They talk about Industrial Revolutions, like they were blessings from heaven. They just can’t wait to move us into the latest and greatest. All those supposedly brilliant minds in their mountain top retreat think tanks building the world they imagine in their exalted minds.
In my lifetime, on my lower class budget, my limited free time and my finite brain, I figured out that everything they were doing was destroying our environment. I often wondered if they were stupid or just too greedy to care what happens to us. Now I know that they are deliberately working to destroy us. Now that I understand spiritual things much better, and have researched their history, bloodlines, philosophies and spiritual beliefs it is easy to recognize that they are working for the Devil. They are driven to destroy humanity because that is what the Devil wants. He comes to steal, KILL and DETROY.
I understand that most people think we are advancing. Most people enjoy the “modern conveniences”. Most people today would not have a clue how to live a truly natural life. I am including myself in that statement. Most people think it would be insane to give up technology and return to a life of living off what the land can produce. Most people think there is a shortage of land. MOST PEOPLE ARE DECEIVED!!
Certainly shutting down the power and rethinking life would create problems of its own. There would be a period of tremendous adjustment, no doubt. But, I am convinced that if we would return to REALITY, and turn to Our Creator for help, guidance, protection and provision we would come out just fine. There is NO SHORTAGE with GOD. Since GOD created EVERYTHING, He is well able to restore everything to its natural state. In fact, he created this world to heal itself. Which it would do, if humans would just STOP MESSING WITH THE NATURAL FLOW OF THINGS!!
We learned all our crafts from demons. Take a look around you folks, how is that working for you??
In this post we are going to take a look and see. We are going to be focused mostly on our WATER. Why? Because water makes up 90% of our bodies. Water is essential for all life. Without it, we would not live more than a matter of days.
For more information see these related posts:
Do You Want the TRUTH about Global Warming and Our Dying OCEANS? Part 1- Nuclear Waste
Part 2- Trash
Part 3 – Industrial Chemicals
Part 4 – Military Weapons of Mass Destruction
Part 5 – OIL Industry
This song came out in 1985. I was a young mother raising my little ones. I used to sing this song thinking about my grandparents and the world they grew up in. How different it was from the life I enjoyed. NOW, I am the grandma, trying to make this generation understand how totally foreign this world has become. The immensity of disparity between the USA in which I was blessed to grow up and this new society is inconceivable. It is beyond belief that life can fall so rapidly into such a terrifying state of decline.
Dave Fenley – “Grandpa (Tell me ‘Bout the Good Old Days)” by The Judds (Lyrics)
1.93K subscribers
Grandpa tell me bout the good old days
Sometimes it feels like this world’s gone crazy
And grandpa take me back to yesterday
When the line between right and wrong
Didn’t seem so hazy
Did lovers really fall in love to stay
And stand beside each other, come what may
Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Oh grandpa, tell me bout the good old days
Grandpa everything is changing fast
We call it progress, but I just don’t know
And grandpa, let’s wonder back into the past
And paint me the picture of long ago
Did lovers really fall in love to stay
And stand beside each other, come what may
Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say then forget
Did families really bow their heads to pray Did daddies really never go away
Oh grandpa, tell me bout the good old days Oh grandpa, tell me bout the good old days
US Has Toxic Chemical Spill Every Other Day | The Kyle Kulinski Show
On average, there is a chemical fire, explosion or toxic release every two days in the U.S.
Click the top left icon of the map below to see whether there has been a chemical incident in your area since June 1, 2021.
Some incidents do not appear on the map, due to lack of available information on their exact location.
In light of w hat happened in East Palestine and how it was handled, as well as all the many other “accidents” we are witnessing across our nation currently and over the past few decades, it should be crystal clear that these are NOT accidents. Many people, myself included believe there is no such thing as an accident. Everything has a source. There is a reason and a time for everything. Especially for those who believe in the Creator GOD who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

May 29, 2015
The following is an excerpt from Out of Sight: The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe by Erik Loomis (The New Press, 2015):
The new environmental laws of the 1970s proved immediately effective. Between 1972 and 1978, presence of sulfur dioxide in the environment fell 17 percent, carbon monoxide by 35 percent, and lead by 26 percent.15 Americans lauded a future of jobs and health, prosperity and beautiful nature. Unions such as the United Steelworkers of America, who represented many Donora workers, the United Auto Workers, and the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers made alliances with environmentalists and promoted the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and other core legislation that protected all Americans, whether members of the working class or wealthy, from the emissions and pollutants of industry. Environmentalists for Full Employment formed in 1975 to “publicize the fact that it is possible simultaneously to create jobs, conserve energy and natural resources and protect the environment.” When Ronald Reagan became president and cut OSHA and EPA funding, the AFL-CIO and Sierra Club created the OSHA/Environmental Network to organize resistance between the two movements. Environmentalists and a Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees local representing tannery workers in Fulton County, New York, overcame past differences and worked together on both the workplace environment of the tannery and tannery-created water pollution. By the late 1990s, workers reporting environmental violations and environmentalists helped the union develop plans to improve working conditions in the plants.
The potential for a strong labor-green coalition to fight for healthy workplaces and ecosystems clean enough for people to enjoy in their free time was a threat to corporations. Companies responded to environmentalism’s rise by taking advantage of a road the American government had already opened to them—moving their operations away from the people with the power to complain about pollution. They did this in two ways. Some industries scoured the nation, seeking the poorest communities to place the most toxic industries. They assumed those communities, usually dominated by people of color, would not or could not complain. The companies would work with corrupt local politicians to push through highly polluting projects before citizens knew what was entering their communities. Other industries went overseas, seeking to repeat their polluting ways in nations that lacked the ability or desire to enforce environmental legislation. Capital mobility moved toxicity from the middle class to the world’s poor.
In 1978, Chemical Waste Management, a company that specialized in handling toxic waste, chose the community of Emelle, in Sumter County, Alabama, as the site of its new toxic waste dump. Corporations contracted with Chem Waste to handle their toxic waste. Sumter County was over two-thirds African American and over one-third of the county’s residents lived in poverty, but whites made up the county political elite approving the decision. In Emelle, more than 90 percent of the residents were black. This is why Chem Waste chose Emelle. They worked with a local company led by the son-in-law of segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace to acquire the site. No one told local residents what was to be built there. Local rumors suggested a brickmaking facility. The company dumped polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other toxic materials at the site. Despite claiming it was safe, the company racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. Such activities were common for Chem Waste. It always chose communities like this to site its dumps—Port Arthur, Texas, in a neighborhood that was 80 percent people of color; Chicago’s South Side in a neighborhood 79 percent people of color; and Saguet, Illinois, a 95 percent African American area.
