Don’t miss the revelations God has for you in this post. Be sure to stay and read it all the way to the end. You will be glad you did!
From the beginning, all people on earth followed the signs in the heavens to keep track of the days, seasons AND TIME. They watched for the changes in the moon and stars. They observed the changes in the sun as it followed its assigned path. They recognized that GOD was in control God determined the times and the seasons.
We know that immediately after creation, humans began to be corrupted and to corrupt. The Word of God shows us that NO ONE was immune from temptation and/or sin. That even the Kings and Priests fell from grace and offended GOD.

In most of the Bible translations these days, the word “aright” has been removed. But I REMEMBER it was there, and it seems I am not the only one. That word, “aright” is very important. GOD is telling us to NUMBER our DAYS RIGHTLY! Meaning the way HE intended.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Ancient Calendars, What Did They Mean? How Were They Used?
Since humans have been on planet earth we have been mesmerized by the passage of time. Little is know about prehistoric timekeeping but some records and artifacts have given us a glimpse into early man’s obsession with time. It suspected that even ice-age hunters over 20,000 years ago scratched lines in animal bone to mark the passage of time, possibly marking phases of the moon.
There are monolith structures all over the world that that were used as calendars, these magical wonders of architecture include Stonehenge, El Castillo to the Great Pyramids at Giza. Many of these structures have been left out of the history books but they are there for all to see, speculation abounds as to their reasons for being and their age but it is generally agreed that most were used to measure time.
At the Chichen Itza you will find that the 79 foot pyramid is built so precise and in such perfect alignment that during the spring and fall equinox a serpent shaped shadow slithers down the steps. The temple is listed as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and is commonly called El Castillo.
“The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on the moon’s cycles, but later the Egyptians realized that the “Dog Star” in Canis Major, which is now called Sirius, rose next to the sun every 365 days, about when the annual inundation of the Nile began. Based on this knowledge, they devised a 365-day calendar that seems to have begun in 4236 B.C., the earliest recorded year in history.
The History of Astrology, an ancient art, began around 4000 BC with the Hindus who worshiped Vishnu (Sun), symbol of life. They believed he took many forms, such as the ram or bull; symbols that are still used in the Zodiac.
Egyptians combined religion with astrology 3000 BC. like the Fishes (Pisces)” source
Egyptian Calendar
The Ancient Egyptian Calendar |
Ancient Egyptian calendar with all the zodiac signs |
The ancient civil Egyptian calendar dates back to the 5th Millennium, known as the Annus Vagus or “Wandering Year”. The Ancient Egyptian astrologers had long studied the stars which helped them in forecasting the seasons of flood and sowing which was vital to the prosperity of Egypt. The astronomers identified the planets in the solar system and also took great interest in the stars. The brightest star in the Egyptian sky was Sirius. Sirius disappeared for a 70 day period and reappeared on the eastern horizon on July 19th which also coincided with the Nile floods.
This was therefore the date of New Year’s Day for the Ancient Egyptians. The Ancient Egyptians had a great interest in the passing of time and how this effected vital events such as the annual flooding of the Nile.
Proyet was the time of the year when the Nile receded. Because the temperatures were much cooler than other times of the year this was the perfect time for the farmers to sow their crops. Proyet occurred normally from December to March.
Bronze Age Sky Disk
A group of German scientists has deciphered the meaning of one of the most spectacular archaeological discoveries in recent years: The mystery-shrouded sky disc of Nebra was used as an advanced astronomical clock. The purpose of the 3,600 year-old sky disc of Nebra, which caused a world-wide sensation when it was brought to the attention of the German public in 2002, is no longer a matter of speculation.
The Nebra disk may have been a ritual object or, more likely a calculating tool used with observations at Goseck or a similar site to determine planting and harvest times. The arrival of the stars in the night sky showed that it was time to start bringing in the harvest. The disc was originally smeared with rotten eggs. These would have caused a chemical reaction on its bronze surface, which would have turned the disc’s background a deep violet color simulating a night sky out of which the gold-embossed stars would have shone. The third arc on the disk is also highly interesting. The ancients did not understand how the sun could set in the west and end up in the east the next morning. Representations of a disk in a ship, from Bronze Age Egypt and Scandinavia, reveal an age-old belief that a ship carried the sun across the night sky. The Nebra disk is the first evidence of such a faith in central Europe.
The Chinese also developed a system of astrology around 2800 BC. Egyptians in 3100 BCE were the first to record one of the earliest years in history. Ussher chronology begins history of the world in 4004 BC. Bede began his history of the world with 3952 BC.
Chinese Calendar
The mysterious Chinese calendar however has links with many different dimensions starting from astrology and agriculture to the solar terms and the four seasons. It is primarily a calendar that is still used for the purpose of marking traditional events such as the Chinese New Year which is probably the most important event for the Chinese.
The Chinese calendar is based upon the Five Elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) concept which has been part of the Chinese concept of the essential components of the structure of the physical world. The other culturally important aspect of the ancient Chinese calendar is the zodiac animals that are assigned to each year.
Animal Personality Traits
Legend has it that in ancient times, Buddha asked all the animals to meet him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and Buddha named a year after each one. He announced that the people born in each animal’s year would have some of that animal’s personality. (Shamanism/Totem)
If you want to look up your Zodiac Sign here is a link.
The Chinese calendar is still used today to choose the most auspicious date for a wedding or the opening of a building. Because each month follows one cycle of the moon, it is also used to determine the phases of the moon.
萬年曆 – THE CHINESE CALENDAR1/23/2017 The Chinese Calendar 1 – What You Must Know
The historical account of the Chinese Calendric sciences are both interesting and intriguing often laden with puzzles, hypotheses and dogmas. On one hand, it needs to account for the evolutions of the GanZhi 干支 system of Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branches while on the other, the all embracing system of Yi in the forms of Hexagrams and Trigrams 卦. As commonly understood, there are 60 GanZhi as opposed to 64 Hexagrams. So technically, a complete cycle of the GanZhi 干支 system may not match the complete cycle of the system of Yi in the forms of Hexagrams and Trigrams 卦. However through the centuries, there are many attempts to consolidate both systems into a workable model and through 3 generations of Chinese Calendars was born:-
1. The first was known as TaiChu Li or the Calendar of the Great Beginning. 2. The second was known as SanTong Li or the Calendar of the Three Concordance. 3. The third was known as SiFen Li or the Calendar of the Four Remainders. These are models based on a LuniSolar attempt or the combination of:- 1. Lunar – Calculation based on Lunation of the moon around the Earth. 2. Solar – Calculation based on Sun path in relation to Earth rotation commonly known as the Yellow Path. Where both GanZhi and YiGua are used. In Chinese Metaphysics, both GanZhi and YiGua are equally important: – 1. SanHe – Emphasis on GanZi 2. SanYuan – Emphasis on YiGua Are these systems measuring the same Qi? What sort of calendar does the system employ? Better, what are GanZhi and YiGua measuring to? If one look at the SYSTEM itself, starts from 1 WuQi, 2 Slices of YinYang, 3 Components of SanCai, 4 Seasons, 7 Luminaries, 8 Guas, 9 Stars, 10 Stems and all through 24 sub seasons and 30 pairs of NaYin to 64 Hexagrams. How would one consolidate such into a meaningful working model? Questions: – 1. Has any of the basis of Yarrow Stalks Divination method has to do with calendric sciences? 2. Why would one group the 24 sub seasons into the group of three instead of two as commonly understood? 3. A trigram is made of 3 Yao (3 lines comprising the composition of solid or broken line). Why a Yang Yao (solid line) must take the value of 9 as opposed to Yin Yao (broken line) which take the value of 6 as the basis of measuring time? If these fundamentals are not sorted out, how would one understand the working mechanism of DaGua date selections and confronting SanSha? How would one understand the use of GuaYun and GuaQi? What are these units measuring to in the first instance? ![]() The Chinese Calendar 2 – What Has Divination And Calendar In Common?Using YiGua for divination purposes is a very common practice. The casting of the Hexagram is based on the age old practice of heating up the tortoise shell until it cracks to casting of the yarrow stalk, flipping copper coins by shaking the tortoise shell and the more up to date, iPhone Apps. These are techniques of seeking an answer from Heaven through a randomly casting medium such as yarrow stalks and tortoise shell which are believed to have contained spiritual Qi, LingQi. What interests me most is the fundamental basis of the Yarrow Stalk method which conceals the will of Heaven annexed to the numerology in the science of the calendrics. It cannot just be a random or simply numbers pluck from thin air. For example, why there are 216 divination sticks for Qian and 144 divination sticks for Kun? The answers can be found in the HeTu, LoShu and the Seasonal Nodes, the very fundamental building blocks of Chinese calendar. Understanding such one will continue to be puzzled that a simple method liked the Yarrow Stalks are beyond just mere superstitions of the commonly known, street fortune telling but also the basis of computing the rotation of the 7 luminaries as close to our modern astronomical calculations.
The Chinese Calendar 3 – Revisit HETUFollow up from the Yarrow Stalk Method of Divination, the Classic says: – “Therefore, it is stated that Heaven Numbers are 5, Earth Numbers are 5. 5 positions having obtained one another, each has a match. Heaven numbers 25, Earth numbers 30. Both heaven and earth numbers 55. This is that which having completed the alternations and transformations, sets in motion the Gui and Shen spirits.” What it actually meant was:- 1. Heaven Numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 (Total 5 numbers) Such is apply, mainly in XuanKong methodology with a close relationship in the Chinese Metaphysics. The Chinese Calendar 4 – Knowing the Year, Seasons and DaysA Tropical Year is calculated on the basis of the Earth moving around the Sun. The equinoxes and the solstices demarcating Earth’s distance, nearest or furthest away from the Sun marking the 4 seasons where the extreme Yin begins in Zi and the extreme Yang begins in Wu month. Of the 4 seasons, the 24 seasonal nodes are referred to as solar markers. One season governs 6 seasonal nodes. Therefore, each portion governs 3 seasonal nodes, thus vernal equinox in spring becomes an important marker where wood Qi is at its optimum. The Stables Qi is at its infancy (growth), the Cardinals Qi is at its peak (prosperous) and the Graves Qi is at its tomb (storage). These are the basis of SanHe’s 12 growth phases, measuring the “HouQi” or vital Qi which implies that influence between 2 gravitational forces at its strongest and weakest. It takes 15 days for a revolution of HouQi. Multiply by 24 seasonal nodes, a year contains 360 days. But our Modern Day calculation state that it takes about 365 1/4 days for a year. Would such make the Calendar obsolete?
![]() The Chinese Calendar 5 – Ancient Time Piece
The Chinese Calendar 6 – HouQi, LiuJia and NaYinSince Shang Dynasty, a 10 days week module was introduced, led by a particular GanZi making the 6 Jia (LiuJia) cycles of Stem and Branch. 60 JiaZi obtained 360. Each day is assigned to a JiaZi. HouQi is the Vital Qi measurement of the resonance forces of nature. It is an interaction between stem and earth branch, some called Acquired Melody. Although 60 JiaZi is individually unique, it undergoes its own YinYang resonance. A competent practitioner will able to discern its YinYang attributes to determine its timing and its medium. Therefore, it is common to say there are only 30 pairs of Acquired Melody coincidentally give one a rotation of 360 per year. A rough idea to demonstrate such will be the resonance emitted from the interaction between Earth orbiting the Sun while the moon orbiting the Earth. The gravitational stretch among these planetary masses through the medium of water and earth “vibrates” creating wave liked effects liked “sound”. It is also known as penetrating “melodic” of the 5 elements as it has to pass on through a medium liked earth. Modern comparison would like “ultra-sound”, seeing the imagery through the lens of vibration. Therefore, the ancients equal it as Vital Qi. As to equate such Vital Qi with radioactive properties such as Radon is again, subject to debate. Although in ancient time, radioactivity is not so much apparent compared to the use of other substances such as mercury. That is one reason Vital Qi equals radioactivity may not be entirely True. So to speak spring begins in the arrival of spring may not necessary meant wood Qi has arrived. It has to wait until its vital Qi arrives and that is measurable. So, 360 rotation a year compared with 365 ¼ days a year may result in 5 ¼ days off grids. So a certain devise to calibrate its differences is required. The question is what it is?
Bulgarian Calendar
The proto-Bulgarian Calendar is the oldest one in the world, recognized by UNESCO. According to it, we are in year 7525. Due to the experts, this is solid intellectual & scientific work of people, who have lived thousands of years before Christ. The Bulgarian Calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian calendar and has just a few seconds deflection from the astronomical calendar.
The Calendar of the Proto-Bulgarians is the most accurate on the planet. That is officially recognized by UNESCO. The latest researches show that the Calendar begins in 5505 year B.C. With its 12-year cycle the Bulgarian Calendar is the prime source of the Chinese.
In 1976 UNESCO announced the Calendar of the Proto-Bulgarians to be the most prеcise one in the world. The organization experts have been stunned by the genius mathematical solution for the 365 number. Even more – the ancient Bulgarian system of chronology has offered the same simple rule for the leap day per every four years.
The Calendar of the Proto-Bulgarians is solar.
The year has started on the shortest day (on the 21st of December, the winter equinox). This day was not included in any month or in any week. It was a zero-day, self-calendar unit, Eni-Alem. Now it’s called Enina Day or Egnazden. The remaining 364 days of the ordinary year were divided into four equal quarters (seasons) with 91 days or 13 weeks each. That allowed the year and also each season to begin always on Sunday – the first day of the Proto-Bulgarian week.
Eni – origin, meaning, pronunciation & popularityEni is a
“Iphigenia” means “strong-born,” “born to strength,” or “she who causes the birth of strong offspring.”[2]
In Greek mythology, Iphigenia (/ɪfɪdʒɪˈnaɪ.ə/; Ancient Greek: Ἰφιγένεια, Iphigéneia, [iːpʰiɡéneː.a]) was a daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and thus a princess of Mycenae. In the story, Agamemnon offends the goddess Artemis on his way to the Trojan War by accidentally killing one of Artemis’ sacred stags. She retaliates by preventing the Greek troops from reaching Troy unless Agamemnon kills his eldest daughter, Iphigenia, at Aulis as a human sacrifice. In some versions, Iphigenia dies at Aulis, and in others, Artemis rescues her. In the version where she is saved, she goes to the Taurians and meets her brother Orestes. Alem The meaning of the name Alem is World leader MEANING: The meaning of the name Alem is: World leader. Alem Meaning – Wise Man, Highly Qualified. Além takes its name from the Portuguese word for “Beyond”. alem (Serbo-Croatian) Origin & history IIt may be connected with Greek ἀδάμας (“diamond”), or come from Old French alemande. Alternatively from Ottoman Turkish, from Arabic عَلَم (“sign, token; symbol; banner”).Origin & history IIFrom Ottoman Turkish عالم (âlem) (Turkish alem), from Arabic عَالَم (“world”). Noun – alem (masc.) jewel, gem |
The first month of each season has 31 days, the two remaining – 30. Every fourth year is leap – 366 days. Its difference is in the second zero-day – Eni Dzitem – placed right after the end of the sixth month. As in the Chinese calendar, the years are grouped in twelve-year and sixty-year cycles. Each year in the 12-year cycle is associated with the period of circulation of Jupiter around the Sun (11.86 years) and is named after an animal. According to the experts unlike the Chinese calendar here the first year in the cycle is not of the Mouse, but of the Pig:
1. Pig (dox, dock, pig)
2. Mouse (somor, shashi)
3. Ox (shegor, cuvrat, buza, bussmann)
4. Tiger (bars, paras, barys)
5. Rabbit (dvansh)
6. Dragon (ver, dragoon, kalla, slav)
7. Snake (dilom, delyan, attila)
8. Horse (teck, tagg, tich, alasha)
9. Monkey (pesin, pisin)
10. Ram (surah, sever, rasete)
11. Rooster (toh, tah)
12. Dog (Etkh)
The sixty-year cycle scientists called “Star Day”.
They suggest that in the end of each second “Star Day”, i.e. every 120 years, has been dropped off one leap day. (A similar correction uses also in the Gregorian calendar – a leap day drops off in each 133 years.) According to these calculations, the duration of the Proto-Bulgarian year has been 365,241667 average solar days. The duration of the tropical (solar) year – (the period between the spring equinoxes) is 365,2422. A 24-hours difference has been collect for about 1800 years, or 30 sixty-year cycles.
UNESCO recognized the Proto-Bulgarian calendar as the most accurate in the world. Most don’t even know about this calendar. There are many others more famous than this one, like the Mayan, the Chinese or the Egyptian calendar, but it turns out that the ancient Bulgarian calendar is the true winner here.
The Ancient Bulgarian Calendar – 5505 years BC It is known that the ancient Bulgarians knew the basic laws of motion of the planets and the Earth around the Sun perfectly, and because of that they possess the most impeccable calendar ever created. The ancient Bulgarian calendar is based on observations of Jupiter and the Sun and is more precise than the modern Western (Gregorian) calendar we use today. The Bulgarians are the people with the most ancient system of measuring time – a fact, which indicates their early civilizing force. One of the primary uses of the early Bulgarian Calendar was to recognize the reign of each emperor.
For its 1400 years of statehood history and interesting geopolitical location, forming a strategic bridge between Asia and Europe, the ancient kingdom saw a long succession of invaders, conquerors, traders and settlers, who mingled with the ancient civilization and left their marks and artifacts for the future generation and the world to finally discover.
