Get that ELF off your shelf!

RESTORED: 8/18/22; RESTORED 12/3/23
We are living in the endtimes.  Everything has been turned upside down.  Mankind has fallen for the lie of the enemy that says GOD DOES NOT EXIST.  If you have not fallen for that one, perhaps you have chosen to believe an alternate version that says LUCIFER is GOD,  or that SATAN is the GOOD GOD and the God of the Bible is EVIL.   Or, perhaps you prefer to believe that YOU are GOD, or that you can become GOD through enlightenment.   

Christianity has become passé and Paganism of every kind is rapidly increasing.  One tool the enemy of your soul has employed to bring this change about is ENTERTAINMENT.   Using music, video, theater, and games, Satan has brainwashed the masses and dumbed them down to the point where they no longer have any Godly wisdom or discernment.  They have been given over to a reprobate mind that desires only evil all the time.

Satan’s main target right now is children.  There are innumerable ways he is poisoning their minds.  Today, I want to focus on one in particular.  Since we are in the “Christmas Season”, let’s take a look at a Christmas tradition that has exploded.  


Parents are bringing these figures into their homes and telling their children that they are REAL.   They are telling their children that these “elves” are watching them and reporting to Santa if they are bad.  Parent’s are using these as a threat, a tool to obtain proper behavior from their kids.  They are going much farther than that.  They are punishing the kids if they say that these are not real.   They are actually using the figures to play tricks on their kids.  Acting out crazy stories that include the elf on the shelf moving, eating, writing.  It is insane! 

If you search online you will find endless articles and videos about this phenomenon.  You will find thousands of ways to make this practice part of your family tradition.  You will find instructions on how you or your kids can make your own elf (form the idol with your own hands),    how to build a home for them and how to leave them gifts (oblations to your idol).  You will also find hundreds of videos to convince your children that they are real. 

I know, I can hear you already.  What kind of a killjoy am I?  Right?  It is all just harmless fun, right?  OH SO VERY WRONG!!  WAKE UP, PEOPLE!   Our true history has been removed from our world and we have been sold a pack of lies.  The truth is that in the World before Christ, all those beings they call MYTHS, were not only real, they ruled the earth.  They were forced into hiding when TRUTH came to shed His blood for your salvation and deliverance.  But, now that the world has turned its back on Him, THEY ARE BACK!   They are back with a vengeance.  They know they have but a short time.  BEWARE… it all sounds really cute and fun to you now… but wait until you are so far gone you cannot be redeemed!  That is where they want you because that is where they live.   They have no chance at redemption.  Their fate is sealed.  THEY HATE YOU because JESUS DIED FOR YOU!  They are doing everything they can to get you to buy the lie.  The only real weapon they have is DECEPTION!  You have to join them of your own free will.  SO, all they have to do is FOOL YOU!  AND IT IS WORKING!!!

I hope what you find here will convince you to STOP this insane practice.  QUIT INVITING DEMONIC SPIRITS INTO YOUR HOME.  They can only come by invitation.  It does not matter to them if you KNOW what you are doing or not.  You can invite them out of ignorance…it still has the same result!

Isaiah 2:8 “Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made.” They are training us to create idols with our own hands. Idols of all kinds, not just elves. But, for today, Elves are our focus.

An elf (plural: elves) is a type of human-shaped supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves seem generally to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. Wikipedia

Update 5/8/20

I just saw this article and it addresses this issue from another standpoint.  I felt I had to share it.

The Elf on the Shelf balloon floats down Sixth Avenue during the 2014 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters)
The Elf on the Shelf balloon floats down Sixth Avenue during the 2014 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters)
Dec. 16, 2014 at 12:33 p.m. CST

For some, the Elf on the Shelf doll, with its doe-eyed gaze and cherubic face, has become a whimsical holiday tradition — one that helpfully reminds children to stay out of trouble in the lead-up to Christmas.

For others — like, say, digital technology professor Laura Pinto — the Elf on the Shelf is “a capillary form of power that normalizes the voluntary surrender of privacy, teaching young people to blindly accept panoptic surveillance and” [deep breath] “reify hegemonic power.”

I mean, obvs, right?

The latter perspective is detailed in “Who’s the Boss,” a paper published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, in which Pinto and co-author Selena Nemorin argue that the popular seasonal doll is preparing a generation of children to uncritically accept “increasingly intrusive (albeit whimsically packaged) modes of surveillance.”

Before you burst out laughing, know that Pinto comes across as extremely friendly and not at all paranoid on the phone. She’s also completely serious.

“The Elf on the Shelf” is both a book and a doll. The former is a soft pixie scout elf that parents are instructed to hide around the house. The accompanying book, written in rhyme, tells a Christmas-themed story that explains how Santa Claus keeps tabs on who is naughty and who is nice.

