Rare green comet’s close approach a once-in-50,000 years feast for astrophotographers (photos)

Comet C/2022 E3 shining above the famous Stonehenge monument. (Image credit: Josh Dury)
We are being bombarded with images and fantastic news blasts created by NASA and the “Scientifc” community on the regular here lately. They are gearing up for the GREATEST DECEPTION THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. Feeding you mind with all kinds of vain imaginations to turn your heart away from the MOST HIGH GOD.
Personally, at this point in time, I DO NOT BELEIVE ANYTHING the world tells me. If I don’t hear it straight from GOD, I will not trust it. You cannot trust your senses anymore. The technology they have these days is beyond comprehension. They are able to fool us on so many levels with so many dark arts.
Let me tell you, YOU CAN TRUST GOD! HE NEVER LIES! NOTHING in the WORD of GOD has EVER been proven to be untrue. No matter what the world tells you.
The Earth is stationary. It does not move. NO ONE or NO MACHINE has ever been outside of the FIRMAMENT! EVER. There is no way they can penetrate it. All the stories they feed you about SPACE are lies! The Sun, moon and stars are inside of the Firmament! “Planets” are wandering STARS! Meaning they are stars that do not stay within one place, they move about within the firmament.
There are no “Planets” like they describe them. They are only spiritual spheres of light, placed and ordered by the Most High GOD. Many of them are already falling to earth, just as GOD foretold. These Spiritual Entities have the ability to shapeshift. They can take any form they please. DO NOT BE DECEIVED.
For those of you who are into the fantasy and want to see the “Green Comet” but don’t have the proper “TECHNOLOGY” enjoy the photos below.
Keep in mind, that all the images and you are presented are either ‘artist’s renditions” or they are viewed and photographed through very precisely and purposefully created tools. Crafted by those who are lead by demonic entities. The lenses are designed to pervert and distort the image that your eyes view and your brain interprets.
Magic Sword of the Elite
La Palma Gateway to the ASTRO WORLD
Do You Believe in Magick? Part 27 – A Device Named Lucifer
Are You Ready to be Shocked, Amazed and Terrified?
Where are we headed?
IMAGERY – A strong weapon in the arsenal of all who work evil. Symbolism and images bring imaginations that fill your head with lies, deceit, fear, lust, pride and so much more. Ask Disney!
White Moon and Stars Anti-Christ and his minions, Red Planet (Mars) war and violence, Black Sky -famine, and Green Comet – power of death by famine, plague, the sword and by the wild beasts
The Four Horsemen in Revelation 6
“Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.
When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse! And its rider had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!”
When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.“ ~ Revelation 6:1-8 (Emphasis added)
They claim this comet has only visited earth once before, 50,000 years ago. LOL!!! I love how they have convinced you that they know what happened thousands and sometimes millions or billions of years ago. Mere humans who don’t even understand the world in which they currently reside, have you convinced that they know the past and now the future. LOL… I am sure GOD is having a good laugh at their foolish arrogance!! The earth was created roughly 6,000 years ago… before that, there was nothing… a dark and empty void. BELIEVE IT!!
In the video, they tell us that the green hue is caused by a chemical reaction. God knows they have filled our skies with enough chemicals! listen for details
The comet, which originated in the Oort Cloud at the far-flung reaches of our solar system, passed by Earth at a distance of around 26 million miles on February 1: for comparison, the moon is around 238,900 miles away from Earth.
The comet is now on its way back out of the solar system on its extremely long orbit around the sun.
Photographers from across the globe have taken the opportunity to snap exciting pictures and videos of the comet and upload them to social media.

Photographer Dario Giannobile captured one amazing shot of the comet above Mount Etna in Italy.
“A comet is like a dirty snowball,” Keith Horne, a professor of astronomy at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, told Newsweek in January. “Comets and planets both orbit the sun, but unlike the circular orbits of planets, comets follow highly elliptical orbits.”
This comet in particular was first sighted by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) at the Palomar Observatory, near San Diego in California on March 2, 2022.
Its characteristic green hue, which can be seen in many of the pictures, comes from the specific chemical make-up of the comet.
As comets approach the sun, the solar winds react with the chemicals inside their rocky and icy crust, causing the tail of debris characteristic to comets.
In this comet in particular, there is diatomic carbon present, as well as cyanogen, which have together caused the comet’s unique coloration.
“Under the effects of sunlight, both those substances glow green,” Gianluca Masi, an astrophysicist and astronomer with the Virtual Telescope Project of the Bellatrix Astronomical Observatory in Ceccano, Italy, told Newsweek in January.