The Huns, in their travels, may have brought the Chinese method of timekeeping to Bulgaria. What is little known to most people is the striking resemblance of the Bulgarian calendar to the Chinese zodiac. If you look at the ancient calendar above you see that it is comprised of twelve signs, one for each month and each corresponding to an animal similar to the Chinese calendar.
About 3000 BC it is believed that Astrology was developed by the Chaldeans and Babylonians Stonehenge in England (built in phases from around 3300BC)
Babylonian Calendar

The Babylonians excelled at astronomy. Many of the constellations that we see in the sky were first categorized by them. They kept careful records and recorded celestial events under the belief they could shape future events. Under Hammurabi the Lawgiver, in 1800 B.C., star catalogs and planetary records were compiled.
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Ziggurat or sky observatory
In Mesopotamia ziggurats were constructed of mud brick to observe the position of the Moon and planets, again to mark the passage of time. However, no astronomical instruments appears to be used other than the buildings themselves. |
The Neo-Babylonian used Ziggurat’s as observatories and mapped the night time sky into constellations. They developed the 12 signs of the zodiac, recorded the motions of the planets and even predicted eclipses.
At about the same time, the idea of a royal year took precise shape, beginning probably at the time of barley harvest, when the king celebrated the new (agricultural) year by offering first fruits to gods in expectation of their blessings for the year. When, in the course of this year, some royal exploit (conquest, temple building, and so on) demonstrated that the fates had been fixed favorably by the celestial powers, the year was named accordingly.
Hindu Calendar
This video has solutions to all of your Questions, watch it until the very finish
In the “Brahma-Vaivarta Purana”, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga – one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of eras, as described in Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years. Mayan Calendar Matches Hindu Calendar
It is interesting that this prediction of the emergence of a new world is prophesied to appear about the same time that the Mayans predicted it to come! The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar began on 18 February 3102 B.C. There is only a difference of 12 years between the Hindu’s beginning of the Kali Yuga and the Mayans beginning of the Fifth Great Cycle. Golden Age Could Begin in 2012
The ancient Hindus mainly used lunar calendars but also used solar calendars. If an average lunar year equals 354.36 days, then this would be about 5270 lunar years from the time when the Kali Yuga started until 21 Dec 2012. This is the same year that the Mayans predict rebirth of our planet. It is also about 5113 solar years of 365.24 days per year, and is day number 1,867,817 into the Kali Yuga. By either solar or lunar years, we are over 5,000 years into the Kali Yuga and it is time for Lord Krishna’s prophecy to happen according to the ancient Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna’s Golden Age could easily begin in 2012! Mayan Prophecy Matches Hindu Prophecy
It is amazing that both calendars began at about the same time over 5,000 years ago and both calendars predict a totally new world and/or golden age after about 5,000 years into their calendars! These two calendars seem to give us a strong indication that a new era, a new dimension is arriving in 2012. Historically, this is an amazing fact since these two ancient cultures did not have any contact.
Traditional dating of the Jewish Anno mundi calendar dating from creation begins in 3761 BC. Freemasons add 4000 years to the current Anno Domini calendar (i.e., 2012 AD = 6012 AL) (2022 AD = 6,022)
Anno Mundi Astrological Calendar – Hebrew Calendar for 5782-5784
Jul 31, 2021
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Babylonians introduced their cyclic calendar after the exile Hebrews began to name their months and days according to Babylon, and adopt a cyclicar calendar. | Mosaic pavement of a zodiac in the Synagogue of Beit Alpha, Israel; revealing the infusion of unorthodox timekeeping (5 to 6th Century; Byzantine period) |
“Knowledge of the Jewish calendar in use before the period of the Babylonian Exile is both limited and uncertain. The Bible refers to calendar matters only incidentally, and the dating of components of Mosaic Law remains doubtful. The earliest datable source for the Hebrew calendar is the Gezer Calendar, written probably in the age of Solomon, in the late 10th century BC. The inscription indicates the length of main agricultural tasks within the cycle of 12 lunations. The calendar term here is yereah, which in Hebrew denotes both “moon” and “month.“
The second Hebrew term for month, hodesh, properly means the “newness” of the lunar crescent. Thus, the Hebrew months were lunar. They are not named in pre-exilic sources except in the biblical report of the building of Solomon’s Temple in I Kings, where the names of three months, two of them also attested in the Phoenician calendar, are given; the months are usually numbered rather than named. The “beginning of the months” was the month of the Passover. In some passages, the Passover month is that of hodesh ha-aviv, the lunation that coincides with the barley being in the ear. Thus, the Hebrew calendar is tied in with the course of the Sun, which determines ripening of the grain.
It is not known how the lunar year of 354 days was adjusted to the solar year of 365 days. The Bible never mentions intercalation. The year shana, properly “change” (of seasons), was the agricultural and, thus, liturgical year. There is no reference to the New Year’s day in the Bible.
After the conquest of Jerusalem (587 BC), the Babylonians introduced their cyclic calendar (see above Babylonian calendars) and the reckoning of their regnal years from Nisanu 1, about the spring equinox. The Jews now had a finite calendar year with a New Year’s day, and they adopted the Babylonian month names, which they continue to use. From 587 BC until AD 70, the Jewish civil year was Babylonian, except for the period of Alexander the Great and the Ptolemies (332-200 BC), when the Macedonian calendar was used. The situation after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in AD 70 remains unclear. It is not known whether the Romans introduced their Julian calendar or the calendar that the Jews of Palestine used after AD 70 for their business transactions. There is no calendar reference in the New Testament; the contemporary Aramaic documents from Judaea are rare and prove only that the Jews dated events according to the years of the Roman emperors. The abundant data in the Talmudic sources concern only the religious calendar.
In the religious calendar, the commencement of the month was determined by the observation of the crescent New Moon, and the date of the Passover was tied in with the ripening of barley. The actual witnessing of the New Moon and observing of the stand of crops in Judaea were required for the functioning of the religious calendar.
The Jews of the Diaspora, or Dispersion, who generally used the civil calendar of their respective countries, were informed by messengers from Palestine about the coming festivals. This practice is already attested for 143 BC. After the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, rabbinic leaders took over from the priests the fixing of the religious calendar. Visual observation of the New Moon was supplemented and toward AD 200, in fact, supplanted by secret astronomical calculation. But the people of the Diaspora were often reluctant to wait for the arbitrary decision of the calendar makers in the Holy Land.
Thus, in Syrian Antioch in AD 328-342, the Passover was always celebrated in (Julian) March, the month of the spring equinox, without regard to the Palestinian rules and rulings. To preserve the unity of Israel, the patriarch Hillel II, in 358/359, published the “secret” of calendar making, which essentially consisted of the use of the Babylonian 19-year cycle with some modifications required by the Jewish ritual.
The application of these principles occasioned controversies as late as the 10th century AD. In the 8th century, the Karaites, following Muslim practice, returned to the actual observation of the crescent New Moon and of the stand of barley in Judaea. But some centuries later they also had to use a precalculated calendar. The Samaritans, likewise, used a computed calendar.
Because of the importance of the Sabbath as a time divider, the seven-day week served as a time unit in Jewish worship and life. As long as the length of a year and of every month remained unpredictable, it was convenient to count weeks. The origin of the biblical septenary, or seven-day, week remains unknown; its days were counted from the Sabbath (Saturday for the Jews and Sunday for Christians).
A visionary, probably writing in the Persian or early Hellenistic age under the name of the prediluvian Enoch, suggested the religious calendar of 364 days, or 52 weeks, based on the week, in which all festivals always fall on the same weekday. His idea was later taken up by the Qumran community. (E.J.Bi.)” Sourcespacer
The Number 7 is a special number in Scripture and symbolizes divine perfection or completion. It is woven into every aspect of the Hebrew calendar. The Sabbath is observed on the 7th day of the week and every seventh year God decreed a Sabbatical year, and every seventh sabbatical year was considered a Jubilee year. Seven weeks after the Passover came the feast of Pentecost. The feast of Tabernacles, which is the last feast and completes the cycle, lasts for seven days. The seventh month is known as Tishri, and it contains the most holy days within the Hebrew calendar. Today they are referred to as the “High Holy Days. ” The Lord indeed created time yet He dwelt in a dimension that is beyond time and space. Time and space is where the sovereign God would meet with His highest creation, man.
How Tishrei Became the First Month of the Hebrew Calendar Amit Naor
15.09.2020 ![]() The Hebrew month of Tishrei begins with the holiday of Rosh Hashana – the festival of the Jewish New Year. Yet many of you will be aware that Tishrei was not actually the first month in the calendar of the ancient Hebrews chronicled in the Bible. So what of the many holidays we associate with Tishrei today? Tishrei originally had at the very least one festival—Sukkot—during which the faithful were expected to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, a feat that was considerably more challenging than the typical holiday traffic nowadays. What’s more, the ancient Hebrews didn’t call this month Tishrei. In this article, we will learn a bit about this month, its unique name, and how it came to be the first month of the Jewish year. Let’s start with the name. As is well known, the names of the months of the Hebrew calendar derive from the Babylonian calendar, which was in Akkadian, an ancient Semitic language spoken mainly in Assyria and Babylonia. Given that the Babylonians were the leading astronomers in the region, it’s not surprising that their language had such a profound effect on the Hebrew calendar. The month’s name—Tishrei – in fact stems from the Akkadian word tašrītu which means “beginning.” But the beginning of what? Similar to most ancient peoples of the region, the Babylonians began counting the new year in spring, in their month of Nisan (another name of Akkadian origin). It could be that the Babylonians marked the beginning of the second half of the year with an additional festival in Tishrei—the seventh month, if one begins counting from Nisan. The Babylonian-Akkadian name also made its way into Arab dialects in the region of Mesopotamia and the Levant: the Gregorian months of October and November are called Tishrin al-Ul and Tishrin a-Thani, meaning – first and second Tishrei. ![]() In the Bible, it is customary to call the months of the year by their number. Therefore, when the Israelites are commanded to celebrate Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and the mysterious holiday on the first of Tishrei (“a day of sabbath rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts”, Leviticus 23:24), the month is simply called the “seventh month.” However, the seventh month is also one of the only months whose local-Canaanite name appears in the Bible. 1 Kings 8 tells of the people who gathered in Jerusalem for the dedication of the Temple by King Solomon (this was pre-social-distancing): “… at the time of the festival in the month of Ethanim, the seventh month.” The Jewish sages offered various interpretations for the meaning of the “month of Ethanim,” but it is likely that it derives simply from the beginning of the rains, when the rising waters of the rivers and streams generated a strong current (Ethan/Eitan means “strong” in Hebrew). Hold on… this sounds very reminiscent of what we read about the Bulgarian Calendar: The Calendar of the Proto-Bulgarians is solar.The year has started on the shortest day (on the 21st of December, the winter equinox). This day was not included in any month or in any week. It was a zero-day, self-calendar unit, Eni-Alem. Now it’s called Enina Day or Egnazden. The remaining 364 days of the ordinary year were divided into four equal quarters (seasons) with 91 days or 13 weeks each. That allowed the year and also each season to begin always on Sunday – the first day of the Proto-Bulgarian week. NOW This is getting pretty MYSTERIOUS!! Mystery Babylon ![]() We won’t delve into the intricacies of the theories surrounding the origin of the Tishrei holidays. However, the journalist and linguist Elon Gilad has discussed these at length in a number of very interesting columns (Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot) for Haaretz (his book on the subject will be published by Am Oved later this year.) Here, we will discuss the change that took place in the calendar, after which Tishrei became the first month of the Jewish year. According to Gilad, most of the books of the Bible do not mention a festival on the first day of Tishrei. In fact, certain passages even mention other holidays which took place on or near this date. Aside from a number of commandments pertaining to the mysterious festival that appear in Leviticus and Numbers, the first mention of a festive event occurring on this date is in the Book of Ezra, which recounts the reading of the Torah on the first day of Tishrei. The sages (Rabbis – Rabbinical Law) were the first to assert this festival’s significance as the New Year, in the Mishna and Tosefta. These writings date to around 200 CE, but it is possible that they document an earlier tradition. ![]() Thus, according to Gilad’s hypothesis, sometime during the first and second centuries CE, the Jewish sages gave a new meaning to the mysterious holiday described in the books of Leviticus and Numbers, according it the special status we attribute to it today. They determined that this is the anniversary of the creation of the world, and the day on which human beings are judged for their actions during the past year, and on which their fate for the coming year is determined. Gilad further speculates that the choice of the fall season for the New Year as opposed to spring, which was common throughout the region (for example, the new year in Iran is still celebrated around March), was intended to distinguish the Jewish people from the surrounding nations. We also add that the destruction of the Temple and the severing of the agricultural connection from the religious ritual likely enabled this change in the calendar. Whatever the case, today we are able to enjoy a very festive and symbolic month, which has become especially significant in Jewish-Hebrew-Israeli culture. We’ll leave you with this Hebrew “Song for the Month of Tishrei” (lyrics and music by Datia Ben-Dor), courtesy of the cast of Parpar Nehmad, a classic Israeli children’s television show. Happy New Year to all our readers! |
Muslim Calendar
ASSYRIAN CALENDAR TABLET 1800 BC World’s Oldest Calendar
Reviewing the history of calendars show that, when God created the universe, He created the Lunar and Solar calendar. It might be interesting to know that God used the word “MONTH” 12 times and the word “DAY” 365 times throughout the Quran.
In ancient Arab culture, there were traditionally four months during which the tribes agreed to an amnesty on any ongoing fighting. During the months of Muharram, Rajab, Dhul-Qi’dah, and Dhul-Hijjah, any battles were to be automatically suspended in order to allow for trade and travel in the area. This tradition was upheld in Islam, and these four months are called the “forbidden months.” However, if only one side observes the automatic truce and the other side continues fighting, the party observing the truce is obliged to defend itself.
“Phases of the moon, from an Ottoman calendar by Sayyid Ahmed b. Mustafa Al-La’li (1566):”
All You Need to Know About the Hijri Calendar
Jou Pabalate
The Islamic calendar is used in Saudi Arabia, especially by government institutions and even in everyday transactions with financial and commercial establishments. If you’re wondering why new year came early this year, then it’s high time you polish up on your calendar knowledge.
1. The Hijri Calendar was introduced by Umar ibn Al-Khattab, who is a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in 638.
Calendar scales (round the outside edge) on an Islamic astrolabe, Photo Credit: artselectronic.wordpress.com
![]() Planetarium, astronomical clock, telescope |
The astrolabe is a type of scientific instrument used many years ago that was used to calculate time and for observation purposes. A widely elaborated variety of this instrument, the planisphere astrolabe, allowed astronomers to calculate the position of the sun and stars with respect to both the horizon and the meridian. It gave a flat image of the celestial sphere and the main circles, namely those representing the ecliptic, the celestial equator and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Because of these characteristics, the spherical plane astrolabe can be considered as a kind of rudimentary analogue computer. The astrolabe was introduced to Europe from Islamic Spain (al-Andalus) in the early 12th century. Early Islamic astrolabes were typically used for land journeys. As Europeans began traveling farther distances across oceans, the created a version of the astrolabe for sea travel. Thus, the mariners’ astrolabe was born |
2. The Hijri Calendar started with the “Hijera”, the time when Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) moved from Makkah to Medina.
3. It is based on the lunar calendar, which relies on how the moon moves through its phases.
4. The Hijri Calendar is always 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar (hence, if your company uses the Hijri Calendar, lucky you.)
5. A year in the Hijri calender is equivalent to 354 days and is made up of 12 months, named:
There’s a story behind every month of the Hijri Calendar. Tere’s a children’s book that’s great for teaching your kids all about it (and maybe learn a thing or two yourself)spacer
The American Hopi Indians say we are in the fifth and final age of the circle of life/ Science has shown us the the precession of earth curcles every 25,868 years, They didn’t really have qa calendar but considering, the last age started 3160BC
Hopi Calendar
Hopi Indian Ceremonial Calendar | American Indian Calendar |
The Hopi religious calendar begins anew each year in November with the Kelmuya season. Only those who have been initiated into “manhood” may participate in the ceremonies, which celebrate the creation of the present world, the Fourth World. Kelmuya (November) Fourth World Creation, Month of the SparrowHawk, Native Americans followed the movements of the celestial markers – much as we do today. They called it Star Knowledge. Beyond the land where they lived, was the sky, and that beyond were dimensional portals or sky holes. Beyond that was an area that they called the Ocean of Pitch, were the beauty of the night sky and the galaxies spun out towards them. Beyond that were the boundaries of the universe. And that set along the rim at the boundaries of the universe were 4 different extraterrestrial groups.
The Hopis called the Pleiadians the Chuhukon, meaning those who cling together (by agreement or Oath as the Fallen Angels). They considered themselves direct descendants of the Pleiadians. The Navajos named the Pleiades the Sparkling Suns or the Delyahey, the home of the Black God. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree claim they (the Pleidians) came to earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood.
Zuni Calendar

The Zuni year is divided into two seasons, inaugurated by the solstices, each of which is composed of six months–lunations, subdivided into three ten-day periods. The significations of the month names are interesting: the month of the winter solstice, which is the beginning of the year, is called Turning-Back, in reference to the Sun Father’s return from the south; it is followed by Limbs-of-the-Trees-Broken-by Snow, No-Snow-in-the-Road, Little-Wind, Big-Wind, and No-Name. For the remaining half of the year, these appellations, though now inappropriate, are used again, the months of the second half-year being, strictly speaking, nameless.
