was. He and other communists that followed believed their ideas superseded all others, and that in the brutal regimes that would follow to create these systems, the ends would justify the means.
After taking power, the socialist tyrants typically are not satisfied with the mere surface destruction of traditional culture and belief, but also seek to destroy the past through criticizing and altering history.
With these values and traditions destroyed, the ruling regime is able to embed its power into every pore of society. Legutko wrote that the socialist leaders believed “the political system should permeate every section of public and private life,” to include “ethics and mores, family, churches, schools, universities, community organizations, culture, and even human sentiment and aspirations.”
“By being identified as serving the cause of the bourgeoisie, the philosophers, artists, and writers could be arraigned on a charge of being the enemies of the socialist revolution and standing in the way of the future, often with lamentable consequences for the defendants,” he wrote.
As Legutko explained, this same philosophy of destroying the past doesn’t just exist under full socialist regimes, but also under the liberal-democratic systems of the West. He wrote, “Both systems generate—at least in their official ideological interpretations—a sense of liberation from the old bonds.”
The systems at play are similar to what author George Orwell envisioned in his book “1984,” in which his fictional English Socialist (IngSoc) regime had established absolute control over all of society.
Part of what secured the regime’s control, Orwell wrote, was a system to make people forget they ever believed in anything that would oppose the regime.“This demands a continuous alteration of the past,” he wrote, noting that someone under this system “tolerates present-day conditions partly because he has no standards of comparison.”
Using this, Orwell explained, the individual is made to “believe that he is better off than his ancestors and that the average level of material comfort is constantly rising.”
True to life for today’s socialist regimes, Orwell wrote that past events “survive only in written records and in human memories.”
“The past is whatever the records and the memories agree upon. And since the Party is in full control of all records and in equally full control of the minds of its members, it follows that the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it,” he wrote, describing this as part of “reality control.”
When socialism was taking over in Europe in the early 20th century, author G.K. Chesterton described its attempts to wipe out all that once existed in order to build its envisioned system as something based in a distrust of the common man.
He wrote: “In these primary things in which the old religion trusted a man, the new philosophy utterly distrusts a man. It insists that he must be a very rare sort of man to have any rights in these matters; and when he is the rare sort, he has the right to rule others even more than himself.”
You may wonder what straw has to do with this discussion… but hang in there and read on, you will be surprised.
The signification of chaff or straw, is truths of memory-knowledge (AC 3114), and indeed memory-knowledges the lowest and most general of all, for the lowest food in a spiritual sense is straw or chaff,because it is the food of beasts.Those knowledges are called lowest which are full of fallacies of the senses, which the evil abuse to pervert goods and truths, and thus to defend evils and falsities; for on account of fallacies these knowledges can be turned in favor of principles of falsity and of cupidities of evil. Moreover such knowledges are the most general of all, and unless they are filled with truths less general and more particular, they may be of service to falsities and evils, but in proportion as they are filled with truths, they are of less service to them. Such are the knowledges whereby they who in the world have professed faith alone, and yet have lived a life of evil, infest the upright n the other life; but as these knowledges are dispelled by the angels, it is now said that they should not give straw to make brick, that is, that they did not add these to the fictitious and false things that would be injected. Such is the internal sense of these words, which indeed appears remote from the sense of the letter; but be it known that there is nothing in the natural world which does not correspond to something in the spiritual world; and the angels with a man understand all things spiritually which the man understands naturally; they do not know what straw is, nor bricks; such things were known to them when they were in the world, but were forgotten when they came into heaven, because there they put on spiritual things. Hence it is that when the angels perceive the ideas of such things with a man, they turn them into corresponding spiritual things.That straw or grass denotes the lowest memory-knowledge, and that bricks denote things fictitious and false, can be seen from many considerations; for all herbage and straw have no other signification; but seeds, barley, wheat, and the like denote interior truths and goods; and stones not artificial denote truths.
[Esau would ask his father:] “How does one tithe straw?”
Midrash Rabbah, Bereishit 63:15
And the house of Jacob shall be fire … and the house of Esau, straw
Obadiah 1:18
Straw, being animal fodder, is absolved from the obligation of tithing,[1] which applies only to produce grown for human consumption. Esau inquired of Isaac as to how to tithe straw, wishing to impress his father with a demonstration of copious piety; in doing so, he also demonstrated a fatal flaw in his approach to life.
We each possess both an “animal soul” and a “G-dly soul.”
Man, the Kabbalists tell us,[2] is vitalized by no less than two souls: we each possess both an “animal soul” and a “G-dly soul.” The animal soul is the motor of physical life, incorporating the instincts, drives, desires and faculties that serve the survival and perpetuation of the physical self. In this, the human being is another animal, however intelligent and sensitive an animal. What distinguishes him from the animal world is his G-dly soul,which embodies his striving to transcend the animal state and relate to the Divine.
All endeavors of man are either “human food” that fuels the spiritual life of the G-dly soul,or “animal fodder” that nourishes the material life of the animal soul. Both are indispensable to our purpose in life, for the soul can operate and achieve its goals only via a physical self; but one must take care not to confuse the means with the end. One must always be able to distinguish between the sacred and the mundanein one’s life, and remember which exists to serve which.Esau wished to tithe the straw of life, to attribute spiritual worth to animal fodder. Instead of exploiting the material to serve the spiritual, he wished to invest the material with a significance and value of its own, which is the spiritual meaning of straw.
The end, of course, was that the “dew of the heavens and the fat of the land”[3] intended for Esau was given to Jacob, who could be trusted to “tithe” or idealize only what nurtures the man in man—the G-dly drives and aspirations that distinguish the human from the animal.
Unfit Fodder
In the end of days, prophesies the prophet, when the purpose of creation will reach its fulfillment, “the house of Jacob shall be fire… and the house of Esau, straw.”
In the perfect world of Moshiach (Messiah/Jesus Christ), such empty materialism will cease to be—the kash (foder/straw) of Esau will be utterly consumed by the spiritual fire of Jacob.Teven, on the other hand, will become the staple of the animal kingdom, as the prophet says, “the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw (teven).”
This is not the same straw of which Esau spoke to Isaac. The Hebrew word used in that connection by the Midrash is teven, while the prophet describes the house of Esau as kash. While both words loosely translate as “straw,” teven is more precisely the chaff that is harvested together with the grain and is subsequently fed to the livestock, while kash is the stubble that remains in the field and is too coarse even for animal consumption.[4]Esau was initially entrusted with the teven, the straw symbiotically related to the grain—the straw that feeds the animal that serves man. But when he sought to reverse this relationship—to make straw the focus and object of life—his teven turned to kash, into a hollow husk depleted of all nutritive potential.
In the perfect world of Moshiach, such empty materialism will cease to be—the kash of Esau will be utterly consumed by the spiritual fire [5] of Jacob. Teven, on the other hand, will become the staple of the animal kingdom, as the prophet says, “the lion, like the ox, shall eat straw (teven).”[6]
Based on an entry in the Rebbe’s journal, circa 1942.[7]
A realistic three-dimensional image or artificial environment that is created with a mixture of interactive hardware and software, and presented to the user in such a way that the any doubts are suspended and it is accepted as a real environment in which it is interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way.
Virtual Reality Explained
A Simple Explanation of Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual reality (also called Virtual Realities or VR) is best understood by first defining what it aims to achieve –total immersion.
Virtual Reality Explained – Total Immersion
Total immersion means that the sensory experience feels so real, that we forget it is a virtual-artificial environmentand begin to interact with it as we would naturally in the real world. In a virtual reality environment, a completely synthetic world may or may not mimic the properties of a real-world environment. This means that the virtual reality environment may simulate an everyday setting (e.g. walking around the streets of London), or may exceed the bounds of physical reality by creating a world in which the physical laws governing gravity, time and material properties no longer hold (e.g. shooting space aliens on a foreign gravity-less planet).
Majority of the video games are especially designed for entertaining people. But there are many video games that specifically designed with a purpose. However, the purpose of video games widely varies with the nature of information itself – to inform, persuade, or stimulate. These video games can have any type of gameplay, from puzzles to action to adventure. Adult video games are one such video game that itself is designed with a purpose.The primary purpose of these video games is to provide erotic entertainment, rather than just gameplay. The following articles shares information on the purpose of video games online. So, read on to know about the purpose behind video games.
There exists a wide variety of video games online that are especially designed with some additional purpose. Here, we will be discussing about the types of video games that are specifically designed with additional purpose along with the gameplay. One of such kinds of video games is advergames. These kinds of video games basically advert to promotional software especially made to promote product, organization etc.Art games are especially designed to focus on art or whose structures that focuses to make some type of non-ludological reaction in its players. These video games have a unique, unconventional appearance, often standing out for aesthetic beauty or complexity in design. Know more about the purpose of online video games.
The main purpose of casual gamesvideo games is to entertain but with lower adherence than other video games.There are also Christian video games basically focused on spreading the Christian religion to non-believers. There are also educational video games online; these kinds of video games attempt to teach the user using the game as a vehicle.Video games like electronic sports games are usually played competitively at the professional level. These games are often targeted at the ‘hardcore’ gaming audience, and usually require fast twitch-based reaction speed and coordination, such as First Person Shooters games. However, exergame are video games that provide exercise.
There are also serious games that aim to educate or train the user.These types of video games basically tend to promote education, science, social change, health care or even the military. By playing such games you can learn a real life lesson. So, one should know that every video game has its own purpose. However, gathering information on the purpose of video games will help you to know more about online video games and its additional benefits. Entertain and educate yourself by playing online video games.
As mentioned earlier, video games provide many cognitive benefits to the person who is playing. To further understand how those cognitive benefits are gained, we will need to talk about what happens in the brain. When a person studies, or plays sports, or does anything in repetition, they are training their brain. This also applies to games. When a person plays video games, their brain strengthens and they experience euphoria, which causes them to want to play more. According to an article on fox news, published by NewsCore, it states, “The powerful combination of concentration and rewarding surges of neurotransmitters like dopamine strengthen neural circuits in much the same way that exercise builds muscles.”
Gray matter increases after playing video games
Not only do video games strengthen the brain, they also make it work more efficiently. First, let’s talk about gray matter. Gray matter, in definition, is the darker tissue of the brain and spinal cord, which consists mainly of nerve cell bodies and branching dendrites. The function of gray matter is to route sensory or motor stimulus to neurons of the central nervous system. Gray matter can speed up and improve memory, spatial navigation, muscle control and sensory perception. In the article “Video Games Can Increase Brain Function” published by Ron Duwell, he states that, “the study found a “significant gray matter increase” in the video gamers compared to the control study group of those who did not play games.”It has been linked that more gray matter in specific areas of the brain can lead to greater intelligence, while low gray matter in specific areas of the brain can lead to Alzheimer, PTSD or other neurodegenerative diseases.
A brain model showcasing the cerebellum, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
Playing video games is a demanding task. It requires the brain to perform a multitude of complex cognitive and motor demands. However, because of these high demands in brain activity, researchers have found that the brain is actually increasing in volume, and certain parts of the brain will grow as well. There is significant evidence that made researchers believe that specific brain regions can be trained by the means of playing video games. The main brain regions that are affected by video games are the hippocampus, right prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum. In a article by Christopher Bergland, he states that, “Neurogenesis and neuroplasticity improvements were observed in the right hippocampus, right prefrontal cortex and cerebellum.” Researchers also observed that these changes were more evident when gamers are more passionate about playing the video game. In the article, it was also mentioned that gaming can improve cerebral function. “Gaming brings together the cerebral function of the cerebrum with the cerebellar muscle memory of the cerebellum which improves cognitive function and performance.”
Guest blogger Maria Chesley Fisk, Ph.D., is Deputy Director of Health Games Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Pioneer Portfolio, which funds research to advance the innovation and effectiveness of digital games and game technologies intended to improve health.On November the 2rd, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear the case of Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Software Association. The court will hear arguments for and against the state of California’s yet-to-be-enacted law banning the sale of violent video games to youth under the age of 18. Under the law, violent video games would be labeled 18 and those who sell them to minors could be fined up to $1000. Games used as examples include Resident Evil 4 and Tom Clancy Rainbow Six 3. The California law defines “violent video game” in 150 words as, in part, as “a video game in which the range of options available to a player includes killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being.”On October 22, at the Meaningful Play conference at Michigan State University, I facilitated a lively and thoughtful discussion about this case and its implications. A couple of themes emerged, and I will surely flavor them with my own opinion as I describe them here. One theme was that whether there is an enacted law or not, parents should monitor their children’s gameplay (play with them even!) and teach their children positive strategies for handling conflict and frustration. In short, parents should proactively take responsibility.A second theme of the discussion was that video games are powerful teachers.They teach whether they are designed for education, change, or entertainment and whether the teaching is intentional or unintentional. In other words, video games have effects on players.We as a society would benefit from honest, informative conversations about the nature and extent of those effects, as well as from more research that informs those conversations.A third theme was that parents should take into account the ratings assigned to games by the ESRB rating system in addition to their own evaluations of the appropriateness. At least some participants wished we could use the resources consumed by the court cases that led to the Supreme Court case differently— informing parents about the rating system and the potential positive and negative consequences of playing games. Game reviews from organizations like Common Sense Media are other tools that can help.I support a simple definition of violent video games: Violent video games are those that represent violence as the best or only way to resolve conflict.And I wholeheartedly agree with the discussants that parents are in the best position to monitor and help children process the messages they get from video games and other media. Processing messages from media involves noticing them, evaluating them, and considering alternatives. In the case of violent games, an alternative is a peaceful approach to resolving differences. I hope the upcoming Supreme Court case will raise our country’s awareness and fuel productive, healthy conversations about the implications, responsibilities, and opportunities associated with children’s use of media.This commentary originally appeared on the RWJF Pioneering Ideas blog.
Video games are a huge global phenomenon, driving well over $70 billion dollars in sales in 2011—a number that is only rising year by year. For comparison, global music sales in 2011 was about $16 billion, while global theater tickets was about $33 billion. This has consequences—largely unexplored—for people that are interested in spiritual development. It is thus important to look at the phenomenon of video games from a spiritual perspective, because almost no one growing up today can avoid them. The time in which human beings could develop spiritually without the presence of modern technologies is essentially over, and video games are now deeply integrated into the fabric of modern society. Their ubiquity means that human beings who wish to undertake spiritual development will often do so in contexts that are not devoid of video games. We can thus ask the question, how might video games impact spiritual development?
The perspectives put forth here are developed from an anthroposophical perspective, and thus I use the language of anthroposophy to some extent. Readers not familiar with this language can follow along with the main points but likely questions will arise with respect to the meaning of the terms such as astral and etheric body. Such readers are referred particularly to the first chapter of Rudolf Steiner’s book Theosophy (available free here). Additionally, some context for this post is laid out in another post, on Sleep, Dreams, and Video Games, in which I explore the basic phenomenon of sleep in connection with video games and spiritual development. The current post goes much deeper and more directly into the spiritual background of video games with respect to the makeup of the human being. I also suggest supplementing this post with more “standard” research on video games. The graphic at right is particularly interesting and highlights some areas addressed in this post.
A one-two endocrine punch
Right now video games—despite having come quite a long way—are still almost totally oriented towards stimulation of the astral body, and pay no real attention to the spiritual reality of the ego, let alone the ego’s task of transforming the astral body into a more pure state (spirit self). Video games are even more devious, however, in that the particular mode by which they call to our astral body such that they utilize the parts of the astral body that connect with the etheric body’s life processes. This is seen most directly seen in the way that games are designed to arouse particular endocrine responses through intense imagery sequences—and this is done in a very skillful way, utilizing a sort of one-two endocrine punch. On the one side is the fight/flight response and the release of tiny amounts of adrenaline (epinephrine), which is very stimulating and gives us a greater sense of being alive and capable; on the other is the reward response triggered through power-ups, leveling, treasure, and so forth, which stimulates the release of dopamine (involved in all reward-learning).
So here’s the thing: the release of adrenaline in a more natural setting occurs when you need to mobilize your body for potential and immediate action (often involving gross motor movement and the large muscle groups, i.e. running). In the case of a video game none of this gross movement actually will occur, because you are basically just sitting in one spot. You consciously know that your body is not in danger (so you don’t actually run away), but your etheric body can’t make a distinction between real and false danger: it preps itself for action in both cases. Your ego has enough control over your body to keep it in front of the TV (more on this later), but not enough to keep it from releasing adrenaline, which up-regulates your heart rhythm, dilates your pupils, down-regulates your immune system and digestion, and increases oxygen and glucose absorption in the brain. The ego is then left with the residue of this activity, given to it through the astral body as it rides on the back of these powerful etheric processes.
And then comes the second punch: it is just at this moment, when the action comes to a momentary pause and there is no immediate cause for the continued release of adrenaline, that the game presents you with a reward of some kind, triggering a dopamine release and the activation of the reward-learning system in the brain. It is the timing of this one-two punch that is so powerful: by following at just the right moment, right when the (false) danger is removed, the activation of the reward centers has a correspondingly larger impact than were the response to occur without the previous fight/flight mobilization. In other words, the contrast between the activity of adrenaline and dopamine in the brain, when sequenced just so, yields a subjectively greater sense of the value of the reward than would otherwise occur; we overvalue the reward.
This overvaluation gives the ego a hit, and makes it seem like all the intensity that accompanies the fight/flight response was not only “worth it,” but is something to repeat. The loop of attention is closed, and we are drawn forward to the next game conflict, having learned now to anticipate activation of the reward centers of our brain without ever having to actually meet any real danger, while having the sense of the danger, because your etheric body can’t say “no” to the effects of adrenaline. It is the rhythmic oscillation between these two sides of the endocrine response system that is problematic for spiritual development, because the rhythmic oscillation works in a way that could almost be described as ego-enslaving. The rhythmhas power to it that the ego is not very capable of dealing with (because of the etheric nature of this rhythm), so it slides into the pattern and has a difficult time regaining its rightful place with respect to the astral body in particular, which is where the spiritual knot is in this case. The ego is meant to develop so as to be the initiator and dissolver of astral activity, but because this activity gets linked to a rhythm in the etheric body, the ego loses its hold and gets swept up in the drama of the etheric body. It becomes more of a passive spectator and relinquishes its potential to be a creatively free with respect to the astral body.
To take it further, the important thing about video games is that all of this activity takes place through the linking of two very important phenomena, both significant when thinking about this question in the context of spiritual development: imagery and fine motor control. Let us look at images first.
Video games, imagery, the astral body and the ego
The astral body is the symbolizing body. When thinking about spiritual development, the most important thing is to make sure that the images that the astral body encounters are spiritually nourishing. Without getting into too much detail, an image is spiritually nourishing when it can be penetrated by the ego, and when in so doing the ego can find something in the image that coherently connects it beyond itself to the parts of the universe that support the development of the human ego. (Yes, this definition has a circularity in it.) In other words, when an image becomes meaningful with respect to how the ego needs to bring itself forward for that particular individual, the image is nourishing. Such images are symbols, and can even become healing symbols when the ego uses them for spiritual development.
Video games are largely devoid of exactly these kinds of images. They are symbolically empty with respect to the development of the ego. But the real issue is that the combination of the fight/flight and reward activation pathways in the endocrine system is linked to images that give a false sense of development to the ego. The specific images that trigger the reward centers are almost invariably linked to the idea of advancement—but do not carry the reality of advancement. This is played out differently in different styles of games, but is a near-universal feature of all games: higher scores, in-game achievements, item drops, new character skills, gold pieces, unlocked content, and so forth.
All of the advancement that occurs in the context of the game stays within the game. Your ego does not get any spiritual traction in this kind of situation; the game challenges are not (with perhaps a very very few exceptions, and I’m not including, for example, Deepak Chopra’s game Leela here) the sort that help the ego develop itself spiritually. In other words, the rewards are spiritually vacuous, even while the physical, etheric and astral bodies undergo an experience as if there was some kind of advancement occurring or immanent.
There is an important caveat to note, having to do with multiplayer games, particularly multiplayer games that require cooperative problem solving and communication for successful in-game advancement (many MMOs are like this). In this sort of game, even though the explicit in-game rewards and challenges are spiritually vacuous, the need for cooperation and communication with real human beings provides the ego with potential avenues for development. However, these are only the same avenues that are present in situations of normal everyday life when coordination with other human beings is required; the game does not add anything significant for potential ego development that is not already present in normal life. In both cases, it is all too easy to ignore the potential paths that help develop the ego and simply repeat to ourselves (and project on to others) whatever stage of development we are already at.
Fine motor control and the aesthetic sense
Now on to fine motor control. The reason why this is a significant issue is that fine motor control of the kind that most video games require for success, mostly in the form of highly coordinated movements of the wrists, fingers, and thumbs (and we could include the eyes as well) is the same type that is needed in the development of our aesthetic sense. This point requires some elaboration.
From a spiritual perspective, there is an important link between fine motor control and the development of the will in such a way that it is capable of furthering spiritual development. Most aesthetic arts utilize this connection, such as painting, calligraphy, drawing, dancing, sculpture, and music (many other arts also work with this link to some degree or other). The way that fine motor control helps further spiritual development is when it gets linked to the will through the intermediate realm of the feelings. It is not enough for spiritual development to simply develop good hand-eye coordination, to gain a general dexterity. What is needed is a regulation of this activity through a corresponding engaging of one’s feeling life. The life of feeling here is meant not in the sense of gross emotions (or even subtle emotions), but in a way that can be illuminated with the following situation.
