When God reveals the Ark of the Covenant and all things related… the dissenters will be silenced and doubters will believe!!
I have been praying that the Lord would reveal the ark of the Covenant so the world could see all the wonderful things that Ron discovered there with it. Ron promised that the Lord would reveal it just before the end. I love the precious spirit of Ron Wyatt and all of his family. I know that Ron did not care if got credit or not for any of the things he was lead to by the Lord. But, it does bother me sometimes when I see scallywags claiming his discoveries as their own.
Yesterday morning, right after my earnest prayer… God lead me to the following video! Praise His name.
I have learned that there are multiple people talking about Ron’s discoveries, most especially the Ark of the Covenant at this time. I believe God is about to reveal the location of the Ark. Why now? Because Sunday Law/Earth Sabbath is about to be enforced, globally. spacer
For the FIRST TIME EVER, we’re unveiling exclusive footage from Ron Wyatt’s 1996 Q&A session in Sacramento, California! In this groundbreaking video, Ron Wyatt shares new, never-before-released details about his claim of discovering the Ark of the Covenant—the most mysterious and sought-after biblical artifact in history. In this rare Part 1 of his Q&A, Ron Wyatt opens up about the incredible journey that led him to one of the greatest archaeological finds of all time. He discusses the exact moment he found the Ark, the struggles he faced keeping this discovery secret, and the evidence that supports his claims. What you’ll learn in this video: • The amazing story of how Ron Wyatt first came across the Ark of the Covenant • The extraordinary details of his investigation that were kept hidden until now • His explanation of how biblical prophecy guided his discovery • The unbelievable challenges he encountered while protecting this secret • Why this find could change everything you thought you knew about biblical history This Q&A has been locked away for years, but now it’s finally available for you to witness! Whether you’re a firm believer in Wyatt’s claims or a curious skeptic, this video will give you jaw-dropping insights that will leave you speechless. Watch now to uncover the secrets behind the Ark of the Covenant—revealed like never before! Stay tuned for Part 2! More hidden truths and shocking revelations are coming soon! Like, share, and subscribe for more exclusive footage of Ron Wyatt’s amazing discoveries, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our next release. #ArkOfTheCovenant#RonWyatt
In 2024, the European Sunday Alliance (ESA) issued a manifestopromoting a work-free Sunday for all.The ESA also ran a video campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of a weekly day of rest.
Sunday laws, also known as blue laws, are laws that restrict or ban some or all activities on specified days, most often on Sundays.The purpose of these laws is to promote the observance of a day of rest. For example, Sunday laws may restrict shopping or ban the sale of certain items on Sundays.
The first civil legislation concerning Sunday was introduced in 321 by the Roman emperor ConstantineI.He decreed that all work should cease on Sunday, except that farmers could work if necessary.
Take a weekly day of rest. Make it a real sabbath. For you. For earth.
Don’t drive. Don’t shop. Don’t build.
Take a walk. Eat with friends. Play or read with your kids. Sing. Meditate. Celebrate contentment.
Taking a break
Increasing numbers of people see the wisdom of observing a weekly day of rest, of minimizing one’s environmental impact. For many, this has nothing to do with God or religion; it is merely common-sense self-care for oneself and our planetary home. Yet the inspiration of the ancient biblical sabbath stands clearly behind these practices. Filmmaker Tiffany Shlain came up with a technology shabbat for her family, a break from all devices with screens. Every Sunday since 2007 Mexico City has handed over some 55 km of streets around the historic city center to bicyclists, skateboarders, rollerbladers, toddlers on push toys, parents behind strollers, and other pedestrians, attracting sometimes tens of thousands of people. More recently, Bogotá, Colombia, has introduced car-free Sundaysthat the population savors, while England’s Playing Out has helped parents in hundreds of places temporarily close off local neighborhood streets to car traffic so that kids can play. In 2024, Philadelphia closed off many streets in the central shopping and dining districtof West Walnut on the Sundays of September. When Israeli cities shut down for the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), nitrogen oxide pollution in the air decreases for the day by 70-99% .