The racist actions of companies like Chemical Waste Management led to the environmental justice movement. By fighting for the environments where we live, work, and play, environmental justice has redefined environmentalism and connected capital mobility with environmentalism by focusing on how corporations make decisions about where to locate toxic exposure. Through the environmental justice movement, people of color began adapting the language of environmentalism to their struggles with toxicity and pollution. Scholars usually date the movement to an incident in 1982 when the state of North Carolina wanted to dump six thousand truckloads of toxic soil contaminated with PCBs in a predominantly African American section of Warren County. More than five hundred protesters were arrested. Civil rights leaders and community members began tying racism to environmentalism, noting how the Environmental Protection Agency in the Southeast had targeted African American communities for toxic waste dumping. A new social movement was born. Alabamians for a Clean Environment formed to fight the Emelle toxic waste site. Chemical Waste Management had built a toxic waste dump in Kettleman City, California, a 95 percent Latino town in a white majority county. When the company planned to add a toxic waste incinerator, residents fought back, forcing Chem Waste to withdraw its application in 1993. Residents and the company still battle over environmental justice there today. African Americans in Anniston, Alabama, won a lawsuit against the chemical company Monsanto, which paid $390 million in 2003 for contaminating their neighborhood with PCBs, while residents of Norco, Louisiana, defeated Shell Oil in court, forcing it to pay for them to move away from the neighborhood the oil giant contaminated.
The environmental justice movement has not forced widespread changes in corporate strategies. Corporations still seek out the areas with the poorest people to dump toxic waste. The people of the Hyde Park neighborhood of Augusta, Georgia, have conducted a long campaign for environmental justice against a wood-preserving factory that dumped dioxin-laden wood-treatment chemicals into groundwater as well as against a ceramic factory that emitted dust across their yards, resulting in skin conditions, circulatory problems, and rare forms of cancer. The neighborhood near these factories is almost entirely African American, leading residents to believe their neighborhood was targeted for this exposure. African American neighborhoods are routinely zoned for garbage dumps and landfills, and petrochemical companies locate cancer-causing chemical plants in black communities along the Mississippi River. Poverty and race too often mean toxic exposure and cancer in the United States. In a 2014 report, researchers at the University of Minnesota demonstrated that people of color in the United States breathe in air 38 percent more polluted than whites. In the Los Angeles metro area, 91 percent of the 1.2 million people who live less than two miles from hazardous-waste treatment facilities are people of color. Environmental inequality is a systematic problem made worse by intentional corporate decisions to profit off of poisoning minority populations.
While some companies target sites within the United States to dump pollution, more commonly, corporations either move production overseas or ship waste abroad. Free trade agreements lack meaningful environmental standards. After NAFTA’s passage, the American and Mexican governments engaged in meetings to plan for environmental problems, but corporations remained off the hook for their actions in Mexico. Twenty years after NAFTA, nothing has changed. Corporate control over the American government continues to ensure that trade agreements do not include environmental restrictions on corporate actions.
In the 1970s, with the first factories already going overseas, corporations began blackmailing workers, saying that increased environmental restrictions would force them to close their mills and move. This job blackmail provided a very effective strategy for corporations, allowing them to retake the pollution initiative from environmentalists and making workers scared pollution reduction would cost them their jobs. During a hearing for the Water Quality Act of 1965, St. Regis Paper Company president William R. Adams told a congressional committee, “The general public wants both blue water in the streams and adequate employment for the community. The older plant may not be able to afford the investment in waste treatment facilities necessary to provide blue water; the only alternative may be to shut the operation down. But the employees of the plant and the community cannot afford to have the plant shut down. They cannot afford to lose the employment furnished by the operation.” Such statements became ever more common after 1970, and workers believed them, fearing that placing scrubbers on smokestacks or limiting the dumping of chemicals in water would lead to the end of their jobs. They didn’t want to get poisoned, but they needed to eat and buy their children clothes.
Companies began viciously using environmentalism as an excuse for shuttering plants they intended to close anyway. In 1980, the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) announced the closing of its Anaconda, Montana, smeltery. It claimed it could not “satisfy environmental standards” the government now required of smelters. Workers were furious at environmentalists. But within a week, it came out that both the federal and state governments had offered to work with ARCO, granting it an extension or offering any concessions it wanted to stay in the state. The company refused. ARCO lied about a decision made to maximize profit. Usually, these nefarious lies went unchallenged, and environmentalism increasingly became seen as an elite movement unconcerned with the fate of American workers.
Corporate mobility cleaved unions from environmentalists. In 1976, UAW president Leonard Woodcock noted that job blackmail was a “false conflict.” However, “to a worker confronted with the loss of wages, health care benefits and pension rights, it can seem very real.” For example, in 1977, environmentalists and the United Mine Workers of America mostly agreed on an amendment to the Clean Air Act that would limit sulfur dioxide after environmentalists supported forcing corporations to place scrubbers on eastern smokestacks rather than mandating that lower sulfur coal be mined by nonunion labor in the West. But in 1990, the two interests could not agree on amendments for further emissions restrictions to fight acid rain. Coal companies increased their investment in the nonunion western mines as a result.
Companies began playing states off one another in a national race to the bottom. When the Belcher Corporation announced the move of its Massachusetts-based foundry to Alabama in 2007, the company’s chief financial officer stated, “The environmental regulations aren’t as stringent in Alabama as they are in Massachusetts.”
NAFTA and other trade agreements empowered corporations to follow through on their job blackmail internationally. A 1990s survey of American companies with factories in Mexicali, just across the U.S.-Mexico border, showed 25 percent moved to take advantage of lax environmental regulations, while 80 percent of furniture makers who moved from Los Angeles to Mexico in the late 1980s did so to reduce their environmental costs.
American companies poisoned the water of northern Mexico. As Matamoros, just across the Rio Grande from Brownsville, Texas, grew with the arrival of American-owned factories in the 1970s and 1980s, citizens had new economic opportunities but were also sickened by the emissions no longer allowable in the United States. Near one chemical operation, xylene levels in the water were more than fifty thousand times the level allowable in the United States, and behind a General Motors plant nearby, xylene levels were six thousand times the American legal limits. The effects of this crossed the border—water and air pollution do not respect national boundaries. Birth defects in both Matamoros and Brownsville skyrocketed, particularly cases of anencephaly, a condition that leads to babies with undeveloped brains.
NAFTA made these problems worse. In the years after NAFTA, more than 2,700 new maquiladoras were built along the U.S.-Mexico border. They rose without the infrastructure to service such large factories and the cities needed to house their employees exploded. Sewage disposal quickly became a major issue in northern Mexico. Air pollution meant both corporate profit and over 36,000 children in Ciudad Juárez emergency rooms between 1997 and 2001 due to breathing problems. Mexican federal spending on environmental protection fell by half between 1994 and 1999 at the same time that American corporations polluted that nation like never before. Mexican law mandates that toxic waste produced for other nations’ companies be exported back to the home country, but only 30 percent of this waste is actually returned to the country of origin. Corporations generate 80 million tons of hazardous waste in Mexico every year, and the economic costs of environmental degradation equal approximately 10 percent of Mexican gross domestic product. American corporations take little to no responsibility for any of this.
When we think of air pollution today, we probably envision China, which exports its steel to the United States and other nations while its citizens literally choke to death on the legendary smog. Over the objection of environmentalists, labor organizers, and human rights advocates, China received most-favored-nation trading status in 2000 with the United States. The Clinton administration claimed that China would advance on environmental standards if the standards were voluntary. It was wrong. Mickey Kantor, President Clinton’s chief trade negotiator, now calls the lack of environmental safeguards in the deals he worked on a “big mistake.”