Imagine that you are a swallow, flying through the air. Imagine your wings stretched out, catching the wind. Imagine your legs tucked back, your neck stretched out, your muscles straining. Imagine the speed and maneuverability as you chase after insects or slow yourself to a stop as you approach your nest.
A swallow
Now imagine that instead of being a swallow you are an owl. Imagine your wings as you fly, the position of your ears and eyes, the extent of your feathers and the strength of your feet in gripping your perch. Imagine your sensitivity to light, the quietness of your flight, the stillness of your body when watching for prey. Let yourself imagine what it is like to be an owl as deeply as you can.
A barred owl
Now inwardly sense what is different about these two imaginings. The difference between these two imaginings, of the swallow and the owl, occurs as a feeling. There may be an emotional resonance with the feelings, and this may be different for the case of the swallow versus the owl, but even that difference takes place in your wider life of feeling. We cannot easily extract all emotional content (we are emotional beings), but we can see that the emotions that may occur in this situation cannot carry the difference between the two imaginations. You can still have a sense of their difference, and you can have this sense only because of what is possible in your feeling life. It is your feeling life that can sense something of the inner difference between a straight line and a curved line, or the rational and irrational numbers, or the colors red and blue, or the difference between walking and sitting.
In this way our life of feelings is like a palette that colors how we can be in the world, and what the world can be for us. Spiritual development of the feeling life involves the conscious extension and complexification of what our feeling life is capable of integrating: we can call this aesthetic development—it is an expansion of our feeling palette. This is part of spiritual development because the aesthetic sense, working as it does between our willing and our thinking, can act as a powerful integrator of human experience. It can lift and ennoble our willing impulses by bringing them into contact with more subtle possibilities of how the world can be, and thus how we can be in the world. It also serves as a basis upon which the thinking can bring itself forward in ways that are also commensurate with an expanded range of how we meet the world and how it meets us. The aesthetic sense gives thinking traction and allows it to make new distinctions that were previously unavailable to it. These two results of the developed aesthetic sense are really two sides of the same movement. They are in a recursive relationship, building off of each other to open new options for both thinking and acting. This takes place through the integration that occurs in the feeling life as it develops itself aesthetically.
Color scheme from Seurat
When we utilize fine motor control in service to the developing of our aesthetic sense, we are utilizing a tight feedback loop that takes place between the will and our thinking that is exactly the same loop that is important for developing spiritual perception. To perceive spiritually, we must develop our ability to sense in ways that are commensurate with the phenomena that we will encounter in the spiritual world. If our senses are capable only of the most gross distinctions, the world we live in will be correspondingly gross; if they are fine, then the world we live in will be fine. The spiritual world is supremely delicate and subtle with respect to this point. To become capable of noticing the difference between one type of spiritual event or being and another requires the ability to perceive the difference between them, and if this difference is subtle, we must have developed our feeling life in such a way as to be sensitive to this subtlety. The arts are a training, in the physical world, of what can become capacities for perception in the spiritual world. This is not all that is required, of course, but we can’t underestimate the value of artistic training for spiritual perception.
How does this link back to fine motor control and video games? Once we understand that the aesthetic sense is developed strongly through the link between attention and fine motor control as it occurs in the feeling life, which constantly monitors the state of the soul as we act on the world and allow it to act back on us, we can see how this link is co-opted in a very limiting and deadening way with respect to video games.
The primary motor cortex
The dexterity required to control modern video games is not linked to motions that help develop the aesthetic sense. The possible motions of the fingers, thumbs, and wrists is reduced to a very small set that is locked tightly to the particular control devices (console controllers, keyboards, and mice or trackpads). These control devices only respond to direct presses (binary activations for all buttons and keys) or planar movements (the mouse), and within very limited ranges designed for efficiency of execution (I’m leaving the Wii, Kinect, and Move controllers out of the discussion for now, but they don’t vastly improve the context being developed here). In real-time strategy games, an important measurement for elite players is actions per second, which requires exquisite efficiency in the coordination of fine motor impulses. But what is sacrificed for the sake of efficiency is precisely what can be developed when the feeling life is not thusly bound, i.e. art. The entrainment of fine motor movements within the context of the already-mentioned astral power of video game imagery, its spiritually dessicated meaning, and the one-two etheric punch of the endocrine pattern oscillation, all while the ego keeps the body in an essentially locked position, all combine to reduce the ability of the ego to utilize video games for spiritual development.
Video games thus work themselves into something of a sweet spot with respect to the way that they insert themselves into the potential developmental space that the human being could otherwise utilize for spiritual advancement. This sweet spot is formed from the meeting of aspects that address the human being only from the ego downwards (the higher potential members of the human being are not integrated into the experience):
The general desiccation of spiritually symbolic meaning; (ego-oriented aspect)
Intensely engaging and stimulating imagery and scenarios; (astral-oriented aspect)
Rhythmic, oscillatory triggering of fight/flight responses (adrenaline/epinephrine) and reward-learning pathways (dopamine); (etheric-oriented aspect)
Utilization of attention to develop fine motor control in service to mechanical outcomes (physical-oriented aspect)
Suppression and restriction of other forms of bodily movement by the ego (keeping the body still), in service of the sense as if one is advancing or developing, without the actuality being realized; (closing the loop from the physical body to the ego, to keep the cycle going)
This preliminary analysis of video games from the perspective of spiritual development is not complete, but is only a first-pass look; the situation is rather more complex than presented here. In particular I’m not commenting on the specific content of different video games, for example their generally high level of violence, the way in which women are treated in video games, or even their potential utilization for inducing healthy behaviors. The human being is resilient and creative both with respect to how we encounter video games and also how we create them, and not all games are alike. There is much more to consider with respect to the role of video games today, and why they are so globally popular, when we take a spiritual perspective. However, the addition of more subtle analysis does not greatly change the basic structure of what is presented here.
The upshot is that, with the way things stand presently, there is very little spiritual nourishment to be found in video games, and because of the particular ways that games involve the different aspects of the human organism, they can even work to wither potential avenues for spiritual development. As just mentioned, the larger context for this situation bears greater scrutiny, but at the moment it is enough to point out that the healing for this situation lies in the arts.
Rebecca Greenwood authored a book called “Let Our Children Go”. I truly believe that every parent should pick up a copy. It’s cutting edge on evil influences and demonic harassment that is tormenting our children.
Under the topic of video games she states: “… recent studies found that playing violent video games is a way to rehearse violent behaviors, making it easier to bring that behavior into real life. If you practice shooting basketballs thousands of times you get better at scoring. If you practice killing thousands of times you get better at that as well.”In the course of years of ministering to children, I have seen the effects played out in their young lives.
I remember a wearied mom’s face one day as she brought her eight year old son into our office for help. He was highly intellectual but extremely violent. He was on many medications and was determined to stay by the door in order to run. I began to speak to him softly and after a time he was intrigued with impressing me with his intelligence. As I conversed with him in front of his mom, I asked him what his favorite video games were.
Video Games Open The Door For Demonic Torment
He began to give us a shocking account of “Beyblade” and said that he and his brother played it extensively. His mother had innocently bought this game to keep him occupied, but she literally lay on my office floor in horror as he recounted the game’s violence and demonic overtones.
He clearly identified the games players in terms of demons and satan. I said perhaps that’s not a good game to play. He instantly stood up, became violent and started yelling at me in deep tones that no one would take him from that world.
On other occasions, I’ve also been asked by clients about a new game called “Skylanders”.One was about to acquiesce to their sons begging, but thought first to ask me. Here’s (part of) what I found on the game’s website
“…Skylanders must find the pieces (Soul Coins, which open up a character’s highest upgrade combat move), to rebuild the Fountain of Light and save the universe. However, they’ve all been turned into toys and blown to Earth. Players must find these toys and send them back to their world to fight the villains. They do this by placing a toy on a special portal that comes packaged with the game.”
This is an entry level video game targeted at the youngest players and is replete with new age jargon including “portals”, “soul coins”, and “universal light”.When I shared my findings with my client they were grateful. It took me only a few minutes to find this information online, but God’s children are perishing for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) as they are being desensitized early to the demonic realm.
Not all video games are harmful of course and I’ve only singled out a couple; there are many more!
Two (secular) studies published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology show the following effect of violent video games as reflected in the behaviors of the players:
The player develops positive attitudes toward the use of violence.
The player develops expectations that others will behave aggressively.
The player assumes that others have similar attitudes of aggression
The player comes to believe that violent solutions are effective and appropriate for solving problems.
The player develops a total disregard for societal norms, property rights and even the general value of other lives.
The player sees the world as a violent unsafe place. where everyone is out to get you.
The player learns that aggressive actions against others such as fighting and shooting may be appropriate and even necessary
Violent video games have an addictive nature.
Playing can make an already aggressive person even more aggressive.
The player becomes more aggressive, changes his outlook on life and socializing and tends to socialize with others who demonstrate similar attitudes of aggression.
The player’s socialization with teachers, parents and nonaggressive peers are likely to degenerate.
Sadly, there are not that many deliverance ministries that are working with children to overcome these open doors and deal with the extreme cases. Those of us who are helping have seen a recent influx of aggression, cutting, and suicidal thoughts beginning as early as eight years old.
If you are concerned, take a look at what is in your child’s room. Ask God to show you what is lurking behind some of these games. Then get help. We are responsible for carrying this generation in on our shoulders. Our ceiling is their floor.
What Is A “First-Person Shooter” (FPS) Violent Video Game?
“First-person shooter” (FPS) video games is a type of shooting video game experience. There are two aspects to this type of game. One aspect is that the player is shooting some type of weapon, like a gun or rifle. The second aspect is that it is done in the first-person, or “I”.
Traditionally, many video games included shooting weapons, both big and small, realistic and unrealistic. I do recommend you avoid all violent video games, but first-person shooting games are uniquely violent and uniquely destructive to the mental-spiritual growth of the person playing.
What Does “First-Person” Mean?
So what is first-person actually mean? The first person is “I”. The second person is “you”. And the third person is “he” or “she”.
In the older games, your character would be facing left to right. They start at the left side of the screen, and move to the right, and shoot the enemies that are directly upward, downward, to the right, and sometimes to the left. This is like saying “he”, “she”, or “they”, which are “third person” references. Although the player is still identifying with the character on the screen, they are looking at the character in the third person, as an other, as a he or she. So there is a certain amount of disconnectedness with the game. It’s still violent, but it’s not as violent as first-person.
In a first-person shooter game, or “FPS”, the player can not see their whole character on the screen. They are playing from their own perspective. They can see the weapon and their hands holding the weapon, and the character on the screen is facing forward, into the screen, the same direction as the person playing the game. Therefore, it feels realistic, and the player feels like they are totally immersed in the game, in the first person, as an “I”.
Since the player is now playing as an “I”, the enemies are no longer “they”. Instead, the enemies are looked at directly in front, directly into the screen, so they become “you”. It becomes “me against you”, which is much more aggressive and direct. The conflict is “in your face”, and you are face to face with your enemy. I am shooting you, the enemy. Not that my character (he) is shooting the enemies (them). It makes you feel like you are the one carrying around the weapon and aiming. It’s completely real and personal.
Mental/Emotional/Spiritual Reality: You Become What You Meditate On
Is this bad? What’s the problem? The issue here is that you become what you meditate on. And in a first-person shooting game, you are meditating on targeting, aiming, shooting and destroying every “you”, or every other person. You are meditating on separation, separation from every other human being.
In pointing your weapon at the “enemy,” you are meditating on the angry destruction of every other. It is the process of pointing your attention at another human being, or even an animal or an object, and then judging them as evil, bad, or simply as other, divided against you. Once you’ve affirmed to yourself that they are against you, you now decide that you will be against them, instead of trying to understand or forgive them. Then, you decide that you will destroy the other person, who you have confirmed in your mind that they are your “enemy.” Finally, you follow through with this destruction by pointing your weapon at them and shooting them, shooting to kill, or to completely take away their life through control and domination.
FPS Shooting Games Train Your Mind To Target Others With Judgement And Wrath
When you play a first-person shooter video game, you are literally training your mind in this process of seeing every other person (and everything outside of yourself) as an enemy, judging them wrongly, targeting them, aiming for them, locking your judgmental and destructive gaze upon them, and then following through with completely destroying them by taking their life away. This is the mental training process with every shot taken.
So let’s say you “killed” 50 or 100 or 500 people while playing for half an hour, or an hour, or 4 hours, or however long you played that day. All during that time, you are literally meditating and training your mind in this process through the repetition of these cycles of judgment, enemy, otherness, and destruction. It is literally mind-training, mind-changing, brain-washing, whatever you want to call it. And it is a real process that creates real changes in the physical brain and in your mind, in your thinking and your perspective.*
First Person Shooters Teach: “Everyone Is Different And Against Me”
In real life, then, you have been trained to see everything outside of yourself, and especially every other person, as the enemy that must be destroyed. This will be most intense for any person you don’t like, or that hurts you, or that has a different opinion than you, or that likes a different basketball team than you, or comes from a different country than you, or that’s the opposite sex of you, or says “no” to you- any difference becomes the basis for target-judgement-lock focus-destroy-kill the enemy.
Does that mean that you are going to go out and kill people? Usually not, although we have seen many incidences where this is actually happening. Kids shooting up schools and setting off bombs has become all too common. It is one reason we need to stop playing these games, but it is definitely the extreme, and not the most common manifestation of this process.
The Bottom Line: Separation
In most situations, the most common and most profound effect of first-person shooter games, especially if they are played for more than an hour per day, is the symptom of introversion, or anti-social behavior. Once we understand this sense of separation from other people that is being trained in the mind with each game played, it’s easy to see how this will cause a collapse in the personality and in your heart, training the player to move inward and deeper, closing off his heart and cutting off the people around him.
It’s not just that he has less friends, or it’s difficult to talk to women. It’s deeper than that. Many people have social struggles, and those can be dealt with in different ways. But the mind-training of FPS games causes a true collapse- even a paranoia- where the player views everyone as an enemy-other, and he can not bear to be in relationship with anyone.
Pointing And Shooting Will Collapse The Heart
Unfortunately, this internal collapse of the heart get’s deeper and deeper with each game played. As the player disconnects more and more from relationship with others, whether family or friends, the player turns more and more to the virtual world for comfort and for confirmation that what he is feeling is true: “everyone else IS the enemy, let me continue to confirm my suspicions and play out my wrath through the game.”
Research Evidence And Scientific Studies About Violent Video Games
Research has shown that there are variety of negative outcomes associated with violent video games in general, including:
– Anti-social behavior
– Desensitization to violence
– Confused moral decision making
– Aggressive thoughts, emotions and behaviors
– Sexism
– Identity issues
– Depression
– ADHD behaviors like attention problems, hyperactivity, and impulsivity
If you’d like to read some of the studies yourself, click here and let me know what you dig up!
It is important to note that these are just looking at the outer effects of playing these games; they are not taking into account the deeper spiritual idea of separation and other-ness. Separation is what causes us to be anti-social or aggressive, and keeps us running away from love in all of our relationships. Separation is the root problem that we need to stop reinforcing through these FPS games.
What Is The Truth About Life?
What is really true? The truth is that no one is separate from anyone else. The earth and everyone in it forms an intricate balance of life and death, of consumption and waste, a recycling of life that continues indefinitely. And the spirit of truth and love is the spirit of oneness and unity, cooperation and community. And most deeply, unity and love are manifested in relationship.
There can’t be relationship if I am looking at the other person as an “other,” separate from myself. The other person becomes the enemy, and the goal becomes to either destroy the enemy, or to take advantage of them for my own pleasurable gain, without regard to their humanity. This is most profoundly expressed through pornography- using the “other” for your own pleasure, forgetting about their humanity.
This separation, targeting, judging, and using others, is how most of us already live! We struggle in our family relationships, in our friendships, and in our intimate emotional-sexual relationships or marriages. As we try to realize a higher way of love and relationship, first person shooter games simply reinforce and counteract the process of spiritual growth and deepening relationships, making everything that much harder.
Our Responsibility As Parents Concerning Violent Games In The Home
As responsible parents, we simply can not allow these games in the home. Take them away, throw them away, take the video game consoles and computers out of the bedrooms, and be strong in preventing our sons from training themselves in the way of separation, and seeing everyone around them as an enemy. If they back lash, do what needs to be done. Get counseling. Get help from friends and family. Do lots of talking, hugging, loving, and educating. But don’t give in- if they are living in your home, you must take full responsibility for the process. Knowing the effects of FPS games, you must be true to yourself as a good parent.
Make Shooting Games Impossible To Get To
Don’t be afraid of putting physical barriers to playing these games. Remember, they are extremely addicting. If you put a pile of cocaine on the table in front of a cocaine addict and tell him, “don’t do that! It’s bad for you! It can kill you!” he is still going to do it! FPS games (and video games and electronics in general) are extremely addicting, so we have to create actual physical barriers from playing them, especially if parents are not always in the home.
Some things that you might need to do to eliminate FPS games from your home:
– Throw away the FPS games. Don’t give them away so others can play them!
– Educate your child’s friends and family about FPS’s destructive effects on relationships. Send them to this article.
– *Do not leave any gaming consoles or computers in the bedrooms.* Keep them in an open part of the house. This will also help prevent pornography.
– Hide the console in your closet (if your kids are small enough) to limit the amount of time they spend on it.
– Cancel or unplug the internet, or take the plug with you, so that they don’t play online while you are at work.
– Take the video game console (x-box, etc.) with you to work. Throw it in your trunk every morning.
– Search your kids rooms and backpacks for FPS game cartridges about every week, or use your judgment for how often. They live in your home, it’s your responsibility to raise them. It’s for their own good, and it’s NOT an invasion of privacy. When they are responsible enough to live on their own, then they can have their privacy. They may not show it, but deep inside they will see that you actually care enough about them to be deeply involved with their lives in a loving way. And they will feel loved and protected by you.
I know, I know… It’s just a game. Well, I wish it was just that. But it’s not.
Remember, you become what you meditate on. This is the law, a sublime truth that is obvious in all forms of life. If we don’t respect it, then the random addictions and distractions that steal our attention minute by minute, day by day, will take over our lives, and we will be servants of all of the commercials, TV shows, games, and brands. And those forces will be happy to control us and make money off of our attention!
It’s time to awaken, and be free- happy, and free.
Dr. Moses
What have you done to eliminate FPS games from your home? Please share your ideas below so that we can all benefit from them!
Video games began as entertainment for scientists at major universities during the forties and fifties. This grew during the sixties as the computing hardware improved. During the seventies the arcade phenomenon took off. This is also the generation that experienced the release of the first generation console by Magnavox. Then along came the popular Atari and there have been yearly releases of updated consoles ever since. The capabilities of the video game consoles and computer hardware increases every year and this allows more and more realistic environments to be created on the screen. With the creation of home computers like the Commodore, Tandy, IBM and Apple, gaming was opened up to a new market. It was taken from a family environment in the living room to an individual experience in the home office. The first games were simple tic-tac-toe, ping pong and message board style Dungeons & Dragons turn based fantasy games.
The “Dungeons & Dragons” fantasy game actually began as a turn based war game developed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and was first published in 1974 by Tactical Studios. They created the precursor to the computerized “rpg” or role playing game. In this tabletop version, players create a character with a set of attributes such as charisma, dexterity, strength, etc. Players would then band together into a group called a “party” and explore a fantasy world controlled by the dungeon master. This dungeon master controlled all aspects of the game environment from the weather to attacking monsters. Dice with as many as 20 sides are used to assess a player’s chance of success or failure during his or her turn.
There are many reports from the late 70’s and 80’s that associated “Dungeons & Dragons” with the occult and Satanism. People were acting out their fantasy battles in real life and killing themselves and each other. One famous case concerns a young man named James Dallas Egbert III. James was a 16 year old student at Michigan State University who disappeared from his dorm room on April 15, 1979. James’ parents hired a private detective, William Dear, to find James. Dear proposed a theory that James’ playing of the fantasy game Dungeons & Dragons led to his entering the university’s steam tunnels to incorporate them into the game. Dear concluded that James suffered a psychotic episode during one of the game sessions. James was coincidentally suffering from depression and performance pressure from his parents to do well in school. James made 3 suicide attempts; the final of which was successful. The way he died was by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
An increase in realism has brought about one element of gaming that was sought after for years: realistic damage/explosions and then the most controversial: blood. One of the first video games to ever include blood and realistic violence was “Rambo” for the Nintendo entertainment system. Based off of the movie, “Rambo: First Blood Part II,” this game contains some of the first pixels of blood ever seen in the video game world. “Rambo” was released in 1987 in Japan and a year later in North America.
The first video game to include blood and gore, realistically, was “Mortal Kombat”, which created the need of the ESRB rating system due to law suits pertaining to the accessibility of adult content by children. “Mortal Kombat” was first released for arcades in 1992, and was later made for home consoles in 1993. “Mortal Kombat” has since spawned numerous sequels and revamped remakes and is considered the most popular American fighting game to date.