Many cultures have instituted ritualized days of rest. The Igbo, who currently live mostly in Nigeria, have a four-day week. They consider the second day, Orie, to be a holy day of obligation, on which farmers rest from farming and feast with their family. Among some Fante fishing communities on Ghana’s coastline there are sacred days, usually Tuesday, set aside as a rest day for fishermen. No fishing is allowed on those days. This gives the seathe time to replenish its fish stock. Similarly, among the people of Dormaa Traditional Area in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana it is prohibited to work the land or go into the bush/forest for any occupational activity on Tuesday. As a respite from the tremendous pressures of his political activism, Mohandas Gandhi took each Monday as a day of total silence. His inspiration was the practice of many Hindus to fast on a particular day of the week— each day is dedicated to a different god. A typical Vrata (day of fasting and/or religious rituals) involves a fast for a fixed period of time, usually from sunrise to sunset, where either no food is eaten or only one meal is eaten, or only a certain food such as milk is consumed. Silence is usually maintained. Other practices include sleeping on the ground or for only a short time, or yoga with meditation, reading Hindu scriptures and charitable giving. Since the Buddha’s time, many Buddhists have observed uposatha days, often on a weekly basis in conjunction with the phases of the moon. Uposatha days were intended by the Buddha for cleansing the mind. On these days practitioners intensify their practice, observe certain forms of abstinence, deepen their knowledge and express communal commitment through acts of reciprocity.
Try it. One day a week, minimize the need for more goods, minimize the use of natural resources, minimize the emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.
The Sabbath is said to be a foretaste of the world to come(Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 57b). Literally. If you care about our future, about your well-being, observe a real sabbath day of rest. It helps cultivate community, self-discipline, inner calm and contentment. One powerful weapon in the fight against environmental deterioration and climate disaster may just be an age-old spiritualtechnology.
It could be merely a question of doing nothing.
They want you to believe that it is not religious or spiritual. THAT IS A LIE. It is a direct affront to God Almighty who instituted His Sabbath as a way to HONOR HIM!! All other pagan sabbaths are an imitation of His Command. There is only ONE GOD! One Creator of All Things. There is NO MOTHER EARTH!
GODDESS worship and Nature Worship are directly in opposition to the One True Living God. spacer
Chiffon Margarine – “It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature” … YouTube · The Museum of Classic Chicago Television (www.FuzzyMemories.TV) Yes throughout our lives we are bombarded with images and references to “Mother Nature” or “Mother Earth”. It is so deeply ingrained in us that I hear even people who consider themselves “Christian” refer to “Mother … Click Here to Read More
Most people probably are not even aware there was a G7 Summit this week. There are some things that happened there that will truly affect us all going forward. However, there was one particularly powerful declaration that came out of this conference that is right out of the book of Revelation, one of the most … Click Here to Read More
Something to think about as you review the following information: There is solid ground for believing that 2028 is the end or at least the end of the 6,000 years most people believe is the time set for the earth. If that is true, then 2025 would be the beginning of the last three years. … Click Here to Read More