These agreements have helped worsen the greatest environmental crisis of the twenty-first century: climate change. A 2014 UN report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change showed that greenhouse gas emissions grew twice as fast in the first decade of the twenty-first century as in the previous three decades. Too often, Americans point to China or India as the drivers of these emissions to say there is nothing we can do at home, but in fact much of the emissions in Asia come from burning coal for factories producing goods for American and European markets. The UN report stated, “A growing share of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in developing countries is released in the production of goods and services exported, notably from upper-middle income countries to high-income countries.”
In January 2014 alone, the United States imported 3.2 million tons of Chinese steel. American corporate interests do not own these Chinese steel companies, but they do own thousands of other heavily polluting factories in China. These corporations want to avoid “environmental nannies,” as Linda Greer of the National Resources Defense Council has been called. The Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs, a leading Chinese environmental NGO, released a report in October 2012 detailing the massive pollution by apparel factories that contract with U.S. corporations, including Disney. The report noted that subcontractors for Ralph Lauren discharge wastewater filled with dyes and other pollutants into streams and do not use pollution-reduction devices on coal boilers, releasing extra pollutants into the air. Chinese citizens protest the pollution, but their government has little tolerance for these protests, which pleases foreign investors. A recent scientific estimate shows that in 2006, U.S. exports were responsible for 7.4 percent of Chinese sulfur dioxide, 5.7 percent of nitrogen oxide, and
4.6 percent of carbon monoxide. According to the World Health Organization, 2.6 million people in southeastern Asia, mostly in China, died of outdoor air pollution in 2012. How many of those lives could be saved with better environmental standards on products imported to the United States? American companies may not be responsible for all the suffering of the Chinese working class from pollution, but they certainly contribute to it.
Although the United States has outsourced its air pollution to China, Americans still suffer the results. Some of the polluted Chinese air follows wind currents across the Pacific to the western United States. Although Los Angeles has done much to improve its smog in recent decades, Chinese air pollution is again making L.A. air unhealthy. A 2014 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science showed that 12 to 24 percent of sulfates in the American West come from drifting air pollution from Chinese production for the export market, enough to occasionally bring Los Angeles above federal ozone limits. As Steve Davis, co-author of the study, told the Washington Post, “We’ve outsourced our manufacturing and much of our pollution, but some of it is blowing back across the Pacific to haunt us.”
Americans may unknowingly deal with a smidgen of this pollution, but people who live near these factories deal with far worse. The people who live near the Rana Plaza factory site in Bangladesh where 1,100 workers died in April 2013 have to live with more than just the heartbreak of losing friends and family. They also have the daily struggle of massive pollution. Dyeing clothing requires water and creates pollution unless regulations force companies to clean it up. If the contractors American apparel companies use had to follow something similar to American environmental standards when producing for the American market, the dyeing problem could be mitigated, and the world’s poor could have industrial jobs without being poisoned. The Clean Water Act includes regulations about dyes. This has made American waterways cleaner and people healthier. Alas, such an outcome was unacceptable for the clothing companies.
Many dyes use sulfur that creates rashes on workers’ skin and remains in water supplies even after chemical treatment. In the 1990s, the Mexican state of Puebla became a center of blue jeans production. Tehuacán was once known as the “city of health” for its natural springs. No more. The companies dumped blue dye into nearby water supplies. Soon the water ran a dark indigo, not coincidentally the color of a pair of dark blue jeans. The water was then used for irrigating fields, where the blue dye burned seedlings and destroyed crops.
Today in Savar, Bangladesh, near the site of the Rana Plaza disaster, the water runs different colors from the textile factories, depending on what the factories are doing on a given day. Sometimes it is red. Sometimes purple. Sometimes blue. As they used to do in the United States before environmental reforms, the textile manufacturers just dump their dyes into the rivers, killing almost all aquatic life. Near the polluted canal in Savar is a school. But the students struggle to learn. The rank smell from the pollution wafts over the school, causing debilitating headaches. Nearby are two garment factories, two dyeing factories, a textile mill, a brick factory, and a pharmaceutical plant, almost all making products for the Western market. Bangladeshi tanneries producing leather for China, Europe, and the United States impact the ecosystem in similar ways, with chromium and other pollutants contaminating groundwater, fouling rivers, and emitting benzene, hydrogen sulfide, and other noxious gases into the air. Places like Savar are what some scholars call “sacrifice zones.” Wealthy corporations have chosen these places to bear the environmental and health burdens of producing wealth for the world’s elite. Local people do not benefit from this system. The limited benefits of low-paying, dangerous work are outweighed by the massive sacrifices the local residents pay in discomfort and illness.
Poisoned Waters (full documentary) | FRONTLINE – YouTube
US Steel is being sued by the University of Chicago Abrams Environmental Law Clinic for dumping 56.7 pounds of chromium into a waterway that led directly into Lake Michigan. The discharge occurred after a wastewater treatment facility malfunctioned at the steelmaker’s Midwest Plant in Portage, Indiana on October 25.
The lawsuit is being filed on behalf of the Chicago chapter of the Surfrider Foundation, a US non-profit organization that works for the preservation of beaches and oceans around the world for recreational use. As part of research into environmental violations by factories near the southwest shore of Lake Michigan, the Law Clinic discovered a letter written by US Steel’s environmental control director, Joseph Hanning, to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on October 31 referring to the spill. Hanning stated in the letter that “U.S. Steel requests that this submittal be afforded confidential treatment under all applicable statutes[.]”
Although the letter stated that the company reported the incident to the IDEM on October 27—two days after it occurred—information about the spill was hidden from the public until November 13, when news of the lawsuit was announced to the press by the Law Clinic. Neither the company nor the state of Indiana issued a warning to the public.
The lawsuit asserts US Steel is in violation of the Clean Water Act and dumping permits issued by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) in 2011 and 2016. The permits both allow for a maximum 30 pounds per day and an average of 10 pounds per month of the chemical to be dumped into waterways.
The suit cited a total of 32 violations of Quantitative Limits of pollution imposed by the NPDES from 2012-2017, and 22 violations of Reporting and Monitoring over the same period.
In an evident attempt at damage control, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel now says he plans to sue US Steel over the October 25 chemical spill. In his remarks he made reference to the Trump administration’s rollback of EPA rules, saying, “To the EPA under Donald Trump, this is a wake-up call: Don’t be sending your flimflam stuff and a slap on the wrist to them back here, it’s unacceptable, everyone will be watching you.”
This is merely political posturing aimed at making a show of “putting pressure” on the Trump administration while covering up the role of the Democratic Party, at the state and local level, and the trade unions in abetting the flaunting of environmental and health protections.
The recent spill came just six months after an incident in April, when the company dumped 350 pounds of chromium into the waterway, which contained over 300 pounds of the toxic compound hexavalent chromium—hundreds of times above the permitted limit for the compound, which is 0.51 pounds per day, and a monthly average of 0.17 pounds per day.