Some of the different genres of video games include:
Some of today’s recent popular titles include:
This is just a small sampling of the hundreds, if not thousands, of video game titles available to people and most notably to children. Many of these games are franchises and have multiple installments under the same title released as a series much like books.
There are many dangers to video games. One of the biggest dangers is that it can bring the occult right into a child’s bedroom without the parents being aware of what is happening. Pagan ideals are being introduced! When a person is casting spells, hexes, curses, or healing through magic, they are actually participating in occult witchcraft. Children are exposed to demonic symbols, which symbolize power and authority. When a person kills another person in a game, this is murder.
Children are not the only ones susceptible to the dangers of video games. With smart phones and tablets everywhere, adults and children alike have ready access to all manner of games. The average age of a “gamer” is around 30. This tells us that the majority of the game content is directed at adults. Violence, nudity, blood and gore are the staples of today’s games. With most of the games geared toward adults, it’s a safe assumption that children are going to see or experience something inappropriate for their age. This will open the door to further exploration into the occult as games become an interactive movie in which the player can escape reality.
Games that Dehumanize
Of notable mention is “WoW” or “World of Warcraft.” This is a massive multi-player on-line role playing game. This means that the player assumes the identity of a magician, fighter, bard, etc., and can even play as a non-human. This game has proven itself to be incredibly addictive to its players as they strive to “level up” and quest to find armor, weapons and occult artifacts of power. The game is based on a virtual monetary system which creates a desperation in some players that is so strong that they are willing to sell their earthly bodies for sex in exchange for this virtual game gold. Online surveys show a strong sentiment that World of Warcraft is ruining relationships and costing people their jobs and marriages.
Consider the following heartbreaking example of a young woman who sold her body to receive what is called an “epic mount.” An epic mount is an in-game ability that allows characters to “evolve” to the point to where they can cast spells on their enemies from the sky. This young woman’s desire to have this epic mount was so strong that she offered premarital sex in exchange for enough game gold to purchase the mount. She posted an ad on craigslist offering her body in exchange for 5,000 in WoW game currency. It did not take her long to find a person that was willing to accept her offer.
As soon as the deal was sealed she was back in the game world. She compromised her soul in real life to finance her virtual reality fantasy.
“Fallout 3,” produced by Bethesda Game Studios, is an example of a role-playing game that had multiple endings based on player decisions. The game received a lot of awards in the gaming community but there were some problems. The game allowed the player to become addicted to morphine and alcohol. There are plot lines in the game that allow the player to access a weapon that launched mini nuclear bombs called the “Fat-Man”. This is a reference to the bomb dropped on Japan.
One of the most disturbing quests in the game involves deciding whether to detonate or disarm a nuclear device in a small town called Megaton. The player can either kill all the residents and annihilate the town by detonating the weapon or save everybody by permanently disarming it. Consequently, parents were less than pleased when they found out that their children were responsible for killing hundreds of people, even in a virtual setting. The game developers were creating an environment where a child (or adult) could possibly recreate some of the most horrific moments in human history. The moral ramifications are obvious as young children are not capable of fully understanding the consequences of these actions. These types of experiences lead to a desensitization of a person’s perception of death and murder. They will begin to associate real death with virtual death and thus become disconnected from a very real part of life.
One popular argument from video game advocates is that games increase hand eye coordination. This is only true inside the gaming world. Once you leave the gaming world these motor skills are largely worthless and cannot be applied in reality outside the gaming environment.
Games are not all bad. There are certainly innocent, educational or story based games that are non-violent. There are many sports and simulation games that are non-violent but there must be one underlying question: “How does this glorify God?” Spending time with friends and family, playing a game of soccer, or something similar would be more beneficial to bring the family together.
Another issue here is time. When does the time commitment become something beyond a casual experience? Children especially cannot regulate their time and would spend all hours of the day playing games. This leads to an addiction that is not easily broken. Children become out of shape, lose social skills, and their ability to function and communicate in society is limited. We can see further evidence of this since the advent of texting. Teens and young adults have begun to lose the ability to interpret human emotion through body language.
Games require an incredible amount of time to “beat” and some are even unbeatable. They simply perpetuate until the player grows tired of the game and moves on to the next installment. We are talking hundreds, if not thousands of hours dedicated to developing a person’s virtual skill. This is time not spent with a spouse or family. This is time not spent on education, or learning a trade. This is time not spent reading books or developing critical thinking skills needed to understand our reality. Most importantly, this is time not spent serving God and is therefore wasted time.
How Demons Enter Through Fantasy: The Seducing Spirit
Everybody is born with an imagination. This imagination can be used to build a home, write a book, fix a car, or any number of situations requiring problem solving and creative solutions. The imagination can also be used to create a fantasy world in which we can escape reality. This is an illusion formed in our mind. We can create an event or sequence of events in which we are in TOTAL control. We can fulfill our most personal longings without fear of rejection or failure. We can become a “god” in a sense as we are in complete control of all aspects of the illusion. The stronger the pain, or rejection; the stronger and deeper the illusion.
Our imagination is a faculty of our inner man; the illusion is created from within our heart (soul) with an influence from one of the three following choices:
The Holy Spirit
Our Spirit
A Demonic Spirit
We create this fantasy world to escape the pains of reality, such as rejection. For example, within this reality we are always the center of the illusion. We are in complete control; we are important and everything always works out perfectly. We will always score the winning goal. If we don’t score the winning goal in reality, we can replay the moment over and over in our mind and change the outcome to feel better about it. Men tend to sexualize their fantasies to gain power, money, women, fame etc. Men will always get the girl and she will always be satisfied beyond her wildest dreams. Men will spend millions in this illusion having the fastest cars, the nicest homes etc. Revenge is another motive in our fantasies. We can exact the perfect revenge without consequences.
Women on the other hand tend to romanticize their fantasies about the perfect man. This man will happily cater to her every need and desire. He will always satisfy her and take care of her. He will always say kind things and act perfectly in public.
The problem with this illusion is that it is a lie! There are pains and rejections in real life. We will not always score the winning goal and our spouse will not always act correctly and say the right thing. Revenge is never sweet, and there are always consequences.
Have you ever zoned out on a long drive, and then all of a sudden you snap out of it as you arrive safely at your destination without any specific recollection of the drive itself? You have to ask yourself, where did I just go in my mind? Daydreaming is a natural human element. It all depends on where the fantasy leads you.
“I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?” (Job 31:1)
“If my step hath turned out of the way, and mine heart walked after mine eyes, and if any blot hath cleaved to mine hands…” (Job 31:7)
This tells us that our heart follows our eyes. If our eyes fall willingly on something Holy then we will be Holy in our heart. However, if our eyes fall willingly on something unholy then we are defiled and our heart is dark.
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:21-24)
If we find treasure in any dark thing not of God, be it video games, porn, books, TV, movies etc., then we are filled with the darkness thereof. This filling of darkness is the result of sin. This sin opens the door to the seducing spirit and this filling of darkness is the evil spirit coming in.
“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” (Psalm 101:3)
Seducing Spirits Have Friends
The nature of seduction is that we are not aware of what is happening. We don’t immediately recognize the influence of the seductive moment in our lives. Seduction does not happen in an instant. It is a gradual decline of our defenses against impure thoughts. The seduction will start off shallow and inconspicuous. It will increase in depth and complexity as we get more and more personally involved.
When somebody creates a fantasy that you pay money to be a part of, you become a voyeur. You are vicariously living out somebody else’s fantasy. Take for example a sex scene in a movie. By willingly watching that sex scene you are inviting in the spirit of lust, adultery, fornication and more. By watching, you are in fact participating and fellowshipping with these evil spirits. This can lead to more than just an addiction to racy or pornographic movies. This can lead to a desire to act out scenes and you may come to idolize characters from the movie.
The media is only the vehicle of temptation. Let’s get back to video games. By playing a video game you are no longer simply watching. You are an active participant. It gets even worse with the live games on the internet because with a headset you can then speak the fantasy into your reality and you are communicating with other people in the same fantasy. When people play role playing games for example, they are taking on another identity. They kill, murder, steal, and condone others who do these things. So as we have seen, what we allow in our “eye gate” has the potential to enter our heart. In the Bible, the heart refers to the soul. We don’t have to act out our fantasies in our physical bodies to be guilty of the sin. Dwelling on an impure thought and not casting it down/out opens the door to demonic problems.
“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Mathew 5:28)
When a person spends a significant amount of time in a make believe world or world of fantasy, the line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred. We begin to desire the fantasy more than reality.
The Impacts of Unrestrained Fantasy
What are some of the impacts of unrestrained fantasy?
Creates tracks in our mind.
Causes people to avoid responsibility.
Causes false comfort.
Causes addiction.
Opens the door to seducing spirits.
Blocks intimacy.
Creates selfishness.
The tracks created in our mind are mental railroad tracks that are constantly distracting us and pulling us back to the fantasy. We may find ourselves slipping into the fantasy world more and more often, while doing anything repetitive such as dishes, laundry, driving, taking a shower etc. The fantasy takes more and more of our consciousness of real life and diverts it toward the fantasy in your mind: the lie.
A person may start to avoid responsibilities in order to spend time in the fantasy world. This is especially true of gaming. The addiction can become so strong for some people that they will skip school, call in sick to work and cancel appointments in order to spend time in the fantasy world. Children may lie to parents and sneak time on video games after restrictions have been employed. This is a greater problem for an adult as there is nobody to hold them accountable and they can become reclusive.
False comfort is created because we are never rejected from the fantasy. We can distract ourselves from the pains of soul damage and traumas. These issues are never dealt with and will lie just below the surface causing all sorts of other problems like insecurity and shyness.
This can also lead to addictions such as drugs, food, sex, and other things because once we leave the illusion of safety; we still need comforting in real life. Once outside the illusion and back into reality, we discover that our hurts are still there. We are then constantly on the lookout for new ways to bury the pain.
We discussed previously how seducing spirits enter into us. We ask them to enter our lives! By not facing our pain and looking to God for forgiveness and healing, we are looking to Satan for the answer. He will happily supply us with all manner of distractions to keep us busy and hurting for the rest of our lives. Only when the pain outweighs the pleasure will we turn from sin and ask God for help.
Intimacy requires an acute sense of the now and self-awareness. We cannot be intimate and close to others if we are lost in a fantasy world. Relationships and careers suffer heavily from gaming and the entertainment industry as a whole. When a person is immersed in a fantasy, they are disconnected from reality and the feelings and needs of others. Their perception is blocked and they are shut off from receiving love from outside the fantasy.
This leads us to selfishness. When a person comes to the point that reality is just too painful, when the illusion replaces love and comfort, this person will become selfish and withdrawn. They will become self-centered and quick to anger if their game time is interrupted.
Here is a short list of people who played video games and ended up murdering people before they were caught or killed. This list is taken from the book Xenogenesis – Changing Men Into Monstersby Stephen Quayle.
Evan E. Ramsey, 16 years old,shot and killed two and wounded another two at the Bethel Regional High school in Bethel, Alaska on February 19, 1997. Later he told investigators he liked to play the shooting video game Doom. He was sentenced to 99 years in prison and will be 85 years old when he is eligible for parole.
Michael Carneal, age 14, fired upon students having a prayer meeting at Heath High School in West Paducah, Kentucky in 1997, killing three girls and wounding five others. Michael was obsessed with the violent games Doom and Mortal Kombat.At his trial, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,ages 18 and 17,killed 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School in Colorado of 1999. Both of them were obsessed with the video game Doom.When cornered by the police, they used their own guns to commit suicide.
Devin Moore, age 18, went on a shooting spree in Fayette, Alabama in 2003, killing three policemen with a gun he had snatched from one of the officers when he was brought in to the police station and in the process of being booked. Moore would later tell investigators, “Life is a video game. Everybody got to die sometime.” Moore’s favorite video game was Grand Theft Auto. He was sentenced to death by lethal injection and is on death row in Alabama.
Seung-Hui Cho,age 23, killed 32 people at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia in 2007. When confronted by police, he took his own life with his gun. He was known for playing violent video games which included Counterstrike.
Jared Lee Loughner,age 23, killed six people and injured 13 others, including Congresswoman Gabby Gifford in Tucson, Arizona in 2011. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He was known for having played violent video games.
Anders BehringBreivik, age 32, killed 77 people in the 2011 attack at the summer camp on the island of Utøya, Norway. He claimed to use the shooting video game, Callof Duty, as a training mechanism for his killing spree. Due to the extremely liberal laws in Norway, he was sentenced to just 21 years in prison and will be eligible for parole after 10 years.
James Holmes,age 25, killed 12 people at a Century movie theater in Aurora, Colorado in 2012. He was known for playing violent video games. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Adam Lanza, age 20, drove to the elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 after he had shot his mother to death. At the school he shot and killed 26 grade school children and six teachers, before taking his own life. Investigation showed that he had regularly been playing shooter video games.
Aaron Alexis, age 34, was the shooter at the Washington Navy Yard, in Washington D.C., that left 13 people dead. He took his own life as the police closed in on him. Investigations showed that he had played violent video games for up to six hours at a time.
These are the most infamous mass murderers but there are thousands of other men that play violent video games and end up killing someone. Every time there is a mass shooting, Barack Obama and other liberal politicians call for stricter gun control, even going so far to make the case that guns should be taken from the hands of citizens.
It is impossible to legislate morality and stricter gun control or the outlawing of guns will only take firearms away from law abiding citizens. Does any sane person think that criminals will voluntarily turn in their guns? Such draconian laws only makes it easier for the criminals when their victims can’t properly defend themselves.
Why doesn’t Barack Obama call for the elimination of violent video games? The answer is that the video game manufacturers are a powerful lobby in Washington D.C. and no politician wants to oppose them or the movie industry.
Steps to Pulling Down the Illusion
Here are the necessary steps to pull down the video game illusion:
Recognize the issue.
Requires deep repentance.
Remove the fantasy at its root.
Replace fantasy with truth.
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” (Philippians 4:8)
The very first thing we have to do is to recognize the problem for what it is. An addiction to gaming, porn, sex or whatever it may be must be acknowledged with proper understanding. People do things for a reason. We mostly do something to get a response or we are responding to something done to us. Once we have accepted that we are sinners, we need to repent. We are held accountable for the consequences in our lives and it is impossible to turn things around without repentance. God will not take action without genuine repentance. This also requires us to completely remove the illusion from our lives. Not some or most of it, but all of it! The sin and the demonic problems will remain as long as you hold on to the fantasy. Finally, we must replace the fantasy with truth. We must acknowledge whatever it was that drew us into the illusion in the first place. It can be rejection, some type of failure, embarrassment, rape, or molestation. Whatever the problem, it must be dealt with before you can receive help. We cannot begin to heal from a hurt if we don’t accept (admit) that we were hurt in the first place. Only then can we accept God’s love and move forward in Christ Jesus.
“That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:22-32)
“But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” (Ephesians 5:13)
On a more personal note, I would like to share with you my personal experience with fantasy and video games. I had a number of traumas in my youth that caused me a lot of pain. I became withdrawn and did not have a lot of friends. I was shy and meek. I had no trust of people around me and so I became withdrawn into fantasy novels written by Terry Brooks. At about the same time I discovered R.A. Salvatore and his Dark Elf trilogy. These novels are written under “Forgotten Realms, Dungeons and Dragons.” They follow along with the fantasy world created in the “Dungeons and Dragons” gaming series. I read all that I could find and completely escaped into this world. I started to believe that I was born in the wrong time and that I would have been more comfortable having been born in a different age or world altogether.
The books led me to one of the first “Forgotten Realms” video games produced by SSI (Strategic Simulations Inc.) called “Secret of The Silver Blades” in 1990. This was my first experience with a role playing computer game and I was instantly hooked. I never actually made it to the end of the game because I bought the sequel as soon as the next release came out and dropped the previous game. I remember going outside to do chores or hang out with friends and then at night I would stay up all night playing these games. I don’t think I have to tell you that my grades began to suffer. I was a sophomore in high school, as my gaming progressed, my grades crashed. My parents would not upgrade our computer, so I was pushed outside. I became an avid rock climber who smoked pot, ate psychedelic mushrooms and dropped LSD. I started smoking cigarettes and my rock climbing took a back seat to the “party” life.
I settled in with a decent job as a cabinet maker and built myself my first gaming computer. From that moment I played mostly fantasy (Dungeons and Dragons), and first person shooter games like “Call of Duty” and “Battlefield 2142.” I became trapped in a cycle of staying up late and all weekend playing games, drinking, and smoking pot. I was not alone and had a pseudo support group once I was able to connect to other people living online as well. They were all doing the same thing for the most part.
I was just coasting along at this point. I was not getting ahead in my career. My marriage was failing, and most importantly, I had no relationship with Jesus. It was not until I lost my marriage and job that I saw what a time commitment gaming required. I wondered where I would be today if I had spent that time on other things. Instead of amassing 1,500 hours playing “Bethesda’s Oblivion,” I could have read any number of books, learned a language, who knows? That amounts to about 3 hours a night for a year and half. On weekends it was much more. It was just time thrown away! I had a good time with absolutely nothing to show for it. This is time that I will never get back. Satan stole it from me and I allowed it to happen.
I have so much more time available to me now. I hope that parents out there who have little children will come to realize that while games are used as a babysitter, these games are handicapping them. Children are actually regressing in intelligence.
I had a chance to work in a client’s house which homeschooled their children. During my time in the home I witnessed the following: The son who was about 15 had certain projects to do for school. Well, when his parents were not supervising him, he would use the “alt-tab” command to cycle between his game and school work. It was comical at first because as I would walk by and he would “alt-tab” to the school work thinking I was his mother. It was obvious that he was breaking a rule imposed by the parents but the urge to play was so strong that he could not help it. After about three weeks of this walking past him, I could see that his nerves were shot and he was exhausted from constantly thinking he might be busted. I began to feel sorry for this boy and prayed for him because I could see the bondage he was in. He could not stop playing; it was always pulling him back. I could also tell that when it came time for him to do a chore such as cutting the grass or helping grandma down the street, he was grumpy about it. He would hang his head, put on some headphones and race through the chore just to get back in the game seat. I am sure he was happy to see us finish our job so he could sneak the gaming with impunity.
I also noticed that he could not do his chores without headphones on. This is something I have seen more than once in other people, and it tells me that there are thoughts that they don’t want to face. They would rather zone out in music than face their inner man. Any amount of silence and they begin to squirm.
My advice to parents is this. Educate yourself on what your children are doing and what they are listening to. The Internet is available almost everywhere these days. Learn how to use the parental controls on the TV. Limiting exposure will push them towards more worthwhile pastimes like sports and education, and of course, introduce them to Jesus!
King James Bible
Omegaman Radio Blogtalk Episode 1620 Mike Connell “The Truth About Tattoos”
Summary by John S. Torell
When Christian Dynamics Course 1 was reprinted in 2010, I did not address the issue of video games. As people have purchased the book and come for deliverance, we discovered that a number of them were addicted to video games and it was destroying their lives. I want to make a distinction that not all video games are evil but there is a vast difference between a game of racing cars and one depicting a violent war theme or sorcery.
I thought the fight was over as “Dungeons and Dragons” faded away in the 1980’s. It was impossible to foresee what would happen some 25 years later with the explosion of the internet and the development of personal computers. As a pastor, radio speaker and writer, I was busy and slow to embrace the personal computer. I did not follow the development of the internet, and it was not until 1997 that a friend talked me into building a ministry website. I paid little attention to it and it wasn’t until a year later that I began to realize I was lagging behind a huge development that was reshaping the world. The website took on a more involved ministry role in 2003 with the addition of a new webmaster as we began to post audio and video files in addition to the written content.
When I was asked to be on Omega Man internet radio, I suddenly came in contact with a new group of people that I had not previously encountered. These 20-50 year olds had abandoned the mainstream media and focused instead on alternative news media of websites and blogs. Many of them were former electronic video game players until they realized it was a world of occultism, sex and violence. It wasn’t until they came for deliverance that I realized how video games were responsible for demon oppression and it was imperative to address certain video games which are unacceptable in Christian circles.
Kristian Getting is a young man who recently joined our ministry. Before coming to Christ, he was a hardcore gamer and it wasn’t until after his deliverance that he realized the damage he had done to himself through what he thought was just a hobby.
I am including the table of contents of “Christian Dynamics Course 1” in order to give you an overview of what is included in the book. This practical handbook will give you a solid understanding of salvation, how to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how to have a close relationship with God the Father and His Son, Jesus. You will also learn the blessings God has for those who obey His Word and the curses that come upon those who disobey it. You will learn the difference between demon possession and oppression and how to handle demonic problems.
I was thrust into a deliverance ministry in 1970 when a friend called for help. This book is the culmination of what I have learned during forty years of ministry. In short, this book is the manual that I never had.
Virtual Reality is right out of the pit of HELL. Satan knows that in God’s eyes, if you imagine yourself doing something, which means doing it in your mind, than you have already done it. Most of what Virtual Reality is set up to help you image in your mind, is related to activities that are against the LAWS of GOD! Therefore, if you participate, and step into that imagery and actually experience whatever it portrays virtually, than you have committed whatever sin is associated with that thing. You have broken GOD’s LAW. So if you are in a virtual reality experience of rape, murder, theft… you are COMMITTING THOSE THINGS AS IF YOU ACTUALLY DID THEM IN REALITY…
.Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28
It’s no secret that games can kill people. And VR gaming, with its massively increased feeling of immersion, its total shutting out of the real world, could continue these sad stories.