Both Zuni and Hopi have priests whose special duty is to observe the annual course of the sun, and hence to determine the dates for the great festivals of the winter and summer solstices. The Zuni sun priest uses as his gnomon a petrified stump which stands at the outskirts of the village, and at which he sprinkles meal and makes his morning prayers to the sun, until, on the day when that luminary rises at a certain point of Corn Mountain, the priesthood is informed of the approaching change. Every fourth morning, for twenty days, the sun priest offers prayer-plumes to the Sun Father, the Moon Mother, and to departed sun priests.
Cherokee Calendar
CHEROKEE CALENDAR20 countThe Cycle of 20 Days according to the old Cherokee Calendar. The count begins in the upper right corner, and progresses counter-clockwise. In East Tennessee, the calendars were kept as a bag of marked, painted, or engraved stones. Turtle, Tornado, Firepit, Dragon, Snake, Twins, Deer, Rabbit, River, Wolf, Raccoon, Scratcher, Reed, Panther, Eagle, Owl, Heron, Flint Knife, Redbird, and Flower, which contains the seeds for the next 20 days. – -Brian Wilkes
We are all made of stars. In Cherokee belief, the departed souls arise into the sky to become stars, and it is from the stars that souls come to earth to be born as children. The planets, stars, and constellations, the “Star People” showing their faces at the birth of a child, speak to his or her strengths and weaknesses and to destiny’s role for that individual.
The link between the People and the stars, between Earth and Heaven, is so strong that it’s even claimed that our ancestors came to earth “from the Pleiades.” At the end of the Seventh World, it’s said that we will return to our home in the sky. |
Aztec [Sun] Calendar
India calenda, begun on February 18, 3,102 B.C only eleven years after the start of the Mayan Long Count
Museo nacional de antropología calendario azteca piedra . |
Ancient Aztec Sun Calendar Mexico Drawing Poster |
The Aztec calendar was an alteration of the Mayan calendar. It consisted of a 365 day agricultural calendar as well as a 260-day sacred calendar. It is currently on display at the Museo Nacional de Antropologia in Mexico City, Mexico. What’s fascinating about this calendar is that every year has a “no time” period-days “outside the calendar” to freely celebrate life. There are a total of five “nameless days” at the end of every Mayan solar year. This is supposed to be a phase of transition and preparation for the next year. Most people mistakenly believe the Aztec and the Mayans were philosophically and geographically kindred spirits. That is not the case at all, to read about the differences between the Aztec and Maya click here.
Mayan Calendar
Calendar-making, we have an exact date from ancient Mayan: August 12, 3114 B.C.
Ancient Maya Calendar | Modern depiction of Ancient Calendar |
Incredibly, the Maya understood that our world turned, but they also knew that it was only a part of a larger solar system that moved independently through our galaxy. This end-date of the Long Count Calendar December 21, 2012 marks the coming of a truly rare cosmic event that will occur when this procession of the equinoxes positions our solar system in the very center of our galaxy when Earth will cross the ecliptic path of the sun. The world is talking about what will happen on this date, however, not everyone is looking forward to it with the same set of expectations. For some, 2012 hints at a coming apocalypse but more optimistic views believe that, as the Maya claimed, we would begin to experience some form of spiritual awakening, perhaps initiated by some cosmic event or compelling miracle. But, we have no way of knowing for sure what effects these cosmic events will have on Earth, as the last time an alignment like this took place was over 150,000 years ago!The notion of 2012 being the end of the world is actually fairly new, it was first suggested by New Age religionist José Argüelles in his 1987 book The Mayan Factor: ‘Path Beyond Technology’. You can rest assured that when you wake up on Dec 22, 2012 there may have been a change in the cosmic universe but the earth as you know it will be intact!
Gregorian Calendar
The Gregorian Calendar is what the vast majority of the world uses today. The original goal of the Gregorian calendar was to change the date of Easter ( Easter is a pagan holiday that has morphed its way into Christianity. It was originally a holiday to the fertility goddess Aestarte, or Diana of Ephesus: Source ). In 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII introduced his Gregorian calendar, Europe adhered to the Julian calendar, first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Since the Roman emperor’s system miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, the calendar had since fallen out of sync with the seasons. This concerned Gregory because it meant that Easter, traditionally observed on March 21, fell further away from the spring equinox with each passing year.
1. Leap years don’t really occur every four years in the Gregorian calendar.
2. The Gregorian calendar differs from the solar year by 26 seconds per year.
3. Some Protestants viewed the Gregorian calendar as a Catholic plot.
4. Britain’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar sparked riots and protest.
5. Before the Gregorian calendar’s adoption, the English new year began on March 25, or Lady Day.
The Gregorian calendar, also known as the Western calendar, or Christian calendar, is the internationally accepted civil calendar. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII , after whom the calendar was named, by a decree signed on 24 February 1582, a papal bull known by its opening words Inter gravissimas. The reformed calendar was adopted later that year by a handful of countries, with other countries adopting it over the following centuries. The motivation for the Gregorian reform was that the Julian calendar assumes that the time between vernal equinoxes is 365.25 days, when in fact it is presently almost exactly 11 minutes shorter. The error between these values accumulated at the rate of about three days every four centuries, resulting in the equinox occurring on March 11 (an accumulated error of about 10 days) and moving steadily earlier in the Julian calendar at the time of the Gregorian reform. Since the Spring equinox was tied to the celebration of Easter, the Roman Catholic Church considered that this steady movement in the date of the equinox was undesirable, hence the birth of the Gregorian Calendar.
Belarus Chinese Lunar Calendar Silver Coins
Many world mints offer coin series which feature representations of the animals of the ancient Chinese lunar calendar. One such series which recently caught my eye is offered by the Republic of Belarus with the coins struck by the Mint of Poland.
In a previous post, I had showcased some issues from the Belarusian Folk Legends series which I had added to my collection. Similar to those coins, the Belarus Chinese Lunar Calendar series coins feature very intricate and distinctive designs.
20 Ruble 2013 Belarus Lunar Year of the Snake 1 oz Silver Proof
The series appears to have started recently with a 2012-dated issue representing the Year of the Snake. The reverse design features a stylized image of a snake coiled into a spiral, with a gold plated Chinese hieroglyph at center. Around the image are spirals, stars, an ornamental pattern, and an inscription which translates to “The Year of the Snake”. The overall design and the spiral effect fit well with the circular shape of the coin.
Much of the symbolism on this coin should strike a cord. So many of the symbols on this coin are on the the coin fro the Abrahamic Accord. The Magic Sword of the Elite. |
The obverse design, seems like it will be used with slight variation throughout the series, features an intricate arrangement representing the passage of time. At center, there is a depiction of the sun, the moon, the inner gears of a clock, and the hands of a clock with a cubic zirconia gem inlaid at the base. The twelve years within the calendar cycle appear surrounding. Various elements of the design and the “2013” year are gold plated. The metal purity of “Ag 925” and the “2012” date appear around the edge with additional inscriptions which translate to “The Republic of Belarus” and “20 Rubles”.
Each coins is struck in .925 silver with a weight of 33.63 grams and diameter of 38.61 mm. The mintage is indicated as up to 8,000 pieces.
2013 Belarus Year of the Horse Silver Coin
The latest release for the Year of the Horse features a fanciful depiction of two horses coming to meet at the center of the coin where a gold plated Chinese hieroglyph appears. The design is completed with ornate patterns at the border and stars in the field.
The obverse of the coin carries the same basic design of the prior year, with the central gem colored orange and the “2014” date highlighted in gold.
I have added both of these coins to my collection and will likely stay on board for the entire series.

The First (Lunar) Calendar
The archaeological record’s earliest data that speaks to human awareness of the stars and ‘heavens’ dates to the Aurignacian Culture of Europe, c.32,000 B.C. Between 1964 and the early 1990s, Alexander Marshack published breakthrough research that documented the mathematical and astronomical knowledge in the Late Upper Paleolithic Cultures of Europe. Marshack deciphered sets of marks carved into animal bones, and occasionally on the walls of caves, as records of the lunar cycle. These marks are sets of crescents or lines. Artisans carefully controlled line thickness so that a correlation with lunar phases would be as easy as possible to perceive. Sets of marks were often laid out in a serpentine pattern that suggests a snake deity or streams and rivers.
Aurignacian Lunar Calendar / diagram, drawing after Marshack, A. 1970; Notation dans les Gravures du Paléolithique Supérieur, Bordeaux, Delmas / Don’s Maps
Many of these lunar calendars were made on small pieces of stone, bone or antler so that they could be easily carried. These small, portable, lightweight lunar calendars were easily carried on extended journeys such as long hunting trips and seasonal migrations.
Hunting the largest animals was arduous, and might require hunters to follow herds of horses, bison, mammoth or ibex for many weeks. (Other big animals such as the auroch, cave bear and cave lion were well known but rarely hunted for food because they had special status in the mythic realm. The Auroch is very important to the search for earliest constellations.)
The phases of the moon depicted in these sets of marks are inexact. Precision was impossible unless all nights were perfectly clear which is an unrealistic expectation. The arithmetic counting skill implied by these small lunar calendars is obvious. The recognition that there are phases of the moon and seasons of the year that can be counted – that should be counted because they are important – is profound.
“All animal activities are time factored, simply because time passes, the future is forever arriving. The reality of time factoring is objective physics and does not depend upon human awareness or consciousness. Until Marshack’s work, many archeologists believed the sets of marks he chose to study were nothing but the aimless doodles of bored toolmakers. What Marshack uncovered is the intuitive discovery of mathematical sets and the application of those sets to the construction of a calendar.”
Bone is the preferred medium because it allows for easy transport and a long calendar lifetime. Mankind’s earliest astronomy brought the clan into the multi-dimensional universe of the gods. Objects used in the most potent rituals had the highest contextual, cultural value and were treated with great reverence.
Continue reading about images of lunar notations with animal and mythic imagery here.
Posted by: Soderman/NLSI Staff
Source: http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/oldest-lunar-calendar/15204
Introduction to the Try-God.com Timeline
With our primary theme based on astronomical matters, one goal in dealing with history is to use astronomical calculations to verify key historical events, that can be utilized as a firm basis to proceed in our study of Biblical Astronomy. We refer to the events in history on a Timeline because the Biblical view of time and temporal events is linear not cyclical. As a result, this Timeline is not designed to be comprehensive in nature, or an exact chronological record, but a navigational tool of this web-site, designed as an aid in giving a Biblical overview to the general perspective of key events related to our topic. The Almighty has a purpose for the Ages. We will not gain a spiritual perspective of history unless we acknowledge His purposes in Creation. This exhibits the dichotomy between Evolutionary dogma and Biblical Creation, because the randomness of Evolutionary natural selection denies the Sovereign purposes of the Creator, as they are expressed in His Creation. The celestial storyboards of Biblical Astronomy reflect the Heavenly Father’s purpose of the ages, in the coming of His only begotten Son, to redeem the Creation that was thrown into ruin at the fall of man. This is the central focus of His-Story, and only this perspective sheds the illuminating light of God’s Word on the events of the past. This enlightend view and spiritual perspective of history includes three Heavens and Earths, and Seven Biblical Administrations. Generally, secular historians are in agreement as to the approximate timing of events from the century between the June 15th Solar eclipse recorded in 763 BC, in Assyrian texts, and the sacking of Thebes in 664 BC, also by the Assyrians. Before this time secular historians diverge in their timelines. These historical entries on our Timeline are in black. Ages of the precession of the equinoxes are printed in Blue. This adds a general astronomical order to the ages of history, that provides a spiritual theme aligned with the Creator’s purposes in the light of Biblical Astronomy. Since an overall theme of our site is giving God Almighty, the Creator, the proper honor and praise for His Omnipotent and Benevolent Acts of Creation, we have included aspects of a Biblical Timeline referring to 3 Heavens and Earths, printed in Green. Historical entries occur primarily within our current Second Heavens and Earth. We have also marked Seven Biblical Administrations in Purple. Together these aspects of our Timeline provide a panoramic view of God’s temporal organization of His Creation, giving us the proper perspective and context to understand the raw historical facts. Conventional History has been a valuable tool, providing a framework to begin looking at historical events, unfortunately it has not provided much evidence that upholds the Biblical History of early Israel, Egypt or Babylon. A more recent Chronology however, by David Rohl in his book Pharaohs and Kings, shows both archaeological and astronomical records confirming Biblical records of early Israel and other ancient cultures recorded in the Bible. As we will see, the use of astronomical dating methods has nailed down some key events in history, that predate the solar eclipse of 763 BC referred to above, by over 700 years. These dating methods have also provided us with a very accurate record regarding the timing of Christ’s birth. This gives us a firm foundation in historical research that precedes the limits of Conventional History, in the 7th Century BC. Thus, when the principles of Biblical Archaeo-Astronomy are utilized in combination with the Historical facts, we are afforded a powerful tool that has not been fully considered until recently. With this in mind, lets begin our historical overview with a spiritual perspective.
Try-God Timeline
In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth... in eternity past God created. Almighty God, (Elohim) the Creator, has always been and will always be. The Creator’s dwelling place in Heaven of the Heavens, is separate, external and above what lies inside the cosmic bubble of the firmament, and within the faces of the deep [Genesis 1:6-8]. As a major departure from mysticism and some scientific theory, God’s initial Acts of Creation did not occur in time. Rather, Time was initiated at Creation. By assuming that the Creator began His Acts of Creation in time it assumes that God Himself resides in time, and is subject to temporal bounds. But His Omnipotent sovereignty extends over all temporal boundaries which are only one aspect of His Creation of time. The scientific cosmology of the Big Bang lumps all these fine details of Creation into the compact Mass of a “singularity,” where all the Laws of Physics break down, because it lacks the ability to distinguish the details we will soon see, as God recorded them in His Word. We will explore other distinctions from scientific theory as our expose’ on Biblical Creation proceeds.
First Heavens and Earth [Genesis 1:1-2a]: God’s Creation was originally perfect, but it “became without form and void, and darkness was upon the faces of the deep,” as a result of Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven. There has always been a consistent effort in mysticism to blame the chaos in Creation on the Creator, but God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all! The Creator and Christian God is not a “union of opposites” as promoted by eastern religions, Astrology or the occult. The Creator’s purity was first expressed in the Works of His Hands resulting from His Spoken Word, but as the Creator, He preexisted all aspects of His Creation, and resides independent and above His Creation. His temporal Creation is not boundless, but has clearly defined borders which are introduced in the next section on the Second Heavens and Earth [Genesis 1:2a-3]. Here the Spirit of God moves to inspect the damage inflicted by Lucifer, upon the faces of the deep, in His Creation. Here we find the result of the iniquity found in Lucifer [Ezek. 28:15], which was the “original sin” in the First Heavens and Earth. In scientific terms we call this spiritual Entropy, because when Lucifer, whose dominion over the First Heavens and Earth was second only to God, the Creator, exercised his freewill contrary to the Will of the Creator, calamity resulted, and the First Heavens and Earth were thrown into ruin. This Spiritual Entropy in Lucifer’s original sin was carried over into the Second Heavens and Earth, as seen in the Serpent’s seduction of Eve in Genesis 3, a process where he tricked her into following his first path to destruction. We will inspect the Entropy laws in greater detail as we proceed, and in other related studies of the Try-God website.
Try-God Timeline of the First Heavens and Earth
§ God the Creator [Elohim] in eternity past.
§ God the Creator [Elohim] creates the First Heavens and Earth.
God is perfect. He created nothing that was not also perfect in its initial condition. He did not need any raw matter for Creation, but this was an “ex nihilo” Creation, with no prior existence [II Pet. 3:5], as opposed to the setting of the Second Heavens and Earth, where God was working to re-order the ruined condition and raw materials of the First Heavens and Earth. The angels were the only life-forms during this time besides God, who were generally organized under three archangels, Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer, the Archangel of Light, second only behind God the Creator. As the “cornerstone” [Job 38:6] or apex of Creation, Lucifer was the finished pattern and blueprint of perfection in wisdom and beauty [Ezek. 28:12]. All the angelic realms were lead by Lucifer in their first estate, in hymns of praise to the Creator, a symphony of harmonic perfection of sound and light, as the Spoken Word of the Creator was reflected back to Him in worship [Ezek. 28:13-15, Job 38:4-7]. God created the angels with freewill choice, which included the potential to choose against His divine will, the definition of evil. This was neccessary for the genuine activation of freewill, for without this potential choice contrary to the Creator’s will, He has already legislated an entire outcome of options that are all in agreement with Him.
§ Iniquity was found in Lucifer as he chose contrary to the Creator’s Will, activating spiritual Entropy. [Ezek. 28:15-18, Isa. 14:13-14]. Here is an important departure from science, which holds that activated Entropy was part of the initial conditions of the Big Bang. God’s Word holds that only the potential for the random chaos of Entropy was part of these conditions of the first estate of the angels. This makes all the difference between attributing darkness & chaos to the Creator or not. Since darkness is only the absence of Light, it does not need to be “created” nor can it be, since it is only a negative consequence of perfect initial conditions gone wrong. God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. He only created the potential for evil not evil or darkness itself, [Isa. 45:7] which resulted from Lucifer’s disobedient actions.