It is unknown at this time approximately how much of the compound was present in the October 25 spill. Hexavalent chromium is used in the steelmaking process to provide a protective coating to the finished product.
In contrast to the way that the October incident was handled, US Steel reported the April spill to the National Response Center, an agency operated by the US Coast Guard to alert local authorities of oil and chemical spills, but only after fishermen reportedly called local television stations after seeing a large spill in the waterway. In the aftermath of the spill, the EPA set requirements for the company to take part in long-term water monitoring, but did not punish the company, despite multiple previous violations.
US Steel gave the initial excuse of not reporting the April spill because it “did not pose any danger to water supply or human health.”
In fact, hexavalent chromium causes a multitude of serious health effects. When it comes in contact with human skin, it can cause skin ulcers, and when ingested it can cause ulcers in the stomach and intestines, as well as tumors in the stomach that can lead to cancer. Workers in steel mills who breathe in hexavalent chromium are at an increased risk for lung cancer.
It should be clear that the state and local environmental authorities and the company are not seriously interested in stopping the environmental violations that pose a serious risk to the ecosystem and human health. After multiple violations of EPA limits, US Steel continues to violate the limits without any serious attempt at enforcement.
The lawsuit aims to “[secure] long-term compliance with applicable law”, but does not suggest any dollar amount for damages inflicted, or examine the causes of the repeated violations. Nor does the lawsuit indict the IDEM and state department of Indiana for hiding news of the spill from the public.
In 2015, US Steel laid off over 6,000 workers nationwide, including several hundred in the Northwest Indiana region alone, where the recent spill occurred. Since 1970, the company and the United Steelworkers union have worked hand in hand to carry out devastating attacks against the workers. US Steel cut its workforce from 30,000 during the 1970s to just 5,000 in 2015, in an effort to continue churning out profits in the face of growing competition from both overseas and domestic producers, such as ArcelorMittal that has a major presence in the same region.
In recent years, maintenance workers have been hard hit by job cuts. The company laid off 323 workers at the Gary Works alone in 2015 in an effort to cut back on maintenance and operations costs. In 2016, 38 maintenance staff were laid off at the same facility, a factor in the death of an electrician in late September of that year, Jon Arizzola, who complained of severe overwork.
Significantly, United Steelworkers Local 6103, the union at the Portage plant, makes no mention of the recent spill anywhere on its home page, although it is directly related to the layoff of union members and poses a health risk to workers and their families.
State and local authorities cannot be relied upon to stop the poisoning of the waterways by US Steel. The $5.9 billion Pittsburgh-based company is a main supplier of revenue in the Northwest Indiana region, and a generous source of campaign donations and funding to Democratic and Republican politicians, who will do its bidding in working to cover up and reduce penalties against the company when it is found in violation of its permits and the law.
Forever Chemicals Are Widespread in U.S. Drinking Water
Experts hope that with the incoming Biden administration, the federal government will finally regulate a class of chemicals known as PFASs

Editor’s Note (3/14/23): This story is being republished to provide background on the Biden administration’s announcement of a proposal to regulate six perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water.
Many Americans fill up a glass of water from their faucet without worrying whether it might be dangerous. But the crisis of lead-tainted water in Flint, Mich., showed that safe, potable tap water is not a given in this country. Now a study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit advocacy organization, reveals a widespread problem: the drinking water of a majority of Americans likely contains “forever chemicals.” These compounds may take hundreds, or even thousands, of years to break down in the environment. They can also persist in the human body, potentially causing health problems.
A handful of states have set about trying to address these contaminants, which are scientifically known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). But no federal limits have been set on the concentration of the chemicals in water, as they have for other pollutants such as benzene, uranium and arsenic. With a new presidential administration coming into office this week, experts say the federal government finally needs to remedy that oversight. “The PFAS pollution crisis is a public health emergency,” wrote Scott Faber, EWG’s senior vice president for government affairs, in a recent public statement.
Of the more than 9,000 known PFAS compounds, 600 are currently used in the U.S. in countless products, including firefighting foam, cookware, cosmetics, carpet treatments and even dental floss. Scientists call PFASs “forever chemicals” because their chemistry keeps them from breaking down under typical environmental conditions. “One of the unique features of PFAS compounds is the carbon-fluorine bond,” explains David Andrews, a senior scientist at EWG. “That bond is incredibly strong.” Ultimately this means that if PFASs enter the environment, they build up. These chemicals can linger on geologic time scales, explains Chris Higgins, a civil and environmental engineer at the Colorado School of Mines.
Because of their widespread use, release and disposal over the decades, PFASs show up virtually everywhere: in soil, surface water, the atmosphere, the deep ocean—and even the human body. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web site says that the agency has found PFASs in the blood of nearly everyone it has tested for them, “indicating widespread exposure to these PFAS in the U.S. population.” Scientists have found links between a number of the chemicals and many health concerns—including kidney and testicular cancer, thyroid disease, liver damage, developmental toxicity, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol, pregnancy-induced preeclampsia and hypertension, and immune dysfunction.
Concerned about PFASs’ persistence and potential harm, Andrews and his EWG colleague Olga Naidenko set out to assess Americans’ exposure to the chemicals via their drinking water. PFASs can get into this water in a variety of ways. For example, industrial sites might release the compounds into the water or air. Or they can leach from disposal sites. They can also percolate into groundwater from the firefighting foams used at airports and military bases. Andrews and Naidenko say there is a need for research into drinking-water levels because the federal government does not require testing water for PFASs. This leaves a gap in scientists’ understanding of overall exposure. Andrews and Naidenko focused their analysis on two types of these chemicals—perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)—because those compounds had the most available data. The two researchers pulled that information together from various sources, including state agencies, the federal government and the EWG’s own measurements.
The scientists estimated that more than 200 million people—the majority of Americans—have tap water contaminated with a mixture of PFOA and PFOS at concentrations of one part per trillion (ppt) or higher. Andrews and Naidenko say previous research shows that levels higher than one ppt can increase the risk of conditions such as testicular cancer, delayed mammary gland development, liver tumors, high cholesterol and effects on children’s immune response to vaccinations. “It’s a calculation of what would be a safe exposure level,” Andrews says. Even when the researchers shifted their analysis to a higher level of 10 ppt, they still found some 18 million to 80 million Americans to be exposed. Representatives of the chemical industry have disagreed with such concerns. “We believe there is no scientific basis for maximum contaminant levels lower than 70 ppt,” the American Chemistry Council said in statement to Scientific American.
Experts not involved in the new research, which was published recently in Environmental Science & Technology Letters, say these findings are exactly what they had expected—and that is troubling. “This is going to be kind of sad, but I wasn’t at all surprised that they exist in many different water systems and that many, many people are getting exposed through their drinking water,” says Jamie DeWitt, an associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at East Carolina University’s Brody School of Medicine. Zhanyun Wang, an environmental scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, raises concerns about how widespread this class of chemicals is. “It’s a little bit scary that it is so prevalent in the U.S., which has quite a big population,” he says. “Now that we know that PFAS has a rather low safety level.”