The book describes elves hiding in children’s homes each day during the holidays to monitor their behavior before returning to the North Pole each night with a report for “the boss.”

Because we live in a world grappling with corporate smartphone surveillance, behavior management apps in the classroom and private communication interceptions by various governments, Pinto —  a digital technology professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology — sees the Elf on the Shelf dolls as one development among many threatening our collective definition of privacy.

If she’s right, in all likelihood she’s fighting a losing battle. The Elf on the Shelf book sold over 6 million copies and joined the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade last year, according to the Daily Mail.

“I don’t think the elf is a conspiracy and I realize we’re talking about a toy,” Pinto told The Post. “It sounds humorous, but we argue that if a kid is okay with this bureaucratic elf spying on them in their home, it normalizes the idea of surveillance and in the future restrictions on our privacy might be more easily accepted.”

Until the introduction of Elf on the Shelf, Santa’s mythological helpers had always been relegated to the toy workshop, Pinto said. After the story and toy were introduced by Chanda Bell, a onetime Atlanta reading teacher, the traditional narrative changed to include the hiding, surveillance and back-and-forth travel, Pinto said.

“As evidenced by the millions of books and dolls sold,” the Toronto Star writes, “the story has become a cultural phenomenon, with parents littering their social media feeds with photos of the elf in strange places.”

Facebook, in fact, is how Pinto said she originally became aware of the doll. Last December, she began to see her Facebook friends who have kids posting Elf on the Shelf photos.

The more she read about the doll and the rules that accompany it, the more she began to feel like the game that resonated with the purpose of the infamous panopticon, Jeremy Bentham’s 18th Century design for a model prison (a central tower in a circular structure, surrounded by cells that made it impossible for prisoners to know if they were being watched).

She writes:
Elf on the Shelf presents a unique (and prescriptive) form of play that blurs the distinction between play time and real life. Children who participate in play with The Elf on the Shelf doll have to contend with rules at all times during the day: they may not touch the doll, and they must accept that the doll watches them at all times with the purpose of reporting to Santa Claus. This is different from more conventional play with dolls, where children create play-worlds born of their imagination, moving dolls and determining interactions with other people and other dolls. Rather, the hands-off “play” demanded by the elf is limited to finding (but not touching!) The Elf on the Shelf every morning, and acquiescing to surveillance during waking hours under the elf’s watchful eye. The Elf on the Shelf controls all parameters of play, who can do and touch what, and ultimately attempts to dictate the child’s behavior outside of time used for play.

“The whole thing with panopticonism under the Jeremy Bentham structure,” Pinto said, “is that you never quite knew if you were being watched or not and that forced you into behaving in a certain way. The elf is the same way.”

Pinto said she’s not the first person to be troubled by Elf on the Shelf’s surveilling. She’s said parents routinely contact her to say they changed the rules of the game after it made their families uneasy. And many kids, she said, often intuitively feel like spying and being a tattletale is wrong.

“A mom e-mailed me and told me that the first day they read the elf book and put the elf out, her daughter woke up crying because she was being watched by the elf,” Pinto recounted. “They changed the game so it wouldn’t scare the child.”

Emma Waverman, a blogger with Today’s Parent, told the Star that the idea of the elf watching someone all the time is “creepy.”

“It makes the motivation to behave something that’s external,” she told the paper. “If I’m not around or if the elf is not around, do they act crazy?”

Translated into academia-speak, Pinto and Nemorin make a similar point in Who’s the Boss?

“What is troubling,” they write, “is what The Elf on the Shelf represents and normalizes: anecdotal evidence reveals that children perform an identity that is not only for caretakers, but for an external authority (The Elf on the Shelf), similar to the dynamic between citizen and authority in the context of the surveillance state.”

For all you skeptics out there, take a look at this …

NBC News

Texas sheriff deputizes Elf on a Shelf doll 
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90 people are talking about this

And here is a video explanation of the paper:

It isn’t just for Christmas Anymore!

Elf on a Shelf: The Strange History of Santa’s Little Helpers

The children of North America have a new Christmas tradition: The elf on the shelf.

Alternatively panned as creepy and adored as a fun holiday ritual, the trademarked Elf on the Shelf dates back to 2005, when author Carol Aebersold self-published a tale of a little elf sent by Santa to report on children’s behavior leading up to Christmas. A toy elf sold with Aebersold’s book plays that role in thousands of homes around the country.

It’s a strange place to end up for these Christmas-y little creatures, who once stood side by side with Norse gods and took the blame for inexplicable illnesses in medieval Europe. But elves stand the test of time, playing modern-day roles in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” series

as well as acting as Santa’s spy agents. [Photos of ‘Middle Earth’: New Zealand’s Fantasy Landscape]

Elf on the Shelf isn’t a real Christmas tradition – it’s a post-truth doll for a post-truth age

Facebook, as everyone knows, is the devil. And Facebook in December is the devil’s armpit. We are approximately one week from the absolute nadir of it all, when the whole platform will collapse in on itself in a dismal, needy flurry of jet-propelled Aren’t-I-Lucky consumerist gift-haul photos. But by then at least we’ll all be hardened towards it, because by then we’ll have suffered through an entire month of Elf on the Shelf.