§ War in Heaven ensued with Lucifer being cast out of Heaven along with one third of heavens angels whom he decieved to follow him in his attempted coup’ [Rev. 12:7-9,3-4, Isa. 14:12, Ezek. 28:16-17, Jer. 51:25-26]. Lucifer’s war and revolt in heaven caused the ruin of the First Heavens and Earth, in a deluge, [II Pet. 3:6, Genesis 1:1, Job 38:8-11, 28-30], not to be confused with Noah’s flood of the Second Heavens and Earth. Certain of the angels that partook in this ruin of the First Heavens and Earth were imprisoned by God in the Abyss [II Pet. 2:4, Job 26:6-7, Jude 5-6], not to be loosed again until the time of the great tribulation [Rev. 9:1-11]. This leads us to God’s re-ordering the Creation which became ruined, “without form and void,” at the start of the Second Heavens and Earth. [Gen. 1:2ff]
It is also important to note that the debate that has raged between “Old Earth” and “Young Earth” scientists is much ado about nothing. Once we realize the Biblical truths about the First Heavens and Earth, which precedes the Second Heavens and Earth that we now inhabit, and understand that God’s Creation of the current Second Heavens and Earth, was based on His reparation of the ruined First Heavens and Earth, everything falls into place. The Bible does not tell us the duration of the First Heavens and Earth, nor the length of time between the ruin of the First Heavens and Earth, leading up to the Creator’s repair job which yielded the Second Heavens and Earth. We are living on the repaired version of the original planet Earth, not a brand new “young Earth” version!! There could very well have been billions of years where the First Heavens and Earth existed, prior to it’s ruin, due to Lucifer’s revolt. We do not know, because the Bible doesn’t tell us. This allows for potentially long epochs of time, which would account for the radioactive elements with very long half lives, that suggest an old Earth. We also know that there was something called Heaven before the universal expanse we see today when we look up into the sky. God’s repair job in the Second Heavens and Earth included the creation of the stars– the celestial lights which did not exist in the First Heaven and Earth. Thus it is important to realize that a “Young Earth” is not required to stay true to the Biblical record of Creation.
Try-God Timeline of the Second Heavens and Earth
And God said… is the basis of Creation in the Second Heavens & Earth, and is God’s Spoken Word restoring order to His Creation, that Lucifer and his 1/3 of the angels of heaven [Rev. 12:4], had ruined. The result of God’s Spirit moving to restore order to His Creation, is seen in the Creation record of Genesis 1-2, in the Second Heavens and Earth “which are now” [II Pet. 3:7]. God initiated this re-ordering by the re-introduction of light into His Creation, He didn’t have to “re-create” light because the essence of light was already in existence in the raw materials of the First Heavens & Earth. God only had to speak the Word to re-order the basic elements of light in manifestion once again. It is also noteworthy that this light was manifest prior to the Creation of the celestial bodies in Genesis 1:14-16, with the exception of the Earth, which already existed in the First Heavens and Earth. As we look at these circumstances in scientific terms, we must consider the laws of thermodynamics, the First being the Conservation Laws of Energy, and the Second Law is Entropy. God first created a perfectly energy efficient universe, without assymetry, where no energy was wasted. This was an Entropy free creation. However with Lucifer’s revolt, the angel of Light, the first elements of chaos and randomness where introduced into the physical Creation. In the context of the Entropy law, this is the first time there was any wasted energy evident in the physical processes of God’s Creation. Inside the cosmic bubble which is a closed system-where only energy can be exchanged with the outside environment, and all energy under the Entropy law, moves from an ordered to a disordered state. But God did not originally set it up this way. Entropy was a contingency based on the exercised freewill choice of the created beings in the First Heavens and Earth-the Angels. As long as they obeyed the laws of the Creator, the balanced original state of perfection would continue, but when His laws were violated, the introduction of evil ensued, and the Creation was ultimately ruined. Again, in the context of the Entropy law, this ruination of the First Heavens and Earth can be seen as the heat death of the Universe, corresponding to everything becoming without form and void. This was a state of maximum Entropy, where all the available energy had been used up or dissapated, and no more work could be done. (this is where the world is heading once agian, “FOR NIGHT COMETH WHEN NO MAN CAN WORK”!) Again, under the Entropy law, energy levels always tend to move towards a state of maximum Entropy in a closed system. We find evidence of this in the Genesis 1 Creation record, where God first re-orders the ruins of the First Heavens and Earth.
Genesis 1:3-4
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness.
God had to divide the light from the darkness because they were somehow “mixed together.” (This is why the Scientists are seeking to bring in DARK MATTER) This mixing of light and darkness really only makes sense scientifically in terms of the Entropy law, because it is difficult for us to imagine how darkness, which is the absence of light, can be “mixed” with its opposite. In terms of Entropy however, when we view this state in terms of available energy, the picture becomes clearer. The force of Entropy is embodied in the evil which was activated when Lucifer decided he wanted to take the place of the Almighty Creator. As the former archangel of light, Lucifer became the force which diffused and dispersed the manifested Light of God. Where he had presided over the perfect reflection of this Light back to the Creator, in honor and worship without any wasting of this energy in his first estate, he now was responsible for the refracting and absorbing of God’s Light so that some of this energy was wasted. This is what we witness today as the Entropy law in action. The situation in Genesis 1:4 reflects at state of maximum Entropy, where all physical processes have decayed & all energy is spent. Thus Lucifer was the first and biggest polluter of the world, because pollution in entropic terms is nothing but wasted energy, which can no longer be utilized for work. This was the “heat death” of the First Heavens and Earth, but it was not to be the final end of all things. The Almighty God and Heavenly Father reversed the “irreversible” force of Entropy by separating the light from the darkness, and re-energizing this light with His Spoken Word. Notice also that God called the light “good,” but He never called the darkness “good.” This is a major point of contradiction to those who hold that God created the universe “without form and void,” which in effect says that He created it with Entropy already activated. These creationists have neglected to recognize the outcome of Lucifer’s revolt and its effects on all Creation as they are recorded here in Genesis 1. In effect they blame God for ruining His own Creation, which is blasphemy. But when we realize what happened in the context of the Entropy law, the true picture becomes clear. God reclaimed a perfect order out of the chaos & destruction of the First Heavens and Earth, and set aside the Garden of Eden as a paradise for man to dwell in. God’s separation of the good light from the evil darkness, reinstituted a non-Entropy state in His Creation, where the rule of light dominated once again. This Original Paradise in the Second Heavens and Earth was a world where Entropy was again relegated to only a potential outcome, based on the freewill of the created beings dwelling therein-Adam and Eve.
We should also note that God’s Word records only three categories of Acts of Creation in the Second Heavens and Earth. They are the so-called “universe” or all things contained inside the cosmic bubble of the firmament, secondly “soul life” which did not exist in the First Heavens and Earth, and the new spiritual creation God puts inside every born again believer in the Church Age. The borders set by God around His Creation are evident in [Gen. 1:6-8, Ezek. 1:22-28] which separate His creation from His eternal dwellings in the Heaven of Heavens, which is above the watery bounds of the firmament [Ps. 148:4, Gen. 1:6-8]. There remains a Third Heavens and Earth, still future, [Rev. 21:1]. These three Heavens and Earth represent the complete record of the Creator’s activity in and with His Creation. God’s temporal order within the Second Heavens and Earth is further subdivided into Seven Spiritual Admininstrations, which we will highlight in purple in the Try-God Timeline. These seven administrations begin with the order that God restored for man in the Garden of Eden .
1. Original Paradise: When God restored order in the Second Heavens and Earth [Gen.2:1], He set aside a Garden for man to dwell in, the Garden of Eden on Earth, and he gave the male-Adam and the female-Eve dominion over the various kingdoms of life that God created in the Earth. God created them as free-will individuals, [Gen. 2:16] and the True God never oversteps the sacred trust of the boundaries of human free will. In contrast the false god and his agents operate on the basis of controlling humans against their will. To enact the principle of freedom of will, God had to have an alternative to His Will available in the Garden of Eden [Gen. 2:17], or else He would have been legislating the outcome of events in the Garden. This alternative was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve had free reign in their initial innocence in the Garden of Eden, with this one exception of the knowledge of evil. Evil was not initially active in man’s initial innocence in the Garden of Eden. The Principle of Evil [*H7489-raa], remained exclusively in the category of potential, as long as Adam and Eve chose to obey the Heavenly Father and avoid the only alternative opposed to God’s Will. When they chose this alternative, falling victim to the serpent’s temptation, [Gen. 3] calamity resulted. Evil no longer was only a potential, but it was now a reality. It’s activation had far-reaching ramifications both physically and spiritually. First, man lost his spiritual connection with God, being originally created in the image of God [Genesis 1:27-28], Who is Spirit, [John 4:24]. Man lost his dominion over the kingdoms of life in the Earth, and the Natural Order that had served him so well in the Garden, now required much more work. One unrealized consequence of the activation of this principle of Evil, that we can document scientifically, is seen in connection with the scientific Laws of the Conservation of Energy and Matter. Spiritual Entropy which preceded it’s physical counterpart, was activated at Lucifer’s revolt against God in the First Heavens and Earth. His Original Sin was the initial act of defiance where freedom of will among the angels, was exercised contrary to the will and purposes of God. This revolt caused the ruin of the First Heavens and Earth, which “became without form and void,” it was not originally created in chaos by the Father of Lights, in whom is no darkness at all. Physical Entropy, or the random disorder of a physical system, is a direct result of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, or Original Paradise, and did not begin at science’s moment of creation with the Big Bang. Death and decay were not activated until Evil became activated on the Earth. Thus the death, decay & disease that we see in the physical world can be accurately understood in the context of Physical Entropy. After the fall of man, Energy, in the physical world could only be extracted from a system, as it changes to a less ordered state, [Rom. 8:19-22]. This was formerly not so in Original Paradise. Before the activation of Evil, the Natural Order was not bound to decay and corruption, as we see the in our World and our own flesh, in the current age. This is an important distinction we must realize in the picture God’s Word paints for us, as opposed to Physics and scientific cosmology. These consequences of the activation of the principle of evil will no longer be in effect in the seventh Spiritual Administration of Final Paradise, which is a return to the principles of righteousness prior to Lucifer’s revolt and the activation of the spiritual Entropy. The Second Coming of the King of Kings, this time as the victorious conqueror, will once and for all time, set things aright with God’s Creation.
2. Patriarchal Administration: Once Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden [4091 BC], they were commanded to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth. In this age, the revelation in the celestial order held the wisdom, and declared the glory of God [Ps. 19:1], and since man’s spiritual connection with God was severed, men had to rely on God’s spiritual gift bestowed upon them conditionally, in unison with working the principles of the celestial gospel, unless God sent an angel to speak His Will. Adam had the greatest understanding of this wisdom, and he taught the principles of the celestial gospel direct to his offspring for the following 930 years of his life. These principles of God’s Word written in the Stars, apply in all six of the Spiritual Administrations within the Second Heavens and Earth. The prophecies of the coming redeemer of mankind were first written in the heavens, and were read successfully by the Magi at the first coming of the Messiah, even after the Scriptures of the Old Testament were given by inspiration of God, to Moses and the O.T. Prophets. Even so, there are celestial signs and prophecies that apply to his Second Coming also. This is one of the central purposes of the Try-God Web-site, to provide educational resources for believers who are interested in this important area of research. The Patriarchal Administration can be spilt into the antidiluvian period prior to Noah’s Flood [2305 BC] and the time after the flood, or the post-diluvian period. As God made a Covenant with Abraham regarding his seed, and Abraham rose up to believe this Covenant, he was made not only the Father of Believers, but of many Nations. God’s Covenant proceeded in the seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel. The Principles of the Patriarchal Age, were superceded spiritually by the Mosaic Law, and God’s Written Word in the Old Testament, but the Written Scriptures also serve to establish the principles of the Celestial Gospel, even as its truths are applied in future Spiritual Administrations.
10,806 BC. Opening of the Precession Age of Leo the Lion.
9000 BC. Einkorn wheat is domesticated in Palestine, sheep and goats are domesticated in Persia.
8646 BC. Opening of the Precessional Age of Cancer the Crab, also depicted as the Northern and Southern Asses in this sign of the zodiac.
8500 BC. Agricultural societies are evident from archaeological records in the area of modern Peru, raising potatos, beans and pumpkins. Roots of the Mayan culture (Olmecs) of Central America begin to make astronomical calculations and construct related buildings.
7500 BC. Early archaeological records of fortifications at Jericho.
Beer is brewed in Mesopotamia.
6486 BC. Opening of the Precessional Age of Gemini the twins.
5702 BC. Early date for the use of the Sothic Calendar in ancient Egypt, the first known calendar based on a 365-day year, or 12 months of 30 days with 5 “festival days” added at the end of each year. This is evidence of the early sophistication of astronomical practices in ancient Egypt that can be dated at this early time in history, due to the regular 1,460-year Sothic cycle. Roman historian Censorinus stated that the Heliacal Rising of the star Sirius, the foundation of the Sothic cycle, occurred at the start of the solar year in 139 AD. As we calculate back from that date every 1,460 years we arrive at the dates of 1322, 2782, 4242 and 5702 BC. The last date agrees with archaeological records like the original eastern axis of the Dendera zodiac which intersects Orion, that lies between Gemini and Taurus, on the zodiac. This matches the precessional ages that bracket this entry on our Try-God Timeline.
4326 BC. Opening of the Precessional Age of Taurus the Bull. Recognition of this cycle in ancient Egypt is supported by the iconography of the cult of the Apis Bull. The dominant icons of Egyptian culture were transformed to the Ram-god Ammon, at the start of the next precessional Age of Aries the Ram, providing further support for the ancient’s knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes.
4300 BC. The Dendera zodiac including its 36 decans, marks the sign Gemini at the spring equinox, providing more indications of celestial observation with an awareness of the precession, prior to 4300 BC.
4242 BC. Archaeological records of Nile River culture, in the Egyptian Delta region. This coincides with the middle date of the Sothic Calendar, based on the rising of the star Sirius of Canis Major, the brightest star in the heavens after the Sun, Moon and Venus, the brightest of the planets of our solar system.
4091 BC. The beginning of Adam’s years according to his age of 130 years at the time of Seth’s birth. This marks the beginning of the Patriarchal Age/Administration. Obviously this followed the Biblical Administration of the Original Paradise. We don’t know how long Adam and Eve lived during this period.
4000 BC. Ancient accounting practices documented on Sumerian Clay tokens.
3961 BC. Biblical date for the birth of Seth after Adam & Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, 1656 years prior to Noah’s Flood in 2305 BC. Adam was 130 years old at this time according to [Gen. 5:3-5]
3500 BC. Sumerian City-States of Ur, Erech, Accad, Nippur, Eridu, Kish and Lagash. Ancient Cylinder Seals were found in these cities, that were used to seal contracts and other documents. Solid wheels are in use in Mesopotamia.
3440 BC. Date for the alignment of the of the alpha star-Thuban of Draco down the star shaft of the Great Pyramid, reflecting the upper limit of this star’s polar cycle in the precession of the poles.
3400 BC. Egyptian Heiroglyphics. Historical records of a flood in Ur.
3200 BC. Canaanite Culture in Palestine with walled cities in Megiddo, Hazor and Jebus, perhaps this gives archaeological evidence of the origin of a group called the Pali Shepherds, who settled in ancient Egypt as forerunners of the Hyksos. Also in Ireland, astronomically oriented megalithic stones were erected at Newgrange.
3150 BC. Sumerian-Akkadian Cylinder Seal including the “Royal Stars” at the Cardinal Directions, is implied archaeological evidence that the knowledge of the entire zodiac existed in ancient Sumeria-Akkad, due to the symbolism of these four key stars representing the entire zodiac.
3114 BC. The start of the Mayan calendar on August 11th, whose 5th Sun, or age is predicted to come to a catastrophic end in 2012 AD.
3100 BC. Menes/Narmer unifies Northern and Southern Egypt according Dr. Richard Parker’s rendering of a First Dynasty Tablet. He also notes that the goddess Hathor is depicted as a reclining Cow with a star between her horns at the vernal equinox. This is nearly identical to Hathor’s rendering 3000 years later on Dendera’s zodiac found in Ptolemaic temples to the same goddess. The Sothic Calendar was also used during this period in ancient Egypt, as further evidence of the advanced state of Egyptian Astronomy prior to 3100 BC. Stonehenge I is built on the Salisbury plain in England.
3100-2700 BC. First and Second Egyptian Dynasties (18 Pharaohs).
3000 BC. Babylonian Eclipse records, along with Sumerian Cuneiform script. Minoan Culture on Crete, and water clocks and abacus found in China.
2800 BC. 365-day, Lunar Calendar in Egypt.
2750 BC. Epic of Gilgamesh, which provides a record of the flood, and is organized in 12 sections in all liklihood, supporting the 12 month 360-day calendar in Babylon at, or before this date.
2700-2200 BC. Egyptian Old Kingdom Dynasties 3-6.
2653 BC. Chinese Lunar Calendar/zodiac.
2670 BC. Saqqara Step-Pyramid in Egypt.
2589-2566 BC. Pharaoh Khufu/Cheops
2570 BC. Traditional construction period of the Great Pyramid.
2550 BC. Pyramid of Kephren.
2500 BC. Pyramid of Mykinerus.
2450 BC. Heliopolitan Priests of Ra, the Sun-god of Egypt.
2340 BC. Sargon I, the first Mesopotamian Empire. Sumerian scribes use a schematic year with 12 months of 30 days in their 360-day year.
2403 BC. Birth of Shem when Noah was 502 years old [Gen. 5:32, 11:10]
2305 BC. The Year of Noah’s Flood 98 years after Shem’s birth when Noah was 600 years old according to [Gen. 7:6].
2303 BC. Birth of Arphaxad when Shem was 100 years old [Gen. 11:12-13] 2 years after the flood.
2296 BC. Chinese & Babylonian records of a Comet, in the earliest known historical Comet sighting.
2200 BC. Sumerian 12 month luni-solar calendar, with an Intercalation added every 8 years to stay in synch with the seasons.