And Andrews and Naidenko’s study does not even fully capture Americans’ exposure to these chemicals because it only looks at two PFAS compounds and one source. “We’re also being exposed to many more PFASs via the drinking water,” Wang says. The paper omitted other compounds because of a lack of widespread data, “but it means [the study offers] a conservative estimate of how we are being exposed to PFASs,” he adds. Higgins notes that people are also exposed to the compounds in substances besides drinking water, such as household products and food. “It’s a much broader exposure question,” he says. “Those other sources of exposure should not be ignored.”
Andrews and Naidenko agree that the lack of data on other PFAS contamination is a problem. Other tests of drinking water from five systems in Massachusetts showed that levels of specific PFASs researchers looked for have risen over the past few decades. When scientists tested for PFASs as a group (to include compounds for which there are not much individual data), the increase was even larger. It remains unclear whether this trend holds true across the rest of the country. “That is really [because of] an absence of data—where the regulatory bodies have not kept up with the chemical industry, which has really moved away from PFOA and PFOS into hundreds of replacement compounds that are equally persistent and likely do contaminate a significant number of water systems across the country,” Andrews says. The Environmental Protection Agency says it is working on the PFAS problem. “Aggressively addressing PFAS in drinking water continues to be an active and ongoing priority for the EPA,” an EPA spokesperson wrote to Scientific American. “The agency has taken significant steps to monitor for PFAS in drinking water and is following the process provided under the Safe Drinking Water Act to address these chemicals.”
Technologies to remove PFASs from drinking water exist on both household and municipal levels. Granular activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis are two options, but they are costly and high-maintenance—and the burden falls on taxpayers. “PFASs are produced by companies, for which they receive a profit,” DeWitt says. “And then residents end up paying to clean up the pollution.” On top of that, PFAS that is removed from drinking water may simply end up elsewhere, such as in a landfill or river.
Some states have instituted or proposed limits on PFASs in drinking water, but experts say federal action is needed to tackle such a widespread problem. President Joe Biden’s administration may finally address that need. His campaign’s environmental justice plan specifically called out forever chemicals. And the plan said that the president will “tackle PFAS pollution by designating PFAS as a hazardous substance, setting enforceable limits for PFAS in the Safe Drinking Water Act, prioritizing substitutes through procurement, and accelerating toxicity studies and research on PFAS.” The new administration could carry out all of these goals unilaterally through executive action, without Congress’s cooperation. Some experts appear optimistic about this prospect. “I’m hopeful that the incoming administration will reempower the EPA so that it can actually create regulations to protect public health,” DeWitt says. “That is the agency’s charge—that is its mission.”
Chemicals in Tap Water: The Shocking Truth of What You’re Really Drinking
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Last Updated: Oct 14, 2019

You would think that cities who supply drinking water to their residents are providing a safe means of staying alive. After all, water is life.
And while most of us remain comfortable with the thought that the city cleans our water for us – that could be far from the truth. Industrial dumping, pesticide run-off, leaky storage tanks, and government mandates have created a scenario where the chemicals in tap water have got a little out of hand (and you’ll soon see why).
The Chemicals in Tap Water
I’ve provided a long list of chemicals in tap water in the section below, but I wanted to highlight a few key chemicals that are exposing you and/or your family to sickness every time you use the water.
Arsenic is one contaminant that has very lenient standards. In fact, arsenic is one chemical that is allowed (in small amounts) to creep into our water supply. According to The Center for Public Integrity, the CDC’s 2013 report states that most Americans regularly consume small amounts of arsenic. This poison can cause major health concerns, like cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It also has negative impacts on cognitive development (1).
Pesticides are another concern that enter our water supply. Pesticides like atrazine and the infamous glyphosate (Round-up) have both been found in drinking water. According to the Pesticide Action Network of North America, Atrazine is present in 94% of US drinking water as per USDA testing (2). These pesticides are known endocrine disruptors and have also been linked to cancer.
Lead is also found in our drinking water, as one report demonstrated, with levels showing up higher than what should be deemed safe (3). Homes and buildings that were built before 1986 may be equipped with pipes and structures that contaminate the water with lead. Even low levels of lead are known to cause behavior and learning problems in children, as well as lower IQ and hyperactivity, slowed growth, hearing problems and anemia. In older individuals, lead can result in decreased kidney function, reproductive problems and increased blood pressure. It can also result in reduced growth of fetuses in pregnant women, or cause premature births (4).
Fluoride if you haven’t already heard, isn’t actually necessary for healthy teeth. Even York University decided to do a review of existing studies that looked at the benefits of fluoride. The outcome? Scientific evidence trying to back up the argument that fluoride is beneficial for us was weak at best (5). They determined that more studies would have to be done to see if the benefits of fluoride really outweigh the risks. Over 90% of the fluoride added to our water supply is called fluorosilicic acid, which is actually a by-product of fertilizer manufacturing (6). Fluoride exposure has been linked to brain abnormalities, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, gastrointestinal effects, kidney disease, skeletal fluorosis and more.
Pharmaceuticals are also, unfortunately, found in our tap water. In fact, over 41 million Americans are drinking tap water that contains antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, and sex hormones (7). One study also found that wastewater treatment plants contained pharmaceuticals that ranges from oxycodone to Tylenol, with at least 25 drugs found in affected samples (8). How do pharmaceuticals enter our water? Runoff from pharmaceutical companies and improper disposal of drugs from hospitals, farms, cemeteries, and sewage. Basically, anything that goes down the drain can enter our water supply. What’s worse is that wastewater treatments don’t even take the necessary steps to remove all the drugs from the water.
The Shocking Truth of What’s Really in Your Tap Water
Not many people are made aware of the chemicals in tap water. If I told you that most tap water around the world contains heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides and pharmaceutical drug contaminants, then you probably wouldn’t be drinking it, would you?
Well, unfortunately, most tap water does contain these elements. This means they’re going into your body and settling in your fat tissue, where they build up and make us sick, diseased and ill as we age.