UPDATES ADDED 11/5/22; 2/8/24 Within the following post you will find evidence that this is the WORLD’s Introduction to the ANTICHRIST SYSTEM. Poope Francis will STAND in the HOLY PLACE and declare himself to be GOD ALMIGHTY. spacer ATTENTION: NOVEMBER 6-18 November 2, 2022 by Cynthia The WHOLE WORLD NEEDS TO PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS HAPPENING … Click Here to Read More
The WHOLE WORLD NEEDS TO PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE NEXT COUPLE WEEKS! This is no time to be asleep. TRUST ME this event is of ASTRONOMICAL SIGNIFICANCE! This is no small thing. GOD WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO OCCUR WITHOUT REPERCUSSION. GOD IS NOT MOCKED!! These fools are planning to ascend … Click Here to Read More
My friends, this is a very serious message. We are living in an ELIJAH moment. It is time to use the facility or get off the pot. CHOOSE!! Choose you this day whom you will serve. CHOOSE LIFE!! Whose report will you believe? Do you stand with GOD? or Do you stand with those who … Click Here to Read More
With all the amazingly ignorant and blasphemous remarks that flow out of the mouth of the one called “Pope” Francis I am flabbergasted that anyone gives him any credibility. In fact, I am appalled that he continues to be exalted and adored by the masses. I can’t for the life of me figure out why … Click Here to Read More
It is unbelievable the things that come out of the mouth of the PONTIFF. UNBELIEVABLE! How does anyone not see that this man is not a Servant of Yah/GOD/The CREATOR. NOT A REPRESENTATIVE OF JESUS CHRIST. He could not be any clearer about it. Over and Over again he declares things that clearly demonstrate that … Click Here to Read More
Wow, if you missed it… here is a heads-up! It is happening. They are fully implementing their AGENDA. THE UN, THE POPE, THE ELITE, THE ILLUMINATI, THE GOVERNMENTS, THE MILITARY. They are all aligned, equipped, prepared and “champing at the bit”. They can’t wait to see their plan in action. “It has been a long … Click Here to Read More
RESTORED 2/20/22 I first read about the Noahide Laws way back in the early 1990s. When I tried to share the information with friends and family, they thought I lost my mind. The topic seemed to go underground for a while. No one was covering it publicly, but there was plenty going on down low. … Click Here to Read More
TAGS: Pagan Rome, SABBATH Usurped, EASTER ESTABLISHED, PROTESTANTS RISE, FREEDOM IMPORTANT UPDATES 08/05/2021; 11:35:11 AM When God first opened my eyes, he began to show me so many truths. I spent every moment I could just learning from HIM. For several weeks He had me studying the DICTIONARY! I kid you not. I can’t tell … Click Here to Read More
Join Michael Rood as he provides a brief overview of the hiding place of the Ark of the Covenant, its future reappearance, the confirmation of the covenant, and the reconstruction of the Tabernacle of David in the end times
http://aroodawakening.tv/ArkYT Jeremiah and several of the faithful priests received detailed revelation concerning the activation of the sand-hydraulic elevator system that was integrated into the structure of Solomon’s Temple. While the siege engines of Nebuzaradan smashed down the wall of the city and his troops severed the heads of the priests attempting to protect the temple treasures, Jeremiah and his band followed an underground passage to the place where Solomon had provided a huge stone sarcophagus to protect the Ark of the Covenant until its revealing in the last days. Jeremiah, by revelation, had purchased that parcel of land from his cousin while he was imprisoned in Jerusalem — and that land still holds the vessel with the two title deeds and the Ark. The land belongs to Jeremiah, the Ark belongs to the Almighty and will be whisked away to the throne room in heaven at the sounding of the Seventh and Last Trumpet. Join Michael Rood for this week’s Shabbat Night Live as he presents the sixth episode in “The Ark of the Covenant” series – “The Hiding of The Ark of the Covenant”.