You’ve not heard from one of your friends for days. It’s Friday, and you usually head for a beer (ha, a beer, indeed) when you both kick out of work for the weekend. But he hasn’t been to the office for a while. Not since he picked up that new VR game, now that you think about it. He hasn’t posted on Twitter since he took it home, ALL CAPS messages conveying his excitement. You send a text, only to receive no reply. You send another, later, after a few brews. You think little of it until the next morning, when through the fog of a lifting hangover and the fuzziness of Saturday morning TV, where everyone’s in a kitchen but nobody’s saying anything, you realize your second text went unanswered, too. Fumbling in your pocket for your door keys, nestled within the night before’s bar receipts, you head out to get milk. His place isn’t so far out of your way, might as well drop by.
That’s where you speak to the paramedic, whose services haven’t been necessary. The policeman, who asks you questions about the body that was found this morning, by the apartment’s landlord. That’s when you hear about how it happened, how he went: headset on, plugged in, wired directly into a virtual reality world too immersive, too intoxicating, to pull out of. Batteries died. Emails went ignored. The demands of his own body were rejected. And finally he just shut himself down.
Sounds unbelievable, doesn’t it? Like the beginning of an episode of Black Mirror, or one of the darker Doctor Who_s that the BBC likes to wheel out every so often to make its more mature fans feel that it’s not just a show for kids. But people _have died playing video games, explicitly because of their addiction to the medium. And as VR becomes more widespread, with all manner of headsets already on the market and ever-more-immersive experiences coming into focus, is it so hard to imagine opening your morning newspaper, page 12, and seeing a 400-word report on some poor guy who died with his puffed-up face half-obscured by expensive goggles? I’m not sure that it is.
This isn’t a horror movie—this is the reality that we live in. In 2015, a 17-year-old boy died in his Russian home after playing DOTA for 22 days straight. He took all the recommended breaks to eat and sleep, but died of blood clots formed because of his lack of movement for long periods.
A year earlier, a South Korean couple were so wrapped up in an online video game, Anima: Beyond Fantasy, in which they raised a virtual child together, that they failed to feed their own infant child, who starved to death. In 2012, an 18-year-old in Taiwan booked a private room at an internet cafe and died after playing Diablo III for 40 hours without eating.
This is not a new thing—video gaming has been claiming victims for decades.
There are more stories like this. Writer Simon Parkin collected some of them, alongside other accounts of video gaming obsession, in his 2015 book Death By Video Game (you can read an excerpt from it on VICE). It details how these tragedies date back to the 1980s, and video gaming’s birth into the commercial mainstream and popular culture. This is not a new thing—video gaming has been claiming victims for decades.
Addiction comes in many forms, and games can be every bit as compelling as the next hit of whatever it is your veins “need” so much might be. But until now, gaming has been an activity primarily carried out with external distractions very much in evidence. You look at a screen, but that screen is in a room, a room full of other things, perhaps other people, friends or family who can pull you out of the unreality. Solitary sorts who plough tens of hours into games in complete privacy might not have the luxury of someone to tell them when enough is enough, but even they will typically appreciate when it’s dawn, when the cat comes into the room hungry, or when there’s a knock at the door because the postman can’t fit your new statuette based on some niche gaming franchise through the letterbox.
Article continues after the video below
Virtual reality, by its very nature, removes these immersion-breakers in your peripheral vision. VR, so far, is an isolating experience where the user, the player, trades the traditional focus of their eyes and ears for a simulated world removed from our own. A world that might be better, prettier, and full of risk-free fun. Video games have long provided such escapism, and their popularity proves how millions around the world actively prefer spending their time in pretend places over the ones that they call home. VR allows players to explore these places through a character’s eyes in a way they couldn’t before, by putting them in the environments. Perhaps relationships will blossom with others sharing these worlds with you. These people could become the friends your real life has failed to deliver, giving you the emotional support that you’ve always wanted without any of the IRL ups and downs of maintaining a connection. Hell, going further wouldn’t be without precedence: In 2009, a Tokyo man married a character from a Nintendo DS game, not that the vows were actually legally binding.
VR could provide lonely souls with fresh ways to satisfy their emotional needs. No rejection, no pain. The wildest of fantasies, fulfilled. Naturally, the porn industry has been quick to see the potential of VR, with fully immersive videos already available for the most budget of headsets. Porn addiction is no laughing matter, with affected known to suffer from depression, decreased productivity, and experience significant financial problems. Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor Terry Crews opened up about his addiction in early 2016, and his words made for uncomfortable reading: “If day turns into night and you’re still watching, you probably got a problem.” Crews’s addiction almost wrecked his marriage. And VR porn, in an immersive, first-person experiential sense, has the potential to be even more addictive, and perhaps even preferential, over real life, precisely because it has no limits. Many more real-life relationships could be abandoned in favor of plugging in each time sexual gratification was required.
Sexual addiction, both physical and via porn, causes the same changes in the brain as drug addiction.
You may think that masturbating more than usual is not a massive problem, but, according to neuropsychiatrist Dr. Valerie Voon of the University of Cambridge, sexual addiction, both physical and via porn, causes the same changes in the brain as drug addiction. You need it. You crave it. And you will do anything to get that next orgasmic high. You’ll abandon obligations, and you’ll push human closeness aside. It’s overwhelming to even think about the possibilities of what can be experienced in VR, and the private nature of masturbation combined with the isolation that VR provides will encourage people to experiment. We’ve already had reports of a guy plugging into VR porn for 12 hours straight and passing out as he mixed a headset with self-administered erotic asphyxiation. That’s an illustration of the power of VR: It can manifest a perfect fantasy for you to experience in the same way you experience reality, just without any of the bullshit. So why leave it?
VR is the definition of escapism. The positive potential for the medium is manifold—those struck down by paralysis might “move” again, and the opportunities for training in safe, VR environments stretches from car repair to heart surgery via basic home DIY and plumbing. It could do wonders for people suffering from PTSD, bipolar disorder, and eating problems. VR is not to be demonized before it’s really started to impact upon the everyman. But at the same time, the warnings of addiction, of becoming completely lost in a virtual world, need to be heeded. Because through VR, we can all choose a different life for ourselves, and those choices could, not just theoretically, lead to deaths. And the development community is aware of this. In 2014, the creative director of Cloudhead Games, Denny Unger, commented on the risk of playing a horror game in VR: “We’re very close to having the first death in VR. I firmly believe that. Somebody is going to scare somebody to death—somebody with a heart condition or something like that. It is going to happen. Absolutely.”
Buy up your VR headsets and explore all these new worlds. This technology should be embraced. It’s an exciting new frontier for gaming and so very far beyond. But take care of yourselves, too. History tells us terrible stories about video gaming addiction and how any kind of compulsive habit can mess us up, even kill us where we sit. Nobody wants to be reading about the first guy to die from spending too long in VR anytime soon. But as the reports from Korea, Taiwan, and Russia prove, technology that benefits our everyday life, entertainment at that, can in exceptional circumstances become a mortal enemy.
“Is the purpose of the TV ad to make you an informed consumer?” asks Noam Chomsky. “The purpose of the ad is to delude and deceive you with imagery so you’ll be uninformed and make an irrational choice.”
In October of 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a warning, advising that children under the age of two should not be exposed to television because it can lead to developmental disorders, delayed speech and sleep problems. Similar concerns have been raised regarding tablet use. Despite that, Media Watch founder Ann Simonton found that advertisers “start targeting children at 9 months. They’ve noted that, by two years old, they can achieve brand loyalty and recognition.” This is especially concerning when we take into account subliminal messaging is unregulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) not only in advertising, but television and film as well. The Internet has recently come under scrutiny too. We are basically being brainwashed as babies and it continues throughout our lives.
Add to this governmental propaganda and we would be hard-pressed to have an uninfluenced and unique thought about anything. And, sad to say, it has only become worse…
In 2013, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) revoked a longstanding federal law that made it illegal for the U.S. Department of State to broadcast within the United States internally-created propaganda designed for international use. Officials claim it’s a move towards transparency, but critics believe it’s yet another tool to sway American opinion in the political sphere. With technological advances and acceleration of the global market, opportunities abound for advertisers, governments and media empires to exert their influence over the populous in ways that were unheard of a generation ago.
To Jeff Warrick, this is unacceptable. A former advertising executive turned whistleblower filmmaker, he spent seven years creating the provocative documentary, ProgrammingtheNation (which is featured below) in an attempt to answer the question once and for all: “Are subliminal messages fact or folklore?” What he found will shock you.
Subliminal Messages: Harmless or Damaging?
“You need to make people feel at risk in order to promote sales. Happy people don’t buy stuff they don’t need.”
Some would argue that subliminal messages found in the realm of advertising are not all bad. Take for example legendary sound engineer, Mark Mothersbaugh, who established himself within the world of radio and TV advertising. He worked on the animated TV ads for Hawaiian Punch, where a cartoon character donning a Hawaiian shirt punches another character. Mothersbaugh decided to add a sub-audible voice whispering “Sugar Is Bad for You.” According to Mothersbaugh, after watching the test screening, company executives enthusiastically applauded the ad, completely missing the contradictory subliminal message!
But as Warrick soon discovered in the making of Programming, subliminal messages can easily border on the sinister, as is the case with “psyops” utilized by the Pentagon to influence mass media — which just happened to be in direct violation of the now defunct 1948 Smith-Mundt Act that “prohibits using propaganda techniques to target a domestic audience.” Some of the most common subliminal messages promote sexual violence. Oftentimes, these messages can lead to horrible crimes — a chilling example is with serial killer Ted Bundy, who maintained that he was largely influenced by TV advertising which encourages brutality towards women.
“As Programming notes, much of the “news” we are exposed to is actually cleverly disguised corporate advertising and covert government propaganda created by PR firms and distributed to commercial news outlets in the form of Video News Releases. John Stewart and Steven Colbert aren’t the only sources of “fake news” on TV: It’s just that they are up-front about their antics.” [source]
Politicians certainly aren’t above resorting to subliminal messages. The Republican Party (GOP) was caught using a subliminal message in an election ad attacking Democrats. The words “Democrats” and “Bureaucrats” scrolled across a dark screen at the end of the ad, but then another word flashed on the screen for 1/30th of a second, rendering it invisible to the naked eye. The word? Rats. Fortunately, with the advent of Internet technology, the blatant misuse of political advertising by the GOP was detected using a “freeze-frame” button during computer playback.
However, the Internet itself has its own set of problems where mind control is concerned. Writes Nicholas West of the ActivistPost:
“Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control.”
Where does this leave us? A choice between manipulated puppets doing the bidding of our advertising, corporate and governmental overlords or free-thinking individuals who shield themselves from all forms of media?
At the very least, we should all seriously consider “killing our televisions.”
Programming the Nation
The history of subliminal messaging in American mass-media.
We know what you’re thinking: You’re far too cynical to fall for the ads you fast forward through on your DVR or the little tricks employed by marketers and politicians to push your subconscious buttons. But are you sure? Because science has found …
The Color of a Pill Can Trick You into Thinking It’s Working
Remember when Neo got to choose between the red pill and the blue pill? The blue pill would have put him back to sleep in the fake world of cubicles and steaks in the Matrix, where the red pill would wake him up to the real world and its industrial womb factory. You probably just chalked that scene up to another case of Hollywood turning a complicated situation into a simplistic metaphor, but what you probably didn’t realize is that you’re living out your own little Matrix scenario every time you go to the pharmacy.
“I really hope being swallowed by a mirror is covered by my insurance.”
What? How?
Did you notice how the red pill would let Neo “wake up” to the real world, but the blue pill would let him stay “asleep” in the dream world? Now go to your pharmacy. What color are all of the sleeping pills?
Blue, blue and blue — if not the package, then the pill itself. That’s not coincidence; researchers have found that the color of a pill makes a difference in how it works. In one study, every patient was given the exact same sedative, but some patients received it in a blue pill and others in an orange pill. The blue pill takers reported falling asleep 30 minutes faster, and sleeping 30 minutes longer, than the orange pill takers.
What the hell? It’s yet another weird manifestation of the placebo effect. You probably already know that you can give a guy with a headache a Tic Tac and tell him it’s medicine, and there’s a good chance it will fix his headache just like an aspirin would, for reasons science doesn’t completely understand. Well, it turns out that that already illogical and somewhat insane phenomenon is also affected by the color of the pill. The reason is that how you perceive effectiveness affectseffectiveness — and when it comes to stuff you consume, color matters.
So, in a different experiment, subjects were told they were going to get a sedative or a stimulant, when in fact they were getting neither — all of the pills were placebos. Yet 66 percent of the subjects who took blue pills reported feeling less alert, compared to only 26 percent of those who took pink pills. That’s because we’ve been trained to think that blue = sleep.
Leftt: Also blue = drowning, and certain types of poisonous reptiles. Sweet dreams!
In a different study, when researchers put various fake medicine packages in front of subjects, the subjects picked certain colors of boxes over others. Warm colors like brown and red were perceived as more potent, especially if the shades were darker. Green and yellow, on the other hand, might as well have been 7Up-flavored Tic Tacs as far as the subjects were concerned. And this is why heart medicines are often red and brown, while skin medicines are yellow and sleeping pills are often blue or green. Painkillers, on the other hand, are often white … maybe to remind us of opium? We’re not sure.
Right: Getty All we remember is consuming ghosts whole, and then the long silence.
Wait, it gets even stupider. Color associations are also cultural. Maybe in America blue is a calming, peaceful color, but in Italy it’s associated with the national soccer team. So researchers found that, rather than making him drowsy, a blue pill would send an Italian man screaming and singing and rioting into the night.
“Priming” Can Play Us Like Puppets
Quick: When’s the last time you bought flowers at a grocery store? Never? Yet when you walk through the door at most grocery chains, what’s the first thing you see? Here’s what’s right inside the door at Whole Foods:
And here’s Kroger:
What the hell? These are grocery stores, people are there to buy food. Why would they lead off with a fringe product that 99 percent of the shoppers probably won’t even look at? It has to do with the subtle science of mind control known as priming.
“It’s goddamn tangerines and muesli again. That van guy is the worst.”
What? How?
The idea behind the flowers is that, as we’ve touched on elsewhere, hitting you with a product that is highly perishable yet fresh will “prime” you into thinking of freshness, and that you will carry that “freshness” mindset with you all the way back to the discount meat case. It sounds like bullshit — humans don’t connect completely unrelated ideas like that, right? Yet it’s confirmed pretty much every time they test it.
Sometimes “priming” is as simple as finding that people will keep a room cleaner if it smells like disinfectant — that subtle reminder is enough to make people think, “This is a clean room, I should keep it clean.” But when you see how far they can take this, it gets weird.
Right: Getty “Can we try to keep the murder room confined to one area, please?”
In one study, scientists instructed volunteers to form sentences using words associated with old people, under the guise that it was a language proficiency test. So, one sentence could have been “The Depends were too elderly (in Florida.)” That’s just an example we made up. So these hip, presumably liberal young college students were pumped with terms associated with the elderly, and guess what happened next?
No, they didn’t hike up their pants to their nipples and start watching Jay Leno. But as they left the study, they walked slower than the students who were given neutral words earlier. The students primed to think of elderly stereotypes took on characteristics they associated with the elderly. Seriously, this happened. And you can get the same result in infinite ways; in another experiment, those who were primed with words conveying rudeness (like “aggressively,” “bold,” “rude,” “bother,” “disturb” and “intrude”) interrupted the experimenter more frequently during a conversation after the tests.
They also found a clipboard embedded in their foreheads later on, but that was probably just a coincidence.
Wait, it gets stupider than that. In yet another study, researchers set up a devious experiment where students accidentally bumped into a klutz on the way to the session. Their bump partner held either a hot or a cold drink, which he or she asked the unknowing patsy to hold for a second while they collected their s**t. When the students actually got to the study, they were asked to rate a hypothetical person’s personality. The subjects who had held an iced tea earlier were more likely to call the fake persona “cold” or “selfish” than the students who held a cup of hot coffee. Some base association with cold and warmth at the subconscious level was enough to affect their conscious judgment.
Right: Getty “Hmm. I’d say the person was fuzzy and likely to consume their young.”
You’re probably already aware that minor changes to the wording of a survey can alter people’s opinions. During the health care debate, for example, four separate organizations conducted polls to see what percentage of Americans supported a so-called “public option.” Their results ranged from a measly 44 percent to 66 percent support, due in large part to differences in wording. Calling it a “government administered health insurance plan — something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get” garnered 66 percent support. And calling it “a government-run health insurance plan” plummeted support to 44 percent. Calling it “Just what Mussolini would have wanted” reduced the number to 2 percent.
You might think that it’s just a matter of people not actually understanding how the system works (“I said I wanted Medicare, not GOVERNMENT!”), but it really is all about how the brain can be manipulated with very subtle differences in wording, regardless of your knowledge level.
What? How?
In this study, social psychologists sent out surveys to several hundred registered voters before an election. Half the recipients were asked if it was “important to vote.” The other half were asked if it was “important to be a voter.” With this one difference, the people who read the word “voter” were nearly 14 percent more likely to actually vote on Election Day. The researchers suspected that using the word “voter” caused people to identify themselves with the word. Since these people considered themselves to be voters, they were more likely to get out and vote.
Right: Getty “I was called a m**********r, too, but that’s on everyone’s manifesto.”
On the other hand, using the word “vote” implied that the survey was asking the people to perform a task. Even if they answered “yes” to the question, they felt no association with the word (i.e., they weren’t voters, they were just being told to vote), so they were less likely to follow through. One was about a simple action, the other was about being a type of person.
So what happens if someone implies that you’re a “gamer” or a “runner” or a “hooker”? You do the math.
Getty If you’re a “mather.”
You Emotionally Bond With People You Sing With
There’s not very much we know about the people of North Korea, but we do know they love to do things in unison. Watch a few minutes of this footage from the North Korean Mass Games to see what we mean:
It’s nice how Kim Jong Il can’t be bothered to give much of a damn during the whole thing. Can you even imagine the months it took to put together that monstrosity? And for what? To put on a show for a guy who glibly flips through a magazine halfway through? Except, oh wait. There’s a lot more to these exercises than impressing the dear leader. And whatever it is the participants are getting out of their involvement with this performance, you’ve probably experienced it as well.
Right: Getty Oh God, it’s the same expression that our fathers had when we explained what we did for a living.
What? How?
Ever been to a sporting event in America? A football game, baseball game, an anything in a stadium? What did you do first, once you found your seats and got your drinks and settled in for the game? You stood back up and sang the national anthem with everyone else. Guess what? Scientists have discovered that when we perform synchronized activities such as singing songs, reciting chants or even as simple an act as walking together, we end up feeling more connected to the people we’re performing these activities with.
Left: Getty “We share everything but synchronized boners.”
Because it turns out it’s not what you’re saying or singing or chanting that matters. It’s just the fact that you’re performing these activities in unison with other people. Researchers at Stanford University found that when volunteers were instructed to walk around campus together, the simple difference between letting them walk normally versus instructing them to walk in step with each other increased the volunteers’ willingness to cooperate with each other afterward.
Even more surprisingly, how harmonious the participants felt had nothing to do with any positive emotions created by the synchronized activities themselves. Whether or not they enjoyed performing the activities, they simply became more cooperative with each other. The researchers concluded that “synchrony rituals” may therefore have evolved as a way for societies to get individuals to work together and be willing to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of the group.
Right: Getty “Put your right hand over your … eh, you’re good, buddy.”
Hell, why else would every country have a national anthem? Why would every military make their troops march and chant in unison?
Cars Have Facial Expressions, and We Buy Accordingly
The human mind loves to see human faces in everything; tortillas, clouds, cat butts, the moon, other faces, everything. The phenomenon even has a name: pareidolia. Knowing this, would you want to live in the Hitler house?
When making faces out of things, we don’t just say, “Hey, that cloud looks like Abraham Lincoln” or “That scab looks like Al Roker.” We give the face emotions, presumably based on which way its eyebrows and mouth are going. And researchers at the University of Vienna found that we therefore subconsciously tack on those emotions to, say, cars. In other words, we did half of Pixar’s work for them in 2006.
We had to, because they clearly couldn’t give a s**t whether these guys were relatable.
What? How?
It’s easy to see it — every car has two headlights (eyes), a grill (mouth) and maybe something that looks like a nose. So, knowing we assign emotions to objects, you’d think that most of us would pick the happiest-looking cars we could find. Like we’d all be clamoring for vintage Volkswagen Beetles.
superbeetles After cleaning Lindsay Lohan’s vomit off the back seats.
You’d be wrong. When we drive, we’re not out there to make friends, unless you’re a hippie, and then shouldn’t you be on a bike or a donkey or something? Nope, what we want to convey is toughness, speed, aggression. So we want our cars to have the face of a monster. Or at least a mean dude. Researchers found that lower, wider cars with a wide air intake and angled or slit-like headlights give a picture of power. Not sleepiness, as you’d expect, but power. And that’s what drivers are looking for when picking out new vehicles. At least, when picking out certain kinds of vehicles.
