If you have not noticed CHAOS is beginning to manifest across the Earth. So many disastrous citations and events happening every day. Some of the major events are mentioned in the videos below. There is not enough room to include them all here or enough time to research and collect all the relative data. Check it out for yourselves.
I happened to catch this video by accident today. and could not help but notice that throughout the entire piece the image of the Osiris/Geo Storm is clearly illuminated in the background.
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ABOVE GROUND WORLD NEWS Please Help our battle https://gofund.me/9a439f1f JOIN US ON PATREON chance for scope https://www.patreon.com/ABOVEGROUNDWO…
The world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator is up and running again in Switzerland after a three-year refurbishment. And it is off to a record-breaking start as scientists try to unlock the secrets surrounding the building blocks of the universe. Physicists hope it will reveal the secrets of “dark matter” that makes up 85 percent of our universe, but does not absorb, reflect or emit light. Al Jazeera’s Charlie Angela reports. – Subscribe to our channel: http://aje.io/AJSubscribe – Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish – Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera – Check our website: https://www.aljazeera.com/ #CERN #CERNHadronCollider #LHCRun3
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A glancing CME impact on March 20-21st and two coronal holes with high speed streams are likely to destabilize the Earth’s geomagnetic field due to the spring equinox Russell-McPherron effect, and then if old sunspot cluster AR3234 rotates back into Earth’s view things could really get crazy. Plus asteroid 2023 DZ2 will perform a close flyby of the Earth inside the orbit of the moon on March 25th. Learn about all this and much more, and why there is a much greater likelihood of stronger and more frequent geomagnetic storms from now till mid-April with this video. How Space Weather and Geomagnetic Storms impact human health and biophysics:

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Data breakdown of a Strong Geomagnetic Storm (IMF greater than 20 nT) on March 23rd, 2023 from a coronal hole high speed stream by Geophysicist Stefan Burns. How Space Weather and Geomagnetic Storms impact human health and biophysics: • Health & Biophysi… EARTHING Health Benefits, Bioelectricity, and Geophysics:
• EARTHING Health B… SCHUMANN RESONANCES COMPLETE GUIDE (Light, Geophysics, Bioelectricity, Consciousness): https://wildfreeorganic.com/schumann-… eBooks by Stefan Burns: Schumann Resonances and Human Bioelectricity (preorder): https://wildfreeorganic.gumroad.com/l… Holistic Gut Health Guide: https://wildfreeorganic.com/store/hol… Enjoyed the video? Show your thanks by donating to me via PayPal
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GEOSTORM IN EFFECT / 6.5 Earthquake Argentina / EXTREME Weather and SNOW
March 23 2023 #geostorm #earthquake #argentina #extremeweather 5 Day not so normal World Weather forecast. Plus a look at #spaceweather for today. Earthquakes for today. Latest on Volcanic Activity. Daily Events Worldwide Monitoring World Weather, Space Weather, Earthquakes, Volcanoes and all Natural Disasters. Keeping Humanity Aware and Prepared to OUR Ever-changing Planet. We are truly living in some Exciting and sometimes scary times but Fear NOT! The Cycles occurring on our Planet need to be documented for future generations. With daily updates on Global weather and natural disasters. It’s all about staying Aware and Prepared. I will keep you and the world informed with my daily studies. Severe weather events, Satellite imagery, and Solar diagrams studied daily. From this channel we are able share the research and knowledge With everyone worldwide. Come together now and GROW, Learn, and LOVE! Stay Young and Have Fun! NEW Willow https://wlo.link/@DEW Check this OUT… Just signed up! All DEW links in one place…
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Scientists Are Worried! Something Wrong Is Happening On Jupiter Right Now ► Subscribe: https://goo.gl/r5jd1F Scientists don’t only study planets, but also their weather. And on one of the planets in the solar system, there are storms 1.3 times the diameter of Earth, and raging with a force that is hard to imagine. What’s going on with Jupiter, and why is it so important that e
Everything is okay with the gas giant? We are on social media: www.facebook.com/destinymediaa www.instagram.com/destiny.media.yt/ The Destiny voice: www.TomsVoiceovers.co.uk
Day of Blood
Dies Sanguinis (Day of Blood) was a festival held in Ancient Rome on 24 March. Also known as Bellona’s Day, this was an occasion when the Roman votaries of the war-goddess Bellona cut themselves and drank this sacrificial blood to propitiate the deity.
Bel bellicose (adj.) |
Hilaria | Greco-Roman festival | Britannica
It was one of several days in the festival of Cybele that honoured Attis, her son and lover: March 15, his finding by Cybele among the reeds on the bank of the River Gallus; March 22, his self-mutilation; March 24, fasting and mourning at his death; and March 25, the Hilaria, rejoicing at his resurrection.