http://aroodawakening.tv/ArkYT The Messiah will be “cut off” but not for himself. The Messiah will eventually bring in everlasting righteousness. The Messiah will make reconciliation for iniquity; The Messiah is The Prophet who will be authenticated. It is the Messiah whose blood will “anoint the most holy” object on planet earth — the Ark of the Covenant. And it is HE, the Messiah who will confirm the Covenant that was made with his shed blood that will commence the last “shevua”. There is no doubt that an evil prince will come and place the Abomination that makes Desolate; that scenario is repeated several times in Daniel’s prophecies, by Yeshua himself, and by Shaul. Yochanan is the one who shows us when Abaddon / Apollyon / the Destroyer is finally revealed. But there is no “peace treaty with the antichrist” in the entirety of the Messianic prophesy of Daniel — it is the fabrication of one American author in the early 1970s and to this day it is presumptuously repeated by proponents of the secret rapture with unwavering conviction. Join Michael Rood for this week’s Shabbat Night Live as he presents the seventh and last episode in “The Ark of the Covenant” series – “The Confirmation of the Covenant”
Kevin Fisher and Scott Laird filmed three programs at Michael Rood’s Shabbat Night Live on the discovery of the ark of the covenant. Ron Wyatt discovered the ark on January 6, 1982. In the video here you will see gold detection which proves the ark is in the exact spot Mr. Wyatt said it would be. You can purchase the DVD set at this link: www.tinyurl.com/arkcovkevinfisher See ArkDiscovery.com for more information about the discoveries of Ron Wyatt including Noah’s ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, Red Sea crossing, Mt. Sinai in Arabia, and the ark of the covenant. Video uploaded by permission.
Will you follow the voice of DECEIT? Or, will you follow the Voice of TRUTH? For all of you who are familiar with the discoveries of Ron Wyatt, and for all those who are not, there is lots of new and exciting information and visuals in this post. Ron was a true and honest SERVANT … Click Here to Read More
If you think you have already seen this web post… YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT IN ITS CURRENT STATE. Please visit it again… not for my sake…but for YOURS! UPDATES: 08/05/2021; 2:46:29 PM; RESTORED and New Items Added 12/17/23 GET READY FOLKS! I have a strong feeling that GOD is about to VERIFY everything that … Click Here to Read More
The farther back we go in our History, the closer we get to the source. The ancients who walked the Earth in its early years, still maintained the memory of GOD. There was no one who could convince them that GOD did not exist. The best they could do was to convince them that GOD … Click Here to Read More
Folks, there is a lot of craziness going on in the world today. All the threatening situations, the uncertainty, the violence, the oppression, the unrest… yet in the middle of all that is happening GOD is doing some amazing things. We are seeing things in our day that believers throughout history would have given anything … Click Here to Read More
Updates added 12/27/23 It seems it is time to update you on the progress of the NEOM Project in Saudi Arabia.It s interesting that out of this Project may come an awakening. Many people are learning for the first time about the TRUE MT SINAI where GOD spoke to the PEOPLE OF EARTH and gave … Click Here to Read More
So many events of a PROPHETIC nature are happening at a rapidly increasing pace that it is hard for anyone to deny we are in the ENDTIMES. I have already covered many of them. My most recent post gives you a good idea of what is happening with the Third Temple. Today we are going … Click Here to Read More
If you are like me you are finding it harder and harder to keep up with everything that is happening in our World currently. So many different places and events to watch. We must always bear in min though that Israel is God’s timepiece. Today we are going to look at what is happening on … Click Here to Read More
Throughout history there have been imitators of Christ. Many pagan religions have a story that mimics the Salvation Plan of God. Why? Because Satan is a liar and all he can do is imitate GOD. He will NEVER be like the Most HIGH. Many people today are saying that Christianity is just like all these … Click Here to Read More
RESTORED: 8/12/22 I am very excited. This apparently is GOD’s TIME to reveal the truth about the EXODUS and Red Sea Crossing. The debates have been going on for years even though RON WYATT discovered and documented the Real Red Sea Crossing and the REAL Mt Sinai years ago. There have been many others claiming … Click Here to Read More
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign… CAN’T YOU READ THE SIGNS? DEAR WORLD! Listen UP! GOD is CALLING! This present age is coming to an END. It you are one who truly is seeking UNITY, PEACE, FREEDOM and a SAFE AND PRODUCTIVE ENVIRONMENT… TURN TO THE CREATOR! Now, before it is too late. Grace is ENDING … Click Here to Read More
OK, FOLKS! I know that there are a lot people out there who just are not able or willing to accept that we are living through the end times. This post is full of evidence that we ARE INDEED! Time is running out. IF you are not watching for the SAVIOR to return…I hope you … Click Here to Read More