Now, I know that the Guardian doesn’t have a particularly festive reputation, and I realise that what I’m about to say isn’t exactly going to help this reputation. But hear me out: all I want for Christmas is to stamp on Elf on the Shelf’s throat until it coughs up blood and dies.

I know this is going to sound like hyperbole, given everything that has happened this year, but Elf on the Shelf is easily the most violently dreadful thing to happen in 2016. How I long for the happier days of 2015, when nobody knew what an Elf on the Shelf was, back before it spawned and multiplied like the Zika virus and threatened to monopolise every home in the country. What I’d give to go back in time, Inception myself inside the mind of the Elf on the Shelf creator and scream the word “bastards” at them so loudly that they forgot to ever invent the bloody thing.

There is a chance – a minuscule chance, admittedly – that you don’t know what an Elf on the Shelf is. If that’s the case, allow me to fill you in. An Elf on the Shelf is a small, posable toy elf that costs £31.95 and ostensibly acts as a scout for Father Christmas.

You put the elf on a shelf in early December and inform your children that he will always be watching and judging them for signs of bad behaviour. Then, just as your children learn to fear this nightmarish, murderer-looking totalitarian snitch, you start to move it around at night. Your children will wake up, look at the empty shelf, wonder where the elf has gone, and then find him, say, next to the toothbrushes in the bathroom. “Wow, this elf really enjoys scrutinising your entire life for traces of unacceptable behaviour,” you tell your child, who has now subconsciously made the decision to grow up under a pseudonym in an off-grid hut with tape covering their laptop’s webcam, just to escape the relentless corrosive judgment of the Elf on the Shelf.

Although Elf on the Shelf feels like it has gained ubiquity overnight, in reality it has enjoyed a sinister slow burn. It began 12 years ago as a self-published picture book in the US, and has gradually snowballed to the point that transatlantic success felt painfully inevitable. There were murmurings about Elf on the Shelf in Britain last year, but this is the year when it has really taken hold. Type “Elf” into Google and one of the first autocomplete suggestions is “on the Shelf”. The Elf on the Shelf Twitter account has 138,000 followers. According to Google News, almost 20 new articles about Elf on the Shelf are being published every single day. If you’ve got Instagram and a follow a certain type of person, you will see just how unstoppable this mangy little intruder has become.

The thing that most rankles about all this is just how aggressively Elf on the Shelf wants to become a timeless Christmas tradition. Every Elf on the Shelf comes emblazoned with the phrase “A Christmas Tradition”, which is immediately undone by the slightly needier “Adopt a New Family Tradition This Holiday Season” right underneath it. So it’s not really a tradition at all, but it figures that it can be if it tells you often enough. It’s the festive equivalent of Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again hat, determined to string you along until it’s too late. It’s a post-truth doll for a post-truth age.

And this hurts, because Christmas traditions are hard-won things. For example, my wife and I come from vastly different backgrounds, and Christmas Day is essentially a battle between the pair of us to see who gets to relive their childhood most vividly. Her dream Christmas is ornate and frilly, involving long walks in the country and carefully staggered presents that, for some reason, must definitely include a walnut in a shoe. Mine basically just involves me walking downstairs with a hangover, tearing open all my presents in 30 seconds flat like some ridiculous fat Godzilla, and then lying on the sofa with a tummy ache for the rest of the day. Both days are equally valid, because they have both been carefully forged over decades. And whatever ungainly walnuts-and-tummy-ache compromise we will end up reaching as a married couple will be just as valid, because we will have made it ourselves.

But buying into a sinister, scowling, Santa-hatted Chucky doll whose sole purpose is to intimidate children into meekness, simply because it has the word “tradition” printed across its front, isn’t valid at all. It’s terrifying and cynical, it sends a bizarre message to children and it couldn’t be any less Christmassy if it was a bucket of vomit that sing-cries The Greatest Love of All whenever it senses that someone is near. Honestly, you may as well wrap tinsel around a CCTV camera and pass that off as a fun new festive activity.

In summary, I would rather die than live under the harrowing surveillance-state gaze of Elf on the Shelf. Have a lovely Christmas, everyone.

Elf on the  –  where you can find all kinds of ideas, supplies, and gifts related to your new Elf on the Shelf Tradition.

What is The Elf on the Shelf®?

The Elf on the Shelf® is a fun-filled Christmas tradition that has captured the hearts of children everywhere who welcome home one of Santa’s Scout Elves each holiday season. The magical Scout Elves help Santa manage his nice list by taking note of a family’s Christmas adventures and reporting back to Santa at the North Pole nightly. Each morning, the Scout Elf returns to its family and perches in a new spot, waiting for someone to spot them. Children love to wake up and race around the house looking for their Scout Elf.