2200-2040 BC. Intermediate Egyptian Dynasties 7-10.
2170 BC. Later traditional date for the building of the Great Pyramid according to the astronomical alignments of Charles Piazzi-Smyth, when the star Thuban of Draco shone down the Great Pyramid’s descending passage at the lower limit of Thuban’s polar cycle in the precession of the poles.
2166 BC. Opening year of the Precessional Age of Aries the Ram.
2100 BC. The ziggurat at Ur is built.
1953 BC. Birth of Abram. A Jupiter-Saturn triple Conjunction also marks Abram’s birth. This date also fits chronologically & Biblically with the 350 years that elapsed between Arphaxad’s birth and the birth of Abram when Terah was 130 years old [Gen. 11:26,32; 12:1]. Along with the triple unions of Jupiter-Saturn concurrent with the births of Moses and Jesus, the spiritual impact of this key planetary Conjunction cycle is realized in history. This triple planetary union also marks the start of the Chinese Calendar based on the 12-year Jupiter cycle.
1920-1911 BC. Abram with Melchisedek [Gen. 14:17-20, Heb.11:8-12] Abram sought a city whose builder and maker was God. The foundations of Jerusalem are found with Melchizedek, the King of Salem.
1877 BC. Abraham’s decsent into Canaan includes his time in Egypt [total 430 years of Ex. 12:40] where He had opportunities to teach the tenets of the Astronomy of the Biblical Patriarchs.
1853 BC. Birth of Isaac. Also during the 18th Century BC, the Standard Nippur Calendar was employed consisting of 12, 29-30 day months.
1700 BC. Birth of Joseph
1683 BC. Joseph arrives in Egypt. The Pharaoh in Egypt at this time was Amenemhat III, who reigned for 47 years according to Rohl’s New Biblical Chronolgy, including Joseph’s time as Vizier starting in 1670.
1667-1653 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty KingSumuabum
1662-1447 BC. Israelite sojourn in Egypt according to Rohl’s New
Biblical Chronology. This 215 year period which is half the total period indicated in Exodus 12:40 [the total 430 years includes their sojourn in the land of Canaan also]. This 215 year period marks the time from Joseph’s entry into Egypt, not Abraham, constituting the entire 430 years.
1670 BC. Joseph as Vizier of Egypt, relating to a Biblical record of the knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes, [Genesis 37] which would have been handed down in oral teachings from the Biblical Patriarchs. Joseph was 30 according to [Gen. 41:46].
The Hebrew zodiac is also recorded in Genesis 49 and Deut. 33, in the Song of Moses.
1653-1617 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty KingSumulael
1645 BC. Death of Jacob 17 years after he arrives [1662 BC] in Egypt.
1617-1603 BC. Babylomian 1st Dynasty King Sabium
1603-1685 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty King Apilsin
1600 BC. 12th Late Egyptian Dynasty.
1585-1565 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty King Sinmuballit
1522-1484 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty King Samsuiluna
1600-1450 BC. Hyksos Period during the 13th to 17th Egyptian Dynasties, when they introduced the horse in Egypt. Chaldean zodiac.
1565-1522 BC. Babylonian Star Atlas compiled under Hammurabi, [Gen. 14:1 “Amraphel”=”Ammurapi” transliterated].
1533 BC. Birth of Moses according to astronomical dating. The astronomical date verifying the birth of Moses is based on the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction cycle that also preceded the Birth of Christ, gives us firm historical footing seven centuries prior to Conventional History. Rohl dates the Birth of Moses in 1527 BC.
1484-1456 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty King Aiesha
1453-1412 BC. Moses 10 plagues on Egypt, followed by the Exodus and 40 years wandering in the wilderness. On April 10th, of 1453 BC Jupiter the king planet appears in Aries, the Passover lamb, marking the first Passover for Israel as God delivered them from bondage in Egypt via the Ministry of Moses. During this time the origin of the Tabernacle of Israel with all its furnishings, the 10 Commandments and the Pentateuch are all initiated according to God’s Divine Revelation. With the Hebrew Menorah included in these Tabernacle furnishings, we have the first known heliocentric model of the Solar System. This 40 year wilderness period is completed when the Israelites cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land.
1456-1419 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty King Ammiditana
Old Testament Law Administration: The principles of the Old Testament Law based on the Ten Commandments and the first five books of the Bible written by Moses, plus the Book of Job, addressing the Patriarchal Administration, tell the story and set the standard by which God could bring about the redemption of man via the substitution of a blood sacrifice. In the Old Testament it was the blood of bulls and goats, but it would eventually lead to the perfect one-time sacrifice of the only begotten Son of God, the Promised Seed, King and High Priest of Israel. The Sacred Architecture of the Old Testament Tabernacle and Temple which housed the Ark of the Covenant, in the Holy of the Holies, represented the presence of God among His chosen people of that age, Israel who would engender His Only Begotten Son. Further details on this are recorded in the Psalms and Prophets of the Old Testament through Malachi. Israel was separate from the Gentile nations as indicated in the structure of the courts of the Temple and Tabernacle, where no Gentile was allowed except in the Temple’s Outer Courts. The Law Administration was consummated in the ministry of John the Baptist, who acted as a transition between the Old Covenant, and as the forerunner of the Ministry of Christ.
1419-1398 BC. King Ammisaduga in Babylon’s First Dynasty.
1411 BC. Joshua leads Israel in conquering Jericho, into their inheritance in the Promised Land.
1398-1362 BC. Babylonian 1st Dynasty King Samsuditana
1361 BC. Chinese Astronomers first record a lunar eclipse.
1350 BC. A 22-letter alphabet used by the Phoenicians, similar to the Hebrew’s is founded. Decimal numbers used in China.
1203-1194 BC. 19th Egytian Dynasty
1200 BC. decan “Aquila” pictured as a bird in Babylon. This is the Northern Eagle depicted in the four faces of the Cherubim, in reference to the Cardinal Directions. This eagle replaced the serpent of the Tribe of Dan on the zodiac of Israel.
The following are the Egyptian Pharaoh’s of the 18th Dynasty, according to David Rohl’s dates based on the astronomical dating verified in the “Ugarit solar Eclipse at Sunset.” This gives us firm historical footing at least 400 years prior to Conventional History.
1194-1170 BC. Pharaoh Ahmose.
1170-1150 BC. Pharoah Amenhotep
1150-1139 BC. Thutmose I
1139-1138 BC. Thutmose II
1138-1085 BC. Thutmose III
1131-1116 BC. Co-regent Hapshetsut
1085-1059 BC. Amenhotep II
1059-1050 BC. Thutmose IV
1050-1012 BC. Amenhotep III
1034 BC. Birth of David youngest son of Jesse, born in Bethlehem.
1027-1005 BC. Prophet and Judge Samuel anoints Saul Israel’s first King. The Amarna Letters addressed to Pharaoh from Palestinian rulers, record the “Habiru,” or the Hebrew mercenary forces under David, active during King Saul’s reign.
1022-1006 BC. Akhenaten introduces monotheism into Egypt.
May 9th 1012 BC. Near sunset Ugarit Solar eclipse, happening months after the death of Amenhotep III according to the Amarna letters chronology.
1011-1007 BC. Neferneferuaten is co-regent with Akhenaten.
1006-1003 BC. Smenkhkare is co-regent with Akhenaten.
1003-995 BC. Tutankhamun is sole ruler.
1010-931 BC. Kings David and Solomon rule Israel [I Kings 6:1]. David writes the Psalms which include knowledge of the Sun’s transits, tropical borders and the obliquity cycle.
970 BC. Solomon succeeds David as King of Israel. The dates of the Hebrew Kings below, are found in Edwin Thiele’s “The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings,” recording the divided monarchies of Isreal & Judah starting in 930 BC.
930 BC. The Nations of Judah and Israel are established.
930-913 BC. Rehoboam rules Judah
930-909 BC. Jeroboam rules Israel
913-910 BC. Abijah rules Judah
910-869 BC. Asa rules Judah
910-880 BC. Co-regencies
910 BC. Asa in the 20th year of Jeroboam
909-908 BC. Nadab in the 2nd year of Asa
908-886 BC. Baasha in the 3rd year of Asa
886-885 BC. Elah in the 26th year of Asa
885 BC. Zimri reigned 7 days in the 27th year of Asa
885-880 BC. Tibni in [I Kings 16:21]
885-880 BC. Omri reigns in a divided kingdom with Tibni, in the 27th year of Asa
880-874 BC. Omri’s sole reign in the 31st year of Asa
874-853 BC. Ahab in the 38th year of Asa
872-869 BC. Jehoshaphat rules in Judah with Asa.
869-848 BC. Jehoshaphat’s sole reign after the death of Asa.
853-852 BC. Ahaziah in the 17th year of Jehoshaphat
853-848 BC. Jehoram coregent with Ahaziah
853 BC. Battle of Karkar where Ahab is listed by Shalmaneser III on the “Black Obelisk,” as one of the kings who opposed him in this battle. This is the final year of Ahab’s reign. This provides an important historical Sychronism between Hebrew & Assyrian history. [See Edwin Thiele’s “The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings“]
852-841 BC. Joram is coregent with Ahaziah and Jehoram
850 BC. Herodotus dates Homer’s writing of the Iliad and the Odessy, where 6 of the 12 Constellations of the zodiac are mentioned, including Sirius of Canis Major. These Constellations are also mentioned by Hesiod, in his writings unifying mythology.
848-841 BC. Jehoram sole reign in the 5th year of Joram
841-814 BC. Jehu rules in Israel
841-835 BC. Athaliah rules in Judah
835-796 BC. Joash rules in Judah in the 6th year of Jehu
814-798 BC. Jehoahaz rules in Israel in the 23rd year of Joash
800 BC. Mexican Pyramids built by the Olmecs.
798-782 BC. Jehoash rules in Israel in the 37th year of Joash
796-767 BC. Amaziah rules in Judah in the 2nd year of Jehoash
793-782 BC. Jeroboam II starts coregency in Israel
792-767 BC. Azariah put on throne in Judah by the people
788-777 BC. Jeroboam II begins sole reign in Israel
776 BC. Ancient Olympic Games.
767 BC. Azariah begins sole reign in Israel the 27th year of Jeroboam II.
763 BC. June 15th Solar Eclipse recorded in Assyrian texts, in the 10th year of King Assurdan III, providing the traditional fixed astronomical date for Assyrian history recorded in the Eponymy of Bur-Sagale.
755-745 BC. Ashur-Nirari V rules in Assyria
753 BC. Zechariah rules in Israel for 6 months in Azariah’s 38th year
752 BC. Shallum rules in Israel for 1 month in the 39th year of Azariah
752-742 BC. Menahem rules in Israel in the 39th year of Azariah
752-732 BC. Pekah rules as coregent in Israel
750-732 BC. Jotham rules in Judah in the 2nd year of Pekah
750 BC. Zoroaster posits the ancient dualism of good and evil as part of Zoroastrian religion. Zoroastrianism was monotheistic, prophesied of a king who would raise the dead, and transform the world into a kingdom of peace, originating from the descendants of Abraham. Babylonians record first almanacs of Lunar Cycles.
745-727 BC. Tiglath-Pileser III rules in Assyria [“Pul” in II Kgs. 15:19]
742-740 BC. Pekahiah rules in Israel in the 50th year of Azariah
740 BC. Pekah begins sole reign in Israel in the 52nd year of Azariah
738 BC. Year Eight of rule of Tiglath-Pileser III
735-715 BC. Ahaz rules in Judah in the 17th year of Pekah
732-723 BC. Hoshea rules in Israel in the 20th year of Jotham
727-722 BC. Shalmaneser V rules in Assyria
723 BC. Fall of Samaria, Kingdom of Israel ceases to exist
722-705 BC. Sargon II rules in Assyria
722-21 BC. The Babylonian Captivity of Israel is marked with Sargon II destruction of Israel’s northern Kingdom. This is marked in the heavens with a scene that matches Rev. 12:1-2 with Mars, Moon and Venus all at Virgo’s feet, indicative of “Jacob’s trouble.”
715-686 BC. Hezekiah rules in unified Judah, reestablishing true priestly services in the Temple. Hezekiah begins coregency in Judah in Hoshea’s 3rd year
705-681 BC. Sennacherib rules in Assyria
701 BC. Sennacherib attacks Hezekiah during Hezekiah’s 14th year of reign. [II Kings 18 & 20]
696-686 BC. Manasseh rules as coregent in Judah
686-652 BC. Manasseh’s sole reign in Judah
687-626 BC. Mul Apin Tablets, copies of which contained sources at least 500 years older, were kept in King Ashurbanipal’s library in Nineveh of ancient Babylon, burnt in 612 BC. Sources from these tablets are the basis for the majority of conventional history of Astronomy from this period.
664 BC. Assyrians sack city of Thebes in Egypt.
642-640 BC. Amon rules in Judah
605-520 BC. The Prophet Daniel resides as Chief of Babylon’s Court Astrologers and the genuine Magi, providing accurate teachings of Biblical Astronomy Principles to the predecessors of the Wise Men who would eventually seek out the prophesied Christ child.
641-609 BC. Josiah rules in Judah
626-605 BC. Nabopolassar rules in Babylon
621 BC. An eclipse is recorded on April 22nd during the 5th year of Nabopolassar’s rule in Babylon.
630-619 BC. Prophet Jeremiah begins his warnings in the 13th year of Josiah. His prophetic warnings last 23 years, to the 4th year of the rule of Jehoiakim
609 BC. Jehoahaz rules for 3 months in Judah
609-598 BC. Jehoiakim rules for 11 years in Judah.
605-594 BC. Nebuchadnezzar rules in Babylon in the 3rd year of Jehoiakim
605 BC. Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar defeat the Egyptians at the Battle of Carchemish, imposing Babylonian rule over Palestine, in the 21st year of Nabopolassar. [Dan. 1:1, Jer. 46:2,10,26]
598-597 BC. Jehoiachin rules 3 months in Judah before he’s exiled to Babylon in the 8th year of Nebuchadnezzar
597-586 BC. Zedekiah rules in Judah 11 years until the fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Captivity
586 BC. The fall of Jerusalem and Hebrew Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem is destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.
585 BC. Thales of Miletus predicts a solar eclipse that occurs on May 28th.
568 BC. An eclipse is recorded in Ptolemy’s Almagest on July 4th in the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar’s rule in Babylon.
561 BC. Jehoiachin released in the 37th year of his Babylonian Captivity
539 BC. Cyrus the Great leads the Persian army in conquering Babylon. Under the Persian King’s influence, the Israelites are allowed to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem.
538-530 BC. Cyrus rules Persia for 9 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
535-515 BC. The Temple rebuilt under Zerubabel the governor of Judah.
529-522 BC. Cambyses rules Persia for 8 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
523 BC. Ptolemy records an eclipse in the 7th year of Cambyses on July 16th, in the Almagest. Cambyses dies in 522 BC, the first year of Darius’ reign.
523-522 BC. An amazing array of celestial signs starting in July of 523 BC, leading to a triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Virgo gave the Prophet Daniel a great example to teach the Magi about the tenets of Biblical Astronomy leading up to the birth of Christ. This set of signs from late summer of 523 BC to the fall of 522 BC, in Virgo would set the stage for the signs marking the Birth of Christ in 3-2 BC in Virgo, as seen in Revelation 12:1-2.
522 BC. Darius I acceeds to Cyrus’ throne, embracing the positive principles of Zoroastrianism, with the Court still under the influence of Daniel. During the reign of “Darius the Mede,” the Jerusalem temple was rebuilt, and engravings on a rock cliff ordered by him, were decoded by Sir Henry Rawlinson, a British Army Officer stationed in Persia. These writings of Darius’ exploits on the “Behistun Rock,” written in three ancient languages (Persian, Elamite & Babylonian) proved to be the key which unlocked the treasures of the Babylonian Language.
502 BC. An eclipse is recorded in Ptolemy’s Almagest on November 19th, during the 20th year of Darius’ rule in Persia.
491 BC. Ptolemy records a lunar eclipse on April 25th in the 31st year of King Darius, according to the Almagest. Darius rules 36 years until 486 BC.
485-465 BC. Xerxes rules Persia for 21 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
464-424 BC. Artaxerxes I rules Persia for 41 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
450 BC. Greek Physician Hippocratus of Cos recognizes that disease has natural causes.
432 BC. Meton of Athens, the famed ancient astronomer and namesake of the Metonic Cycle, observes the summer Solstice in Athens.
423-405 BC. Darius II rules Persia for 19 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
404-359 BC. Artaxerxes II rules Persia for 46 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
400 BC. Greek Philosopher Democritus develops atomic theory that all matter consists of atoms.
384 BC. Birth of Aristotle
358-338 BC. Ochus rules Persia for 21 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
352 BC. Chinese record earliest known supernova.
350 BC. Aristotle completes his work “On the Heavens.”
340 BC. Babylonian astronomer Cidenas proposes the precession of the equinoxes. Aristotle teaches geocentric cosmic harmony.
337-336 BC. Arses rules Persia for 2 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
335-332 BC. Darius III rules Persia for 4 years according to Ptolemy’s Canon.
