Everybody LOVES Keanu…

Update added 9/29/24

Today we are taking a look a Keanu Reeves.   Mind you, I have enjoyed watching some of his films and I have nothing against him as a person.   I do take issue with people seeing him as some kind of cosmic guru or second coming of Christ.

We are looking a Keanu today, but most of what is in this post applies to anyone who is idolized, venerated or worshiped by people.

Once again, I have to stop working on this post.  I have spent way to much time online today working on it.  I apologize.  I may revisit it next month when the data starts over.


Update added 9/29/24

9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it

Psalms 146:3

3 Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. 4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. 5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God.

There are multiple Bible verses that relate to God’s promise to never fail, including: 
  • Hebrews 13:5-7: “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you”.
  • Joshua 1:5-9: “I will not fail you or abandon you”. 
  • Psalm 73:26: “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever”.
  • Deuteronomy 31:8: “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”. 
  • Psalm 112:6-8: “He will never fail. A righteous person will always be remembered”.

God’s promises are not empty words, but rather rock solid guarantees from the creator of the heavens and the Earth.

11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Read full chapter

The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Read full chapter

God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.

Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.


“It’s encouraging to realize that it’s impossible for Jesus to be anything less than you think He is. “

Without even realizing it, we put halos around humans. We give people too much praise. We forget that everyone sins and that everyone is equally condemned before a just, sinless God.
Because of this, we put certain people on pedestals to an unrealistic level. I want to provide some Biblical advice and encouragement to anyone struggling with this type of disappointment:

Psalms 111:8-9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in princes.

Isaiah 31:1 Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses, and trust in chariots because they are many, and in horsemen because they are very strong, but they do not look to the Holy one of Israel, nor seek the Lord!

Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the Lord, cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.

All of these verses clearly warn against putting our trust in humans above God. Although society no longer uses chariots and horses as vital parts of daily life, the principle in the verse is awesome. It is so easy to ask a friend for advice (Egypt) or to find security and solutions through money or material possessions. However, we should look to the Lord in these situations. He knows best. Even if you seek advice from Godly people, only God is sovereign and in control of everything.

However, I need to clarify. Everyone needs examples and people to admire… This is a natural and good thing to do. It’s actually completely necessary and important. The issue occurs when we put the decisions and opinions of others above God. We say in our minds, “If only I could be like him, if only people would like me as much as her.” These thoughts are so easy to think, but so destructive at the same time.

Once someone we respect messes up, our soul is hurt and our emotions are a mixture of sadness, anger, and confusion. We often think, “I can’t believe he did that, I thought he was better than that.” Or, “How could he let me down like that. ”The problem is that we make their actions personally offensive. We forget this amazing truth. Our goal in life is not be like (insert name here). Our goal is to be like Jesus. It’s so simple, yet so easily forgotten.

…It hurts when people let you down. But it’s inevitable; it’s going to happen. It’s a fact of life. But it’s incredible to realize that Jesus will never let you down. Put all your strength, all your hope, and all your life into Him.



Transcription (not the full video)

Different Religions approach faith in different ways.  In Christianity, faith is often centered around Jesus Christ as the savior and the embodiment of God’s Love.  This belief inspires followers to live out principles of passion, forgiveness, and service.
For Keanu Reeves the principles resonate deeply, reflecting in his actions and the characters he portrays.  Though Keanu Reeves may not often speak overtly about his personal faith, glimpses of his beliefs can be seen in his philanthropic efforts and the messages he shares in interviews.
He has often highlighted the importance of kindness, empathy and the interconnectedness of all beings. A message that aligns closely with Christian teachings. Reeves once said “the simple act of caring is heroic”.  This sentiment mirrors the Christian call to love one another.  His life choices; from supporting Children’s Hospitals to advocating for the environment demonstrate a commitment to living out these values. In interviews he has mentioned how important it is to live authentically and to make a positive impact on the world around us.  This reflects a core Christian belief in serving others, often referred to as the least of these in the Gospel of Matthew.
Christianity has played a significant role in shaping civilization, influencing art, culture and ethics.  It’s teachings on
love, sacrifice and redemptions, have resonated across generations offering hope and guidance.
Yet, like any major faith, it faces challenges in the modern world where skepticism and secularism are on the rise.
Reeves has acknowledged these challenges expecting a nuisance understanding of faith.  He recognizes that while many find solace in religion, others may feel alienated. His perspective invites a dialogue about how faith can evolve in a rapidly changing society emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and understanding.
Keanu Reeves’ thoughts on spirituality often transcend traditional or religious boundaries.  He speaks to a universal truth that can connect us all.  A belief in the inherent goodness of humanity and the potential for personal growth.  His experiences, both personal and professional have lead him to embrace a philosophy that values compassion and connection over dogma… he emphasizes the importance of cherishing moments with others and finding meaning in our connection.  This aligns closely with the Christian tenants of community, and support during times of struggle.
At the heart of Keanu Reeve’s reflections lies a simple but profound understanding of spirituality.  He advocates for a faith that is not confined to rituals or doctrine but one that is alive in our daily actions and interactions.
This perspective invites us to consider what it means to truly believe and how that belief manifests in our lives.