The chemicals in tap water may include some or most of the following (9):
– Bromodichloromethane
– Bromoform
– Chloroform
Inorganic Minerals
– Chloramine
– Chloride
– Chlorine Residual
– Free Chlorine
Heavy Metals
– Aluminum – Antimony – Barium – Beryllium – Bismuth – Cadmium – Cobalt – Chromium – Chromium 6 |
– Copper – Iron – Lead – Mercury – Molybdenum – Nickel – Vanadium – Zinc |
– Total Coliform
– Fecal Coliform
– E. Coli
Pharmaceutical Drugs
– Acetaminophen – Caffeine – Carbamazepine – Ciprofloxacin HCl – Erythromycin USP – Sulfamethoxazole – Trimethoprim – Bisphenol A – Diclofenac Sodium |
– 4-para-Nonylphenol – 4-tert-Octylphenol – Primidone – Progesterone – Gemfibrozil – Ibuprofen – Naproxen Sodium – Triclosan |
Pesticides & VOC’s
– 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane – 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (TCA) – 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane – 1,1,2-Trichloroethane – 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane – 1,1-Dichloroethane (1,1-DCA) – 1,1-Dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) – 1,1-Dichloropropene – 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene – 1,2,3-Trichloropropane – 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene – 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene – 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) – 1,2-Dibromoethane – 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (CFC 123a) – 1,2-Dichlorobenzene – 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4 – 1,2-Dichloroethane – 1,2-Dichloropropane – 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene – 1,3-Dichlorobenzene – 1,3-Dichloropropene – 1,4-Dichlorobenzene – 2,2-Dichloropropane – 2,4,5-T – 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) – 2,4-D – 2,4-DB – 2-Butanone (MEK) – 2-Chlorotoluene – 2-Hexanone – 2-Methyl-2-propanol – 3,5-Dichlorobenzoic Acid – 3-Hydroxycarbofuran – 4-Bromofluorobenzene – 4-Chlorotoluene – 4-Isopropyltoluene – 4-Methyl-2-pentanone – 4-Nitrophenol4,4′-DDD4,4′-DDE – 4,4″-DDT – 5-Hydroxydicamba – Acetone – Acenaphthylene – Acifluorfen – Alachlor – Aldicarb – Aldicarb Sulfone – Aldicarb Sulfoxide – Aldrin – Alpha-Chlorodane – Ametryn – Anthracene – Aroclor (1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, 1260) – Atraton – Atrazine – Baygon – Bentazon – Benzene – Bromacil – Bromoacetic Acid |
– Bromobenzene – Bromochloromethane – Bromodichloromethane – Bromomethane – Bromoform – Butachlor – Butylate – Butylbenzylphthalate – Carbaryl – Carbofuran – Carbon Tetrachloride – Carboxin – Chloramben – Chlordane – Chloroacetic Acid – Chlorobenzene – Chlorobenzilate – Chloroethane – Chloroform – Chloromethane – Chlorpropham – Chlorprophane – cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene – cis-1,3-Dichloropropene – cis-Nonachlor – Cycloate – Dacthal Acid – Dalapon – Diazinona – Dibromoacetic Acid – Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) – Dibromomethane – Dicamba – Dichloroacetic Acid – Dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC 12) – Dichloromethane – Dichlorvos – Diclorprop – DieldrinDiethylphthalate – Dinoseb – Diphenamid – Disulfoton – Disulfoton Sulfone – Disulfoton Sulfoxidea – Endrin – EPTC – Ethoprop – Ethylbenzene – Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) – Fenamiphos – Fenarimol – Fluorobenzene – Fluridone – gamma-Chlorodane – Glyphosate – Halo acidic Acids (HAA5) – Heptachlor – Heptachlor Epoxide – Hexachlorobenzene – Hexachlorobutadiene (CCC) – Hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
– HexazinoneIsophorone – Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) – Lindane (Gamma-BHC) – Merphos – Methiocarb – Methomyl – Methoxychlor – Methylcyclohexane-methane – Methyl Paraoxon – Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) – Metolachlor – Metribuzin – Mevinphos – MGK 264 – Molinate – Monochlorobenzene – m-Xylenes – Naphthalene – Napropamide – n-Butylbenzene – Norflurazon – n-Propylbenzene – Oxamyl – o-Xylene – Pebulate – Pentachlorophenol – Picloram – Prometon – Prometryn – Pronamidea – Propazine – p-Xylenes – sec-Butylbenzene – Simazine – Simetryn – Stirofos – Styrene – Tebuthiuron – Terbacil – Terbufos – Terbutryn – tert-Butylbenzene – Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) – Tetrahydrofuran (THF) – Thiobencarb – Toluene – Toxaphene – trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene – trans-1,3-Dichloropropene – trans-Nonachlor – Triademefon – Tribromoacetic Acid – Trichloroacetic Acid – Trichloroethene (TCE) – Trichloroethylene – Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC 11) – Tricyclazole – Trifuralin – Vernolate – Vinyl Chloride |
– Arsenic – Fluorene – Fluoride – Manganese – MBAS – Nitrites – PCB’s |
– Petroleum Products (Gasoline, Diesel, Crude Oil, Kerosene, Mineral Spirits, Refined Oil) – Selenium – Thallium – Rust – Microplastics (10) |
While some of these elements aren’t found in all tap water across different countries, a good majority of them are, so keeping yourself protected is important.
How To Protect Yourself
If you’re concerned about the chemicals in tap water, you can install a whole-house filter, or you can get a counter-top filter for drinking water. While whole-house filters ensure that all the water you use (on your skin, the stuff you consume, and the stuff you wash your dishes and produce in) is clean. If you’re looking for something a little more budget-friendly, then counter-top filtration devices are your best bet.
My two favorite water filtration devices are:
The Berkey Water Filter
The Berkey is the water filtration device I currently use, because I am going to be moving in a few years, and it wouldn’t be worth it to me to install an entire home water filter system. I really love the Berkey water filter – it’s a countertop device that is easy to assemble, and removes essentially every contaminant listed above.
I’ve been using the Berkey for about one year now, and I’ve only had to scrub the black filters once, and replace the fluoride filters once. The black carbon filters only need replacing once every 4-5 years or so, and the fluoride filters need to be replaced once every 8 months to a year (pretty great, if you ask me!).
A Berkey system costs around 1.6 cents per gallon, whereas whole house distillation systems and RO systems (when properly maintained) cost between 35-65 cents per gallon.
The taste of the water that Berkey produces is incredible, and it allows all the minerals to pass through (so you’re not drinking dead water). It also saves the hassle of lugging in 18 liter jugs into your home (which, might I add, totally messed up my shoulder, which I’m still dealing with). So, all in all, I really love the Berkey and think it would be a great investment for anyone wanting to make a relatively cheap initial investment, for water that tastes good and requires little effort to make (just fill it up once it’s empty, and that’s it!).
Aquasana is an awesome water filtration company that offers countertop water filters, under the counter water filters and even whole house water filters. If you’d like to make sure that no fluoride is entering your water, then you can get their reverse osmosis (RO) system, which filters out all contaminants plus fluoride.
All Aquasana drinking water filters are certified to remove and reduce:
– Chlorine and chloramines
– Heavy metals
– Chlorine resistant cysts
– Herbicides and pesticides
– VOCs
– Pharmaceuticals
– and more…
You can also collect local spring water, or buy an 18 liter jug and fill it up with reverse osmosis water at your local grocery store. There are lots of options, you just need to find the right option that fits your budget! Let me know in the comments below if you have a favorite water filtration device, or if you use any of those mentioned in here
Why are we EXPECTED to have to pay for equipment to clean our WATER?? Why do they just expect us to buy bottled water or maintain our own in house water filtration system to remove the chemicals they put in our water???
Pollution of the Ocean by Sewage, Nutrients, and Chemicals
Coastal waters receive a variety of land-based water pollutants, ranging from petroleum wastes to pesticides to excess sediments. Marine waters also receive wastes directly from offshore activities, such as ocean-based dumping (e.g., from ships and offshore oil and gas operations).