330 BC. Greek Mariner Pytheas of Massilia proposes that tides are caused by the Moon.
310-230 BC. Aristarchus of Samos proposes a heliocentric solar system. [270 BC]
280 BC. The Pharos lighthouse is built on an island off Alexandria, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
270 BC. Archimedes’ cosmology applies the mathematics of Pi, to a rudimenatary structure of the cosmos.
240 BC. Eratosthenes accurately calculates the circumference of the Earth. Chinese astronomers make first mention of Halley’s Comet, who observe it again in 87 BC.
200 BC. Archimedes’ Screw is used to pump water for irrigation.
190 BC. Birth of Hipparchus of Rhodes
170-100 BC. Ptolemy- author of the Almagest Star Atlas which would dominate Astronomy until Copernicus.
150 BC. Hipparchus completes his “Commentary on Aratus and Eudoxus.”
135-134 BC. A Sabbatical year according to the Hebrew Calendar.
130 BC. Hipparchus of Rhodes is given credit for “discovering” the precession of the equinoxes over 1500 years later than early Bible records in Genesis 37 make reference to it. Hipparchus put the Constellation Aries at the vernal equinox, establishing a separation between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs, which was probably applied in somewhat earlier astrological texts.
125 BC. supernova in the decan Coma, renamed “Coma Bernieces” by Roman astrologers. This is the General Sign of the Celestial Prelude, a precursor to the series of astronomical signs marking the birth of Christ.
80 BC. Dating of the Antikythera Astrolabe the earliest known “computer” applying similar principles that Charles Babbage’s machine used about 2000 years later. This shows a technical sophistication of the ancients far in advance of what was previously thought.
37 BC. Herod the Great begins his reign as king in Judea. 37-36 BC was also a Sabbatical year according to the Hebrew Calendar.
19 BC. Herod begins construction of the Temple in Jerusalem which takes 46 years. [John 2:20]
12 BC. Halley’s Comet
7 BC. The Specific Signs of the Celestial Prelude. 8-7 BC was also a Sabbatical year according to the Hebrew Calendar.
6 BC. Opening of the Precessional Age of Pisces, marked by the signs of the Celestial Prelude. According to scholars, this opening of the Piscean Age was marked astronomically with a February massing planets in Pisces, following the triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in 7-6 BC.
5 BC. Chinese (Han-Dynasty) astronomers record a Nova in Capricorn in the spring, visible for over 70 days. They also record two visible Comets in the same year.
3-1 BC. Series of astronomical signs surrounding the Birth of Christ on September 11th 3 BC, including the triple Conjunction of Jupiter-Regulus in Leo in 3-2 BC.
1 BC. Death of Herod following the total lunar eclipse starting on January 9th. This was also a Sabbatical year according to the Hebrew Calendar. Tetrarchy of Philip. Herod Antipas-Tetrarch of Galilee & Perea.
1 BC-6 AD. Archelaus [Samaria, Judea & Idumea]
12-13 AD. First year of Tiberius Ceasar.
The Christ Administration: The unofficial start of the Jesus Christ’s ministry was at his baptism by John the Baptist. This occurred in the month Shebat on the 20th, equivalent to our February 16th, of 27 AD. June of 27 AD at Pentecost, Jesus officially opens his ministry as an Apostle [Luke 4:17-21] in the Sabbatical Year of 27-28AD. On our September 20th of this “Acceptable Year of the Lord” Jesus turned 30, which was the traditional entry of Israelite males into manhood. The date on the Hebrew calendar was Tishri 1, the Anniversary of Creation according to their tradition, and the day recognized in the regnal years of the Kings of Israel. The Transfiguration occurred on Tishri 10, [Matt. 16:13-28] on Mt. Hermon. The week of April 22nd to the 30th, of 28 AD in the following year, Jesus had his two entries into Jerusalem, along with all the events leading up to the Last Supper and his Passion, and sacrifice. He became sin, who knew no sin for our sakes, and for our redemption. The promised seed and redeemer of mankind had fulfilled his God-appointed mission, setting the stage for the most glorious Age since Original Paradise, the Age of Grace, kept secret by God since the world began.
27 AD. The Sabbath of Shebat 20 (Feb. 16) Jesus is Baptised by John, and recieves the holy spirit in the form of a dove. This begins the “70 weeks determined on Israel and Jerusalem” [Dan. 9:24], 69 of which pertain directly to the ministry of Jesus Christ, [Dan. 9:25] during his first advent. Tishri 1 marked the end of the 15th year of Tiberius when Jesus started his 30th year [Luke 3:1]. Tishri 10, Day of Atonement, began a Sabbatical Year which marked Jesus’ ministry as the High Priest in Israel.
27 AD. March 27th marked the start of the 46th year of the building of the temple in Jerusalem, a sacred event recorded on the sacred Hebrew Calendar beginning in Nisan. John 2:20 was spoken at Passover.
28 AD. Nisan 14, (April 27-28th) Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, 62 weeks plus 3 days from Shebat 20 of 27 AD. Daniel 9:26 says AFTER 62 weeks (has already passed) the Messiah shall be cut off… Thus 3 days into the 63rd week, the crucifixion took place, followed 3 days later by the Resurrection.
28 AD. Iyyar 28th (June 10th), 40 days later was the Ascension [Luke 24:51].
28 AD. Sivan 8 (June 20th) 10 days later, was the Day of Pentecost, when the Apostles first spoke in tongues [Acts 2:1-4], 69 weeks from Shebat 20 of 27 AD [Dan. 9:25]. This agrees with the legal requirement that Jesus as the embodiment of the Passover Lamb, was a “lamb of the 1st year,” and rules out any timeline that calculates the length of the ministry of Christ as any time longer than 2 years. The 70th week is still future, and will be fulfilled in the Book of Revelation, with the events concerning the Antichrist, following the Age of GRACE.
The Grace Administration: Beginning on the Day of Pentecost in 28 AD, ten days following the Lord’s Ascension, when the 12 apostles first spoke in tongues, they manifested the evidence of the New Birth, that was spiritually made available for the first time. Now the spiritual image of God is restored to people who believe in Christ as their personal savior, as Romans 10:9-10 states. The dwelling place of God is no longer symbolized in the Ark of the Covenant, but in the heart of the individual Christian believer, and in the Church, collectively with Christ as its Head and Chief Cornerstone [Eph. 2:20-22]. God’s Word is no longer confined to Israel only, but the Gentiles are made fellow-heirs with Christ by Grace, through faith, not of works. Thus all men may share in the promises of Salvation through Christ, and his Church, where the Judeans and Gentiles are of the same Body [Eph. 3:6]. As the Church spreads the Word of Salvation over the Earth, we approach the fullness of times and the end of this age. This entire age is summarized in [I Tim. 3:16]. The current Age of Grace will be consummated when Christ Returns for his Saints at the “gathering together,” to meet the believers of the Church of his Body in the air, and we will forever reside in Christ with God.
26 AD-35 AD. Pontius Pilate in Judea, he was dismissed by Vitellius to Rome by 36 AD and Marcellus was sent to govern in his place.
37 AD. Tiberius dies, Nero is born.
41 AD. Caligula murdered Jan. 24th, accession of Claudius. Judea was added to the Tetrarchies of Philip & Antipas.
44 AD. Herod Agrippa I, the Tetrarch dies [Acts 12:21ff]. The Apostle Paul goes to Jerusalem, Judeans and Gentiles are first called “Christians” in Antioch.
48-49 AD. A Sabbatical year in the Council at Jerusalem [Acts 15] was held. The Apostle Paul also wrote the book of Galatians.
55-56 AD. A Sabbatical year when Paul wrote the book of first Corinthians.
60 AD. Felix’ reign as Governor of Judea ends, while the Apostle Paul is bound at Caesarea, succeeded by Festus.
70 AD. Herod’s Jerusalem Temple is destroyed as predicted by Christ.
100 AD. Birth of Ptolemy
139 AD. Roman historian Censorinus calculates that the Heliacal Rising of the star Sirius, the foundation of the Sothic Calendar occurred at the start of the solar year in 139 AD. As we calculate back from this date every 1,460 years we arrive at the dates of 1322, 2782, 4242 and 5702 BC. 139-140 AD was also a Sabbatical year according to the Hebrew Calendar.
150 AD. Ptolemy completes the Almagest.
365 AD. Moons of Jupiter are discovered by Chinese Astronomers.
827 AD. Arabic translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest.
868 AD. First printed book produced in China (a Buddist Scripture).
990 AD. Andromeda Nebula is discovered by Arab astronomer Al Sufi.
1054 AD. supernova explosion in Taurus is observed by Chinese astronomers, later to become the Crab Nebula.
1066 AD. Prominent Comet sighted in connection with William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, later called Halley’s Comet.
1453 AD. Gutenburg Bible.
1472 AD. German Astronomer Johann Muller re-discovers the comet that would later be named Halley’s Comet.
1517 AD. Martin Luther’s “95 Theses,” begin the Reformation in Europe, putting God’s Word in the lanuage of the common people.
1543 AD. Copernicus lays out the heliocentric theory of planetary motion just prior to his death. He believed “the Universe had been built for us by a Supremely Good and Orderly God.”
1572 AD. Tycho Brahe observes a supernova as bright as Venus, also recorded in Chinese astronomical records. His mistaken geocentric view influenced by the Church’s view of the day, shows the effect of his Christian faith. Providentially, Kepler also a Christian, and partner for a time with Brahe, corrected this error using Tycho’s own celestial observations and charts. [see next entry]
1592 AD. Johannes Kepler’s Mysterium Cosmographicum leads the way to his development of the Laws of Planetary Motion. Kepler as a Christian stated that ” the Cosmos was a sacred sermon, a hymn to God the Creator.”
1600 AD. Giordano Bruno is burned at the stake as a heretic, by the Roman Catholics for supporting a heliocentric concept of the solar system.
1603-1604 AD. Kepler’s Nova, the supernova he discovers in Ophiuchus. Johann Bayer’s influential celestial atlas called Uranometria.
1609 AD. Galileo builds his first telescope. He saw 2 books opened to him, the Grand book of the Universe to be comprehended in the alphabet and language of mathematics, and the Second Book as the Bible. Both Books were complementary because they originated from the same Author. Kepler’s “New Astronomy” sets out the Laws of Planetary Motion, considered by many the inception of modern scientific Astronomy.
1610 AD. Galileo describes his discoveries on Sunspots, Moon craters, and 4 of Jupiters Moons, disproving geocentric cosmology.
1611 AD. King James Version of the Bible.
1616 AD. Copernicus’ work On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies, is placed on the prohibited book list by the Roman Catholics
1633 AD. The Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church forces Galileo to recant his heliocentric concept of the solar system. They did not lift their condemnation of him until 350 years after his death. They still have not lifted their condemnation of Martin Luther, over 500 years later!
1647 AD. Hevelius’ Lunar Map called Selenographia.
1682 AD. Edmund Halley observes the Comet that would eventually bear his name in 1705 AD.
1686 AD. Isaac Newton presents the first volume of Principia, outlining his laws of motion and gravititation. In his book “Optics,” Newton acknowlegded that God, in the beginning formed matter… from impenetrable particles of such size and proportion most conduced to their ends…”
1705 AD. Edmund Halley predicts a returning comet which is named for him upon its return in 1758 AD.
1727 AD. Newton dies on March 20th in London.
1787 AD. Sir William Herschel discovers the planet Uranus.
1845 AD. Michael Faraday relates light to magnetism and proposes light as electromagnetism. In an 1854 lecture, speaking of the hope that is set before us…”as if man by reasoning could find out God…I have never seen anything incompatible between the things of man which can be known by the spirit of man within him, and those higher things known by the Spirit of God.”
1846 AD. Planet Neptune discovered by Galle.
1873 AD. James Clerk-Maxwell proposes the basic laws of electro-magnetism and predicts radio waves. His obit notice in Nature Magazine read:”His simple Christian faith gave him a peace too deep to be ruffled by bodily pain or external circumstances.”
1905 AD. Einstein Proposes his Special Theory of Relativity. He did not believe that the Creator God “played dice” in reference to chance and probability.
1929 AD. Edwin Hubble provides scientific confirmation of an “Expanding Universe.”
1930 AD. Pluto discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.
1957 AD. Soviet Union launches Sputnik I & II, Earth’s first man-made satellite, launching the “Space Race.”
1967 AD. The Seven-Day War in Israel, where Jerusalem once again comes under the Israeli rule, in a Sabbatical Year according to the Hebrew Calendar. The discovery of the first Pulsar by Burnell & Hewish.
1969 AD. Apollo 11 puts Man on the Moon.
1974 AD. Soviet space probe lands on Mars.
1981 AD. First flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia.
1986 AD. Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
1990 AD. Hubble Space Telescope deployed by Space Shuttle Discovery. Magellan space probe reaches Venus mapping 98% of its surface with radar.
1996 AD. March 25th Comet Hyakutake crosses the Star Algol in Perseus.
1997 AD. March Comet Hale-Bopp crosses the star Algol in Rosh Satan [Satan’s head] in Perseus, at the same place Comet Hyakutake crossed the previous year to the day. A Jubilee year according to the Hebrew Calendar significant for deliverance in Israel and the 2000th anniversary year of the birth of Christ.
2000 AD. International Space Station gets its first working crew members.
2001 AD. On September 11th, the 2003rd Anniversary of the Birth of Christ, Muslim Terrorists attack the World Trade Center in New York, and the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
2009 AD. Sabbatical Year according to the ancient Calendar of Israel.
9-20-2009 “Day Of Trumpets” [Tishri 1]
9-29-2009 “Day of Atonement”
10-4-2009 1st Day of the Feast of Tabernacles
10-12-2009 Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles
12-12-2009 Feast of Dedication [Hannukah]
2012 AD. The End of the World [fifth Sun or Age] according to the Mayan Long Count, on Dec. 21st with a “galactic alignment.”
The Revelation Administration: The “End Times” including the Great Tribulation triggered by the “Gathering Together” [I Thess. 4:13-18], also popularly known as the “Rapture.” This is the first of two phases of the personal presence of Christ Jesus, the Return of the Lord for his Saints. The lightbearers of the Age of Grace (only those believers of the Church of the Body of Christ, born and born again after the Day of Pentecost-Acts 2:1ff), are taken up to be with the Lord in our new spiritual bodies [I Cor. 15:54]. The unbelievers and those that have not heard enough to believe, in the Age of Grace, along with those of the Bride of Israel and Old Testament Believers remain unaffected by these events. This “Departure” of Believers to be with the Lord, removes the spiritual light that is the restraining force preventing the Antichrist from revealing himself on the Earth. Since this obstacle is now taken out of the way [II Thess. 2:1-17], the adversary has free reign to work his counterfeit “signs and wonders” in utter spiritual darkness. Since the Church of the Body of Christ is already with the Lord, we will not be included in the Great Tribulation on the Earth, which is a great comfort to all believers [Romans 5:9]. If we had to endure these terrible events it would not be a comfort at all! Once the believers are with the Lord, we will take part in the “Bema” Judgment-a judgment of rewards for Believer’s works during the Age of Grace [II Cor. 5:10]. The events following in the Revelation Administration witness the spiritual revitalization of Israel, along with the events recorded in the Book of Revelation. The Lord will destroy the works of the Antichrist and the False Prophet along with the great Red Dragon and his seed, who will fall before the Army of Saints, the Christian Believers as we return in glory with the Lord, [Rev. 17:14, 19:11-19]. These last days of the judgments and wrath of God [I Thess. 1:10, II Thess. 1:7], which the earth has never seen the likes of before, nor ever again, will be cut short for the elect’s sake. This is the Second Coming of the Lord with his Saints, to defeat that Old Serpent the Devil.
Following this, are Two Resurrections and Judgments [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15]. The first, the Resurrection of the Just [Rev.20:1-5], will see the Devil bound in prison for a 1000 years, starting the Lord’s Millennial Reign on the Earth. During this millennium, those beheaded for the witness of Christ and God’s Word, will reign with the Lord on the Earth [Rev. 20:6]. Secondly, the Resurrection of the Unjust follows the end of this Millennium on Earth, when Satan is loosed from prison to decieve the nations one last time, to provoke a final great battle [Rev. 20:7-8]. After this final defeat the Devil is cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast and false prophet are to be eternally tormented [Rev. 20:10]. With the opening of the Book of Life the unjust are judged according to their works [Rev. 20:12]. At this point the Sea also gives up its dead and Death the last enemy is destroyed [I Cor. 15:25-26, Rev. 20:15]. Along with hades-the grave, Death is cast into the Lake of Fire.
Upon the completion of all the judgments being passed and the distribution of all the rewards, and when the Kingdom of Israel is delivered unto the Heavenly Father, we will see the Third Heavens and Earth, [Rev. 21:1].