Hilaria | Greco-Roman festival | Britannica
April 1, 2023- Hilaria of the Isis-Osiris cult, marked the resurrection of Osiris, a solar deity, husband of Isis. Roman religion feast Hilaria, in Roman religion, day of merriment and rejoicing in the Cybele-Attis cult and in the Isis-Osiris cult, March 25 and November 3, respectively. Some have proposed that the modern custom originated in France, officially with the Edict. April Fools’ Day, also called All Fools’ Day, in most countries the first day of April. As the name might suggest, hilarity was encouraged through the playing of practical jokes, (because the Devil is a JOKER)thus making Hilaria the precursor of April Fool’s Day (in November!). The festival owed its origin to Egyptian religion. The Romans celebrated Hilaria, as a feria stativa ( a set free day [i.e no work]) (Precurser to CARNIVAL/MARDI GRAS), on March 25 in honor of Cybele, the mother of the gods. The days of the festival were devoted to general rejoicings and public sacrifices (hence its name), and no one was allowed to show any symptoms of grief or sorrow
OK, so having read the above information; can you see that this may be the GREAT DECEPTION and the ARRIVAL OF THE ANTICHRIST?? We see that this period of time that we currently find ourselves is the time of the CELEBRATION OF OSIRIS DEATH AND RESURRECTION. This is story of a FALSE GOD, a SOLAR DEITY is a parody of the death, burial and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST/YAHUSUA HAMASCHIAH. Meant to mimic and imitate in order to fool the world. We are coming into the time of the New World Order the rule of the Anti-Christ. How easy it would be for this PAGAN SOLAR DEITY to be resurrected and claim to be the TRUE MESSIAH. And who better to usher him in than MUSLIMS?? They have been setting the stage already with their Abrahamic Family House, where they claim all worship the same GOD, and yet deny JESUS CHRIST. The perfect home for the ANTI CHRIST.
King Charles III’s coronation will take place on Saturday 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey in London. During the ceremony, the King will be crowned alongside Camilla, the Queen Consort. Link |
Camille is a gender-neutral name of French origin, meaning “acolyte” “the priest’s helper.” It is a variation of the name Camilla that comes from the Latin surname Camillus |
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OSIRIS SYMBOL/Corona/Crown above the Cross or over CHRIST OSIRIS SYMBOL extension to show the fill circle. Lux, the light of the cross! The Egyptian cross not the Cross of Yeshua |
Aurora from Geomagnetic Storm min 6:02 Corona on the Earth
Isis, Apophis, Osiris and IAO
The writer of the ritual uses Isis Apophis and Osiris because the letters of their names equal the word of power I.A.O. I.A.O was an important word. It was a divine name for Jupiter, the King of the Gods. In the Mithras Liturgy IAO is associated with “fire” and “light.” It is the perfect name for “calling down the Divine White Brilliance” (think of Zeus with his lightning bolt)
The LVX/LUX formula is a key part of the Golden Dawn system of magic. It “calls down the light” into a working and animates thought-forms, symbols and geometric shapes. Over the years it has been proven to work, So let’s look at the formula:
Apep or Apophis (Ancient Greek: Ἄποφις; also spelled Apepi or Aapep) was the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied chaos (ı͗zft in Egyptian) and was thus the opponent of light and Ma’at (order/truth). He appears in art as a giant serpent. Apep was first mentioned in the Eighth Dynasty, and he was honoured in the names of the Fourteenth Dynasty king ‘Apepi and of the Greater Hyksos king Apophis.
Ra was the solar deity, bringer of light, and thus the upholder of Ma’at. Apep was viewed as the greatest enemy of Ra, and thus was given the title Enemy of Ra, and also “the Lord of Chaos”. As the personification of all that was evil, Apep was seen as a giant snake or serpent leading to such titles as Serpent from the Nile and Evil Lizard. Apophis was a large golden snake known to be miles long and had a head made of flint He was so large that he attempted to swallow the sun every day. Source
Apophis represents “death,” and equates to Typhon in the Egyptian myths. However Apophis was not part of the Isis and Osiris myth. His role in Egyptian magic was not that of the destroyer “which was appropriate for Set/ Typhon but that of the grand oppose to all creation. He was not so much death as “total oblivion” and “raw chaos.” The temple of Karnak was dedicated to doing hourly workings to make sure that Apophis was weakened enough for Ra to defeat him. Death was a good thing, Apophis had no redeeming qualities. Apophis was despised as the opposite to Maat and creation. His main rival was not Isis or Osiris, but Ra. The effect of Apophis is to wink out existence and were it not for the actions of Ra everything would cease to be. Isis and Osiris cannot contain Apophis energy.
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Oct 15, 2022
Mar 13, 2023
Jupiter | Roman god | Britannica
Feb 9, 2023 Like Zeus, the Greek god with whom he is etymologically identical (root diu, “bright”), Jupiter was a sky god. One of his most ancient epithets is Lucetius (“Light-Bringer”); and later literature has preserved the same idea in such phrases as sub Iove, “under the open sky.”
Jupiter: King Of The Gods – exoplanetscience.org
Dec 7, 2022 Jupiter was the god of the sky because it was the god of the sun, and it was very similar to Zeus from the Ancient Greek era. Jupiter had birds of prey, (Like Hayabusa – the peregrine falcon) and he struck down his adversaries with lightning bolts. He was also the most powerful god in the Roman Empire and one of its most important.