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The REAL ISSUE HERE is the these methods of controlling the population are destroying all boundaries. You are not only loosing your privacy, you are losing your identity, you are losing the right to your own thought, your own decisions and your own soul. You cannot afford to give these up voluntarily. YOU MUST STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS.
GOD established boundaries for our protection. EVEN HE will not violate them. SATAN and those who serve him are stepping into territory where they have no dominion. NO RIGHT TO BE THERE!
Question: “What are boundaries, and are they biblical?”
Answer: A boundary is a “dividing line.” In geography, a boundary is that which marks the end of one property or jurisdiction and the beginning of another. In interpersonal relationships, a boundary is what divides one person from another, so that each can have separate identities, responsibilities, and privileges. A boundary creates necessary “space” between individuals. Healthy boundaries define expectations and show respect for others.
Biblically speaking, boundaries are related to self-control. The Bible commands us to control ourselves, whereas our human nature desires to control others (Titus 2:12). If left unchecked, our natural desires run roughshod over others. Personal boundaries help to limit our selfish inclination to control or manipulate others. Likewise, boundaries protect us from those who have no self-control and who wish to control us. A person with clear, healthy boundaries communicates to others what is and is not permissible, saying, in effect, “This is my jurisdiction, and you have no right to interfere.”
Boundaries can be used in healthy ways and sinful ways. The way to know which boundaries are godly is to examine the motive. Are you protecting yourself or someone weaker from potential harm, either emotional or physical? If so, then you are setting healthy and needful boundaries. However, if you are maintaining distance simply because you desire to exclude someone, that is sinful. Boundaries that maintain cliques or prohibit ministry opportunities are unhelpful.
Proper boundaries aid believers in keeping out worldly influences. Children of the light have no fellowship with darkness and are thus separate from the world (2 Corinthians 6:14). Being kind and friendly is Christ-like, but we are not to embrace the world’s way of doing things (James 4:4). Our wish is not to keep people away, but when people are being destructive, the boundaries we set can limit the evil they commit against us.
Boundaries are about taking responsibility for our own lives. God gives us freedom to choose to live within His boundaries or outside of them, and to live outside of God’s boundaries means to accept the consequences. Living inside God’s boundaries brings blessing, and living outside of them brings destruction and death (Romans 6:23). Adam and Eve had one boundary in the Garden of Eden: abstain from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Lord gave them freedom to remain within His bounds, but they chose to overstep the boundary and sin. Their response to God’s revelation of their sin was to blame someone else rather than take responsibility for their lack of self-control. Eve blamed Satan, and Adam blamed Eve (Genesis 3:12-13). Boundaries limit destructive behaviors, and that is why both God and society have laws and consequences for those who overstep those laws (Romans 13:1-4).
A healthy marriage requires boundaries. Marital boundaries keep sex and intimacy within the relationship while respecting each person’s needs. Violating these boundaries will quickly destroy trust.
Boundaries are also helpful in parenting. Setting healthy limits for children will protect them (Proverbs 22:6). Unhealthy boundaries tend to be controlling and selfishly motivated. Boundaries should guide a child to individuate into the person God created him or her to be. Boundaries allow children to develop an identity separate from their parents within the safety of their family. Without an identity, people “vanish” into other people or expect them not to have any differences.
Children often feel boundaries are “mean” when they are immature. When they grow up, they usually realize the boundaries were to keep them safe. Adults who were raised without protective boundaries often feel that someone saying “no” to them is “mean,” because they never learned self-control. Naturally, when children do not get what they want, they are disappointed, but learning to accept “no” from others is essential to godly character; however, setting boundaries with children must be done in loving ways in order for the child to feel loved (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21; Titus 2:4). The Lord’s instruction for parents is that they teach a child boundaries (Proverbs 19:18). Boundaries help a child see that life is not about pursuing what he wants but surrendering to the Lord and following Him. Boundaries set with unconditional love will teach children to surrender to the Lord because they trust God knows what is best and will bring true contentment.
Learning boundaries as a child is important. It is more difficult to learn boundaries later in life. Children will not grow up to respect God’s boundaries if they do not learn boundaries in their home. Modeling is necessary; parents cannot teach boundaries and not abide by them themselves.
A person with healthy boundaries takes responsibility for his own life and allows others to live theirs. The goal of boundaries is to make sacrifices for people when appropriate, but never in a destructive manner. We should be available for people in a crisis, but unavailable to indulgent demands. Being gracious is not a blank check for others to continually drain our emotional account. Saying “yes” out of fear of rejection is really a selfish motive for being kind. Being kind in order to gain someone’s favor smacks of hypocrisy and shows a need for boundaries. Fear of man’s disapproval can lead to codependency, the unhealthy alternative to interdependency.
Boundaries teach us to accept one another as being different yet still valuable. God uses boundaries to help us appreciate the differences in people rather than be upset by them. A godly friend tells us what we need to hear, not necessarily what we want to hear (Proverbs 27:6). We are free to be ourselves with others if we control ourselves. Boundaries are not selfish when we use our freedom to serve and love one another because we are keeping our own flesh under control (Galatians 5:13). In a godly relationship, both people are free to love each other and to be themselves because neither is using or manipulating the other.
Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, so it is not something unbelievers can achieve (Galatians 5:22-23). A believer who sees his need for self-control so he can take responsibility for his own actions and not encroach on others will seek the Lord’s help for growth in this character trait. Boundaries are a fruit of submitting to God’s will, and He will enable us to make godly choices.
Being Christ-like means we can say “no” in unselfish, helpful ways. Sometimes, love requires us to say “no” to those we love. For example, if a family member is abusing alcohol at a family gathering, then it is Christ-like to tell him not to do so. A proper boundary has then been set. If the response is to get angry, leave, and never come back, then that person simply was not able to respect the boundary. It is not sinful to say “no” to someone if he is crossing personal boundaries in harmful and destructive ways. Every boy or girl on a date should have clear boundaries that must not be crossed.
Boundaries can be difficult to establish because saying “no” may have been off limits or mistakenly taught as being ungodly. God says to tell the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). God tells us to humbly control ourselves, lovingly confront sin, graciously accept others, and overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Plus, He promises wisdom in every circumstance (James 1:5).
“You shall not move your neighbor’s boundary mark, which the ancestors have set, in your inheritance which you will inherit in the land that the LORD your God gives you to possess.
Do not move the ancient boundary Or go into the fields of the fatherless,
Why do people who would rather spit on a Bible than read it justify their wrongheaded ideas by appealing to it? “Who would Jesus deport” they ask, rhetorically. They haven’t suddenly “found religion”, they’re just using words they don’t personally believe to shame religious people into silence.
Since they brought it up first, let’s discuss what the Bible actually DOES say..
Let’s start with their emotional appeal to charity. Does the Bible say anything about caring for the poor or respecting a foreigner? Absolutely. But tell me, how does it say to do so? Private citizens helping the poor? Sure. People voluntarily coming together to provide for someone? Great! But big government..? I’m gonna need chapter and verse for that one.
Are all poor, all people, from everywhere your personal responsibility? Or even the Church’s? Nope. Not at all. Emphasis is given to widows and orphans, and even widows were to be cared for by their own relatives, first. (This acknowledges our finite resources with which to help the needy.)
Within the deportation question, and conflict elsewhere, is the question of political borders, and how they might be established or defended.
A complete response — from a biblical perspective — to these issues is beyond the scope of any one column, but I’ll try to introduce some key ideas.
First, there was a time before Israel was a political entity. They were a people, with a shared heritage, shared culture, shared history, shared religious belief, and common goal. They looked together for the promise given Abraham.
It was together that they left Egypt, as a people, before they were ever a nation or political unit. This is important to remember. Before they ever became a biblical monarchy, they were extended family units (not unlike “clans”) each of which was allotted a region of physical Israel, theirs to lay claim to, within a fixed window of time.
A common gripe against the Old Testament is that Israel was just another blood-thirsty greedy nation plundering their neighbors. The word we might hear invoked today would be “colonialist”. But that’s not the picture we see unfolding in Scripture, if we look closely.
It helps to understand that the various land claims were to perpetually belong to a family unit, passed from father to son, with the exception of properties within a walled city. Even when the owner fell on hard times and was forced to sell, law provided for the land to be bought back by the seller, or a relative. Ownership was to periodically revert back to the original family.
God took ownership of the land seriously. In a real sense, it was private individuals, NOT the government, who owned the land.
In a wider sense, a people group corporately owned the land within their nation. While on their way to Canaan, Israel was marched past a number of their future neighbors. Each time, in Deuteronomy 2, they heard the same words [paraphrasing]:
You are going through the land of (x). Do not fight them, I will not give you their land. I gave THEM that land as a possession. Pay for any food you eat, or water you drink from there.
Notice, God has established particular physical boundaries for each of these nations. These were to be respected. Likewise, he marked out the physical boundaries that Israel was to lay claim to.
Timing was important in this conquest. God himself told Abraham it was not yet time to judge the sins of the Amorites (Genesis 15). “Their iniquity [was] not yet complete.”
Divine limitations of conquest were limited not only by start-time and within specified boundaries, they also had a cut-off date. Israel was told that any group left to remain in those boundaries would become “thorns in your sides and would trouble you in the land”. (Numbers 33:55) That period came to an end within the lifetime of Joshua, the original commander of their armies who said (Joshua 23:13, and Judges 2:3) that God would no longer drive these nations out. Essentially: conquest is over, these people shall now remain.
Have you watched the news lately? Nothing has changed.
Are borders static? No. There have been times where God explicitly approves of borders being changed. Nations and empires rise and fall. There are ebbs and flows of political power, and borders change there, too, for various reasons. But the autonomy of any nation within its own borders is biblically-supported.
What about foreigners living within Israel? Were they to be treated with dignity and kindness? In the sense that the same law applied to foreign-born and native-born alike, yes. Absolutely.
Do not forget, however, that Israel was first-and-foremost a people, not a nation-state. To go there, to integrate as part of that people was acceptable. After a specified number of generations, they were even to be accepted as native-born (i.e. Deuteronomy 23:7,8).
To suggest, however, that Israel would ever have willingly thrown open the borders to a swarm of culturally hostile foreigners, grant them asylum, and become financially responsible for their care is ridiculous. That would have been seen as an invasion force, and would have been treated as such.
Who would Jesus deport? Wrong question.
Better question: what would Jesus expect?
Charity? Yes… to be done a certain way by Church and private individuals. Government officials? Keep it simple: govern and protect your own citizens justly.
A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.
It’s easier to put the whole operation into a flowchart for a quick overview.
Below shows the core purpose of chemtrails (which is nano-fiber propagation).
There are other reasons for chemtails as outlined on the summary page,
but nothing as significant as this.
Mouseover the orange objects for additional information.
What the hell is happening… you must be thinking that, as well as being dazed and confused in the least which is the purpose of this web site.
Your unfortunate lack of critical thinking skills leaves you without the ability to see the unseeable.
You watch, but you fail to see. Fear not my less informed friend – whether your being chemtrailed, body/mind controlled, hearing voices or stalked by the public, this web site connects the final high level dots concerning this otherwise complicated puzzle of insanity currently before you.
‘Logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead, and the White Knight is talking backwards’.
In 1999 the world changed. The money trust, the law (commerical code/contract law, applicability of public/statutory presumptions, etc.), technology (nano-tech), and the general direction of the planet completely changed. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past and no written law applies to you.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show the extent at which they have leveraged nano-technology directly on you, how they control everyone on demand with it, and end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public.
The Reason for Everything
Let’s just get right to it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It’s only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies (for example Metropia (2009), Ultrasonic (2012)). A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would and very well has subsequently allowed for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it. If you want to get technical your neurons have been encapsulated, your synapses have been bridged.
“The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system.
Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma. ”
Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. It’s large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last. A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to fools in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason.
Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease or manipulate crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. You can dismiss this.
Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP (HAARP is just what they want you to see, HAARP has nothing to do with anything) can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere. In The Phoenix Rises (2012) they tell you exactly this @ exactly ~16:00 in the movie as they specifically talk about chemtrails. For your information barium has nothing to do with the BioAPI, nano-fibers or nano-tech at all.
Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone’s health and immune systems become slightly compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional.
Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skies clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, steer super storms, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very effectively. It’s much easier just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it’s happening to everyone the universal herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.
Nano – fibers Basics
Nano-fibers specifically are a transport mechanism. Nothing more. They hold a payload for delivery. A payload that would otherwise be compromised by the sun or atmosphere or not make it to its destination (your body). Such as viral RNA code, metals such as aluminum, nano-components, etc.
The fibers are (surprisingly) quite harmless as everyone has them. Examples of these fibers can be found all over the internet or in the physical examples section of this site. The fibers must be independently sprayed, if they we’re added to the jet fuel the extreme heat would destroy the payload.
So it’s not the fiber that is critical, it’s the payload.
This is a complicated question. The people creating and doing this are trying to force biblical principles onto the populace (including themselves) through technology. For example the seven deadly sins. They take a basic human requirement (food, sex, a specific emotion) and quantify it (within the BioAPI). If the result is to extreme (for example you eat too much) or you do something not approved of then they decide that you’re not worthy of life or judge you accordingly. In the alternative your are added to a program.
The possibilities for the BioAPI or nano-tech in general is endless. Therefore you should not focus on any one reason as being the end all purpose. It’s too dynamic. It’s to complex. As I mentioned on the top of page 5 of the media references – ‘the BioAPI is the greatest revelation in human history‘. For example see the last paragraph of the description for Vexille (2007), specifically the trailer for H+mentioned in it. Data Asylum is only giving you one angle of the BioAPI – the nano-tech disease and all the implications that encompass it.
Also see question #9 of the frequently asked questions for a brief explanation on how this (and chemtrails) are (mostly) lawful.
The same group of people that brought humanity HIV in the late 1970’s. Also see FAQ question #15.
BioAPI Basis
There are essentially two phases involved with the installation of the BioAPI. I categorize it as phase 1 and phase 2. If you can imagine a new laptop computer, all it has is the operating system like Windows, so it’s kind of useless.
This would be the equivalent to phase 1. So a new computer can be remotely controlled (aka phase 1, see Surrogates (2009)) by your IT tech support guy, but that is all. There are no programs installed (provided by phase 2) to do much else with it. These names of a phase 1 and 2 are not necessarily just random nonsense I made up, see the clip and movie for Control Factor(2003) in which they use these exact names in the exact same context; because they are telling you everything.
Phase 1: Everyone on the planet is affected and involved in this phase. Everyone to some extent has the nano-fibers within their body cavity, and therefore wired [‘I’m wired too.’ – Michael Hall, Gamer (2009)]. Side effects include a clicking sound from within the skull and basic annoying body complications like aching joints. This phase provides complete remote control of your speech and thought patterns through suggestion (partially subconsciously). I guess about 99% of the populace of the entire planet has this phase complete.Phase 1 could be construed as positive and beneficial to you, at least in the future. See John Hodgman (2012) for more information. You should also see question 9 of the FAQs.
Phase 2: This phase must be triggered (by nano-trigger-bots) and is extreme. It completely compromises your health and can do anything from kill you to simply monitor you. This phase cannot be forced onto you like phase 1 (technically it can but they don’t do that yet). This involves multiple nano-sensors from ocular to heart and everything in between. I figure about 2% of the population has gone through this phase. If this phase is triggered in you they consider you evil as shown within the media examples page of this site. You must do something to trigger this phase, including eating cheap red meat, kissing specific people, using specific corporate health care/beauty products, etc.
The objective they are (partially) reaching for here is to connect each event with a deadly sin of some sort. For example morgellons would be connected with vanity because your skin goes to hell. Ultimately this phase provides complete remote control of your body and mind, including the monitoring of your emotions, thoughts, body functions and everything in between. Phase 2 then can be considered a nano-tech disease (as clearly shown in the Family Guy clip) in which the contagious aspect can be switched on and off. For example I have phase 2, but I am not contagious, but I can be if they decide to make me contagious in some way – typically kissing. This allows them to completely control the transmission/vector or spreading of the nano-disease. If you want to get specific, the nano-tech or nano-implants that compose phase 2 of the BioAPI is actually just the vehicle they use to monitor, torment, test and hurt people. The disease itself is actually one of dishonor. The more dishonor you demonstrate, the more they hate you, the worse things get for you. They do not want people to figure that out. See Meeting Evil (2012) for clear details. Phase 2 can or is definitely detrimental to your life. That is the point of it. A cure can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).
You can 100% confirm if you have phase 2 or not by seeing an eye doctor and asking him to look for anomalies exactly where the ocular implant is located. The implant is still a camera and therefore must conform to the laws of physics and optics still so it must, just like your eye has, have a concave lens which it does. You might be able to slightly feel it at night when your falling asleep when your eyes are dryer and you move your eyeball around with your eyes closed. More information on the implant’s location is available here.Also see the clip for Contracted (2013) which specifically covers the contraction of phase 2 and the physical side effects there from. Pretty Dead (2013), no clip provided, also does a good job at covering multiple aspects of the contraction of the nano-tech disease and BioAPI in general, both good and bad. They show a couple triggers (meat and hard drugs) which makes her sick, complete with heavy zombie overtones. They also show a possible positive aspect such as accelerated healing. The entire movie, every scene, becomes like a documentary.
Nano-fiber and BioAPI Side Effects
Of course with something as extreme as nanotech being installed within people’s body’s you would assume there would be health implications and side effects. This is correct and covered on this site. The approach to handle these side effects has been one of “embrace and extend” it’s called.
There are several examples in the media section that show how the specific side effects listed below are recognized and then associated with something ridiculous or stupid which then discounts the authenticity in the mind of the viewer. In effect convincing the viewer to dismiss a real side effect as being something that’s too crazy to be real. Each side effect is dealt with in a media example. Additional technical possibilities are also talked about in the BioAPI details section.
Additional side effects related to phase 2 are covered in the clip for Contracted (2013).
Phase 1 & 2 – Cranium Clicking/Screeching: A phase 1 side effect goes back as early as 2001. Exactly what is happening is not completely known but involves some sort of nano-chip being installed/operated in the cranium (your head) of the host. This is probably the equivalent of a CPU of some sort. The actual clicking/screeching sound observed is usually at night on average once a month and only lasts for a few seconds. Completely painless and easily ignored or passed off by the person. The entire purpose of the movie Shutter Island (2010) is to discount this. The nano-implant that is specifically and clearly responsible for this side effect is symbolically referenced in the second clip for Surrogates (2009). I suspect over time they have improved this side effect.
Phase 1 & 2 – Aching Joints, Headaches, Fatigue, etc.: The saturation of nano-fibers has different effects on different people. The sheer numbers involved results is a random combination of health implications. Most people will not notice anything, or pass any slight symptom off as getting older. Other people who have more of a reaction will go to the doctor and get diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a catch all disease that was created about a decade ago to give doctors something to tell the patient when they complained. The doctors can’t accurate diagnose or understand what or why a patient is feeling a certain way, so the corrupt medical establishment gives them this nonsense to spew. These side effects are primarily phase 1 but are a constant problem across the board. Notice the root word of fibromyalgia is fib[e]r, it’s not a coincidence. This Family Guy clip indirectly references Fibromyalgia.
Phase 2 – Itching: For whatever reason they may force harsh itching on you when they do not agree with what you are doing or how you are behaving. You probably will have no idea it is phase 2 at the beginning. This is shown in Flash of Genius (2008) when they show her typing and zoom in on her hand (@ 44:50 in the movie) when she itches it. She’s presumed to be a bad wife for leaving her husband (no clip is provided; screenshot here; you’ll have to read this whole site to understand this). The exact same concept is shown in Lay the Favorite (2012) where Bruce Willis itches his forearm clearly and intentionally after referencing it a few seconds earlier (screenshot here).
Why? Why would they put that in? I mean millions of dollars are spent on these scripts and production thereto. This happens in real life to countless people around the world all day long, he’s being warned. Why? Because in the movie he’s thinking about cheating on his wife with the hot blonde that just walked in. In people with phase 2, the BioAPI is monitoring thought and emotional patterns which if conflict triggers an itch; it’s automated. For example lust + guilt (because he’s married) do not go together. Think Pontypool (2008). So they are judging you (or more accurately people with phase 2 who are pre-targeted). Itching is also shown in Fast Zombies with Guns (2011), as they turn into zombies [contract phase 2 in real life] they itch a lot. Again, why show this? Because it’s real. Most targeted individuals will understand the extremely itchy forearm. So itching is not a side effect in the common sense of the term; it is instead intentionally inflected via the BioAPI as reflected in the aforementioned references as well as loosely shown in A Scanner Darkly (2006) @ 0:44 in the clip/trailer.
Phase 2 – Burning Smell: Phase 2 encapsulates the person’s ability to smell, so they can read/write scents. It’s used to help warp the reality of someone they have specifically targeted (aka Black Limousine (2010)). When inhaling or specifically exhaling quickly its often a burning/smoke smell that is noticed. This is an unwanted side effect – or more accurately to encapsulate any neuron in the body involved in sensing (for example, smell, taste, etc.) there ends up being be some minor side effect. Interestingly when I cry the smell is amplified and it smells like buttered popcorn of all things. An example of how the media discounts this is demonstrated in the movie Bandits (2001).