The Final Paradise Administration: This is the revealing of the New Jerusalem that descends from God out of heaven. In this Final Paradise the Second Heavens and Earth which we are dwelling in now, are passed away and there is no more sea [Rev. 21:1-2]. II Peter 3:10 says that our current Heavens and Earth will pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat. The Greek word for “elements” is Stoicheion [*G4747] meaning to put or to go in a row, one in a series. In the plural it indicates the elements or first principles of matter, the constituent atoms from which all other things proceed in order, or of which they are composed. II Peter 3:7 tells us the the Heavens and Earth which are now, are “reserved unto fire against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” II Peter 10:11-13 says that we should be living a godly life as we look for the coming Day of God wherein “the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.” These New Heavens and Earth according to God’s promise, are based on the principles of righteousness. With righteous principles ruling the day, God is with men [Rev. 21:3-4], and He shall wipe away all tears, and there shall be no more death, sorrow, crying or pain for the former things are passed away. It is interesting that death is the last enemy destroyed, it even “outlives” the Devil himself. This shows how the principles of Entropy are the foundation of the fruit of the activation of evil in the Garden of Eden, and they are the basis upon which chaos & random disorder was introduced into the foundations of the world. This foundation shall be burnt up as we return to the original principles of righteousness that ruled prior to Lucifer’s revolt and attempted coup, and the subsequent fall of man. The Bright and Morning Star, the Prince of Life, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last Way of Salvation back to the Father stands as the ultimate Victor, the King of Kings and subject of all prophecies of the coming redeemer of mankind are fulfilled, and thus we will ever be with the Lord. Finally Christ himself is subject unto the Heavenly Father, so that God is all in all. [ICor. 15:28]Spacer

The Biblical Calendar
The Bible’s yearly calendar of feasts is based in agriculture and Israel was an agrarian culture. The Feasts are also agriculture-based. Salvation itself is awarded to those spiritually called firstfruits. They will be resurrected first in a harvest of faithful ones to serve in His coming Kingdom. “These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto Elohim and to the Lamb,” Revelation 14:4. The importance of firstfruits in the biblical calendar cannot be over-stated.
The series of seven annual Feasts begins with the month Abib, a name describing the first green grains of ripening, firstfruits barley. In the Hebrew Scriptures it is designated “the Abib” (haAbib), a definitive term for a specific stage of barley growth. It was in the new-year month of Abib when Israel kept the Passover just before coming out of Egypt, Deuteronomy 16:1. All the annual feasts are set by the critical first month of Abib, the month of green barley ears, Exodus 12:2. To establish Abib as the first month we must find the ripening firstfruits of barley grain. This beautiful harvest calendar is a lesson for in faithful obedience and reliance on Yahweh’s mercy and blessings and not fixed, calculated dates for personal convenience.
Calendars are as common as wristwatches and you probably see at least one every day. Odds are, the calendar you see is the Gregorian calendar, named for Pope Gregory XIII, who updated the earlier Julian version in 1582 to align it more closely with the spring season. Gregory added rules for leap years, which insert an extra day in February. His rules have kept this calendar synchronized with the solar year to within one day in over 3,300 years.
Other calendars are in use today as well. Two of these are very important to those who observe biblical feast days. The Bible specifies exactly which days of the year the feasts are to be observed – and it does not use the Gregorian calendar. Without a proper calendar keyed to the Bible it is impossible to observe the feast days on the correct days of the year, and the Bible stresses that having the correct days is very important for proper worship.
This study examines the original calendar of the Scriptures (the biblical calendar), and the modified calendar derived from it (the calculated Jewish calendar). We will actually address three calendars: the biblical calendar (based on natural observations), today’s Jewish calendar (based on calculations), and the transition between these two – a calendar that started with observations, began supplementing them with calculations, and after 2,000 years finally metamorphosed into today’s Jewish calendar.
Keeping the Right Day Is Paramount
Of all calendars, the true biblical calendar is one of the easiest to understand and the one True Worshipers follow today in observing scriptural days. It is so logical that any rational person can easily comprehend its structure. It requires no complicated calculations or arbitrary rules to keep it aligned with the seasons of the year. It is a lunisolar calendar, which means that both moon and sun play a part in its construction. The rules for that construction come entirely from the Bible and are so simple that after reading them for yourself you should be able to understand and explain them to anyone.
Without an accurate understanding of His biblical calendar, Yahweh’s people would be unable to obey Him. Yahweh told His people they were to assemble at certain times of the year to observe His Feast days, and He did not mention “April” or “October” or any of our other Gregorian calendar months. He used words like “the tenth day of the first month” and “the first day of the seventh month” to pin down Feast day observances (moedim in Hebrew). He says, “But the man that is clean, and is not in a journey, and forbears to keep the Passover, even the same soul shall be cut off from among his people: because he brought not the offering of Yahweh in his appointed time, that man shall bear his sin” (Num. 9:13).
We learn that Yahweh instructs us to observe all His feast days at precise times (Lev. 23:2), not holidays of our making at times we choose. We sin if we don’t observe them at the commanded day and time. If True Worship means keeping Yahweh’s commands, how do we determine when the fifteenth day of the seventh month is (Feast of Tabernacles)? There are varied arguments among various Feast keepers about the correct day for Passover and Pentecost, and it is certainly prudent to prove what is right (as any good Berean would), rather than blindly accept the opinions of others.
Yahweh tells us rather plainly how to deduce the correct days from a “calendar” in the sky. Note Genesis 1:14: “And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”
How Would YOU Create a Calendar?
Calendars record the days of the year, laid out in a format that usually spreads them over months and weeks (not all calendars use 7-day weeks, incidentally). A basic calendar relates four time elements: day, week, month, and year. Of these elements the day is foundational. How does Yahweh determine the length of a day? “In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth… And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light. And Elohim saw the light, that it was good: and Elohim divided the light from the darkness. And Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day” (Gen. 1:1-5. The New International Version reads, “And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.”)
One evening and one morning equal one day. Why did Yahweh start His day at the “end” of it? We are so accustomed to starting our days at midnight that we think it illogical to start a day at any other time. What could be more illogical than midnight?
If you were living in ancient times and interested in creating your own calendar, at a time unencumbered by our modern society’s need to define and calculate everything exactly, would you not start your days at an easily observable time? What would you use as a starting point for the day? Noon is no good because it is hard to tell when noon is. Midnight is even worse. Sunrise is okay, but most people are asleep then, and even if not, determining just when the sun peeks over the horizon is much harder than determining when it drops below it because you can see it in the process of going down but not coming up. So sunset is a natural time to start, as well as end, the day.
Now isn’t that a coincidence? The Bible tells us exactly that: “The evening and the morning were the first day.” In many places, including the first part of Genesis, Scripture tells us that days begin and end at sunset. Evening is metaphor for night, morning means daylight in Hebrew.
How many of these days do we string together to make a week? Why do we count off seven days, then, and call them a week? The Hebrew word translated “week” is shabua, and it signifies completeness, or perfection. The week was also introduced to us early in Genesis (2:3): “And Elohim blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Elohim created and made.” The word translated “rested” here is from the Hebrew root word shabath, Strong’s Concordance No. 7673 – the Sabbath. That Yahweh uses a seven-day week is clear throughout the Bible (Lev. 23:15).
How many days would you put in a month? Remember, you are an ancient observer and you are observing a couple of heavenly bodies for extended periods. The sun rises and sets and the days go by. The moon is doing something a little different. It also rises and sets but the amount of it you can see varies – sometimes it is not visible at all. But it does follow a cycle.
You notice over time that the moon starts as a very thin crescent on one side, gets fuller and brighter, then recedes to a very thin crescent on the other side. Then it disappears for a little while, only to repeat these phases. You count the number of days from one point to the next identical point and you notice there are about 29½ days for the moon’s cycle to complete itself. But when do you start your moon cycle count?
You conclude that starting with the first crescent sighting makes the most sense and sidesteps unnecessary calculations. You decide to use this moon cycle for your calendar because just marking off solar days one at a time doesn’t seem to be of much practical use.
You also notice something interesting from watching the moon. From the time you can just barely see the new crescent until the moon is at its brightest (full moon) takes 14 days. Each quarter (first, second, third, fourth) marks a seven-day period. You decide this is handy – you can count days in a package of seven by looking closely at the moon. Surprise! That’s the way Yahweh created it!
Does Yahweh include months in His calendar? Again, as with weeks there are many biblical references – but three are sufficient, starting with Deuteronomy 16:1: “Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover unto Yahweh Elohim: for in the month of Abib Yahweh Elohim brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.” In Hebrew, the word translated “month” is Strong’s 2320, chodesh, which means “the new moon; by implication, a month.”
Yahweh not only includes months, but He also starts them with the sighting of the new moon. This verse literally says, “Look for the new moon of Abib, and keep the Passover.…” The Passover is to be observed on Abib 14 (Ex. 12:6): “And you shall keep it (the paschal lamb) up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.”
The second reference to months and their timing is Psalm 104:19: “He appointed the moon for seasons.” The third reference is also in Psalm 81:3: “Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.” Here the only feast that begins on the first day of a month (Ethanim) is mentioned – Trumpets. Other “chodesh” verses abound in the Bible (over 200 of them), all meaning “new moon.”
As you observe about a dozen moon cycles, you notice that the sun seems to be moving along the horizon at its setting time, going from south to north and back to south. As soon as you realize this, you pick out an object on the horizon near the setting sun, and in a few days you begin to get an idea about how fast it is moving away from your object. Over time you also notice the world around you is getting warmer, then cooler, then warmer again.
You count the days from the sun’s position at your marker object until it returns there, going in the same direction. Your count is 365 days. This number, representing the cycle of the sun, and the number representing the cycle of the moon (29½), are not evenly divisible. A little basic math tells you a solar year will not exactly equal 12 lunar months. The difference between 12 months of 29½ days (354 days) and the length of a solar year (365) will cause the four seasons to move around through the year.
This may be of no importance to you whatsoever – why should you mind if spring comes in the first month or the second month or the third month? But Yahweh minds. Yahweh told Moses in Exodus 12:2, “This month (Abib) shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.” Abib is the Hebrew name for this month, and it means “green ears” of grain. It is the month in which green ears of grain appear. But which grain? Turn to Exodus 9, where we read of one of the plagues Yahweh visited upon Pharaoh.
“And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven: and Yahweh sent thunder and hail, and the fire ran along upon the ground; and Yahweh rained hail upon the land of Egypt. … And the hail smote throughout all the land of Egypt all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail smote every herb of the field, and brake every tree of the field…And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled. But the wheat and the rie were not smitten: for they were not grown up” (vv. 23, 25, 31-32).
The grain that Abib refers to is barley, the one crop already “in the ear,” and the month in which the first Passover took place is Abib, the green ears of barley month. The month of Abib and the state of barley are tied closely together. If barley is not in the proper stage at that month, that month cannot be Abib.
Turn to Leviticus 23. Here Yahweh explains the concept of firstfruits to the Israelites, and tells us what shape barley must be in during the month of Abib: “And you shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your Elohim: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings” (Lev. 23:14). The Israelites were not permitted to harvest their crops of barley until the firstfruit sheaf was waved before Yahweh by the priest.
Barley is planted in November and takes about four months to mature. It must be in the green ear stage during the first month, and at least some of it ready for harvest by the time of the wave sheaf offering that occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. We know it occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread because these verses explain how to count forward from the wave sheaf to the Feast of Weeks. Yahweh keeps the seasons aligned with the months by having us observe the maturing barley.
An interesting find in Israel called the “Gezer” calendar shows that the Israelites were an agrarian society that based its months from agriculture.
In the March-April 2002 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review on page 45 we read, “A different clock governed everyday life in ancient Israel. The society was agrarian— virtually everyone was a farmer— so people naturally regulated their daily lives by the rising and setting sun. Likewise the yearly calendar was defined by seasonal activities related to farming and herding. This small limestone tablet, found in 1908 at Gezer and called the Gezer Calendar, associates the months of the year with activities like sowing, pruning and harvesting, and gives us a glimpse into a way of life very different from ours— a life strongly tied to the earth and it’s natural rhythms.”
Written in Paleo-Hebrew, the Gezer Calendar dates from the 10th century BC, the time of the construction of Solomon’s Temple. It contains the following text:
“Two months of harvest
Two months of planting
Two months are late planting
One month of pulling flax
One month of barley harvest
One month of harvest and feasting
Two months of pruning vines
One month of summer fruit”
This calendar lays out the fundamental importance of the agricultural cycle in King Solomon’s day, this can be seen in the temple festivals of Shavuot (“Feast of weeks”) or First Fruits in early summer (the “month of summer” fruit in line 8), and the Feast of Ingathering (the harvest) in the fall which culminates to the Feast of Tabernacles. The mention of feasting reflects the pilgrimages festivals which involved feasting.
Yahweh’s Calendar – Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4
We have worked our way through the rules for the biblical calendar and discovered that they are simple and logical:
1. Start and end days at sunset (Genesis 1:5).
2. Start weeks at day one and end on day seven, the Sabbath (Leviticus 23:15-16).
3. Start months with the sighting of the new moon (Deuteronomy 16:1).
4. Start years in the month barley will be harvestable by the middle of that month (Leviticus 23:4-14).
These rules require you to observe Yahweh’s creation – sighting a sunset or a new moon and looking at a barley crop. Psalm 33:8 says, “Let all the earth fear Yahweh: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.” Is there a better way than to get outside and look at some of these awesome, timekeeping sights of creation?
The ‘Original’ Jewish Calendar
That the biblical calendar given by Yahweh was with us from creation seems logical, but Yahweh’s revelation of it to Moses took place just before the exodus, about 3,500 years ago, as Yahweh explained the Passover, its significance and timing. In the first five books of the Bible, the Torah (all written by Moses), the rules for the “original” biblical calendar were given by Yahweh to the people of Israel by oral and (later) written instructions.
Today’s modified Jewish calendar, however, is one of the more difficult to comprehend. It has added and revised rules that move dates without biblical authorization. The original Hebrew calendar was the biblical calendar of the exodus. For over 40 years in their journey from Egypt to the Jordan River crossing the Israelites in the desert determined their years exactly in accord with the four rules declared by Yahweh through Moses. What happened from then until now?
To answer that we will need to consult non-biblical sources. Be careful! Unlike the rock-solid Word, there are many sources of “fact” written by men, and where there is man-made “fact” there is man-made counter-fact.
The Talmud is a combination of fact, teachings, traditions, analyses, ideas, opinions, and in some cases outright prejudice – which are considered “facts” by many Jews today. During the Talmudic period, observation of the moon and crops evolved toward calculation. First, the Israelites would have noticed that the new moon appeared either every 29 or 30 days – never shorter, never longer. Simple counting, then, gave them the ability to anticipate the actual observation.
After settling in the Promised Land they would have noticed something about the year, also. The maturation of their crops of barley could be correlated with the position of the setting sun on the horizon. The seasons are very important to agrarian peoples. Knowing proper planting times is crucial to survival, and fixing the beginning of a season, particularly spring, is advantageous.
Yahweh decreed that the year was to begin in the month when barley would be ready for harvest. The Israelites quickly noticed this happened very near or in the spring season, and that the beginning of spring could be determined from the sun’s setting position on the horizon. Over time the observation of the sun’s position replaced the observation of barley. The pagan Egyptians and later the Romans also observed a solar calendar.
Today’s Calculated Jewish Calendar
Beginning with their possession of the Promised Land, the Israelites became more scattered and communications with Jerusalem’s priests (who observed moons and waved grains) became increasingly difficult. Later, the Israelites of the Dispersion generally took up the civil calendars of their conquering countries and were informed by messengers from Jerusalem of coming feasts. Certainly by the end of the Talmudic period, and most probably hundreds of years before, the Jews had accumulated sufficient knowledge to convert a calendar based on observation to one based on calculation alone.
According to the Apostle John, Yahshua’s Passover meal was eaten the night before the Passover meal was eaten by His Jewish accusers – this indicates that two ways of determining dates existed at the time of the impalement. That the new moon of Abib could have appeared on two different days is, of course, impossible.
In any case, the separation of Israel’s peoples made it increasingly difficult for those not residing in the Holy Land to stay in synchronization with their brothers. Indeed, after the failed Bar Kochba revolt in 132-135 CE the Sanhedrin – the post-exile Jewish supreme council – was barred from meeting. Something had to be done to preserve holy day observance, and about 359 CE patriarch Hillel II revealed a method of Jewish calendar calculation that contained many elements obviously learned from places like Babylon. According to Hillel, and to the many Jews and others who believe that the methods of calculating this calendar were divinely presented to the Israelites, this calendar was in place from the very creation.
Here are some facts about the calculated Jewish calendar:
• A month is determined by the calculation of the conjunction of the moon (Hebrew molad, a point in the moon’s orbit exactly between the earth and the sun – and invisible to us), not new moon sighting; hours are added to the molad to determine when the new moon should or should not be visible.
• The first molad occurred 5 hours and 204 chalokim (3 1/3 seconds) after sunset at the beginning of day 2.
• Every molad is calculated from this point by adding 29 days, 12 hours, and 793 chalokim.
• A nineteen-year cycle of months of 29 and 30 days is employed, together with leap months inserted in seven of the years, to keep the seasons in line with the solar year; the cycle consists of regular and leap years as follows: R-R-L-R-R-L-R-R-L-R-L-R-R-L-R-R-L-R-L.
• The cycle is not exactly the length of nineteen solar years – it is a little over 2 hours longer; every 216 years this adds up to a whole day, and there are no corrections in the calculations to prevent spring from moving away from Abib; if the calculated Jewish calendar had existed at the beginning, this error would have already moved the seasons 26 days away from Abib – one entire month.
• The year begins with the seventh month (Ethanim), not Abib; the first day of Ethanim is Rosh Hashanah.
• Postponement rules for Rosh Hashanah are required such that an annual Sabbath is never juxtaposed with a weekly Sabbath (prevents two consecutive non-work days); these rules are not simple – here is one of them: if the molad of a year following a leap year which begins on Tuesday is later than Monday, 15 hours and 589 chalokim, Rosh Hashanah of the second year is postponed from Monday to Tuesday.
• The calculated molad can sometimes start a month before the new moon is visible, and the postponements can actually cause a month to begin the day after the new moon is sighted.