You can tell Santa’s Official Scout Elves apart from other elves at the North Pole because they arrive in their official solid red jumpsuit with their very own storybook called The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. Ready to adopt your own Scout Elf?

How Do I Get an Official Scout Elf?

When you purchase one of these books, you will find that the book it says “YOU MUST NAME” the elf yourself!  Very important, that is your commitment to the entity.  Tell me your wishes.  (Make your request of the demons), and of course, believe!

Here’s how these little people have evolved.

The origin of elves

Ancient Norse mythology refers to the álfar, also known as huldufólk, or “hidden folk.” However, it’s risky to translate álfar directly to the English word “elf,” said Terry Gunnell, a folklorist at the University of Iceland. Elvesare thought of as little people, perhaps wearing stocking caps and cavorting with fairies, but the original conception of álfar was far less whimsical. Some ancient poems place them side by side with the Norse gods, perhaps as another word for the Vanir, a group of gods associated with fertility, or perhaps as their own godly race. It’s likely, Gunnell said, that elves’ inventors had no single, unified theory on elvish identity; rather, there were a variety of related folk beliefs regarding this unseen race.

“They look like us, they live like us — at least in the older materials — and probably, nowadays, if they’re living anywhere, they’re living between floors in flats [apartments],” Gunnell told LiveScience, referring to the notion of an invisible, parallel world inhabited by álfar — the friendly neighbors who live between the seventh and eighth floors.

Iceland was settled in the 800s by Scandinavians and Celts, brought from Ireland as slaves. Both Scandinavian and Celtic cultures had myths of fairies, elves and nature spirits, which began to meld into the concept of álfar as representatives of the landscape, Gunnell said. Iceland’s eerie, volcanic setting probably played into these myths, Gunnell said, especially in the dark of winter, when the Northern Lights are the only thing illuminating the long nights.

“The land is alive, and really, the hidden people are a personification of a very living landscape that you have to show respect for, that you can’t really defeat,” Gunnell said. “You have to work with it.” [Top 10 Beasts and Dragons: How Reality Made Myth]

Elves evolve

Scandinavians and Celts weren’t the only Europeans who used unseen, supernatural species as symbols of the wilds surrounding them. Farther south, Germans believed in dwarves and little sprites called kobolds. Scots had house spirits called brownies.

An Elf on the Shelf seems to have a hankering for popcorn.

Credit: Mark Baylor, Flickr, Creative Commons license


Elves became part of this mythological mix throughout the first millennium A.D., according to Alaric Hall, a lecturer at the University of Leeds who penned an entry on elves for the upcoming “Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters” (Ashgate, 2014). The word “elf” derives from the ancestor language of German, English and today’s Scandinavian languages, Hall wrote, and the first written references to them come from church texts starting around A.D. 500Medieval Europeans saw elves as dark and dangerous, and linked them to demons. In the Old English “Beowulf,” which dates to sometime between A.D. 700 and 1000, elves get a mention as an evil race that descended from Cain, the biblical son of Adam and Eve who murdered his brother:

“Of Cain awoke all that woful breed,

Etins and elves and evil-spirits,

as well as the giants that warred with God.

These religious references reveal the clash and melding of folk beliefs and new religion as Christianity crept into Europe. In different tales at different times, elves alternated between good and bad, Hall wrote. They could deliver babies safely through a difficult labor — or steal away a human baby and replace it with a sickly and deformed changeling. Elves, known as alp in German, could cause nightmares (Alpdrück), perhaps similar to other mythology surrounding the scary experience of sleep paralysis. Nevertheless, elves were probably still considered human-size, rather than diminutive, Hall wrote.

By William Shakespeare’s day, elves lost many of their malevolent undertones. Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” written in the 1590s, included an elflike figure, Puck, who acted as a jokester or trickster.

From myth to Christmas

Much as the modern Thanksgiving menu dates back to the 1800s, so too do modern U.S. Christmas traditions. Elves became linked with Santa Claus in the 1823 poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” better known today as “The Night Before Christmas.” That poem refers to Santa Claus as a “jolly old elf.”

With the elf-Christmas link established, other writers began to get creative with the idea. In 1857, Harper’s Weekly published a poem called “The Wonders of Santa Claus,” which tells how Santa “keeps a great many elves at work/ All working with all their might/ To make a million of pretty things/ Cakes, sugar-plums, and toys/ To fill the stockings, hung up you know/ By the little girls and boys.”