Phase 2 – The Left Eye: One of the concepts they push in the movies is the left eye is evil for some reason. Or to a lesser extent use the eye as a gateway to demonstrate functionality such as with Technotise (2009) or Gamer (2009). In phase 2 an actual nano-camera will be installed in the left eye. People with this might comment on how they feel like there’s a small bump in their eye under slightly drier conditions such as when going to sleep at night. This is documented in the physical example page. Note if you figure out you have a camera in the left eye they will probably install something in the right eye too. Clips referencing this concept are now available here, here and here and now also Doomsday Book (2012).
Phase 2 – Permanent Metallic Taste: Some people will comment on a metallic taste in the mouth. Typically when going to sleep it becomes prevalent. In the alternative, the temporary compromising of taste buds is shown in the clip for Contracted (2013) @ 2:18. It is not a side effect of medication, that’s the typical response a doctor will give you. If you are not on medication and otherwise completely healthy and all of a sudden have a permanent metallic taste in your mouth, you are being recorded (but not watched) 24/7 as per the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (2006).
Phase 2 – Morgellons: Morgellon’s can strike anyone. It’s a direct problem from the nano-fibers, whether intentional or accidental. The body’s immune system can’t see or recognize the fibers at all. So when the body can’t accept the fibers anymore it beings to push them out through the skin. But the skin is a barrier because the fibers are too large. So the skin breaks up which is why people get lesions. Note that technically everyone has morgellons (nano-fibers), the actual mogellon’s symptoms are when the person’s body tries to get rid of them the only way possible. Some more conclusions can be seen here and examples within media references including this.
Chemtrail Nano-fiber Examples & Evidence
Ultimately you need some proof. This is very difficult, as we all don’t exactly have nano-tech labs in our basements. The only thing possible at this point in time is to put out the physical evidence that is known and back it up with media/movie supporting clips. A complete list of unbelievable things this technology can do is listed here, also make sure you see the real life body & mind control examples in Media References.
The BioAPI is extremely powerful and provides complete control over every man women and child on the planet. I understand it’s difficult to accept, I’m simply telling the way it is.
The following table attempts to outline what is possible with the BioAPI depending on what phase you have. Very well demonstrated in the movie The Presence (2010) (no clip provided), the suggestive nature of phase 1 works very well, you just act out what your told too because no one would ever doubt the thought’s they are having are not their own. Combined with the fact that no one can think for themselves, even for a moment to begin with, the staggering irony of it all is obvious.
The primary difference between phase 1 and 2 is phase 1 targets your mind, hearing and basic sight only; where phase 2 encompasses your entire body. Phase 2 Both phases also provide the ability to have your memory suspended or manipulated allowing for very interesting events to occur (or more accurately appear to occur). The cogitation of phase 2 in the movies is typically reflected as a zombie. Zombie = phase 2 or to a greater extent outright targeted.
So how great is this technology?
In one word its “unbelievable“. Its so epic the average person visiting this site won’t be able to even remotely accept its possibility. It’s a minimum one century ahead of its time. The following scenarios are all possible and have been witnessed firsthand by myself as well as any other targeted individual. With two different phases, some things are only possible with phase 1.
Phase 1 is kind of limited and only encompasses the most amazing aspect of the technology; again, the easiest way to grasp it is the nano-implants for phase 1 target your head (excluding scent and taste), phase 2 targets the rest of the body.
The following chart will try to split up the examples and where they apply. If you have trouble believing any of this you have not watched this video enough – watch it at least 25 times, it then might start to sink in. Remember, 99% of the planet’s population has phase 1, this includes you.
Interestingly enough, they have told you and demonstrated crystal clearly what is possible with the movie Gamer (2009) and to a lesser extent Technotise: Edit & I (2009). So don’t take my word for it, this is only what has already been told right to your face.
The techniques used against the common people of the world by the Illuminati in order for the minority to rule over the majority, are revealed in this video 15:01 8 years ago
MK Ultra Documentary Techniques Celebrities & more ILLUMINATI DEEP STATE MIND CONTROL EXPLAINED Team Triangle Published on Apr 22, 2020 if you have any info that you want to publish please send us email with it thank you learn more about NWO research yourself on the web please support us to keep you updated ELON MUSK STAR LINK
Real Mind Control examples (Direct to Speech)
Due to the size of nano-technology and passive nature of the BioAPI, it is extremely difficult to demonstrate or prove anything. This concept of Direct-to-Speech is one of the few things that can be referenced to demonstrate how an incoming signal can instruct your BioAPI’s nano-implants to interrupt your normal speech, essentially cutting off the vocal speech pattern from your brain/thought pattern, and inserting in real time a new vocal speech pattern; whether the new pattern being transmitted is coherent speech or gibberish as shown in these videos.
In this foreign example to the right you can see how she is aware the words she is speaking are incoherent or incorrect, but simply cannot correct herself as she talks. She clearly struggles to speak properly but fails repeatedly, putting her hand to her throat at one point as if it’s a physical problem with the larynx or something. Note, it could actually be a physical problem (contraction of the larynx) as opposed to mind control for this example, either way it is still a direct result of a handler intentionally forcing it on her using the nano-implants and BioAPI in general.
Thinking for groups of people in aggregate is shown in this Conan O’brien clip on Youtube which is statistically impossible, hence his comment at the end (@ 2:32) ‘scarey…‘.
In this example the speaker is not speaking gibberish at all. The words are clear and concise; but obviously also mixed up in random order. Again, the speaker knows what he is saying is wrong, backwards and incorrect, and therefore attempts to correct but can’t.
The BioAPI is powerful, and can force (or suggest) anyone to say or do anything against or with their will. You, you, can be mind controlled on demand right now to do almost anything.
The reporter here shows the exact same reaction to what is happening when she speaks as others do. Clearly surprised she is saying what she is saying, when the words she intends to speak are not what comes out of her mouth. She knows she is saying one word, but gibberish clearly comes out. Again, she tries to repeat and correct but can’t, realizing something is wrong but has no idea what, she closes the broadcast quickly.
In all examples the speaker’s are acting as if they are clearly speaking the words as intended, but as they speak they hear gibberish and can’t comprehend why as they try to compensate and continue. This reflects a hi-jacking if you will of the speech center of the brain which is why the term Direct-to-Speech seems accurate.
[Update – 2012-04-20] I missed this clip before, I feel like a fool. Someone had to bring this to my attention. Thank you.
Watch the above four clips. The reporters can’t talk properly as clearly shown. I’m sure there are more real life clips out there but those are the ones I found. Now, if they show you in the movies everything they are doing, does this Bruce Almighty clip (specifically @ 1:40 on) look familiar to you? Steve Carell at the end even act’s like he has no idea why it’s happening, because it’s true, people have no idea the thoughts they are having may not be their own.
Set in a future-world where humans can control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming environments, a star player (Butler) from a game called “Slayers” looks to regain his independence while taking down the game’s mastermind (Hall).
Apparently on a broadcast of the Judge Judy show she was talking gibberish too. I searched hard but the clip was completely pulled from YouTube and the entire internet. What you see to the right is a TMZ report of the incident, it’s weak but that’s the best I can do.
What I believe happened with Judge Judy is that she was made to speak gibberish in an effort to embrace and extend the problem it’s called, because she came out afterwards talking about health problems, and having to go to the hospital. This makes people believe that when people do this it must be health related. It is not.
Judge Judy 4th to Talk Gibberish On Air… What is Wrong With People on TV? This Video has been censored!
On March 30th, Judge Judy had to stop taping her show and was rushed at the hospital because “she started saying things that didn’t make any sense”. This would probably be an insignificant event if it wasn’t for the fact that, in the span of four weeks, three other TV personalities talked gibberish in a similar fashion.
An incoherent Judge Judy told shocked audience members she “needed to stop” one of her made-for-TV cases because she was “not feeling well,”.
Within the movies they repeatedly demonstrate how they are accomplishing things. They don’t necessarily show the scientific details, but more accurately provide like a double meaning of something in action. The movie Hanna (2011) is a good example and the only example that can bring any clarity to this. Unfortunately the double meaning (the audience will assume the woman talking to the girl has an earpiece on) will loose most people, but nonetheless this clip shows what can happen in real life for all people – everyone with phase 1 and phase 2 which is the entire planet.
Suggesting something to someone’s subconscious is also demonstrated in Metropia (2009), and Ultrasonic (2012) in the nice dog scene and clearly told to you in Earthkiller (2011).
Ultimately a subject (for example yourself, right now) may have no idea the thought they just had actually was not their thought at all. This concept is the basis for what has become known as gangstalking where the public at large (including friends and family at times) is perceived to be stalking and harassing someone (now known as a targeted individual).
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A while back there was this incident in the UK where two Swedish women ran into traffic trying to kill themselves. At first glance the average fool must think they must be crazy. A smarter person asks why, an even smarter person asks how.
What is being demonstrated here to everyone intentionally is Paralleling (or at least a subject’s memory is suspended and then subsequently mind controlled at will). This is the process where a handler has complete remote control over someone’s body, whether they are conscious of it (phase 1) or not (phase 2 optional). This clip (getting people to kill themselves) is the equivalent of the movie The Happening (2008), and to a lesser extent Surrogates (2009). Everything they are doing with the BioAPI is shown to you in the movies in multiple ways, and then proven and shown in real life for all to see. So this is a real life demonstration.
In summary, this is obviously not normal. For one women to randomly run out and try to kill herself is one thing, two of them at the same time? There is something else happening here. And if they were on drugs they would not have the dexterity demonstrated. Also notice it was on the prime time news, there was a documentary, etc. – all to hide what happened in plain sight for all too see. That’s how it works.
What Chemtrails are doing to Your Brain
(7.4.2013) // (10.11.2013)
“Linderman Unleashed Radio Show March 28th 2013 Broadcast. Curt Linderman speaks with Dr. Blaylock about the devastating health effects of the chemtrails and geoengineering programs which have been implemented in secret without public consent.
Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
My major concern is that there is evidence that they are spraying tons of nanosized aluminum compounds. It has been demonstrated in the scientific and medical literature that nanosized particles are infinitely more reactive and induce intense inflammation in a number of tissues. Of special concern is the effect of these nanoparticles on the brain and spinal cord, as a growing list of neurodegenerative diseases,.. Nanoparticles of aluminum are not only infinitely more inflammatory, they also easily penetrate the brain by a number of routes, including the blood and olfactory nerves (the smell nerves in the nose). Studies have shown that these particles pass along the olfactory neural tracts,..
The intranasal route of exposure makes spraying of massive amounts of nanoaluminum into the skies especially hazardous, as it will be inhaled by people of all ages, including babies and small children for many hours. We know that older people have the greatest reaction to this airborne aluminum. Because of the nanosizing of the aluminum particles being used, home filtering system will not remove the aluminum, thus prolonging exposure, even indoors.
In addition to inhaling nanoaluminum, such spraying will saturate the ground, water and vegetation with high levels of aluminum. Normally, aluminum is poorly absorbed from the GI tract, but nanoaluminum is absorbed in much higher amounts. This absorbed aluminum has been shown to be distributed to a number of organs and tissues including the brain and spinal cord. Inhaling this environmentally suspended nanoaluminum will also produce tremendous inflammatory reaction within the lungs, which will pose a significant hazard to children and adults with asthma and pulmonary diseases.
Otherwise we will see an explosive increase in neurodegenerative diseases occurring in adults and the elderly in unprecedented rates as well as neurodevelopmental disorders in our children. We are already seeing a dramatic increase in these neurological disorders and it is occurring in younger people than ever before.” Nanobots überlagern Neuronen / Nanobots superimpose Neurons. 7/11/2013
Das Video wurde schon 2007 (2.4.2007) auf YouTube eingestellt, zu der Zeit wurde auch schon kräftig Geoengineering/Chemtrailing betrieben, d.h. wir haben es mit einer mindestens 15 Jahre alten Technologie zu tun, die erst seit den letzten 3/4 Jahren in Deutschland verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit hervorgerufen hat, durch die verdeckten/illegalen Menschenversuche des Human Brain Projects der UN/NWO/DARPA/NASA/Geheimsekten und Geheimdiensten (höchstwahrscheinlich größtenteils anglo-amerikanische Agenturen) ./
The video was already released in 2007 (2.4.2007) on YouTube, at that time Geoengineering/Chemtrailing was already strong operated, that means we are dealing with at least 15 year old technology that has brought increased attention only in the past 3/4 years in Germany, due to the covert/illegal human experimentation of the Human Brain Project of the UN/NWO/DARPA/NASA/Secret Cults and Secret Agencies (high likely mostly anglo-american agencies).
And BioAPI serie continues with now some most commonly asked questions…
1) What is a BioAPI?
In order to program your typical laptop computer you need an API. Application Programming Interface. This is simply how to talk to the computer so a programmer can tell it to do things, like read a DVD, recognize mouse movement, etc. A BioAPI is exactly the same thing, except instead of computer hardware a BioAPI interfaces with your body parts, specifically your neurons and synapses which control your body and mind. Also known as wetware, essentially the BioAPI in you consists of nano-implants. These implants are required because it’s simply not possible to influence, communicate or control any part of your body or mind with classical methods as a electromagnetic quantum signal has nothing to talk to, hence the requirement of a middleware (the nano-implants or wetware).
To summarize – chemtrails spray the entire planet with nano-fibers which you breathe in. These fibers contain (nano & micro) components which construct and install nano-implants which the aggregate of constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface allowing for the complete monitoring, control and extension of all body and mind functions in a given host (you, and everyone on the entire planet).
When someone reaches for the bible to jusitify their acts you’re in big trouble. All throughout history man has tried to dream up reasons to punish another man and impose his will on him, possibly with a valid reason. When he cannot come up with a valid reason… out comes the bible. The best biblical example is Dixie in Daddy I’m a Zombie (2011) where she becomes targeted [a zombie] right after simply being jealous, because jealously is a sin. Another example is the “useless eater” is the one who dies in Toxic Skies (2008), because even if you try to protect yourself from all the judgement by doing nothing, they have a sin for that to, it’s called sloth. So now your guilty for doing something, or nothing. It’s your choice. The absolute absurdity of it all is also proven when a toddler is shown to take the pills [and thereby symbolically contracts phase 2] at the very end of the movie and clip for Zombex (2013); because after all we need to nano-attack and punish the child when it steals a cookie from the cookie jar right? Yes, that’s why it is being shown. On the other hand the positive possibilities are endless.
Photo Credit: Pinterest
To clarify – they have engineered and released a nano-tech disease on humanity. Traditional symptoms such as coughing, pains and lesions are only occasionally used to symbolically represent the disease within the media such as shown here and here or with the clip for Contracted (2013). In real life the physical symptoms only surface when the nano-tech disease is first contracted (known as a phase 2) and I attempt to describe them here and here. After the nano-tech successfully installs itself across your body cavity the BioAPI becomes fully active and symptoms could then (depending on tests and subsequent judgment) be elevated to actual actions and events such as public/gang stalking, strange thoughts, mind reading and other nano-tricks including suspension & manipulation of memory. The possibilities then become endless as you are programmable… you are the robot.
So there are traditional and mostly temporary symptoms from the actual nano-tech at first; but then the diease elevates and becomes one of dishonor, judgment, harassment, confusion and nano-assault. There is a lot happening with the BioAPI, the scope is huge, and cannot all be described in one paragraph. If you exclude this disease aspect (phase 2) it becomes one of the greatest things to happen to humanity.
5) What is gang stalking?
Gang stalking, stalkers or other public/organized stalking is when random people you have never met before from the public stalk you (more accurately someone with phase 2) wherever you go. You may go to the bank, and a stalker will be there. This is definitely what it appears like. It is just another illusion as I have repeatedly said throughout this site; aka Black Limousine (2010). The purpose is to psychologically manipulate people who become targeted with phase 2 in an effort to destabilize them. In reality these people from the public are already close by and are simply mind controlled on demand (via suggestion) to be present or give acts or signs that they are there for you. They have no idea they are doing it, and the thoughts someone has to notice these so called stalkers are not even their thoughts to begin with. This is one of the many aspects of a large and complicated program that has been over engineered to accomplish and deliver the most impossible to believe things in an effort to confuse, monitor, judge, help and harm targeted individuals. It’s difficult to comprehend until you go through it. A good example and demonstration can be found in the review for Ultrasonic (2012).
6) So this is mind control right?
Yes, but the term mind control is so 1960. I picture a chimpanzee hooked up to electrodes. Its 2018, mind control technology has changed. Whenever I say ‘mind control‘ think of the word ‘convince‘, because that’s more like it, they simply convince someone mentally to do something by thinking for, or with, them in real time; it works very well because no one ever doubts the thoughts they are having are wrong or not theirs to begin with. And for extreme circumstances they can suspend your memory turning you into a mindless robot. It’s unstoppable. Also see Earthkiller (2011) for details on this convincing or suggesting.
Also remember mind control is only one aspect of the overall functionality provided by the greater BioAPI. Also see the John Hodgson video.
7) Why do they put everything in the movies?
It constitutes a warning and public notice. For example Gamer (2009). It’s hidden in plain sight, therefore you can’t see it because it’s outside of your sphere. That’s just how it works.
8) Why it this web site finally telling everyone the complete real truth?
To be clear, Data Asylum was released simply because one man, or a small group [the people behind phase 2, or moreso via BioAPI automation by a supercomputer] are physically attacking people with nano-technology who have not done a single thing to anyone ever. Their belief, viewpoint or what they “think” is used as justification to harm and assault another. This is the exact “sheep think” they hate. Where a mere point of view is used to harm another person. Therefore as you can conclude – they are the sheep they hate. That is the only reason this web site is live. I did not want to release this web site.
In fact, this is what they ironically think they are ultimately doing to targeted individuals. They believe they are exploiting the “sheep mind” of a targeted individual by leveraging the association of like events or statistical anomalies to construct illusions and false realities in which they hope said targeted individual will externalize against, believe in and care about what is happening and thereby act out and harm themselves in some way (see Black Limousine (2010)); or in the alternative harm someone else for no valid reason (aka the “sheep brain” in action) in which then justifies them (the people behind phase 2) in continuing to act against the targeted individual to harm and attack said individual even more or in some cases actually kill them if they “think” it’s justified.
Lots of sheep think going on you’ll notice. “I think x” therefore “I can hurt you“… where x is always false, merely an opinion, or a fictitious point of view. Always.
9) How does someone get phase 2? Is this legal?
Phase 2 is the full BioAPI. You have to do something specific to trigger this and get it. There are various triggers I call them placed throughout all of society. So actual nano-trigger-bots would be spiked within these products/events. A short list is below. Note not all of the following is spiked, a very small percentage of each one is. I’m sure there are many more triggers being released too. Once your body is infected it also becomes transmittable like a classic virus (hence kissing), but this vector can be disabled, as you become “programmable”. Most spiking of actual commercial products such as shampoo as shown in Metropia (2009) is done via upstream ingredient providers. A corporations right hand never knows what the left hand is doing.
Eating cheap red meat (Update: 2012-07-23 as clearly demonstrated in Doomsday Book (2012) and Harolds Going Stiff (2011)). Also cheap pork/bacon even know it is not red meat is also a valid trigger, assuming it is spiked.
Kissing specific people (via the tongue as shown in Telephone (Lady Gaga/2010) and the movie (not clip) The Adjustment Bureau (2011) and Order of Chaos (2010) and Earthkiller (2011); the fact that someone is contagious via kissing is switchable by a handler). Also see Dead Europe (2012) which puts phase 2 in the context of being this century’s version of HIV as HIV was originally created and targeted against the gay population; this also makes phase 2 a sexually transmitted disease to some degree.
Using specific corporate health care or beauty products (See Metropia (2009) Clip 2).
Drugs (eg. cocaine – see Evil Dead (2013), The Disco Exorcist (2011), and The Informers (2008) where she was using drugs then got morgellons (clip here). Also now see Woke Up Dead (2009) as some pharmaceuticals are included too. Also now see ZombeX (2013) which clearly connects corporate pharmaceuticals with phase 2. No clip provided, a couple triggers including meat and cocaine is shown in Pretty Dead (2013).Also includes synthetic or designer drugs (aka Bath Salts); hence the psychotic behavior in users over time. In fact the entire movie Bath Salt Zombies (2013) is a psy-op attempting to connect and reinforce bath salts and to a lesser extent synthetic drugs to extremely crazy behavior. If someone does these crazy [eg. biting the face off people] things they must be one of those bath salt junkies right? Wrong, it’s suspension of memory. They’re wired. Just like you.Also note not all drugs can be spiked. For example the marijuana supply for north america is far to home grown and the source(s) are extremely distributed across various smaller localized suppliers. Therefore there is not a single, or very few, point(s) of presence to manage this as a trigger. Plus marijuana is too insignificant, they would not care about it.
Some vaccines (for example 1% of the Swine Flu vaccine).
Specific corporate food products (probably .1% of energy drinks, some fast food, etc.). As these are less significant, these would probably require multiple cross-connecting trigger-bots to trigger phase 2; so you would have to do multiple things.
Etc., they [it] are always expanding to find different ways to judge people guilty for not doing anything to anyone. Although red meat should be cut back, that is their only valid point.