• The entire calendar, from the beginning to any point in the future, is fixed by its starting point, the length of a molad, and the postponement rules; no observation is necessary.
No Biblical Basis for Changes in the Calendar
All these rules and calculations keep the seasons and the solar year rather closely aligned, without a single observation of a new moon or a series of sunsets. They are very handy for Jews but not a single bulleted item we’ve noted is mentioned in the Bible, and using this calendar means you will be celebrating feast days at times different from those the biblical calendar specifies.
Did the perversion of the biblical calendar start in Talmudic days, or was it later, around Hillel’s time? Yahweh confirmed the importance of the biblical calendar at the beginning of the Exodus (Lev. 23), and that is the time Satan began his work to pervert it. Isn’t it amazing how Satan has twisted everything in the Bible to his advantage? Yahweh gave us laws to live by while Satan tells us they are just for ancient Israelites.
Because His Feast days are important to Yahweh’s plan for mankind, Satan replaces them with those important to his plan. He also derails Yahweh’s inspired calendar by man-made calendars.
If we must have a Messiah to be saved from sin’s death penalty, then the adversary causes churchianity to refute Him by convincing them to celebrate Easter! They take the very first inspired time of the sacred year and celebrate it with sunrise services, egg-laying rabbits, and leavened hot-cross buns. To top it off, Satan puts it on the wrong day. For those who escape this trap, he lays another one. When Numbers 9 says observing Passover on a particular day and at a particular time is very important, Satan confuses time itself.
If the bulleted items on pages 12-13 seem a bit convoluted and confusing compared to the four rules Yahweh originally gave the Israelites, it is because they are. Whenever Satan works, things always get complicated.
Why Not Use the Vernal Equinox to Start the Year?
Some ignore barley altogether and set Abib 1 according to the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox is that instant when the sun is directly above the earth’s equator while going from the south to the north (for inhabitants of the northern hemisphere). It is the time that most consider the beginning of spring.
Those who employ the vernal equinox point to Genesis 1:14, claiming that the sun, moon, and stars set the year’s beginning. It is true that the sun divides day from night and inaugurates the seasons by the earth’s tilt, while the new moon sets the beginning of months. Yet, nowhere in the entire Bible can one find that the vernal equinox establishes the first month Abib. Nowhere in the Bible is there even any mention of the vernal equinox. To say that Genesis 1:14 refers to the vernal equinox is reading into Scripture what simply isn’t there.
Passover is related to spring through the growing cycle of crops. First and foremost, it must occur in the month of Abib. And Abib is a condition of grain as much as it is a time of the year.
The King James Version has led some astray in the way it translates moed in Exodus 13:10, Num. 9:2, 3, 7, and 13. The KJV uses “season” in these verses, causing some to believe that the command is specifically for springtime, and therefore must involve the vernal equinox. In reality, the Hebrew moed simply means “set time” or “appointed time.” Yahweh has set Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread by the criteria of ripening crops, not by the vernal equinox.
The vast majority of Jews gradually got away from actively looking for the green ears of barley, going instead by a calculated calendar that involved the vernal equinox. This was done for the sake of convenience. But Yahweh tells us that His growing cycle reveals the proper month for His Feasts. The first month of the year, Abib, means a green ear (of grain), not vernal equinox.
McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature, Vol. 3, p. 13, under Easter states: “Many of the Church fathers are of opinion that, according to the original calculation of the Jews up to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, the 14th of Nisan had always been after the spring equinox, and that it was only in consequence of a miscalculation of the later Jews that the 14th of Nisan occasionally fell before the equinox. They therefore insisted that the 14th of Nisan, which for both parties within the church determined the time of Easter, should always be after the equinox.
“As the year of Jews is a lunar year, and the 14th of Nisan always a full-moon day, the Christians who adopted the above astronomical view, whenever the 14th of Nisan fell before the equinox, would celebrate the death of [Messiah] one month later than the Jewish Passover.”
Christianity Sets Its Own Rules
Note that the Christian “Church fathers” established their own rules by relying upon the vernal equinox as did the pagans, instead of the green ears of barley as the Bible requires (Deut. 16:1).
Another authority writes, “That the vernal equinox occurred in Nisan [Abib] is attested by Josephus (Ant. 1. x. 5) and also in cuneiform literature (Muss-Arnolt p. 77) Nisan corresponded to the first zodiacal sign (Aries) in which the vernal equinox fell. The sacred year was determined by the annual festivals and the first of these festivals was henceforth fixed by the Passover moon.” “Equinox and the Calendar,” Dictionary of the Bible, James Hastings, p. 765.
Nothing is mentioned here about letting the equinox determine the month of Nisan. The vernal equinox fell within the month of Nisan [Abib] which means the new moon of Nisan came BEFORE the equinox. That is, the new moon came establishing the month of Nisan (Abib), then came the equinox, then the Passover. Therefore, those who insist upon keeping the Feasts a month later are out of harmony with Yahweh’s calendar.
Fausset’s Bible Encyclopedia, under “Year [Hebrew year] reads, “They began it with the new moon nearest to the equinox, yet late enough to allow of the firstfruits of barley harvest being offered about the middle of the first month. So Josephus (Ant. iii. 10,5) states that the Passover was celebrated when the sun was in Aries” (p. 727).
Vernal Equinox and Historic Paganism
When the Roman church deliberately acted to separate Easter from Passover, it ruled in 325 CE in the Council of Nicaea that Easter would fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox. This setting of an observance was entirely man-made, and it is appropriate that it applied to a man-made holiday called Easter. The Roman church on its own volition, therefore, bestowed a legitimacy on the vernal equinox as a calendar marker where it had none before – at least not in any kind of biblical context.
That does not mean, however, that the vernal equinox had no significance among historic pagans and their calendars. Note the following:
• “Easter, too, celebrates the victory of a god of light (J-sus) over darkness (death), so it makes sense to place it at this season. Ironically, the name ‘Easter’ was taken from the name of a Teutonic lunar goddess Eostre (from whence we also get the name of the female hormone, estrogen). Her chief symbols were the bunny (both for fertility and because her worshipers saw a hare in the full moon) and the egg (symbolic of the cosmic egg of creation), images which Christians have been hard pressed to explain. Her holiday, the Eostara, was held on the Vernal Equinox Full Moon. Needless to say, the old and accepted folk name for the Vernal Equinox is ‘Lady Day.’ Christians sometimes insist that the title is in honor of Mary and her Annunciation, but Pagans will smile knowingly.” – Lady Day: The Vernal Equinox, by Mike Nichols.
• “The vernal equinox has long been a significant event in the lives of agricultural peoples as it symbolizes nature’s regeneration, fertility, growth and bounty. The word equinox comes from Latin and means ‘equal night’ (Tag- und Nachtgleiche). On this day, night and day each last twelve hours. The Vernal Equinox used to be considered the beginning of the Pagan New Year. It was a time of joy called forth by the resurrection of the ‘Light of the World’ (sun god) from the underworld of the winter, from where he arose to join his goddess Eostre.” – by Ruth Reichmann, Max Kade German-American Center, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis.
• “Babylonians and Assyrians placed greater importance on the Equinoxes than the solstices. The most important festival in Babylonia was the New Year, which occurred at the Spring equinox. This was the akitu, a twelve-day ceremony in which the King, as the son and representative of the divinity, regenerated and synchronized the rhythms of nature, cosmos, and human society.” – Tales of the Vernal Equinox, by Robin DuMolin
• “Modern Pagans also celebrate the universal principle of Resurrection at the Equinox – which is named for Eostre, a Pagan goddess. She is the goddess of Spring to whom the offerings of cake and colored eggs were made at the Vernal Equinox. Rabbits, especially white ones, were sacred to her, and she was believed to take the form of a rabbit. She is also said to be the goddess of the East, that being the direction of rebirth. Since the sun rises in the East, she is linked with the sunrise. Traditional Easter services stem from this association,” Ibid. “Easter is supposed to be derived from Anglo Saxon Eostre, the name of the Norse goddess whose festival is celebrated by the pagans at the vernal equinox.” – A Book About the Bible, George Stimpson, p. 180.
• “Ostara, also known as The Spring or Vernal Equinox, the Festival of Trees, Alban Eilir, Ostara, the Rites of Spring, and the Rites of Eostre, occurs between March 19 and 21 and marks the first day of true Spring. Day and night are equal on this day, hence the name Equinox. It is observed by Pagans throughout the world.” – from The Witches’ Web
• “Pagans revere the G-d and G-ddess through rituals or ceremonies of various kinds. Pagans of the western traditions celebrate eight festivals or Sabbats each year. They comprise the four solar quarters i.e. the two solstices (longest and shortest days) and the two equinoxes (day and night are the same length) plus four Celtic seasonal festivals. All these mark important events in the cycle of life. They are: Ostara (Easter), the spring equinox, 21st March: Return of the sun from the south, springtime proper. Some celebrate a holy union between G-d and G-ddess.” – from What Do Pagans Do?
Vernal Equinox as the ‘Tequphah’?
The argument has been attempted that the vernal equinox corresponds to the Hebrew word “tequphah,” which is found several times in the Bible. The definition of tequphah (Strong’s Concordance No. 8622) is: “A revolution, i.e. of the sun course (of time) lapse: circuit, come about, end.” From the definition, we find it next to impossible to attach any firm connection of tequphah to a spring equinox. The evidence, in fact, points to the end of the year, not the beginning.
The following passages contain the Hebrew word tequphah as well as its meaning, as indicated by the quotation marks:
• Exodus 34:22 (Feast of ingathering at the “year’s end”)
• 2Chron. 24:23 (Syria attacked Judah at the “end of the year”)
• 2Chronicles. 24:23; 36:10 (“end of the year/year was expired”)
Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon defines the tequphah (Strong’s No. 8622) as: “coming round, circuit;–Ex. 34:22, adv., at the circuit (completion) of the year, so 2Chron. 24:23= pl. cstr. 1Sam. 1:20; sig. Sf. Of finished circuit of sun.” p. 880. This source says about the root of tequphah: No. 5362 naqaph: 1. An intransitive verb meaning to surround something… (Isa. 29:1, let feasts go around, i.e. run the round (of the year). 2. make the round, i.e. complete the circuit. Job 1:5 when the days of feasting had completed their circuit.
The closest we have in the Hebrew to spring as a season is 6779, tsamach, a primitive root meaning to sprout, bear, bring forth, bud, grow, cause to spring (forth, up). Yahweh again reveals that the time for His Feasts is based on the growing of crops, not to the vernal equinox.
Ancient Israelites were farmers and herders, not astronomers. It stands to reason that Yahweh would zero in on their crops as a starting point for their annual Feast calendar. The calculated calendar does not work with the command to give Yahweh the firstfruits.
Yahweh’s Calendar v. Jewish Calendar
Let’s sum up the differences between what Yahweh said about keeping time and what the Jews of today do with the calculated Jewish calendar.
• Yahweh said begin the year with Abib when crops are green and growing. Jews begin with Ethanim in the autumn.
• Yahweh said begin Abib by checking the barley crop. Jews check the date of the vernal equinox and add hours.
• Yahweh said begin months by sighting the crescent moon. Jews calculate from a molad (invisible conjunction).
• Yahweh said nothing about not putting two Sabbaths back-to-back. Jews create postponement rules.
• The rules laid down by Yahweh automatically adjust for what’s going on in the solar system.
The Jews’ calculations have built-in errors that must sooner or later be corrected. Yahweh never said that months should be 29 days long or 30 days long or any exact number of days. He said new moon to new moon was a month, Isaiah 66:23. Yahweh never said how many months were in a year, either – just that they started with new moons, Ezekiel 45:17-18. The words for “molad” or “equinox” or even spring, when used as a season, do not appear in the Bible.
The critical difference between the biblical calendar and the calculated Jewish calendar is that they produce different days for observing the feasts. One is correct, the other is wrong. One obeys Yahweh, the other does not.
Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the major reasons offered by some for using the calculated Jewish calendar to determine feast days and times, and their counter-arguments.
• Yahweh committed the oracles to the Jews and we should follow their lead.
This argument comes from the Apostle Paul’s writings to the Romans. “What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of Yahweh” (Romans 3:1-2). What were the “oracles”? The proponents of the calculated Jewish calendar include the rules for calendar-making in these oracles – but that logic could include anything they added, including the Talmud. In Acts 7:38 the same Greek word for “oracles” is used – (No. 3051), where it says, “This is he (Moses), that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us.” Here oracles refers to the law given Moses on Mt. Sinai. The oracles or laws were all given to all of Israel as is recorded in Deuteronomy, not just to the Levites or to any one tribe.
• The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat, so we must obey them.
This argument comes from Yahshua’s words in Matthew 23:1-3: “Then spake Yahshua to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not after their works: for they say, and do not.” According to Yahshua, this metaphor means they read the law to the people on the Sabbaths, just as Moses transmitted the law. Reading the law and doing what it says are two different things, as Yahshua pointed out, but this argument usually omits the part about “do not after their works: for they say, and do not.” Someone who says one thing and does another is a hypocrite. Did Yahshua follow the Pharisees’ interpretation of when the Passover should be observed (remember, they kept the Passover on the 15th)? Clearly He did not.
• The Jewish calendar is a complicated calendar, and although the rules for its construction are not given in the Bible, the Levites were given these rules in order for them to relay correct dates to the people.
That the calculated Jewish calendar is complicated is true. Its rules are not in the Bible, and it should not be logically concluded from this that they were given orally to the Levites. If the Levites were given the correct rules for calculating the Jewish calendar, then why do their calculation tables today use a solar year that is 365.25 days long? That figure is about eleven minutes longer than the solar year really is. Also, the 19-year cycle is longer than 19 solar years by over two hours.
If Yahweh gave the Levites the rules, why did He not also tell them the correct value for the mean length of a solar year, and also give them rules to adjust the cycle to prevent future problems with the months and the seasons, like adding a periodic 13th month? Why would a perfect Creator give us imperfect rules? And why would He have told only the Levites something so important? In just about every instance, when Yahweh spoke to Moses, He started out with a phrase something like, “Say to the house of Jacob,” or “Tell the people of Israel,” or “Speak unto the children of Israel.” If you read the 23rd chapter of Leviticus, where the feast requirements are laid down, this is particularly true. There is no place in the Bible that says that Yahweh told Moses to tell the Levites to in turn tell the people something.
Turn to Deuteronomy 1:3. Here, just before the people were to cross over the Jordan and into the Promised Land, Moses made his farewell speech to the Israelites. “And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that Yahweh had given him in commandment unto them.” Notice that he was not talking to the Levites alone, but to all the Israelites. Also notice the word “all” in this verse. It is the Hebrew kole, Strong’s 3605, “from 3634; properly the whole; hence all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):—(in) all (manner, [ye]), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, [no-] thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso (-ever).” The root word (3634) means, “to complete, make perfect.” The verse does not say Moses withheld words for the Levites’ ears alone.
In chapter 16 verse 1 of this book is the commandment for observing the moon of Abib, to keep the Passover. It is very significant that Moses gathered every tribe together and explained again everything they needed to know before possessing the land. No one tribe or person was to have this knowledge exclusively. They all started out equally in the Promised Land. They would not be able to blame any other person or tribe for their mistakes.
• Not everything Yahweh taught the Levites is recorded in the Bible.
It seems logical that Yahweh could have said and done things not recorded in the Bible. But is it logical that Yahweh would have omitted something so important to His worship, depending only on the instructions of a special group to relay His requirements? He never did that with any of His other instructions and commands.
• Postponements are not condemned in the Bible; the calculated Jewish calendar does not violate one Scripture.
In Deuteronomy Moses was making his wrap-up speech to the Israelites before they parted. Read Deuteronomy 4:2: “You shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh Elohim which I command you.” See also Revelation 22:18-19. If we are told not to add anything to the Word, and doing so changes the very day a Feast is observed, and as a result I am cut off from my people, it is clear I have violated something in the Scripture.
• The Bible does not define what a new moon is, so we are not instructed how to watch for the new moon.
This argument is made in support of substituting the astronomical conjunction for the actual sighting of the new moon.
Let’s look again at Deuteronomy 16:1, paraphrased as closely to the Hebrew meanings as Strong’s dictionary allows. “Look narrowly for the new moon of the green ears of grain and keep the Passover.” Once again, Moses was speaking to all of Israel here. He told them to look for the new moon of Abib. He did not tell them to check with the Levites about molads. A molad (conjunction) as we have already learned, is when the moon is exactly between the earth and the sun. This argument substitutes the molad, a moon you cannot see, for the new moon crescent, which you can.
Imagine a desert-dwelling shepherd from the tribe of Dan trying to figure out when the molad of Abib would occur! He definitely would not have “looked narrowly for” a dark moon that he could not possibly see! Saying that we were not instructed in how to look for a new moon is ridiculous. Saying we are to look for a black moon is ludicrous. To equate the words “new moon” to “molad” is even more ridiculous. If I asked you to observe my “new car,” and I pointed to an empty parking space, what would you think? Apply the same logic to the phrase “new moon” and then go out and try to spot the conjunction. It’s impossible.
The biblical calendar can be projected, but it is confirmed only by observation of barley and the new moons. Just as Yahweh planned when He created the “lights” in the sky, Genesis 1:14, we are to establish His appointed times (moed) by the monthly lunar cycle and to start at that particular time of year when the sun causes barley to grow and begin to produce grain in the ear.
When we follow the scriptural calendar, all the complications that calculated calendars try to overcome just disappear. And we rest assured that we are observing the days Yahweh commands – at the proper time He commands them.