In his view spirituality transcends organized religion. It is about how we treat one another. How we respond to the suffering in the world and how we seek to uplift those around us.  This idea echoes the Christian call to be the light of the world embodying love and hope in the face of darkness. Reeves’ approach to spirituality also reflects an openness to diverse beliefs and practices. He recognizes that faith can manifest in various forms, each providing new pathways to understanding oneself and the universe.
This perspective encourages dialogue and acceptance among individuals of different backgrounds fostering a sense of unity rather than division.
In an interview Reeves expressed “I believe that there is a light in everyone and it is our job to nurture that light.”  This sentiment recognizes the importance of recognizing and celebrating our shared humanity transcending cultural and religious barriers.  In examining the complexities of faith  one cannot overlook the role of doubt.

Keanu may be a really nice guy.  We can’t know that.  No matter how much you think you know someone… you don’t KNOW their heart.  They don’t even know their own heart.  Only GOD knows our hearts.

Whether it is Keanu, or Sister Teresa, or Ghandi, or your guru, or your ancestor, or your priest, or pastor, whoever you think is a “GOOD PERSON”.  They are ONLY HUMAN.  They cannot do anything to SAVE YOU. 

Whatever Spirit, or god, or goddess or force you worship, cannot stand before Almighty GOD!

When you stand before Almighty God and have to give an account of your life… THERE IS ONLY ONE THING that can cover you,  only one thing you can say to be found worthy…  I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!! 

Is it loving or compassionate or empathetic to know that someone is on the wrong course and not try to lead them to the ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE?

From the above transcriptions taken from the video, we learned about what Keanue believes and his Philosophy.  Though much of what he said sounds really good, and much of the principals he mentioned are important in the lives of Christians, he missed the whole point of life as a Believer.
There are many religions that is true, and people developed religion to help them to make sense of their lives and to keep order which brings them peace.  Doing good things and taking care of the people and the world around you, can help you feel good about yourself.  But, it will not save you from the ravages of sin in your life. It will not deliver you out of the bondage to sin and death.  It will not bring you close to the TRUE and LIVING GOD.  

FAITH in GOD is not at all the same as faith in a RELIGION.  Whether you want to hear it or not, though it causes division THE TRUTH IS that there is ONLY ONE CREATOR GOD, One Heavenly Father, who created all things.  And because of the fall of man, ALL HUMANS are subject to sin and death.  There is ONLY one way of salvation from that fact.   GOD paid the price for us!!  His salvation is free to any who will CHOOSE HIM.

FAITH in GOD is KNOWING that HE IS IN CONTROL.  FAITH IN GOD is living in communication with him and following his laws and HIS PLAN!!  It is accepting the sacrifice that was made on a Cross at Calvary for our redemption.  It is learning to following God’s lead.  It is about becoming truly free from the weight of sin because Christ has set us free.  We become a new creature the minute we come under His blood.  We no longer are the same selfish creature looking to build our own kingdom.   We become children of GOD, and the desires of our hearts become the desires of GOD.  God fills us with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and POWER by the Holy Spirit to overcome the works of the Devil.


According to the Bible, being a good person is not enough to get into heaven because no one is good enough, and salvation is a gift from God: 
  • No one is good enough
    The Bible says that all people have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, and no one can keep the Law perfectly. 
  • Salvation is a gift
    God offers salvation as a gift to people through faith, not as something that can be earned. 
  • Salvation is based on Jesus’ goodness
    Jesus Christ is the only one who is good enough to earn heaven, and he gives his righteousness to those who believe in him. 
  • Good works are evidence, not means of salvation
    Good works are done because God commands them, but they are not the means of salvation.


They talk about Keanu throughout these videos as if he were some kind of sinless saint.  They say his beliefs are reflecting in the roles he plays and in his philanthropy.   Well, we know that philanthropy has many motives that are not the least bit holy or good or righteous.  

As far as the roles reflecting his beliefs, he has played some pretty bad characters.  He has portrayed a vampire and a fallen angel, and apparently a cannibal.

Jim Carrey and Keanu Reeves Join Cannibal Love Story ‘The Bad Batch’

Now here’s an interesting one, writer/director Ana Lily Amirpour, whose vampire feature A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night made waves last year, is setting up her next project and she has the support of Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures and she’s lining up an interesting cast for what sounds like a fascinating feature.