The idea caught on. In 1922, famed artist Norman Rockwell released a painting of an exhausted Santa surrounded by tiny, industrious elves, trying to get a dollhouse finished in time for Christmas. A 1932 short movie by Disney called “Santa’s Workshop” showed bearded, blue-clad elves singing, prepping Santa’s sleigh, brushing reindeer teeth and helping Santa with the naughty/nice list. “Molly seems to be OK; she eats her spinach every day,” an elf rhymes, before nixing another child’s ambitious list because he doesn’t wash behind his ears. [6 Surprising Facts About Reindeer]

The modern era has brought nonconformist elves to the forefront, first in the form of Hermey the Misfit Elf in 1964’s now-classic TV special, “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” (Hermey preferred dentistry to servitude in Santa’s workshop.) And in 2003, the comedy “Elf” starred Will Ferrell as a human brought up by Santa’s elves who must travel to New York City to find his biological family.

The latest in elf innovation, the Elf on the Shelf, gives elves a duty they’ve never had before: not just making toys, but also serving as Santa’s informants. In some ways, however, the Elf on the Shelf’s arguable creepiness gets back to Christmas’ roots. In Iceland, Gunnell said, children don’t await Santa Claus; they wait for 13 “Yule Lads,” who leave gifts in their shoes. Nor do they traditionally fear a lump of coal as a consequence of bad behavior. In Icelandic lore, the horrifying ogress Grýla eats up naughty children.

Likewise, Icelanders’ beliefs about elves are closer to the concepts seen in ancient tales. As of 2007, about 37 percent of Icelanders said it was “possible” that álfar still roamed the countryside, another 17 percent said it was “probable” and 8 percent were certain elves were still afoot, Gunnell said. He compared the reluctance to discount elves with other common folk beliefs around the world, such as the notion that the dead might be able to contact the living.

It’s quite nice for your children to have a sense of the landscape like this, to have a sense of magic,” Gunnell said. Americans, he argued, are looking for the same magic with both their Christmas traditions and their leisure activities.

What you have in America is a longing for elves,” he said. “This is the popularity of “Game of Thrones,” “Lord of the Rings” — you name it.”

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter and Google+. Follow us @livescience,Facebook & Google+. Original article on LiveScience.

This fascination with “Magic” has been systematically implanted in our minds. People are being drawn into spiritual experiences and activities about which they know absolutely nothing!  They are curious, seeking some kind of enlightenment or euphoria, some feeling.  They don’t realize that what their hearts are seeking can only come from the CREATOR HIMSELF. What they really NEED is a right relationship with HIM.  But, they rather play around with the things that titillate them and feed their flesh.  Those thoughts are not really originating within their own heart and mind.  They are being placed there by demonic entities.  The more they open themselves up to these beings, the more evil and depraved their own thoughts become.  

PLEASE, see my Series on MAGIC!!   It is a 32 Part Series that will open your eyes to the truth about MAGIC!  If you view all 32 Parts, I guarantee you will see Magic in a completely different light.  It starts HERE: Do You Believe in Magic? Part 1

Tales of Fey and Folk
15.3K views / Oct 18, 2022

THEN, OF COURSE, THERE IS THE HOUSE ELF FROM HARRY POTTER THAT HAS BECOME INCREDIBLY POPULAR AND IN DEMAND!!  Undoubtedly part of the evil magic workings of the horrendously satanic series written by demonic spirits using the vessel J. K. Rowling.  

Oh my GOODNESS!  We go from a cute version of a whimsical elf to a more truthful image of the ugly, mischievous, evil version for those who are more “grown-up”.   LOL.  Those who are caught up in this fantasy never grow up.  They have the Peter Pan Complex.  And just like Disney did with Maleficient, Rowling makes the EVIL thing look sympathetic, attractive, even adorable.  Millions of undiscerning souls literally love this demonic being.  

PLEASE, see my 2-part article on the PETER PAN GENERATION and you will understand a lot of things.

Incredible Real-Life Inspirations Behind the World of Harry Potter

 Charlotte Bond

…while J.K. Rowling’s words might take you to a realm of pure fantasy, some of the ideas and characters within the books have their roots firmly grounded in ancient myths and folklore — and some are based on objects from the real world.

Dobby the house-elf gets his name from Lancashire and Yorkshire, where “Dobby” is the name of a hobgoblin or brownie who plays mischievous tricks. Katherine Briggs likens him to Robin Goodfellow.

The native brownie of East Anglia was called Mr (or Master) Dobbs; in Yorkshire he was Dobby and further north in Northumberland and the Borders, he (or she) was called Dobie.  Source:

HOUSE-ELVES (HARRY POTTER) Magical Creatures Explained

House-Elves (HARRY POTTER) Magical Creatures Explained

Harry Potter Dobby the House Elf bust

Dobby the House Elf Sixth Scale Figure by Star Ace

designed for adult collectors,  1:6 or 1/6 scale, often referred to as “Barbie-sized

Harry Potter Dobby Interactive Electronic Talking Money Box Bank 

  1. Making a life size Dobby – YouTube

    Life size Dobby. So easy to make and perfect for a Halloween party or a harry Potter theme party. Hope you guys like it!!! … Make your own Leather Phone Case – Advanced Leatherwork Tutorial …

  2. Crochet Dobby: Make Your Own Dobby The House Elf Toy …

    “A little amigurumi elf. Free crochet pattern on Ravelry Could totally make a dobby!” “Crochet Patterns Ravelry This little Dobby pattern is the best thing I’ve seen in awhile AND IT’S FRE…” “A make your own Dobby adventure. Includes Pillowcase and House Pride versions.”