One pollutant in the ocean is sewage. Human sewage largely consists of excrement from toilet-flushing; wastewater from bathing, laundry, and dishwashing; and animal and vegetable matter from food preparation that is disposed through an in-sink garbage disposal. Because coasts are densely populated, the amount of sewage reaching seas and oceans is of particular concern because some substances it contains can harm ecosystems and pose a significant public health threat. In addition to the nutrients which can cause overenrichment of receiving waterbodies, sewage carries an array of potentially disease-causing microbes known as pathogens.
Animal wastes from feedlots and other agricultural operations (e.g., manure-spreading on cropland) pose concerns similar to those of human wastes by virtue of their microbial composition. Just as inland rivers, lakes, and groundwater can be contaminated by pathogenic microbes, so can coastal waters. Runoff from agricultural areas also contains nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, which can cause overenrichment in coastal regions that ultimately receive the runoff.
The major types of ocean pollutants from industrial sources can be generally categorized as petroleum, hazardous, thermal, and radioactive. Petroleum products are oil and oil-derived chemicals used for fuel, manufacturing, plastics-making, and many other purposes. Hazardous wastes are chemicals that are toxic (poisonous at certain levels), reactive (capable of producing explosive gases), corrosive (able to corrode steel), or ignitable (flammable). Thermal wastes are heated wastewaters, typically from power plants and factories, where water is used for cooling purposes. Radioactive wastes contain chemical elements having an unstable nucleus that will spontaneously decay with the concurrent emission of ionizing radiation.
Sewage and Agricultural Wastes
Sewage originates primarily from domestic, commercial, and industrial sources. In many developed countries, these wastes typically are delivered either to on-site septic systems or to centralized sewage treatment facilities. In both methods, sewage is treated before being discharged, either underground (in the case of septic tanks) or to receiving surface-water bodies (in the case of sewage treatment plants), typically a stream, river, or coastal outlet.
Although sewage treatment facilities are designed to accommodate and treat sewage from their service area, partly treated or even untreated sewage sometimes is discharged. Causative factors include decayed infrastructure ; facility malfunctions; or heavy rainfall events which overwhelm systems using combined sewers and stormwater drains (known as combined sewer overflows). In unsewered areas, improperly designed or malfunctioning septic tanks can contaminate groundwater and surface water, including coastal waters. In some developed regions (e.g., Halifax Harbor in Nova Scotia, Canada), raw sewage continues to pour into harbors, bays, and coastal waters. In developing countries with no on-site or centralized sanitation facilities, no opportunity exists for any type of treatment, and human wastes go directly into surface waters, including the coastal ocean.
Sewage Sludge.
Another source of ocean pollution by sewage-related waste is the disposal of biosolids, a semisolid byproduct of the sewage treatment process, often called sludge. Historically, sludge in developed nations was disposed in coastal waters: New York’s twenty sewage treatment plants, for example, once disposed their sludge offshore in a region known as the New York Bight. Although today’s environmental regulations in the United States prohibit this practice, sewage sludge is still disposed at sea in some countries.
Agricultural Wastes.
Animal wastes often reach waterbodies via runoff across the land surface, or by seepage through the surface soil layers. Hence, agricultural runoff containing animal wastes does not receive any “treatment” except what is naturally afforded by microbial activity during its transit to a waterbody. In coastal watersheds, these wastes can flow through river networks that eventually empty into the sea.
Coastal Eutrophication.
Nutrients and organic materials from plants, animals, and humans that enter coastal waters, either directly or indirectly, can stimulate a biological, chemical, and physical progression known as eutrophication. Coastal eutrophication is commonly observed in estuaries , bays, and marginal seas. In a broad sense, coastal eutrophication mirrors the eutrophication of lakes. For example, as increased nutrients stimulate algal and other plant growth, light transmission decreases. The eventual bacterial decay of algae and other plants lowers the dissolved oxygen level in the water. In extreme cases, all of the oxygen can be removed.
Human-accelerated eutrophication (known as cultural eutrophication) can be triggered by inputs of sewage, sludge, fertilizers, or other wastes containing nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. As recently as the 1980s, for example, the New York Bight was essentially lifeless due to oxygen depletion, caused largely by decades of sewage and sludge disposal. As of 2002, Halifax Harbor was still receiving a daily influx of raw sewage, creating serious ecological and public health concerns.
Nutrient-enriched runoff from agricultural land in the midwestern United States is the primary cause of the well-known Gulf of Mexico “Dead Zone.” Half of the U.S. farms are located in the Mississippi River Basin, whose entire drainage basin empties into the gulf. Much of the nitrogen reaching the gulf is from agricultural fertilizers, with lesser amounts from residential fertilizers and other sources. The water of the 20,000-kilometer (7,728-square-mile) Dead Zone, extending from the mouth of the Mississippi River Basin to beyond the Texas border, has so little oxygen that essentially no marine life exists.
If human-accelerated eutrophication is not reversed, the entire coastal ecosystem ultimately may be changed. Sensitive species may be replaced by more tolerant and resilient species, and biologically diverse communities may be replaced by less diverse ones. Further, nutrient enrichment and the associated eutrophication in coastal waters is implicated in some harmful algal blooms, in which certain species of algae produce biotoxins (natural poisons) that can be transferred through the food web, potentially harming higher-order consumers such as marine mammals and humans.
Human Health.
Sewage, particularly if partially treated or untreated, brings high microbe concentrations into the ocean. Human diseases can be caused by waterborne pathogens that contact the skin or eyes; waterborne pathogens that are accidentally ingested when water is swallowed; or foodborne pathogens found in the tissues of fish and shellfish consumed as seafood. *
Beach pollution consequently is a persistent public health problem. Annually, thousands of swimming advisories and beach closings are experienced because high levels of disease-causing microbes are found in the water. Sewage often is responsible for the harmful microbial levels.
Seafood contaminated by sewage-related pathogens sickens untold numbers of people worldwide. Regulatory agencies will close a fishery when contamination is detected. However, many countries lack regulatory oversight or the resources to adequately monitor their fisheries.
Industrial Wastes
Industrial wastes primarily enter coastal waters from terrestrial (land-based) activities. Industries, like municipalities and other entities that generate wastes, dispose of many liquid wastes through wastewater systems (and ultimately to waterbodies), whereas they dispose of their solid wastes in landfills.
The quantity and characteristics of industrial wastewater depends on the type of industry, its water and wastewater management, and its type of waste pretreatment (if any) before delivery to a wastewater (sewage) treatment plant. Because industrial waste frequently goes down the same sewers as domestic and commercial nonindustrial waste, sewage often contains high levels of industrial chemicals and heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic).
Substances that are not removed by wastewater treatment processes are discharged via the treated effluent to a receiving stream, river, or coastal outlet. Inland waters ultimately reach the ocean, carrying with them some residual chemical that are not attenuated, stored, or degraded during their journey through the watershed. Other land-based sources of industrial pollutants in the ocean are pipeline discharges and transportation accidents, leaking underground storage tanks, and activities at ports and harbors. Intentional, illegal dumping in inland watersheds and in inland waterbodies also can deliver industrial wastes to drainageways, and ultimately to the ocean.
In coastal watersheds, some industries discharge their wastes directly to the ocean. Like industries located inland, these industries must first obtain a permit under the Clean Water Act. Industrial pollutants also can directly enter the ocean by accidental spills or intentional dumping at sea.