You can begin to get a picture of how they [it] are targeting the lower levels of society. They are trying (among other things) to force the bible onto people as mentioned here and in this clip. Remember the same people that created this also control the corporate super trusts (all corporations and governments are fictions and controlled ultimately by a small group via creditor/debtor based contracts or to a lesser extent implied cooperation) so they are allowed to do whatever they want with any of their public products (for example Diet Coca-Cola, Vaccines, etc.) or companies. Again, this is usually done silently via up-stream providers (via the ingredients sourced from third or fourth parties). So this is technically legal, but not lawful. To be judged guilty, at any time for anything, requires both your permission and a bona-fide complaining party. Both are not present when found guilty by the people behind phase 2; not to mention, your ability to honorably resolve the matter is ignored. Therefore phase 2, or more accurately becoming outright targeted, is completely unlawful.
To expand on the legal aspect it would more accurate to think of it this way – chemtrails and the BioAPI (phase 1 and 2) are legal or to a lesser extent are beyond a legality scope. From the law’s point of view phase 2 has a (very) slight presumption you agreed to it evidenced by your conduct in which you contracted it voluntarily – ‘contracts are express or implied. The express are manifested viva voce, or by writing; the implied are shown by silence, by acts [such as eating red meat], or by signs‘. Ultimately against your will = against the law. After all, your body is your property, the nano-implants is theirs. How about phase 1? Interestingly phase 1 (and chemtrails) are completely lawful. The only way one man can force his will onto another is if it is beneficial (even the benefit can be waived though); and the positive aspects of phase 1 are staggering but will not be realized for at least a couple generations, aka H+). For example it’s unlawful to hold someone up at gun point and take their money, but it is lawful to hold someone up at gun point and give them money (or something of value, in this case phase 1). This summarizes what they have done with phase 1 to all of humanity.
They [it] believe (as in one man’s biased point of view) they have caught you in dishonor first (aka Meeting Evil (2012)) hence the negative aspects of becoming targeted, or to a lesser extent phase 2 to begin with. The terms for the two stages can be used interchangeably, the difference is mostly in severity of the attacks and/or nano-tricks being forced onto you.
Also remember phase 2 does not immediately mean you are targeted. In the clip for Daddy, I’m a Zombie (2011) it’s hinted that red meat (the hot dog even know she does not eat it) is the trigger for phase 2, but extreme jealousy, a sin, is the reason Dixie became a zombie [targeted]. A simple flowchart can be found here. Interestingly, see the beginning of the movie Stalled (2013), no clip provided, where they show us three triggers for phase 2 just before the zombie apocalypse strikes. There has never been a movie referencing more than two triggers.
This web site is completely clear and 100% accurate – this is what they are doing (aka A Serious Man (2009)), this is how they do it (aka Metropia (2009)), this is the physical proof and this is how you free yourself (aka Rise of the Zombies(2012)). Plain and simple.
10) What happens when someone gets phase 2?
Phase 2 is the full BioAPI. Most nano-implants that encompass the BioAPI for phase 1 are limited to your brain/cranium and hearing & sight (as referenced in Surrogates (2009)), phase 2 targets the rest of the body as outlined in BioAPI page. For clarity you should also review the BioAPI phase distinctions here. Most people don’t even notice the new implants. After a while your number comes up and they then decide what to do with you. For example, they test you for some level of dishonor, then put into The Program for general harassment if warranted, or just monitor you, etc. Most of this is automated by a super-computer, it really is an API. They/it does need your dishonor to move against you, but a random excuse can just be made up as you would expect when man judges man.
Note – good things can happen too. But any help is typically more of a bad joke, they think they are reflecting you back on yourself. It could not be more pathetic and unreasonable.
11) Can the implants (phase 1 or 2) be reversed or otherwise stopped?
With nano-technology absolutely anything is possible; anything. So the short answer is yes, it’s possible to have this reversed. Long answer is no, not that I know of, I’ve seen nothing that suggests this is possible for the common man. The implants are all pervasive and impossible to stop (see the update below). In fact you can never stop or remove the nano-fibers at all. Keep in mind nano-fibers do not equal nano-implants, fibers deliver the implant components. Normal people with phase 1 (everyone) do not have to care that much, it’s largely benign and transparent to your everyday life. You may be mind controlled once in a while, but you will have no idea it happened.
If you have phase 2 and are aware your being monitored (or just generally screwed with) they may attempt to provide something that makes you think you have finally freed yourself. Like shielding or some other nonsense. This is just yet another illusion, another lie to mislead you. They want you to run to the internet telling everyone that x, y or z worked, or believe you’re free so they can monitor you more accurately. They need confusion so they will try to provide false solutions to people looking for them. Always remember, it’s always about the next nano-trick. Have we fooled you yet?How about now?Now? They are always trying to create some misdirection or false reality around this to keep people in the dark. This is covered in the new clip for Ultrasonic (2012).
[Update 2012-11-25]: A cure for this can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012) in which should turn off your BioAPI and stop this insanity once and for all. Unfortunately it seems to be very difficult to apply.
12) What if the Chemtrails were stopped? Would that help?
No, it’s too late. Everyone on the planet is now wired. It would not matter. The point of further nano-fiber propagation via Chemtrails is for newborns and children.
13) What about major world events?
You should be able to figure out how easily world events can now be engineered. If everyone on the planet is wired then a combination of pushing and pulling of thoughts, memory suspension and basic manipulation of a given environment to create a false reality makes is quite simple for a very small group of people to control, stage and ultimately direct individuals or groups (small or large) to believe anything they wish. Notice the timeframe for 911 matches up well within the timeframe of the BioAPI rollout of post 1999. I can’t prove the BioAPI was used in and for 911, but at same time you can’t prove it was not. That’s the point, your suppose to focus, think and say ‘wait a second, if x y and z are possible, then…‘
Whether you’re a terrorist, famous entertainer, government agency employee (eg. The President of the USA, CIA agent, etc.), Cleveland Brown or just some poor kid in the middle of India, everyone is being played, everyone is wired.
Set in a future-world where humans can control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming environments, a star player (Butler) from a game called “Slayers” looks to regain his independence while taking down the game’s mastermind (Hall).
14) How does this all tie together time wise?
I should create a timeline but I’m too lazy. Chemtrail spraying started in a major way in about 1999 (existed as far back as 1995 I suspect on a trial basis). The first Morgellons cases appeared in 2001 or so. People being harassed or gang stalked (the myth of public organized stalking) started around 2002, major references in the movies started around 2001 and really became prevalent in 2007/2008 and onwards as demonstrated on this site. See a pattern? The rollout of phase 2 is also confirmed for us in Zombex (2013), clip provided.
15) Who is doing this?
This is difficult to answer. All I can say is the entire BioAPI is very compartmentalized. It is bigger than any one person or small group. In the trailer for H+ they clearly tell you @ 0:53 ‘there is a giant invisible hand that is gripping this very tightly…‘; this statement could not be more accurate or true. The people that designed it are not the scientists that engineered it, or the programmers who programmed the AI supercomputer. The people that released phase 1, for good, have nothing to do with phase 2, the nano-tech disease. The occasional people/handlers that harass you via nano-tech or at least watch to judge the hell out of you cannot tell the AI supercomputer what it will do or to stop what is happening. Only you can via the cure. The nutters who released phase 2 have nothing to do with the cure. Everything that is happening is always above any single group or person.
As a targeted individual part of the false reality being constructed around you includes something, and corresponding thoughts of it, to convince you it must be XXX because of YYY and they do it with ZZZ. Your suppose to fill in the blanks based on what you think you know because your belief structure has to be grounded to be real. For example it has nothing to do with the NSA, but you might believe that hence the news during 2013/2014. It must be them right? Only if you believe it.
The simplest explanation for who is behind phase 2 would be the same group or class of people who engineered and released HIV onto the gay populace in the 1980’s. As a side note, and the epitome of hypocrisy, these same people are now attempting to justify homosexuality within the media and movies via the gay agenda which is apparent everywhere you look anymore. Now I said the people behind phase 2, not the people who actually made it all. If you want to know exactly who made the BioAPI and phase 2, it’s you. Your neighbor, friends and family. It’s your brother the engineer working on random things for NASA, it’s your neighbor down the street who got a job working on new nano-technology stuff for the government. Due to the intentional compartmentalization of corporate and governmental infrastructure people never actually know exactly what they are developing or why in the end. Just tell people what they need to hear, science can be used evil just as easily as it can for good. As long as it pays the bills.
Click the Title Link Above to view the video on Dailymotion
Here it is everyone. This is awesome. If your being chemtrailed, gangstalked, harassed or mind controlled, this video explains how it all happens. The following website also explains absolutely everything they are doing with chemtrails and how body and mind control are being used against the public at large. You have what’s called a BioAPI installed in you right now and can be mind controlled on demand.
For more information see:
In 1999 the world changed. The money trust changed, the law, technology, and the general direction of the planet. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show how they control everyone on demand, as well as end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public.
Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. Its large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to fools in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason.
Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine.
Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere.
Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone’s health and immune systems become more compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional. Anything to increase the kill rate without raising many alarm bells.
Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skys clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very efficiently. It’s much easily just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it’s happening to everyone and universal the herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.
Nano-fibers specifically are a transport mechanism. Nothing more. They hold a payload for delivery. A payload that would otherwise be compromised by the sun or atmosphere or not make it to its destination (your body). Such as a virus, RNA, aluminum, nano-components, etc. The fibers are (surprisingly) quite harmless as everyone has them. Examples of these fibers can be found all over the internet. The fibers must be independently sprayed, if they we’re added to the jet fuel the extreme heat would destroy the payload.
So it’s not the fiber that is critical, it’s the payload.
There are essentially two phases involved with the installation of the BioAPI. I categorize it as phase 1 and phase 2. If you can imagine a new laptop computer, all it has is the operating system like Windows, so it’s kind of useless. This would be the equivalent to phase 1. So a new computer can be remotely controlled (aka phase 1) by your IT tech support guy, but that is all. There’s no programs installed (provided by phase 2) to do
anything else with it.
Phase 1: Everyone on the planet is effected and involved in this phase. Everyone to some extent has the nano-fibers within their body cavity, and therefore wired. Side effects include a clicking sound from within the skull and basic annoying body complications like aching joints. This phase actually provides complete remote control of your speech and thought patterns through suggestion (subconsciously). I guess about 90% of the populace has this phase complete.
Phase 2: This phase must be triggered and is extreme. It completely compromises your health and can do anything from kill you to simply monitor you. This phase cannot be forced onto you like phase 1 (technically it can but they don’t do that yet). This involves multiple nano-sensors from ocular to heart and everything in between. You must do something to trigger this phase, including eating cheap red meat, kissing specific people, using specific corporate health care/beauty products, etc. The objective they are reaching for here is to connect each event with a deadly sin of some sort. For example morgellons would be connected with vanity because your skin goes to hell. Ultimately this phase provides complete remote control of your body and mind, including the monitoring of your emotions, thoughts, body functions and everything in between.
Let’s just get right too it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
The BioAPI installed in everyone is extremely powerful. It provides complete control over every man women and child on the planet. I understand it’s difficult to accept, I’m simply telling the way it is. The following table attempts to outline what is possible with the BioAPI depending on what phase you have. The suggestive nature of phase 1 works very well, the only different between phase 1 and 2 that I have noticed is with phase 2 they can actually suspend your consciousness (or in the alternative your memory, I can’t figure out which one) so you don’t know you’re being controlled; where with phase 1 your always conscious of what’s happening, you just act out what your told too because no one would ever doubt the thought’s they are having are not their own thoughts.
So how great is this technology? In one word its “unbelievable“. Its so epic the average fool visiting this site won’t be able to even remotely accept its possibility. It’s a minimum one century ahead of its time. The following scenarios are all possible and have been witnessed firsthand by myself as well as any other targeted individual. With two different phases, some things are only possible with phase 1. Phase 1 is kind of limited and only encompasses the most amazing aspect of the technology, so the following chart will try to split up the examples and where they apply. It then might start to sink in. Remember, something like 98% of the planet’s population has phase 1, this includes you.
Applicable Phase
Phase 1 (Everyone)
Direct-to-Speech: the ability to force anyone at will to speak or say anything on demand.
This is inversely shown on this page here, the people are clearly aware they are speaking gibberish but are unable to stop.
Phase 1 (Everyone)
Suggest-to-Subconscious: the ability toinsert a thought in real time into a subjects mind, in which most of the time they act out. Probably a subset of Paralleling (see below).
For example, you think to yourself you want to go outside and sit on the porch, so you get up and go. Was it your thought for real? This is extremely difficult to describe, believe or prove and is the most mind blowing part of the BioAPI. Everything else pales in comparison to this. Its 100% transparent, and works so well you would be stunned for months. It’s epic. The only reference that I found that even remotely demonstrates this is in the movie Hanna(2011). It seems to work vocally via the power of suggestion. Once paralleled a handler’s thought would probably be even more powerful. Although it essentially would work the same way.
It would probably involve the cerebral cortex, which is where the process of conscious thinking and decision making happens.
Phase 1 (Everyone)
Visual: the ability to see what you see.
Previously I was under the conclusion that only people with phase 2 would have their sight compromised. Over time the actions of random people from public when being mind controlled simply cannot be explained unless they have the ability to see what they see. Therefore the nano-camera implant for phase 2 subjects must merely be for a better high quality (HD if you will) signal due to the difficultly in mapping the visual cortex.
Phase 1 (Everyone)
Paralleling: the ability to merge with a subjects mind for real time coordination and response.
This seems unreal but it’s not as difficult to believe as it sounds. When you speak or consciously think, the required neurons and generated EM waveforms in your brain are simply modulated/digitized (just like a computer modem) and transmitted in real time to a handler at a command center. This handler would connect to and receive the subject’s signal and essentially merge minds electromagnetically for lack of a better description – resulting in one signal, but two minds (or two CPU’s if you will). So in this capacity the handler would be able to think a thought and the subject would think the same thought in parallel, speak a phrase and the subject would then speak the same phrase. It is not 100% guaranteed action because the subject may ultimately decide not to say or do something, so paralleling is partially suggestive in nature. For phase 1, paralleling is restricted to the mind only, phase 2 extends the ability across the entire body as described below.
The best way to think of paralleling is a technical support guy connecting to laptop remotely to fix it. You can still use your computer, but so can he, so sometimes you fight for control over the mouse.
Phase 2
Emotion Mirroring: the ability to monitor or push/write emotions in real time.
This is trivial to understand as emotions are simply localized groups of neurons in different parts of the body. Simply encapsulate all of them and quantify the change, exactly what a BioAPI is for. For example if you get butterfly’s in your stomach, the type and severity is transmitted back to the handler’s data center for assessment or at least recording. This is also a subset of Paralleling, in which emotions can be pushed back making a subject feel a specific emotion too.
Phase 2
General Monitoring: the ability to monitor and influence countless body functions.
Again, basic nano-technology here. Keep track of the subject’s heart rate, glucose levels, sleep pattern, etc.
Phase 2
Disable Short Term Memory: memory suspension.
The parts of the brain that deals with memory can be temporarily disabled.
Phase 2
Paralleling: the ability to completelymerge with a subjects mind and body.
Similar to phase 1 paralleling but includes the entire body. It can be forced, but then damage can occur to synapses which result in nose bleeds and internal neural damage, partially shown in The Crazies (2010).
Phase 2
Direct-to-Motor-Control: controlling someone remotely with or without their knowledge.
This is reflected in countless movies including Surrogates (2009), Gamer (2009) and most accurately The Crazies (2010). If the subject is conscious he’s being controlled and fights it synapse damage will occur, I believe this is evidenced by the bloody nose shown in The Crazies. Real Steel (2011) demonstrates the reverse of this direct-to-motor-control.
Phase 2
Thought Reading: coherent thoughts can be read, they listen to your thoughts like you listen to the radio.
There are few examples demonstrating this that I know of other then from the movie Metropia. I know it’s true though, most targeted individuals would confirm. It’s simplistic when you think of it, your thought is just another EM waveform – so digitize/modulate and transmit it. Not difficult to comprehend.
Phase 2
Pushing Sounds: vocals, speech and sound effects.
Speech and sound effects are easily transmitted and heard with crystal clarity. In fact the transmitted sound effects they send to me are better then my natural hearing.
Phase 2
Geolocation: your physical location is always a mouse click away.
Similar to your cell phone’s GPS sensor, there’s a nano-sensor somewhere in your body which provides your real time location on demand. This is clearly shown in The Adjustment Bureau (2011), in fact its shown in the exact context of a targeted individual (Matt Daemon) being harassed and trying to run away from The Program.
Phase 2
Dreams: any dream they want can be beamed into your brain as you sleep.
I wasn’t going to put this because its sounds even more unbelievable then everything else. But it happens to me every night so what the hell. They can push dreams into your brain at will. It sounds amazing but simply boils down to another form of physical assault. This is usually accompanied with a set of emotions forced upon you at the same time as being forced to wake up. Like any other dream you typically don’t remember anything if you sleep through it. So they force you to wake up and manipulate your emotions for whatever reason. Send a message or something stupid? Who know’s. They’re simply sick so no explanation can be offered at this time.
Phase 1 & 2 – Cranium Clicking/Screeching: A phase 1 side effect goes back as early as 2001. Exactly what is happening is not completely known but involves some sort of nano-chip being installed/operated in the cranium (your head) of the host. This is probably the equivalent of a CPU of some sort. The actual clicking/screeching sound observed is usually at night on average once a month and only lasts for a few seconds. Completely painless and easily ignored or passed off by the person. The whole movie Shutter Island (2010) is about this but most people can’t see it.
Phase 1 & 2 – Aching Joints, Headaches, Fatigue, etc.: The saturation of nano-fibers has different effects on different people. The sheer numbers involved results is a random combination of health implications. Most people will not notice anything, or pass any slight symptom off asgetting older. Other people who have more of a reaction will go to the doctor and get diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a catch all disease that was created about a decade ago to give doctors something to tell the patient when they complained. The doctors can’t accurate diagnose or understand what or why a patient is feeling a certain way, so the corrupt medical establishment gives them this nonsense to spew. These side effects are primarily phase 1 but are a constant problem across the board. Notice the root word of fibromyalgia is fib[e]r, it’s not a coincidence.
Phase 2 – Continued Itching Skin: Often a specific part of the person’s body (for example the left elbow) will become constantly itchy much more than the rest of the body permanently. This is intentional and is a sign to others that they have phase 2.
Phase 2 – Burning Smell: Phase 2 encapsulates the person’s ability to smell to they can read/write scents to the person. I have no idea why they want to know what you’re smelling. When inhaling or specifically exhaling quickly its often a burning/smoke smell that is noticed. It’s unknown why, this must be an unwanted side effect. Or more accurately to encapsulate any neuron in the body involved in sensing (for example, smell, taste, etc.) there obviously must be some minor side effect. Interestingly when I cry the smell is amplified and it smells like buttered popcorn of all things. An example of how the media discounts this is demonstrated in the movie Bandits (2001).
Phase 2 – The Left Eye: One of the high level concepts they push in the movies is the left eye is evil for some insane reason. In phase 2 an actual nano-camera will be installed in the left eye. People with this might comment on how they feel like there’s a small bump in their eye under slightly drier conditions such as when going to sleep at night. Note if you figure out you have a camera in the left eye they will probably install something in the right eye too.
Phase 2 – Permanent Metallic Taste: Some people will comment on a metallic taste in the mouth. Typically when going to sleep it becomes prevalent. This is mostly a direct response to be monitored. The more they monitor you or your BioAPI the more of a metallic taste you’ll receive. It is not a side effect of medication, that’s the typical response a doctor will give you. If you are not on medication and otherwise completely healthy and all of a sudden have a permanent metallic taste in your mouth, you are being monitored 24/7.
Phase 2 – Morgellons: Morgellon’s can strike anyone. Its a problem with the nano-bots and fibers, whether intentional or accidental. The body’s immune system can’t see or recognize the fibers at all. So when the body can’t accept the fibers anymore it beings to push them out through the skin. But the skin is a barrier because the fibers are too large. So the skin breaks up which is why people get lesions. Note that technically everyone has morgellons (nano-fibers), the actual mogellon’s symptoms are when the person’s body tries to get rid of them the only way possible.
In 1999 the world changed. The money trust, the law (commerical code/contract law, applicability of public/statutory presumptions, etc.), technology (nano-tech), and the general direction of the planet completely changed. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way you think will preclude you from seeing reality accurately. There is no money anymore, taxes are a thing of the past and no written law applies to you.
So what we now have is a real brave new world. The purpose of this site is to simply show the extent at which they have leveraged nano-technology directly on you, how they control everyone on demand with it, and end the confusion around the subject of chemtrails and how they fit into the larger picture while showing how the media and movies are conditioning the mind of the general public. This web site is my account of the entire last decade. I’m sure I’m missing something here or there, but this is 98% accurate and applies to every single person on the planet today in one way (typically via phase 1) or another.
The Reason for Everything
Let’s just get right to it. Forget everything you know. Here it is, the epitome of reality. This video is the best example that summarizes what’s happening or has happened in your body already. This is the most prevalent secret in the whole world because it has been forced onto everyone unknowingly.
What you see here is a nano-bot encapsulating a neuron or synapse (for example your purkinje neurons) or other nerve ending/bridge. It’s only a simulation, but accurately summaries everything that has happened in the past decade. This allows complete control of the host (your body) remotely as demonstrated repeatedly in the movies (for example Metropia (2009), Ultrasonic (2012)). A more sophisticated set of nano-bots would and very well has subsequently allowed for a complete and full BioAPI to be installed without the host (you) even knowing it. If you want to get technical your neurons have been encapsulated, your synapses have been bridged.