  3. Crochet Dobby: Make Your Own Dobby The House Elf Toy

    “A make your own Dobby adventure. Includes Pillowcase and House Pride versions.” “Ravelry is a community site, an organizational tool, and a yarn & pattern database for knitters and crocheters.”

  4. Now set your crochet Dobby’s head to one side somewhere safe, and begin work on his body. Crochet Dobby’s Body. To make your crochet Dobby toy’s body you will need to use the same equipment as for his head, starting with the pale merino wool and 3.5mm hook.

video game house elf: 


Main article: House-elf magic
Fight, fight for my master, the defender of the house-elves! Fight for master Regulus! Fight!

All house-elves had their own brand of powerful magic, which allowed them to perform tasks, such as Apparating, where wizards and witches couldn’t. This ability remained even after they were freed from their masters.[4] More than just a mere housekeeper, a house-elf was a ruthless protector of those to whom they gave their allegiance. In 1993Dobby did not hesitate to protect Harry Potter, by using his magic on his former master Lucius Malfoy to blast him away after he attempted to physically assault Harry on the Grand Staircase.[3

Their magic was limited by the lack of a wand. However, unlike some other magical beings, the house-elf was actually quite happy not to own a wand, as they did not require one for their daily activities. Apart from routine domestic tasks, house-elves usually had to obtain permission from their master before they would use their own brand of magic for other things. Although a house-elf might rarely act without permission, they would have to punish themselves for these acts.[3]

It is implied that with a wand and the proper knowledge, a house-elf might be able to do other magic, as Winky was falsely accused of using the Morsmordre curse to summon the Dark Mark.[5]

Harry Potter once remarked that house-elves were better at performing advanced magic than wizards,[6] which was testament to the impressive strength of their magical power.

You Can Actually Visit Dobby the House Elf’s Grave in Wales

when you visit this article be sure and watch the video.

IF you watched the video, you saw that the Harry Potter Fans, mourning the death of Dobby the ELF, are stacking stones in the Scottish Highlands and eroding its beaches. destroying the landscape and endangering wildlife.  These memorial stone stacks are called Cairns.


Socks and stone tributes have appeared at the popular Harry Potter character’s ‘grave’

Socks have been placed among the tributes to Dobby. Picture: Nick King

The tribute at Dobby’s final resting place. Picture: Nick King

Dobby was buried behind Shell Cottage on Freshwater West beach

The beach was the setting for Shell Cottage and Dobby’s grave in the Harry Potter films

This is a pagan ritual to honor the gods (Fallen Angels and their offspring)!

Cairn  –   (check out these excerpts from wikipedia)

cairn is a human-made pile (or stack) of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaeliccàrn [ˈkʰaːrˠn̪ˠ] (plural càirn [ˈkʰaːrˠɲ]).[1]

Cairns have been and are used for a broad variety of purposes, from prehistoric times to the present.

In modern times, cairns are often erected as landmarks, a use they have had since ancient times. However, since prehistory, they have also been built and used as burial monuments; for defense and hunting; for ceremonial purposes, sometimes relating to astronomy; to locate buried items, such as caches of food or objects; and to mark trails, among other purpo

In the mythology of ancient Greece, cairns were associated with Hermes, the god of overland travel. According to one legend, Hermes was put on trial by Hera for slaying her favorite servant, the monster Argus. All of the other gods acted as a jury, and as a way of declaring their verdict they were given pebbles, and told to throw them at whichever person they deemed to be in the right, Hermes or Hera. Hermes argued so skillfully that he ended up buried under a heap of pebbles, and this was the first cairn. In Croatia, in areas of ancient Dalmatia, such as Herzegovina and the Krajina, they are known as gromila.

In Portugal a cairn is called a moledro. In a legend the moledros are enchanted soldiers, and if one stone is taken from the pile and put under a pillow, in the morning a soldier will appear for a brief moment, then will change back to a stone and magically return to the pile.[7] The cairns that mark the place where someone died or cover the graves alongside the roads where in the past people were buried are called Fiéis de Deus. The same name given to the stones was given to the dead whose identity was unknown.[8] The Fieis de Deus or Fes de Deus are, in the Galician legends, spirits of the night. The word “Fes” or “Fieis” is thought to mean fairy, the same root as “fate”[9] (fado), that can take the same meaning as the proto-Celtic *bato-, meaning “death”.[10]

Cairns are also common on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.[clarification needed]

A traditional and often decorated, heap-formed cairn called an ovoo is made in Mongolia. It primarily serves religious purposes, and finds use in both Tengriist and Buddhist ceremonies.

