Gifts from the Fallen – Part 2 – Sacred Arts, Sciences and Crafts

There truly is NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. All the knowledge that we think we have acquired out of our own labour, has all been revealed in the past.  Everything is spiritually based and religious in its core.  All those who rant and rave against faith in GOD, are ALL worshiping other gods, even those who worship space, and earth, and human will.  You cannot live separate from spirit.

The Genesis 6 Conspiracy

Chapter 1. Heroes of Old 

Section I. The Antediluvian Epoch: The Age of Great Heroes

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and afterward, when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were heroes of old, men of renown.

—Genesis 6:4

The unexplained Nephilim narrative originates in the book of Genesis, during the time of Noah. Readers are not provided with any defining details or with appropriate context as to just what Nephilim were. Readers are only instructed that sons of God coupled with daughters of men, which curiously produced the renowned heroes of old.

The ancient application to the appellation hero is not generally understood today in the same context that hero was applied and understood in ancient texts and thus, it is comprehended in a completely different connotation in the everyday life of the ancient epochs. The ancient recollection of heroes is more akin to our contemporary phenomena of superheroes, such as Superman and Spiderman. Indeed, these contemporary superheroes reflect allegories of forgotten secrets to epochs past, fond memories by some harkening back to an age of superhuman heroes. These contemporary cartoon characters eerily whisper something seductive, something secretive, and something sinister from the misty fog of prehistory that we dismiss at our peril.

Consider this: one definition provided by Webster’s New Format Dictionary (1986) defines hero as “a man of superhuman powers, a demigod.” If the original translation for hero then is applied to Genesis 6, we indeed have a cryptic enigma, in that a race of superhuman demigods is part of the flood narrative. Just as curious, and without explanation, all renowned men of antiquity were depicted as heroes that persistently and continuously bubbled to the surface from the murky depths of primeval history as part man and part god, reigning for long durations.

sci·ence/ˈsīəns/ – noun    

Word Origin Middle English (denoting knowledge): from Old French, from Latin scientia, from scire ‘know’.

Translation – To know, understand

  • the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment:“the world of science and technology”
  • a particular area of science:“veterinary science
  • a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject:“the science of criminology”
  • knowledge of any kind:“his rare science and his practical skill”

Astronomy – the study of the heavens

Biology – the study of living things.

Botany – the study of plants.

Chemistry – the study of reactions, creations, and binding of matter.

Entomology – the study of insects.

Geology – the study of Earth and its components, e.g. soils, rocks, etc.

Microbiology – the study of microorganisms, e.g. bacteria and their effects on other living organisms.Physics – the study of matter, energy, space and time.

Palaeontology – the study of prehistoric life through evidence provided by fossils

Pathology – the study of diseases and their causes, processes, development, and consequences.

Zoology – the study of animals

Cosmetology (from Greek κοσμητικόςkosmētikos, “beautifying”;[1] and -λογία-logia) is the study and application of beauty treatment. Branches of specialty include hairstylingskin carecosmeticsmanicures/pedicures, non permanent hair removal such as waxing and sugaring and permanent hair removal processes such as electrology and intense pulsed light(IPL).

Genetics and Geneology – “laws of origination;” “line of descent, pedigree, descent,””tracing of a family,”  “the making of a pedigree,”  “generation, descent”  root *gene- “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups) +  An Old English word for it was folctalu, literally “folk tale.” Meaning “study of family trees”

Antediluvian Masonry: The Seven Sacred Sciences, Genetic Manipulation, and Enoch the Evil

Truth Center 

Published on Nov 19, 2016

The world is full of ancient architecture. Here we go through the journey of the Heavenly Seven Sacred Sciences being passed down to Adam and eventually the Nephilim. This corruption of the knowledge spawned the Nephilim to experiment with genetic manipulation and we also cover the hidden truth behind Masonry connecting it back to Enoch the Evil, son of Cain.


Chapter 9: Antediluvian Masonry And The Seven Sacred Sciences


According to the Craft Legends, one must conclude that all the pantheistic religions grew out of the spurious form of masonry, either from the Chaldeans or the Egyptians. Furthermore, the religious doctrine of all the pantheistic religions is essentially the same. Alford wrote concerning the Mysteries of Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome, which were believed all to be founded on the same sun god allegories (from Enoch the Evil’s sun worshipping mysticism).