“This is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see this object,” Chris Pattison, a senior research associate with the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation at the University of Portsmouth in the U.K., told Newsweek last month.
“Any object this rare is interesting to see. It’s relatively rare for comets this bright to pass this close to Earth, and it’s even more interesting when they are a nice color.”
The comet will still be visible for a number of weeks, at first with the naked eye and using binoculars, after which a telescope will be needed because of the comet’s increasing distance from Earth.
“[It] will likely fade below naked eye visibility by the second week of February,” Robert Massey, deputy executive director of the U.K. Royal Astronomical Society, told Newsweek in January.
Stargazers can find it passing through the Camelopardalis in early February, after which it will cross into Auriga, and then into Taurus. Towards the end of February, it will pass the Orion constellation.
The February 5 full moon will impede the view of the comet, however, as the moon’s bright light will make it harder to spot its faint glow.
After its last hurrah, the comet will disappear from view, heading back out of the solar system. Astronomers predict that it may never return.

(opens in new tab)Miguel Claro(opens in new tab) is a professional photographer, author and science communicator based in Lisbon, Portugal, who creates spectacular images of the night sky. As a European Southern Observatory Photo Ambassador(opens in new tab) and member of The World At Night(opens in new tab) and the official astrophotographer of the Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve(opens in new tab), he specializes in astronomical “Skyscapes” that connect both Earth and the night sky. Join Miguel here as he takes us through his photograph “Comet E3 ZTF Showing the Tail in Perspective and Immersed in a Colorful Starfield.”
This image shows a close-up view of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) on Jan. 22, 2023 immersed in a colorful starfield.
Aside from featuring a wonderful greenish coma from the glowing carbon gas being emitted from the comet, the image reveals a rare anti-tail due to the fact that planet Earth was crossing the orbital plane of C/2022 E3 (ZTF), allowing us to see the anti-tail in perspective.
The comet was photographed late in the night at a distance of 42 million miles (67 million kilometers) from Dark Sky Alqueva(opens in new tab) Observatory in Portugal. This long-distance traveler from the outer solar system hasn’t been seen this close to Earth in 50,000 years, and is moving fast against the background starry sky in this image.
Related: Watch a green comet make its first Earth approach in 50,000 years today with this free webcast
Read more: How to view and photograph comets
Looking for a telescope to see comet C/2022 E3 ZTF? We recommend the Celestron Astro Fi 102(opens in new tab) as the top pick in our best beginner’s telescope guide.
The Following Short Video is available on the webpage: CLICK HERE
On the night the image was taken, the comet was located close to constellation Draco, the Dragon, and showed a faint visual magnitude of +6.3. On Wednesday (Feb. 1), the comet will be at its closest point to our planet (known as perigee) and could eventually reach a naked eye magnitude in some locations.
This image was captured using a Takahashi FSQ-106ED telescope with an F5 focal ratio on an EM200 mount, which was auto-guided by a Asiair Pro wifi camera controller. My camera for this image is a modified Nikon D850 DSLR camera set to ISO3200.
This image was produced by combining 40 separate exposures that were captured for 200 seconds each. Total integration time was 130 minutes. Post-processing was completed in PixInsight 1.8.9-1 and Photoshop CC 2023.
Want to see comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) up close or try to take your own comet or night sky photos? Be sure to see our guides on the best telescopes and best binoculars that can help. Don’t forget to also check out our guides on how to view and photograph comets, as well our best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography to get started.
To see more of Miguel Claro’s work, please see his website(opens in new tab) or follow his stories on Instagram at www.instagram.com/miguel_claro(opens in new tab) .
Editor’s Note: If you snap your own photos of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and would like to share them with Space.com’s readers, send your photo(s), comments, and your name and location to spacephotos@space.com.
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Posted by Marcy Curran

Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF) passes Earth this week
On February 1 and 2, Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will reach its closest point to Earth (0.29 AU/ 27 million miles/ 44 million km). At that point, it’ll still be more than 100 times the moon’s distance away. With a first quarter moon on January 28, the moon is setting just after midnight.
For those who wish to view the comet around closest approach (perigee), the viewing is better in the morning hours after the moon has set. The comet is on the verge of being visible without optical aid. Try observing from a dark-sky site for your best chance to see it with your eye alone. No luck? You can always use binoculars or a telescope to spot this green visitor from the outer solar system.
According to Spaceweather.com yesterday, it should be visible to the unaided eye from a dark-sky site. They said:
Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) continues to brighten as it approaches Earth for a close encounter (0.28 AU) on February 1st. Experienced observers are now reporting brightness values as high as magnitude +4.6. This means it is visible to the unaided eye from very dark sites and a great target for small telescopes.
Photos and video of Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF)
Enjoy these recent images of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) from our EarthSky Community Photos. Do you have a great photo to share? Submit it here.

It was taken from the Valley of Whales in Egypt, Fayoum Desert. Our visitor has been here 50 thousand years ago, and now it’s back”. Thank you, Mohammed!

More photos from our EarthSky Community

Photos of Comet 2022 E3 ZTF from 2022

Bottom line: Enjoy these photos of Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF) taken by members of the EarthSky community. Have a great photo of your own? Share it at EarthSky Community Photos.
Read more: Comet 2022 E3 ZTF closest to Earth February 1 and 2