Wet and dry deposition of airborne pollutants is a sometimes overlooked, yet significant, source of chemical pollution of the oceans. For example, sulfur dioxide from a factory smokestack begins as air pollution. The polluted air mixes with atmospheric moisture to produce airborne sulfuric acid that falls on water and land as acid rain. This deposition can change the chemistry and ecology of an aquatic ecosystem. The major transport of PCBs to the ocean, for example, occurs through airborne deposition.
Industrial chemicals can adversely affect the growth, reproduction, and development of many marine animals. Pollutants are appearing not only in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans and their marginal seas, but also in the more remote and once-pristine polar oceans. An array of contaminants have been found in the flesh of fish and marine mammals in polar regions. In addition to the environmental and ecological issues, there is growing concern over the potential human health impacts in aboriginal communities whose residents depend on fish and marine mammals for daily sustenance.
A major public health concern is the safety of seafood as it relates to the chemical pollution of waters used for commercial and recreational fishing and mariculture . Heavy metals (e.g., copper, lead, mercury, and arsenic) can reach high levels inside marine animals, and then be passed along as seafood for humans. A well-known case of human poisoning occurred in Japan, where one industry dumped mercury compounds into Minimata Bay from 1932 to 1968. Methyl mercury that accumulated in fish and other animals was passed along to humans who consumed them. Over 3,000 human victims and an unknown number of animals succumbed to what became known as “Minimata Disease”, a devastating illness that affects the central nervous system.
Monitoring by fisheries, environmental, and public health agencies can prevent or minimize cases of human illness caused by chemical contaminants in seafood. Some shellfish-producing areas off the U.S. coasts have been either permanently closed or declared indefinitely off-limits by health officials as a result of this type of pollution. A large percentage of U.S. fish and shellfish consumption advisories are due to abnormally high concentrations of chemical contaminants in seafood.
Regulatory Controls
The 1890 River and Harbors Act prohibited any obstruction to the navigation of U.S. Waters, and hence regulated the discharge of dredged material into inland and coastal waters. By weight, dredged material comprises 95 percent of all ocean disposal on a global basis. Its regulation (administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) increasingly is being accomplished in concert with broader concerns, including ecological integrity and other public interests.
In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (Ocean Dumping Act) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (Clean Water Act) that, among other goals, prohibited the disposal of waste materials into the ocean, and regulated the discharge of wastes through pipelines into the ocean. The Ocean Dumping Act requires the federal review of all proposed operations involving the transportation of waste materials for the purpose of ocean dumping, and calls for an assessment of the potential environmental and human health impacts. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency implement the permit programs associated with these laws.
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The Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988 significantly amended portions of the 1972 Ocean Dumping Act, and banned ocean dumping of municipal sewage sludge and industrial wastes (with limited exceptions) by phased target dates. The disposal of sewage sludge in waters off New York City was a major motivation for its enactment. Ocean disposal of sewage sludge and industrial waste was totally banned after 1991. Narrow exceptions were created for certain U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredge materials that occasionally are deposited offshore. Dredging is necessary to maintain navigation routes for trade and national defense. Consequently, allowable ocean dumping in the United States since 1991 has essentially been limited to dredge material and fish wastes.
Two international conferences in 1972—the UN Conference on the Human Environment, and the Intergovernmental Conference on the Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea—were the result of international recognition of the need to regulate ocean disposal from land-based sources on a global basis. These conferences resulted in an international treaty, the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (also known as the London Convention).
Another treaty addressing the issue of wastes disposed from vessels was adopted in 1973. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (or MARPOL) calls for signatory nations to enforce bans on dumping oil and noxious liquids into the ocean from ships, but the disposal of hazardous substances, sewage, and plastics remains optional.
As per the U.S. regulations, the dumping of industrial wastes, radioactive wastes, warfare agents (chemical or biological), sewage, and incineration at sea are directly prohibited. Moreover, the ocean disposal of other waste materials containing greater than trace amounts of certain chemicals is strictly prohibited. Allowed under strictly regulated conditions are the ocean disposal of relatively uncontaminated dredged material (harbor sediments), geologic material, and some fish waste; burial at sea; and ship disposal.
In 2000, the U.S. Congress enacted the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act (BEACH Act) to reduce the risk of disease to users of the nation’s coastal and Great Lakes waters. Funds are being made available for states and tribes to establish monitoring programs for disease-causing microbes, and to notify the public when monitoring indicates and public health hazard.
SEE ALSO Algal Blooms, Harmful ; Algal Blooms in the Ocean ; Clean Water Act ; Coastal Waters Management ; Ecology, Marine ; Estuaries ; Human Health and the Ocean ; Human Health and Water ; Land Use and Water Quality ; Land-Use Planning ; Legislation, Federal Water ; Microbes in Lakes and Streams ; Microbes in the Ocean ; Nutrients in Lakes and Streams ; Ocean Health, Assessing ; Oil Spills: Impact on the Ocean ; Pollution of Lakes and Streams ; Wastewater Treatment and Management .
Cindy Clendenon
(with William Arthur Atkins )
Clark, Robert B. Marine Pollution, 4th ed. New York: Oxford Press, 1997.
Gorman, Martha. Environmental Hazards: Marine Pollution. Santa Barbara, CA: ABCCLIO, 1993.
Internet Resources
Assessing and Monitoring Floatable Debris. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oceans and Coastal Protection Division. <> .
Beaches. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. <> .
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Assessment, National Oceanic Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. <> .
Marine Pollution Control Programs. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Oceans and Coastal Protection Division. <> .
Marine Pollution in the United States. Pew Oceans Commission. Available online at <> .
“Oceans and Coastal Resources: A Briefing Book.” Congressional Research Service Report 97-588 ENR, National Council for Science and the Environment. <> .
Pollution. The Ocean Conservancy. <> .
The Clean Water Act regulates the discharge of sewage from commercial and recreational vessels. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Coast Guard, and individual states work jointly to protect human health and the aquatic environment from disease-causing microorganisms which may be present in sewage from boats. The act established standards for marine sanitation devices and nodischarge zone designations for vessels. As of 2002, seventeen coastal and Great Lakes states had designated part or all of their surface waters as no-discharge zones. Also that year, the Environmental Protection Agency and Coast Guard were assessing potential regulatory amendments that would more stringently regulate discharges from cruise ships in offshore waters.
* See “Human Health and Water” for a summary of common waterborne pathogens.
Am I the only one who finds it upsetting that our tax money goes for everything BUT what it was intended for? We pay taxes to cover the cost of maintaining our infrastructure and protecting our environment. Our country is falling apart and the our environment is in high distress because of what mankind has done to it. It should be abundantly clear that science and industry has not been able to resolve any of our problems. Why do we continue to throw good money, time and energy after bad? Stop the madness! Let’s get back to what is REAL and NATURAL. Put away all the toys. Quit looking for the easy way out, because there isn’t one. It is time to own up and fess up that we have turned away from life as it was meant to be. It is time to get back in right standing with the ONE who created ALL LIFE. IF we want to live and NOT DIE!