Included in the spurious Masonry honor role, although modern Masons view them as pure Masons, are the Chaldeans, Magi, soothsayers, and astrologers of Babylon. The spurious honor roll further includes the priests of Egypt, the Greek and Roman philosophers, the Brahmins and the gymnosophists of India, and the Druids and bards of both Briton and Gaul. Modern Masons attribute the great discoveries in astronomy, chemistry, and mechanics to these various religious groups, due to their disciplines in the alleged pure science. This esteemed list of numinous curators co- opted their corrupted knowledge to spin off all the pantheistic religions and spurious sciences of times past and present, inclusive of the alchemy influence, an offshoot of masonry, which adopted Hermes as its patron saint.

So how does the founding of polytheist religions relate to modern masonry? Well, Dr. Oliver stated that modern masonry is a relic of the idolatrous Mysteries. Modern German, British, and French scholars traced masonry back to the mysteries of paganism, finding it was polluted with idolatry. Modern masonry derived its murky initiation ceremonies from pagan mysticism.It is nothing more than an Egyptian religion. And finally, as you will recall, modern Freemasonry is not based in architecture or geometry, but it is immersed in the moral and spiritual tenets and ceremonial rituals.

Modern Freemasonry is not just a benevolent, philosophical movement. It is not merely a benign institution, where members are taught to develop their character and altruistic instincts through a series of catechisms and ritual dramas.  Quite frankly, Freemasonry is the very same ghostly belief system that caused the deluge. It is the same shadowy Snake Brotherhood that will once more bring about global catastrophe, only this time by fire, at Armageddon.

Chapter 2. The Daughters of Cain

Male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish and the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

—Genesis 1:27–28

Indeed, there are other sources that we can look to in establishing that Cain’s progeny were a corrupt and vile branch of Adam’s posterity, who were willing participants in violating the sacred laws of creation. We can also find out just who the sons of God were.

Let us begin with summarizing Genesis’s account of the posterity of Cain. Cain bore a son, Enoch, and Cain named the city he built after him. Enoch bore Irad, who bore Mehujael, who bore Methushal, who was the father of Lamech. Lamech married two women, Adah and Zillah, and was thereby pronounced the first polygamist, a violation of the law that the Nephilim would later prize as a cornerstone of their rebellious culture. Adah gave birth to Jabal, the first nomad who raised livestock. Adah also gave birth to another son, Jubal, the first to create the art of music. The second wife, Zillah, bore one son, Tubal-Cain, who was credited with inventing smithcraft. Zillah also bore a daughter named Naamah, but Genesis does not accredit Naamah with inventing anything.

The account of Cain’s progeny ends with Lamech, stating he killed a man for wounding him, and that if his ancestor Cain was sentenced to suffer seven times over, then he would be judged to suffer seventy-seven times over.

Although this account does provide some transgressions, such as the polygamy of Lamech and the killing of a man by Lamech, compounded by the sin of murder by Lamech’s ancestor Cain, it does not establish requisite groundwork for the level of violence and corruption compiled by the tenth generation, particularly when one considers the sons and daughters of Lamech form the sixth generation. And as I have already noted, the erosion of righteousness took hold during the first seven generations, when it gripped the posterity of Seth, corrupting the righteous branch almost completely by the tenth generation. Therefore, something more must have been taking place in the lineage of Cain to so corrupt his posterity, in addition to crossing the genealogical branches of Cain and Seth, or another outside source must have been at work as the source of this corruption. Cain was thought to have traveled over many countries with his wife, finally establishing a city he named Nod, where he and his wife settled and had children.

Louis Ginzberg, author of Legends of the Bible, notes that Cain built monuments to immortalize his name, as well as sixty cities, all with walls, thereby suggesting military fortresses. Josephus interjects that Cain did not accept judgment or punishment from God for murdering Abel. Cain did not repent but rather increased his transgressions and wickedness, procuring everything for his own pleasure, even though it obliged him to be injurious to his neighbors. Cain became wealthy through plundering his neighbors with violence and robbing them of all that he could pillage. Cain further urged his followers to do the same; he became a great leader of men, leading them into wickedness. Who were these plundering hordes led by Cain? Where did they come from?