In Hawaii, cairns are called by the Hawaiian word ahu.[clarification needed]

In South Korea cairns are quite prevalent, often found along roadsides and trails, up on mountain peaks, and adjacent to Buddhist temples. Hikers frequently add stones to existing cairns trying to get just one more on top of the pile, to bring good luck. This tradition has its roots in the worship of San-shin, or Mountain Spirit, so often still revered in Korean culture.[12]

In North America, cairns are often petroforms in the shapes of turtles or other animals.[citation needed]

Cairns have been used since pre-Columbian times throughout what is now Latin America to mark trails. Even today, in the Andes of South America, the Quechuan peoples use cairns as religious shrines to the indigenous Inca goddess Pachamama. This is often part of a syncretic form of Roman Catholicism.[citation needed]


Although the practice is not common in English, cairns are sometimes referred to by their anthropomorphic qualities. In German and Dutch, a cairn is known as steinmann and steenman respectively, meaning literally “stone man”. A form of the Inuit inuksuk is also meant to represent a human figure, and is called an inunguak (“imitation of a person”). In Italy, especially the Italian Alps, a cairn is an ometto, or a “small man”.

What are Stone Cairns?

There are also stone cairns that can range in size from a few small stones to hundreds of large ones. Boulder cairns include small and medium-sized stones in addition to large and even extra-large boulders. A good example of this type of cairn construction is that of  Stonehenge. Cairns not only vary in building technique but also with the choice of stone used. Often, cairns are constructed with rocks that are indigenous to that particular area.

Prehistoric monument: It is believed that Stonehenge in Wiltshire has been a burial and religious site since it was first built

Stonehenge is one of the most Pagan sites in the World!

It’ll only gets better from here! Pagans and druids gather at Stonehenge to celebrate first sunrise after the winter solstice – the shortest day of the year

Stonehenge is believed to have been used as an important religious site by early Britons 4,000 years ago The event is claimed to be more important in the pagan calendar than the summer solstice, because it marks the 're-birth' of the sun for the New Year
Organisers have a ban on bringing glass bottles or pets onto the site and on playing amplified music Kate Davies, of English Heritage, said: 'We were delighted to welcome approximately 5,000 people to Stonehenge to celebrate winter solstice this morning'
Thick cloud at the prehistoric site in Wiltshire meant the sunrise, at 8.10am, was not visible The famous Stonehenge circle is normally roped off to the public, but special access is granted four times a year
King Arthur Pendragon, who was born John Timothy Rothwell, is a senior neo-Druid - was in attendance at the stones The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. It falls between December 20 and 23 every year in the Northern Hemisphere

You will never find the truth about DRUIDS and CELTS anymore online.  ALL the truth has been purged.  Paganism has been whitewashed so that people will embrace it.  The truth is that the CELTS/DRUIDS are the cruelest, sadists in history.  Even the ROMANS known for their violence and cruelty called the CELTS the bloodiest people on earth.  I can’t show you the facts because they have been removed from the internet.  HISTORY is controlled by the MONEY PEOPLE.  The people who CONTROL YOU!!

Woodstock cairns may contain links to the ancients

These structures relate to the three worlds of the Native Americans,” he explained. “The solar system and the constellations and planets are the gods above. The stones are part of the world we walk in. And the ancestors are associated with the underworld — their spirits travel through the earth along the water pathways.”

In addition, he said, water provided a means of communication between the people of this world and the ancestors, and the cairns and walls were probably settings for conducting rituals and honoring the dead.

A Tribal Preservation Officer of the Stockbridge Munsee band of Mohicans visited Overlook and said she thought the six large, rectangular cairns were burial sites. Kreisberg hopes to interest the tribe in studying the large cairns with underground radar technology, which would not detect bones but would reveal space or disturbance of soil underground.

At one of the smaller cairns, Kreisberg pointed out two rocks, one of white quartzite and another of reddish hematite, that were unlike all the other rocks in the assemblage, neatly stacked on a small boulder. “These kinds of non-local stones were used as offerings by the Native Americans,” he said, demonstrating how the reddish rock can slide in and out of a niche built into the side of the cairn.

Surely you recognize that there are very real, tangible, spiritual, ritualist aspects to stone structures.  There is also very real spiritual aspects to the stones themselves; their type, their shapes, the locations where they originate.   When you bring these things into your life, home, environment, you are bringing spiritual repercussions as well as inviting demonic spirits.  They probably have curses on them that wear uttered or prayed by the people who created them. BEWARE!