The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma.
Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover damn, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. It’s large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last. A visual overview may help by reviewing a flowchart here.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to fools in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason.
Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease or manipulate crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. You can dismiss this.
Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP (HAARP is just what they want you to see, HAARP has nothing to do with anything) can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere. In The Phoenix Rises (2012) they tell you exactly this @ exactly ~16:00 in the movie as they specifically talk about chemtrails. For your information barium has nothing to do with the BioAPI, nano-fibers or nano-tech at all.
Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone’s health and immune systems become slightly compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional.
Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skies clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, steer super storms, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very effectively. It’s much easier just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it’s happening to everyone the universal herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.
Nano-fiber Basics
Nano-fibers specifically are a transport mechanism. Nothing more. They hold a payload for delivery. A payload that would otherwise be compromised by the sun or atmosphere or not make it to its destination (your body). Such as viral RNA code, metals such as aluminum, nano-components, etc. The fibers are (surprisingly) quite harmless as everyone has them. Examples of these fibers can be found all over the internet or in the physical examples section of this site. The fibers must be independently sprayed, if they we’re added to the jet fuel the extreme heat would destroy the payload.
So it’s not the fiber that is critical, it’s the payload.
This is a complicated question. The people creating and doing this are trying to force biblical principles onto the populace (including themselves) through technology. For example the seven deadly sins. They take a basic human requirement (food, sex, a specific emotion) and quantify it (within the BioAPI). If the result is to extreme (for example you eat too much) or you do something not approved of then they decide that you’re not worthy of life or judge you accordingly. In the alternative your are added to a program. The possibilities for the BioAPI or nano-tech in general is endless. Therefore you should not focus on any one reason as being the end all purpose. It’s too dynamic. It’s to complex. As I mentioned on the top of page 5 of the media references – ‘the BioAPI is the greatest revelation in human history‘. For example see the last paragraph of the description for Vexille (2007), specifically the trailer for H+ mentioned in it.
Also see question #9 of the frequently asked questions for a brief explanation on how this (and chemtrails) are (mostly) lawful.
The same group of people that brought humanity HIV in the late 1970’s. Also see FAQ question #15.
BioAPI Phases
There are essentially two phases involved with the installation of the BioAPI. I categorize it as phase 1 and phase 2. If you can imagine a new laptop computer, all it has is the operating system like Windows, so it’s kind of useless. This would be the equivalent to phase 1. So a new computer can be remotely controlled (aka phase 1, see Surrogates (2009)) by your IT tech support guy, but that is all. There are no programs installed (provided by phase 2) to do much else with it. These names of a phase 1 and 2 are not necessarily just random nonsense I made up, see the clip and movie for Control Factor (2003) in which they use these exact names in the exact same context; because they are telling you everything.
Phase 1: Everyone on the planet is affected and involved in this phase. Everyone to some extent has the nano-fibers within their body cavity, and therefore wired [‘I’m wired too.’ – Michael Hall, Gamer (2009)]. Side effects include a clicking sound from within the skull and basic annoying body complications like aching joints. This phase provides complete remote control of your speech and thought patterns through suggestion (partially subconsciously). I guess about 99% of the populace of the entire planet has this phase complete.Phase 1 could be construed as positive and beneficial to you, at least in the future. See John Hodgman (2012) for more information. You should also see question 9 of the FAQs.
Phase 2: This phase must be triggered (by nano-trigger-bots) and is extreme. It completely compromises your health and can do anything from kill you to simply monitor you. This phase cannot be forced onto you like phase 1 (technically it can but they don’t do that yet). This involves multiple nano-sensors from ocular to heart and everything in between. I figure about 2% of the population has gone through this phase. If this phase is triggered in you they consider you evil as shown within the media examples page of this site. You must do something to trigger this phase, including eating cheap red meat, kissing specific people, using specific corporate health care/beauty products, etc. The objective they are (partially) reaching for here is to connect each event with a deadly sin of some sort. For example morgellons would be connected with vanity because your skin goes to hell. Ultimately this phase provides complete remote control of your body and mind, including the monitoring of your emotions, thoughts, body functions and everything in between. Phase 2 then can be considered a nano-tech disease (as clearly shown in the Family Guy clip) in which the contagious aspect can be switched on and off. For example I have phase 2, but I am not contagious, but I can be if they decide to make me contagious in some way – typically kissing. This allows them to completely control the transmission/vector or spreading of the nano-disease. If you want to get specific, the nano-tech or nano-implants that compose phase 2 of the BioAPI is actually just the vehicle they use to monitor, torment, test and hurt people. The disease itself is actually one of dishonor. The more dishonor you demonstrate, the more they hate you, the worse things get for you. They do not want people to figure that out. See Meeting Evil (2012) for clear details. Phase 2 can or is definitely detrimental to your life. That is the point of it. A cure can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).You can 100% confirm if you have phase 2 or not by seeing an eye doctor and asking him to look for anomalies exactly where the ocular implant is located. The implant is still a camera and therefore must conform to the laws of physics and optics still so it must, just like your eye has, have a concave lens which it does. You might be able to slightly feel it at night when your falling asleep when your eyes are dryer and you move your eyeball around with your eyes closed. More information on the implant’s location is available here.Also see the clip for Contracted (2013) which specifically covers the contraction of phase 2 and the physical side effects there from. Pretty Dead (2013), no clip provided, also does a good job at covering multiple aspects of the contraction of the nano-tech disease and BioAPI in general, both good and bad. They show a couple triggers (meat and hard drugs) which makes her sick, complete with heavy zombie overtones. They also show a possible positive aspect such as accelerated healing. The entire movie, every scene, becomes like a documentary.
Nano-fiber and BioAPI Side Effects
Of course with something as extreme as nanotech being installed within people’s body’s you would assume there would be health implications and side effects. This is correct and covered on this site. The approach to handle these side effects has been one of “embrace and extend” it’s called. There are several examples in the media section that show how the specific side effects listed below are recognized and then associated with something ridiculous or stupid which then discounts the authenticity in the mind of the viewer. In effect convincing the viewer to dismiss a real side effect as being something that’s too crazy to be real. Each side effect is dealt with in a media example. Additional technical possibilities are also talked about in the BioAPI details section. Additional side effects related to phase 2 are covered in the clip for Contracted (2013).
Phase 1 & 2 – Cranium Clicking/Screeching: A phase 1 side effect goes back as early as 2001. Exactly what is happening is not completely known but involves some sort of nano-chip being installed/operated in the cranium (your head) of the host. This is probably the equivalent of a CPU of some sort. The actual clicking/screeching sound observed is usually at night on average once a month and only lasts for a few seconds. Completely painless and easily ignored or passed off by the person. The entire purpose of the movie Shutter Island (2010) is to discount this. The nano-implant that is specifically and clearly responsible for this side effect is symbolically referenced in the second clip for Surrogates (2009). I suspect over time they have improved this side effect.
Phase 1 & 2 – Aching Joints, Headaches, Fatigue, etc.: The saturation of nano-fibers has different effects on different people. The sheer numbers involved results is a random combination of health implications. Most people will not notice anything, or pass any slight symptom off as getting older. Other people who have more of a reaction will go to the doctor and get diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a catch all disease that was created about a decade ago to give doctors something to tell the patient when they complained. The doctors can’t accurate diagnose or understand what or why a patient is feeling a certain way, so the corrupt medical establishment gives them this nonsense to spew. These side effects are primarily phase 1 but are a constant problem across the board. Notice the root word of fibromyalgia is fib[e]r, it’s not a coincidence. This Family Guy clip indirectly references Fibromyalgia.
Phase 2 – Itching: For whatever reason they may force harsh itching on you when they do not agree with what you are doing or how you are behaving. You probably will have no idea it is phase 2 at the beginning. This is shown in Flash of Genius (2008) when they show her typing and zoom in on her hand (@ 44:50 in the movie) when she itches it. She’s presumed to be a bad wife for leaving her husband (no clip is provided; screenshot here; you’ll have to read this whole site to understand this). The exact same concept is shown in Lay the Favorite (2012) where Bruce Willis itches his forearm clearly and intentionally after referencing it a few seconds earlier (screenshot here). Why? Why would they put that in? I mean millions of dollars are spent on these scripts and production thereto. This happens in real life to countless people around the world all day long, he’s being warned. Why? Because in the movie he’s thinking about cheating on his wife with the hot blonde that just walked in. In people with phase 2, the BioAPI is monitoring thought and emotional patterns which if conflict triggers an itch; it’s automated. For example lust + guilt (because he’s married) do not go together. Think Pontypool (2008). So they are judging you (or more accurately people with phase 2 who are pre-targeted). Itching is also shown in Fast Zombies with Guns (2011), as they turn into zombies [contract phase 2 in real life] they itch a lot. Again, why show this? Because it’s real. Most targeted individuals will understand the extremely itchy forearm. So itching is not a side effect in the common sense of the term; it is instead intentionally inflected via the BioAPI as reflected in the aforementioned references as well as loosely shown in A Scanner Darkly (2006) @ 0:44 in the clip/trailer.
Phase 2 – Burning Smell: Phase 2 encapsulates the person’s ability to smell, so they can read/write scents. It’s used to help warp the reality of someone they have specifically targeted (aka Black Limousine (2010)). When inhaling or specifically exhaling quickly its often a burning/smoke smell that is noticed. This is an unwanted side effect – or more accurately to encapsulate any neuron in the body involved in sensing (for example, smell, taste, etc.) there ends up being be some minor side effect. Interestingly when I cry the smell is amplified and it smells like buttered popcorn of all things. An example of how the media discounts this is demonstrated in the movie Bandits (2001).
Phase 2 – The Left Eye: One of the concepts they push in the movies is the left eye is evil for some reason. Or to a lesser extent use the eye as a gateway to demonstrate functionality such as with Technotise (2009) or Gamer (2009). In phase 2 an actual nano-camera will be installed in the left eye. People with this might comment on how they feel like there’s a small bump in their eye under slightly drier conditions such as when going to sleep at night. This is documented in the physical example page. Note if you figure out you have a camera in the left eye they will probably install something in the right eye too. Clips referencing this concept are now available here, here and here and now also Doomsday Book (2012).
Phase 2 – Permanent Metallic Taste: Some people will comment on a metallic taste in the mouth. Typically when going to sleep it becomes prevalent. In the alternative, the temporary compromising of taste buds is shown in the clip for Contracted (2013) @ 2:18. It is not a side effect of medication, that’s the typical response a doctor will give you. If you are not on medication and otherwise completely healthy and all of a sudden have a permanent metallic taste in your mouth, you are being recorded (but not watched) 24/7 as per the trailer for A Scanner Darkly (2006).
Phase 2 – Morgellons: Morgellon’s can strike anyone. It’s a direct problem from the nano-fibers, whether intentional or accidental. The body’s immune system can’t see or recognize the fibers at all. So when the body can’t accept the fibers anymore it beings to push them out through the skin. But the skin is a barrier because the fibers are too large. So the skin breaks up which is why people get lesions. Note that technically everyone has morgellons (nano-fibers), the actual mogellon’s symptoms are when the person’s body tries to get rid of them the only way possible. Some more conclusions can be seen here and examples within media references including this.
Chemtrail Nano-fiber Examples & Evidence
Ultimately you need some proof. This is very difficult, as we all don’t exactly have nano-tech labs in our basements. The only thing possible at this point in time is to put out the physical evidence that is known and back it up with media/movie supporting clips. A complete list of unbelievable things this technology can do is listed here, also make sure you see the real life body & mind control examples in Media References.
Site Inception: October 15, 2011 • Last Updated: August 31, 2012
This web sites not bother with the scientific details or patents behind the actual nano-tech. I, like yourself I’m sure are not a nano-tech engineer. If youwant details you canread for the next ten year s if you want. Patents are easily found for all of this.To summarize from theFAQ page – chemtrails spray the entire planet with nano-fibers which you breathe in. These fibers contain (nano) componentswhich construct and install nano-implants which the aggregate of constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interfaceallowing for complete monitoring & control of all body and mind functions in a given host (you, and everyone on the entire plant). Below are the basics,which is all that’s required for a broader understanding of these nano-fibers. The first few examples show an actual payload within a fiber (which wouldbe used in the installation of a nano-implant for example). The colored fibers are just examples of what else can be seen, and the last example is a petridish of nano-fibers from an average person such as yourself. Thefiber images are about 200x magnification, anystandard microscope will let you seethese fibers. You can view these fibers yourself right now if you want, they are all around you. Some fibers move on their own, they sort of wiggle, yethave no organelles proving they are not organic or biological in nature. All of these fibers are in your body and brain. All fibers and constructs are viewable with the naked eye (just barely) under a properwavelength of blacklight. For more information on the nano-fibers and how to extract them from your body refer to the bottom of this page fornano-fiber extractiondetails.For an impressive pr ologue to this you can refer to theGamer (2009) clip in which you are told exactly what they are doing and demonstrates it for all tosee. I like theTechnotise: Edit & I (2009) clip too.
This is the most amazing picture you’ll see in your life. This is a phase 2 subject with a nano-camera inthe left eye. Only viewable with the properwavelength of blacklight. Everyone on the planet has a basicset of nano-implants that allows them to be tracked and mind controlled on demand; people whocontract what I call a phase 2 will have additional implants that allows them to be body controlled as wellas a whole host of other functions. Your body is turned into a robot against your knowledge and againstyour will. The aggregate of these nano-implants constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface. Check themedia page for upcoming references concerning theocular implant, specifically theOrder of Chaos (2010) clip, or even theMinority Report (2002)description for that matter.
– you could review theMinority Report description, I’ve expanded onthese eye references]Note the pink circle referencing the implant in the large image is not actually the camera, it’s just a sideeffect (fibers and implants glow under UV light) of the camera implant installation for this individual. Thecamera is too small (micro-size) and can’t be seen, but it can be felt – some more thoughts andinformation on theocular nano-implant are available.Interestingly they demonstrate this ocular implant in action and show
how they see what yousee inSurrogates (2009) at about the 11:00 minute mark of the movie (the movie, not the clip – see thelast cover image on thefront page of this site). A monitor beside Bruce Willis shows a video cam of whathis surrogate is seeing after he gives himself a glass of water. It’s real. This is how
is true from A Scanner Darkly (2006).This first example shows a fiber that was found in pond water if Iremember correctly. This is the typical fiber you would breathe inwhile jogging or something. Notice the payload which seemed toshrink to nothing. It started to shrink as soon as I looked at it, or it sensed the light from the microscope. Seen at roughly 200xmagnification in late 2010. The contraction timeframe was about300 seconds.
converted by
A fiber with another payload. The next image is a larger version of this.This example shows another payload, this time with some color for somereason.For whatever reason some fibers are red or blue in color. A red fiber.This is an example of the most common fibers found. It’s transparent,longer and seems kind of benign. All fibers can be seen with standardcheap microscopes. Some fibers even move by themselves, they sort of twitch if you watch long enough.The connecting proof of chemtrail nanofibers and your body being thetarget is this test here. Rinsing ones mouth out with red wine will extractthe fibers from the oral cavity of the person. Viewing the extraction under a microscope and you’ll see the same fiber structure as fibers found inpond water or randomly elsewhere. 100% saturation. Note – a quick rinsedoesn’t work, you have to let the acidity of the red wine soak into your mouth for a bit. The wine stains the fibers. Gargle, repeat a few times andyou’ll start to see them. This image is in a petri dish.Clifford Carnicom has pioneered the research (going as far back as2003) connecting nano-fibers with Chemtrails, merely compare thestructure of what comes out of your mouth with what is found outside inrain water. It’s the same thing. See below for a test you can conduct for yourself.
I did my masters in nanotechnology and every once in a while I go on the net to see what is current out there I am pleasantly surprised. I was happy to run into an article that sits at the intersection of nanotechnology and neuroscience.
Well, maybe I should backtrack and explain what nanotechnology is all about… Fortunately, I do not have to recite in detail all of the copious amount of information that is available on the net about nanotechnology, but the following article in The New Atlantis gives a very good account of what nanotechnology is all about.. (In a sentence, the human hair is about 80000 nanometers thick – we are talking about devices of the range of 10-20 nanometers thick whereas a red blood cell is vast in comparison: about 5,000 nm in diameter). At this ‘nanoscopic’ level, most of our body cells start to look like giant hot air balloons and a lot of work can be accomplished if we load the right scientific instruments at the end of nanometer sized problems that can then be inserted into our cells.
OK, this is precisely what is happening:
As you know, our brain is richly impregnated by millions of blood vessels whose diameter range from 5 millimeters (the larger junctions) to 10 microns (at the smallest levels). In fact we have about 25 kilometers of blood vessels that have a diameter of less than 10 microns.
” The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma. Obviously, the advantage of such system is that it would not interfere with either the blood flow exchange of gases or produce any type of disruption of brain activity, due to the tiny space occupied in the vascular bed.A catheter is introduced into the femoral carotid or the sub-clavial artery and is pushed up to one of the vascular territories to be addressed. Such procedure is, in principle, similar to interventional neuro-radiology techniques where catheters are guided to any portion of the central nervous system. The number of 0.5 micron diameter wires (recording points) that could be introduced in a one-millimeter catheter is staggeringly large (in the range of few million). Once the areas to be recorded or stimulated are reached, a set of leads held inside the catheter head would be allowed to be extended and randomly distributed into the brain’s circulatory system. Since a catheter can be placed in any major brain vessels, the maximum length of nano-wire electrodes required to reach any capillary bed is of the order 2 to 3 cm. Hence, a large number of electrodes would cover any region of the central nervous system from the parent vessels harboring the stem catheters. “This means that most of the brain can be ‘reached’ using this technique and signals from the ‘signal ensemble in our brains’ can be dynamically read to yield information on malfunctions, malformations or aberrations. This is extremely exciting and shows yet another way in which new technologies are helping us reach and probe into the deepest parts of the brain without interfering with too much of the inherent functions.I see a future whereby patients can go a suitably equipped clinic, get this nano wire inserted into her/his femoral carotid and let the vascular system do its work of pulling the wire through all of the arteries that interlace our brains. Once the blood ‘pulls’ the fibers into the deepest parts of the brain, non-integrated dynamic signals from various parts of the brain can then be mixed and integrated to yield useful information helping us pinpoint tumors, clots, infarcts or damaged brain cells at a microscopic level. A neuro-surgeon can then use the same nano wire apparatus only this time turning on the ablative laser at the end of the nano-wire, find the cells that constitute the tumor/glioma and proceed to vaporize it. At the end of the procedure the nanowires are extracted out of the patients femoral carotid and the patient walks back home. No skull splitting brain surgery or no post operative recuperation… Of course this is me dreaming in the New Year…That said, I would also urge you to refer to the following words of caution:
“Release of nano-particles should be restricted due to the potential effects on environment and human health.” – Nanotechnology and Regulation within the framework of the Precautionary Principle. Final Report for ITRE Committee of the European Parliament, February 2004.“Until more is known about their environmental impact we are keen that the release of nanoparticles and nanotubes in the environment is avoided as far as possible. Specifically we recommend as a precautionary measure that factories and research laboratories treat manufactured nanoparticles and nanotubes as if they were hazardous waster streams and that the use of free nanoparticles in environmental applications such as remediation of groundwater by prohibited.” – Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Opportunities and uncertainties,” July 2004.Some papers of interest:
Adrian #seroquel
I was thinking about the high death rate in the care homes during this scamdemic. Information came to me about what is happening in Ireland, and is likely to be happening elsewhere as well.
Elderly Nursing Home residents are slowly but surely being killed by the HSE.
You might want to have a look at the Stop Elder Torture Blog.
Psychiatric Drugs Are More Dangerous than You Ever Imagined
Drug Interactions Checker
Anytime you take more than one medication, or even mix it with certain foods, beverages, or over-the-counter medicines, you are at risk of a drug interaction. Most drug interactions are not serious, but because a few are, it is important to understand the possible outcome before you take your medications.
As always please do your own research, thinking and draw your own conclusions.
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I have written a book on health and well-being. Nothing mainstream in here, just things I’ve observed and worked out that have helped me and others who have used the ideas.
You can read more about it here:
Today we present the sixth episode of a short ‘n sweet series by Dr. Peter Breggin titled “Simple Truths About Psychiatry.”
To say that Dr. Breggin is “an accomplished professional” would be a substantial understatement, as can be seen by looking at his resumé ( outstanding student, medical doctor, professor, researcher, editor, consultant, and last but certainly not least, thorn in the side of the mainstream psychiatric industry.
Also, recently Dr. Breggin was featured in the documentary “The Minds of Men,” a production of Truthstream Media. (Visit for more information.)
So, through October 24, 2019, let us enjoy Dr. Breggin as we present his 9-part series, “Simple Truths About Psychiatry.” (NOTE: all videos are presented in their original format.)
Visit Dr. Breggin’s website @ …Read: Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families by Peter Breggin, M.D. to learn how to more safely cut back and taper off of psychiatric drugs– The book also provides important information about dangers and hazards of each class of drug
Source: 5 months, 2 weeks ago