Josephus wrote that Cain introduced weights and measures into the world, where before the introduction of this system, humankind lived innocently and generously. Cain led humans from innocence into cunning craftiness, where all things were weighed and measured. He established boundaries for all lands and established many cities with fortified walls, naming one Enoch after his eldest son. Ginzberg suggests that Cain sinned to secure his own pleasure, even though he severely injured his neighbors. Cain was likely one of the proponents for violence and war in the antediluvian world. Josephus and Ginzberg both label Cain as the father of evil, violence, and corruption. These accounts stray significantly from the Genesis account, where Cain was not overtly charged with corrupting the antediluvian world. It was implied so subtly that one may wish to look closer at Cain for impropriety. With Cain planting these kinds of seeds in just the second generation, it is not difficult to conceive the entire antediluvian world, other than the lineage of Seth, being totally corrupted by the sixth generation, with Seth’s posterity being completely corrupted by Cain’s descendants from the seventh to the tenth generations and after the Nephilim incident. With the arrival of Lamech, however, antediluvian life became interesting. Josephus recorded, just as the author of Genesis recorded, that Lamech became the first recorded polygamist, marrying both Zillah and Adah. Altogether, they procreated seventy-seven children. Lamech was also noted as being very skilled in the art of divine revelation. (it would have to mean divination, since Lamech was evil, I doubt he was hearing from God)  Of those seventy-seven children, three were noteworthy by Josephus’s standards.

Jubal, son of Adah, specialized in music, inventing musical instruments. Tubal-Cain, son of Zillah, exceeded all other men in strength and excelled in the martial arts, foreshadowing characteristics of the Nephilim. Josephus noted Tubal-Cain as procuring the pleasures of the body through his natural attributes, again foreshadowing another characteristic of the Nephilim. No doubt, Tubal-Cain also inherited and embellished all the sins and corruption of his forefather Cain, as witnessed by his name. Josephus then credits Tubal-Cain with inventing the art of manufacturing brass. Nelson’s Bible Dictionary defines Cain as meaning “a metal worker,” thereby attributing Tubal to being his first name, and Cain denoting his expertise, just as his forefather must have been some form of metalworker or smith. The third distinguished progeny was the daughter of Zillah, Naamah, meaning “pleasant.”16 Josephus does not credit anything special to Naamah, but again, to be noted in the Bible, one must be worthy of either good or evil.

Josephus went on to strike deep into the character of Cain’s posterity: Even while Adam was still alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceedingly wicked, everyone successfully dying, one after another, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if anyone was slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his immoral behavior, in acting unjustly, and doing injuries for gain.

They were, indeed, their father’s sons and daughters. Corroborating evidence from non-Biblical sources more than fills in the blanks left by Genesis. Josephus described Cain’s posterity as despicable to the bone—a vile branch that degenerated into more iniquity with each passing generation.

By the sixth generation, Cain’s rebellious posterity was a human cesspool, looking to spawn a great evil into the antediluvian world. And of course, they succeeded. But before we continue with that, it is time to enter the Freemasonry Brotherhood and its legends into the mystery.

The Dowland Manuscript of the Legend of the Craft lists the Seven Liberal Sciences: “Grammere” to teach humankind to both speak and write truly; “Rhethoricke” to teach humankind to speak in subtle terms; “Dialectyke” to teach humankind to discern between truth and falsehoods; “Arithmeticke” to teach humankind to compute all manner of numbers; “Geometrie” to teach humankind to measure the earth and all things (this is the Science of Masonry); “Musicke” to teach humankind song and the language of musical instruments; and finally, “Astronomye” to teach humankind the course of the planets and stars.  Rhetoric’s original state was the art of persuasion, while grammar was the molding and education of men through reading.

Note how several of these sciences were unexplainably credited to Lamech’s children in Genesis and Josephus.


Being persuaded that a just application of the principles, on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded, must be promote of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interests of the Society, and to be considered by them as a deserving brother.


Grand Lodge of Texas

During the Fellowcraft Degree, the candidate is symbolically led up a winding stairway that consists of three, five, and seven steps.   In doing so, he is introduced to the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences.   It is interesting to note that there is little explanation of this portion of the Fellowcraft Degree and no attempt to bring meaning to these subjects for the candidate.   If every part of the Masonic ritual has meaning for the candidate, then one must examine this brief portion of the Fellowcraft Degree to determine its value for the Mason.  

The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences were the curriculum known to ancient Greece and Rome and to Western Europe of medieval times.   During their cultural ascent, the Greeks came to see learning as being composed of seven arts: grammar, logic, rhetoric, geometry, arithmetic, music, and astronomy.   This curriculum was adopted by the Romans and divided into two parts called the trivium and the quadrivium.   The word trivium simply means three ways and quadrivium, four ways.  Thus the trivium was composed of what the Romans considered the basic of the seven arts: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. The quadrivium was composed of the other four arts.