Once again, they want everyone involved in this ritual.  Hands-on participation in worshipping these idols.  Take a look at some items you can buy, so you won’t be left out.:  

For Centuries these beings remained hidden, revealed only to those who held on to the ancient beliefs.  But in today’s world, these beings are beginning to appear more openly, as the veil that once protected us from them is being lifted or destroyed.  So many people have opened themselves up to demonic forces.  They are gaining ground every day.  Some people have actually captured them on film.  They are not flesh and blood.  They are interdimensional beings that can take any shape or form that they wish, for short periods.  They are looking for a body to inhabit.  If you are not careful… it may be yours!  

With the aid of scientists, occultists, and Satan worshippers, some have been given fleshly form through genetic engineering and cross-breeding.   There are actually people who have sex with demons and brag about it.   They create hybrids, that can be in the form of humanoids, animals, insects and even plants.  That may be hard for some of you to wrap your head around.

Please see these two series entitled “IT’S IN THE BLOOD” and “CRISPR” to learn more. 

Gary Wayne – Dwarves, Elves, Fairies, Giants and Gnomes of Ancient Mythology

Proof of Elves, Gnomes and Goblins!

Mum films weird ‘goblin-like’ creature running across her kitchen floor 
Click the link above to view the video.

Dobby elf caught on camera, real video 

Caters Clips / 371.2K views / Jun 12, 2019



Real Elf Caught On Tape 2

Elves – Learn how to Attract Real Elves to You!

5 Incidents That Prove Elves Could Exist






‘No doubt’ Iceland’s elves exist: anthropologist certain the creatures live alongside regular folks

Agence France-Presse -PUBLISHED : Saturday, 14 May, 2016; UPDATED : Sunday, 15 May, 2016Agence France-Presse

But honestly, do they really exist?

Anthropologist Magnus Skarphedinsson has spent decades collecting witness accounts, and he’s convinced the answer is yes.

He now passes on his knowledge to curious crowds as the headmaster of Reykjavik’s Elf School.

“There is no doubt that they exist!”exclaims the stout 60-year-old as he addresses his “students”, for the most part tourists fascinated by Icelanders’ belief in elves.

What exactly is an elf? A well-intentioned being, smaller than a person, who lives outdoors and normally does not talk. They are not to be confused with Iceland’s “hidden people”, who resemble humans and almost all of whom speak Icelandic.

To convince sceptics that this is not just a myth, Skarphedinsson relays two “witness accounts”, spinning the tales as an accomplished storyteller.

The first tells of a woman who knew a fisherman who was able to see elves who would also go out to sea to fish.

One morning in February 1921, he noticed they were not heading out to sea and he tried to convince the other fishermen not to go out either. But the boss would not let them stay on shore.

That day, there was an unusually violent storm in the North Atlantic but the fishermen, who had heeded his warning and stayed closed to shore, all returned home safe and sound.

Seven years later, in June 1928, the elves again did not put out to sea which was confusing because there had never been a fierce storm at sea at that time of year. Forced to head out, they sailed waters that were calm but caught very few fish.

“The elves knew it,” the anthropologist claims.

The other “witness” is a woman in her eighties, who in 2002 ran into a young teen who claimed to know her. Asking him where they had met, he gave her an address where she had lived 53 years ago where her daughter claimed she had played with an invisible boy.

Most people tread lightly when entering into known elf territory

“But Mum, it’s Maggi!” exclaimed the daughter when her mother described the teen.

“He had aged fives times slower than a human being,” said Skarphedinsson.

Surveys suggest about half of Icelanders believe in elves.

“Most people say they heard [about them] from their grandparents when they were children,” said Michael Herdon, a 29-year-old American tourist attending Elf School.

Iceland Magazine says ethnologists have noted it is rare for an Icelander to really truly believe in elves. But getting them to admit it is tricky.

“Most people tread lightly when entering into known elf territory,” the English-language publication wrote in September.

That’s also the case with construction projects.

It may prompt sniggers, but respect for the elves’ habitat is a consideration every time a construction project is started in Iceland’s magnificent countryside, which is covered with lava fields and barren, windswept lowlands.

Back in 1971, Skarphedinsson recalls how elves disrupted construction of a national highway from Reykjavik to the northeast. The project, he says, suffered repeated unusual technical difficulties because they didn’t want a big boulder that served as their home to be moved to make way for the new road.

“They made an agreement in the end that the elves would leave the stone for a week, and they would move the stone 15 metres. This is probably the only country in the world whose government officially talked with elves,” Skarphedinsson says.

But Iceland is not the only country that is home to elves, he says. It’s just that Icelanders are more receptive to accounts of their existence.

“The real reason is that the Enlightenment came very late to Iceland.

“In other countries, with western scientific arrogance [and] the denial of everything that they have not discovered themselves, they say that witnesses are subject to hallucinations.”