Described as a “cannibal love story”, The Bad Batch as a post-apocalyptic tale set in a Texas wasteland where a community of cannibals reside. The shift from what you may expect from such a story is that this is a love story about a cannibal known as Miami Man (Jason Momoa) and his food.

Joining Momoa in the picture are Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves, Suki Waterhouse and Diego Luna with The Wrap reporting Waterhouse has landed the female lead, a character named Arlen. Luna will play a man named Jimmy. Reeves will play The Dream and Carrey will play The Hermit.

This is yet another interesting pic for Reeves, who’s coming off the fun action-thriller John Wick and will next star in Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon. Carrey enjoyed a certain amount of success with Dumb and Dumber To, but this appears to be another departure from comedy.

Waterhouse is a newcomer that has a small role in this weekend’s Insurgent and will be playing Kitty Bennet in Burr Steers’ Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which is now in post production. Luna is putting the final touches on his sophomore directorial effort Mr. Pig while Momoa will soon be seen as Aquaman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016. 

See less

Keanu Reeves’ net worth in 2024 is estimated to be $380 million. This is according to sources such as Celebrity Net Worth.


We have recently heard Poop Francis declare that all religions lead to GOD.  We have also heard him say that anyone who believes they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is insane, and so many other totally Blasphemous remarks.  So it is no surprise that he and Keanu share the same PHILOSOPHY.  



Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.


In this last video, we are lead to believe that KEANU and JIM CAREY are going to REVEAL EVERYTHING…. lol lol lol

What a disappointment.  Again, more click bait.  


This my friends is the SPIRIT that gets a hold of everyone who seeks FAME AND FORTUNE in Hollywood or New York.  Really anywhere, for that matter.   Most of them don’t even realize what/who is driving them.  

Pheme – Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Pheme (/ ˈ f iː m iː / FEE-mee; Greek: Φήμη, Roman equivalent: Fama), also known as Ossa in Homeric sources, was the personification of fame and renown, her favour being notability, her wrath being scandalous rumours. She was a daughter either of Gaia or of Elpis (Hope), was described as “she who initiates and furthers communication” and had an altar at Athens.

PHEME (also known as OSSA) was the goddess or personified spirit (daimona) of rumour, report and gossip. She was also by extension the spirit of fame and good repute in a positive sense and infamy and scandal in the bad.

Her Roman name was Fama.

classical mythology
Also known as: Pheme

Fama, in Greco-Roman mythology, the personification of popular rumour. Pheme was more a poetic personification than a deified abstraction, although there was an altar in her honour at Athens. The Greek poet Hesiod portrayed her as an evildoer, easily stirred up but impossible to quell. The Athenian orator Aeschines distinguished Popular Rumour (Pheme) from Slander (Sykophantia) and Malice (Diabole). In Roman literature she was imaginatively conceived: Virgil described her (Aeneid, Book IV) as a swift, birdlike monster with as many eyes, lips, tongues, and ears as feathers, traveling on the ground but with her head in the clouds. According to Ovid in the Metamorphoses, she inhabited a reverberating mountaintop palace of brass.


Pheme was also known as Ossa, which also means ‘rumour’ and is spelt Οσσα in Greek.

In Greek mythologyOssa (Ancient Greek: Όσσα) or Assa was the mother of King Sithon of Thrace by the sea god Poseidon.[1] Her son was notorious for killing the wooers of his daughter, Pallene.[1] In some accounts, the war-god Ares and Anchiroe were called the parents of Sithon.[2][3]

mountain, Greece
Also known as: Óssa, Kíssavos, Kissavos
Modern Greek:
Óssa, or Kíssavos

Ossamountain massif, nomós (department) of Lárissa (Modern Greek: Lárisa), eastern Thessaly (Thessalía), Greece. It lies on the Gulf of Thérmai (Thermaïkós) and is separated on the north from the Olympus (Ólympos) massif by the Vale of Tempe (Témbi). Rising from a broad, steep-sided plateau to a pyramidal peak of 6,489 feet (1,978 m), the mountain is noted in mythology for the attempt of the Aloads, sons of the sea god Poseidon, to climb to heaven by placing Ossa on Olympus and the Pelion (Pílios) Mountains on Ossa.

The word ossa has multiple meanings, including:
  • A mountain in Thessaly, Greece: The mountain is 6,490 feet (1,978 meters) tall and is famous in Greek mythology for its role in the giants’ attempt to reach heaven. In the myth, the giants Otus and Ephialtes tried to reach heaven by piling Ossa on Olympus and Pelion on Ossa.
  • The plural of the word os
  • Temporal bones: The temporal bones and the ossa bregmatis are the same in humans, but different in apes and monkeys

Keanu Reeves & Jim Carrey Sends NEW WARNING About Hollywood..