Aristotle believed the liberal arts were those subjects that were suitable for learning by a freeman.   He contended that a freeman should not seek practical skills but should strive for moral and intellectual excellence, the goal being theoretical and philosophical knowledge.   He further believed if a man was capable of pure thought, he was capable of leadership of those who merely possessed the practical skills.  

The educational concepts of these cultures withstood the “dark ages” which enveloped Europe from roughly the Sixth Century until the Eleventh Century.  During this period, Western European culture was virtually blotted out and what little education that remained was confined to the church.    The reign of Charlemange during the Ninth Century began to see an increase in education, which was extended to the palaces and cathedrals.   While still ecclesiastical in organization, the system of education fanned the flame of intellectual curiosity.  By the Eleventh Century, Europe had begun to emerge from its darkness into a degree of political and social stability.   With this emergence came a renewal of the spirit of learning, which was nurtured for nearly four hundred years until it would burst forth during the Renaissance.   Education during these centuries consisted of grammar, logic, rhetoric, geometry, arithmetic, music, and astronomy: the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences.  

With this background, one now turns to the seven liberal arts to gain an insight into their nature.

Grammar:    One must remember that instruction was in Latin during this early period; hence the grammar referred to was Latin grammar.   Grammar was not the tedious business of determining the parts of speech, but instead was the art of writing.   Cassiodorus defined grammar as the study of great poetry and oratory that would enable one to write with correctness and elegance.  Grammar is correct writing and skillful speaking.

Logic:   Logic in general is the science and art of right thinking.  Unlike physical or social science or philosophy, it is not concerned with the reality about which we are thinking, but only with the operations of thinking itself.   Great value was placed upon the ability to carry on a conversation or argue in a wholly rational manner with the thoughts carefully linked together.

Rhetoric:   Rhetoric is defined as the art of using language in such a way as to make the desired impression upon the hearer or reader.   Generally speaking, rhetoric covered the whole subject of composition, both oral and written.   In rhetoric we see the interplay of both grammar and logic.

Arithmetic:   Arithmetic was originally the science or theory of numbers. Someone has said that the teaching of arithmetic during medieval times consisted of simple calculations and complex superstitions. This seems too simple a view, although perhaps not a wholly unreasonable one. It seems likely that the arithmetic of the quadrivium probably consisted of four elements. These would have been numeration, the naming of numbers; notation, the writing and reading of numbers; counting, the act of numbering; and computation, the manipulation of numbers. For all this simplicity, years later the mathematician Karl Gauss was able to refer to arithmetic as the “queen of mathematics.”

Geometry:    In this day of calculators and computers, mathematics holds little of mystery or romance for any except the most dedicated mathematician.   As a result it is difficult for one to relate to Plato’s statement “geometry will draw the soul towards truth, and create the spirit of philosophy.”   To understand this, one must remember that the Greeks pursued all mathematics out of intellectual curiosity and a zest for pure thought.   They were concerned with teaching men to reason abstractly and preparing them to contemplate the ideal and the beautiful.   Their complete absorption with geometry led them to convert mathematical ideas into geometrical ones.   Their preference for idealizations and abstractions expressed itself in a mathematical spirit whose ultimate end was philosophy.   It is essentially this Greek idealization of geometry that has carried over into Masonry.

Astronomy:    Astronomy today is one of the exact sciences and it has long since divested itself of the metaphysics and mysticism which once characterized its studies.   In the minds of all peoples, astronomy is the science of the heavens and has been closely connected with religious tradition.   It was long thought that in the heavens would be found the supernatural causes of observed phenomena as well as the answers to the future.    Masonry has idealized astronomy as it has geometry.   The monitorial lecture tells us that, “Astronomy is that divine art, by which we are taught to read the wisdom, strength, and beauty of the Almighty Creator in those sacred pages, the celestial hemisphere.”   For Masonry, the value of astronomy is metaphysical rather than physical as indicated by the final sentence of the lecture.  “While we are employed in the study of this science, we must perceive unparalleled instances of wisdom and goodness, and through the whole creation, trace the glorious Author by His works.”

Music:    Somewhere back in time, man discovered that the sounds from his stringed instrument depended upon their lengths.   He further found that putting multiple strings together allowed him to produce a pleasing harmony.    His inquiring mind led him to discover that the ratio of the lengths of the strings were simple whole numbers.    So from the time of Pythagoras the study of music was regarded as mathematical in nature.   It seems strange to think of music as mathematical until one considers the words of the philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Liebniz, “Music is the pleasure the human soul experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting.”   It was this essentially mathematical character of music that leads to its being included in the quadrivium.

The Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, represented by the seven steps in the Fellowcraft Degree, symbolize for the Mason an idealization of education, that intellectual and cultural discipline necessary for man in his quest to obtain perfection and understand his Maker.   From a symbolic standpoint, these seven subjects must be considered a single symbol composed of seven parts of equal dignity.    While geometry is exalted by Masonry, it is dealt with separately within the Fellowcraft Degree in another context and should not be provided additional significance in the context of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences.

This seven-part symbol represents education and all its attendant values, not the precise content of education.    When one examines each of the parts of this symbol, one discerns not only the nature and content of each part, but also an idealized purpose of education as well.    The view provided by the symbol coincides with Plato’s view of education, that education tends to lift the mind above the mundane and routine considerations and enables it to comprehend the final aim of philosophy, an understanding of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, God.    This is the ultimate essence of Freemasonry, that man should continually strive to develop his understanding of his own spiritual being and the essence of God.    So Masonry’s Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences together symbolize the conscious effort to control the mind and spirit so that reason prevails and man will always strive to obtain a perfect relationship with God.

Photo Credit: The seven liberal arts and sciences – Intro – The Other Mason

I have never met an artist who was not either searching for their “Muse” or giving credit to their “Muse” for their “inspiration”. 

inspiration (n.)

c. 1300, “immediate influence of God or a god,” especially that under which the holy books were written, from Old French inspiracion “inhaling, breathing in; inspiration” (13c.), from Late Latin inspirationem (nominative inspiratio), noun of action from past-participle stem of Latin inspirare“blow into, breathe upon,” figuratively “inspire, excite, inflame,” from in- “in” (from PIE root *en “in”) + spirare “to breathe” (see spirit (n.)). ,

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. [Genesis ii.7]The sense evolution seems to be from “breathe into” to “infuse animation or influence,” thus “affect, rouse, guide or control,” especially by divine influence. Inspire (v.) in Middle English also was used to mean “breath or put life or spirit into the human body; impart reason to a human soul.” Literal sense “act of inhaling” attested in English from 1560s. Meaning “one who inspires others” is attested by

Muse –   (myo͞oz) –  noun

1. Greek Mythology Any of the nine daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art orscience.

2. muse

a. guiding spirit.
b. source of inspiration: the lover who was the painter’s muse.
3. muse Archaic A poet.

muse  – [ myooz ]
verb (used without object),mused, mus·ing.
to think or meditate in silence, as on some subject. Archaic to gaze meditatively or wonderingly.

verb (used with object),mused,mus·ing.
to meditate on.
to comment thoughtfully or ruminate upon.

MUSE is where we get the word “amusement”  which is the same as “entertainment”

the arts plural noun

painting, sculpture, music, theater, literature, etc., considered as a group of activities done by people with skill and imaginationShe’s a patron of the arts.He wants the government to increase its funding for the arts

sacred-  adjective  sa·​cred | \ ˈsā-krəd  \

1a: dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity; i.e. a tree sacred to the gods
b: devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) a fund sacred to charity
2a: worthy of religious veneration: HOLY   (veneration = worship)
bentitled to reverence and respect  (reverence = profound adoration)
3of or relating to religion : not secular or profane sacred music

Sacred Arts– Mixed Media Dialogues with the Divine Feminine
13 mOOns-
a year of In*Spiration

Each time I show up to the blank page or canvas it is to listen. Sometimes I come with an enquiry, sometimes I come just to see what wants to be heard, either way a dialogue unfolds and it is through this dialogue that I create art, that I commune with spirit, that I meet myself. Without this dialogue, this backwards and forwards dance of listening and responding, my art practice lack meaning and my life wouldn’t be so rich. There is no separation between my life, my spiritual practice and my art practice, all are entwined in this beautiful conversation when I stay open to all the questions and all of the whisperings. My art practice is a liberating act that allows me to access my deeper wisdom and knowing- my bone wisdom.

Sacred Arts - an online mixed media workshop with Galia Alena


1. Natural or acquired facility in a specific activity:

Informal: know-how.

2. Deceitful cleverness:

3. Lack of straightforwardness and honesty in action:

4. Activity pursued as a livelihood:
